Under Mom's Bed - Confession


Disclaimer: All characters engaging in sexual acts in this story are above 18 years of age.

Thanks to everyone who read and gave feedback on 'Under Mom's Bed' and encouraged me to continue the story. New readers, please read 'Under Mom's Bed' first.

I intend to tell this tale in a slow burn. Those looking for instant gratification may not find it here.

Happy Reading.

The white noise like quality of the shower sprays hitting the bathroom floor discomfited me as it filled my ears. On top of it, the noise of water that collected on the floor swirling down the drain echoed in my head. Steam emitted by the warm water that sprayed out through the shower wafted towards me through the slightly ajar door of my parents' bathroom. I stood outside the bathroom door peeping in at my Mom and Dad being intimate while they showered together. They were in a tight embrace of each other's arms... fully naked... feasting passionately on each other's lips. Mom's breasts were squished on dad's chest as they embraced. Dad's hands travelled down Mom's wet back and stopped on her thick ass. His palm squeezed Mom's butt cheeks and she moaned into his mouth. Then Dad turned Mom around and pushed on her back making her bend at her waist. Mom braced herself by placing her palms flat on the wall and spread her legs. Dad's hard penis wobbled as they broke the embrace. He now grabbed it in his palm and directed it to the centre of Mom's spread legs. Once in place, he thrust his hips forward sharply his hips slapping on mom's ass. Mom screamed in pleasure as Dad's cock slipped deep into her waiting vagina.


Just then the bathroom door creaked as my hand slipped on it unknowingly. Mom and Dad froze in their mid-fucking pose and turned their heads towards the direction of the door where I was spying on their carnal moments. Their eyes bore into me and I felt my skin burn. Their white of their staring eyes turned black before me... as if black ink was poured into water. Their stare became more intense with each passing second... but they made no move to uncouple their joined genitals. Their zombie like stare felt like red hot coal thrown on me. I couldn't bear the pain any longer. I screamed at them to forgive me.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to."

The scream started in the throat of my apparition who was peeking into the bathroom and ended in my throat as I woke up sweaty and scared on my bed, ending the nightmare. It took some time for me to find my bearings as my eyes adjusted to the darkness in my room. I searched around my bed for my mobile phone. When I found it I tapped the lock screen button and the screen came alive with its multichromatic wallpaper illuminated my near surroundings. My mind came awake slowly and brought with it visions. The visions jogged my memory and suddenly I felt a crushing sense of guilt and shame.

As the visions played on of me hiding under Mom's bed and bearing witness to their frantic lovemaking unknown to them, I felt debilitated. I fell back on the bed and shrunk into a crouched position. The god fearing, temple going Hindu that I was raised to be found the shame that was rising inside me overwhelming.

'What if mom or dad found out?' the thought made me paranoid. I grabbed the crumpled covers and pressed it onto my face.

I didn't know how much time had passed when I heard a knock on my door.

"Ajju?" I heard mom's voice calling me. I didn't move or make a sound. My heart was beating out of my chest at the thought of how I was going to face her.

"Ajju?" she called again. I then heard the door handle turn and the creak of the door swinging open. The light from the corridor invaded the darkness in my room vanquishing it. Through the covers that I had held to my face I could see a silhouette coming towards my bed.

"Ajju?" she called again. I was too scared to respond.

"Ajay!" she shouted at last. My full name 'Ajay' was reserved only for when she was angry. I lowered the covers from my face and looked at her nervously.

"How many times have I been calling you?" she admonished me, "Come and have dinner."

I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I lay there helplessly, trying to fight of the demons of guilt and shame gnawing at me from inside. I turned my gaze away from her for even though she'd changed into a fresh maxi dress, my mind was picturing her body parts naked. Her presence inflammated my feelings. It felt like my heart was on fire.

"Ajju... there's another thing," she suddenly began speaking again, "I had bought... four... uh... bras from the shop. Now I can't find one... uh... tell me... when you snatched the shopping bag from me earlier and the clothes in it fell on the bed, weren't there four bras?"

I didn't respond... but a flash of an image appeared in my mind... of the red bra that I had left under Mom's bed. I felt bile rising in my stomach as I forced myself to hold the truth in. In my hurry to get out from under their bed after mom and dad went to the shower, I had forgotten to place the Red bra back in the shopping bag. I started panicking.

