Quest For Trinity: Life Goes On

L.A. Wicker©

This story is for ADULT amusement only. It contains material of an adult, explicit, SEXUAL nature. If you are insulted by sexually explicit subject matter or language, please DO NOT read this!

This story is a work of fiction! It is not real! All characters and events portrayed in it are imaginary, and any similarity to real people or events is purely coincidental. The author does not condone or endorse incest in any way!

This story may not be reproduced in any way, shape or form without the permission of the author.

Copyright © 2006 L.A.Wicker. All rights reserved.

"I think that something's going on between Ken and Trinity." Barb Jones said as she turned to look at her husband Tom. "You remember how she was back in college," she added as she reached for her cigarettes and carefully lit one and hoped that Ken wasn't screwing his aunt.

Tom pulled his eyes from the movie that they'd been watching and couldn't believe what his wife just said. "What?" he asked in shock, trying to picture his son Ken, screwing the shit out of Trinity. If you are, you best pop that hot ass a few times for me. Tom laughed as he continued thinking of Ken humping the hot woman.

"I said, I think your son, is screwing his aunt!" Barb said in a loud voice as she glared at Tom. Why don't you clean your fucking ears out? She thought as anger rushed through her. She knew that Tom had a thing for Trinity in college, but she was only after money or a big cock. So, that left poor Tom out. He didn't have either one.

He looked back to Barb and he wanted to slap her teeth out of her face. You fucking bitch! It wouldn't take much for me to knock your ass out! He thought looking back to her, wishing he had the nerve to put Barb in her place. Tom was so tried of being pushed around and bullied by her.

"I heard you; I just couldn't believe it," he said as he returned her evil look. "There's not much we can do about it. He's over eighteen and she isn't a blood relative," he added and couldn't help thinking of how good Trinity looked.

"Well I don't give a shit! He shouldn't be up there fucking her!" Barb said as she flipped an ash into a nearby ashtray and puffed her cigarette. "I'm seriously thinking about going up there and seeing if they are or not," she said looking at Tom and wondered if he still had feelings for Trinity. "You should come with me." Barb said and had a good idea he wouldn't. He liked staying at home and watching TV.

"Nope, he's old enough to take care of himself and besides that," he paused to light a cigarette before going on and Tom knew his next words were going to really piss Barb off. "If he is fucking her, I'm proud of him!" Tom said with a smile as visions of Ken screwing Trinity filled his mind.

Barb sat in shock and could not believe what Tom just said. "You fucker!" she yelled as she stood up and was ready for a good fight. "You had the hots for her no good, horny ass too! Did you ever fuck her? I know all our friends did. She'd lay down for any guy with a fucking dick!" Barb screamed at Tom and she wanted to kill him.

Tom just laughed at Barb and he wasn't going to tell her anything. "I wouldn't tell you if I did or not. We weren't married or going out then, so it's none of your fucking business!" he yelled back at her and he knew that they were finished. Both of their kids were grown and out making a life for themselves, so he was through with Barb.

"I'm sure you did," she growled as she thought of Tom fucking her nasty sister-in-law. "Was it good? Did she fuck you like a whore?" Barb yelled and didn't see the hand swinging towards her face, until it was too late.


Tom's big hand hit Barb so hard that her cigarette flew from her mouth and across the room. "Fuck you!" he said jumping off the bed and went to the closet. "I'm done with you and all you're constant bitching! I'm leaving and never coming back." Tom said as he threw his suitcase on the bed and started packing his clothes.

"You know what? Fuck you, I don't need you! Go and don't ever come back!" Barb screamed and quickly knew she fucked up. Now she had to get off her ass and find a job. Oh fuck! I haven't worked since Ken was born. What am I going to do? She thought and hoped that things worked out.

"I'm going as fast as I can. I can't wait to get out of here and away from you!" Tom said with a big smile and it felt like the weight of the world had just been lifted off of his shoulders.


Back in Montana, Ken was on Trinity, screwing her hard and as fast as he could go. "Oh fuck, this is so nice!" he moaned as his stiffened cock slid in and out of Trinity with ease. "I'm going to be on you every chance I have," he moaned again as a loving smile covered her pretty, aging face.

"You can have me anytime you want," she said in a soft voice as Ken's young, hard cock used her as if she was a whore, but Trinity loved it hard and fast. "Go baby, fuck me all you want!" Trinity cried out and hoped she would please her new lover. She'd been alone too long and would do anything Ken asked of her.

He pumped with long and hard strokes, lifting her fine, mature ass off the bed with each hard stroke in. "Your pussy is so good! I'm going to be in you all the time!" Ken said as he watched her full breasts swaying back and forth.

"Oh yes, fuck me all you want! I'm all yours!" Trinity squealed and felt something nice sweep through her pussy. "Oh fuck, I'm about to cum, baby!" she cried, sat up on her elbows and watched his big cock fucking her stretched pussy. "That's my boy! Fuck it hard!" she growled with need in her voice and Trinity was so close. "I'm your whore, now fuck me like one! Fuck it harder! Fuck me!" Trinity screamed.

Ken heard her and was more than happy to do as he was told. He fucked her hard and didn't care if he hurt her or not. Trinity told him to fuck her just like a whore and he was doing it. "You like it hard, you fucking whore?" he asked as he pounded her pussy and loved every second of it.

"Yes, the harder the fuckin' better!"

"You are a fucking whore!"

"Yes I am, but I'm your whore!"

"My own little whore," he smiled as his cock continued to ram in and out of her once, tiny pussy.

"Oh yes! I'll always be your whore," she softly moaned, fell back on the bed and enjoyed her young stud fucking her with no mercy. "Oh Kenny, yes!" Trinity whimpered as he used her and she loved it all. You're so wonderful. She thought watching the pleasure on his face and Trinity knew she'd never be lonely again.

He looked down and still couldn't believe this was happening. He was fucking the holy shit out of his sexy aunt and she loved it all. "You're so pretty," he said as he leaned down to kiss her panting mouth. Her tongue slid into his and Ken gently sucked it as they gazed into each other's eyes. Oh God, I love you so much! Ken thought as he continued loving her wonderful body.

"Thank you, baby." Trinity purred in a soft voice as she looked up to her handsome lover and she gently hugged his neck. "You're going to end up screwing me to death!" she smiled and hoped he would. She had been without a man for so long and it was time to make up for it.

Ken just smiled as his hips kept moving back and forth. "I might, you never know," he whispered as his eyes gazed to Trinity's large breasts, gently sloshing all around. "Next time we do this." Ken moaned and couldn't keep his eyes from her large mounds. "I'd like you on top and these fabulous things in my mouth," he said with a big smile as he continued watching her big breasts moving back and forth.

"I love being on top and my man sucking them as I fuck him!" Trinity moaned as she thought of being on Ken, with his long cock in her and him sucking her nipples. "Stop for a second," she smiled and knew she was about to make him very happy. "I wanta do it now," she whispered and watched a big smile covering his face.

Ken couldn't move fast enough. "Oh yes!" he moaned as Trinity climbed on him and took all of his stiff cock. "Fuck, I love this and you so much!" Ken said, grabbed her and hugged as tight as he could. Her hips slowly moved up, down and in small, tight circles and her breasts were dangling just above his mouth. I've fuckin' died and went to pussy heaven! He laughed, sucked one of her nipples into his mouth and loved the loud moans coming from deep inside Trinity.

Ken's words filled her ears and sank deep into Trinity's heart. "I love you too," she whispered as her hips began their magic and when he started sucking her nipple, Trinity thought she was going to explode. Her nipples were the most sensitive part of her body and she loved them to be sucked. His tongue licked around her dark and very large areolas. "Yes!" she whimpered as the wonderful sensations rushed from her nipples, through her body and to the deepest part of her wet and excited pussy.

Ken rested his hands on her hips as he teased and gently sucked her tender nipples. He loved Trinity's soft moans of pleasure and now, he couldn't wait for her to cum on him. "We are going to end up killing each other." Ken smiled as he watched her beautiful face and hoped this would never end. He knew she was close to thirty years old than him, but Ken didn't care. He loved older women to begin with and this older lady was out of this world and all his.

"What a way to go," she moaned and a nice, warm feel started to overtake her body. "I'm so close!" Trinity cried as her hips moved faster, she drove him deep in her and Trinity couldn't wait to cum.

Ken continued to gently hold her slender hips as his hard cock slipped in and out of her gorgeous body. "Do it then! Cum all over my cock," he said as he looked up to her pretty face and Ken knew he'd never love anyone again.

Trinity moved faster and knew this was her man. Nobody would ever be inside her, but Ken. "Yes, I wanta cum so bad!" she cried out as she humped up and down his long and beautiful cock.

"Do it, you sexy, fuckin' thing!" he ordered, grabbed her meaty ass and Ken squeezed both of her tender cheeks with all of his strength. "Cum on me!" Ken said, drew back his right hand and he slapped Trinity's left cheek. She jumped and her already tight pussy squeezed him so hard, he thought it was going to snip off his cock. "Oh fuck, that was awesome!" he yelled out, drew back his left hand and let it fly.

Trinity was riding him like a wild animal in heat, but when his hand slapped her butt, she couldn't help screaming. "Yes, oh my God!" Trinity screamed so loud, it hurt her own ears. "That was out of this wor..." she was about to say, until his other hand lit up her other cheek. "Oh Ken, I love it!" Trinity squealed as she eased down, smashed her tiny clit between their bodies and humped it against him.

"Yeah, that's what I'm takin' about!" Ken laughed as he watched her going wild. Her body felt so good against him and as wet as Trinity was getting, he knew it wasn't going to be very much longer. His cock was deep in her and when she sank down and humped him, he had an idea that things were just about over. "I'm going to fill you so full of cum," he moaned, sucked Trinity's breasts and just watched her.

