Aunt Raven: The Reading of The Will

L.A. Wicker©

Hello, This is the final part of the Aunt Raven stories. Read the first part and you'll be good to read this. If you're up for a long set of stories, read them all!


Jennings could see that Raven wasn't ready for this, and with all that Mr. Wildwood had to say, he couldn't understand why she even had to be present and he saw one of the house maids passing by. "Excuse me, your name is Connie, right?" he asked her with a smile and she nodded yes.

"Yes Mr. Jennings, can I help you?" she replied and so hoped that the late, Mr. Wildwood had left his loyal servants something in his will, or maybe, Mr. Jennings would see that they were all cared for. He WAS the executor of the will and was capable of giving them something.

"Can you take Miss. Wildwood up to her room, help her shower and see that she wears her 'newest' summer dress. It's white, with blue flowers and there's a blue bird on it." Jennings asked with a smile as he thought of the will.

"Are you sure this is a good Idea?" Tim asked, as he stood hugging his gorgeous aunt Raven, and now his lover! He hated to let her go.

"Yes Tim, she doesn't need to hear some of the things your grandfather is going to say or tell about the family." Jennings laughed and gave Tim a slap on his back. "You are going to be shocked!" he added with a laugh and shook his head.

Connie smiled back and knew right where the dress was hanging. "Yes sir, I've helped her many times and it will be my pleasure."

"Thank you Connie and after...Mr. Wildwood's service and I'm finished with his will, could I interest you in going to dinner with me and maybe a club after that?" he asked, with a big smile and wished he'd done this last year, when he found out his wife was cheating on him with their black gardener. Connie was a nice lady and very pretty too.

Her eyes got big and Connie's heart was pounding. She always liked Mr. Jennings and he was a handsome man." I'd like that very much Alex, and I've been hoping you'd ask me out." she said as she flashed him a very big grin.

Tim held Raven and caressed her back. "Sweetheart, I want you to go with Connie, she's going to help you get dressed real pretty for your...Daddy and for" Tim said and looked to Jennings for help.

"Raven, remember when Mr. Moffat passed away and we went to his funereal? Well, today we'll do that for your Daddy and send him up to heaven," he smiled and caressed the side of her beautiful, ageless face and he remembered Raven's mother Misty, and how beautiful she was.

Raven's head was still spinning and she just couldn't accept nor imagine, that her Daddy was gone, but Tim was there and he would take care of her. "I remember...will my Daddy go to and be with her?" she asked with a soft, helpless voice and looked into Tim's eyes.

"Yes baby, he'll be with her and they will be together again." Tim said, as he fought to hold in tears as he caressed Raven's back.

"That's right Raven and you have to look your best for him!" Jennings added and brushed a strand of her hair from her face. "Now, you go with Connie and after she helps you get dressed, I want you to help her dress up too, because I want you both to be beautiful!"

Connie waited until they were finished talking, and she looked to Alex again. "Thank you and I'll see you soon!" Connie said, as she led Raven to her room.

"So, what's going on Jennings and why couldn't she be in the room?" Tim asked again, and as they walked back towards grandfather's office, Tim saw that around twenty people had shown up, including grandfather's staff. "Holy crap! What's going on?" Tim asked with surprise as he looked at them. His aunt Cindy and her son, Paul were there. He knew all but about two people and he even saw one of his best friends, Johnny and his mother, Patti. She worked for grandfather for years, and even though Johnny was much older than Tim, everyone always said that they looked like brothers.

"Well, your grandfather has his will in order, along with a big surprise for everyone! When all is said and done, you, your mother and your grandfather's other children, will be the only ones in the room and um...well, you'll see soon enough!" Jennings said, and started greeting the people.


They all sat in the main dining room and a massive TV was set against the wall. "People, let's get started, and you are all asked to implicitly follow the directions that you are given, or you will be escorted from the room!" Jennings said and looked to the TV.