"I doubt if the salesman missed to pack the fourth... a red one." She said.

I started shivering as scary thoughts spread through my brain.

'Wouldn't she realize that I was under her bed when she finds the bra there?' I thought. My brain was too overwhelmed to give me a rational answer.

'You are right on the edge... you can't escape... you will be caught!' the demons inside my head screamed menacingly.

I felt the truth rising from within me wishing to find expression. I tried to bite my tongue... but the more I tried to withhold the truth, I felt like vomiting. My mind was spiralling out of control. It was getting unbearable.

"It's under your bed." I heard myself say to Mom. Immediately after I said it, I vomited. Half-digested items from the afternoon's lunch emptied out of my stomach onto the floor. Mom quickly stepped back avoiding the projectile.

I fell back on the bed once my stomach had heaved enough. Mom looked on with concern... but me vomiting had not distracted her enough from my statement. I saw her eyebrows rise in confusion.

"Under my bed?" she asked. I stared at her like a dear caught in headlights.

"How?" she added. Seeing no other way, I decided to lie in the grave I dug for myself.

"I put it there." I said. Her confusion increased.

"Why?" she asked, "Why did you put it under my bed?"

"I was under your bed." I said, defeated. I saw confusion morph into horror on Mom's face as her brain worked out what I was trying to say.

"I was under there the whole time... that you and dad were on it." The moment I finished saying it Mom's right hand landed on my left cheek. She followed it up with a flurry of slaps all over my face and chest. I tried to block her hands but to no avail. My body pained with the impact of her blows.

"You shameless pervert!" she yelled at me as she hit me. Her eyes filled up with tears.

"Wait till I tell your father." She threatened once her hands were tired.

I don't know what came over me. My hopelessness fell over the edge into an abyss and I didn't want to live anymore. I jumped off my bed and ran out of my room leaving mom there. I ran down the stairs and out of the house. I didn't look back. I kept running... not really aware of which way I was going. The gravel on the roads came under my bare feet and hurt me. I kept running despite the exhaustion my body and mind felt. One feet in front of the other I kept on moving.

When I stopped finally feeling fully depleted, I felt sand beneath my aching feet. The wind that caressed my face brought the smell of salty water to my nose. I looked out to see a half moon over the Arabian Sea at Calicut beach. I sat down on the sand unable to move or think or feel anything.

I don't know how long I sat there. I hadn't worn a watch to keep track of time.

So I had no answer when the man in Police uniform asked me, "Kid, what are you doing here at this hour?"

My face remained blank as he asked me more questions. Another policeman was saying something into a walkie-talkie a few metres away. A few minutes later, he walked towards us and joined his colleague.

"Come with us!" he instructed me and held me by my arm. I walked as he pulled me. He took me to a Police Jeep parked by the road running parallel to the beach.

"Sit here!" he instructed. I sat at the back of the jeep. He brought me a cup of tea from the roadside street food vendor. I took the cup from him and brought it to my lips. I took a sip. As the hot tea travelled down my throat into my stomach, I realized that I was hungry. My stomach was empty. I had vomited out the lunch that I had eaten in the afternoon. I drank the tea slowly. As I finished the cup and handed me back to the policeman I saw a familiar Honda Jazz pull up near us. The doors of the car opened and Mom and Dad got out of it.

"What were you thinking?" dad asked me while he drove us back home. I was sitting alone in the backseat, silent. I had no energy left to submit myself to more humiliation and beating.

"Ram, you leave it... I'll talk to him." Mom told him from the front passenger seat. The rest of the journey was eerily quiet.

I went straight up to my room once we reached home. I didn't want any more confrontations tonight. I just wanted to go to sleep... but that was not to be. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. One set of footsteps came closer towards my door. I heard a knock and then Mom entered my room. I remained on the bed as she approached and sat at the foot of the bed.

"You have grown up so much that I can't hit you?" she spoke softly, her voice full of emotion, "You'll just run away like this?"

I could tell that she was close to crying.

"I thought dad would kill me... when you said you would tell him what I did." I said, not looking at her face. She did not say anything for a while... just sat there on my bed looking at me.

"I didn't tell dad." I heard her say a moment later. I looked at her unable to believe her words... but her face told me that she was telling the truth.

"But then, why does he think I ran away?" I asked, confused.

