Welcome Home Soldier


The welcome home party was in its fifth hour and still going strong. Allen Crane, the guest of honor, a recently retired Army sergeant, had completed four deployments, two each in Afghanistan and Iraq. While no one knew what the future might hold, he was home and safe. His parents, elated at his safe return, invited a few close friends by to see the war hero.

Several of his high school friends and their wives were there. They were the ones who chose other career paths, or chose to raise families. They did not begrudge Allen his career choice. They admired him and envied his courage. They chose career paths that better suited their aptitudes.

After twelve years in the Army, he had indeed seen the world. He saw and experienced things few of his friends could imagine. Some were transcendental; others rivaled the horrors of hell. The horror of some of those experiences left him with insomnia and alcoholic dependency. His dependency caused him to sometimes experience alcoholic blackouts.

His Army buddies often teased him about things he did drunk with no memory of it the next morning. Many nights they went whoring while on leave. He lost count of the times he woke up in a dingy hotel with some slut with no memory of where she came from or what they did.

Allen watched his mother work the room, entertaining the guests. Stopping for a brief conversation with one couple, complimenting the wife of another on her dress, doing her job as the good hostess. As he watched, he reflected on how they both had the same issue with alcohol.

His father often complained about his wife's inappropriate behavior when she drank. He recalled arguments his parents had about her drinking. His father objected to her flirtatiousness when drinking. Janet defended her drinking, pointing out that she was merely enjoying herself. The acrimony in some of the arguments suggested his mother may have crossed a line while drinking. She was always a touchy-feely person. The gist of the overheard arguments was that the touching increased proportionally, approaching impropriety, as Janet drank.

As the night wore on, his friends tentatively began emulating his mother's hands on approach to conversation. A few of his friends drank enough to steal peeks down her plunging neckline. Others "accidently" brushed against her full mature behind.

Allen smiled as he watched his mother flirt and his father fume. The more things change, the more they stay the same, he thought. He recalled times as a teenager when they would stumble in the house after a party, dad fuming because his mother was too flirty.

Usually they made up with loud profanity laden sex. Many times, he jacked off to the squeals of his mother and the groans of his father as they had make up sex in the adjacent bedroom.

Other times they could not resolve their differences with sex. On those nights, his mom would storm out of their bedroom and get in bed with her son. As a teenager, Allen had the occasional cock hardening experience of waking up with his mother, drunk and passed out, in her panties and bra in his bed.

Once that experience went further than it should have. His parents got home later than usual that night. Allen was sleeping soundly, only vaguely aware of them coming home. He dozed back off to the vague familiar sounds of his parents arguing.

While he slept, he began having an incredibly vivid dream. In the dream, someone was sucking his cock. At that point in his young life, he had only limited experiences with blowjobs. The girls he dated were eager if inexperienced. However, even an inexperienced 18-year-old boy recognized an experienced cocksucker. Her mouth felt like a warm moist velvet tunnel. She applied just enough suction to apply pressure while her head bobbed and her tongue caressed the underside of his tool.

Just before he came in his dream, he reached his hand out and placed it on her head, pushing his man meat down her throat. He heard her gag then press down, taking him down her throat. Just as he was about to cum, just when the boiling in his balls became an indescribable pleasurable swelling in his cock, he opened his eyes to see his mother's sweaty face. He held a handful of her reddish hair clutched in his fist as his hips pumped frantically in her mouth.

"MOM! Stop!" His scream came too late. It heralded his youthful explosion.

He was never sure if he was frantically trying to push her head off his cock or, lost in the moment, gripping her tighter and forcing his cock deeper in her throat. He could hear her gulping and gurgling as she struggled to swallow the torrent of sperm he spewed in her mouth. He could see her heavily lidded eyes as she pulled back, struggling to catch her breath. He finished spewing his seed on her face.

Sated, but horrified, he watched his mother collapse on her back, her face covered in his thick white ejaculate. Her drunkenness was obvious as she made an uncoordinated attempt to wipe his cum from her face with the palm of her hands. She succeeded in smearing it over her face. His still rigid tool bobbed as he watched her leer at him while she smeared his cum on her breasts.

"John, the fuckin' bed won't stop spinning." She raised the upper half of her body on her elbows. Her large breasts drooped to her sides. She tried to focus, blinking her eyes, and moving her head back and forth.

Allen rose to his knees, his cock poking through his boxers, still gleaming with his mother's saliva. The moment was surreal. Her nightshirt, semitransparent from his seed, was around her waist, exposing her gleaming swollen butterfly wing pussy. The plum like color of her labia split by her inner pinkness.

He could only guess that in a drunken stupor, she stumbled into his room after arguing with his father. In her stupor, she sucked him off thinking it was his father. He knew he had to get her back to her room. He stood by the bed, leaned over intending to lift her to her feet and help her back to her room.

He was ashamed of himself. He could not stop staring at his mother's wet vaginal lips. In his mind, he struggled with dichotomy of horror at his mother sucking him off and the incredible feeling of her expert mouth on his cock.

He leaned forward, grabbed her shoulders, and attempted to lift her to her feet. Mumbling incoherently, she let him lift her, then fell to her knees. Her head fell forward into his crotch. He felt the sticky warmness of his cum on her face as she rested her cheek against his bare belly.

To this day, he was never sure what happened next. However, suddenly his cock was in his mother's mouth again, her arms encircled his waist and she was bobbing on his man meat. His shame, the thing that caused him to enlist in the army at 18, was that he had not tried to stop her this time.

He grasped her head and fucked her mouth. He thrust hard as her saliva drooled from her mouth and ran warmly down his balls. Her hands gripped his ass. He grasped one of her big jugs and squeezed hard.

She looked up into his face, leering. There was a perverse eroticism in seeing his mother's lips puckered around his tool. Squeezing her breasts was the realization of his masturbation fantasies. The object of his teenage lust was on her knees in front of him sucking his cock.