The screen filled and there he sat, John Wildwood. Tim guessed that this must have been videoed sometime last year, because grandfather still looked healthy and he was smiling. "Greetings family, my few close friends, as well as my devoted employees. Well, if you're seeing means that I have finally kicked the bucket and hopefully relocated to a better place!" he laughed and reached to light a cigar before he went on. "I'm sure that some of you will truly miss me, but most, are just hoping that I give them a bunch of my money, and unfortunately, a few of you are going to be disappointed!" he laughed, puffed the cigar and blew out the grey smoke.

"Thank fucking god!" Jenny mumbled, and couldn't help but laugh with joy.

Carl poked her in the side and gave Jenny a dirty look. "Shut the fuck up Jen and have some respect!" he growled and couldn't believe his sister.

"First order of business, my staff and anyone in my current employment will receive...two hundred and fifty thousand dollars each, along with my sincere blessings to you all. I could have never asked for any better than you! Go in peace and once again, thank you!" he stopped to puff his cigar and Jennings opened the door for them to leave. He smiled as Connie walked by, he couldn't wait to take her out.

"This could take all freaking god!" Jenny whined and shook her head.

John turned to the camera and started talking. "Carl, Jenny and Becky, I have something to say and I think you're going to be very surprised," he paused and put down the cigar. "You are not my only children and I'm not talking about my beautiful...Raven!" he stopped to cough and wipe his mouth, you could see blood and it was bright red.

Jenny sat up in her chair and gave Carl a quick look. "Oh no, this could be bad, this might mean we'll have more people to share with!" she said with fear, and hated the thought of sharing more of HER money.

"Remember Patti, my assistant at the factory, and the lady I bought the house for long ago...she is the mother of your little brother, John. He was named after me and we decided not to tell anyone. Patti has been a very faithful friend and...lover for many years, and to her, I leave one hundred and twenty-five million dollars!" he smiled and blew a kiss.

"You are fucking kidding me!" Jenny yelled and was in shock. "I always hated that fucking, little cunt!' Jenny thought back and remembered the woman that was around when mom died, but Jenny never really saw her after that, and she never thought of the woman again, until now. "Fuck dad, we all knew you loved to fuck anything with a hole, but Jesus Christ!" she yelled again and gave the old woman and the man with her, a cold bitter look.

"John, my son...I love you and you have made me a proud man! No father could ask for more from his son." John said and a tear ran down his right cheek. "I leave you the same amount as your mother, and I hope it will make your dreams come true. I love you both." John said and relit his cigar.

"Holy fuck, by the time he gets to us, it will all be fucking gone! My god, we're not going to get anything!" Jenny said out loud, and didn't care if anyone heard or not.

"Remember your aunt Cindy and the baby she had after you kids moved away! Well guess what!" he laughed, and Tim could see him laughing inside.

"You are goddamn kidding me! You fucked mom's sister!" Jenny jumped up and she was so mad. "You no good piece of dog shit! Mom's sister!" she yelled and turned to Cindy. "You are nothing but a fucking whore! He was mom's husband!" Jenny screamed at her aunt and flopped back in her chair. "You rotten...fuckers!" she growled and lit a cigarette.

"Well, before you say anything, and I'm sure a few of you already have...your mother told me to go to Cindy and if it wanted, I could marry her, and your mother said that we'd have her blessings!" he said and puffed the cigar. "Read her diary in our room and see for yourself." John said and puffed his cigar. "To Cindy and Paul, I give you both one hundred and twenty-five million each, along with all of my love!" John said and took a drink.

"Well, well, well, this should leave my three children, my grandson Tim and my beautiful daughter...Raven!" he smiled and Tim could see the love in his eyes. "First off, to my daughter Jenny, why are you so worried about Tim? Hum?" he laughed, and Tim could see his mother turning white. "Tim, feel free to look at your mother right now and if she doesn't answer you, Jennings will have her escorted from the estate and will be cut from my will!" he paused to laugh and puff the cigar. "Tim, ask your mother who her first and second men were! Jennings, you know, and if she doesn't answer, out she goes and not a single penny to her!" John laughed and hoped Jenny was squirming in her chair.

