A Family Fuckfest


Chapter 1

"Mmmm, do you know how good you feel in my ass?"

"No," John smiled, "Tell me about it."

"Well, you know it took time for me to get used to it."

As Susan kisses John deeply, their tongues sliding back and forth, she slowly rises and falls in John's lap. His cock slides effortlessly in and out of her tight anus.

"I remember! I must have spent a fortune on lube."

"Silly!" She playfully slaps his back. "It hurt like the dickens the first time. Even then, it felt...wicked...transcendent."

John squeezed her ass, then affectionately stroked her full firm behind. They continued a slow languid fucking.

"Transcendent! Wow! I have never heard such a big word used to describe assfucking!"

"You have no romance in your soul whatsoever," Susan groaned. "I'm trying to describe this incredible feeling and you are teasing me!" She began sliding back and forth on his cock buried deep in her ass.

"You get a sense of fullness that nothing else can provide." she continued. "You are touched inside in ways that never happens otherwise."

John grips her ass and begins to rock his body as she slides back and forth.

"You used to say it was scary. I remember the first time you cried."

"FFUUUUCCKK Baby! Keep moving like that! It feels incredible!"

"Say it, you good fucking slut! Say it"

"I love you in my ass, baby! I love that full feeling! And when I cum, like I'm doing now, it comes from a different place. Fill me up, you Black bastard! Pump your bitch's ass full of your jizz!"



The two lovers undulated as they came together. Their mouths were pressed tightly together. Their arms were wrapped around each other.

"Shit! That always feels so incredible."

They lived two doors from each other all of their lives. Their relationship dated back to kindergarten. They couldn't recall a time when they were not together. They played all the quasi sexual childhood games like doctor and nurse, show me yours and I'll show you mine and so on. Their love of sex was a natural outgrowth of their livelong intimacy.

She was built on the generous lines of a Renaissance model. She had blue eyes and a fair highly colored complexion. She favored green nail polish and gold jewelry that went well with her flame red hair. Her 34C tits were small for her size but very sensitive. When she and John started having anal sex earlier in the summer, she cried because it hurt. Now she could wrap her full pink thighs around his caramel colored back and take all he could give.

John's room, in a converted corner of the basement of his parents' house, had an exterior exit. Many nights Susie would sneak out of her home, cross the common backyards of the complex and sneak into John's room.

Anal became their favorite sex act. Susie loved it. She would straddle John and they would have slow languid anal sex while kissing and hugging each other.

Susie raises up and groans as John's cock slips from her ass. "I better get home before my parents miss me."

"Mmmm don't leave!" Susan slips from his arms. She scoots across the bed and stands next to it."

"I have to, baby. My parents are saying we spend too much time together."

She slips on her t-shirt and sweatpants as John lays on the bed watching her. "Okay you sexy devil! But whenever you need a good fucking, you know where to find it."

They embrace at the door to the basement. She carefully checks to see if anyone is watching then slips out and heads home.

Chapter 2

John slowly stroke his cock, recalling the tightness off Susie's anus. Through the heating vent, he could hear his mother and aunt talking. His aunt was having marital problems. Based on bits and pieces of conversation he overheard he knew the problem was twofold. His aunt tended to binge drink. In addition, she wanted babies and his Uncle Al could not get her pregnant.

"Chrissie, I don't know if I drink because I'm frustrated or I'm frustrated because I drink."

"Toni, you just need some time to work out what you want to do. You and Al will be ok."

Two years separated his 38 year old mom and her younger sister. Aside from that, they could be twins. They both were voluptuous Black women. Their Creole heritage showed in their reddish brown skin, high cheekbones, startling grey eyes and thin aquiline nose.

Over time, through surreptiously inspecting his mother's lingerie drawer and dumpster diving her soiled panties in the hamper, he knew she was a 36, large C or small D, depending on the bra. He also knew her pantie size was large to extra large. His mother was a big sexy voluptuous Black woman.

His cock ached as images of her moving about the house in tight mid thigh jersey shorts sans panties and one of his father's old t-shirts. The shorts pulled tightly into her crotch, creating a large pronounced cameltoe. The fabric of the shirt sliding across her large nipples caused them to be partially hard, creating delectable protrusions. The protrusions were large, like the knobs on his old radio. There were times he was tempted to reach out and twist them.

Aunt Toni was a slightly smaller version of his mother. He recalled a conversation they had about exercising. His mom said she wished she could get her hips below 38" like Aunt Toni.

For as long as he remembered, Aunt Toni was affectionate. When he was younger, she hugged him, trapping his head in the valley between the mountains of her breasts. Her kisses on his cheek were warm and wet, often leaving a smear of her bright red lipstick.

Now when she hugged him, it was her face pressed into his chest. He could feel the pneumatic pressure of her breasts as her arms tightly encircled his waist. Her kisses were delivered on tiptoe, sometimes missing his cheek and brushing his lips. When this happened, she would smile devilishly looking up into his eyes and smack his behind. Once he returned that playful smack on the rear, earning him a surprised whoop and a lopsided grin.

"I don't know. I just don't know! June, my body aches because I want babies so bad."

"It'll happen, Sweetie! You just have to keep trying."

John heard his mom snicker. "Hell! It took me and Andre 18 years to get pregnant again. And the fucking was half the fun."

"Al and I are down to once a week. And that is usually Slam! Bam! Thank you, ma'am. Sometimes I expect him to toss money on the nightstand. It's all about him."

"Girl, you got to get creative to keep your man interested. I got more slinky negligee then you can shake a stick at. Sometimes I'll wear something slutty. Then fix dinner with candlelight and wine. That's always good for a hot sweaty session. Other times we go over to the park. Find a secluded spot. Get naked and fuck! We pretty sure this baby was conceived in there."