"I'd love that so much!" Trinity moaned as her hips trashed about. "I love when my man cums in me," she whimpered with need in her soft voice and that fire deep in her pussy was growing bigger and needed to be put out. "I could do this forever," she smiled and had a good idea that Ken would be on her and in her every chance they had. I can't believe how good you're making me feel, she thought as her slender hips continued moving in every direction Trinity could manage.

He smiled up to her and asked, "You like this sweet thing slapped?" Ken smiled as he gently caressed her ass.

"Hell yes I do!" Trinity growled as her hips ground against him and she didn't see Ken's hand lift in the air.

Trinity rode him with vigor and all thoughts of him being her nephew left her mind. She didn't care anymore, she had her dream lover and nobody was going to take him from her now.

His hand came down on her right cheek again, Trinity froze and couldn't move, but her tiny, once lonely pussy did. "Oh...oh..." she cried as a wonderful rush swept over her body. "You did it!" Trinity squealed as she started to cum. "My baby!" she screamed as her pussy locked around him, her mature heart raced out of control and her head was spinning. "Ahhhh, yes! Yes!" she screamed louder than at any time in her life. Not even her late husband had ever given her such wonderful feelings as Ken was at this very moment.

Ken watched her exploding, as he enjoyed her tight muscles spasming around his hard cock. He felt his cock jump and Trinity got another gift. He lifted his hips, drove his cock in her more and he came. "Oh God! I love you!" Ken yelled as he released in her. His cock shot warm cum deep into her fabulous body and Ken knew life couldn't get any better than this. He kept shooting in her as they held each other close.


Mollie was on her bed, legs spread wide with her favorite vibrating toy deep in her young pussy. "Oh yes!" she whimpered thinking of the most dirty thoughts she could muster. She slipped it in and out of the tiny, lonely hole, thinking of the man she loved and wanted so bad. "I need you in me!" Mollie cried as her pace quickened and she hoped to bring herself some needed pleasures.

Mollie knew that a girl her age should not be here and all alone. She knew deep down that she should have a young man on her, but she didn't want just any man, she wanted the best man in the whole world. "Oh please," she whimpered and hoping this lifeless, cold thing in her could ease some of her discomfort, but deep down, Mollie knew what she really needed and it wasn't this.

She moved it faster and prayed that something would happen. She hadn't been able to achieve an orgasm in months and it was killing her. Mollie's grades were slipping for the first time in her life and her boss told her to shape up or she'd be fired.

"Please!" Mollie whimpered with need in her voice. "I need to cum!" she whispered as tears began to run from her eyes and down the sides of her beautiful face, dripping on her pillow. Just a little one would be so nice. She thought as the toy vibrated in her tiny hand and in her young pussy.

She moved it faster and prayed more, begging for some kind of relief and she heard a soft knock at her door. What the fuck? She screamed to herself, turned to look at her clock next to the bed to see that it was just after two am. She quickly turned off the annoying toy and put it in her nightstand. This better be damn important! She growled to herself, grabbed her pajama bottoms, pulled them on and walked to the door. "Who is it?" she yelled through the door and wanted for a reply.

"It's your father." Mollie heard and she couldn't open the door fast enough. Her Daddy was standing there with his suitcase in hand and Mollie hoped that all of her prayers were about to be answered.

She covered her mouth and fought to hold back tears of joy. "Please tell me that you left her once and for all," she smiled, tried to hold back her tears, but couldn't.

Tom just smiled at his very sexy young daughter. He couldn't help noticing that her hair was a mess, her makeup smeared and Mollie's nipples were so hard and looked so inviting. Damn, you're so fucking hot! Tom thought as his eyes slowly moved up to her pretty, brown eyes.

"Yes I did!" he said with happiness in his voice, dropped the case and grabbed her. He hugged with all of his might and a strange feeling rushed over him. Tom was getting a hard on for his baby girl. "It felt so good when I walked out the door. It was like...nothing I've ever felt." Tom said and wondered why he was having these kinds of feelings for her now. He'd never thought such things about Mollie.

Mollie rested in his strong arms and was never happier in her life. She knew Barb was her mother, but Mollie hated her and never understood why Daddy ever stayed with her for as long as he had. Any other man in his right mind would have left the cold-hearted woman years ago, but dear ol' Dad stuck it out.

"I'm so glad." Mollie whispered as she enjoyed his arms around her body. She left home two years ago and never looked back. She hated leaving the two best men in the world, but Mollie couldn't live with her mother any more. She stayed in contact with Daddy and Ken through the web and phone calls when they were at work.

"I can't wait to start enjoying life again and I need to get laid so bad! Do you have any hot girlfriend that like older men?" Tom asked as he reluctantly pulled from the sexy young girl, but if he didn't, he knew she'd feel his hard-on.

Mollie was a bit taken by his words and she wasn't going to let him near any of her friends. "No, you're gunna be hanging out with me and nobody else!" she said with a harsh tone that sounded like her bitch mother.

He looked at Mollie's sleek five foot seven inch body, her hard nipples slightly poking against her small shirt and Tom grew harder than he'd been in years. Damn girl, is somebody horny or is it just me? He thought and couldn't help but staring at Mollie's nipples.

"I plan on having you all to myself and I mean it, buster!" she said with a smile as she watched his long cock growing more with each passing second. Poor Daddy, I should help you with that. Mollie thought as she tried her best not to get caught looking at him.

"Well, don't be shocked if I run around with a constant boner!"

"I'd like that." Mollie purred as she looked down to Daddy's big, swollen cock and smiled. "Will it be all for me or someone else?" she asked with a bigger smile.

Tom couldn't believe what Mollie just said and asked him. "I wonder about your ass sometime. You're a kinky little shit," he laughed and wondered if this was a good idea or not. Mollie was a total knockout, but she was his daughter.

"I'm a kink freak," she whispered as her brown eyes looked back to his massive erection and Mollie couldn't help but thinking of it deep in her young body.

"Ok, get your ass to bed before we end up breaking a few laws!" he laughed as he watched Mollie all but drooling on his cock. He knew that she was a horny girl, but Tom could have never imagined anything like this.

"Oh Daddy, don't be silly. I love hugging and flirting with you and now." Mollie purred as she moved back into his arms and made sure her hips were completely against his cock. "We can take it up a notch or two, maybe even three," she said as she gave her thin lips a long and very slow lick.

He was helpless as Mollie's words filled his ears and her wonderful body drove him crazy with need. "God help me!" Tom laughed as his arms went around her body and he hugged. "I'm going to be hard day and night," he softly whispered in her ear and he tenderly kissed it.

"I'm going to love it!" Mollie whispered back as she rested against him. I'm going to end up getting my dream man after all! She thought as visions of Daddy fucking her, filled Mollie's dirty, little mind. "I'm off to bed and tomorrow, you best be ready for some fun!" she smiled, pulled from him and quickly went to her bedroom. Oh my God! I'm on fucking fire!" Mollie thought as grabbed her tiny pussy and wondered how long it would take for her to convince Daddy to fuck her.

Damn, she's a crazy little bitch! I know she's a horny, little babe, but I'd never suspected her of wanting to fuck me. Tom thought and tried to remember if he'd smelt any booze on her breath. This is going to be crazy! He thought with a laugh, took off his clothes, lay on the sofa, and drifted off to sleep with his pretty daughter on his mind.


Mollie woke the next morning with a horrible, burn deep in her body and she knew why. Her Daddy was in the other room sleeping on the sofa. I'm going to drive him fuckin' crazy! She and quickly got out of her bed and went to shower.

She dressed in her smallest half shirt and a tiny pair of white, transparent panties. I bet you get real, nice and hard for me now. Mollie thought as she admired her seductive outfit in the mirror. "Ok, time to go!" she giggled and went to the living room. "Nice!" Mollie growled when she saw Daddy's big cock was pointing straight up and it was so hard. "I wonder what you've been dreaming?" she said, hoping like hell that it was for her. She had always had a thing for Daddy and Ken, but he had a thing for old ladies.

Tom heard her moving around and he couldn't help but choking when he saw what Mollie was wearing. "Damn, do you want raped? I haven't had any in so long, I forgot what it was like and you wear this kind of shit." Tom said as walked in the kitchen and he couldn't keep his eyes off Mollie tiny size three ass.

"I gotta make sure that you enjoy being around me." Mollie purred in a soft, alluring voice as she moved against him and hugged. His long, hard cock felt so good as it rested against her trim stomach, but Mollie knew it would feel much better between her long legs.

"You fuckin' cock teaser!" he laughed, drew back his big right hand and slapped her tiny ass.

"Ouch! Why did you do that?" she asked with a laugh, gently rubbing her burning flesh, hoping Daddy would do that lots more. Mollie loved it when she was slapped around. It was always a sure way to make her cum.

"I know you like it," he winked, got a cup of coffee and sat down to enjoy the view. "I bet those panties look damn good when they're wet." Tom added as he watched Mollie wiping down the counters and stove.

"If you keep slapping my ass," she paused to give him a smile before going on. "I'm sure they're going to be dripping wet." Mollie smiled again as she watched a big grin cover Daddy's face and she wondered if he would like being her master.

"You bad little girl," he laughed and knew he wasn't going to last very long. Mollie had always been a seductive girl and she could get anything she ever wanted from him. She'd come to him, wearing small bikinis, tiny, tiny panties and sometimes only a shirt and she'd sweet talk him.

"You know you like it, you always got so nice and hard when I'd sit on your lap." Mollie said in a soft voice and had an idea. She slowly walked to him, gently sat down and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Mmm, you're so hard now!" she moaned and couldn't resist grinding her ass on him, hoping Daddy would fuck her with his long, beautiful cock.

"I told you that your bitch Mom hasn't screwed me in two years."