"I told him Anu broke up with you... and you got really upset." She said.

"You're right though... he would've have beat you to pulp if he knew the real reason," she said.

I heaved a sigh of relief at the prospect of dad's beating eliminated... at least for now.

"But you owe me an explanation... why? Why in the world would you hide under the bed while we were..." she trailed off. She was right. I owed her that much for not telling dad.

"I didn't mean to." I said.

"Then why? Help me understand." She implored.

"I... uh... when you took time to change into the saree... I... uh... I pulled out the red bra from the bag... I wanted to look at it more... coz I was imagining Anu wearing it... I don't know then... I got lost in my thoughts... I had... uh... an erection... thinking about Anu in the red bra... I didn't hear dad come up... when I heard his footsteps right outside the room I was holding the bra to my face to see how smooth it felt." I said and stopped to take a breath.

"When I heard dad right outside, I panicked... In my mind it looked like he would see me holding your bra to my face with a visible erection in my pants... I got scared that he would think I was being a pervert over you... and I had no time to think... I hid under your bed without thinking... and then you came out of the bathroom and..." I trailed off, leaving the story off where they had started their sexual foreplay. She remained quiet after listening to me.

"I was not being a pervert... hiding under your bed and spying on you... I just... didn't want to get caught with your bra in my hand," I added, "I swear I was thinking of Anu... please believe me Mom."

Again she was silent. My heart was beating out of my chest waiting for her to say something.

"I believe you." She said... but her face looked into the distance... tired and distressed.

"But how do we move on from this? Are we just supposed to forget this happened?" She spoke again, more to herself than to me.

Then she turned her face to look at me.

"I realize you must have heard everything... but what did you see?" she asked. I swallowed the saliva that collected under my tongue, hesitation written large on my face.

"I need to know Ajju." Mom said.

I weighed my words carefully as I tried to reveal the truth, "When you knelt on the floor... I..."

I stopped to look at her face. I saw the conflict on her face... wanting to know everything on one hand... but still averse to the consequences of knowing. I searched within me for strength to say the next words.

"I saw your... vagina." I said.

She closed her eyes at that. The torment her mind was suffering evident on her face. She buried her face in her palms in anguish.

"How do we go back to being Mother and Son now?" she spoke, her voice muffled by her palms.

"I don't know Mom," I said feeling the same way, "My mind is torturing me with visions of you... I can't stop it Mom."

We remained like that for a long time... distraught with the situation we found ourselves in.

"There's Chappatis and Egg curry on the dining table downstairs... eat it." Mom spoke as she stood up and walked away from me and out the door. My mind pictured her naked ass jiggling as her hips swayed while walking away.

I had very less sleep that night. Every time I closed my eyes and fell asleep, I dreamed about Mom's naked body embracing dad's. I was awake when my parents woke up and started going about their day. I was aware of my Mother's movements in the kitchen with the sound of various utensils. I lay there on my bed with eyes open staring at the ceiling.

Around 9 in the morning dad knocked on my door. He came in and sat on the edge of my bed. I continued staring at the ceiling, unable to look at his face. He placed a hand on my leg as he spoke.

"Son... I can see that you're heartbroken... and I don't know if what I say can be any consolation." He paused searching for words. I lay motionless listening to his awkward attempt to ease my hurt at the break up that he believed I was upset of.

"You're young... and at this age things like these feel enormous... you feel like you can't get past this... but give it some time... you'll be okay." He said. I forced my face to not betray any emotion.

"Remember... you'll always have mom and me." Dad said before getting up from my bed. Few minutes later, I heard dad's car as he left for work.

Around an hour later I heard Mom's footsteps come up the stairs. I was still in my bed, not yet having gathered enough courage to go down. I braced myself for another painful conversation with her... but the footsteps did not approach my room. It faded as she went into her room. Then everything was quiet for a while.

It must've been around five minutes before my ears picked up another familiar sound. The sound of a running shower. My mind was suddenly alert. I listened carefully to the sound of water hitting the bathroom floor. No matter how much I tried to resist, my mind conjured the image of Mom's naked body under the shower.

I found myself getting out of bed like something had taken possession of me. I felt a strong pull from the source of the sound. The urge was too powerful to fight against. My feet took steps out of my room and towards hers. The sound of the shower grew louder as I approached her door.