John heard their laughter through the vent. The thought of his mom and dad fucking in the woods had his cock so hard it hurt. He and Susie fucked in those same woods. He wondered if his mom and dad used the same spot he did.

He had seen his mother naked a couple of times. It was usually after one of his parents late night sex sessions. She would walk naked across the hall to the bathroom.

Before she got pregnant, her breasts stood out on her chest like cantilevered cones. Her nipples were erect and pointed up slightly. Her belly was flat. A forest of black hair covered her pussy.

"Al doesn't like for me to drink. He says when I drink I became a nymphomaniac. All I want to do is fuck. Then I don't remember what happened the next morning."

"You never could handle alcohol. You know, that happened when we were girls. You remember that time we double dated with those football players?"

John heard Aunt Toni's muffled giggle through the vent.

"I remember the date. But all I know about what happened is what you told me."

He could almost see the smile on his mother's face.

"Well! They were trying to get us drunk so they could fuck us both. We drank them under the table! Then they got sick and I had to drive. And you...!"

"Stop! No more! I'm getting red...and wet...Thinking about it. I can't believe I went down on you."

Gales of laughter echoed through the vent. John leaned closer to the vent. Aunt Toni ate mom out! No!

"Yeah you did! Right there in the driveway of our house. I was trying to get your drunk ass out of the car. I turned you sideways in the passenger seat. When I leaned over to get the seat belt over you, you pushed up my skirt, pushed my panties to the side and dove in! Did a damn good job too."

"Stop! I don't want to hear anymore. You have told me that story a thousand times. So I ate you out! Big deal! All I have is your word that I did!"

"Girl, I came so hard I damn near drowned you! You missed your calling. When it comes to eating pussy, you're a natural."

John heard the kitchen chair move across the floor as one of them got up. His hand was firmly wrapped around his rigid cock. Gone was any idea of watching a porn video anymore.

"Look, baby, I'm dead tired and It's getting late. I'm going to bed."

John could hear his mother moving slowly across the kitchen floor. His baby sister was due anytime. His aunt's marital problems dovetailed with his mom's need for help during the latter weeks of her pregnancy.

He frowned as he thought about his new sibling. Her pending arrival had already begun to affect his life. His dad had converted part of the basement laundry room into a bedroom for him. His old bedroom was now the nursery. The feeling of being pushed to the side was mitigated by having his own room with its own entrance. He and Susie loved it.

"Good night! By the way, thank you for the Ambien. With all that is going on, it helps me sleep."

"Good! You be careful though. You shouldn't drink that wine and take Ambien. I have heard about people doing strange things when they mix the two."

"You worry too much! I'll be okay."

Chapter 3

The smell of food cooking wafted through the heating grate woke John up. A glance at clock radio showed it was 2 am. Who the hell was cooking at this time of morning?

Clad only in his boxers, he padded barefoot out of his bedroom and up the stairs leading to the kitchen. He opened the stairwell door to a brightly lit kitchen. His cock popped to attention when he saw his aunt, stark naked, frying chicken.

Her breasts were large with a mature sag. Her rigid nipples were as black raisins set amidst the rich chocolate of her areola. Her belly was flat but not muscular. It had a gentle roundness that enhanced her sexuality. Unlike his mother her sex was cleanly shaved. John thought he could detect a faint glistening.

"Aunt Toni! What are you doing?"

"Shhhh! Johnny, don't wake her up."

John started at the unexpected sound of his mother's voice. He turned quickly.

His mother stood in the hallway that connected the kitchen to the stairs leading up to the second floor. She wore one of his father's old shirts. It rode high across her pregnant belly, barely covering her nether regions. He could see the black forest of her pubic thatch outlined against the sheerness of her white silk panties.

John's cock, already at half-mast from seeing his naked aunt, jumped to full attention. Like most boys, he harbored a secret lust for his mother. He thought she was the sexiest woman he had ever seen. As she grew large in her pregnancy, she replaced the internet porn stars as the object of his masturbation fantasies.

Her milk filled breasts swayed gently as she moved into the kitchen. The shirt shifted from side to side exposing more of her full plump thighs. One hand gently cradled her distended abdomen. Unbeknownst to him, this vision would place pregnant women at the top of his list of the sexiest women.

"Johnny, you'll have to help her back into the study. Try not to startle her. She is in Ambien induced sleep walk."

John tore his eyes away from the erotic vision of his pregnant mother to the voluptuous sight of his naked aunt. Her large bubble butt protruded almost obscenely. Although her thighs were full, there was a small gap just below her gleaming wet sex. He had an awkward moment as he tried to decide where to hold his naked aunt to guide her back to the hideaway bed in the den. He was aware of his mother's amusement as he stepped behind Aunt Toni, gripped her shoulders and guided her toward the den.

Behind him, Chrissie turned off the stove. She shook her head as she dumped the half cooked chicken into the garbage. The only way to save it would be to finish cooking it and she was too tired for that.

As she turned to head back to bed, she saw her son in profile. His partially exposed cock poked through the slit in his boxers. She caught her breath at the size of the bulge. Jesus! That big motherfucker would wreck a pussy!

She felt her pussy moisten as he and Toni disappeared into the den. It had been nearly a month since she and Andre had fucked. She knew it was because he was afraid he might hurt her, the baby, or some combination of the two. But Gawddamit! She was horny as a hoot owl.

She sighed as she placed one foot on the stairs. She gripped the handrail and took one ponderous step. It was becoming more and more difficult to climb the stairs.

Then she heard her son's pained exclamation.

