The Halloween Party Dress P2


"Well I'm going to love being pinned to his desk by my son's big dick." She said as teasingly as she could, "Now be a good boy Tommy and fuck me!"

No more encouragement was needed Tommy smiled as he thrust forward as hard as he could and slammed his entire length of 10 ½ inches deep into Leah's ready and wanton pussy, stretching and filling her completely.

Leah screamed at the top of her lungs because of the pain of being speared by such a big cock. She had never had any dick anywhere near this big in her before and it stretched her instantly.

Slowly, as Leah's head and back were arched from the pain of the initial penetration, the pain subsided and she began to feel her son's dick inside her, then pleasure began to far out weigh the pain, and very quickly.

Very quickly, waves of passion and pleasure shot through her body and she felt an orgasm wash over her. Her muscles clenched and her body shook and she groaned loudly.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Leah groaned, still with her head back and her back arched.

Her toes curled up and she gripped Tommy's arms tightly as she came hard.

"I take it you like having my big dick buried deep in you mom?" Tommy asked smugly as she came down slowly from her orgasm.

It was then that she noticed that he wasn't fucking her, he was just holding his dick inside her and to the hilt it seemed, letting her feel his long hardness before he began, making sure she felt every inch of him and every scrap of pleasure.

And feel every inch of Tommy and the pleasure she did. The feeling was amazing; she had never felt anything like it in her life. She was absolutely stuffed full of cock! Her pussy stretched tightly around the thick invading meat and squeezed it tightly. She felt like this monster was actually in her womb and she felt so amazingly good. She felt like she was in heaven. She felt on fire. This was her son's dick buried to the hilt within her pussy, the very son she had given birth to 18 years ago, and now he was about to fuck her on his fathers work desk. Leah moaned again as she lay flat on the tabletop and opened eyes she never realised she had closed. The knowledge that the cock inside her, filling her completely, making her feel sooooo good, was her son's only made the feeling better.

Lust burned deep within her now, her pussy raged even more now to be fucked and she wanted satisfying. And now!

"You feel good baby!" Leah said very breathlessly, and lifting her legs to wrap them once again around Tommy's waist. He was actually inside her!

He smiled smugly

"You know what's odd," He said whilst still smiling smugly down at her, his hands at either side of her head with her hands gripping his muscular arms. "18 years ago I came out of your pussy and now all these years later, I'm back in there again."

Leah smiled back up at him teasingly.

"Only this time you're bigger!" She said and he returned her smile with his own smug one, and then he slowly pulled his dick out of her tight pussy to the tip of the head, and once again slammed hard back into her.

Leah screamed at first, from a little pain, but soon her pussy became accustomed to the size of Tommy's big dick repeatedly slamming hard in and out of her, and that's when she started moaning grunting and groaning louder and louder, and soon the lewd noises coming from her mouth turned to screams of lust and incredible feelings of pleasure. Her lustful screams and moans continued never stopping as her son pounded her hard and fast with his dick. The incestual fuck had begun and Leah was in heaven.

Tommy continued to piston his ragingly hard dick in and out of his mother's very welcoming pussy with strokes so hard that the strong wooden desk creaked loudly. He couldn't believe he was actually fucking his own hot mother! This was amazing. Her pussy gripped tightly to every inch of his thick manhood as it continued to plow relentlessly into her, her arms were now wrapped around his neck, her nails digging painfully into his flesh as her face was contorted in absolute pleasure. Even with her eyes squeezed tightly shut and her mouth continuously moaning and groaning in between her screams of ecstasy she looked stunning. Her long wavy black hair still fanned out across the tabletop, her big, heavy tits shook violently from each of his ruthless thrusts into her body and her legs were locked tightly around him, trying to pull him even deeper into her.

"OHH FUCK! OHHHHH FUCK! FUCK ME BABY! FUCK MY PUSSY GOOD! OHHHHHHH!" Leah screamed as his dick continued its assault

"Oh mom, fuck!" Was all he could manage to grunt out as all of his concentration was on fucking her as best as he could, after all he didn't know if he would ever get her again and he wanted to make the most of it.

"Come on baby, fuck me, come on, fuck me hard! OH I LOVE YOUR DICK! FUCK I FEEL SO FUCKING GOOD! SOOO FUCKING FULL!" His mother exclaimed loudly as she continued thrusting her hips upwards to meet his thrusts.