He wanted the experience to last, to mentally capture the moment for all time. However, the eroticism of the moment was more than he could stand. He came hard. He grasped his mother's head with both hands. Frantically, he fucked her mouth. He felt the head of his cock sliding down Janet's throat. She gagged and gurgled as he fired his seed into her mouth. It overflowed ran down her cheeks and chin, dripping onto her breasts.

Janet fell back on her back, Allen's seed dribbling from the corners of her mouth and running wetly down her cheeks. Her tongued snaked out, savoring her prize. Her hands found her pussy. Her legs were akimbo, feet flat on the floor knees pulled up and spread. She moved the index finger up and down her engorged vaginal lips. Even now, years later, he got aroused recalling her pleas to fuck her.

The scent of her arousal cloyed his nostrils causing his cock to throb with his need. He watched his mother slide a second then a third finger in her hole. Her sweaty full hips pumped hard against those fingers. Her eyes held his as she lay naked in his bed, his cum drooling out of the corners of her mouth pleading with him to fuck her.

"You motherfucker! Fuck me! Stick your dick in me and treat me like a $2 whore. You know how much I love that!"

"Mom, you're drunk again. This is not dad. Come on! Let me help you back to your bedroom."

Allen was confused. He just had the most intense sexual experience of his young life and it was with his mother. He wanted more. Like a snake charmed by a fakir's flute, he watched the froth build around her cunt. Perspiration covered her body as she pumped her mature hips hard against her fingers. The squelching sound of her wet pussy was loud and arousing. His nostrils twitched as they caught the scent of her need. Despite his disgust with himself and horror, he could not stop looking.

When she reached up, grabbed his hand, and pressed it between her legs, it was as though it were happening to someone else. That someone else watched his fingers replace his mother's in that forbidden place. He watched those fingers slide in and out of his mother's creamy hole. He could feel her pussy flexing and releasing around his fingers. When he looked up, her eyes were closed, her lips pulled back in a snarl, showing her teeth. She held her hands over his hand pumping her large hips hard.

"Gimmee some dick! Gawddamit, use my pussy!"

"Mom," he pleaded, unable to stop finger fucking his mother, "please! Don't make me do it."

He recalled the animal like growls issuing from her mouth, the sudden tightness on his finger as she came, oozing a whitish fluid. He nearly did fuck her. He was on his knees between her legs with his fingers buried in her spasming hole. His mom was pumping hard against his fingers, her full hips thrusting. She grasped her rigid nipples in each hand pulling them hard, gasping as waves of pain and pleasure washed over her body. With his free hand, he stroked his cock as he walked forward on his knees.

He took his fingers out of his mother's pussy. He rubbed the head of his cock up and down the molten heat of her gaping slit. His eyes were wide. His head hummed with anticipation. Allen moved forward on his knees. The pulsating lips of his mother's pussy just covered the head of cock.

"Come on, John! Fuck your bitch!"

It was her again calling him by his father's name that stopped him. It was like a cold bucket of water in his face. Even as Janet thrust up taking his cock head inside her, he pulled back.

He realized she thought she was in bed with his father. Even as his balls ached and his cock, wet with her juices, slipped from her hole, he knew he could not take advantage. Mortified, he pulled her to her feet. He wrapped his arms around her waist and escorted her back to her bedroom where his father lay passed out.

The following morning, Janet had no memory of sucking her son off. She was mom. A hungover mom, but mom. However, he knew. He looked at her differently. She was no longer just mom. She was the sexy full-figured woman who gave him an amazing blowjob. He continually fantasized about fucking her. Those thoughts consumed him. When all he could think of was what he would do the next time she stumbled drunkenly into his bed, he knew he had to leave.

A few weeks later he announced his enlistment. His career choice stunned his parents. However, after several days of trying to dissuade him, they accepted his decision.

Around 2 am, the party was over and the guests had left. His father clapped him on the back, told him he was proud of him and tottered off down the hall to bed, caroming from wall to wall like a billiard bouncing off the rails of a pool table.

His mother, trooper that she was, hung in trying to straighten up before going to bed. Janet was in the nether region of drunkenness. Each object she reached for took extra concentration. Occasionally. her careful attempts at coordination failed. When she tipped over a glass or dropped a plate with partially eaten food, she giggled drunkenly.

The room spun slowly for Allen. He balanced himself with one hand on the breakfast counter. He watched his mother bend and stoop as she cleaned the room. His cock twitched in his jeans as he watched the mini dress stretch across her behind. Unconsciously, driven by the copious amounts of alcohol he consumed, his hand dropped open palm to his crotch. He stroked his tool through his jeans.

Janet's eyelids were at half-mast. The world spun slowly around her. She stumbled, grabbed the nearest chair to balance herself.

Ultimately, she caromed into her son. She wrapped her arms around his neck, plastered her body to his, and kissed him on the lips. Allen wrapped his arms around her and cupped her ass. The room moved as he tried to focus on her.

"Great party mom!" His hands flexed rhythmically on his mother's butt.

"Mmmm, thank you, darling! Nothing is too good for my hero son." Janet thrust her hips forward. She slowly rotated her hips against Allen's crotch. The alcohol suppressed all inhibitions about the impropriety of what they were doing.

Janet looked up lovingly at her, tall, fit son. His caramel skin was burned a deep brown by foreign suns. He was so handsome, so sexy. Impulsively, she stood on her tiptoes, and bussed him again, pushing her tongue between his lips. As she did she ground her body against his. Her son returned her kiss, his tongue aggressively pushing hers back into her mouth. He rucked her dress up, exposing the silkiness of her panties to his rough exploring hands.

Mother and son ground against each other. Their breaths coming in hard sibilant gasps. Allen pushed his hands inside the elastic of her underwear. He pushed then partially down, roughly squeezing her warm moist ass. Janet felt shivers of arousal as she pushed her hand between them. She ran it over the bulge of her son's cock. She caressed it with her open hand.

To the inebriated couple, it seemed the most natural thing in the world. Their drunkenness lowered their inhibitions. The social constructs were on hold.

"Whew! Where did you learn to kiss like that?" One of Janet's hands was around his waist. The other continued to flex on his hard cock. Her lips were wet with his saliva. She leaned her upper body back to look up at him, her crotch still pressed into his.