"No, Auntie! Don't!"

What now, she thought tiredly.

Downstairs Toni Adams was in a semi trance state. She was dimly aware of someone's hands were on her shoulders from behind.

"I'm so sorry, Al!"

"What? This isn't Uncle Al. It's me, Aunt Toni."

John was pushing his aunt toward the hide away bed with his butt tooted out away from his aunt's naked ass.

"What...Whuh did you shay?"

In an Ambien induced trance, Toni was desperate to placate her husband. She turned quickly. She threw her arms around John's neck and pressed her open mouth hard against his. Her tongue forced its way into the startled teenager's mouth.

Reflexively, John's hands dropped to his aunt's waist as she plastered her hot lush body to his. His hands slid naturally down, cupping her lush jiggly ass. He squeezed then, as though he had touched hot coals, he snatched his hands away. His quick feel of his aunt's large warm moist ass caused his cock to pop through the slit in his boxers. It slid wetly across her belly, leaving a slimy trail.

Toni felt the man she thought was her husband forcibly breaks their kiss. Sober she would have accepted this rejection as the norm. For whatever reason, Al did not see her for the sizzling sexual animal she was. Through a haze, she saw his cock pop out of his boxers.

It seemed fatter and longer than she remembered. Her hand reached down and gripped it. She could not wrap her hand fully around it. She slowly stroked, relishing the heft and feel.

John grabbed his aunt's wrist and halfheartedly tried to pull her hand away from his cock. His blood roared in his ears. He was on sexual overload. His body betray him as his aunt slowly sank to her knees.

"No Auntie! Don't!"

He hissed as she gulped down the head of his cock.

Gently rubbing her belly, Chrissie trod slowly down the hall. She knew she probably should have stayed and helped Johnny get Toni to bed. A wry smile played across her lips. She thought about her son trying to guide her nude sister to bed. That should be any 18 year old's fantasy.

"Oh my god! Auntie that feels incredible! But you must stop."

Chapter 4

Chrissie turned the corner and looked in to the den. What she saw stunned her. There was her sister on her knees trying to swallow the biggest cock she had ever seen. She felt the moistness between her leg became a flood as she watched Toni's head bob back and forth. Her saliva drooled out of the corners of her mouth and across her naked breasts.

"Jesus H. Fucking Christ!"

Johnny's head snapped around. his mother stood in the door opening, balancing herself with one hand on the doorsill. Her mouth was open. Her eyes fixed on the erotic tableau.

"Mom! I didn't...she...oh fuck!"

The last exclamation shot from his mouth as he came. The force and volume were such that the thick white cream oozed out of Toni's mouth and dripped over her large breasts.

"Johnny what the hell are you doing?" Jesus, Chrissie thought. Look at all that cum!

"Mom, Aunt Toni did it. I...I...!"

Chrissie held up her hand, palm out, fingers spread. "Shut up!"

Chrissie heard a slight popping sound as her son stepped back from her sister. She unconsciously licked her lips as she saw it was still rigidly hard with rivulets of cum hanging from it. Jesus! I wish that was me swallowing his man juice!

Chrissie moved slowly across the room. Although upset with her son, she knew what happened. High her sister was an avowed alcohol induced nymphomaniac. Add Ambien and you got the scene she just witnessed. Lucky bitch, she thought.

Chrissie was ashamed of the arousal caused by watching her sister suck off her son. She loved sucking cock. Next to having a hard piece of meat rammed into her needy hole, she enjoyed that sex act most. Make it a 69 with a long tongue probing her cunt and...! She shivered. No sense thinking about that now. She balanced herself with one hand on her trembling son's shoulder. With the other, she shook Toni's shoulder.

"Toni! Wake up!"

"Mom," John said, "you said not to wake her up."

"That was before I saw her on her knees sucking you off!"

John felt the heat rise in his face at his mother's comment. Between them, still on her knees, Toni smacked her lips as she swallowed the remnants of her nephew's cum. Her finger stole down to her pussy, her finger probed her leaking hole.

The weight of her 32 weeks of pregnancy was sapping Chrissie's energy. With a great effort, she managed to kneel next to her son facing her sister. The aroma of her son's maleness assaulted her nostrils. It was like a drug, addling her brain, taking her back to those sweating pussy satisfying sessions with her husband.

Not 6" away her son's cock gleamed with the residue of Toni's saliva. She turned her head slightly and saw one enormous drop of her son's potent cum hanging on the slit. Impulsively she leaned over and licked it off.

John yelped and jumped back. "Mom!" His mom had just licked the head of his cock. He was at once confused and aroused. He looked down at where she knelt next to his aunt. He watched as she loudly smacked her lips.

"Baby, I am so sorry! It was an impulse. I should have controlled myself."

"I...uh...sure! Maybe we should get Aunt Toni to bed."

Chrissie longingly eyed her son's rigid cock. Her raging hormones had pushed her to a forbidden arena. She knew she would need to try patch up her relationship with her son. At the same time, she realized she could not leave her sister by herself. She could have set the house on fire. Her son exuded a potent maleness that made her head swim. She felt a wetness running down her thighs. Her pussy was flooded.

"John, we will talk about what just happened later. Right now we need to get her downstairs."


From his vantage point standing next to the two kneeling women, he could see drips of his cum on his aunt's breasts. They looked like greyish white speckles on her sweating heavy caramel breasts.

Adding to the erotic scene, the front of his mom's shirt was wet from her lactating. They made the gown semitransparent, revealing her large plum dark nipples.

"Yes, baby." We can't leave her down here by herself. She might wake up and do something else. The safest place is downstairs where you can watch her. Help me up."