She met each of his thrusts just as roughly as he gave them to her. She thrust her pussy up as he slammed hard back into her, driving her hard against the desk top with a loud crack and the shifting and creaking of the desk itself. Tommy thought the thing might fall apart with how hard they were fucking each other; there was definitely no love in this sex, just pure animal fucking.

"Your pussy's so fucking tight, fuck!" He grunted between sharp breaths. Even though his dick slammed in and out of her smoothly, he just couldn't believe how tight she was, how her pussy gripped his dick like a vice, trying to milk his dick for more cum.

"OH FUCK BABY, YEAH! NAIL ME TO THE FUCKING DESK BABY! FUCK ME!! UHHHHHHHHHHHH! OHHHH!" Leah screamed as she continued to scratch at his neck.

Their pace hadn't slowed for a second and they had been fucking harder and faster each minute for what seemed like forever, but must only have been 20 minutes or so. Tommy knew that he shouldn't need to cum for ages yet because of the amazing blowjob Leah had given him earlier, but this was too fucking hot and he knew he wouldn't last long.

Leah suddenly opened her eyes to stare lustfully into his and then she took her arms from around his neck and raised them above her head to grip onto the edge of the desk tightly.

"Come on baby, fuck me! Fuck your hot mom for all she's worth! Oh, make me fucking cum all over your big, hard dick!" She growled at him, still looking deep into her eyes with her own lust-filled eyes.

Tommy tried to smile as he sweated with the effort of how hard he was driving his dick into his mother, but as she continued to growl at him, he drew more and more turned on, and spurred on by her dirty talk, he slammed even harder into her. The more she spoke, the harder he rammed his cock into her, and the harder he fucked her, the more she growled at him.

"OHHHHH YEAH! Oh, yeah Tommy baby, my baby boy, fuck mommy good! OHHhhhhhUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" She groaned as his 10 ½ inches slammed home again. "Come on baby, we shouldn't be fucking doing this so you better make it worth it! Ohhhh I'm soo baad letting my own son fuck me, and on your father's desk too! Ummmmmm yeah! OH! Oh! Yeah!"

Tommy tried as hard as he could to fuck her faster as Leah continued to talk dirty to him, but he was already fucking her as hard as he could, his and her breathing came in short, heavy pants, his because of the effort of continuous fucking and hers because each time he slammed his dick back into her, he drove all of the air out of her lungs in a sharp grunt.

His dick continued to mercilessly fuck her as she continued growling up at him. Her tits shook violently against their material prison, mesmerising to Tommy's eyes.

"Oh baby you know this is soo wrong, I think you should..." She began, smiling teasingly up at him, and stopped as his dick continued pounding her hard. "Maybe you should....OHHH.....Maybe.....OH should...Oh you should keep fucking me! OH! UMMMMMM YEAH! YEEEAAHH! OHHHHH!"

Tommy managed to grin down at his mothers flushed face as her eyes squeezed shut again and her grip tightened on the edge of the desk. The desk itself was creaking loudly now; its loud complaints marking their lewd fuck session but drowned out under Tommy's moans and groans of pleasure, and Leah's screams of ecstasy.

All of a sudden Tommy heard a noise at the other end of the room, a sound of the door opening. Leah obviously heard it too, but when he was about to stop she grabbed him hard by the face and growled at him.

"Don't you dare fucking stop!" She growled aggressively and by the look in her eyes he knew she meant it, so he continued to pound her hard as the door opened and someone poked their head around the door.

"Oh! Sorry, I thought this one might be empty!" The voice said

"OHHHH FUCK! SO FUCKING BIG! SO FUCKING HOT! SOOOO FUCKING GOOD! OHH FUCK ME BABY FUCK MEEEE!!" Leah screamed, obviously turned on by someone watching them fucking but not knowing they were mother and son. Tommy felt that same surge of lust fill him and renew his strength, so he began pounding Leah harder against the desktop.

"Sorry to disturb you!" The voice said after a short while and then Tommy heard the door close again.

Obviously it had been a guy who had opened it and stood watching Leah get fucked, admiring her dress covered heaving body being fucked so ruthlessly. Tommy would've done the same thing.

Tommy looked down at his mother; her hips were thrusting up at him faster than before. She was more turned on than ever and she was losing all control of herself as her second orgasm was obviously approaching, and it was obviously going to be huge.