"You poor, poor baby," she softly whispered in his ear and hoped that he'd give in to her soon. "Why didn't you go out and...find somebody? You're still a very, very hot and sexy man, Daddy." Mollie purred as she looked deep into his dark and handsome eyes.

He didn't know what to say. "I don't know. I guess I should have, but that can really fuck up a person's life."

"You shouldn't have sat around suffering. That evil bitch needed her ass beat for not fucking you," she said as she gently caressed his face and hoped her next words wouldn't upset or piss him off. "If I'd been your'd never be lonely. I would have fucked you day and night!" Mollie added in a very seductive voice and hoped he didn't think she was insane.

Tom looked at her and he was shocked by her words, but in his start of horniness, in sounded very nice. Mollie was a babe and would be any man's dream to fuck. "Sounds like you need laid too," he said as he gently rubbed her back with one hand, while the other slowly caressed her flat stomach.

She just smiled at her Daddy and Mollie knew that he would figure this out soon. She wasn't going to ask him to fuck her; she wanted him to seduce her. "I'll be getting me some in a day or two, maybe sooner," she said in a loving voice as she enjoyed his hands on her young body.

"Let me know so I can leave. I don't think I could stand hearing some guy doin' my baby girl," he said as he continued to caress her.

She just smiled at him and thought, Daddy; you're the guy I'm planning on fucking. "Don't worry about it right now. I've got you all to myself and that's the way I want it." Mollie said in a lustful voice and she really hoped that he'd get the idea that she wanted him.

"What do you plan on doing with me?" he asked and saw a look cover her pretty face that he'd never seen before.

Mollie wanted to tell her Daddy that she planned on fucking him to death, but she didn't want to shock him to bad. "I think you'll love what I have in store for you," she whispered in a very soft voice as visions of her Daddy on her body, fucking her filled her mind.

"Just being with you will be wonderful!" Tom replied as he hugged her magnificent body nice and tight.

"I think I can make things even better than you could ever imagine." Mollie smiled and she couldn't wait to fuck him. "I'm going to go get dressed in something nice and for you. Is there anything you'd like to see me in?" she asked as her fingers slowly moved around his thick and hairy chest.

Tom thought for a second and he remembered something. "How about those jeans you wear that have a few thousand holes in them. I love watching your cute, little ass wiggling in them," he smiled as a pretty gleam filled her eyes.

"I think I can arrange that," she said and knew good ol' Daddy liked checking out her butt and if he liked that so much, she knew he was going to enjoy what was coming. "Let me go pretty myself up and we'll go for lunch or just fuckin' around." Mollie said as she slowly leaned to kiss him, but it wasn't a father, daughter kiss. She slid her tongue in his mouth, licked around and couldn't help but letting out a lustful moan. That's it, kiss me! I'm all yours, Daddy.

His hand caressed her as she leaned to him and he returned Mollie's kiss. He hadn't been with a woman in so long and Mollie was so sexy, he couldn't hold back. He held her tight while they kissed. Her warm tongue was so nice as it slithered around his mouth, it made his cock grow so hard, it hurt. "You better go dress get crazy."

"I love crazy, don't you?"

He looked at Mollie and wasn't sure of what was going on. Are you trying to fuck me? He wondered as he looked into her gorgeous and lustful eyes. "Go get dressed before I spank you." Tom laughed as Mollie stood up.

"I love that too," she giggled and quickly walked to her room. "I'm going to fuck you crazy, Daddy!" Mollie growled with need as she thought of her Daddy's big, hard cock fucking her.


Back in Montana, Ken was in the barn getting the Hummer ready to go into town, when a car drove up. "Who's this?" he said as he climbed down and went out to look. "You're fuckin' kidding me!" he said with disgust in his voice as his Mom got out of the car with a big smile on her face.

She was a total babe standing close to five foot eight inches tall, with perking C cup breasts and one of the best-looking asses that Ken had ever seen.

"What're you doing here?" Ken asked and wondered why she was here.

"After our conversation on the phone," she paused to get a cigarette from her purse and lit it before going on. "I figured that I should come up here and make sure nothing is going on between you two."

Ken looked at her in shock and into Mom's very pretty eyes. "Oh God Mom, I don't believe you sometime. Do you really think I'd be up here screwing my aunt?" he always loved her dark eyeliner and matching eye shadow, it made her look mysterious as hell.

"From the way you talked on the phone, I thought you were."

"Mom, Trinity's a babe, but she is my aunt and I wouldn't do it with her," he lied and hoped that she didn't see through him. Mom was a master at catching people in a lie.

She looked at Ken and wasn't sure if he was telling the truth or not. "I just hope you have enough sense to stay away from her and besides, I think you can go to jail for doing it with a relative," she said in one of those motherly voices, while she gave him a cool look.

"I'm not!" Ken said and he saw Trinity walk from the house wearing a small top and her tightest, pair of jeans. Oh great, now she's really going to be watching us. Ken thought as he tried to keep his eyes off of Trinity's awesome breasts.

"Well, what a nice treat!" Trinity smiled as she quickly walked to hug Barb. "How've you been?" she asked as she pulled from Barb and noticed that she was staring at her boobs.

Barb couldn't believe just how good Trinity looked for a woman her age. No wonder why Ken liked her so much. "Other than last night, I've been great," she replied and found her eyes looking at her very sexy sister-in-law again.

"What happened?" Ken asked as he moved between his Mom and Trinity, carefully hugging them both and he couldn't resist caressing Trinity's fine ass.

Barb enjoyed her tall, handsome son hugging her. "Your father and I are finished. He took some of his things and...he left me," she said as tears flowed from her brown eyes.

"Oh no, what happened?" Trinity asked as she hugged Barb tighter than ever.

"We had a big falling out. I told him that I suspected you and Ken were having sex and that I wanted to come and find out for myself."

"Oh Lord! He's a great kid and as you can very well see, a hunk, but I'd never do it with a kid his age." Trinity said as she gave Ken a quick smile and visions of what they just did, filled her mind.

Barb carefully watched Trinity and remembered when they were in college. Trinity was one wild and crazy girl. She even taught Barb a few things. "I just wanted to see for myself. I know you're not blood relations, but it would still be just a little kinky." Barb added as she carefully watched Trinity's face and saw the massive sucker mark on her neck.

"Sorry you came all this way for nothing, but as long as you're here." Trinity smiled and hoped that she would go back home. She loved Ken and wanted him in her body day and night. But, with Barb hanging around watching their every move, it was going to be a total bitch. "We could always use an extra hand around here," she said with a big grin, watching Barb's face go blank.

Barb hadn't done any work for years and wasn't about to start now. "I think I'll take a pass on that!" Barb laughed at Trinity's words and couldn't help but noticing her nipples were as hard as rock. "You two seen like you have it under control; I'm sure I'll just get in the way," she laughed again and fought to keep her eyes off of Trinity's wonderful, full breasts.

"Ah, you chicken! You got your ass spoiled living the life of luxury." Trinity laughed at Barb and she could swear that Barb was checking out her boobs. You fuckin' perv! You worry about me fuckin' your son and then you stand here drooling over me!" Trinity laughed to herself as she remembered a few nights long ago.

"Hell yes! Tom told me that if I didn't want to work, I didn't have to." Barb quickly replied and like before, she couldn't keep her eyes off Trinity's big, luscious breasts.

"I think you're nothing but a spoiled bitch." Trinity said as she moved closer to Barb. "I should put this sexy ass of yours to work anyhow," she smiled as her hand reached around Barb and gave her ass a hard squeeze.

Barb wanted to piss her pants. Nobody, but Tom had touched her in over twenty years and the strange thing was, it turned her on. "I don't think so! I'll do the house work and cooking, but that's it." Barb said as the feel of Trinity's hand on her ass, was still running all over her body. That was so fucking weird! She thought giving Trinity's big breasts another quick look and thought back to college and some of the crazy shit they did.

"I guess that'll be alright. A city girl like you couldn't handle anything hard, anyway." Trinity said with a little wink, thinking of Ken's big cock up his mother's pussy and fucking the holy shit out of her prissy ass. Trinity already knew that Tom had a good one, but Ken had him beat hands down.

"Give me a good, hard one and I bet I could handle it!" Barb replied with a wide grin. I bet my ass she is fucking him. Barb thought looking at Trinity and to her very, very handsome son as he loaded a big trailer with hay.

"That could be arranged. We have us a young stud right here." Trinity smiled, gave Barb's ass a firm slap and she walked over to help Ken. "I think your mother's horny!" she whispered to her nephew and lover. "Wouldn't it be wild as hell if you got her ass too?" she whispered again and felt her pussy burning out of control.

Ken was loading the hay as he listened to Trinity. "You are one sick bitch!" he laughed and felt his cock jump. I guess that would be kinda crazy. He thought and gave his Mom a fast look. She wasn't a bad looking woman. She had nice tits, a damn good-looking ass and a very pretty face.

"I think you'd enjoy it. Just think of it, your Mom under you and that big ol' cock of yours tearing her ass up!" Trinity said with a seductive voice and she couldn't help but thinking of Ken fucking his Mom. "I bet she'd love it! She always liked a big one anyhow and for the guy to wear her ass out. Your Mom was a kinky bitch in college," she giggled at the shocked look on Ken's face and her pussy was now dripping wet.

"You need professional help!" he replied with a laugh, slapped her ass and he walked away from her as fast as he could, trying to get the thought of fucking Mom from his mind. Why in the fuck did you have to say that? Ken thought and he couldn't help but give Mom a look. Her nipples looked hard and for the first time in years, she actually smiled at him. She does look different. He thought returning her sweet and somewhat sexy smile.


As they walked through the mall, Tom watched Mollie's little ass wiggling in her holy jeans and quickly felt his cock start to grow. Oh my lord! He thought and felt a little shame, but his animal were instincts taking control of his body and there was nothing he could do. She was a woman in heat and he was a man that needed sex, even if she was his daughter.