John squatted in front of his mother. He slid his arms under her armpits. As he lifted her she used one hand to lever herself up using the arm of the couch. As they stood, John's cock slid across his mom's distended belly leaving a wet streak of his cum.

Chrissie hissed as she felt the warmth and wetness of her son's cock slide across her abdomen. Fuck! She and Andre had to talk! Her son's male aroma had her pussy so wet it ran down her thighs. She leaned heavily on the arm of the couch.

"John, you need to help me upstairs. I'm too tired and too big to do it alone. Then come back down and take your aunt downstairs. You'll have to sleep in the den"

"Yes, ma'am."

Chapter 5

Chrissie moved slowly to the stairs, one hand caressing her abdomen. She gripped the railings on either side of the stairs and began slowly walking up them. John walked slightly behind her. He grasped a railing and put his hand in the small of her back to help her up.

From his position behind her and one step below, he could see the wetness on her thighs. At his young age, he was not aware of how much wetness an aroused woman could generate. Privately he wondered if she had an accident. Whatever the moisture was, the aroma was intoxicating. It filled his nostrils and caused him to have erotic visions of his mother. As the scent of her arousal permeated the stairwell, his hand unconsciously slipped from the small of her back to the fullness of her upper ass cheeks.

Chrissie moaned as she felt her son's hand slip to her ass. Motherly instinct demanded she have him move it. However, her arousal was so all encompassing, she found herself rotating her ass against her son's hand. She knew she should stop him but it felt so damn good!

Halfway up the stairs, John's hand began a slow circular exploration of his mom's butt. As hormones cascaded through his body, the explorations became more expansive. The shirt rode up and his hand moved across the moistness of her panty clad ass.

Chrissie was aware that her gown had ridden up and her son was stroking her ass. She just did not care. It felt so fucking good. She bent forward slightly, shamelessly giving him better access. She moaned as she felt him kiss her ass. Mentally she was rationalizing what she wanted to happen next. Should she encourage him to kiss her pussy or just stand there and let him get the tacit message? It was wrong, so wrong and she knew it. However, her need drove her. She ached for the touch of a man.

She felt his tongue take a tentative lick of her engorged pussy lips. She groaned as it slipped between her swollen dripping lips, slid downward and flicked her sensitive clit. Chrissie leaned farther forward, balancing herself on two hands on the step. Just as she felt her son grasp her hot sweaty ass and push his face between her ass cheeks, the clatter of something falling downstairs snapped mom and son from their incipient act of lust. John stepped back quickly and wiped his mom's juices from his mouth. His hands were wet with her juices. He could taste her in his mouth.

"Motherfucker!" Chrissie screamed in a mixture of rage and frustration, "Go see about Toni. I can make these last steps alone."

"Yes, ma'am," he responded, turning to head down the stairs. That was fucking incredible, he thought.

Chrissie turned and watched her son head down to check on his aunt. She could see the huge bulge and spreading wet spot where his precum was soaking his boxers.

Toni, you bitch, you probably saved me from making a huge mistake and I hate you for it!

Chrissie managed the last few steps alone. She entered her bedroom and stripped off her nightgown. Naked she collapsed in the bed, her hand finding her sex. As she slowly frigged herself to orgasm, she thought about the pungent taste of her son's sperm. The baby kicked as she writhed in orgasm.

"Take it easy, little one! I know you want to be fed some cum as bad as I want to feel a cock in me."

Chapter 6

Toni Adams lay sprawled on her back. In her stupor, she had tried to stand using the coffee table for balance. It tipped over depositing her on the floor with her legs gaping open.

John turned the corner into the lounge to the breathtaking sight of his aunt's open legs. Her shaved pussy, framed by her large thighs, glistened with moisture.

"Did you hurt yourself, Aunty?"

Toni turned toward the sound of the voice. Her eyes would not focus. She saw a montage of images as she tried to see who was talking. There was her husband, Al, standing in the doorway berating her for her drinking. Then her sister leaning over her. What was she doing? She could almost feel her sister's breasts on her body as she fumbled with something. Then she felt hands on her body. She leaned forward to kiss her sister. Somehow her head was between her legs the aroma was overpowering. She reached out to push her panties to the side.

John shook himself out of his reverie. He was on hormonal overload. His hands were still wet with his mother's perspiration. His boxers clung to him where his pre cum had soaked them. Now his aunt with her voluptuous body lay naked before him.

He walked the few steps to her. When he bent to help her to her feet, she grabbed his cock. This time there was no cries of surprise. He watched as she licked it from root to head. He shivered as her tongue circumnavigated his cockhead.

She was much better than Susie. There were no occasional teeth causing him discomfort. It was as though his dick was in a velvet lined vacuum hose. Saliva ran out of her mouth and moistened her cheeks.

Toni wrapped her arms around her lover's waist. Still sucking, she pulled him down. She lay back, letting his legs straddling her breasts. She groaned as a sharp slap hit her pussy. Then another. Her pussy was on fire. Mini orgasms shook her body. She released his cock and pushed his hips back.

John emulated what he saw in an internet video. He reached behind him and slapped his aunt's pussy. Lightly at first. Then when she groaned, he slapped her pussy harder, with more authority. He felt her buck under him. Her hips thrust up. Again, he smacked her pussy. His cock popped out of her mouth. He felt her hands pushing his hips back.

"Please, Al, please! Fuck me baby!"

Guilt washed over John in waves. It was wrong what he wanted to do. He looked down at the puffy wetness of his aunt's pussy. It was so wet he could see little bubbles of pussy juice. And the aroma! Susie had never had such a scent. It filled his nostrils and made his head swim. It filled the room. It was the scent of an animal in rut. An animal ready to mate and conceive.