She flung her head from side to side and tightly shut her eyes. Her arms now flailed about, looking for anything to grab a hold of and Tommy noticed her hit the lamp and knock it over, and as she continued to flail around, her orgasm approaching rapidly, her hand hit the photo frame, that Tommy had noticed held a picture of him and his mother and father, and it flew from the desk to land on the floor.

As his dick pistoned rapidly in and out of her, Leah suddenly reached round to grasp her hands tightly onto his back, her fingernails digging deep into his back through the material and her felt her pussy tighten so hard he thought it would crush his dick, but he continued his assault anyway, intensifying her orgasm as it shot through her body.

""OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKKKK!!" Leah's scream began and then finished in a wordless scream of absolute pleasure, which Tommy had no doubt could be heard all the way back to the party room.

His dick never slowed as Leah convulsed harshly underneath him, impaled lewdly on his dick. Her body shook so much that several times she lifted from the desktop only to hit her head hard as she came back down again, but she didn't seem to even feel it in that torrent of ecstasy. Her legs pulled him towards her, trying to force his dick all the way in to her as he struggled to continue his pounding and her nails dug as hard as they could into his back, bringing a shout of pain from Tommy, as her long black fingernails ripped through the skin tight lycra and his skin, causing bleeding scratches across his back. Then Leah's back arched half a foot off the table and her head shot back with her eyes wide open.

"UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She groaned between her tightly clenched teeth.

Tommy continued to fuck her as hard as he could with her legs gripping him tightly to her, and very slowly Leah seemed to come back down to earth again. Her back lowered to the desk top, her legs loosened around his back, her nails stopped digging into his skin, and her head came forward to look at him. Her face was a mask of complete satisfaction and lust. She had had the orgasm she wanted, but she was far from finished.

Leah gently purred at her son as he continued to piston his dick in and out of her very satisfied pussy. He was moving slower than before, obviously weary from how much effort he had put in bringing her to orgasm, but he still continued to push and pull in and out of her.

She couldn't believe how good she felt right at that moment, how intense her orgasm had been, she had never cum that hard in her life, and to do so because of her sons dick made it all the more better a feeling.

Although she had cum hard and was now feeling like jelly she smiled at Tommy as he continued to push his dick back into her. Her own lust was beginning to grow again as feeling slowly began to return to her body. She could feel every inch of him stretching her inside; reaching places she never knew existed, fucking her so completely, so thoroughly that she never wanted him to stop. She still couldn't believe that she had taken all of his dick inside of her, she had felt almost torn in two from it's size when he had roughly entered her, but now, she wanted nothing more than for him to fuck her to another earth-shattering orgasm.

"Oh! Ummmm!" She moaned softly as the immense feeling of her orgasm subsided and she began to feel Tommy's dick sliding back and forth into her very welcoming pussy. Strength returned to her slowly. "That was amazing." She said still in a state of wonder.

Tommy smiled down at her as he continued to feed his cock into her pussy, but he was beginning to tire and slow down.

"I'm glad you like it." He managed to stammer out, his breathing becoming more laboured and his arms shaking a little in an effort to hold him up.

Her strength began to seep back into her body a little more now, but Leah still felt like Jelly.

"You're tired baby, maybe you should stop for a while." She said as she smiled teasingly up at him, she knew exactly what he would say.

"I'm not finished fucking you yet." He said with a strained voice. "I'm gonna carry on."

"I never said that we were going to stop having sex." Leah said and her smile deepened as he looked up at her confused. "I said you should stop, not me."

He stared at her for a moment not understanding what she was saying. She almost laughed at his innocence. He was so dirty and good at so many things, but he was still 18.

Trying not to laugh, she explained what she meant.

"Let me explain." She said teasingly, "You're tired and I'm not, and we both want to carry on fucking, so, I am going to ride your dick until we both cum."

She felt a flutter in her stomach, and it wasn't Tommy's dick, when she realised that she had actually told her son that he could cum inside her. He wasn't even wearing a condom! The illicit thought turned her on even more and she pushed herself up on her hands,

Tommy still lay on top of her with his dick now buried deep within her but not moving.

"Well, are you going to help me or are we just going to stop?" Leah asked her son a little impatiently

Too tired to note much, Tommy reached around her waist and pulled himself back so that he could stand up, with her legs wrapped around him and his dick still completely imbedded in her pussy. There was no way she was going to let that wonderful thing out of her. But as Tommy stood up straight with Leah in his arms, his legs buckled suddenly and the pair of them fell backwards quickly. With thud they both landed sitting on the leather sofa at the side of the desk, Tommy sitting on the sofa and Leah straddling his long dick, which had slammed hard into her as she landed impaled on his lap, and she thought that it was going to come right out her mouth with the force it drove upwards in to her. The force caused Leah to grunt and then moan lightly, and when they both had gotten accustomed to what had happened she looked down at Tommy's face.

