Boys Will Be Boys P6


"Fuck....fuck...fuck!" Casey chanted, his eyes locked on hers but staring beyond her as his body began shaking. "I'm going to cum, mom. Keep sucking my dick. Shit! Fuck! FUCK!"

Hearing those words spurred Holly on even more and soon her head slammed up and down his dick like a whirlwind! Her tongue moved so fast that Holly couldn't even keep up with herself and her cheeks hollowed and blew out so fast and hard that Holly's head began to spin. Her throat was sore, as was her jaw, but she only fucked her mouth faster and harder on her son's dick.

Casey only groaned louder and wilder, matching Holly's own moans of pleasure and filling the room with an illicit chorus. For a few minutes the pair just continued to slam back and forth passionately, mother fucking her mouth on son's dick and son pounding his mother's mouth and throat with his huge cock, until finally Casey let out a deep grunt and began to buck his hips faster and more wildly, slamming his cock in and out of Holly's throat like a wild thing gone mad.

With a loud growl and ragged breaths Holly felt her son begin to tense and buck his cock between her lips raggedly and erratically and she knew what was coming. And oh fuck did she get giddy about it. Moaning loudly Holly bobbed her head manically eager to feel his hot seed, sucking like a mad woman.

"FUCK! FUCK MOM! YEAH! That's it...shit....keep sucking...don't stop...fuck...fuck...I'm going cum soon...shit...fuck your mouth is so fucking good! You're so fucking good at sucking cock! Shit! I'm gonna cum soon, mom. Right in your mouth. Are you ready, mom? Fuck! Show me how much you want it! Show me how much you want your son's cum!" Casey began to chant at a higher and higher pitch, the desperation and climax clear in his voice as he spoke ever more frantically, until finally the fist in Holly's hair seized hard and pulled Holly painfully down onto his dick with each sucking slam.

"MMMMMPHH!! MMMMMMMMPHH!" Holly moaned, trying to pull her mouth from his dick long enough to tell him how desperately she wanted to taste his cum, but Casey's hands kept pulling her back down onto his dick. And so all Holly could do was bob her mouth up and down furiously and tingle all over with the excitement of what was about to happen.

"Ah shit! Here it comes, mom, fuck! Fuck, your about to get a mouthful! Unnghh!" Casey called out, and Holly shivered as she blew him as enthusiastically as she could, ravenously trying to suck the cum from his balls. Within seconds her son could barely hold back as he yelled out in a triumphant roar, "AHH! FUCK! FUCK I'M GONNA CUM, MOM! UGHHH! FUCK! Take all of my cum, you hot cheating slut!"

"MMMMPHHH!!!" Holly moaned eagerly before Casey suddenly tensed, and with a loud groan she felt the thick head of his cock expand.

A thrill of excitement rushed through Holly -- this was it, her own son was about to cum in her mouth! -- and Holly pulled back against her son's yanking hands. Holding her head still so that just the fat head and a couple of inches of Casey's cock was left in her mouth, Holly felt her son's hands tighten painfully in her hair. Grabbing the rest of his cock with her left hand, her shining wedding ring glinting in the light as it touched her son's cock rather than his father's, Holly jacked hard and fast as she stared up into Casey's contorting face and sucked as hard as she could.

With one loud, grunting growl, Casey yelled out loudly as suddenly his thick cock blasted a huge, thick rope of cum powerfully against the back of her throat, covering her tonsils and tongue in the hot, sticky seed before another, and then another erupted to splash against the inside of her cheeks.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmpppphhhhh!!" Holly moaned elatedly, rolling her eyes in illicit pleasure as she felt her son blast her hungry mouth with his cum. Fuck, this was it! Her own son was cumming in her mouth!

Again and again her Casey's dick erupted with huge thick wads of his hot cum, shooting over her tongue, coating the inside of her cheeks and throat, and filling her mouth as his big, heavy balls constricted over and over, until Holly's eyes widened. How much was he going to cum!? With no sign of ending, Holly's cheeks quickly bulged outwards as Casey filled her mouth with more and more of his potent seed until her lips, still tightly wrapped and clinging around his pulsing, hard cock, were going to burst.

And so, keeping her eyes locked on his, Holly swirled her tongue through the warm cum filling her mouth to dance around the spurting head before she began to loudly swallow.


The sexy sound filled the room, masking the ragged breaths through her nose, and Holly felt her pussy almost explode as she felt her own son's hot cum sliding thickly down her throat in huge, globbing wads to fill her belly.

The more she swallowed though, the more Casey pumped into her mouth, until with one big gulp that almost made her choke on his cum, Holly swallowed the entire load in her mouth. The feel of it thickly sliding into her belly as Casey blasted another huge load against her throat made Holly shake and almost cum herself. The thought that here she was, her fist pumping up and down her son's big dick as her lips gripped tightly around the thick shaft, her tongue lashing around the thick, erupting head, as he pumped her mouth full of his cum which she was eagerly swallowing, while he stood naked before her, their eyes locked, with the illicit sounds of the blowjob and Holly's drinking of his cum filling the room, all of that just added to how hot the gorgeous mother was feeling.

Fuck, but she was going to cum the moment Casey touched her naked body, let alone when he began fucking her! Holly was so glad that she was on her knees right then, because she doubted that her legs could have held her up!


"Aghhh, fuck that's it mom, swallow all of my cum! FUCK YES!" Casey growled a groan deeply down at her and Holly tried to smile around her mouthful of dick as she deliberately gulped another huge load down as loudly as she could.

Again and again Casey pumped her mouth full of his cum, and as fast as Holly swallowed, Casey exploded more into her mouth until even as she swallowed as fast as she could, and her stomach began to feel full, her mouth began to fill to bursting once more.

Fuck! How much could he cum!!?? Casey's father had never cum anywhere near this amount, even when they hadn't had sex for weeks! Casey must not have cum for months! But he couldn't have...not with him writing his stories like he had, surely! So how...

Holly's mind reeled as she sucked and swallowed as much of her son's hot, sticky seed as she could, until as her cheeks bulged again she knew she couldn't take anymore, and Casey's cock still pumped thick spurts into her already full mouth. There was only one thing the stunningly hot girlfriend could do.

Pulling his cock from her lips Holly stared straight up into Casey's eyes as she jacked his cock over her face, opening her already full mouth sexily. The first huge shot blasted across her smooth cheek and was followed by another thick rope shooting across her left eye. Another thick wad pumped onto her lips, threatening to overflow the pearly liquid that covered her tongue, throat, and teeth. Two more fat loads blasted across her forehead and her nose, followed by more across her lips and her other cheek until Holly thought she might drown in how much cum her son was shooting over her face. Finally, however, Casey's balls tensed only a few more times emptying his cum all over her beautiful face before only one fat pearly drop remained

Huge ropes lay sprayed over her mouth, on her soft well-fucked cock-sucking lips, coating them in a shining film of cum. More had sprayed onto her chin, some had drooled down her neck, while more dripped from her chin in huge globs onto her exposed cleavage, while still more lay across her nose, cheeks, forehead, eye, and even into her beautiful dark brown hair.

Holding all of the cum she still had in her mouth, Holly wrapped her lips once more around Casey's big dick and began sucking as hard as she could as she swirled her tongue around the thick head, scooping up the last pearly seed that dribbled from the end, before with a loud slurp she slid her lips back off and kept her mouth tightly closed, enjoying the feel of swirling her tongue through the mouthful of her son's hot, thick cum. The tongue that danced with his father's when she made out with him. She would always think of this moment whenever she kissed him now.

Completely spent Casey unsteadily stood before her with a huge satisfied, and completely exhausted, smile as Holly let her hand slide to the base of his still thick but slowly softening cock as she smiled back around her mouthful of cum. For a moment the gorgeous mother let her son just enjoy the sight of her, his own mother, the woman he had always wanted and had never been able to get, on her knees, her mouth obviously full of his cum, her soft, well-fucked lips glistening with his pearly seed, thick strands of his cum running down her chin and neck like a white river, a thick rope clinging to her cheek and her face a mess of his sticky white seed, smiling up at him rapturously after having sucked his dick within an inch of his life. Holly felt her pussy blazing at how she felt, and so letting go of Casey's dick she grabbed both of her tits and quickly began massaging them as Casey watched avidly, his spent dick twitching to life at the sight, as her tongue swam playfully through the mouthful of cum she held. Fuck, but she thought she would taste and feel Casey's cum sliding down her throat for the rest of her life now!

"Fuck! You look so hot!" Casey breathed appreciatively and Holly's smile broadened dirtily as she tilted her head back slightly and parted her sexy lips to show him her mouth full of his cum. Thick strands peeled between her teeth and cum-shining lips, and Holly swirled her tongue through the thick liquid. Her son's own satisfied smile grew wider and more smug at that. "Fuck"

Squeezing her tits hard Holly sealed her lips and swallowed volubly, relishing the hot feel of her son's cum sliding down her throat once more to fill her belly.