Their bodies gleamed with perspiration. John slid back and settled between his Aunt Toni's full thighs. He could feel the heat of her need along his length. With one hand, she pulled his head down and crushed his lips with hers. Their tongues clashed, their saliva mingled. John tasted his salty cum. With her other hand, Toni reached between them and guided her nephew's tool into her fertile pussy.

"Give me a baby, Al! Please! Give me a baby!"

"Aww fuck, Auntie! Fuck! Fuck!"

John thrust strongly, deeply into his aunt's inferno. He felt her legs wrap around his back. He was unmindful of her fingernails raking his back. He thrust hard and deep, burying his cock in his aunt's frothing hole.

Toni was lost in a miasma of lust. Every inch of her skin was alive. She could feel the body of her lover sliding across hers, their sweat lubricating their moves. Her pussy ached from the invasion of his massive tool. The pain/pleasure was unlike any she ever felt.

Their frantic rutting, their strenuous fucking bodies slamming against each other. Toni had a moment of clarity from her alcohol and drug induced trance. She looked up into the contorted sweating face of her nephew.

"Oh my god! John! What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry Auntie Toni! I'm sorry!"

John slowed. With a control he never knew he had, John began to sit up on his knees. He watched his length begin sliding out of his aunt's cunt. It was covered in white froth. Toni grabbed him and pulled him back on to her.

"No! Don't stop! I need this John! I need this!"

Toni experienced the duality of knowing fucking her nephew was wrong while relishing the feel of his tool stretching her hole. Her drug and alcohol induced nymphomania had lowered her inhibitions to the point that she craved his cock, any cock in her pussy.

"Please! Please don't stop! Fuck me, John! Fuck me hard! Dear God it's so wrong but I need it! I NEED IT!"

John balanced himself on his hands. He and his aunt held each other's eyes as they rutted. There was no love here. Just need. This was not lovemaking. This was fucking. They looked between them, watching his cock slide in and out of her hole, seeing her pussy lips thrust out and fold back in as John pumped in and out of her.

"Auntie, your pussy is so tight."

Despite herself, Toni smiled. "No baby! I'm not tight! You have an enormous cock! Auntie can feel it stretching her like never before."

The slap of sweaty flesh on sweaty flesh resounded in the lounge.

"Auntie, I'm sorry...!"

"Hush Johnny, hush! Fuck your aunt! No regrets! No worries! Fill me up!"

Toni was groggy but awake now. She knew the risk. She was at the peak of her fertility. Her 18 year old nephew was at the peak of his fertile manhood. She screamed and the room blurred as she felt him swell and shoot his seed into her fertile womb. She could feel the firehose like spray of his sperm in her hole. Her orgasm was more intense, more fulfilling then any she ever had. As her nephew collapsed on top of her, she ran her hands up and down his sweating back.

"You did good, baby! Very good!"

She suspected she was going to be pregnant. Her mind, her body and the calendar agreed. There would be hell to pay. She knew she had to protect him from the shit storm. She also knew that they would fuck again and again. Her bayou upbringing said it took feeding with the seed of a man to make a healthy baby. And she planned on having a very healthy baby.

John stood. His cock gleamed with the wetness of his Aunt's pussy. She was dozing off again. As he stood over her, trying to shake her awake, his cock dripped on her face and neck.

"Aunty, you have to get up. I can't leave you here."

Toni heard his voice through as though through a fog. It seemed muffled and distant. Had she just fucked her nephew? She seemed to recall an impossibly large cock and words of lust. She shook her head and reached up for his hand. As he pulled her to her feet, she felt his seed bubble out of her pussy. I'm wasting it.

Chapter 7

John grasped his aunt's hand and led her to and down the steps. She stumbled. He reached back to hold her and his hand covered the heat of her pussy. He led her to his bed and turned to return upstairs. He heard a light tapping on the basement door.

Shit, he thought shit! Shit! He knew it was Susie. He walked over, unlocked and opened the door. He brought his finger to his lips in a shushing motion. With his other hand he pointed at his aunt.

Susie, wearing only a sheer muscle shirt, leggings and fur trimmed mules, glanced at his naked aunt. She tried to sleep. However, she longed to feel John in her again.

"What the hell is going on?"

He gave her an abbreviated version of the night's events. Susan's eyes were wide with wonder. In the afterglow of their lovemaking, they often talked about how sex with others might feel.

"Shit, baby! I got horny again and came over for some of this amazing cock."

Susie reached through the crusted slit on John's boxers and extracted his cock. Even as he protested, she sat on his bed next to his sleeping aunt and began to suck his cock.

John's eye rolled to the ceiling. Even for an 18 year old, the night's activities were straining his ability to perform. He had come twice already, once in his aunt's mouth and the other time in her pussy. Though hard, he knew it would take a lot for him to cum again.

Toni swam back to semi consciousness. As though in a dream, she saw a young White woman sucking an enormous Black cock. It was as though she were watching a porn movie. Instead of the woman being blond with huge fake tits, this one had much smaller ones and red hair. Her rigid coral nipples were small and hard. She rolled to her side, reached around, and squeezed Sue's tits.

Susie jumped and let John's cock drop from her mouth when she felt Toni's hand squeeze her tit. Wide eyed she looked from the hand stroking her tit from base to tip to John's aunt with her heavy lidded eyes to John's face.

"Aunty," John whispered, "stop!"

"Mmmm fuck that feels good," Susie said lying back on the bed.