She turned and saw him looking at her butt. "Do ya like it?" Mollie asked with a sexy tone in her soft voice and felt her pussy getting wet with excitement. She looked at the front of his pants and she quickly knew the answer. Daddy's cock was more than half-hard and it was all for her. Daddy will be mine very, very soon! She said to herself and couldn't wait to feel his big, long cock up her tiny pussy. She'd seen and felt him so many times in her life and now, he was going to be all hers. Mollie would keep him happy, unlike dear ol' Mom did.

"What guy wouldn't like seeing this hot, little thing?" he asked, pulled her against him and he couldn't resist. Both his big hands slid around her and straight to her tiny ass. His cock grew more, but this time it was pressing against Mollie's slender thigh and from the smile on her beautiful face, Tom knew she liked it just as much as he did.

"I'm feeling something nice on my leg," she whispered and hoped so much that he was ready for this. "You need a hot eighteen year old girl to fix this for you," she moaned as his hands caressed over her butt. It sent chills of excitement rushing through her that Mollie could have never thought possible until this very second.

He looked into her pretty eyes and saw nothing but lust and he knew what his baby girl wanted. She wanted him to love her and Tom was more than willing to comply. "That would be very nice. Do you know any that would be willing to do it with an old man like me?" he asked with a wink and he could help but flexing his hard cock.

She reached to slap his arm and said, "You're not old and besides," Mollie paused to catch her breath and thought of him on her, fucking her half to death. "This seems to be working very nicely. That's all that really matters," she smiled as her tiny hand moved down to his shaft and she ran her fingers over the length. "I know one girl that would love to be with you." Mollie whispered, feeling as if she was going to die. Her heart was pounding, her blood was boiling and her pussy was dripping wet.

"Is it anyone I know?"


"Is she hot?"

"She's a wild beast that needs a good man to tame her little ass."

"Damn, that sounds good to me!" he smiled and watched her face light up with joy. She was eighteen; a grown woman and she really seemed to want him.

"Me too!" she moaned as his hands continued to torment her ass and Mollie wished that she'd worn her mini skirt, instead of jeans.

About that time, two very pretty girl's walked up to them. "Hey Mollie, how you doing today?" the taller of the two asked Mollie, as her big, blue eyes glanced at Tom. Wow girl! Where in the fuck did you find him? She thought and tried to keep her eyes on Mollie.

"Hey!" Mollie said as she pulled from Daddy and hugged each girl. "Oh, I'd like you to meet my new guy. Tina, Cindy, this is Tom. We met on the internet." Mollie said and watched a sly smile cover Daddy's face.

"Hi there, nice to meet you." Tina smiled and felt her pussy starting to burn with need. She loved an older man just as much as her two friends did. Mollie always seemed to find nice men, but never stayed with them more than a week or two. And if Mollie was going to dump this one, Tina wanted him.

"Nice to meet you." Tom said as he looked at the tall blonde, knowing that she would likely kill him in bed.

Tina was tall, maybe five foot ten, pretty blue eyes with a big set of full breasts, a slender body and a great ass to boot.

"I'm going to need the name of the chat room where you found him." Tina said as she tried to keep her eyes off Tom and his very, very hard cock. Mollie best take care of you, or I will. Tina moaned to herself and could picture this handsome guy screwing her for hours and hours.

"I second that!" Cindy said jumping into the conversation as she pushed back her short, brown hair. Her green eyes roamed up and down every inch of Tom and just like Tina, her pussy was dripping with need. My God, I bet he can fuck so good! She moaned to herself and Cindy could see nothing but happiness on Mollie's face.

"We're all going up to the lake. You guys should come too. We have tons of beer; Jimmy's bringing a couple of ounces of weed and everybody's going to be there." Tina said and hoped Mollie and Tom would come. She wanted to know this handsome guy better.

Mollie didn't want Daddy anywhere near her horny friends. Mollie was sure that they would try and steal him from her. "I don't know. We kinda wanted to be alone," she lied and hoped they would just dry up and blow the fuck away. Mollie knew that they loved older guys just as much as she did and Daddy was a dreamboat.

"Oh come on! It'll be fun and we can get to know your guy." Tina said as her eyes looked into Tom's and she hoped Mollie would come with them. She needed to know this man.

Damn, she's a horny, little nymph! Tom thought as he returned Tina's very lustful look. If I wasn't with Mollie, your ass would be mine! He thought again as his eyes stayed locked to hers and hoped that Mollie wanted to go with them. It would fun to be around a bunch of horny girls all day.

Mollie saw Daddy checking out Tina and she he didn't go after Tina. "Sure," she smiled and figured that Daddy would stay with her. He hadn't been with anyone in such a long time and Mollie knew he needed to really give it to a girl, her.

"Oh cool! You know where we always go." Tina said giving Tom one last look. "I'm glad you're coming. It'll be fun," she lied and thought of her and Tom fucking in the woods. Tina hadn't had a good fuck in weeks and she knew that Tom would fix her right up.


"I can't believe I agreed to coming up here. I thought Tina was going to fuck you right in the middle of the mall and now she'll really be all over you." Mollie said as she snuggled close to her Daddy and she hoped he'd still want her.

"She did seem to like me," he laughed as he drove up the small dirt road and hoped his new car didn't get too dirty.

"If I hadn't have been there, she would have ate you alive."

Tom slowly pulled the car on the side of the road. "I need to ask you something," he said wrapping his arms around Mollie. "Am I right to think that you're trying to seduce me?" he asked and watched her nod her head yes. "Ok, then. You know that I haven't been with a woman in two years. If I did you now, I might hurt you," he smiled as his hand slowly moved under Mollie's blouse and up to her excited left nipple.

"Oh Daddy, yes!" she cried as his big right hand cupped her aching, left breast and he gently rolled her swollen nipple between his fingers.

"You don't know how bad I've wanted you. All those times you'd sit on my lap and 'accidentally' walked in on me in the bathroom, took its toll on me. You're going to find out what it did to me," he smiled, unzipped his pants and gently pulled out his hard cock. "Look at what you do to m..." he tried saying, but Mollie leaned down as quickly as she saw it and started sucking him.

Mollie saw is cock and she dove on it. She sucked him in her mouth and half way down her silky smooth throat, before she stopped. Oh Daddy, I love you so much! She cried to herself as she sucked the only man that she'd ever loved. At last, Daddy was going to be her man.

"Oh mother fucker!" Tom yelled as his wonderful daughter ate his cock. "I take it you like sucking cock?" he moaned as Mollie sucked him hard, so hard in fact, it hurt, but he wasn't about to stop her. "I always knew you were a born cocksucker!" he moaned again and he grabbed her head, gently pushing her down more. "Oh suck it you little tease! Suck it real good for Daddy!" he said as she moaned and sucked him with all of her might. "Mmm, that's Daddy's good, little girl!" he moaned enjoying her warm, wet mouth wrapped around him and sucking better than any woman he'd ever had before, even her own mother.

I'm your cocksucker, Daddy and I'll always keep you happy. Mollie thought as he pushed her down, sliding his cock farther down her throat. She sucked, while her head slowly moved up and down his pulsing shaft, wanting to please him.

"My sweet, sweet baby," he whispered as he softly caressed her hair and Tom wished that this had happened while she was still living at home. They would have had a wonderful time. Her mouth felt good as she sucked and flicked her long, skilled tongue over the tip of him, something his wife never did. "You're going to kill me," he laughed trying to see his pretty daughter sucking him, but it was a hard thing to do being cramped into a car.

Mollie slowly eased him from her mouth, looked up with a big smile and said, "I'd never kill my Daddy," she whispered in a soft voice and hugged him close. "This is so wonderful. You'll never know how bad I've wanted this to happen. I dream of us being together so much and now, my dream has come true." Mollie said feeling warm tears of joy running down her small face.

Tom held Mollie in his arms and couldn't have been any happier. "Don't cry," he said as he gently rocked her. "We've done it, now we'll enjoy each other with no regrets and no looking back. This may be wrong, but it feels so good to love my baby." Tom added and knew that Mollie was going to be a wonderful lover and he was very sure that he'd never want for anything in bed again. "Tonight, you're going to be all mine!" he smiled, leaned to Mollie and kissed her deep and with more passion than he'd ever known.

Mollie sat next to her Daddy, enjoying his words and she'd never felt better. Her Daddy was now her lover and when he kissed her, Mollie wanted to die. They'd kissed before, but it was nothing compared to this. A little peck on the cheek, or a quick one on the lips, but never anything as breathtaking as this and Mollie wanted more.

After the kiss ended, Mollie looked up again and smiled. "I can't wait for you to take me. I wanta feel this in me so bad," she whispered and slowly reached to hold his swollen cock and gently stroked it. "My pussy is so wet, I'll be surprised if it hasn't soaked through my jeans," she giggled and knew that Daddy would fix her later, in bed.

"I love a good, wet pussy," he smiled as he enjoyed Mollie's gentle hand stroking him with so much love and tenderness, he felt like cuming. "I'm going to be in you as much as I can," he moaned as she continued stroking him and Tom fought to hold back. He wanted to do it in her, deep in her young and very wet pussy, not in the car. "You gotta stop, baby! I want the first time to be special, not here." Tom said as he carefully put his hard cock back into his pants and slowly pulled up the zipper.

"Daddy, you shoulda let me fix it for you. We'll still do it later." Mollie said putting out her lower lip, knowing it was a sure way to get whatever she wanted from him. "I'll do you real good and you'll never want anyone else again," she purred and thought of fucking Daddy half to death. He had to be going crazy with need. Mom never fucked the poor guy.

He shook his head and couldn't wait until later. Little Mollie was going to get it and get it good. "I think we should just skip this and go back to you place," he said and heard a small moan of excitement come from her.