"Mmmmmm, I love the taste of your cum." Holly purred as she smiled up at her son and finally released her tits after one big squeeze. "You're going to have to give me more of that from now on."

"Any time you want it, mom." Casey replied with a mix of smugness and honesty that set Holly's stomach swirling. He meant that. Holly couldn't help but wonder just how often he could cum like that! The thought made her pussy tingle.

"Mmmm, I'll make sure to get some every day." Holly teased as she reached up to take a hold of Casey's cock once more and suck on the end, making sure she hadn't missed a drop.

Casey threw his head back as her tongue and lips sucked on his very sensitive head before she once more let go with a grin.

"I think you've messed me up." Holly joked, meaning her face, and Casey only took a moment to click as to what she meant before he grinned down at her.

"Well how about you use your dress. It's not like you're going to need it for the rest of the night." Casey smugly retorted and Holly gaped at him with playful amusement.

He was right, she wasn't going to need her dress for the rest of the night. But still! What a cocky bastard!

"Be that as it may, I'm wearing my dress at the moment and I'm not that flexible." She replied with a smile, "Now pass me something to wipe it off."

"You could always just rub it in." Casey replied conceitedly as he glanced around the room.

Holly gave him a playful longsuffering look at that.

"I doubt you'll want to kiss me if I've got cum on my lips." She retorted and Casey grinned as he nodded. He couldn't argue with that.

Holly was about to ask him again to give her something, his shirt or anything, when Casey finally moved to pick something up and then walked back over on unsteady legs to hand it to her. Holly took a double take when she realised that he had handed her her bikini top! The thing was barely big enough to hold her copious amounts of tits let alone to wipe off all the cum he had covered her with! But one look at the grinning face of her son and Holly knew that he had given it to her for a reason. Likely because of how hot he had thought she was in it and how her wiping his cum off with it now, and how it would have always had his cum on when she wore it again, was just too hot.

Holly couldn't disagree as she felt a rush pass through her at the thought before she began to wipe her face clean. Tossing the thin material aside after she had dabbed her face clear of all of his cum, Holly's eyes shot open as she saw Casey's dick half-hard in front of her again. She had expected it to take him half an hour or so before he would be 'up' for it again, especially after how hard he had just cum, but there he was standing half to attention already!

"It was hot watching you clean my cum off your face." Casey answered her unasked question as he noticed the wide-eyed look on her face as she stared at his dick. Holly's eyes shot up disbelievingly to stare at him at that. "Plus I know I'm going to get to fuck you now. I'd be up in a second for that."

Holly felt a thrill rush through her at that. He was so young and virile. Not only was he huge and came like a bucket of rain, but he was also almost hard again seconds after cumming harder than his father ever had! It was at that moment that Holly knew that her pussy was going to get wrecked by her son that night. And she couldn't wait.

"You really want me that badly?" She asked cheekily as she stood up and reached out to take a hold of Casey's cock again. The moment her fingers tentatively touched his semi-solid shaft his dick twitched more to life and Holly felt a tingle pulse down through to her pussy. Once he was hard this was it. She was going to have sex with her own son.

What she had already done, sucking his dick and letting him cum all over her, was hot enough, but she was actually about to let him get inside her, let him slide his big dick into her pussy without a condom, and he was going to fuck her as strongly as he had fucked her face and throat. Maybe more so. She was actually going to let him do it. Her own son! Fuck it was so deliriously hot!

"Nothing's going to stop me fucking you now, mom. I've wanted you for too long." Casey answered definitively and Holly felt her heart skip a beat. Not just at his words, but at how sure he was that it was going to happen. He didn't just think he would get to fuck her...her son knew he was about to.

As Holly felt her pussy tingle at the idea her son moved forward slightly and took a hold of her hips gently as he smiled down at her.

"Shall we get to it then?" Casey asked during the silence and Holly felt her stomach flip upside down at the same time that Casey's dick sprang to attention at his words and what they meant.

This was it. If there was ever any going back now was the point of no return.

Holly squeezed Casey's hard dick as she turned him towards the bed.

"Ok, Casey, let's have sex!" Holly replied as she pushed him backwards onto the bed.

Casey fell back and landed in the middle of the bed, but his eyes were all on her as he scooched over so that he lay with his head on his father's pillow and grinned up at Holly.

For her part Holly only felt a sting of lust in her pussy at where her son lay. He was pushing this competitive thing way too far. And she loved it. Not only was he going to have sex with her in the bed she shared with his father but he wanted to do her on his father's side as well. There was something hot and naughty about that that made Holly's pussy stir deliciously.

"Are you ready to have sex with your mom?" Holly asked hotly as she stood next to the bed and reached behind her to take hold of her dress' zip.

"Fuck, I've been ready for so long! Get your ass over here and let me fuck you." Her son replied hornily and Holly felt a head-lightening rush pulse through her until she thought she was drunk. Fuck she felt so heady and floaty!

"Patience. Patience." Holly warned playfully, "You've wanted this for so long you want to enjoy every second of it."

With those words the beautiful brunette mother peeled the zip down her slender back and reached up to take hold of the shoulders as she stared down at her son as he lay naked and expectant, with wide watchful eyes, on her bed. His dick straining harder than when she had sucked it.

"You want to see your mom naked." Holly teased as she slipped one shoulder off her body, "You want to see what I look like without any clothes on, don't you?" She added, slipping the other shoulder off and holding her dress up. "You want to see my tits?" She asked, barely a question as she gently began lowering the top of her dress.

Holly's blood felt like drugged fire as it pulsed through her body while she lightly pulled her dress down to the tops of the slopes of her breasts. Easing it down further she kept her eyes locked on Casey's who watched her with avid interest, his eyes glued to where her tits were about to be displayed for him in all their glory.

"You've always wanted to see me strip for you. So here I am, baby." Holly teased as she moved her hips as if dancing to some unheard music while continuing to lower her dress.

The moment that the thin garment peeled over her cleavage, revealing more and more of the succulent valley, Holly watched as Casey's dick twitched. But that was nothing compared to how it strained and turned a darker red with force as Holly pulled her dress down over her tits leaving her standing there with just her white lace bra covering her from her son's eyes. She continued to sway her hips as she let the dress gently slip from her waist as she pulled it down over her bare, flat stomach until finally she held it teasingly on her hips as she undulated sexily, teasing her matching lace underwear, before she let it drop to the floor.

Casey looked ready to jump on her from where he lay and Holly felt a thrill rush through her at the thought. This was it, she was almost naked in front of her own son. She was about to let him see her with nothing on and then ride his cock like a madwoman until he came a gallon inside her like he just had down her throat and over her face. She could barely stand straight as her knees wobbled in excited lust.

"Well, you're now seeing more of me than your brothers ever have. Or ever will. Do you like what you see, baby?" Holly asked with a small smile, already knowing the answer as she placed her hands on her hips sexily.

"We've all seen you in your bikini, so you'd better take more off for me to tell." Casey cheekily replied and Holly's smile deepened.

"You're right." She responded as she tangled her fingers in her underwear and deftly began to ease it down the top of her thighs, "But your brothers have never seen me like this."

Teasingly Holly slipped one side of her underwear down her thigh while holding the other up before shimmying the other side slowly down. Still covering her pussy Holly held her underwear just so before biting her bottom lip and looking straight into Casey's eyes.

"You've always wanted to see my pussy." She breathed hornily, "Now you can."

Blowing a kiss to her son Holly eased her underwear down, kicking it off her feet before standing straight up with her hands on her hips again, proudly almost naked in front of her own eighteen-year-old son.

Casey stared with absolute awe and desire, his cock pulsing so hard with blood and hardness that Holly could see the engorged rod bobbing back and forth it was so tense. Smiling playfully the beautiful mother reached up to put her thumbs beneath her bra straps, pulling them away from her shoulders and letting one slide down her arm as she placed one of her knees on the bed.

"You like what you see, Casey?" She asked seductively, "Is your big dick hard for mommy's pussy?"

"Yes!" Her son croaked out, barely managing to speak as he ogled her almost naked body.

"You want mommy to take her bra off?" She asked as she continued to play with the straps, climbing on to the bed so that she was kneeling next to him, naked from the waist down.

"Fuck, mom." Casey half-groaned, half-muttered as he swallowed hard. "Get naked for me."

With her lips curving sensuously Holly continued to rub her bra straps up and down and easing them over her shoulders before pulling them back up as she knelt beside his naked body.

Then with a deeper, dirtier smile, Holly spoke.

"I think..." She began as she lifted one of her legs over both of his, positioning herself directly over his straining cock, " don't want to see my tits as much as you want my pussy around your big cock, do you?" She asked, pulling her bra straps both down her arms and holding them there as she held herself just over his dick.