Carl heard dad, and thought of his first blow-job from Jenny.


"Jenny, what are you doing in here, and what if dad comes home?" Carl said, as she moved towards him and he could see that she was wearing her new, white bikini again, and his cock started growing. "You shouldn't be in here Jenny or wearing that!" he said again, but Jenny pushed him down and sat on his hips.

"Shut up Carl, and relax. We're here alone and we can hear if anyone is coming up the driveway." She said, and started to unbutton his pants. "I teased and turned you on all fucking day, and I want to make it up to you. I want to...suck your, dick and I'll even let you cum in my mouth too!" Jenny purred as she pulled down his pants, his big cock came into view and Jenny moaned. "Fuck, you are soooo big Carl, and hard too!" she moaned, slid down and Jenny started kissing all over his swollen cock-shaft.

Carl knew she was right, and he started watching Jenny. "I want to watch you Jenny, can I turn on the lamp?" he asked and Jenny giggled.

"Yeah, I think that would be so hot and kinda nasty too! Watching your big sister, as she sucks your cock and drinks your cum!"

"Damn, you have a dirty mouth!" he said, quickly turning on the small lamp next to his bed, as he pulled some pillows behind his back.

"I may have, but remember this, a dirty mouth can do lots and lots...of nice things to a little brothers hard...cock!" she moaned, reached her fingers around him, lifted the pulsing head towards her mouth, and started flicking her tongue in his piss hole. He quickly started squirming and twisting with pleasure, just like Daddy did last night, when Jenny sucked him off on the front porch and came in her mouth.

"Oh fuck, you are so bad!" he laughed and reached to caress Jenny's face. "Damn, that feels so good Jenny!" Carl moaned, as her tongue continued flicking all around his cock-head, as she kept looking into his eyes.

She stopped, shifted around and was laying between his legs, looking straight at his massive cock-pole and Jenny smiled. "God, I'm going to suck you all fucking night!" she moaned, opened her mouth and Jenny was sucking her baby brothers cock. She moaned and sucked him hard, enjoying him moaning and squirming all over. 'Yeah baby, Jenny is going to suck you and suck you!' She thought, sucking his cock-head, while flicking her tongue around it as she kept her eyes riveted on his handsome face.

Carl was in heaven and could not believe this felt so good, and Jenny was free to suck him any time she liked. "Oh Jenny, I'm going to cum, if you don't slow down and let me rest!" he moaned, looking to his sisters suckling mouth, he could see a smile form around his cock. He watched her cheeks suck in and out, each time Jenny nursed his head and her lips were locked tightly around his shaft. "Oh shit, come on, or I'm going to cum and I want it to last longer than this!" he moaned again, and Jenny sucked harder, lifted up and let his cock-head pop from her mouth.

"Carl, I wouldn't have cared if you came in my mouth, and I was ready for it too!" she smiled and slid up his body, stopping when his thick cock was resting on her thigh, right next to her dripping pussy. "I'll suck you anytime, anyplace! Would you like that? Huh?" she whispered in his ear as she shifted her hips completely on his. Carl's cock was between them now, on her pussy and pointing towards her belly-button. He was so fucking hard and Jenny could feel his pulse beating, even through her tiny bikini, and she chewed her lower lip. "Oh fuck...Carl, you're on!" she gasped for air. Jenny needed a cock so fucking bad, if daddy didn't take her very soon, she was going to give herself to Carl and never think about daddy again.

He grabbed Jenny and couldn't believe just how hot and wet her pussy was. She was soaked, and it felt as if she'd pissed all over herself, but it was so warm and slick, Carl knew this would make it nice to hump her and try to get her pussy. He kissed Jenny and slowly moved his hips up and down, running his stiff cock-shaft over her bikini bottoms and the excited pussy under it. He held her hips, pushing up, and Carl could hear Jenny begin to breathe harder, as she started moving her hips in time with his.