"Oh yes!" Mollie growled, thinking of her handsome Daddy up her wet and excited pussy. "Hurry, Daddy, I need you to fuck me so bad!" she cried out as she grabbed her pussy, trying to rub it through her tight jeans, but it was hopeless.


Ken sat at the kitchen table and he couldn't help looking at Mom. She was a great looking woman. She kept her hair cut short, but it looked sexy and her neck was bare, ready to be sucked. She'd changed into a small, powder blue blouse that was low-cut, giving him an occasional peek at her matching blue bra and nice breasts. I wish Trinity would have kept her fuckin' mouth shut. He thought as he tried to stop thinking of fucking his Mom. Most of his life he hated her and now, he was thinking of throwing her down and fucking the holy living shit out of her.

Mom could see that Kenny was checking her out and she loved it. Her love life with Tom had been going downhill for years and Barb knew that a young stud like Kenny would bring her back to life, but he was her son. She couldn't fuck him or could she? This is fuckin' crazy! I can't screw my own son, but he's so damn good-looking! She thought and tried her best not to stare at him, but it was proving to be very difficult.

Trinity could see that ol' Barb was in heat for her son and she loved it. Ken would have the opportunity to fuck two great looking older women and learn so much from them. "Barb, you're still a great cook!" Trinity smiled as she watched her and Ken looking each other over. "We might have to keep you around for awhile," she added and thought of Ken fucking his Mom. That would be so hot! Trinity moaned to herself and knew that Barb would love her sons' big cock. She loved them big in college and Trinity had an idea that she'd shit herself when she got a look at Ken's.

Barb had to laugh at Trinity's words, but it wasn't a bad idea. "I just might do that," she replied and wondered if she'd burn in hell for thinking about her son this way, but she was on fire for the first time in so long and it felt so good.

"I think you should. It will give you and Ken a chance to get to know each other again. From what I've seen and heard, you really need too." Trinity said with a motherly voice and a stern look. "Both of you have a lot of resentment towards each other and I think you need to work it out." Trinity added as she tapped her fingers on the table and hoped that she could get them together.

"I know. I've been so mean to him and Mollie; I'd be surprised if they didn't hate me." Barb replied as she looked at Ken with tear-filled eyes and hoped she could set things right.

Ken quickly stood and moved to her. He sat on his knees and gently hugged her body to his. Oh fuck, I'm getting a hard-on for Mom! He laughed to himself and just let it happen. She couldn't see it and if she did, he didn't care. It would be kinda cool to fuck Mom. She was a babe and looking better every second.

"Don't cry. We don't hate you." Ken whispered in her right ear and something happened. Ken softly kissed it and he could see goose bumps on her bare neck. Mom likes her ears kissed! Ken laughed to himself. He did it once again and just like before, her neck quickly covered with the tiny bumps of excitement.

Barb sat helpless in her chair as Ken kissed her ear, the most sensitive part of her body and her own son was driving her nuts. If she isn't fucking you, she sure as hell should be! She thought and couldn't help but wonder if her baby boy was screwing his sexy aunt. If he was, Barb didn't care anymore. She was being drawn into something so strange and so taboo and it was the most exciting thing she'd ever known in her life.

Ken hugged her more, feeling his cock grow harder and harder as he thought of fucking her. "Damn, I kinda like hugging you," he whispered in her ear and he had to get her again. He softly kissed her again, watching her neck and upper body quickly cover with the tiny bumps. You horny bitch, getting all turned on by your son! He thought and Ken knew he had to try her. It was cool as hell to fuck his aunt and he knew fucking Mom would be awesome as hell.

"My little Romeo." Barb laughed as she fanned her face, wondering why she was having such thoughts of Kenny. He was her son.

"That is one smooth talking man right there!" Trinity laughed at Barb and had an idea that she'd be sharing Ken with his Mom. "You should give her that deluxe treatment you gave me. I think she'd love it!" Trinity smiled and thought of Ken wearing Barb's ass out.

Ken couldn't believe what Trinity said, but his dick sure did. "It would be kinda cool. I can spoil you with a nice hot bath and a good, slow massage. Would you like that?" he asked with a little smile, wondering what ol' Mom would do when his hands started slithering all over her luscious body.

"I'm going to bed early tonight, so you two can have the house all to yourselves. Build a fire, put on some relaxing music and well, have fun." Trinity said with a little wink and hoped Barb would go for it. If she would relax and let Ken work his magic, she was going to be his whore too.

"It would be nice. We haven't really talked or anything in years." Barb smiled as she caressed his face, wondering if there was something she wasn't seeing or was she. Was Kenny trying to seduce her, or was it just her imagination running wild.

"Tonight you'll have all the time you want." Trinity said as her pussy started to burn and burn bad. She was already horny as hell for Ken and the thought of him fucking his Mom, was killing her. Tomorrow, you best wear my pussy out! Trinity thought, hoping Ken would get Barb. Fucking a sexy woman like her would be great anyhow and her being his Mom, made it all the better.

"I'm gunna like that." Barb said with a little smile and if Kenny was to try something, Barb was going to let him and see what happened.

"Well good!" Ken replied standing up; making sure that Mom could see how hard she'd made him. He was so excited and he had his perverted aunt to thank for it. He knew that Trinity was a perv, but he would have never thought that she'd want him to fuck his Mom. "After we clean up the kitchen, I'll start getting everything ready," he said and noticed Mom's pretty eyes were gazing towards his cock. You're going to see it real soon! He thought and Ken couldn't wait to be alone with her.

Oh my God! And I thought your father had a big one. Barb thought as her eyes stared at his long and extremely hard cock, hoping he was out to seduce her, because she was more than willing to give it a try. "I'm all yours then," she whispered to Kenny and Barb couldn't wait for this illicit and taboo thing to happen. She needed a good man to throw her down and fuck the holy living daylights out of her and Kenny would be the perfect man for the job. He was young, horny as hell and his cock was so beautiful.

"Let's hurry and get things clean, so you two love birds can get!" Trinity said with a big smile and a seductive wink at Barb, knowing she was in for the fuck of her life.

"Love birds?" Barb asked as she pulled Kenny against her hip and she was hoping to feel his young, hard cock and she did. Oh fuck! I hope you really want to fuck me, because if you do, I'm ready! She thought as she enjoyed the feel of his long, pulsing cock on her side, wondering what it was going to feel like deep in her aching pussy.

"Why not? You're both over age. Go with it and have some fun." Trinity said, but quickly regretted it. She didn't want to scare Barb away from a wonderful night of sex with her son.

Barb knew what was going on and she figured what the hell. If Kenny wanted her, he was going to get her. Trinity was right, they were over age. Barb needed a good, hard fuck from a young stud and the young stud was going to be her son.

"I wonder about you sometimes." Barb smiled as she reluctantly pulled away from Kenny. "I do expect more hugs from you later, mister," she said, but what she really meant to say was, I want you to hug me while you fuck the shit out of me!

He slipped his hands over Mom's very shapely ass and pulled her back to him, making sure that his stiff cock was pressed to her pussy. "You're going to get a lot more hugs and a few other nice things," he said and flexed his hard cock, enjoying her face and eyes light up.

"I guarantee that you're going to be putty in his hands in only a few seconds." Trinity said thinking of their first night and how Ken pleased all of her needs.

You bitch! You did fuck him! Barb laughed to herself and thought of being Kenny's next quest. Oh well, we'll keep it in the family! She thought and couldn't wait to have her baby boy back in her, where he came from. But this time, he'd be making love to her.

"I'm ready and more than willing." Barb smiled as her pussy started to burn with need. It was the most exciting thing that she'd ever known in her life and it was so dirty. I'm going to let my own son fuck me! Barb moaned to herself and she wished that they were alone now, but she could wait and let things develop slowly.

"That's it girl!" Trinity said as she filled the sink with soap and water. "Ol' lover boy will having you screaming with joy and begging for more, in no time at all!" she added with a giggle and Trinity was sure that Barb knew about them fucking each other by now.

"It's been a long ass time since I've had anything to scream about." Barb said giving Kenny a helpless look, hoping that he could give her something she needed very badly, a big cock, fucking her for the entire night.

"You relax and let things happen and you'll be in heaven!" Trinity said with a long and very lustful moan as she thought of Ken's big cock.

Barb was still a little in shock as she thought of letting Kenny fuck her, but on the other hand, she was so excited thinking of this taboo thing. "You're a total perv, girl." Barb laughed at Trinity and she hoped she could go through with this. Her pussy was dripping wet, her heart racing with excitement and the thought of her son fucking her filled her mind, but Barb knew it was so wrong.

Ken ran his hand over Mom's ass and gently caressed. "She's just messing with you. I'm not going to do anything except give you a wonderful massage," he whispered in her ear and couldn't resist giving it another soft kiss. You fuck this up and I will not touch you again! He thought as he gave Trinity a hard and very cold look. Mom was all his, but if Trinity kept up her teasing and picking at Mom, she might back out. He could still see a bit of hesitation on her pretty face and Trinity was making it worse.

Trinity saw Ken's look and she knew he was getting pissed at her. "I'm just kidding you. That handsome son of yours gives the best rubdown I've ever had in my life," she said with a big smile and really hoped that she hadn't made Ken too mad. She loved him so much and would die if something so stupid fucked up their relationship.

"I haven't been touched in so long, I might pass out from shock!" Barb laughed as she gave Kenny a quick smile and she could feel her pussy starting to tingle.

"I'm sure he'll take good care of you." Trinity replied with a smile and she knew Ken was really going to enjoy loving Barb, his mother so much. If Tom hadn't touched her in such a long time, Ken would have her in just a few minutes.