For a second all Casey could do was gape, his chest rising and falling in rapid deep breaths as hungry desire lapped him up inside and pulsed through him like a drug.

"I...I do!" He stammered, barely able to get the words out as he lay unmoving, stuck to the bed by his own lust as he watched the vision that was his mother tease him playfully.

"Mmmm, I'm not sure. I think you want your cock in me first." Holly teased as she let go of one of her bra straps and reached down between her legs to seize hold of her son's rigid rod, holding it steady beneath her as she knelt above him temptingly.

"Fuck!" Casey breathed and Holly's smile became illicitly naughty.

"I know I want your cock in me now." She teased, "Tell me, Casey, do you want your dick in your mom, or do you want to wait?"

Casey's mouth was as open as his wide eyes but then a creeping, lustful grin split his face as he placed his legs over her calves and thrust upward.

The thrust only just made the very tip of his cock brush against her naked pussy but it was enough for Holly to shudder lustfully and both breathe out a deep, shivering breath while feeling like she would never breathe again as electric fire rushed through her. That was it...her son's dick had just touched her unprotected pussy for the first time ever! There was no going back now.

"I'll take that as you want me on your dick right now." Holly jibed playfully as she tightened her fist around his cock and slowly...oh-so-slowly...began to lower herself down.

The moment her pussy touched the tip of his cock Holly shuddered and let out a soft sigh of a breathy moan. But this time the thick, engorged head didn't just brush against her. This time it kept pushing up as she lowered herself down. Until with one luscious pop the enlarged tip burst between her pussy lips and sank into her hot wetness.

Holly almost came. As did Casey as he closed his eyes and grinned wider than she had ever seen him grin. He was in heaven as he felt the soft heat of his mother's pussy for the first time, but Holly was beyond that. She had her son's dick inside her pussy!! She actually had him inside her! Without a condom as well! For a moment all the gorgeous mother could do was hold herself still, frozen in place by how good it felt to have the bulbous, ridged head filling her and stretching her pussy inside. If she had moved she would have cum so hard. Instead she just breathed and finally as the tingling within her began to subside she slowly began to lower herself down the rest of his cock.

And slowly it was as Casey's dick was huge! Much bigger and thicker than his father's! It took Holly several attempts of lifting up and then pushing herself down at times before she could fit more of him inside her. She just wasn't used to his size. But as her mouth fell open with how stretched and deep she felt him push inside her, Holly slowly took the rest of his nine inches deep within her burning hole.

Finally after a good five minutes Holly sat on her son's legs completely stuffed full of his monster cock, right up to his heavy, cum-filled balls. Breathing in deep pants the hot mother could barely think straight and Casey's face was one of pure heaven as he lay with his head thrown back and his eyes tightly squeezed shut, relishing in the feel of her soft, wet pussy.

As for Holly she sat with her head hanging forward, her hair falling all about her as she stared down at where she and her son were now joined together, marvelling in how she had actually managed to take all of his dick as well as how thick he felt inside her. Fuck he was deep! She thought that he had reached her womb he was so deep inside her! And he was stretching her almost painfully! It had taken a few tries but she had managed to take it all and fuck...did it feel good!

"Oh my god!" Holly breathed passionately, raising her head so that she could look at her son with glowing eyes, "Your dick feels so good in me!"

"Fu...your pussy feels so fucking incredible!" Casey managed to pant out as he finally opened his smugly shining eyes and stared up at her. "Aghhhh, fuck!"

"Ummmm, you're so fucking big, and thick!" Holly gasped as she let the hand that had been wrapped around his dick slide over her stuffed pussy, up her cock-filled stomach, and over one of her large breasts as she tossed her hair back behind her and smiled gorgeously down at her son. "Where have you been keeping this fucking beautiful dick?"

Grinning proudly up at her as he placed his hands on her bare thighs, Casey replied.

"I've been wanting to fuck you for ages. Now you know what you've been missing out on." Her son said smugly and Holly's lips curved playfully.

"Something I'm going to remedy." She said erotically before breathing out again in amazement. "Well you've finally got your big dick in me. Without a condom too. Your brothers have never had me like this. But you get me. They'd be so jealous."

Casey's proud grin only grew more haughty at that. Holly on the other hand felt a thrill run through her. She still couldn't believe all three of her sons had a thing for her, let alone that she was currently impaled on one's big dick!, and that was just a little exciting to think about.

"Not as jealous as when I fuck you and cum inside you. They'd both want you as well if they knew." Casey replied as he let his hands wander all over her legs and waist, teasing her stomach and hips as if he were about to seize hold of them and fuck her senseless. Holly almost came at that idea.

"Well you're the only one who gets me." Holly purred hotly before smirking and raising her hands to her bra straps again. "And you get all of me."

Reaching back Holly unsnapped her bra at that before smiling down at her son and teasingly playing with the shoulder straps that still held her bra hiding her tits from his eyes.

"You wrote about how much you want to squeeze my tits in your stories." She playfully said as she pulled the straps down and forward and held her bra over her tits. "Well now you get to play with them as much as you want."

With the last word Holly winked at Casey before tossing her bra across the room leaving her sitting on top of his cock completely naked. Casey's eyes shot open and the grin on his face doubled in size as her 34DD tits came into perfect view, pertly sitting high on her chest as she sat back straight with her hands resting on his on her waist.

"Better than in your stories?" She asked amusedly and Casey nodded emphatically.

"Fuck! Every inch of you is!" He answered with amazement and this time it was Holly's turn to be smug. She knew she was hot, but to hear an eighteen-year-old say it was just that much more of a compliment.

"Then you're going to love every inch of me as I show you how much better the real thing is to your stories. You're going to have a lot more to write about from now on." Holly teased as she ran her hands down his arms and placed her hands on his firm chest.

"Why write about it when I can just fuck you in every circumstance I can imagine now?" Casey replied eagerly and Holly felt a lustful shiver run down her spine.

"You mean like when I pretend to be your prom date or when we take you to college in the car and you fuck me next to your father without him being able to see because of your stuff?" She asked hornily, squeezing her pussy around his thick cock as she held herself still. Fuck he felt so good inside her! "I've read your stories. Or maybe you just want to fuck me on the dinner table?"

"Fuck, mom!" He breathed as he slid his hands up to cup both of her heaving tits, squeezing hard a few times before he finally let them go and held her hips again. The feel of his hands touching her naked tits for the first time sent a wave of lust straight down to Holly's pussy. Fuck it was so naughty and hot! "I've got so many ideas you'll never have your clothes on again!"

Holly smiled a slutty smile at that.

"That's fine with me, Casey." She teased playfully, "In fact I can't wait for you to fuck me all the time." With her horny eyes burning to match her expression Holly gently began to rise up on her son's dick, using her hands on his chest for leverage. "But right now you're going to fuck me for the first time. And I'm all yours, baby, to do with what you please. With every inch of your big dick."

Casey opened his mouth to reply however Holly didn't let him do more than that as the moment she had almost lifted herself off his big dick she slammed hard back down again.

"UGHHHHHHHHH!" She grunted at the same time as Casey groaned loudly. "Ummmmm, fuck that felt good!"

Before Casey could speak again Holly once more lifted herself almost completely off his dick before slamming herself back down again, groaning and grunting as the thickness of his dick deeply pounded into her. Doing it twice more Holly's big tits jiggled with every downward stroke and both she and Casey groaned in passion at the feel of his cock sliding in and out of her. But the second time she slammed down Holly didn't stop, instead she quickly rose back up Casey's long, hard dick, setting up a slow but steady rhythm.

"Fuck! Oh god, your dick is so big!" Holly moaned out loud, as she felt the size of her son's cock splitting her in two as she slowly rose up and down on it. The feel of Casey's dick inside her and of it moving in and out of her felt so fucking hot. This was it, she was actually having sex with her own son!

"Ungh, fuck...your pussy is so tight, mom!" Casey groaned in reply, his fingers digging into her thighs as he rubbed her smooth legs.

Riding up and down smoothly Holly focused on the feel of her son's cock filling and leaving her as she leant on his chest.

"Fuck! Ohhhh! That's only because your dick is so fucking thick, baby! Ohhhhmmnnngh, you're splitting me in two!" She panted in delight, pressing her tits together with her arms as she gently rose and fell on his big dick.

"You like that, do you mom? You like the way I feel inside you?" Casey asked tightly as he let out a deep breath, engulfed in the feel of her pussy sliding up and down his thick rod.

"Ohhhh yes! Oh god, baby, you feel so good inside me!" Holly purred as she rose and fell on his dick, her fingernails scratching lightly into his chest as she slowly began to move her hips a little faster, rocking back and forth like a real slut.