Jenny was going crazy and she knew what he was doing. Carl wanted to fuck her and she was close to letting him. She was suddenly torn between letting Carl love her and forgetting about Daddy. "Oh god, you fucker! Are you...trying to...fuck me!" she growled into his mouth, as their hips mashed together, they could clearly hear Jenny's pussy juices squishing about. She pushed harder onto her brother and could see the love in his eyes. She humped more, hoping that just maybe; her bikini would slip or move a little and let the dirty deed happen.

Carl held Jenny and wanted to be inside of her so fucking bad. "Jenny, please!" he said, with need and love for his beautiful sister. "Please!" he begged again, as he saw a tear run from Jenny's left eye.

Daddy filled her mind with the love she had for him. "I can't baby, I'm sorry, but you can do anything else to me. Anything at all!" Jenny purred, as she quickly slid down and sucked him deep into her mouth. 'I'm not stopping this time baby and I'm sucking you dry!' Jenny thought as she nursed his salty flesh and enjoyed his musky smell. 'Oh Carl, I'm so sorry, but I want Daddy to be my first and then...I'll be all yours, and I mean...all yours!' she thought, as visions of her and Carl living together, as man and wife, filled her mind, all the while hoping, that he thought of her the same way.

Carl was disappointed, but Jenny had him in her mouth and he knew she wouldn't stop this time. He would cum in Jenny's mouth and would get to watch it. "Oh Jenny, I'm getting close!" he moaned, while watching her cheeks sucking in and out, Carl could feel the suction around his cock. "Oh god, I'm in heaven and it's in my big sisters...mouth!" Carl grunted and it happened. Cum shot from his piss hole and into Jenny's suckling mouth. He heard her gag, but Jenny kept sucking and he could feel her swallowing his cum. Each time she swallowed, his cock slid deeper into her mouth, until Carl felt Jenny shift her head and she swallowed harder. "Oh fuck! Jenny, you cock...sucking bitch!" he yelled out, as his cock-head went into her warm, silky throat and she kept swallowing.

Jenny felt his cock easing into her throat and she was ready for him. She let Daddy into her throat last night, but tonight, Carl would get it much better, and Jenny knew what she was doing this time. 'Come on, give it a little push and make it all go in me!' she thought and leaned into him, taking more of her brothers cock and letting him fuck her throat. 'Come on, push! Push it deeper!' she thought, looking into his eyes and Carl smiled.

He lifted up; Jenny gagged and sucked him harder. Her face was bright red, but she kept sucking, taking him, and Jenny wasn't stopping until Carl came again. "Damn Jenny, you trying to fucking kill me?" he moaned, as she sucked, Carl could see in Jenny's eyes, that she was happy and having a blast.

She giggled and sucked harder, watching his face twisting with a mix of pain and pleasure. 'Oh yeah, cum again or I'll keep sucking and sucking and sucking you!' she thought with a laugh, and Jenny wasn't stopping until Carl came deep in her throat again. 'Cum on, do it baby and cum in my throat!' she thought and sucked harder, taking him completely into her throat. His pubic hair was in her face and her nose was being smashed into his body. He was all the way in her mouth and down her throat.

Carl looked on and couldn't believe that Jenny had him all the way in her throat. "Holy fuck!" he moaned, his cock jerked and a hot jet of cum shot down Jenny's throat. She moaned, nursing him with more love than ever, as he felt his cock starting to deflate. "Oh Jenny, I love you so much! Oh Jenny, suck it, suck my big cock!" he moaned and needed to give her a loving hug. He felt a bad pain in his shoulder.


"Ouch!" he yelled, as Jenny brought him back from the past, plus she was giving him a cool look.

Tim looked at his mom and she started yelling. "No good mother fucker, I hate you so much and I hope you burn in hell!" she yelled and watched Jennings smile. "My first man father! Are you happy now! And after that...I fucked my brother too!" she yelled at Tim and the TV.

