Helping Out Gram


My name is Luke and I had just got home from my sophomore year at college. I hadn't lined up a summer job yet. My parents told me they would like for me to help out my grandma, Betty. Since my grandfather died three years ago, my grandmother has had a hard time keeping up with all the household chores. It was decided I should help her.

I went over to Grandma's house that first Saturday back home. Gram met me at the door and gave me a big hug. I have to say that my grandmother kept herself in good shape still. She was in her mid 60's but she looked 10 years younger. I know I shouldn't be looking at my grandmother's body, but she still looked good. She had medium sized breasts and her legs were still shapely. She still had a tight body.

Gram told me what she needed done around the house. She was trying to get rid of a lot of possessions and needed a bedroom cleaned out. I went in and did as she asked me. After maybe a half hour or so I needed to use the bathroom. I guess I wasn't paying attention too closely and I barged into the toilet. There was my Grandma Betty, just stepping out of the shower, totally naked. I caught a good view of her breasts and her pussy. Water was still dripping off of my gram's body. I have to say she looked damn good.

Grandma quickly reached for a towel to cover herself. I guess my face went a little red from embarrassment. I said I was sorry and quickly closed the door. I went back to working in the spare bedroom. Betty soon came in to talk to me.

"I am sorry, Gram, I didn't know you were in there," I said to her.

"It's OK, Luke, I was an honest mistake, I just didn't want you being embarrassed," my grandmother said to me.

"You have probably seen lots of naked girls already," my Gram said jokingly.

"None like you," I sorted of blurted out.

I hated to say it, but standing there and having this conversation with my Grandmother was making me hard. I was looking at her and imagining her wet, naked body again. I think she knew I was staring at her. She was looking down at my crotch and smiling.

"You liked what you saw, Luke?" my Gram asked me.

"You have a fantastic body, Gram" I told her.

My grandmother then did something that still shocks me to this day. She walked over and gave me a kiss on the lips. I sort of just lost it and I opened my mouth to her. We soon were tongue kissing and my cock was getting hard as was possible.

My Grandma pulled away from me.

"Do you know it has been three years since I have been with a man, Luke?" Grandma asked.

Three years was how long my Grandpa had passed away.

Grandma passed her fingers over the outside my my pants, right across the zipper. I thought my cock would come exploding out. Gram then knelt down and slowly pulled my zipper down. My cock practically jumped out of my underwear.

"Oh my God, you are huge Luke!" my Gram told me.

I never thought my cock was all that big, but my Gram seemed to think so. She then wrapped her lips around my stiff pecker. I thought I would pop right there. I just started pumping my cock into my Gram's mouth. I guess I just lost it. Betty took every inch of me down her throat like it was nothing. She got me hard as a rock. After a few minutes of this she finally pulled away. She stood up and we walked back to her bedroom. Gram shed all her clothes off and had me do the same.

She looked fantastic, I have to say. Betty's nipples were hard and I could see some wetness around her bush. Gram got onto the bed and spread her legs for me. I stood there not quite knowing what to do. Grandma motioned for me to come over, and I climbed in between her thighs. Gram did the rest. She reached for my cock and guided it to her hole. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I slowly entered my Grandma.

Gram was panting and moaning now. I kept feeding her my thick pole. I slid in and out as deep as I could. My Gram and I got into a rhythm. Eventually I pulled her legs apart and I look hold of her ankles. I pushed her legs back to her chest and I fucked her hard this way. I was slamming my dick into my Grandmother and she was taking all of me inside her tight pussy. Yes, she was tight from all those years without sex. My balls slammed into her ass with every stroke. I can't remember how long we were fucking but I finally felt like I couldn't hold on much longer. I pumped my dick into Gram a few more times. She must have sensed I was close.

"Cum in me Luke, I need your seed." Gram was practically screaming at me now.

I didn't know if it was a good idea to be cumming in my grandmother, but it was too late now. I thrust into Betty one last time and I exploded inside her love tunnel. I believe we both lost it right then. I just kept spitting out my love seed into my grandmother's belly until I finally collapsed on top of her. It must have taken a good twenty minutes to regain our composure. I pulled my cock out finally and our love juices came spilling out of my Gram's pussy. Grandma finally got herself together and went to the bathroom for some towels to clean up with.

We cleaned each other off and then we kissed some more. I didn't know it but Gram wasn't finished. I learned a new position that day. Betty got on all fours and I fucked her pussy from behind. With my hands on her hips I had her in my control and I gave my Grandma the hardest strokes I could. She had her head back and she was begging me to fuck her as hard as I could. I did as she asked. I once more gave her my load of cum and she took it like a greedy whore.

That was the first of many times with my Grandma Betty. She told me we couldn't tell a soul about what we were doing. I wasn't about to telling anyone I was fucking my Grandma! Gram told me how lonely she had been and the dam had broke that day when I saw her naked in the bathroom. She just needed a man that day, and there I was. She told me my cock was so large and she loved when it scraped against her pussy walls. She just went insane when I was inside her pussy. The summer is almost over and I will be going back to school soon. I plan on getting back home as often as I can to take care of my Grandma Betty's needs.