He was staring up at her in wonder and she smiled lustfully back down at him, her legs to either side of his, his hands on her thighs, his dick deep in her pussy and her hands resting on his shoulders.

"Well, I hadn't planned on having sex here, but it's as good a place as any." She said to him, "And besides, I don't think your father's desk could've taken anymore of that harsh fucking you were giving me."

He grinned up at her smugly and smug he should be with a knockout like her on his dick, and his own mother to boot.

"So, are you gonna bounce on my dick then you naughty girl?" He asked as his hands began gently rubbing her thighs.

Leah shivered once again with the knowledge that she was impaled on her son's dick. And she slowly began to move her hips back and forth, sliding his hard length back and forth into her pussy gently.

"Ummmmm yeah!" She moaned lightly as she felt that hard shaft fill her again and again. She just loved how it stretched her inside.

"Yeah, that's it mom, ride my dick like a slut." Tommy growled at her as he stared lustfully at her body.

His lustful gaze turned her on ever more, and just as she was going to really start to fuck him, a thought came to her and she stopped moving her hips.

"What are you doing?" Tommy asked her curiously.

"Well, I was thinking that seeing as your big dick is already buried deep in my pussy and that you like looking at my tits, that you might want to have me fuck you without this dress on?"

The instant twitching of life of Tommy's dick inside her was enough to tell her the answer before he said anything, and so, Leah reached back and slowly slid the small zip down her back and then reach around to take a hold of the dress that had been pushed up around her waist to allow Tommy to fuck her.

"Ummm, I'm going to be bouncing on my sons dick naked, riding him hard until he cums inside me." Leah said as teasingly as she could, "Maybe I should just leave it on."

"No, no, please." Tommy said urgently and Leah smiled.

As Leah Bryton smiled down at her son, impaled hard on his 10 ½ inch cock, she pulled the tight black gothic dress up over her head quickly, and began thrusting her hips back and forth, fucking herself on his thick dick before the dress had gotten to her tits. As the black material cleared her beautiful face and long black wavy hair, she threw it away from her, careless of where it landed, smiled at her son's reaction and rode him as hard as she could. She planned on fucking him and herself, to the best orgasm they had ever had. So she rode him as hard and as fast as she could.

Half an hour later Tommy still gaped at his mother's hot body as she bounced rapidly up and down on his hard monster cock. She had grown more and more intense in fucking herself on Tommy's dick each time she rammed herself hard back down its long length. Tommy could feel her long smooth legs pressed against his bare thighs as she straddled him, her pussy still clamped tightly around his cock as she fucked herself silly on his dick and her left hand roughly playing with her clit causing her to fuck herself wilder as she was pleased by both his dick and her hands, her face contorted once again in ecstasy Leah either threw her head back as she groaned and moaned lewdly or screaming her lust-filled obscenities as she wildly shook her head from side to side.

The sight of Leah riding harder and harder, faster and faster with every thrust of her hips made Tommy want to cum, and cum hard but his attention was still in the same place it had been for the last 30 minutes, on his mother's big tits.

Leah's tits were amazing, the were huge and firm and they had not even a slight hint of sag to them at all as they bounced wildly up and down on her chest in unison with her up and downward thrusts as she continuously impaled herself on his dick. The sight was amazing and Tommy could feel his balls brewing up another large load of cum to dump inside her.

"OH YES! YES! OHHHHH BABY!" Leah's screams dropped into a loud purr as she looked down at Tommy, her left hand working furiously on her clit as she slid quickly up and down his hard cockmeat. "I love your dick baby, it feels so fucking good!"

Tommy smiled smugly at his mother, her eyes shining with lust and her body making damn sure she was satisfied.

"Fuck mom I love your fucking body!" He exclaimed lifting his eyes from her body to her face long enough to see her smile teasingly as she groaned again, her fingers working harder as her hips made quick, small circling motions. "Your tits are fucking amazing! I've never seen such big, firm jugs before!" And not for the first time, he reached up to cup her tits.