"If you two have this under control, I'm going to get a shower and get your bath going." Ken said as he moved behind Mom, making sure that his still very hard cock pressed against her toned and excited ass. "Don't pay her any mind, she's just teasing," he whispered in Mom's ear and he felt her head turn, giving him a perfect angle to kiss her ear and he did.

Oh god, I hope you fuck my brains out! Barb thought as his warm lips kissed her ear, sending a massive rush of hot blood racing through her body and straight to her lonely pussy. "Just give a yell when you're ready," she said looking up to him with an innocent look on her face, hoping this was the right thing to do. She was so horny and he was so handsome, but Kenny was her baby.

"I will," he whispered again and he couldn't resist one last kiss before he ran up to his room to shower.

Barb fanned her face and she couldn't wait. She'd been without a man in her body for such a long, long time and now, she was only a few minutes away from being loved by a wonderful, young man. Her son.


Tom and Mollie rushed into her apartment, kissing and grabbing each other. "Oh Daddy, I need you!" Mollie cried as she dropped to her knees and jerked down his pants. "Oh fuck yes!" Mollie whimpered, opened her mouth and took him as deep as possible, letting him go to the back of her warm mouth.

"Yes!" he growled as he held her head and enjoyed Mollie sucking him so hard. "Oh baby, it's been so long since I've had anything as wonderful as this!" Tom moaned as her soft moans and loud sucking noises filled his ears and the quite room. "Suck Daddy! Suck Daddy's cock like a good daughter should," he said with a big smile and he wished this would have happened long before now. He always had a thing for her, but was so afraid it would fuck up their lives.

Yes Daddy! I'm a good daughter and I'll always make you feel good. Mollie thought as sucked him like no other man she'd ever been with. She loved him and would do any and everything he ever asked of her, with no questions asked. She sucked while her head moved back and forth, enjoying Daddy moaning with so much need and pleasure in his voice.

"My sexy, sexy baby girl!" Tom moaned as he caressed the sides of Mollie's pretty face. "Suck Daddy and then," he moaned as he pushed deep in her wet mouth, enjoying the sounds of Mollie gagging. "I'm going to fuck you so hard!" he moaned again, but louder, with more need.

Yes, I need my Daddy to fuck me hard! Mollie thought as Daddy shoved his big, hard cock so deep in her and she loved gagging on him. She wanted to be his sex slave, his bitch and his sweet, little fucktoy. Mollie pulled from him as she gasped for air and said, "Please do it now!" she begged looking up to the wonderful man she loved so much and hoped he would just rape her. "I need your cock in me, Daddy! Please, fuck me!" she moaned pulling down her jeans and fell back on the floor with her legs spread.

Tom watched Mollie jerking down her jeans and when she spread herself, he was ready to fuck his darling daughter. He moved over her, kissing and sucking her panting mouth. "I love you so much!" he moaned between kisses as his hips humped to her, trying to get his swollen cock up Mollie's little pussy.

"Get it in me, Daddy!" Mollie cried out and hoped he would hurry. "I need you to fuck me! Make me your whore, your little cunt and your fucktoy!" she growled watching him smile and when Daddy reached between them, Mollie knew what was coming. "My sweet, sweet Daddy!" Mollie purred when she felt his big cock-head at her tiny, wet hole and at last, she was getting her Daddy.

He eased forward, enjoying her wetness covering his cock-head and Tom knew it was time to please his baby, his daughter. "Are you absolutely sure you want this to happen?" he asked and had to make damn sure Mollie knew what she was doing. He did not want this coming back on him and end up spending twenty or thirty years in jail. He knew that Mollie was going to be awesome, but no piece of ass would be worth twenty years in jail.

"I've never been so sure of anything in my life!" Mollie purred as she looked up to him and smiled.

Tom looked down to Mollie, took a deep breath and he pushed in. "Ahhh, yes! Oh God yes!" he yelled out as her body grabbed him and squeezed hard. "You're wonderful," he moaned as her heat and wetness covered him like a blanket on a cold winter's night.

Mollie watched Daddy as he guided his cock to her burning, little hole and she was ready for the man she loved with all of her heart. "Do it, Daddy! Take your baby girl," she moaned with lust and passion in her soft voice. He was big. Mollie felt like her tiny pussy had just been torn apart, but it was her Daddy taking her and Mollie wanted to die in his arms. "Oh Daddy! Oh yes! Oh my God yes! Fuck me! Fuck me harder, Daddy!" Mollie screamed and didn't care if anyone heard or not. Her Daddy, the man she loved was in her pussy and only seconds away from fucking her. "It feels so good, Daddy!" Mollie whimpered and she couldn't have been happier.

"I know, baby. You feel so good," he panted as he looked at her pretty face and hoped this wasn't a one-time thing. He loved Mollie and if she was willing, Tom wanted her for the rest of his life.

Mollie wrapped her arms and legs around Daddy as tight as she could, never wanting to let him go. "I want you in me every chance we have," she whimpered as he slowly started moving in and out of her pussy.

"I'll be here for as long as you want me," he moaned as he enjoyed Mollie's extremely tight hole. It felt like there was a super-strong hand inside her, squeezing his cock. "I've never had anyone like you, baby!" Tom moaned again as he pumped faster and hoped he could make his baby girl cum before he did, but it was going to be so hard. He hadn't had sex in so long and Mollie so beautiful and her tiny pussy was delightful.

"I wanta feel your big Daddy-cock fucking me all the time," she growled as she loved the feel of her Daddy, the man she loved with all of her heart and soul, fucking her so good. "Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck me hard!" Mollie cried watching nothing but pleasure on his face. "That's my, Daddy. Fuck your, baby. Fuck your daughters' little pussy," she moaned as he moved faster, driving his long, hard cock to her core and Mollie knew that she'd be getting a wonderful gift, very soon.

Tom moved faster and pushed in as deep as he could, lifting her tiny ass from the floor with each deep thrust in. "I'll do anything for you, but I need to know something first," Tom said as he slowed and stopped fucking her.

"What's wrong, Daddy. Are you alright?" Mollie asked as she quickly sat up and hugged him with all of her might.

"Is this just a fling or do you really want me?" he asked with a hint of sadness.

"Daddy," she smiled and hugged him tighter. "If I had my way, Daddy." Mollie stopped to give him a small, but very passionate kiss before going on, hoping that he could see what she wanted. "I'd even marry you. That's how much I love you. I want you in my life, as my lover, not my Daddy. But, I'll always call you Daddy, no matter what me do." Mollie said with a giant smile and hoped that he believed her.

"I feel the same way. When I used to fall asleep at night, I'd dream of leaving your Mom and finding a sweet girl. And, it was always you that filled my mind," he said as tears rolled from his eyes and dripped on Mollie's bare breasts.

"Ahhh, Daddy, that's so sweet. I wish that I would have known. We could have made this happen a long time ago." Mollie said as her own tears flowed and she had a good idea that Daddy was hers, forever. "I wish we could turn back time and be lovers."

"We can't turn back time, but we can sure make up for lost time," he smiled and could have been happier. He had the young woman he loved and he wasn't going back. She was his and he was hers.

She giggled at him, smiled and growled. "Get to it then! I need my sexy Daddy to fuck me!"

Tom reached under Mollie, grabbed her into his arms and stood up. "I'm going to fuck you so good and hard, you'll beg me to stop!" he said with a deep voice as Tom carried Mollie to her room and laid her on the side of the bed. "Now, you're getting fucked, little girl!" Tom said looking down to Mollie and he started fucking her as if she was nothing but a common whore.

"Oh God! Daddy! Daddy!" she screamed as his big cock hammered her tiny pussy with no mercy and that's what Mollie needed, her Daddy, all but raping her. "Go you fucker! Fuck my pussy! Fuck it! Fuck it like you mean it, God damnit!" Mollie screamed as she slapped his face. "Fuck me, you prick!"

Tom loved this. He had never screwed a girl so hard in his life and prayed that Mollie liked it this way all the time. "You're nothing but a fucking whore!" he yelled to her and gave her right ass cheek a hard slap.

"Ahhh, yes!" Mollie growled like a wild animal in heat when his hand hit slapped her bare ass, sending waves of the most amazing sensations racing through her body that she'd ever felt. "You're nothing but a fucking pussy. Hit me and fuck me like you mean it!" she yelled as her hand swung towards his face, but she missed and loved it when Daddy's hand slapped her other ass-cheek. "Oh fuck! Yes! Oh Daddy!" Mollie cried out as her young body started trembling. "I'm close, Daddy," she moaned as he fucked her so hard, so deep and so fast, that she couldn't breath or think straight.

He looked at his cock going in and out of Mollie's tiny hole and Tom was in heaven. He was fucking the most beautiful girl in the world and she was his baby, his lover and his sexy, young daughter.

"Cum then! Cum on your fathers' cock! Cum on it, you fucking whore!" he yelled giving her another hard slap on the ass, watching Mollie's face light up and her pussy clamp down on him like a vise. "Cum, you no good whore!" he yelled ramming his stiffened cock in her so hard, he knew it had to hurt, but Mollie just screamed for more.

She bit down on her lower lip so hard, Mollie could taste blood. "Go Daddy, I'm so close! I' close!" she squealed as her tiny pussy clinched around his big, hard cock and Mollie exploded. "Daddy! Daddy!" she screamed so loud, it felt like her throat had torn apart. "I love you. I love you so much," she sobbed with joy as waves of pleasure and total bliss swept over her.

Tom slowed his pace just enough to enjoy the feel of his young daughter cuming on his cock and in return, he filled her tiny pussy full of the same cum that had made her years before. Tom knew that he'd found his dream girl, his daughter, Mollie.


"Ok, I'm ready for you!" Ken yelled down the stairs and he couldn't wait to get his hands on Mom. He'd enjoyed looking at her over his life and now, they were headed to a place of no return.