"Yeah? It feels so good having you on me!" Casey replied with a slap on her ass that spurred Holly on to ride his cock faster.

Squealing softly Holly began to rock back and forth faster and harder, pushing and pulling Casey's enormous dick in and out of her pussy with more force. Her large tits gently began to jiggle as she lightly began to bounce up and down, moaning softly as she stared down with a smile at her son's face.

Casey looked like he was in heaven. His expression was both wide with wonder and burning with lust as he reached up to cinch Holly's slender waist, helping her to ride his cock, relishing in the feel of his fat, spongey head slipping in and out of his mother's tight, hot hole.

"Oh god, yes! Yes! Fuck! Do you like having your mom on your cock, baby?" Holly purred erotically as she slammed back down all nine inches of Casey's impressive rod.

"Fuck, mom, yes! Ride my dick!" Casey growled in reply as he once again slapped her ass.

This time Holly cooed a moan of pleasure and excitement, scratching her nails down her son's chest as she rocked back and forth, fucking herself on his dick like a slut.

"You want me to ride your cock, Casey? Mmmmmm. Ohhh. We shouldn't be doing this, but mommy's going to ride your cock like the slut she is, baby. Riding your big dick without a condom until you cum deep inside me!" Holly half-growled and half-moaned lustfully.

With the last words the hot wife and mother could barely contain herself and so Holly quickly began to bounce up and down on her son's dick, riding him harder and faster until her large tits jumped every time she rose and fell up and down all nine inches of his thick, rigid pole.

Slamming herself up and down to a slick slapping sound as her ass hit her son's legs Holly's fingers roamed over Casey's defined chest, clawing and gently running her nails down his hard flesh as she stared down into his face. The face of her son. He stared back up at her with a mix of horniness and pride, a smugness that he had finally gotten her into bed with him and now she was riding his dick like a slut. His face only made Holly feel even hotter and sluttier, both his expression and just seeing him beneath her as she bounced up and down on his naked dick. It was so hot. So wrong and yet so very fucking hot. She could barely believe she was doing it.

For here she was, Casey's own mother, completely naked and on top of him in her and her husband's, his father's, bed, fully impaled on her son's enormously thick nine inch dick, happily riding up and down, making her tits bounce, like he wasn't her son. Like she wasn't cheating on her husband. Like she was a cock-hungry slut who desperately needed to be fucked and was loving every second of it. And all the while her son watched her, completely naked for all his viewing pleasure, as she bounced up and down on his cock and rode them both to their impeding orgasms.

And impending they were! Holly had only just gotten on top of her son and already she could feel her orgasm building like no other she had ever felt. Likely because she knew what she was doing and who with, and this was the first time she had ever cheated on Chris as well. All of it was just too exciting that Holly knew she wouldn't be able to handle it for long before she came hard. Just looking down at her son's face had her already moaning like a slut. And Casey, the tightness around his face and the way he watched her eagerly told her that he too was holding off. And the thought of her son cumming inside her just fuelled Holly's impending climax even harder and made her ride him even faster. And so she knew they were both going to cum soon. But she was going to blow his mind before they did!

"Well, you've finally got me on your cock! Ummmmmm! Ohhhh! Fuck! Is...ummmnnnn...Is this what you always imagined?" Holly asked playfully as she ran her hands up to take a hold of his on her waist.

Feeling her hands holding his as he held her and pulled her back and forth on his dick was so hot. Holly felt a buzz fly through her every nerve.

" much better!" Casey breathed, before grinning as he squeezed her waist, "I bet you never thought you'd be on my dick, did you?"

Holly smiled naughtily at that as she tightened her hands on his.

"Ugh, ohhhhh, no! Ummmm yes. Fuck. But then...ohhhhmmmm....I ummm read your stories and, aghhhh, fuck yes!, I couldn't stop thinking of you fucking me! God I've wanted you to fuck me so hard today! And ummm you're going to!" Holly replied sexily, pulling Casey's hands up so that his hands slipped up and over her large tits. Squeezing his hands into her soft, malleable breasts as her nipples shot out like bullets, Holly moaned deeply at the feeling of his hands on her. "Ohhhhhhh! Fuck! Fuck yes! I love your hands on my tits, Casey! While your dick is in my pussy. Ummmm yeah ohhhh! You're going to fuck me so hard, baby, after you've watched me ride your cock!"

"Fuck, mom! Your tits are incredible!" Casey groaned in amazement as he played with her tits, his fingers sinking into the soft but firm flesh as he squeezed and mauled hard.

Holly moaned deeply at the feeling and sight of her son playing with her naked tits before she slid her hands down his arms until she leaned forward, pressing his hands into her tits, and leaned once more on his chest, using the leverage to help her ride back and forth on his cock hard and fast.

"Mmmmm, they're all yours baby. Oh, you've ummm you've always wanted to play with them while you fuck me and now you can. Squeeze my tits, baby! Squeeze them while I fuck myself on your big cock!" Holly purred erotically, her nails scoring down Casey's chest as she bounced up and down harder and faster. Her tits jumping in his firm grasp, even as he mashed his fingers into her supple flesh.

"Fuck, mom, you're such a slut! Agh, I never knew you'd be this slutty!" Casey growled between gritted teeth in approval and Holly smiled proudly down at him.

"Ohhhh, I'm a slut for you, baby. Ohhhh, only for you!" She replied naughtily, then biting her bottom lip slammed her ass back down onto his enormous cock filling her pussy hard and tossing her head back to moan loudly at the ceiling.

"FUCK!" Casey yelled out at the sudden tightness around his cock as Holly massaged his dick with her pussy muscles, "Fuck...unnhhhghhh...who are you a slut for, mom?"

Smiling mischievously Holly leaned down to kiss his lips softly for a moment before she pushed herself back up, the feel of his hands as he continued to mash her tits between his fingers sending waves of lust deep into her pussy.

"For you, Casey. I'm your slut." She breathed sexily, her eyes shining as she lifted her ass almost completely off his cock and then slammed all the way back down, picking up speed as she fucked herself harder on his dick than before.

Squeezing her big tits hard once more, his fingers leaving red imprints on her flesh from where his hands were, Casey's hands once more returned to Holly's waist as he once again slapped her ass hard.

"Say it, mom. Tell me who you're a slut for." He demanded playfully and Holly mewed softly in excitement.

Tossing her hair back she looked directly into his eyes and smiled seductively.

"My son." She said teasingly, then raised her voice as she sat straight up and circled her hips as she slammed up and down. "I'm a slut for my youngest son!"

Grinning up at her Casey used his grip on her waist to pull her down just as he thrust his hips up, driving his solidly hard, long and thick cock deep into Holly's pussy.

"OHHHHHHH!" The beautiful brunette mother groaned loudly, tossing her head back and pushing her tits out more as Casey met every one of her downward slams with a powerful upwards thrust that nailed his dick into her deeply.

"Is this what you want, mom? You want my dick in your pussy?" Casey growled hornily at her as he pulled her back down his cock again, much to Holly's moaning delight.

"YES! Ohhhh yes, Casey! I want your dick in me all the time! Fuck!" Holly groaned deeply before she finally managed to get a hold of herself and look down into her son's face again, her own eyes practically glowing with lust. "Ohhhh baby, your cock is so good!"

This time every time that Casey pulled her down Holly swirled her hips around, circling his dick as it screwed deep inside her, pushing against every inch of her pussy walls and sending waves of pleasure through Casey. Holly watched as her son threw his head back this time and his grip on her waist both loosened and then tightened viciously.

For a moment all the horny pair could do was fuck back and forth against each other as pleasure raced through them like a drug-like acid, burning everything inside them as they moaned and groaned.

"Ahhhh, fuck! Ohhhhhh, yeah, ummmmm yeah! Ohhhhh!" Holly moaned loudly at the same time as Casey growled and grunted loudly in response, both lost in how good they were making each other feel.

And then Holly stared down at her son, her lips curving playfully as she ran her hands up his arms to wrap her hands around her shoulders, her skin pebbling with pleasure from within and the feel of her hands without.

"Ohhhhhh! Ohhhh! Mmmm, yes...fuck...ohhhhmmm...Casey...fuck...mmmm...Oh fuck Casey...yes....Ohhhhh yeeesssss....ohhhhh, do you like watching me fuck myself on your cock, baby?" Holly breathed between soft, lustful moans as her forearms squashed her tits together between them as she rode up and down on Casey's huge dick.

"Fuck, yeah, mom! Agh fuck, you're so hot! Nnngghhh!" Casey groaned with a mix of smugness and tight pleasure, the bed gently starting to shake and creak as Holly fucked herself harder on his dick, "Fuck! Show me how much you want my dick inside you, mom!"