As his fingers sank deep into her large, firm tits, Leah groaned again and, her body and fingers speeding up as he began to roughly squeeze and play with them. They felt so good in his hands as her chest rose sharply with each thrust back and forth on his cock and her breathing heaved.

They were the picture of lust, fucking wildly on the leather sofa in Carl Bryton's office. Leah riding hard and fast, her son's hands groping roughly at her tits, naked, she slammed herself repeatedly on his glorious pole and screamed in ecstasy.

"Ummmm" She moaned, once again looking locking her eyes on his, and once again she purred at him, "I love the way you fill me, I can't believe we're doing this, we're actually fucking baby! Ummmmmmm, ohhhhhhh!" She finished groaning as her head fell back again, her long black hair reaching down to his knees behind her.

Tommy's hands continued their assault on Leah's tits and she continued to bounce up and down rapidly now. Faster and faster she began to move, slamming harder and harder down on to him.

Suddenly she moved her hand from her clit and leaned forward her tits mashing hard against the palms of Tommy's hands as all of her wait was pushed onto them. Her hands grabbed tightly onto the back of the black leather sofa and used it for support to allow herself to fuck his dick harder. She was desperately fucking herself to another orgasm, and with the feel of her tight, hot hole, Tommy knew that he too would cum soon.

"Uhhhhhhhh, Come on baby, fuck mommy, fuck your big dick in my pussy hard!" She growled aggressively at him, her face inches from his. "Fuck I need this so badly!"

Tommy couldn't even form any words, his heart was leaping from his chest because he still couldn't believe that he was actually fucking his gorgeous mom, but more than that, how good she was! Being a big sports star in his school, he had had a good few women since turning 18, most of them older, and even a teacher, but none had been anywhere near as good as this amazing woman he had only looked at as his mom before tonight.

As quickly as she had leaned forward, Leah pushed herself back so she was sitting straight again, Tommy's hands still roughly squeezing her tits, his fingers sinking into her fleshy mounds, and she reached up to grab her hair in her hands on her head as she rode with all her might, driving herself closer to orgasm. Tommy was still amazed that he had actually lasted this long, but with the intensity and the sight of her gloriously toned body, he knew he was almost done.

"Oh yeah, you're so fucking good honey! Fuck me, you're soo fucking hard!" She groaned without looking down at him as she bounced around smothering her long black hair all over her head in her tightly gripped hands.

Then once again she suddenly moved, unable to stay in one place too long as the pleasure flowed through her, which Tommy could understand as his own senses were becoming numb from the sheer amount of pleasure she was giving him. Her slim hands fell to grip her tits on top of his already mauling hands. The sight was awesome.

"Oh baby, you nailed me to your fathers desk so good!" Leah purred as she helped him to roughly squeeze the firmness of her tits. "And I just love riding your dick."

"Fuck!" Was all he could breathe out, he could feel the familiar shortness to his breathing and he knew he was going to blow soon. He began thrusting his hips harder upward, using Leah's tits to roughly pull her down as he thrust fast up.

"Ohhhhh! Um!" She groaned as he pulled her down hard, "You are so big!" She breathed out and began to moan lightly as she squeezed his hands into her flesh.

He felt the first tingling signs in his dick that he was going to cum and lust took total control of him. He let his hands drop from Leah's tits to roughly grab her waist, he needed more, more speed, harder, so he began thrusting harder and wilder into her, using her small waist to push and pull her up and down his dick.

Tommy looked lustfully at his mother as she gripped her tits harshly and played with them as she tightened her legs and rode him with all of her strength. The leather sofa creaked loudly with the sound of leather and wood. She was about to cum herself, he knew as her pussy slightly tightened around his thick lust-engorged rod buried deep within her.

"Fuck, your dicks like a fucking baseball bat!" Leah exclaimed loudly as she groaned as another of her downward thrusts was met by one of Tommy's equally lust filled upward thrusts. "I've never been fucked so good in my life!" She groaned again.

"Yeah mom, pump yourself hard on my dick, fuck your pussy on me!" Tommy suddenly growled aggressively, "Tell me, am I bigger and better than dad?" He had wanted to ask that question but he'd waited until she was totally filled with lust that he knew she'd answer. She loved his father very much, and he knew she would never answer unless she was beyond reasonable thought.

At the mention of his father, his mother began pounding her pussy as hard as she could, her groans growing louder until once again she was screaming and grunting from the hard impact of pubic bone slamming with a loud slap against the base of his dick.