"Join the Army. See the world. Learn how to kiss a beautiful woman," he slurred, his hands inside her panties, kneading her behind.

Allen fucked many women as he traveled the world. Somehow, at some point, he would recall his mother sucking his cock. He would remember her begging him to fuck her. It was the defining moment in his sexual development.

He stared down the deep vee of her dress at her mountainous cleavage. Her areola was partially visible.

"Hey! I'm your mother! You shouldn't be trying to see my tits."

"You had them on display for everyone at the party," he laughed. "This dress was the talk of the party."

"I call it my three-piece outfit, thigh highs, panties, and dress."

Janet wore a form fitting cowl neck mini dress designed to flatter the female form. Its deep V-neck plunged to just above her navel in front and to the curve of her ass cheeks in back. It exposed a substantial amount of her braless 38C cups as most of the young men at the party could attest.

She assayed a lopsided grin and poked her son in the chest with one finger. "Water dripping up the spout," she slurred, "let it all hang out!"

"You say that now. But dad will be pissed."

"He's always pissed about something. It's the story of my life and my marriage." She released her son's waist. He caught her by the shoulders as she staggered back.

"Well, do me a favor." Allen grinned devilishly as his mother staggered about the room, again picking up discarded plastic cups. forks and paper plates. She turned toward him, cocked her head to one side, put a hand on one hip, thrust it out saucily, swaying slightly and raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Have quieter make up sex than you used to," he said.

Janet giggled and staggered over to her son and wrapped her arms around his waist again. This time her hands were lower, resting on his tight muscular hips. Even drunk she enjoyed the feel of his body, hardened by years of combat training. "But that's half the fun," she giggled. "We tussle in the bed; your father rips my nightshirt off and takes me." She shivered as she thought of the feeling of helplessness as her husband drunkenly used her. It played into a fantasy of hers were she was helpless and several men fucked her.

"TMI, mom! That last thing I want to hear about is my parents sex life."

"Pooh," she said sticking her tongue out at Allen, "we're all adults."

"Lord, I need to get out of this dress!" She turned her back to him, bent forward slightly, stumbled, and recovered. "There's a clasp at the bottom of the vee. Undo it for me."

Allen blinked several times trying to get his eyes to focus. He placed one hand on his mother's bare back just above where the vee of the dress stopped on her upper ass cheeks. The other, he slipped inside her dress, pulled it out slightly and attempted to undo the clasp. After several failures, some where his hand ended up caressing her ass, he succeeded.

Janet turned, holding the bodice of her dress up with one hand. She wagged a finger at her son. "I said undo my clasp, not feel me up," she chuckled.

"Besides learning how to kiss a beautiful woman, I learned to appreciate a great ass. Mom, you have one of the all-time great asses. I couldn't resist."

"Tell your father that," Janet said, waving her hand in the general direction of her bedroom. "He says I'm getting fat."

Allen wrapped his arms around her waist and again rucked up her dress. The bodice of her dress fell to her waist. They stood in the middle of the floor, her bare breasts pressed to Allen's chest. They swayed slowly to an unheard rhythm as Allen kneaded his mother's butt.

He grasped her shoulders and pushed her back to arm's length. He turned her so she was facing the hall and slapped her on her behind. "Bed time, old lady!" He was dimly aware he had a chubby from touching her soft behind.

Janet stumbled forward, propelled by the blow. Her arms shot out to arrest her fall. Her dress dropped from her waist, slipped over her hips, and fell around her ankles, tripping her.

The strong arms of her son intervened, wrapping themselves around her waist, saving her from a nasty fall. Her momentum carried them both forward a few steps. In his successful effort to prevent them both from tumbling to the floor, Allen's hands slid up her torso, cupping her bare breasts.

Janet purred and playfully rotated her thong clad ass against her son's crotch. "I'm going to give you fifteen minutes to stop squeezing my tits, " She leaned her head back against his chest. Her body tingled as she felt his rigid pole in the crease of her ass. With her inhibitions lowered by drink, she rotated her ass against his thick tool.

Allen grasped her nipples in each hand and pulled hard, recalling her doing this years ago. "I need more time than that to explore these big suckers."

Janet hissed as the pain/pleasure of her son playing with her nipples sent thrills through her body. Her dry humping his cock increased. An alarm went off in her head. They were crossing a line. She shook her head to clear it and silence the alarm.

"You know, I breast fed you. That's probably why you have this fascination with my tits." Her hands came up and covered his, pressing them against her breasts. She continued rotating her ass against his tool.

Allen's hands moved from the base of Janet's pendulous tits, caressing them until his fingers grasped her hard nipples. She groaned, unconsciously grinding her mature behind against her son's pulsing cock. A tremor started in the depths of her love hole. It radiated out through her body. She trembled with need, the need to feel a stiff dick fill her.

"Why did you stop breast feeding me?" One hand moved down her warm moist abdomen stroking it as it slid down to her Mons. He cupped her cunt, sliding his index finger into the steamy wet sauna of her sex.

Janet felt Allen's finger slip between the folds of her love hole. Need permeated her body, causing butterflies in her belly and a weakness in her knees. "You were starting kindergarten. You were much too old for breastfeeding," she moaned, "Even then you would want your snack when you got home in the afternoon. I let you suckle while I sat at the kitchen table. I gave you cookies and titty. I kept it from your father. He said you were too big to breastfeed. I think he was jealous!"

Allen grasped his mother's shoulders and turned her around. He leaned down and took her nipple in his mouth. Janet groaned as she put her hands on the back of his slick bald head and held him to her bosom.

Allen raised his head and licked the other nipple. "I can see why he would be jealous. These are delicious!"

"Say what, baby?" She placed both hands in his chest and pushed him back. Fueled by alcohol, they were aware but uncaring. Janet wore only her skin colored thong, and patterned black thigh highs. She was virtually naked. Her 38C breasts had the sag of a mature woman. Her nipples, reacting to her son sucking them, stood out firmly.

"Why did dad get jealous? I mean he had the rest of you, including this killer body."