The feel of his spear of a cock slamming deep inside her as the bed shook back and forth, creaking lewdly while Casey's big dick fucked hard into her, stretching her pussy, was just so...fuck...Holly had never felt anything so amazing in her life. She just felt so full of cock, and fuck, it felt so fucking good!

Twirling her fingers against her bare skin Holly slid her hands up until she took hold of her hair. Spinning it together in a ponytail Holly held her hair up as she bounced up and down on Casey's cock, relishing in the feel of the enormous rod slamming in and out of her. Her large tits, free again of her arms, bounced freely with every ride up and down, drawing her son's eyes like metal to a magnet.

"Ohhhhh, I love your cock, Casey! Ohhmmm...yes...yes...oh fuck, yes....mmmmm, your dick feels so fucking good in me!" Holly moaned loudly, keeping her eyes locked on his as she slammed herself up and down repeatedly. "Ugh, fuck...fuck...yes...ohhhh...I've never...mmmm...felt so full of cock! Oh fuck yes! Oh Casey, fuck, mmmmmm, yesssss!"

"Even with dad?" Casey asked smugly and Holly felt a flush of lust rush through her.

Smiling playfully the beautiful brunette mother made a mischievous humming noise.

"Mmmmm, not even with your dad." She teased naughtily as she looked down at Casey conspiratorially, "Ohhh, mmmmm, yeah! Fuck! Ohhhh...your dick much bigger than your father's."

Casey's face lit up with smugness at that and he slammed up into Holly's pussy, driving his cock deep into her much to the beautiful brunette mother's delight.

Holding her hair up in a ponytail, Holly's fingers flexed in her hair as she bounced up and down, pleasure coursing through her like a fiery drug. Her nipples stood firmly out as her tits jiggled and jumped with each powerful slam down onto Casey's dick while the bed shimmied and creaked lightly under the force with which she was fucking herself.

"Whose dick do you like having in you more?" Casey growled hornily as he cinched her waist hotly.

"Ohhhhh, fuck....mmmm, yes! Oh, yours, baby. Mmmm god fuck! I love your big dick in me most!" Holly moaned lusciously in return, her hair swinging as she bucked up and down repeatedly. "I wish I would've, nnnghh, known how big your fucking dick was before...ohhhhh....fuck...fuck yes! Oh god yes! Ohhhh...fuuuckkknnnnmmmmm! I would've mmmm let you FUCK ME before now! Oh god! Oh fuck! YES!"

"Agh, fuck!" Casey groaned loudly as he reached his hands down to cup his mother's ass, helping her to rise up and down on his nine inch rod, "So...fuck...nnnghh...does that mean...agh...that I get to fuck you again and again?"

"Ohmmm! Mmmmm! Fuck...yes...Ohhhhhh!" The sexy mother moaned deeply before she replied "Mmmm, fuck, ohhhh fuck...uhhmmm...fuck, you can have me whenever you want me Casey...ummm...I'll suck your big much as you want...ummmm, fuck...oh fuck yes...whenever, ohmmm, and wherever you want...ohhhh...and you can fuck me...OHH...FUCK much as you want too...ummmm, fuck...I love your big dick so much! Oh fuck it feels so fucking good in me!"

"Fuck, mom! I want to fuck you when dad's here and he has no idea! Shit! Yeah!" Casey growled and Holly moaned loudly, pushing her hair up onto her head so that she was riding with her hands on her head, tits flailing wildly as she bounced up and down his cock like a slut.

"Ohhh yeah! You want to fuck me behind your dad's back? Ummmm, ohhhh! You want to fuck me in your room so he doesn't know I'm on your dick? Ohhh! Kiss me so I don't moan your name too loud? Fuck me with your big dick while he's downstairs? Ohhhh! I can't wait, baby. You're going to fuck me any way you want ohhhhh any time you want...mmmm...wherever you want...oh god yes! YES! YES! OHHHHH YES! You're going to fuck me while your father's asleep or while we're in the shower and he waits outside! Ohhhh! You're going to fuck me so much more than he does!" Holly imagined every thing she said vividly and the heat of cheating on Chris with their own son in such risky circumstances was just so hot that she began to feel her pussy tingling as her orgasm approached quickly. Fuck it was so hot to think of having sex with her son while his father was close by and had no idea! There was no way she wasn't going to do it, and that just made the hot mother even hornier.

Slamming herself up and down madly Holly began to rock her hips back and forth as hard and as fast as she could.

"Oh fuck...oh fuck...ohhhh yes...ummmmm yeeessss....oh fuck yess...oh fuck Casey....ummm, I can't believe...ohhh...I can't believe we're having sex!'ve got your big naked cock in my pussy...oh fuck this is so hot...ummmm" Holly moaned loudly, the feel of that huge dick slamming nine-inches deep into her unprotected pussy driving her quickly towards orgasmic bliss "Ohhhmmm...I'm fucking myself on your big dick you've always wanted! Fuck! And I love it! fucking good!"

"Fuck, mom! This is so hot! I can't believe it! FUCK!" Casey cried out, his fingers massaging her ass as he held on to her while his eyes flicked between being locked with hers and staring at her giant rack bouncing around wildly. "I can't believe I actually got you in bed! Fuck! You're so hot, mom! And you're so fucking good. FUCK! Yes! That's it mom, fuck yourself like a slut baby, ungh, fuck I love watching you ride my cock, fuck mom...ungh..." He added, grunting from how tight her pussy was around his impaling shaft; fuck but it felt like his dick was being squeezed for his cum each time his entire shaft pumped into her unprotected pussy "...Are you enjoying riding my dick, mom?"

"Yes!" Holly moaned loudly, watching him with glowing eyes "Ohmmm fuck yes"

"Do you like my cock inside you?" He asked smugly, once more slapping her tight, bare ass, spurring her on. The bed creaked louder in illicit protest.

"Oh fuck...ohhh fuck Casey...yes...ohhh yes...mmm...I love your big dick...unnmmm" She moaned lewdly in reply, smiling playfully, knowing what he wanted to hear...but meaning every word of it. Fuck, did she mean every word!

"Are you glad that you're having sex with your son?" Casey asked as he lifted her up by her ass then pulled her back down again, slapping her ass one more time to spur her on and drive home the taboo nature of his words.

"Ohhh god yes! Yes, Casey! I love having sex with my son! I wish I would have let you fuck me sooner! Oh god! I love your dick more than I love your father's! Ohhhh!" Holly moaned honestly in answer, dropping her hands to her shoulders and then sliding them down onto her huge tits.

Cupping her bouncing tits Holly squeezed hard and pulled at her nipples, moaning erotically at the pleasure that burst through her as she watched her son's face burn hotter with desire as he watched her.

Biting her lip again, the sexy mother just stared into her son's eyes, so close now, as she continued to rock her hips, sliding his oh-so-impressive cock in and out of her hot, gripping pussy.

"I love your cock" Holly breathed lustfully, gently rotating her hips and shuddering at the feeling nine-inches-deep within her. Her hands squeezed her luscious tits harder. "Ohhmmmm, I want you to fuck me forever Casey. Mmmm, you can do whatever you want to me...mmm, please tell me that you'll fuck me forever...ohhhmmm yes...mmmm."

"Fuck, mom! I'm going to ungh rock your body every day from now on! Every fucking day! You're going to be walking bow-legged when I'm done with you. Unfff. Dad will want to know why!" Casey smugly replied, his hands squeezing her ass once more before sliding around to massage her smooth legs.

"Ohhhhmmmm! I'm going to play with my tits for you from now on, even if your father has just turned his back! Ohhhh! And I'm going to every time you play with my tits. Squeeze them, baby! I want you to squeeze them and play with them! Suck mommy's tits as you fuck me!" Holly purred as she played with her tits for her son's pleasure, mauling and massaging them so hard and deep that her fingers sank into the pliable soft but firm flesh leaving marks, as she pushed her tits up and together and rolled them around her chest.

Casey's eyes were locked on to her hands and Holly could only smile lustfully down at him as she watched him avidly watch her play with her tits for him. No doubt he wished it was his hands but there was something hot about watching her play with them instead. While he just lay back and let her ride him. She could have stopped at any moment, but here she was riding his dick willingly while feeling her naked tits up in front of him, all to drive him hotter and closer to his own orgasm.

Finally Holly squeezed her tits so hard she almost cried out in pain before she slid her hands down over her cock-filled belly, up her son's muscular torso and on to his chest. Fuck but he was so hot! Rocking back and forth Holly smiled seductively down at her son.

"Do you like having sex with your mom?" She asked mischievously, her nails teasing his solid chest muscles as she bounced up and down moaning.

"Fuck, mom, do I!" Casey replied emphatically, his hands moving up her legs to once more seize her waist. "You're so fucking hot and you feel so fucking good! What about you? Do you like having your son's dick in you?"