Toni got on all fours and took Susie's nipple in her mouth. As she sucked and nibbled lightly at the nipple, she grasped the other and repeated the massage of it from base to nipple, pulling the nipple as she reached it. Her only female experiences were the time with her sister in the driveway and one sweaty encounter in her dorm room. However, she knew what she liked and she assumed another woman would like the same thing.

"Mmmm tastes good," she slurred.

Toni continued massaging one tit as she moved up and kissed Susie in the hollow of her neck. She ran her tongue wetly up her chin and across her lips. Then she lay on top of Susie, gripped her face firmly in each hand, and kissed her passionately, her tongue probing deep into the startled aroused teen.

"Susie, Aunty! You two must stop! Mom might be awoke."

"Mmmmm!" groaned Susie.

Bug eyed, John watched his aunt's hand move between her and Susie. Her fingers slid over Susie's slick sex with the index finger sliding into her steamy crevice. He glanced down and saw his aunt humping Susie's thigh, covering it in wetness. Resigning himself to the inevitable, he braced himself over the two women and ran his tongue between his aunt's large full ass. His tongue poked at her musty anus.

Toni was in a confused fog. Images of pornographic movies crawled across her mind. They mixed with long ago images of she and her sister then more current images of being fucked by an enormous cock.

She began kissing her way down the red haired woman's body, as her college roommate did her. As she did she turned slowly until finally her head was buried between twin pink thighs and her needy pussy was above the woman's face. She hissed as she felt the woman take the first tentative lick.

Susie was on sexual overload. She had never had a woman touch her like John's aunt did. It at once frightened and aroused her. She marveled when she saw her lover tongue his aunt's ass. An orgasm shook her body as his aunt deeply finger fucked her.

As she took her first lick of a woman's pussy, she could see John tongue fucking his aunt's anus. she leaned in and French kissed his aunt's pussy, reveling in the creamy wetness.

"I love this taste," Susie giggled.

"Want to try something?"

John stood up behind his aunt. He could hear the slurping sound as she licked Susie. He knelt on the head of the bed with Toni's head between his legs.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to fuck you while Aunty licks your pussy."

Toni was dimly aware of bodies on and around her. For one of the few times in her life she was tasting another woman's pussy. She groaned as she felt a tongue invade her needy hole. Toni reached up and wrapped her arms around the large succulent ass above her. She pulled the woman closer.

John knelt over his aunt with her head between his thighs. His balls brushed her forehead and nose as he positioned himself behind Susie. Between his legs, he could see Toni's tongue probing Susie's pussy. He groaned as his tool slipped effortlessly into Susie's aroused hole.

"Oh, my god! That feels amazing! I can feel your aunt's tongue licking my clit while your cock is filling me!"

"Oh fuck! Her tongue is licking the underside of my cock as I slide in and out of you."

"Sweet Jesus, John! That feels so unbelievable! I can feel you in me, filling me while your aunt is tonguing and sucking my clit! I can't stop cumming!"

"I'm going to cum, baby! I'm going to cum," John moaned.

Under him, Toni watched the vein pulse as it pumped his seed into Susie's pussy. She reached up and pulled it out. She caught the last squirts in her mouth. With her nephew's juice running down her chin, she passed out again.

John and Susan turned in the bed and lay side by side next to each other. They cuddled as they came down.

"I need to get home. It's getting light outside."

"Okay! I'm exhausted. I need to get upstairs in the den before my mom gets up."

Chapter 8

Three nights later Chrissie lay in bed next to her snoring husband. Her finger drew small circles around her engorged clit. She was so horny her head buzzed. Her body hummed with its need for sex. Watching Toni suck John off, her mouth overflowing with his juice was the trigger. It caused her to first lick her son's dripping cock. Then when he tongued her pussy while helping her up the stairs, she was ready to explode when Toni's fall interrupted them. She could almost feel his tongue now probing her needy hole.

Fuck! What is going on with me? I have never been this horny!

The baby was particularly restless. she moved to one side and balled up, causing her discomfort. She caressed her belly until the baby relaxed. Chrissie sat up on the side of the bed. A thin sheen of perspiration covered her body. She stood and shucked off her sweat soaked nightgown. As she walked past the dressing mirror on her way to the bathroom for the umpty umpth time, she glanced at her misshapen body.

He denied it, but she believed her husband did not want to have sex with her because of the way she looked. When she mentioned it to Toni, she poo pooed the idea. She had read that some men are concerned about hurting the baby.

After she peed the act of patting her pussy dry caused shivers to run up her spine. Dear god! I need some cock! She thought about what until then was the unthinkable. She thought about her son's cock. She fantasized about it filling her pussy like it filled her sister's mouth.

She wondered how it would feel. How would that enormous cock, her son's cock feel in her pussy?

Chrissie struggled to her feet. Slowly, ponderously she walked out of the en suite bathroom and through the bedroom. She held her hand under her belly as she walked down the hall toward the stairs. Clad only in her drenched panties, she stared down the seemingly interminable stairs.

This is insane! I need to take my fat ass back to bed.

Instead she grasped the bannister and made her way slowly down the stairs to the kitchen. She was drenched in sweat as she made her way from there down the stairs to her son' room in the basement. She stood at the bottom of the stairs looking at her son, at the flesh of her flesh. At the man she wanted to fuck.

He lay on his back nude. His cock was rigid, pointing at the ceiling. Chrissie shook her head as she wondered why God blessed young men with the hormones to get hard even in their sleep. She walked over to where he slept. She sat down slowly, ponderously on the edge of his bed. The baby chose that moment to kick, causing her to jump.

As she caressed her belly with one hand, Chrissie took her son's cock in the other. He groaned but did not wake up as she ran her finger over his slit. Soon slick drops of his pre cum coated her finger.