"Flattery will get you everything. Why don't we have a nightcap and then go to bed." Janet pushed him away, unconcerned with the image she created. She was enjoying spending time with her son.

A vague memory of the size of his cock wafted into her memory. She recalled the salty sweet taste of his seed as it filled her mouth. Through an alcoholic haze, she could almost see him kneeling over her stroking his tool. Again, she shook her head, trying to clear it. Where did that memory come from?

The room spun as Allen staggered back. He stood in the middle of the Media Room swaying. He wanted a drink.

"I need a drink."

"Pour me one too"

Janet reached between her legs and pulled the sodden gusset of her panties away from her pussy. Her hole flowed with her need. She briefly let her finger touch her labia. A primal instinct took hold. She needed to fuck.

They collided as they turned to walk to the bar. Mother and son giggled loudly. They were uncaring that alcohol was fueling their lust. They were only aware of the acrid aroma of their arousal. They were caught up in the dance of seduction.

In a classic drunken tableau, they loudly shushed each other. Janet let out a surprised whoop when her son pulled her thong down around her hips as she leaned on the bar.

"Hey! Stop that," she slurred, stumbling to a stool. She placed one hand on it for balance. She awkwardly flopped down, "Why you keep playing with my ass?" She leaned back on the stool, spread her legs, and pulled her panties back up.

Allen watched bleary eyed as his mother struggled to pull her panties up. Briefly, the bar lights caught the wet gleam of her pussy. "Dad may think its fat. I think it's your best feature."

Janet reached out for the bar, missed, and almost fell face forward off the bar stool. She grasped her breasts and held them up. "If my ass is my best feature, why you keep playing with my tits?"

"Kindergarten flashbacks," he leered and winked at his mother. Allen took the stool facing his mother. He rested his feet on the rungs on her stool with her legs between his.

Allen poured shots of Grand Marnier into two small brandy snifters. Mother and son sat on facing stools and toasted each other. As they drank, his hand dropped to her thigh. He stroked up and down her thigh.

Janet's skin was incredibly sensitive. The sensation of her son's hand on her thigh cascaded through her body. She felt the heat rise in her body. It was partly from the warm humid night, partly from the liqueur and mostly from her son's strong calloused hand on her upper thigh.

The alarm in her head, faint but persistent, sounded again. She knew it was a warning. She was unclear what the warning was for.

"I'd better get to bed. I'm late for your father and my makeup sex."

She drained her glass, stood, over balanced, and toppled into Allen's arms. He caught her and squeezed her moist warm behind. Janet raised her head from his shoulders, placed her mouth over his and forced her tongue between his lips. As their tongues dueled, their hands explored their bodies. Allen pushed his hand between them and stroked her pussy through her wet panties. She cupped his cock and roughly squeezed its length.

Breathless, her lip moist with her son's saliva, Janet pulled her head back. "WHEW! It's been a long time since I've been kissed like that!" Her son's hand continued stroking her pussy. His finger slid along her crease through her panties. She gripped his tool flexing her hand reveling in the thickness of it.

"I'd better go take care of your father."

"I think I'll hide outside your bedroom door and watch."

"Mmmm! I've never done it for an audience. That might be fun."

Allen's hands slid into the elastic waistband of his mother's panties. He pushed them down until they covered only part of her behind.

"Where you are going with my panties," Janet leered drunkenly.

Allen swayed as he leaned forward, pushing his mother's panties even farther down.

"Just trying to help dear old dad. The less you have on, the easier it'll be for him."

"He likes to snatch them off...like a caveman. Then he rolls me on my belly and rams his dick in me." She shivered as she thought about their rough sex play.

"You mean like this!" Allen pushed Janet back on the stool. Awkwardly, he grasped the elastic in her panties and ripped them off, shredding the insubstantial material.

"Oh fuck!" Janet squealed in a mixture of pain and lust. She felt a gush of wetness between her legs. Through an alcoholic haze she watched him take her shredded panties to his nose and inhaling deeply. Her fragrant scent made his head spin.

"Now that's a really freaky thing to do...sniff you mother's panties."

"Let me show you something really freaky."

Leaning heavily on the bar, he dropped to his knees between his mother's legs, grasped her thighs and pushed them apart. When he looked up, she was watching him. Her lips were slightly parted, her tongue moistening her lips. He lay her legs on his shoulders, leaned forward, and kissed her pussy.

Janet shivered and grabbed his head. The faintest alarm went off in the recesses of her mind. She ignored it as she caressed Allen's perspiring head.

"Now that IS freaky," she slurred, her hips pumping slowly. "Do you kiss the pussies of all the women you get drunk?"

"Only the beautiful ones," he mumbled as his tongue invaded her love hole.

Allen pressed his tongue between Janet's labia and slid it up and down, flicking her clit on the upstroke. Each time he did she hissed and shivered. She leaned back on the backrest of the stool, giving herself up to her son's talented tongue.

"Shit! Maybe we should stop. That feels entirely too good!"

Allen leaned back, his head spun, his lips were moist with his mother's juices. "You mean I don't even get the proverbial 15 minutes to stop?"

Janet looked down at her son kneeling between her legs. The tingle in her pussy permeated her body. She reached on the bar, picked up her glass and took a deep swallow. She offered it to her son who took a gulp. She looked back down at her son and smiled.

"And not one minute more!"

Allen smiled as he leaned forward. he pressed his tongue between his mother's dripping wet sex and tongue fucked her, his head moving languidly back and forth.

"Fuck that feels good, son! Don't stop!"

He pressed his mouth harder against her pussy lips, kissing them and French kissing her pussy. He moved his mouth up to her clit and took it between his lips. He sucked on it gently as his finger replaced his tongue in his mother's pussy.

"Oh Fuck! Fuck baby!" Janet slipped down the stool as her hips pumped against her son's mouth. She knew she was close, very close to cumming. Her entire body tingled. She groaned when he stopped and stood up.

"Wha...what...are you doing? Why did you stop?" Her hips continued to pump even though Allen stopped licking her pussy. Oral sex was one of the things she loved the most besides a hard cock in her. Her husband licked her but never as much as she liked.