Trinity smiled at Barb and she knew Ken's lovely Mom was in for the treat of her life. "You remember to relax and let go. If you do, I promise that you're going to love it," she said with a big smile and knew Ken was going to fuck her crazy.

Barb returned Trinity's smile, but her insides were shaking with fear. How in the holy hell, can I let my son screw me? Barb thought as she stood up, walked towards the steps and hoped she could go through with this.

"I'll try." Barb said as her feet and body led the way, but her mind wasn't sure about this. She loved Kenny and was so sorry for the last few years. Barb never knew why she'd turned into such an evil woman and she felt so badly for it. Maybe this is what we need. She knew what people said about the special bond between a mother and son. Barb wanted him back in her life and if it was to be his lover, she was ready.

Ken stood near the stairs smoking a cigarette, when Mom walked up. "Hey there," he said as he took her hand, held it up to his mouth and gently kissed it. "Wanta drag?" Ken asked as he held the cigarette up to her sexy lips.

She couldn't believe the massive erective that Kenny was sporting and it looked so good. "Thank you," she whispered as she took a smoke puff from his smoke and slowly blew it up into the air.

"This is how it works," he smiled as he led her into the massive bathroom and next to the equally large tub. "I do everything for you. You're not to lift a finger! Do you understand me?" he asked with a firm tone, watching dear ol' Mom trembling in her jeans.

"Yes," she whispered with a hint of fear and excitement in her soft voice. Kenny's hands slowly reached to unbutton her blouse. With each button he released, her heart pounded harder and her lonely pussy grew wetter. He carefully pulled it from her body and she heard a soft moan of lust coming from her tall and handsome son.

"You're so pretty, Mom!" he smiled as he reached up to her excited breasts and swollen nipples. He gently ran a finger over each one and he loved the look of shock that quickly covered her face. "I bet you never thought this would happen," he smiled and gently squeezed each of Mom's wonderful mounds.

"No," she whispered as her son began to play with and torment her breasts. "But, I like it...a lot." Barb smiled at him and that's when she looked down and noticed just how hard he was for her. "Is that all for me?" she asked with an innocent voice that sounded like it came from a tiny girl and not from a grown woman.

"Damn right it is."

"You should be ashamed of yourself," she teased as she leaned back, making sure that she was enjoying her son's seduction. "Getting all excited for your mother," she smiled and hoped that his plans involved her sucking his big, long cock. Tom liked it when they were younger, but the last few years, he didn't like her doing it and Barb loved sucking cock.

Ken kept on caressing her large breasts through her thin bra and loved how hard Mom's nipples were. "I hope you don't mind me doing this. I've always wanted to get my hands on these babies!" he said with a wink and watched her face turning a nice shade of red. "Do you want me to stop?" he teased and knew Mom loved this from her moaning and trying to push her pussy against his cock.

She opened her eyes, put her hands on her hips and said in one of those motherly voices. "If you stop, I'll bend you over and spank your ass!" she smiled at the look on Kenny's handsome face and she knew he wasn't planning on stopping until he had her in bed.

"Easy baby, I'm not going to stop for anything," he smiled and couldn't help but hugging this sexy woman to him. "I think we need to get you naked and in your bath," he smiled again as her sweet perfume floated up his nose, making him growing harder. "Oh, you smell so good!" he moaned as he leaned to kiss the tender flesh on Mom's neck. Ken enjoyed the soft and lustful moan coming from her panting mouth. You're all mine! He thought and he couldn't wait to get Mom in bed. She was going to be just as good as Trinity, definitely better.

"I still can't believe I'm letting you do this to me." Mom smiled as she hugged Kenny to her breasts, enjoying him against her body. It reminded her of when he was a small boy, but now he was a man and he wanted her. "But, it's nice holding you so close to me again."

Ken lay against her firm breasts and he smiled at her words. "It sure is," he replied as he gave one of Mom's swollen nipples a lick. She moaned, pulled him closer and shoved his face straight into her breast. "Do you like it?" he asked as he quickly licked the other nipple and like before, Mom moaned out with lust.

"Oh God yes!" she cried with need in her voice and Barb couldn't wait to find out what amazing pleasures she was going to receive from her handsome son. "I love it!" Mom cried again as Kenny slowly licked her other nipple.

Ken smiled to himself as he reached to unbutton Mom's extremely tight jeans, but he couldn't resist playing with her ass first. "I love this ass too. You look so good in these jeans." Ken moaned as he grabbed both of her nice cheeks and gave them a hard squeeze. "Oh shit!" he moaned again while he squeezed Mom's ass and kissed around her stomach, enjoying her tender flesh against his lips.

"I wore them just for you," she whispered and felt his lips placing small kisses on her stomach. "You're going to kill me!" Mom whimpered as her sons' lips and very skilled hands were quickly driving her crazy with need. There were feelings covering her body that she'd never felt in her life and it was her son doing it to her. "Is this the same way you seduced your aunt?" Mom asked looking down to him, hoping this wasn't the way he got Trinity in bed. She was his Mom and she deserved a little extra love than his aunt did.

Ken stopped, looked up to her and said, "In a way, but," he slowly stood up, pulled her to him. "You're my Mom and I love you. I'll make sure that I give you extra special treatment. How's that sound?" Ken asked as one hand caressed her breasts and the other moved back to Mom's fine ass.

"I'd like that, a lot," she said in a helpless voice. Mom leaned to Kenny's lips, and she gently kissed him. It felt so good and so nasty to kiss her own son; Mom couldn't wait for Kenny to get on with her seduction. "I just might end up taking advantage of you!" Mom giggled and felt her pussy getting so wet, it was unreal. "I'm so excited," she moaned with need and felt Kenny tugging down her jeans.

He carefully pulled them down and Ken smelled something very nice, his Mom's excitement. "Mmm, I smell something good!" Ken said as he inhaled Mom's very musky scent and he loved it so much.

"It's been a long time since I've had a man down there."

"I know a man that's going to be there a lot." Ken smiled as gently hugged and kissed her.

"I hope so. I'm tired of being lonely." Mom replied feeling her eyes starting to tear up. "Your da..." she started to say, but Kenny put his finger over her mouth.

"It's just you and me now. I'm gunna take good care of you and you'll never be lonely again."

"You promise?"

"Yes, I promise," he smiled and finished pulling down Mom's jeans, leaving her in nothing but her sheer bra and very wet panties. "Oh God, you're soaked!" Ken moaned as he ran two fingers over the center of her dripping pussy. "Are you always like this?" he asked with a big smile and couldn't wait to get back inside Mom's magnificent body.

"I'll always be this way, for you." Mom purred with lust in her voice and she wanted her son. She wanted him fucking her hard and ending this loneliness once and for all.

"I'll make damn sure to keep it happy then." Ken said as he carefully unhooked Mom's tiny bra, letting it drop to the floor and at long last, he was staring at Mom's bare breasts.

She loved being his arms and the fact that this was so wrong and nasty, made it even more exciting. "You better or I'll ground you to your room." Mom giggled as his skilled fingers slid up and down her excited pussy, driving her crazy with need.

"You could ground me to your room. That would be really nice." Ken said as he watched her pretty face. Her eyes were squeezed shut and it looked like Mom was ready to cum at any second.

"Mmm, that would be so nice!" Mom moaned as Kenny gently pulled over her wet panties and he began massaging her swollen clit. "Oh yes! Oh my sweet baby!" Mom cried as magnificent feelings raced through her body and it was her handsome son doing it to her.

Ken loved this. Mom was going crazy and he hadn't even gotten started yet. "Do you know what's going to happen tonight?" he asked looking into her eyes.

"I think so, but will you tell me." Mom whispered as she lay against him, loving his fingers tormenting her clit and body to no end.

"Your son is going to make love to you. How does that sound?" Ken asked and he slowly eased his index finger into Mom's hot, wet pussy. She jumped and her muscles grabbed him, squeezing hard and it felt like they were also sucking it.

"I love it! Oh my God!" Mom squealed and didn't care if Trinity heard or not. She thought this was good for her, try letting your own son do it to you.

"I'm going to put my cock in my sexy Mom's pussy. The same place I came from, but this time," he paused to slip another finger in Mom, enjoying a lustful moan coming from someplace deep in her before going on. "I'll be making love to it." Ken said as he held her up.

"Yes, please do it! I can't wait, baby!" Mom begged and hoped that Kenny would just take her now. She needed him in her body, back where he came from.

He had to smile. Poor Mom was going crazy. "Let's get you rinsed off and then, we'll go to my room," he said as he pulled from Mom and helped her sit in the warm water.

"Can I ask you something first?" Mom said looking at him with dreamy eyes.

"Of course you can."

"Is this a one-time thing or um...?" she asked and felt like a fool. She was going to ask her son, if he was planning on seducing her on a regular basis.

He ran his hands over her wet breasts and he had to smile. "Mom, you're a beautiful woman and if you want, I'd even move back home to be with you." Ken said with more love than he'd ever known. He loved Trinity, but this was his Mom and she would always come first.

"Oh that would be so magnificent! My son and I living together as lovers." Mom purred with love as she thought of them at home, loving each other day and night.

Ken smiled at her words and he saw nothing but love in her eyes. He slid his hand down her stomach and between her legs, gently rubbing Mom's excited, little pussy. "That would be bad ass! Making love to you all the time." Ken said as Mom smiled bigger than he'd seen in years.

"That would be great, but what about your other lady down the hall? Will she get pissed? I know I sure would." Mom said as she opened her legs to give Kenny the freedom to do anything he wanted and he did. Two fingers eased back in her body, but this time, they were fucking her. "Oh baby!" she cried as her back arched and she needed him now. "We need to go to your room and get busy!" Mom said in a tone that she knew Kenny would understand.

"Is Mommy horny and ready to get a big, hard cock?"

"Yes!" Mom growled, stood up and grabbed his hair. "Take me to your!"