She shivered as she took the precum covered finger in her mouth and sucked it clean. She could taste the virility of his potent teenage cum. Its aroma filled her nose. Its taste caused her head to spin.

I shouldn't, she thought! I shouldn't!

Even as she mentally admonished herself, she bent forward and took her son into her mouth. Her body quaked with arousal as she felt the thick tube slide into her mouth. Her pussy spasmed and squirted as her son's hard but pliant cock bumped into the entrance to her throat. She hiccupped. A trick she learned to open her throat and let a cock slide into her throat. But he was too big! She gagged and pulled back, saliva running out of her mouth and down her chin.

John struggled to wake up. He dreamed he was getting an incredible blowjob. His hand reached out and touched the head of the person sucking his cock. He opened his eyes, expecting to see Susie's red hair framing her coppery skin.

Instead he looked into his mother's grey lust filled eyes. He saw his mother's thin lips sliding up and down his glistening pole. He raised up on one elbow. For a moment mother and son held each other's eyes.

"Mom, that feels amazing...just like I knew it would!"

Chrissie slowly pulled her head back. She licked the head and smiled up at her son as she slowly stroked his tool.

"So now you are going to tell me you knew I was going to come suck you," Chrissie said as she took him back in her mouth. The feeling of his cock in her mouth was amazing. She could feel her pussy bubbling juices.

John sat up. He took his mother's head in both his hands. He began to fuck his mother's mouth slowly, powerfully. "No, mom! I didn't know. But I hoped you would.

Chrissie managed to get on all fours while her son pumped his cock in and out of her mouth. Waves of lustful feelings washed over her body. She had to have him in her! She grasped his hands and pulled them from her head.

"We don't have a lot of time. Your father might wake up any minute and miss me."

John's eyes flicked up, staring at the ceiling. For a moment, he forgot the risk involved in what they were doing.


Chrissie walked forward on her hands and knees until she straddled her son. "There are only a few ways we can have sex with me this far into my pregnancy. I want to try one I read about." And never could get your father to try!

Chrissie sat up on her knees. She placed her hand on her son's shoulders for balance. She smiled as his hands shot out and grasped her waist. With his help, she managed to get her legs spread around his body while sitting in his lap. Between them her son's cock bobbed.

"Now lift me up and put it in. This way there won't be any pressure on my belly or the baby."

John pushed his cock down while his mother pulled up, using his shoulders for support. He positioned the head of his cock at his mom's entrance. They both groaned loudly as she slid down his tumescent pole.

"Oh fuck! Mom that feels incredible!"

"Tell me about it," Chrissie moaned. She lay her head on her son's shoulder. Between them her belly pressed against his.

John's slipped his hands palm up under his mother's behind. He helped her raise up as he slowly thrust into her pregnant pussy.

"Mom, your...!" He struggled to find a word.

"My pussy...," Chrissie volunteered, "your mother's pussy. Say it!"

Chrissie was caught up in the sheer illicitness of what they were doing. She was more than 8 months pregnant. Her son's large dick was filling her hole. Her husband was upstairs sleeping. It was so nasty! Right out of an incest story! Only it was happening. She was fucking her son!

"Your pussy, mom! Your pussy feels so...different! It seems to be...stronger, your contractions more intense."

The sloshing sounds filled the air as mother and son fucked. Chrissie felt the baby move. You like that, little one? You like feeling your brother's cock.

Chrissie wrapped her arms around John's neck. She really could not move up and down too much so she slid back and forth. The baby kicked as her pussy contracted and she began cumming.

"Oh Fuck, baby! Momma is cumming!"

"I can feel it, mom! I can feel your pussy gripping my cock. Oh Fuck! Oh fuck! So good!"

Mother and son undulate as they came together. Chrissie could feel his sperm squirting deep in her, splashing against her cervix.

"Fill, momma up, baby! Fill her up! Feed your little sister!"

Chrissie and John embraced tightly. They were sharing a special moment. The three of them, mother, son and unborn daughter were sharing bodily fluids.

They sat for a moment, Chrissie's head on her son's shoulders. His arms wrapped around her waist. Between them her belly pressed against his. John kissed his mother's shoulder.

"Sooo," he said devilishly, "how many other positions can a pregnant woman do?"

Chrissie leaned back and laughed. "There are a few more." She paused for a moment. Her expression grew more serious. "So you don't feel strange for fucking your mother?"

"Mom, I have done it dozens of time in my mind. The only thing different is I never thought it would feel this good!"

Chrissie looked deep into her son's eyes. She saw love. "Okay! If you'll help me up, I'll show you another position for pregnant sex."

With difficulty, Chrissie, with her son's help managed to stand by the side of the bed. Just as she was about to explain about a different position for pregnant sex, her water broke.

"Mom! What happened? Are you okay?"

Bemused, she looked at the large wet spot on the floor. "My water just broke! Your little sister is ready to come into the world!"

John bounded to his feet. He grasped his mother's shoulders. "I'll go get dad!"

"NOO!" Chrissie screamed. "You have to at least get me upstairs to the kitchen. Otherwise we are going to have a long difficult talk with your father about why I was here when my water broke.

Chapter 9

"So what did the doctor say?"

Chrissie cradled her two month old baby in her arms. Her large milk filled tit was exposed while the baby nursed.

"Put your eyeballs back in their sockets, John!" Both women looked at the goggle eyed 18 year old watching his mother breast feed.

"The baby is just fine! Doctor says he and I are healthy." Toni was 8 weeks along in her pregnancy

"So it's not going to have three eyes or two heads or something?"


"Sit down, John! Your mother is joking."

"Has Al accepted you being pregnant?"