"My 15 minutes are up and I need another drink." He reached for the bottle, slopped each glass full, spilling some on the bar then sat it down.

"You asshole! No wonder I don't have any grandchildren. If you do that to all the women in your life, I wouldn't have your babies either."

Janet spread her legs, placing them on either side of her son sitting on the facing stool. Her hand trailed down to her aching love hole. She inserted her index finger and slowly frigged her pussy. Her eyes moved from Allen's lustful eyes to her fingers buried in her pussy. She looked down at the significant bulge in his jeans and licked her lips.

"You like watching women play with their pussy?"

"I like watching you play with your pussy."

"Good answer!" Their eyes moved from the obscene sight of a mother frigging her hole while her son watched to looking at each other lustfully.


Allen watched entranced as she took her gleaming finger from her dripping hole. Sensuously, she took it in her mouth and sucked it. "I see why you like licking me. I taste good."

Allen gulped his drink as he watched his mother alternately finger fuck herself then lick her finger clean. Finally, he grabbed her hand and pulled her from the stool. Roughly, he spun her around and pushed her over the stool.

"What're you going to do?"

"What I should have done 12 years ago. I'm going to fuck you!"

He undid his pants and let them drop to his ankles. His cock sprang up and bounced, the slit dripping precum. He stepped forward. With some difficulty, he positioned it at his mother's hole and slid in.

Janet hissed and looked back over her shoulder at her son as he slowly pumped in and out of her cunt.

"You like mommy's pussy, son? Does mommy's pussy feel good?"

They could hear the squelching sound of their drunken illicit fucking. Janet thrust back against her son's tool, reveling at his depth and girth. He filled her completely. Her love hole stretched to accommodate him. She gripped the rungs of the stool, holding on so she would not roll off.

"Your pussy is the best ever, mom. I could fuck you all night."

"All night? With that magnificent tool, you can fuck me as long as you want, whenever you want."

"Allen! Allen! Your father... Fuck that feels good." Lost in the moment, Janet thrust back hard against her son.

"What about dad, mom."

"He might wake up...catch us."

"Do you really want me to stop?"

The wet squishy sound of their lovemaking, the rhythmic slap of flesh on flesh, echoed over the patio. Their moans and groans were loud, uninhibited.

"Oh god no! I've never...! Sweet Jesus you feel good in me!"

"Oh my God! mom! You're amazing! I...I...can't get enough"

"Stop son! We need to stop!" Her surroundings were blurring. She was not sure if it was the result of the copious amounts of alcohol she and her son imbibed or the incredible feel of him in her sending her to a different plane. It was sex but sex like she never felt it before. Physically her son was all any woman could want in a lover. Emotionally, sex with her son touched parts of the mother instinct that society denied them through convention and threats of prison and ostracization.

The egg that was fertilized, nurtured, and birthed was returning to the womb. This time he was spewing the seeds of life into the womb he came from. It was nature's complete cycle.

Allen pulled back, his hard cock sliding slowly out of his mother's hole. He stepped back and stumbled as his jeans bound his legs. Only the bar stool saved him a nasty fall.

She shivered as his tool slid from her hole. Tremors shook her body. Janet turned and sat on her stool breathing heavy, her legs akimbo. Her lubrication covered her pussy lips and ran down to her anus. Perspiration ran freely from her body. She eyed her son sitting on his stool, his eyed half closed. His breathing was harsh and uneven.

"Wake up! We better go to bed."

Allen open his eyes. He stared weakly at Janet. He nodded and struggled to his feet, leaning heavily on the bar. AS she stumbled past him, he reached out and smacked her ass. Janet stopped and looked back. For a moment, she was confused. What had they done?

"Here! Finish your drink." He handed her glass. They clinked glasses, drained them, and went back into the living room.

Though drunk, Allen watched his mom, wearing only her thigh high stockings, lurch across the living room and down the hall. Her ass jiggled seductively.

"Good night, baby," she said as she moved down the hall toward her bedroom with one arm extended, using the wall for balance.

"Night, old girl!"

Janet attempted to bend and wiggle her butt at her son. She over extended and almost fell flat of her face. She recovered and looked back bleary eyed at her son.

"I got your old girl," she said sassily. "By the way, get your earplugs ready." She gave him an exaggerated wink and turned into her bedroom.

Allen watched his mother's naked rear end moved seductively as she turned into her bedroom. Like two little boys wrestling under a blanket, he thought irreverently

He stripped off his clothes and climbed into the bed. He lay nude in his bed, holding tight as it moved around the room. His eyes drooped. he fell into a dreamless sleep.

"Do you sleep?"

Allen struggled to open his eyes. They felt heavy, unwieldy. Slowly, trying to minimize the disturbing movement of the room, he turned his head toward the sound. His mother stood naked in the doorway.

"No," he lied, "I was just trying to stop this bed from spinning."

"I got the rest of that Grand Marnier. Didn't the Army teach you to finish what you started?"

"Do you mean the alcohol or the other thing we were doing?"

Janet released the doorsill she was using for balance and attempt to put both hands on her hips. The room spun. She quickly regained her hold on the doorsill.

"I've never heard it called that."

"You mean drinking?" He felt like his head was filled with cotton balls. A haze clouded his every thought.

"No, silly! The fucking!"

She pulled her hand from the doorsill and tottered across the room to where her son lay in his bed. She turned to sit on the edge of the bed, misjudged the distance and fell backwards her legs kicking into the air.

"Well, you made me stop, said you were worried about dad catching us."

"You know I didn't mean THAT," Janet giggled.

He smiled as he saw she had, what the boys in his unit called 'a sista booty.' It was large and round, jutting out dramatically then curving in to her full mature hips. Her breasts hung full and pendulous, swinging like melons suspended on a vine.

"By my way, you know you're naked."

"Well, the stockings weren't covering much and you saw everything else," she smirked. "If you don't like seeing your mother's fat old body, don't look!"

"You're not fat or old. Stop saying that!"

"Well, if you're going to ogle this old body, you could at least buy a lady a drink."