Tim was shocked, as this answered a few things for him. All those times she yelled at him for being around Raven so much, and she fucked every guy in her family. "Damn mom, all the shit you used to lay on me for being with fucking hypocritical bitch! I hate you!" Tim yelled triumphantly, knowing that he was finally and completely through with her.

"Oh my god, how could you guys do that together, and with Daddy?" Becky asked with shock, as Jenny glared at her.

"If by chance, you ever got the chance to enjoy a cock the size of Daddy's or Carl's, you'd never go back to that horrible husband of yours Becky, and you'd follow ole' Carl around just the way I did that summer! Daddy's cock was soooo long and soooo thick. When he took me Becky...I came close to fainting in his arms. He made me orgasm better than any other man I have ever had!" Jenny said, and was glad she did. "Daddy was a's, man, and women of all types and ages would flock to him. I was one of them and I don't regret any of it!" Jenny added, wiping her eyes and turning to Tim.

"I was trying to save you from an embarrassing moment just like this, someday in your future, but I guess I'm too late for that now!" Jenny snapped at Tim and couldn't wait for this to end.

Tim laughed and thought of being inside Raven, "Oh yes, I'd say you are now!" he said with a proud voice and stuck out his chest. "We haven't done anything, until last night mother, and I'm not lying!" he said with the same pride, as he hoped he would never have to see her again.

"To Becky, my little girl. I love you, and other than your lazy family, you are the best thing that has ever come into this world, and your heart is unmatched! I leave you and you alone, two hundred million dollars...your family is not to see a single dime, until they all hold down a steady job for one full year, and that includes your sorry ass husband too! No getting fired, no being hired by someone they know and they cannot tell anyone of this arrangement! If Jennings finds out that someone has cheated, I will ask you to exclude them from my gift Becky." John said with a firm tone and he puffed the cigar. "Thank for all your love and I will miss you," he added with a low voice and puffed.

She shook her head in disbelief and saw Jennings stand up and open the door. "Are you kidding, I have to I'm the help being thrown out!" Becky hissed, as she didn't like this. She looked again and Jennings had the door opened for her.

"I'm sorry, but this is how Mr. Wildwood wanted things, and he paid me to make sure it went as planned." Jennings replied, and showed her from the room.

"So, Jenny and two darling children and little 'fuck' buddies! You two fucked more than all the damn rabbits on the plantation and you thought that I didn't know! Two dumb ass people! Tim. They'd screw at night, in his room, and your mommy was a screaming, fucking whore!" he laughed, and Tim saw mom was close to exploding.

"Fuck you Daddy! Fuck you!" Jenny screamed at the TV and wanted to through something at it. "I was young and you took advantage of me!"

"Carl, I'm glad Jenny was your first woman and I'm sure she showed you lots of nice things. It's a shame your wife is such a cold fish and won't fuck you the way your sister did!" He smiled, and then turned serious again.

"Tim, ask your mom about a cool, rainy night some...thirty-three years back, and a beautiful woman dying in my arms," he said, and Tim saw an odd look in grandfather's eyes. He looked as if he could kill, and Tim could swear it was towards mom.

Jenny jumped up and threw a cup of coffee towards the TV. "Fuck you dad! You promised that you'd be with me that night, it was my birthday! You lied to me and said something happened at work. I followed you to that...that...fucking whore and I caught you fucking her pregnant ass!" Jenny screamed and threw her purse at the TV.

Jenny took a deep breath, as she hoped dad burned in hell. "I threw the statue at you...not her, and your chicken shit ass moved and it hit her! It was not my fault! You always blamed me for that retarded, fucking bitch, but it was because you moved and it hit her in the stomach!" Jenny screamed, as tears rolled from her eyes, as she looked at Tim. He was crying and Jenny could see that his eyes were filled with hate.