"OHHHH FUCK YES BABY, FUCK ME LIKE THAT! OHHH DON'T EVER FUCKING STOP TOMMY!" His mother cried out lustfully, the sound no doubt was heard outside the room. "YES, YOUR DICK IS SOOO MUCH FUCKING BIGGER THAN YOUR FATHER'S" She groaned loudly, squeezing her big tits and mashing them roughly together. "HE'S....OHHHHHHHH.....HE'S 7 INCHES! UMMMMMMM OH AND YOU'RE SO MUCH FUCKING BETTER THAN HE IS AT PLEASING ME! YOU FUCK ME SO WELL HONEY! OH YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CUUUMMMMMMMMM!"

The last came out as a loud scream that had to have used all the air in her lungs and she slammed down hard, grinding her tight pussy down on his raging dick, trying to force every last millimetre into her, as he slammed hard upwards and grunted sharply and as Tommy came hard inside his mother and she felt it shoot into her, her own orgasm just blew her mind.

Leah rode her sons dick as hard and as fast as fast as she could, bouncing wildly and groaning and screaming lewdly as she held tightly to her tits, squeezing them hard and roughly. She felt so good as she continuously slammed herself as down hard as she could and was met by Tommy's equally hard thrust up to meet her. She grunted every time their bodies slammed hard against each other, she had gotten used to his big dick buried within her now, but she still felt completely stuffed, and being rammed hard by all of that meat at once drove ecstasy through every vein.

Tommy was gripping her waist, pulling hard back down on his enormous weapon and Leah heard him speak and heard herself answer, but lust filled her and blood pumped rapidly through her veins, drowning out any concentration on anything except the big dick in her pussy and the amazing amount of pleasure it was giving her.

Suddenly, her stomach tensed, her pussy trembled and electricity began to tingle through her body and she knew she was about to cum for the second time that night by her son's cock as she felt the beginnings of what she knew would be a massive orgasm, Leah slammed herself hard downwards as Tommy thrust hard upwards and impaled her completely on every inch of his big monster.

She heard her 18 year old son groan loudly and felt the head of his big, thick cock expand as her own orgasm erupted and electricity shot through her with enough power to light the entire skyscraper they were in. Yet as Leah's orgasm began to shoot through her and her body trembled, her pussy gripped her sons dick tight and she groaned louder than before, Tommy's dick exploded and wad after wad of his hot, thick, sticky white cum shoot deep within her pussy, coating her insides and shooting straight into her unprotected womb, and Leah's orgasm more than trebled in intensity and her loud groan turned into a wordless scream of complete ecstasy.

"OHHHHHH FUCCKKKKKKKK YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Was all she could scream out after what seemed like an eternity.

No words could describe how good she felt right then as wave after wave of orgasm shot through her body. She shook uncontrollably as she came, almost falling from Tommy's lap if her hadn't held onto her tightly by her naked waist. Her hands, no longer gripping a death lock on her tits, scraped furrows into her sons chest with her nails, her head thrown back once again in a wordless scream of pure pleasure.

Still her sons dick shot streams of cum deep into her yearning pussy, emptying the entire contents of his balls into her in an endless stream of white seed and her pussy hungrily drank it all in, her womb filling with her sons sticky goo.

Time passed but Leah didn't notice it at all as her orgasm continued, until what must have been 5 minutes later, her scream slowly quietened into wordless moaning and she fell forward, with no strength at all in her body, pressing her big tits flat against her sons chest. They both just lay there resting, totally exhausted but both completely satisfied.

Two hours passed as Leah lay naked resting against her son's batman suit covered chest still impaled to the hilt on his now soft cock, soft, but still almost 7 inches long. His dick was soft, and totally fucked out, but he was still as big as his father.

Slowly Leah woke up, and regaining her sense of reality slowly, realised that she and Tommy had actually fallen asleep, that was just how much energy they had used.

Weakly she pushed herself to arms length with her hands pressed against her son's muscular chest until she was sitting straight, straddling his lap. Even her smile was weak due to her lack of energy. If she had thought her muscles were jelly before, they were water now, but she still managed to push herself upwards, rising slowly from that pleasure-giving pole of her son's until, with a sigh at the loss, she finally pulled free and with a wet suction sound his dick came out of her.