Allen pointed at the bottle. "No glass. You'll have to go up front to get one."

Janet reached for the bottle. "No need! I can suck what I want out of the bottle," she said suggestively, winking at Allen. She took the bottle from his hand, turned it up and took a long deep swallow.

"I didn't hear anything."

"What?" Janet took another swing of the bottle and sat it back on the nightstand.

"Make up sex," he said. "you warned me I'd need earplugs."

"Your father is passed out. I tried sucking his cock to walk him up but it didn't work. He's got whiskey dick. Didn't even get hard."

Bleary eyed, Allen looked at his mom. Even drunk, he noticed a wetness between her legs. He sat up in bed next to her and pointed at the bottle. Janet picked it up, took a sip then passed it to him.

"Sounds like you're losing your touch," Allen teased, turning up the bottle.

"Boy, I was sucking cock before you were a gleam in your father's eye."

"Yeah right," Allen said dismissively, "you couldn't wake dad up."

Janet scooted down in bed. she leaned across her son's chest, reached down, and took his cock in her hand. "Oh, ye of little faith," she mumbled, as she took his cock in her mouth.

Bleary eyed, Allen watched as his mom bobbed on his cock. He leaned over and began caressing her ass. He slid a finger down and poked at her rosebud.

Janet raised her head and pulled his cock from her mouth. She stroked it as she turned to look at her son. "Hey! Watch the back door! That's for special occasions."

Allen leaned across his mother's body and got the whiskey bottle. Laying head to toe, with her on her belly and him partially on top of her, he took a pull on the bottle. He tried to sit up with the bottle in one hand. He slipped, his face landing on his mom's sweaty ass. He planted a juicy kiss on her ass cheeks then forced his tongue between the pillows of her behind and tongued her starfish.

"Oh fuck! That feels amazing! Your father's never done that," she hissed pressing her ass up against her son's tongue" She pressed a hand against his hip. He turned sideways and she took his cock back in her mouth.

For several moments, Allen tongue fucked his mother's ass while she sucked his cock. His hips pumped as she took him deeper in her mouth. He managed to sit the whiskey bottle back on the nightstand. He used both hands to pull her ass cheeks apart so he could get his tongue deeper in her ass

Janet stopped sucking his cock. Saliva extended from her mouth to the tip of his cock. She watched it stretch, then break as she pulled back. "Fuck that feels good! Ain't nobody...nobody ever done that!"

He sat up in bed breathing heavily. " You never had your ass tongue fucked."

Janet raised up on one elbow, her free hand slowly stroked Allen's cock.

"Even your father is not that kinky," she slurred, giggling.

"Well, you're in for a treat tonight, old woman!"

Janet slid up her son's body, resting her head on his chest. She took his cock in her hand and began slowly stroking it.

"Had enough?"

She shook her head, thought better of it, and laid it back on her son's chest. The spinning of the room slowed. she slurred drunkenly, "I was going to cum and I get loud when I cum."

"I've heard," he laughed, jerking his head toward the common wall between his bedroom and his parents.

Allen hefted one big tit. "How big are these suckers?" Janet held her hand up, palm down and rocked it from side to side. "38C or so. It depends on the bra." She shivered a little as he grasped her nipple and pulled it. "Ouch! Stop that!"

"What about that amazing ass?"

"About the same. What? Are you like your father? You think my ass is too big too?"

"You know what I like?"

"You're ducking the question," Jane said.

"No, not really! When we were doing it doggy on the bar stool, each time I thrust in, your ass moved with me then rebounded as I pulled back. That's an incredible sight."

Allen pushed her on her back. He leaned over her and took her tit in his mouth. He sucked hard causing her nipple to plump up. She groaned and brought her hand to the back of his had caressing it as he switched from one tit to the other and back again.

He slid one hand down her abdomen making slow circles as he went. When he got to her Mons, he slid his index finger in her folds. he stopped sucking her tits and slipped his finger deep in her hole, finding her G-spot.

She closed her eyes, Janet's hips pumped spasmodically as her son found and caressed her G-spot. She felt the sensations throughout her body. When she opened her eyes, Allen was looking down at her smiling.

She hit him in his chest with her open palm. "What's so fucking funny?"

"The way you look and how you growl deep in your throat when you're aroused."

"The way I look? I ain't never seen myself."

Allen had an idea, a fateful idea. He sat up in bed too quickly. The room spun dizzily. He put both hands on the bed to steady himself.

Janet sat up on her knees behind her son and wrapped her arm around his waist. "You okay?"

"Yea! I moved too quick." he leaned forward and grabbed his pants.

Janet lay back on the bed behind Allen and closed her eyes. She quickly opened them again as the room began to spin. Her hand found her son's hard ass. She stroked it as he fumbled with his pants

He lay on his belly, fumbling with his cell phone. Janet sat up and lay down on his hips. She kissed his ass. She ran her tongue between the cheeks of his ass, slowly as she probed deep in his anus. She continued down over the nerve packed area between his cock and his anus. She tittered when his anus winked at her. She pulled his ass cheeks apart and lavished kisses on the underside of his balls. She saw a wet spot grow in the sheet from his dick trapped under him

"Fuck that feels good," Allen groaned.

"Pretty good for an 'old girl'," she teased.

He sat up with his cell phone in his hand.

"Whatcha goin' to do? Call some friends to help you out?"

"No, you hussy! You said you never saw your face during sex. I'm going to set my cell phone up to record us."

The alarm went off again, heavily muffled by the copious quantities of alcohol they drank and their burning lust for each other. The illicitness of sex with her son, the long foreplay and her natural horniness had Janet more aroused than she was in years.

Allen took a pull on the nearly empty bottle and handed it to his mother. He fumbled with the cell phone setting it up on the nightstand. He hit the record button and lay down heavily on the bed. His eyes closed.

"Hey! You not going to sleep, are you?"

His eyes slowly opened. Disoriented, he turned and looked at his mother. For a moment, he was confused about where he was and what they were doing. "No, he mumbled. "On your knees facing the camera."

"So, you going to make your old mom a porn star?"