"Damn, Mommy must be real horny!" he laughed and knew he best get to it or she'd end up raping him.


Mom was lying in the middle of Ken's bed as he carefully and very slowly moved over her, with his long, hard cock leading the way. "I still can't believe that I'll about to make it with my Mom," he whispered to her as he started kissing her lips. "It's going to be so cool. Putting my hard cock in you, the place I came from," he whispered again and poor Mom was moaning and ready for him to take her.

"Yes! Oh yes!" Mom whimpered with need as Kenny's hard, youthful cock rubbed her and it felt so good against her wet, aching pussy. "Do it! Love your mother! Make me feel good," she moaned as her long legs bent at the knee and she spread them open. "Kenny, love your Mom. Put that big thing in me and love your Mom!" Mom said looking at him with love and need in her pretty eyes. She wanted to suck him, but that was going to wait. For now, she just needed her baby boy in her and making love to her burning pussy.

Ken smiled at her and he knew it was time. He reached down between Mom's legs and made sure that she was wet. He gave her one last kiss as her son, he took a small breath in and he gently pushed. "Oh God! Mom, I'm in you! I'm in you!" he cried out as her muscles grabbed him and squeezed. Her warmth and wetness quickly covered him as he slid deeper.

Barb knew what was coming. She also took in a breath of air and she felt him knocking at her door. Kenny kissed her, he had a look on his face that Barb had never seen before, and he took her. "Aaaah yes! My baby! My sweet, sweet baby!" Mom cried as Kenny filled her lonely body with his long and very, very hard shaft. She felt as if she was being raped by a horse, but there was no way she was going to stop. Her baby boy, the young man she loved as a son, was now her lover.

He held her tight as his hard cock continued to ease deep into her body. Mom's tight muscles fought to keep out this massive, foreign object, but her needs as a woman let it in. "Oh Mom! I still can't believe this," he said as he held this lonely and extremely beautiful woman in his arms, enjoying her body pulling on and sucking his cock to her deepest depths.

She loved the feel of Kenny's massive cock sinking to a place in her body that no man had ever been before and no man, but Kenny would ever enjoy again. Barb knew her life was now complete. She had the man of her dreams, even if he was her son.

"My baby boy, making love to his Mom. It's a shame that this is considered illegal. I wonder how many other Mom's in the world have enjoyed their son, like I'm enjoying you now," she purred, wondering just how far Kenny's big, hard cock was going to go in her, but she wasn't stopping him.

"If they all were as pretty as would happen all the time." Kenny smiled and he pushed one last time. His cock stopped, hitting the deepest depths of Mom's tender pussy and Kenny knew he was completely in her. "Oh shit!" he moaned as his cock hit bottom. "Mom, you're the best!" Ken whispered as he gently kissed her panting mouth and he was ready to make love to his very sexy Mom.

Mom lay helpless under Kenny and at his mercy. His long and hard cock was rammed so deep in her body, she couldn't move. But, then he pushed one last time and she thought that Kenny's cock touched her soul. "Kenny," she whimpered as it sank in her and it hit something wonderful. "My baby," she whimpered a bit louder as her head began to spin and Barb thought her heart was going to explode from all the excitement. "Please don't leave me again," she whispered as tears of joy ran from her eyes and down the sides of her face.

"I won't, Mom." Kenny smiled as he slowly kissed away her tears. "I have the best Mom in the world," he moaned when Mom squeezed her pussy. "I liked that," he gasped, watching a big smile cover her pretty face and she squeezed harder. "Oh you nasty bitch!" he said before thinking and waited for Mom to slap him, but she just giggled.

"You called me a bitch, you bad boy. No more of Mommy's pussy for you," she laughed as a shocked look covered his face, but Mom knew Kenny would never be denied anything from her. If Kenny wanted to tie her up and beat her, she was all his. "I'd never stop you from that. I love your big cock as much as you love me," she smiled and hugged Kenny with all of her might.

"I'm glad of that, because I'd hate to rape you."

"Oh, that sounded hot as hell!" Mom moaned thinking of Kenny ripping off her clothes and forcing her to fuck him. "We just may have to try that someday, soon," she smiled looking up to Kenny and never felt so complete in her life and it was all from her wonderful son.

"That does sound kinda hot. I'd come home late, maybe see you in your room and fuck you crazy."

"When we get back home, it's our first thing to do," she smiled at him and Barb knew she was in for the time of her life. She had a young man that loved her and she was sure that he'd be fucking her every waking moment of the day. "I'm thinking that you need to start moving this," she said squeezing her muscles around Kenny's swollen cock. "Beautiful thing in and out of me," she smiled at the look of shock on his handsome face and Mom was ready to get fucked by her son.

He looked at Mom and he couldn't believe her muscle control. "I'm going to have a problem," he said and watched her pretty face go from a big smile, to a look of horror.

She quickly sat up on her elbows and hoped that Kenny was alright. "What's wrong baby?" she asked in her motherly voice and prayed that Kenny would be able to finish this, if not, Barb knew she would die.

He laughed at Mom and gave her a fast, reassuring kiss on the lips. "I'm going to be lucky if I last ten seconds. I thought it was hot doing Trinity, but that was nothing compared to making love to my beautiful Mom." Kenny said with a smile and watched Mom's eyes starting to tear up.

"Are you going to be this sweet all the time?"

"I'm always like this; you never took the time to notice."

"I know and I'm so sorry. I'm going to make it up to you, I promise." Mom said with a big smile as she looked up and down her sons' body and Barb hoped that this would last a long, long time. She would die if it just turned out to be a young boys' quest to screw his Mom. "You do whatever you need to. I'm going to blowup any second," she said as her hands caressed his chest and down his smooth stomach.

Ken slowly pulled back his cock and pushed back in Mom. "Oh Mom," he moaned as he began to love his Mom. He moved slowly, watching the pleasures on her pretty face and Ken couldn't wait to see and feel this sexy woman cum. "This is so fuckin' hot! I'm making it with my Mom!" he moaned as his pace quickened and Mom moved with him, as if they'd been making love to each other for years.

"Ohhh, that's it, baby! Love Mommy! Fuck my pussy, hard!" she cried as his long, hard cock slipped in and out of her stretched pussy and it felt so good to have her baby fucking her. She moved her hips with him, each time he pulled back, she did to and when Kenny pushed back in her, Barb shoved her hips to his. "Oh yes! Oh God, fuck me, Kenny! Fuck me hard!" she screamed and didn't care if Trinity heard or not. Barb had her man and she was going to keep him happy, no matter what it took.

Mom's words filled his ears and Kenny did as Mom said. He started fucking her with long and deep strokes, ramming his cock to her core. "Oh Mom, I love you! I love you so much!" Ken moaned as he used and pleased her lonely body and he thought of being home, fucking her in his room. He used to dream of fucking her on his bed and now, he could find out how cool it would be.

"I love you too baby!" she whimpered and Barb felt a long, lost feeling rushing over the lower half of her body and she loved it. Her heart started pounding so hard, Barb thought she was going to die and something wonderful started to happen. "Baby...I'm cuming!" Mom screamed, grabbed Kenny with her arms and legs and pulled him on her body. "Oh my God!" she screamed again as every muscle and nerve in her body felt like they were on fire. "I'm cuming! I'm cuming on my baby boy!" Mom yelled so loud it hurt Kenny's ears. "Yes, oh yes," she whimpered as her body trembled from head to toe and it was because of her beautiful, young son.

He kept pumping Mom with long strokes, even with her holding him so tight. Now he wanted to cum in her, but his cock wasn't having it. "I wanta cum in you so bad," he moaned as he got back up to fuck her faster, but nothing was happening.

"Do it then! Cum in Mommy! Fill your mothers' pussy full of your nice, warm cum!" she growled at Kenny and hoped that he was alright. Maybe it's just the shock of being in me. She thought as she watched her baby struggling. "Let me help you," she smiled to Kenny and Mom knew what would help him. "Lay down and Mommy will make it all better," she said in a voice that would normally be saved for a tiny baby and not for sex, but this called for something special and something that Barb loved to do for her man.

Ken gently pulled her and lay on the bed. She quickly moved between his legs and smiled. "Mmm, what are you doing, Mom?" he said with a big smile of his own and when Mom sucked him into her warm mouth, Ken wanted to scream. "Oh hell yes!" Ken growled as he lifted his hips and drove his cock half way down her throat, but Mom just kept sucking like a wild animal.

She sucked him hard and when he lifted up, she was ready to cum again. Barb loved sucking cock to begin with and this cock was her baby's. She would do anything for this young man, anything at all. Cum in me! Cum in your mother's mouth! Barb thought as she looked to his handsome face and all the pleasure she was giving her son.

Ken just laid there as he enjoyed Mom and all the great feelings she was giving him. "I hope you do that a lot. It's wonderful!" he moaned as he watched her sucking and a smile covered his cock. "Mmm, Mom, you're fuckin' awesome!" he said and it was all over.

Barb smiled around Kenny's big cock and she felt it jump. That's my boy! She thought and Kenny came like nothing she had ever known. His cum shot in her mouth and down her throat so fast, she didn't have time to think. Oh baby! My sweet, sweet baby! Barb thought as she quickly swallowed every, single drop of his warm cum.

"Oh Mom, its cuming! I'm cuming in you!" he yelled out as cum shot from the tip of his hard cock and into Mom's willing mouth. She sucked harder, lapping and drinking down every, single drop of it. "Oh Mom, I love you. I love you," he moaned and started to cry.

"No, don't you cry!" she said as she moved over Kenny and into his loving arms. "No crying. I don't care if its happiness or not. I hate to see you cry, baby." Mom said as she kissed him with more love than she ever thought possible and it was for her son.

"I love you," he sobbed as he enjoying the feel of Mom holding him so tight and what just happened.

"And, I love you too!"