Standing on long legs that barely held her upright, Leah searched the room with her big eyes to look for her dress, and found it lying strewn over Carl's chair where it had landed when she threw it away in her lust to be fucked. She smiled deeply, the memory of how good Tommy's big dick had made her feel still very fresh in her mind, and his cum was still very fresh and deep in her very sensitive pussy. She could still feel all of her son's sticky cum inside her belly from when she had swallowed it all, and she could easily feel all of his cum that had shot deep into her womb and filled her pussy so full she was sure that her eyes must have turned white.

She reached over and pulled the dress on over her head as she heard Tommy sit up on the sofa, just waking up from his well-earned rest. Leah turned to him as she began pulling the zip up the back of the dress, her arms were doubled back to pull the zip up, which pushed her big tits out farther and pressed them tight against the thin black material, her nipples poking proudly through the dress top, and she looked at her 18 year old boy.

"Well, I've never been fucked that good before!" She said with a deep smile down at him as he wearily looked up at her. "And I certainly have never been filled with so much cum either!"

Her smile deepened and became very teasing and she walked very unsteadily over to pick up his pants and throw them to him.

"C'mon Batman, you better get ready, if the party isn't already over it will be soon after how long that took!" She said as she checked her dress and smoothed it with her hands over her flat belly. Flat but oh, she felt so unbelievably full of cum!

Tommy looked up at her as he stood unsteadily and pulled his pants on.

"What time is it?" He asked, sounding a little more awake as he pulled the pants up around his waist.

"Late by the look of it." She said, "We were fucking for over an hour and we must have slept two. So come on Tommy, we've got to be heading home before your father wonders where we've gotten to."

A couple of minutes later, after searching for Leah's missing panties which they couldn't find, they were both walking back down the corridor towards the party room hand in hand. To her surprise, the music was still coming out from that room, but there was nowhere near as many people as had been there earlier.

Walking only slightly more steadily than in her husband's office, Leah led Tommy out by the hand into the smaller room and towards the way out but she stopped briefly to tell Harold and Lydia Marsh that they had had a lot of fun and were both very glad they had come, and then they were off and quickly found themselves once again sitting in the car, this time Tommy was in the drivers seat, even though Leah was stone cold sober.

Tommy had hardly said two words since waking up and was now staring straight out the windshield, not moving the car.

"What's wrong honey?" Leah asked looking as concerned as she felt

"Is everything gonna be ok with us now? I mean after, you know," He said nervously, looking at her as if expecting her to yell at him.

Leah smiled softly at her son and gently stroked his arm to reassure him, but she couldn't help but take the chance to tease him, although she knew that he was worried.

"What? After we had sex? After you fucked me?" She asked and smiled even more when he looked down expecting her to yell at him. "Tommy, I wouldn't have fucked you if I didn't want to and I know that you enjoyed it just as much as I did, I have two loads of your cum inside me to prove that! So don't worry ok, everything's fine ok?"

He nodded, still looking at the floor.

"I said ok?" She repeated removing her hand from his arm

"Yeah ok." He said after sighing and looking at her for a long time to make sure she really meant it.

"Good, because I don't want any of this to have ruined our relationship." She said and when she saw that he relaxed, she turned her smile back from reassuring to heavily teasing. "Now, we can pretend like nothing happened, or, you can drive us home before your father thinks something is wrong and I can suck your dick on the way."

His head turned towards her instantly and his eyes shot wide open. Leah couldn't believe how prudish he was being for someone who had already fucked her, and for a moment she thought that he was going to say that he did want to pretend that nothing had happened, and then finally a small smile crept on to his face and he turned to start the engine. Leah's own smile grew as she reached towards Tommy's crotch and pulled his cock out of his pants with her left hand, and smiling at the sight of her glittering wedding ring pressed against her son's rigidly hard cock, she leaned forward and slid her hot mouth over his cock once again.

Tommy drove home carefully as Leah's pretty head bobbed up and down in his lap, sucking hard on his cock and swishing her tongue all over the head. Her black lipstick still remained and her black covered lips glided up and down the thick shaft again and again as her cheeks sucked in and out as she tried to milk even more cum from his dick.

"Oh fuck mom you're such a horny slut!" Tommy groaned as his free hand gently rested on her long black hair that fell over her pretty face as she sucked contentedly on his rock solid dick.

"Mmmmmmph" She moaned around the shaft and then she slid her mouth all the way up and took her mouth from the shaft, gently pumping him still with her ringed left hand. "It's your wonderful dick baby." She cooed, "it drives me crazy."