I placed my right hand on the doorknob and twisted it ever so slowly. The latch released and the door slid open as I pushed gently. The hiss-like sound of the shower held my attention completely and I moved towards its source. I encountered the closed fibre-door of the bathroom. It was the only obstacle in the path of my mind's vision actually occurring in front of my eyes.

My eyes scanned the door upwards from the bottom. At the top, they saw a solution. There was a gap... at least 10 inches wide, at the top between the door and the wall frame. My mind worked like a problem solving robot unaware of the consequences that would arise at the end result it sought to achieve. I surveyed the room. A chair... a chair... my mind instructed. I found one near dad's work table. My feet worked on their own accord as I went towards it and brought it back to the bathroom door, careful not to make any sound.

I climbed up on it placing my feet on the cushioned seat. My eyes rose to be level with the gap. I peered in. I saw the showerhead shooting thick sprays of water... but my vision stopped at the top of mom's head. I lifted myself up few more inches, standing on my toes. I saw mom's thick black hair sticking on the wet skin of her slender neck. The side of her face came into view. Water ran down her head and trickled down over her pretty ear. But still the top of the door limited my vision to her shoulders.

Obsessed with her nakedness, I placed my right foot up on the right side wooden armrest of the unsteady chair without thinking. The chair tilted dangerously to the right and I lost my footing. Both the chair and I fell crashing on the floor. The thud of my body hitting the floor and metal clanging of the chair was heard louder than the sound of the shower. A sharp pain shot up from my left thigh which had taken most of the impact. I lay on the floor in pain. My head felt light and my vision blurred like an out of focus camera.

The blur image in front of my eyes moved as the door opened and a white silhouette stepped out. I blinked rapidly trying to regain focus. Slowly my vision cleared and I saw Mom standing in front of me with only a white towel wrapped around her. The towel wrapped above her bosom reached down only till her mid-thigh.

As my consciousness came back to reality I saw mom look at me and then the fallen chair. I witnessed the realization dawn on her face that I was trying to peek on her showering. I saw anger seethe in her eyes.

"You perverted dog!" she screamed at the top of her voice. I tried to lift my body and sit up as she screamed abuses.

"How can you be so shameless... peeping on your own mother's nakedness... you dog... I can't believe this! The child that I gave birth to has grown up to be a shameless pig." I stared in disbelief at the enraged curses she spat at me. My eyes started tearing up. Though wet with tears, my wide eyed stare infuriated her further.

"What are you staring at!" she yelled. Her eyes burned red with fury as her hands came up to her bosom and pulled the towel unwrapping her body from it. The towel fell on the floor and mom stood naked, cursing me further.

"Is this what you wanted to see pig!" she yelled her arms gesturing towards her bare breasts. My teary eyes hooked on the two big mounds of flesh swaying on her chest. My mind dissociated from the hurt my heart was feeling from mom's curses. Two conflicting feelings inhabited me but the fascination on seeing mom's tits soon overpowered my sorrow. The way mom's fair skin darkened into pink at her nipples captivated me. Her body glistened with drops of water.

Her hands now dropped towards her hips and gestured at the junction of her legs.

"Is this what you wanted to see?" she asked again. My eyes followed her hands and rested on her vagina.

"Did you not get enough of a look yesterday when you hid under my bed and spied on me and your dad?" she continued yelling.

I looked on, scared at the complete meltdown mom was suffering... and excited at the same time at the glorious nakedness in front of me.

"Why is your mouth shut? Tell me... is this what you wanted to see!" Mom's voice broke reaching a crescendo. Her eyes suddenly seemed vacant. Her pupil touched the roof of her eyes and she swayed unsteadily. My lust was extinguished by concern as I jumped up on my feet. I closed the distance between us as mom's body wobbled precariously. I grabbed her putting my left arm around her bare back just as she was about to fall. My hands slipped on her wet body and I struggled to get a good grasp on her. Once I got a firm grip, I brought my right arm behind her knees and cradled her up into my arms. My bruised thigh hurt as I took steps towards the bed. I laid her down in the middle of the bed and climbed up beside her.

"Mom?" I called. Her body lay motionless.

"Mom!" I called louder. I held her face by the chin and shook her. Still there was no response. I could hear the sound my heart pounding inside my brain alarmed at the state mom was in.