"We'll sell it on the Internet," Allen chuckled as he moved carefully along the bed and crawled to his knees behind his mother. He balanced himself on her ass with one hand. With the other, he positioned his cock at her love tunnel and slid in effortlessly.

Janet's body undulated as she pressed back against her son's invading cock. "I'm going to be a fucking porn star," she mumbled as Allen began to thrust hard into her.


"Yes son?"

"I see why dad loves to fuck you. Your pussy is incredible. You're so tight." The room spun. Allen gripped his mother's ass with both hands to keep from falling. He began pulling her jiggly bubble butt back into his tool as he thrust into her spasming hole.

"I ain't THAT tight," she moaned as she pumped back, relishing the incredible sensations of her son's cock coursing through her body. "You got a damn big ass dick! Much larger than your father's. Jesus, that feels good! Harder! Fuck me harder!"

Allen raised one hand and slapped his mother's ass. "Mmm fuck this is good pussy. I've fucked women all over the world, none of them was even close to you, mom."

"You big dick motherfucker. I don't want to hear about your whores. Gimmee that cock."

"Mom," Allen groaned as he and his mother settled into a rhythm. The room echoed with the slap of flesh on flesh and the squelching of Janet's creaming pussy. "You should see how your ass rolls forward when I thrust in and bounces back when I pull back."

"Baby, if you like mommy's ass, she's happy. I love the way you talk dirty to me. I love the way your cock feels in my hole. OHHHHH FFFUUUCCCKKK. That so gawdam good!"

"Turn sideways in the bed. I want you to see how your ass moves when I fuck you."

Janet made a moue, blowing a kiss to the camera. Without missing a stroke, they turned sideways in bed. The camera recorded them in profile, catching his mother's ass recoiling as he fucked her hard and deep. It caught the white froth building around her hole and his cock. It saw him when he slipped his thumb into his mother's anus.

"Oooooo fuck! I told you my ass was for special occasions."

Allen smacked her ass hard. A lopsided smile played across his face as she yelped. "You mean fucking your son is not a special occasion?"

Janet looked back at her son. She smiled and gave him an exaggerated wink. His cock felt incredible. He filled her completely.

Bleary eyed, she looked at the camera. The alarm sounded again. The camera...! Allen began fucking her asshole with his thumb as he fucked her with his big tool. The alarm in her head stopped sounding.

"Fuck your mother hard, you horse dick motherfucker. Make her your bitch! Make her scream!

"Move your ass, bitch! Pump that good hole back. You want me in your ass? Huh? You want me to fuck your ass?"

"You bastard! You can have any hole you want. Just don't stop!"

Allen removed his thumb from his mother's anus. He grasped his tool, positioned it at her asshole and thrust in. The wail that came from his mother echoed through the house. Even his father, dead drunk and sleep in the next room mumbled and turned in the bed.

Janet's face was a mask of lust. She turned her head so she could watch her son fuck her. She wanted to see the expression on his face, to see if he was enjoying fucking her as much as she was enjoying his dick.

"You like fucking your mommy slut's ass," she wailed, her back undulating, driving her ass back against him.

"Mom, you so fucking tight! I can't hold off too much longer!"

"Motherfucker that feels good! Cum for mommy! Fill her bowels with your seed."

"You want it, mom? You want me to cum in your ass?" Neither of them realized it but they were practically screaming at each other.

"Come on! Do it! Cum in my ass! Do it!"

Allen began the short hard strokes that presage his orgasm. He pumped hard against his mother's heaving back. "Here it cums, mom! HERE IT CUUUUMMSS! I'm cumming!

"Yes baby! I feel it! I feel it! I'm cummminnngg!"

The room blurred as waves of orgasmic pleasure rolled across her. Pussy farts punctuated her loud screams. Janet fell to her belly, exhausted. She could feel her son pumping the last of his man juice deep in her bowels,

Allen collapsed on top of her, gasping for breath. He rolled to his back, his arms outstretched and passed out. Janet rolled over and rested her head on her son's belly. The room spun so much it seemed to pulse. She took his cock in her hand, kissed it, then took it in her mouth like a pacifier. Unmindful that her son's cock was covered with the residue of anal sex, she fell asleep sucking his tool.

Disoriented, Allen awoke in the dark room to the strains of the Anvil Chorus pounding in his head. He felt a warm body spooned up to him and the soft snoring of a woman. His hand cupped her pliant breasts. Though soberer than he was earlier in the evening, he was still under the influence of the prodigious quantiles of alcohol he and his mother drank.

He discombobulation was such that he believed he was in bed with a whore he picked up. His morning wood was buried between the pillows of her ass. He tried to recall where he picked her up and couldn't. Deciding he may as well get his money's worth, he used one hand to lift one of her ass cheeks and guided his cock into her love hole. There was a moment of unease as he realized he wasn't wearing a condom.

Janet woke to the languid thrusting of a cock in her pussy. An arm lay across her waist with the hand caressing her tit. She sighed, relishing the feel of the long thick cock slowly sliding in and out of her hole. It was unusual for her husband to be so frisky in the morning after a night of sex.

Even drunk she realized he felt much larger than usual. He was making love to her with slow long strong strokes, pulling out until his cock was just covered by the lips of her pussy and then sliding slowly strongly back in until he hit her cervix. In her stupor, she marveled at his technique. Her husband John was an energizer bunny, a one and done kind of guy.

His hands caressing her breasts and his mouth nuzzling her neck were also unusual for her husband. She loved the change, the way he made love to her and not just fucked her. She moaned as the sensations of the languid fucking increased her arousal. She began thrusting back against him. This had the makings of an excellent early morning fuck. Maybe they should have parties more often.

Janet shivered as a mini orgasm shook her body. A clear image of her bent over a barstool being pounding her from behind flashed into her mind. they must have really been drunk if he did that. She was the exhibitionist in the family. Her husband would sometime indulge her in her kink but it was not his thing.

For a disturbing moment, she thought of Allen. He was on his knees looking up at her. Her body quaked as she came to the image of her son licking her pussy. Her mind still befuddles by the alcohol but fully awake, she realized that she and Allen had gone further than they should. The thought drifted away as the orgasm shook her body. The intensity surprised her. The fact that her John had such staying power was a marvel.