The sly grin on her son's face as he flexed his cock inside her made Holly's pussy burn all the hotter, and she leaned closer to gently kiss his lips once as she continued to move her hips, forcing his naked cock, repeatedly hard, in and out of her horny pussy

"Your cock is all I want, Casey. I'm a slut for your dick." She said, kissing him again "...and I'm all yours...mmm." She added with another kiss, " fuck..." another soft kiss, and a soft breathy moan as she sank all nine-inches of his cock deep inside her again "...and I want you..." she continued with another sensual kiss, her eyes burning on his as she added, pushing him all the way inside her, relishing in the feel of his hard shaft stretching her like no cock had ever done before, " cum inside me"

With those words Holly mashed her lips to her son's and quickly their tongues were dancing passionately, kissing furiously as the hot mother continued to push her pussy faster and more fervently up and down Casey's cock. The intensity of the kiss, the words she had said, and the feeling of being stuffed so full of hard dick caused the knockout brunette to moan loudly into her son's mouth as she clamped her eyes shut, losing herself in the unbelievable pleasure racing through her body and mind, when suddenly Casey wrapped his arms around her tightly, crushing her big naked tits flat against his bare chest.

Holly had no time to think however as her son quickly and ruthlessly began fucking his insanely hard dick up into her hot pussy, literally slamming his huge, thick nine-inch cock balls deep into her over and over again with such force that the sexy brunette thought that he was trying to spear into her womb!

"MMMMMMMMPPHHH!" Holly moaned loudly in an almost-scream into Casey's mouth, her tongue swirling with his as their lips smacked passionately, adding their own sound to the sudden rampant creaks of the bed, the slaps of Holly's tight ass against Casey's legs as he repeatedly drove his cock up into her, and the muffled moans and groans of the hot mother as she hornily kissed her own son.

It was over just minutes after it had begun and as she pulled herself away from his lips, breaking the incestuous kiss, and pushed herself to arm's length above him, Holly once more began to ride her son as fast and as hard as she could, almost like she was about to cum. Her big tits jumped and jiggled lewdly just inches from her son's awe-struck face.

"Ohhh fuck! You own my pussy so much, baby! Oh god! I can't believe how good you feel in me!" Holly moaned at a high-pitch as she enthusiastically rode back and forth on Casey's enormous dick. The bed became one long protesting squeak and creak as she fucked herself madly on his dick.

"Fuck, mom, you're going to make me cum if you keep this up!" Casey grunted harshly as he tried to breathe between the immense pulses of pleasure surging through him.

"Ohhhhh, that's what I want, baby! Ohhmmmm! Mommy wants your cum in her pussy! Fuck! Fuck your cock into me until you fill me with your hot cum like you did my mouth, Casey! I want it all!" Holly chanted in reply, too turned on to care how loud she was being as she made the bed groan in protest to their fucking.

And with that the slender, sexy, big-titted brunette mother enthusiastically began to bounce up and down on her son's impaling cock, fucking herself harder and faster than she had before until the bed began to shake from side to side gently as it shifted back and forth and began to groan under the intensity of which she fucked her son's huge rod.


The bed complained illicitly, rocking back and forth and shaking violently, however the sound was barely heard beneath Holly's loud, lust-filled moans and groans of pleasure as she rode her son's cock for all she was worth.

"Fuck, mom, ride my cock! Make your big tits bounce!" Casey encouraged and Holly did just that, fucking herself wantonly like a slut and making her luscious breasts fly around her chest. "Fuck, I love your big tits, mom!" He grunted, staring eagle-eyed at her bouncing globes as if they were the holy grail. "Ungh, fuck! Fuck...that's it, mom, ride my cock, ungh, fuck yourself like a slut!"

His words made Holly moan even louder and she began slamming her hot ass up and down his thrusting nine-inch cock so hard and fast that the bed not only shook and squeaked and creaked violently, but the large wooden headboard also began to forcefully bang and smash fiercely against the wall.


Casey smiled at that...he wished his father could hear the lewd banging above him and wonder what it was, not knowing that it was because his wife was desperately, and frantically, fucking her tight pussy on his son's unprotected cock as his hands groped her waist and he stared avidly at her tits. Fuck! With one guttural groan from Holly, Casey grabbed both of his mother's naked tits from the side, hungrily staring at her nipples as he squashed her succulent breasts roughly together.

"Ummm fuck, oh fuck..ohhhh...mmm...fuck I love your...ohhh...hands on my tits...ohmmm Casey!" Holly moaned loudly, breathing heavily as she leaned a little more forward so that her pendulous breasts hovered sexily close to Casey's face as she rode his cock hard.

"Fuck, mom, you've got the most incredible tits!" Casey said in awe as he squeezed them roughly and stared at the jiggling pair in his hands.

Smiling playfully Holly arched her back slightly as she rode hard and fast so that her nipples gently rubbed against her son's lips each time she rose and fell on his dick.

"Mmmm, your father likes them too. Ohhhh, fuck...mmmm yes...But I love the way you touch me more. Mmmmmmm!" Holly purred sexily in response, continuing to ride back and forth so that her nipples teased his mouth. "Your mom likes it when you squeeze her tits, Casey. And I love the feel of your mouth on them!"

Without another word Holly breathed a shuddering, near-orgasmic sigh as Casey opened his mouth and took her nipple between his teeth, biting gently before he sucked hard and pulled her nipple as she rose and fell on him.

"YES! Ohhh god yes! Suck mommy's tits, Casey! Fuck!" Holly moaned loudly, one of her hands reaching to grab the back of his head and pull him into her tits as she held herself steady with her other hand.

The bed continued to groan and the headboard repeatedly slammed against the wall as Holly fucked herself as hard and as fast as she could on her son's solid nine-inch cock, slamming the thick unprotected head deep within her as she moaned louder and louder. Casey needed no encouragement as he began sucking her nipples and biting her tits as he gobbled the soft but firm flesh while Holly fucked herself silly on top of him.

Moaning profusely the hot mother's eyes flickered then squeezed shut, then sprang open as she groaned from the bottom of her soul at the feeling of her son's mouth and tongue, and teeth, on her tits while his cock was ploughing into her from the other end. The feeling was so intense that Holly's pussy began to spasm and tingle like electric fire and she knew she was going to cum any second if he carried on. And so she pulled his head into her tits and Casey let go of her nipples to bite and kiss and lick along the rest of her giant globes before he once more sucked her nipple back into his mouth and sucked hard.

Finally he pulled his mouth free with a gasping breath and Holly pushed herself back up to sit up straight on his cock, her tits tingling all over as her pussy was on fire, and she began fucking herself madly on her son's unprotected dick like she was about to cum any second.

"Oh my god, I want you to do that every day!" Holly exclaimed as she brightly bounced up and down on his dick like a wild woman. Her 34DD tits bouncing and wet from Casey's mouth.

"Fuck, mom, I don't ever want to let your tits go!" Casey groaned as he ran his hands over her flat stomach and cinched her waist again.

"Ohhhh baby, mmmmm, yeah, you don't ever have to. They're all yours." Holly moaned in reply, smiling a wickedly lustful smile at the same time that Casey's lips curved pleasantly.

"Then make your tits bounce, mom!" Casey said as he slapped her ass hard and Holly squealed in pleasure, riding his cock as hard and as fast as she could.

And so the bed continued to groan, creak, squeak, and bang against the wall as Holly fucked herself stupid on her son's impressively thick nine-inch cock, lost in how good it felt and what she was doing. Her eyes never left her son's face, burning his features into her mind so that she couldn't help but know who she was naked on top of...who she was having sex with. And oh fuck did the hot brunette mother love every inch of it. With all of her energy and soul she fucked herself as hard and as wild as she could, desperate to cum and feel her son's hot sticky seed spurt into her.

...She didn't have to wait long. But she did have to be fucked silly first.

- - -

Casey's hands held tightly around his mother's waist as she bounced up and down on his nine inch dick. His eyes were fixed to both her luscious, buoyant 34DD tits as they bounced around her chest and her gorgeous face, as he stared and thought how unbelievable it was that he was actually nailing his own mother. His gorgeous, large-breasted, milf of a mother! He couldn't believe it. He had dreamt of this moment and written countless stories about it, but never had he ever thought that it would come true and that here he would be with his unprotected dick buried balls deep in his mother's juicy pussy as she fucked herself silly on it. Casey could barely hold back his orgasm as he thought of what he was doing and who with!

"Ohhhhmmm, mmmm, yeeesss, ummm fuuuck...I bet...ohhhmmm...I bet you never thought'd have me on your...umm...dick tonight, did you Casey?" His mother moaned as if reading his mind as she panted heavily "And you have me naked...ohh...ohhh...yes...yes...ummm...fuck...and you can do anything to me...ohhh...fuckk..."