And she returned to sucking harder on his dick before once again pulling her mouth from it long enough to look up at him through her long black eyelashes and say, "Besides, I love the taste of your cum and I LOVE feeling it inside me!" And with those words she went back to working as hard as she could, sucking mercilessly on his dick.

All the way back from the office to their house Leah's head bobbed up and down on her son's 10 ½ inch hard on, sucking him for all she was worth as if he were her husband. Up and down her head moved, sometimes jacking him off with her left hand, other times sinking his dick all the way down her tight throat so that her lips reached the very base of his cock and her face was in his lap.

The further they drove, the harder and faster Leah sucked, wanting to taste Tommy's cum one more time before they got home. The moans filled the car, Tommy groaning how good a cocksucker she was and how much cum he was going to give her, and her own moans around the thick cock meat buried constantly between her lips in her mouth and throat. The loud sounds of Leah's lewd incestuous slurping as she sucked as hard and as fast as she could almost drowned their moaning and groaning out.

Then as they pulled into the driveway and stopped in front of the house, Tommy lived up to his promised groans, and once again delivered a huge load of cum shooting straight into Leah's mouth. She swallowed all of his cum as thick globs shot out of his engorged dick in her mouth and hit her tonsils, the back of her throat, landed on her tongue and filled her mouth completely full of cum. So full in fact, that after she had pulled her mouth from her son's softening cock and he had put it back in her pants and they were both leaving the car, her mouth was still full of Tommy's cum and she was slowly swallowing and slowly letting some slide down her throat on its own. The thought of having her son's cum in her mouth as she walked back into her house and nearer her husband turned her on so much she thought about pushing Tommy against a wall outside and fucking him before going in. Instead she just swallowed the last of her sons cum with a loud gulp that Tommy smiled at as they entered the kitchen and saw Carl sitting at the table reading over some papers. He never even looked up as they walked in.

"Hi." He said sounding happy but intent on the work in front of him

"Hey dad." Tommy said with a smug smile at Leah

"Hey hon, you have a good night?" She asked and returned her son's smile with a lust-filled teasing one of her own.

"Yeah, got a lot done so that the weekend should be completely free." Carl said, still without looking up. "What about you two? Did you have fun at the party?"

Tommy just grinned boyishly at her and she smiled once more at him before answering her husband.

"Oh, we had a lot of fun honey! In fact, more fun than I have had in my life I think." She said whilst still looking at her son, "Our son really knows how to show a girl a very, very good time."

"Good, I'm glad honey." Carl replied

"I showed him your office as well honey, he seemed to like what he saw there." She said teasingly, her pussy was beginning to feel hot and horny again. "Me, I certainly enjoyed myself, so that's why we didn't cum earlier, we wanted to have as much fun tonight as we possibly could, and I know for a fact we both did!" She rubbed a hand on her flat stomach showing Tommy that she had enjoyed all of his cum.

"Good, good!" Carl said as he wrote on one of the sheets, "Have you eaten?"

"Yeah" She said, her stomach fluttering with how erotic this was, basically describing what had happened but so that only herself and Tommy understood what she was really saying. Her smiled deepened. "I was stuffed more full than ever and I still feel completely full now but then, I've had two or three loads tonight."

"Good." Her husband repeated again.

"Anyway baby, I'm going to bed cause I'm completely fucked out." She said and moved closer to Tommy, "I need to get my energy back." She said looking straight at Tommy with lust filled eyes, and then turned to Carl. "Don't be too long honey." She said to him and then turned once again to her baby boy. "Good night honey, and thanks for such an amazing night." She said to him and gently pressed her lips against his, and quickly touched his tongue with hers, before pulling her lips back and smiling at him.

"We'll have to do it again soon mom." Tommy said smugly with no need to cover his words meaning. Carl wouldn't have suspected the truth at all.

She returned his lustful look and smile, as she turned back to him halfway through the doorway to the stairs.

"Oh we will, we'll make very sure we do it as often as we can." She said with a quick glance at Carl. Whenever they could get a place to themselves, she thought, I'll have that big dick of yours back inside me.

And with one last teasing smile for her son, Leah Bryton turned to walk to her bedroom, completely satisfied and completely happy. The night had turned out far better than she could ever have dreamed. She was not only a cheating slut, but also a Nympho incestuous slut mother, and that turned her on more than ever.

What began with that hot black Halloween party dress was going to go a very long way, ultimately to the hottest and most ultimate incest taboo of all, but that's another story.

----------The End----------