Tim sat in his chair, this entire day was crazy as hell, just the way grandfather loved it and he would have been laughing his ass off. "Tim, if she didn't tell you, Jennings has a letter to you from me, explaining that night and what happened to Raven." John stopped to wipe his eyes and he went on. "Your mother threw a twelve pound statue at me, I moved and it hit, Misty...Raven's mother, in the stomach and the side of your dear aunt's head. Misty was nearing time to giving birth and the shock of being hit so hard and the internal bleeding, was too much for her body, so after giving birth to Raven, she bled to death in my arms and your mother just stood by watching." John said, and just as he had finished, the old guy started balling like a baby and Tim's eyes were flooding with tears as well.

"You fucking cunt, I hate you!" Tim said as he wiped his eyes and sniffed. "All the shit you give Raven, and now to find, that YOU are the reason she is fucked up! I don't ever want to see you or hear from you again, and I mean that! After today, you are dead to me, and I DO NOT have a mother!" he yelled at her. Tim wanted to kill her.

"Good, because I hate you too!" Jenny yelled back at her son, and wished he would have never been born. "Go fuck your 'retarded' aunt and have a good ole' time and see if I give a rats ass or not! I think you're wasting your life on her, and Tim, she is a lot older than you are and in a few years, she's not going to be that beautiful and you'll be stuck with a wrinkled, old lady and you'll still be a young man!" Jenny laughed and turned to see someone standing by the door.

Tim turned and saw Raven standing there. She was in her blue dress and looked gorgeous. Raven heard every word that they just said and Tim saw a strange look on her pretty face that he had never seen before. She walked towards the front of the room and towards his mom. "Raven, what are you doing?" Tim asked, but Raven walked right by him and up to his mom.

Raven heard Daddy, and she had never felt like this in her life. She wanted to tear Jenny into small pieces and throw her into the river. She took a deep breath, started walking towards Jenny and for the first time in Raven's life, she was mad. "Is that true Jenny, what Daddy just said about you hurting me and...and...killing my momma?" Raven growled, as she stared deep into Jenny's eyes; Raven wanted to tear her apart.

Jenny saw the retard coming towards her and she hoped the bitch tried something. Jenny could beat her dumb ass in a second and be done with her. "Yes it is! What are y..." Jenny was saying, until a very strong fist hit her in the side of her big mouth and Jenny flew six feet back.

Tim saw Raven draw back her fist and mom went flying across the room. "Holy fuck, yes!" Tim screamed, when Raven knocked mom out and on her fat ass.

Raven walked to Jenny, squatted down and she started talking. "Jenny, I may not be that smart or know all the things you do, but I'm not stupid either, and I always knew why you hated me. You always thought that Daddy was loving me at night, but he never did, and Tim was my first guy. We did it last night and we never did anything before that, but you always were mean to us and saying all them things to me. I never did nothing to you Jenny, but you're the reason I'm this way killed my momma." Raven said, and walked back to Tim.

Tim grabbed Raven and hugged her. "Awesome, I couldn't have done it better!" he said, as they hugged.

"Tim my boy, I'm leaving you and Raven, this estate, everything here, in town, and every penny I have, but Tim...if you ever cheat on, or hurt my will dealt with and dealt hard!" John said in a cold voice, and he hoped Tim understood him. "Oh Carl, I'm giving you ten million, and to Jenny...I'm leaving that up to Tim and Raven, so good luck!" John laughed and the TV went off.

Jenny sat on the floor and started to shake; knowing that she was going to be broke. "Damn it, why did I have to be so fucking mean to them?" she thought, and stood up to leave


Tim saw Raven standing by the window, looking out into the gloomy and storming night. Her dress was beautiful and it did highlight her blue/grey eyes. "Hey sweetheart, how are you doing, and how's your hand?" he asked walking up behind Raven, slipping his arms around her body. She grabbed his arms, turned her face towards his and lightly kissed him.

She felt Tim hug her and he felt so good after this long, sad day, and Raven could not believe that her Daddy was gone and in heaven. "Hey there, I was missing you and I was just comin' to find my guy!" she said with a smile, but deep inside, Raven was hurting so bad and didn't know what to do. "Tim, I hurt so bad...and...and...I miss my...Daddy!" she started sobbing hard and fell into his arms.