Casey grinned at that -- at no point had he imagined that by the end of the night he would be screwing this knockout beauty...his own mother!! Fuck she had the best pussy in the world! And those tits...fuck, his father really was a lucky guy! But then, so was Casey, as right then it was him, not his father that had Holly naked and riding his dick, and it was Casey's cock that Holly knew was the best, him that she wanted to fuck right then...that just made the blonde-brown-haired eighteen-year old pull his mother hard down on his cock, helping her fuck herself with more force...something that made the eager brunette groan deeply.

" your brains out and then cum inside you?" Casey asked tightly and Holly groaned loudly.

"Ohhhhh yes! Ohhh fuck yes, I want you to cum inside me Casey! Ohhhhh FUCK!" The horny mother groaned deeply.

Casey couldn't believe his hot, horny luck at that. Fuck. Not only did he get his beautiful mother to suck his dick, let him fuck her mouth and throat, then fuck her without protection, hear her moaning and groaning about how he was the best she ever had and his dick was better and bigger than any other...but also he got to cum inside her pussy, filling her with his thick, sticky, potent seed...all while her his father and brothers had no idea! Fuck!

"You...ungh...want me to fuck you all night long to?" He continued to tease her, slapping her ass hard again.

"YES! Ohhhmmm, I want you to fuck me all night, baby! Oh Casey, yes! Ohhhmmm fuck...ohhhh fuck! I want ummm you to fuck me into the bed Casey! Ohhh...fuck me on the floor...ummm...fuck me over the table....OHHHH...fuck me against the door...ohhh, fuck me wherever you want!" Holly almost shouted before moaning loudly, her eyes beginning to take on a wild look as she began humping her hot ass faster and faster, desperately getting close to cumming with their words and his dick. "I want you to fuck me all night tonight! OH! Fuck...yes...yes...ohmmm...I just want you to fuck me, Casey! Ohmmm fuck me!"

Casey groaned loudly at that, once again slapping her ass hard, spurring the increasingly wild brunette on, and losing himself in the hot tightness of her pussy, and the glorious sight of her wildly bouncing tits, as he repeatedly slammed so fucking deep inside her horny body.

Fuck but he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. The creaking of the bed grew louder and the headboard rhythmically thumped the wall behind him as Casey watched his mother bounce eagerly up and down his cock so hard and fast that her big tits jumped wildly around her chest, stopping only to gently rock her hips back and forth or circle her hips sexily before once again riding his cock with abandon.

"Oh god, your cock is so deep in me!" Holly moaned lewdly as she moved her hands behind her and leaned back, exposing her tits and pussy for Casey to stare at openly.

The sight of his mother leaning back so that her head fell back, her long brown hair dancing across his legs, her back arched and her large, jiggling 34DD tits pushed out to the sky, her legs slightly open as she knelt on top of him exposing her cock-filled pussy as she rose and fell and rocked back and forth on his enormously thick rod, was almost too much for Casey. He felt his dick tingling as he stared up at her lustfully and drank in every inch of her curvaceous body.

The sight spurred the horny eighteen-year-old on so much that his grip tightened on her waist and Casey began to forcefully pull his mother down onto his long, hard cock in time with each thrust that he made up into her, hot, oh-so-tight pussy. Holly went wild, once again moaning so loudly that she drowned out even the headboard's thudding. The thought of banging not only this hot woman, but his own mother, urged Casey relentlessly on...and with a smug, satisfied, inner smile as he gritted his teeth from how good his dick felt inside Holly, Casey wondered what his father and brothers were doing right then.

The thought was hot. No doubt whatever his father and brothers were doing right at that moment it was nowhere near as hot as fucking Holly in her own bed. And what made the thought even hotter is that Casey knew that none of them would ever think that this is exactly what Holly and Casey were doing right at that moment as they sat and talked, laughed, or just had a good time together. While they were sitting around enjoying the last of their weekend away, they had no idea that Casey was lying on his mother and father's bed while his mother was naked on top of him riding his unprotected dick like the slut she was as she showed off her whole naked body to him. Casey's dick strained inside his mother, desperate to explode for the second time that night. Fuck this was so hot. And naughty.

"Fuck! Dad's such a lucky guy!" Casey grunted as he relished the view of his mother as opened up as she was.

"Ohhhhh! You're the lucky guy, baby! Mmmmm, you get to fuck me more than your father from now on!" Holly replied as she continued humping her hips back and forth while leaning back as far as she could, moaning beautifully with every movement.

"Ungh, I fuck get this gorgeous body whenever I want it from now on?" Casey asked as his hands wandered over his mother's slender naked body.

"Mmmmm yeah!" Holly moaned as she pushed herself back up. Her eyes gleamed like her illicitly playful smile as she sat straight up and circled her hips twice before rocking back and forth hard and fast. "Ohhhh, fuck! You get this every day, mmmm, whenever you want, Casey. My tits, my pussy, my mouth...mmmm, anything you want."

Grinning Casey slid his hands up to cup Holly's tits, holding and squeezing the pliable and malleable flesh like only his father should.

"I'm going to enjoy that." Casey replied in a tight voice as his fingers worked on her tits, "I'm going to fuck you every day all over this house. I'm going to have your tits in my hands all the time and my dick inside you. Dad's never going to get you again because I'm going to be fucking you all the time."

Holly moaned deeply at that and rocked her hips so that her chest pushed into her son's groping hands.

"Mmmm, I hope so. Ohhhh. You're ummmm going to have to fuck me so hard aghh, yes, that he hears me screaming your name! Oh Casey! Fuck! Maybe he'll notice how stretched I am by your big dick. Or ohhhh your handprints on my tits! Ummmm yeah! Oh fuck! He'll never suspect I'm having an affair with our own son. Ohhhh! That our own son is ploughing me! Mmmmm! Fucking me every day. Fucking my brains out! Ohhhh! Cumming in me! Oh yes! Yes! Ohhh Casey fuck! Ummmmm! Yeah! He's never going to guess that you're the one fucking me, all day, every day, any way you want. Ohhhhh!" Holly moaned lewdly, illicit pleasure burning through her veins at every word as she focused on what she was doing. She was having incestuous sex with her own son. Fuck! Without a condom!

"Yeah, he's going to have no idea that I'm screwing his wife, ah mom?" Casey added with a wicked grin as his fingers sank hard into her tits and he pushed the soft but firm globes up and into each other. Holly responded by leaning forward slightly to mash her twins into his hands. "He's going to have no idea that I'm the guy getting you on your back. Fucking your pussy wide and deep. That I'm the one, your own son, who is playing with your tits until I cum all over them. That every time he kisses you it's going to be after you've sucked my dick and I've cum all over your face. He'll never suspect that I'm the one filling your pussy with your own son's cum. Fucking you until you scream. Making you moan like a whore. Ah, mom?"

With every one of his words Holly fucked herself harder and faster until she was riding him so powerfully that the whole bed became one long creaking and squeaking noise, the headboard rudely thumping against the wall until little bits of plaster rained down onto the pillows. Holly was moaning so loudly that Casey was sure the neighbours would hear and that set a fire sparking inside him. He was having sex with his hot would it be if someone heard but had no idea?

With a wickedly mischievous smile Casey pressed his palms hard into his mother's tits and squeezed fully until his fingers repeatedly sank into her soft but firm flesh.

"Is that what you like, mom? You like the fact that you're fucking your son?" He asked in a not so quiet voice as his hands continued to maul his mother's big naked tits.

"Ohhhhhh! YES! Yes, I love fucking you, Casey! I love that it's your dick in me and that you've got your hands all over my tits!" Holly called out in response, riding harder and faster until the bed's creaking began to sound like it was on the edge of falling apart.

"Show me, mom! Show me how much you love riding my dick! And tell me as loud as you can!" Casey demanded as his fingers sank into Holly's tits and pulled at her nipples. His palms squashed her full globes together as he squeezed them from the side, pushing them together and up.

"Ohhhh, you want me to show you, baby!? Ohhhh fuck! YES! Ohhhhh fine!" Holly replied before moaning so loud that even the bed's noise was drowned out for a moment. She then began to bounce up and down on his dick like she was about to cum. Wild and powerful and making the springy mattress bounce around like her tits in his hands. Then, with a voice that only grew louder as she cried out, Holly began to moan emphatically, "Ohhh you want me to show you how much I love your dick do you Casey? Ohhhmmm yes! Ohhh yeah! You're mother loves your big dick, Casey! Ohhhh I love how you're fucking me! Ummmmm, ohhh, you're my son and you've got your big dick buried all the way in my pussy, watching me as I fuck myself on your dick! Ohhhh! I love it! Oh god! Oh god, yes! Ohhh fuck, your dick is so much bigger and better than your father's! Oh god! I want you to fuck me all of the time! Don't ever stop! Give me your dick, baby. Watch mommy fuck herself on your big cock like a slut! Ohhh! I'm your slut, Casey. I'm a slut for your big dick!"