"Mom!" I shouted, panic-stricken by now. I slapped her cheeks trying to get her conscious. The view of her seemingly lifeless body terrified me. I jumped down from the bed and ran down to the kitchen. I filled water in a jug and rushed back. I climbed back on the bed and splashed her face with water.

"Mom... Mom!" I kept calling. A few splashes later, signs of life came back in her face. Her pupils started moving side to side and her head shifted. Tears trailed down my eyes as I tried to revive her.

"Mom? Are you ok?" I slapped her cheeks some more while I called.

"Mmm... Mm..." I heard her voice. I splashed more water and wiped her face with my palm. I kept caressing her face and calling her for a few minutes till it seemed like she was conscious.

Her eyes weak with exertion shifted to the right as she looked into mine. Her frail right hand reached up and cupped my cheeks.

"My child... my baby," she spoke with feeble voice, "I carried you in my womb for nine months... I suffered through unendurable pain to bring you into this world and all the pain vanished when I saw your face... I fed you the milk from these breasts to make you strong... tell me... how am I supposed to accept it when my child has grown up and started lusting after these same breasts... I feel like I've lost my child."

She sobbed, tears trailing down her eyes and mixing with the water that was splashed on her face. I couldn't bear the sorrow anymore and my eyes poured little rivulets of tears.

"I'm still your child mom." I said with broken voice. My tears ran down to my nose and hung from the tip of my nose. The drop grew in volume and separated from my nose. The heavy drop of tear fell through the small distance and landed on mom's pink right nipple.

"I'm still the child that suckled on these breasts." I spoke and lowered my mouth towards the tear coated nipple. The salt from my tears touched my taste buds as my lips wrapped around the nipple and I sucked using my tongue. Mom's body shivered with the contact. In a moment I was transported more than twenty years back when I used to feed like this... the only difference now being the slight tingling I felt in my semi-hard cock as I sucked on Mom's tits. Curiously, I felt no incongruity between the twenty-year-old memory and the tingling in my cock. The love I held in my heart for my mother as a son and the lust I felt as a young man towards the woman that my mother was... both amalgamated, birthing something even more potent and intoxicating.

As I suckled on mom's pink nipple, the saltiness of my tears unexpectedly turned into a sweetness as something creamy coated my tongue. Confounded, I withdrew my lips from mom's nipple. My eyes found stray droplets of a white liquid coated on her light pink areola. I looked up at mom to see the same astonished look on mom's face as her eyes stared at the white droplets.

"I haven't lactated in twenty years!" I heard her dazed whisper.

I lowered my mouth and resumed sucking. Creamy breastmilk streamed into my mouth. I relished its sweetness and swallowed it. Mom's right hand came under and around my head, cradling it. I adjusted myself lying sideways resting my head on her arm while I suckled. Her hand caressed the side of my head and running her hand through my hair. I fed on her right breast for many minutes enjoying the closeness of her body. My semi-hard cock was mere inches away from touching her hips.

I spied white droplets leaking from her other nipple out of the corner of my eye. They were trailing down the underside of her breast.

"You're leaking mom." I said, my speech muffled by mom's nipple. She heard me and twisted her body, lying sideways facing me. I uncoupled my mouth from mom's right nipple and moved to the left one. The white droplets that trailed down had reached the top of her ribcage. I pushed out my tongue and traced a path from the top of her ribcage to her nipple, licking the droplets into my mouth. Mom shivered.

Mom's free hand came up and cupped my right cheek as I started emptying her left breast. I placed my right hand on her bare hips in response. We lay swaddled by each other as she breastfed me. I spent long minutes sheltered at mom's bosom sucking sweet mil from her tits. Somewhere along, I started feeling drowsy. The sweetness of mom's milk remained on my tongue even when I finished feeding and snoozed right there on her bosom.

I was woken up later when mom shifted, gently trying to extricate her hand from under my head. I held my eyes closed even though I was awake. I lay on my back as she slithered around me and got down from the bed. Gently she tiptoed towards the head of the bed. Even though I couldn't see her as my eyes were closed pretending to be asleep, I could hear her breath. I could imagine her nakedness in my mind's eye. I heard her breath come closer to my face and realized that she had bent to bring her face closer to mine.

When I could feel her breath on my face I heard her voice whisper, "You're still my child... my baby boy."

I then felt her soft lips place a kiss on my lips.

"My baby boy." She whispered again before moving away.