Tim grabbed Raven and hoped he could ease her pain. He caressed her slender back with one hand, while the other, ran through her long, silky hair and he kissed her. "It'll be ok baby, I promise, and you know I wouldn't lie to you. At first, it hurts so much and it feels like somebody tore your heart down the middle, right?" Tim asked trying to remember all that he learned from a Grief Counselor that came to his high school, after some popular guy got killed by his dad and then killed himself too.

"Yeah and...I...hate it Tim." Raven sniffed and snuggled against Tim. "I like when you hug me, and now, we can hug all the time...can't we?" she asked, and squeezed Tim harder.

Tim hoped this wasn't a mistake, and that Raven could keep quiet about them. "Baby, we still have to be careful and not let anyone see us kissing or something," he said and looked into her eyes.

She quickly shook her head no and smiled at Tim. "No, Daddy told everyone that he gives money to, when he went to heaven, you and me would get married and they had to promise not to say nothing." Raven said with a big grin, as she caressed the side of his face, he looked different.

He was shocked that grandfather would say something like that, but the craziest thing, was about him and Raven getting married. "When did he tell them, Raven and he really said that we'd get married?" Tim asked, pulled away to light a cigarette and sat in the giant recliner that grandfather used to sit in.

She quickly sat on the floor, just like she did when Daddy was here and moved to his feet. Raven smiled and looked up into his eyes. "It was last week, we had a big party and Daddy gave his people checks. They were happy, and he told them they would get a bunch more, but they had to promise not say nothing about us." Raven paused and this was scaring her. "Tim, is that right or was...Daddy just fooling with about us getting married?" she asked with a helpless voice and hoped it was right. Daddy showed her some places one time that seemed real nice and told her that someday, when he went to heaven, she might have to live at one them and that scared her.

Tim's head was spinning and this was crazy as hell. He loved Raven to death, but never thought about something like getting married to her and ending his single life. Grandfather said he was to keep Raven happy and never hurt her, plus Tim remembered their talk in the garden last night and what grandfather told him about loving her. It was all very odd, but he had a fucking ton of money and one of the most beautiful women on the face of the earth. Tim started to smile and reached his hand down to Raven.

She took his hand, curled up on his lap and Tim kissed her. Raven knew everything was fine now and she needed Tim. "Let's go room this time and..." she leaned to his ear and whispered. "We can do it in there! I always wanted you in my bed Tim and when I'd think about it, I would get so...horny!" she laughed, felt her face turning red and Tim's right hand started caressing up her long leg, under her dress and towards her new panties. "I like when you touch my 'special' places Tim, I get so warm and my whole body tingles!" Raven moaned and looked in his eyes.

Tim returned her gaze and could feel his cock filling with blood. "You want to sleep in your room tonight?" he whispered, as he grazed the seam of her panties and could feel the heat coming from Raven's pussy.

"Well, not really sleep...I wanted you to make love to my bed." Raven purred and snuggled her face into the side of his neck.

He caressed over her panties and her juices quickly covered his fingers. "It feels like you wet your panties!" Tim smiled and kept sliding his fingers into her swollen pussy lips, enjoying the feel of her warmth on his fingers and her moans of need.

His fingers caressed over her pussy and Raven shivered at his touch. "It's because I love you and I was thinkin' about you and my room!" she moaned louder, spread her legs for him and Raven leaned her mouth into his. "Tim...I love you soooo much!" she moaned again, felt Tim pulling her panties over and he started kissing her, while gently rubbing her pussy and playing in her juices. "Come on Tim, let's go, so I can take my clothes off for you, and tonight, we can make it in my room so we can finish what we started this morning." Raven purred into his mouth, as they kissed and Tim's fingers slipped in her most special place.