"Fuck, mom, you're so hot!" Casey growled as he pulled himself up and buried his face between his mother's tits. Munching and mauling the soft but firm globes with teeth and hands Casey licked, sucked, bit, and squeezed her tits and nipples like he was starving and Holly moaned loudly and threw her head back.

"Ohhhh Casey, I love it when you bite my tits!" Holly called out loudly, grabbing his head and pulling him into her tits. "Suck my tits, baby! Lick and bite them, yes! Ohhh god! FUCK! Ohhhh god I love your mouth on me!"

Riding harder and faster Holly bounced up and down wildly, taking her son's cock as forcefully as she could while bound between his arms and his mouth. The feeling set the hot brunette mother off into skyrocketing into a whole new world. The feel of his cock buried so deep inside her while he licked, sucked, and bit her tits as he squashed them between his hands, his face buried in her cleavage, was just so intense. She thought she was going to cum it felt so good.

Casey on the other hand just lost himself in devouring his mother's tits. The feel of them in his hands and in his mouth, so soft and yet so firm, like the perfect globes he had always imagined and now could finally get his hands on. They were more than he had ever imagined, and the feel of them in his face, naked and large, while his cock was being squeezed by his mother's burning hot pussy as she slid up and down, up and down, like a mad woman, was just too fucking intense. Fuck but this was much better than any sex he had ever imagined with his mother. It was like the difference between reading about the best sex and having it. And Casey could barely hold on.

That was why after five minutes of mauling and chewing on her big tits Casey could take it no longer and madly let go of his grasp on her globes with his mouth and looked up, locking lips with his mother instantly in a passionate kiss that had their tongues flailing wildly with each other as Holly bounced up and down madly on his dick. Kissing wildly Casey wrapped his arms around his mother and pulled her against him, almost cumming as he felt...for the first time ever...his mother's bare tits mash against his hard naked chest, squashing flat against him as they bulged out to the side. Rolling and pushing against him with her hard nipples Holly kissed him back hornily, lost in the passionate kiss as she rose and fell within his arms. The bed was one long squeaking noise and the headboard thumped riotously as the two made out and fucked.

The room was filled with the sounds of the bed, the slick wet sounds of Holly rising and falling on Casey's impressive manhood, and the illicit and pleasure-filled moans and groans of the horny pair as their lips mashed and smacked loudly.

Finally Holly pulled back and smiled beautifully as she looked into his eyes while circling her hips and squeezing her pussy muscles around his cock.

"Mmmm, do you like kissing your mother?" Holly asked playfully as she lifted almost completely off Casey's nine-inch dick and then sank back down again with a shudder and a pleasured sigh.

"When I've got my dick in her, yeah." Casey answered with a cheeky grin and Holly laughed softly as she ran her nails down his back.

"Well you're going to have your dick in me a lot more from now on." She teasingly replied, "So I hope you're ready to fuck your mother senseless every day, because I'm going to need it."

Continuing to smile at her Casey got a mischievous twinkle in his eyes before he leaned back, still holding her in his arms, and lay back on the bed with her held close to him. Squealing softly Holly smiled excitedly as she kissed his lips

Holly had no time to think however as Casey quickly planted his feet on the bed and then with a naughty smirk began to slowly, then quicker and quicker, move his cock in and out of her, fucking her as she lay held on top of him until he ruthlessly began fucking his insanely hard dick up into her hot pussy, literally slamming his huge, thick nine-inch cock balls deep into her over and over again with such force that the sexy brunette thought that he was trying to spear into her womb!

"OHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! MMMMMMMMPPHHH!" Holly moaned loudly in an almost-scream into Casey's mouth, her tongue swirling with his as their lips smacked passionately, adding their own sound to the sudden rampant creaks of the bed, the slaps of Holly's tight ass against Casey's legs as he repeatedly drove his cock up into her, and the muffled moans and groans of the hot mother as she hornily kissed her own son.

However as Casey quickened his pace and seemed to fuck her pussy with every bit of force that he had, as if right then he was about to cum, Holly was soon unable to concentrate on kissing him as unbelievable waves of pleasure battered through her from her getting-well-fucked pussy, and so breaking the kiss, but still held so closely to him, the hot mother stared with lust-glazed far-off eyes and moaned so loud that the neighbours could clearly hear!

"OOOOOHHHFFUUUUCKKKKK!! OHHHMMMMMMM FUCK! OHHHHH! FUCK! OHHH FUCK! YES! OHHH FUCK, FUCK ME CASEY, OOHHHH FUCK ME CASEY! OH YES FUCK ME! OH CASEY FUCK ME! OOHHHHHHHH FUUUUCCCKKK! OHMMMM FUCK YES! OHHHHHH!!" Holly moaned with all of her heart as Casey repeatedly and relentlessly jackhammered his huge cock in and out of her tight pussy.

Her son could do nothing but pant and grunt at the effort of the intense fucking that he was giving to his mother, and held tightly to his chest all Holly could do was grip the bed sheets beside Casey's head until her knuckles went white and moan so loudly that her well-fucked throat hurt as her vision began to fill with spots of colour as her body was literally wracked with the unbelievable pleasure from the severe pounding that her pussy was getting from beneath.

"OHHHH FUCK! FUCK! YES! OHH YES! OOOHH FUUCKKK CASSSEEEEYYY! OHH FUCK! FUUUCKKK! OHHHHHH!" The gorgeous brunette moaned before screaming in pleasure as her hot pussy was ravaged by her son.

Part of her desperately wanted to beg him to keep fucking her, to tell him to keep giving her his big dick, but as Casey fucked her even harder as his arms tightened around her, Holly's mind wouldn't form the words and all that she could do was moan and scream in absolute pleasure as the biggest cock that she had ever felt repeatedly rammed home, deep -- oh so fucking gloriously deep and hard -- into her tight pussy.

The intense fucking only lasted a couple of minutes, and Holly had been quickly getting close to cumming, so fucking close, when suddenly Casey rammed his dick so hard into her that the hot brunette mother shifted even within his tight grip and her big naked tits nearly ended up smothering her son's face, before he growled and let his feet fall to the bed and slid his hands back down to her slender waist, panting heavily.

"Oh my fucking..." Holly gasped in a mix of amazed pleasure and heavy breathing, before she moaned softly in an almost whimpering groan, before she slid sexily down, fully impaling herself on Casey's pulsing cock again before she looked into his eyes as her own shone brightly...and lustfully.

"Mmmm, you can do that to me all night." The gorgeous brunette teased with a bright, naughty smile, as she too panted from the amazing fucking she had just received, before she sluttily kissed Casey's lips and pushed herself back upright, grabbing his hands and pushing them down on the bed before she smiled sexily, tits heaving, and said, "Mmmm, now it's my turn to fuck you like I've never fucked anyone."

Not even his father, Casey thought smugly. And oh how that was going to be oh-so-true.

And with that the slender, sexy, big-titted brunette mother enthusiastically began to bounce up and down on Casey's impaling cock, fucking herself harder and faster than she had before until the bed began to shake from side to side gently as it shifted back and forth and began to groan under the intensity of which she fucked her boyfriend's friend's huge rod.


The bed complained illicitly, rocking back and forth and shaking violently, however the sound was barely heard beneath Holly's loud, lust-filled moans and groans of pleasure as she rode her son's cock for all she was worth.

"Oh god, yeah!" Holly moaned loudly, her tits flying up and down as they jumped and bounced in front of Casey's face while she fucked herself silly on his dick. "Oh fuck! FUCK! Mmmmmm yes! Ohhhh I feel so full of your cock! Oh god, you're so fucking big! And so fucking thick! Oh god, I feel like you're splitting me in two!"

"Yeah, you like that big dick, don't you mom?" Casey growled erotically as he raised his hands on the bed so that Holly had to lean closer to him. Her tits jumped and flew just inches from his chest again and they looked perfect, with their hard nipples and perfectly pert roundness.

"Ohhhh Casey, I love your big dick! Ohhhh! Ohhhh! Your dick is so big you're making me feel things your father never has! FUCK! I feel so fucking good!" Holly replied in a deep moan.

"Good, mom, now ride that cock! Show me how much you prefer my dick to dad's!" Casey half-growled, half-grunted out as he dug his fingers into Holly's hands, holding her steady firmly.

Holly needed no more encouragement than that as she relentlessly began fucking herself up and down every inch of Casey's nine-inch shaft. Lifting almost completely off the tip until she slammed herself all the way back down, driving his enormously thick rod into her balls deep. The bed complained but all Holly did was fuck herself harder and faster, almost like she was desperate to cum. Her pussy hummed and tingled and she barely held on she was fucking herself so fast. But harder and more enthusiastically she did until Casey's dick was almost jackhammering into her from beneath.