"Kinda sorta! He refers to it as the night we fucked up and I got pregnant. Not we made a baby But that's Al!"

"He doesn't suspect that..." Chrissie tilted her head toward her son.

"That John is the father? No! But the DNA tests confirmed it."

"Mom! Auntie Toni! You two talk about me like I'm not here!"

Toni leaned over and kissed her nephew on the lips. "I'm sorry, baby! Your mother and I get so few chances to talk now. What with the baby and all. "

John reached over and caressed his aunt's belly. The three of them shared the secret of what happened the night Toni go pregnant. They made John swear to tell no one.

Chrissie watched as her sister leaned back in the chair so John had better access to her belly. She could see the fullness in Toni's belly and face that signaled her pregnancy. John pushed Toni's t-shirt up and leaned over and kissed her belly.

"You getting enough baby batter to feed that child?"

"Al still fucking me like a cow shitting in the road...a plop here and a plop there. But my nephew here has been keeping me well fucked and the baby well fed."

John felt the heat rise in his face. It felt strange to be sitting at the kitchen table watching his mother breast feed while discussing his aunt carrying his baby. He recalled feeling overwhelmed when Aunt Toni told him. He thought he was going to pass out.

Chrissie smiled at her son watching her breast feed his sister. "You want a taste?"

"Christina! What the hell are you saying?"

"I'm saying if my son wants to use my other tit, he's welcome."

Toni looked from the father of her child to her sister. They seemed awful comfortable around each other.

"You sure you two ain't fucking?"

Mother and son stared at each other and smiled. "Ya'll ARE fucking! What the fuck?"

"Toni, it just happened twice! Once the night before the baby was born and another time when he was watching me pump milk for the baby."

"Gurl, aside from the fact that you cheating on your husband, you just had your six week check up. You wasn't supposed to have sex until then."

"Bitch, I KNOW we ain't going to have a discussion about cheating! Not since it was MY son who knocked you up."

"Okay! Okay! I was just saying! I was not being judgmental."

John was embarrassed. His mother and aunt were calmly discussing having sex with him. It felt weird.

However, a lot changed since that first night. He and Susan continued their relationship. Like most teenagers they assumed it would last forever. Since that first night, he and his aunt had sex as often as they could. He even watched Toni and Susan make love again. It was the hottest thing her ever saw.

As his mother and aunt chatted, he recalled the one other time he fucked his mother.

Chapter 10

He came upstairs for a soda and his mother was standing at the sink pumping breast milk into sterile bags for the baby. She and his father were going out to dinner. He and Susan were babysitting. He stood for a moment watching her. "If you want to watch, come closer."


"Come on! You gona be a daddy yourself. You may as well learn what's involved."

John walked slowly over. He watched as the electric pump fill the sterile bag. "Does it hurt?"

"No! It's feels a lot like the baby suckling."

Entranced, he watched as Chrissie transferred the pump to the other breast. "I should've got that two breast pump. It's faster. I told your aunt she should."

"Does it taste like regular milk?"

"Not really! It's thin, kind of watery. Your father says it taste like whatever I have been eating."

"Dad sucks...! I mean he...! Never mind!"

"Yes, your father likes to suck my milk. I'm expressing more than the baby really needs because he sucks so much."

Chrissie smiled devilishly at her son. Since they fucked when she was damn near nine months pregnant, they relationship changed. They were still a loving mother and son. However, that first mind blowing fuck enhanced the emotional part of their relationship. "Want to taste it?"

"Could I?" Despite the fact that he was in intense sexual relationships with his aunt and his girlfriend, Susan, he was still a relatively inexperienced boy.

"Come around to the other side." Chrissie undid the last buttons on her robe. Self consciously, she glanced down at her body. She still carried the baby weight. Most of the weight was in her belly and hips. When she saw her naked body in her dressing mirror, she reminded herself of a big brown teddy bear...with huge milk filled tits! She thought she looked horrible!

The fact that the workings of her body fascinated her son was affirming. It said she still had appeal to men, even if it was her son. She took a long sibilant breath as he took her engorged nipple in his mouth. He was tentative at first. Then as her breast flooded his mouth with milk, he suckled eagerly. She brought her hand up and caressed his head.

It felt different somehow. When the baby suckled, she felt a warmth, a tenderness. She saw breastfeeding as an extension of the birth cycle. Her body was still providing nourishment. However, when her husband, and now her son, suckled, she felt it in her pussy.

She felt her pussy flood as John's hand caressed her breast. She was aware but uncaring when she felt his other hand slip under her silk robe and touch her bare ass. She knew she should make him stop. She was becoming aroused. If it continued, she knew what would happen.

"Baby, we should stop! Your father is right upstairs."

John swallowed his mouthful of breast milk. His index finger found his mother's crevice. He ran it up and down her swollen lips.

"He is in the shower. We have until the shower stops."

John stepped behind his mother. He pushed her in her back, bending her over the kitchen sink.

Is this what it's going to be like, she thought? Will I be servicing two men from now on?

"Baby, don't! It's too dangerous!" She knew her plea was weak and unconvincing as she bent over the sink. She groaned as she felt her son's enormous cock slide effortlessly into her hole.

As he began the slow measured strokes they both had come to love, she turned her head and stared at the steps. At any minute Dre could come down the steps. The fear of being caught, of being seen intensified the spasmings in her pussy. She was becoming an exhibitionist. Secretly she wanted to be seen being a slut for her son.

As John thrust powerfully into her, she felt him swell and begin filling her with his seed, she knew had not started birth control yet. What if she got pregnant? She smiled as she thrust back against her son's cock, reveling in the squishy feeling in her hole. What if, she thought.