Tim kissed Raven and thought of how close he had come to getting her sexy ass this morning, but that's when they found out grandfather died and everything changed. "Oh really? You still want my big cock in this sexy and gorgeous ass?" he moaned, as they kissed and his hands mauled her tight behind.

"Yeah, I can't wait and I need it right now!" she moaned in his mouth and jerked away. "Come on Tim, I want to go to my room and fuck you!" Raven laughed and ran up the stairs. She heard Tim running behind her and she ran faster, until he caught her and pushed her against the wall.

"Are you trying to get away from me?" he teased and tickled up her sides, stopping when he felt the swell of Raven's breasts against his hands and he smiled. "It's still kinda weird touching you and I'm worried we'll get into trouble!" he laughed and leaned to kiss Raven on her mouth, slipping his tongue into hers, as she gently started sucking it.

Raven moaned, spread her legs and let Tim do anything he wanted. "Oh Tim, I love you so much and this is so much fun!" she gasped, as his hands covered her breasts and his hips started to push against her pussy. "Tim, it hurts baby, your pants are so rough...look," she moaned, put her lower lip out and showed him her chapped thighs.

He looked down and leaned to kiss Raven. "I'm sorry baby, we can find some salve to put on you." Tim said, as he continued to kiss and nibble on Raven's sexy lips, while she kissed him back, with just as much need. "I want you baby and I need to be between your legs Raven!" Tim moaned, scooped her up and took her to her room.

Raven quickly stripped off her dress and moved to the middle of her bed, making sure to wiggle her ass and tease him. She turned on her back, smiled and very slowly spread her legs. "!" she purred, holding out her arms and a warm smile covered Raven's entire face.

Tim pulled down his pants, got on the bed and he moved between her long, smooth legs and looked down to see that she was dripping wet. He rested on Raven's body, started kissing her neck and her loving arms embraced him. "You're dripping wet, baby and so hot," he moaned in her ear, as he kissed and lightly nibbled the tiny lobe. "Does my sexy, beautiful...Raven...need her Tim? Does she...Raven? Do you need me?" he moaned into Raven's ear and she was going wild under him.

Raven was trying all she could to get him inside her body, but Tim was making her wait and it was killing her. "Yes, I need you, I need my...Tim! Come on, me!" she moaned, lifted her hips and Tim's big thing...(cock) found her pussy and it started to go in. "Oh Tim,'s kinda sore, but I still want you to be...oh god...yes!" Raven squealed, as he pushed deeper and hit the back of her body.

Tim smiled, kept easing into his sexy aunt and wasn't really listening to her. He only knew that he was slipping into the hottest fucking woman around, he was a rich man and life couldn't get any better than this. "Raven, my make me complete!" he moaned loud, pushed harder and Tim started filling her with his warm cum.

Raven felt him jump, her pussy locked on him and her legs began to quiver. "Oh Tim, oh my god, Tim, Tim, oh my...Tim! Oh! Oh god! Oh, oh, oh!" Raven squealed again, her legs wrapped around his hips, she rammed him deeper and forced his hot cum shot deep in her.

Tim pushed in Raven and his cock came so fucking hard and with such force, it felt as if fire had been shooting from the tip and the head was about to explode. "Oh Raven, my Raven, my Raven!" Tim moaned, as he kept humping in her warm, cum-filled pussy and Raven started whimpering.

"Oh Tim...I love you! My sweet lover! Oh baby, I love you!" she cried, kissed all over his face and pushed her slender hips to meet his deep thrust in her. "Oh baby, that was so good and I thought I was going to die there for a second!" she laughed and hugged him. "My heart was pounding so dang hard I thought it was going to explode, and my head felt like a big ole' balloon that was about to burst!" Raven said with a giggle and hugged him to her body. "I love when we're...doing it with each other!" she moaned, pulled his face to hers and they kissed deep.

Tim loved Raven and couldn't imagine life without her. "I know and I hope it's always this good!" he smiled, and returned Raven's loving kisses.


Thanks for reading and please vote! If you're going to be an ass-head and leave nasty comments, kiss my ass!