As her son stroked powerfully into her pussy, memories of the night flooded back into her mind. She suddenly realized that she was not in her bedroom with her husband. She was in bed with her son. They had fucked until they passed out and now they were picking up where they left off.

Allen felt the whore's pussy contract. He heard her muffled gasps as she came, thrusting back hard against him. He heard her mumbled his name. her spasming pussy clamped down on his tool. he thrust harder, pressing into keep her from pushing him out as she came.

As she did she began to match the slow thrusting. Why are John's hands so rough? They feel like...! A tremor shook her as the cock swelled in her. It wasn't John. It was Allen!

"Allen! Oh my God Allen." She came, her stomach convulsing, as she felt him spray her womb with his seed. Her body reacted to her son's cock deep in her pussy swelling and thrusting as she thrust back they came together.

"Mom?" Allen gasped taking deep raspy breaths as he pumped his seed into her hole. He forced himself to stop, to pull back and confirm what his addled brain was trying to tell him. He slid back. Janet groaned as his cock plopped out of her. Though sated, the fire in her cunt quenched by cum, she wanted to lay there, relish the feeling. Her son had given her the best fuck of her life.

Allen sat up in bed. He reached over to the nightstand, fumbled found the switch and turned on the light. He looked down into the shocked perspiring face of his mother. "Oh my God, mom! What have we done?"

Janet sat up in bed. She leaned toward her son placing her hand over his mouth. The events of the previous night was coming back to her. She also realized that her husband was just the other side of the wall. "Keep your voice down! John is right through there."

Allen felt the warmth of his mom's large beasts on his chest as she lay partially on his chest, her hand over his mouth. His eyes widened as he looked down and saw his jizz covering her vaginal lips. He pulled his mother's hand from his mouth. "We need to talk. Let's go out by the pool."

Janet nodded her head. When she stood and looked around for her clothes, she could feel her son's seed running out of her and streaming down her thighs. The feeling was oddly erotic. "Where are my clothes." she whispered.

Allen glanced around. A memory came back. "They must be in your room. You were naked when you came to my room."

Standing wide leg, her son's cum dripping from her pussy and soaking her thighs, she stared blankly at him for a moment. "I can't walk around like this. John might wake up. And I need a towel! Dear God, how much do you cum?"

"I've been told that a lot." He smiled despite himself. He reached into his closet and pulled out an Army t-shirt. "Put this on." He grabbed the matching shorts and slipped them on. He turned, began laughing then quickly covered his mouth. His t-shirt hung loosely over his mother's body covering her to mid-thigh.

"You ass! I'm your mother! Stop laughing at me," she whispered hoarsely. Despite herself she tittered, covering her mouth with her hand. The ridiculousness of the situation overcame their initial horror. They both stifled laughs. When Janet turned to go to the hall bathroom, Allen could not resist the urge to smack her ass.

She grabbed her ass with both hands and spun to look at her leering son. He held up both hands in a defensive position. "Sorry mom! I couldn't resist."

"Patio Mister so we can talk." She looked down at her dripping pussy. "I need to clean up. I'll meet you there,"

Allen paused in the kitchen on his way to the patio. He quickly prepared two cups of coffee using the Keurig coffeemaker and carried to cups to the bamboo bar. The black night was gradually becoming the grey of the predawn sky. It was warm promising another hot central California day. As he sat the cups on the bar and sat down, Janet walked onto the patio.

She took the cup and took a deep gulp. As she did she looked over the rim at her son. She realized they would probably never recall all they did. However, what she could remember caused her pussy to twitch. Her son was a damn good fuck. She sat her cup on the bar.

"Okay! First, we're both adults. We can deal with what happened. It is obvious that we can never talk about it to ANYONE! Especially your father!"

"Agreed! Um...I do need to ask one question." Allen took a sip of his coffee as he formulated the question.

"Well? What is it?"

"Are you on any kind of birth control. I usually use a condom but last night in the...uh...heat of the moment, I didn't."

Janet blinked a couple of times as the ramifications of what her son was saying washed over her. John had a vasectomy years ago. At 48, she had irregular periods. However, she still had periods.

"No, I'm not. Pregnancy is a possibility, a remote possibility but a possibility. I'll call doctor today and get a script for a morning after pill. As much as you cum, you could knock up an 80-year-old woman!"

"Hey! I didn't hear any complaints last night or this morning."

"I don't recall most of last night...except for a soreness in my anus." She arched an eyebrow as she smiled at her son. She leaned forward so the roughness of the shirt didn't touch her sore nipples. "And my nipples! What did you do? Try to bite them off?"

"You're the one who told me you didn't stop breast feeding me until I was in kindergarten. Perhaps I regressed." Smiling broadly, Allen took a sip of his coffee.

Janet stood and stepped between her son's legs. She put her arms around his neck. "Well, for a first time, from what I can recall, our first shot at incest wasn't so bad,"

Allen's hands dropped and cupped her ass. The grey dawn was breaking. The gold rim of the sun was peaking above the horizon. "Actually, this is our second time." He related his experience of her sucking his cock when he was 18.

"We have to stop having sex when we're drunk, " She laughed.

Allen lifted the hem of her t-shirt and squeezed her ass, "Two things. One, we weren't drunk this morning. And I must say, for an old girl, you do damn good!" He grabbed her hand when she tried to slap him.

"I got your old girl," she fumed. "Why, I..."

"Two, " he broke in still holding her hands, "Are we going to go for the hat trick?"

Janet smiled at her son. "Do you really want to? I mean I'm 48 years old. There are dozens of women your age who you could have."

He pulled her closer. their lips touched. She pushed him back. "Hey it's day light!"

"Third! I recorded last night."

"WHAT?" Janet sprang to her feet, knocking over her coffee cup. "Erase it!"

"Uh...that won't do much good! The history on my phone says I sent it to a hook up site."

"Sweet Jesus! Your father...! My friends...! You have to get it back!"

"I'll try mom, I'll try!"