Mike's First Time Ch. 02


Mike whistled quietly as he ran the comb through his hair. Tall, athletic and good- looking, Mike was very happy with events of the past couple of days. Indeed, despite the dark shadow cast by his Aunt Beth, life was very good.

A few days ago Mike had lost his virginity to Rachel, the young goddess housewife and mother who lived next door. After two years of lustful dreaming, to his great surprise he had first been allowed to cum over her very large tits and then been invited to fuck her magnificent pussy.

Apparently he had done okay, as Rachel had invited him back on two occasions since to further his sexual education. He was about to go next door for another lesson while her husband was at work and her Mother looked after her baby son. Mike's cock grew hard as he thought about what was to come. It was time to go.

With a quick knock on the back door, he strolled inside moving straight to the living room. As he entered Rachel rose from the lounge and displayed herself for him.

Rachel was wearing a translucent white baby doll, which displayed her beautiful breasts to perfection. She was also wearing a matching white G-string through which he could see the neatly trimmed golden hair that covered her pussy.

With his cock throbbing painfully in his jeans, Mike had pounced on her, grabbing a breast with one hand and her crotch with the other. Rachel giggled like a schoolgirl, and slapped his hands away.

"I'm not that easy," she said with a coquettish pout.

"Yeah right. Your wearing a see through baby doll in the middle of the afternoon and your not easy?" Mike stepped up to her and wrapped his strong arms around her waist, clasping a bare ass cheek in each hand. In return Rachel draped her arms around his neck and prepared to engage his approaching lips.

Mike kissed her softly at first, then increased the pressure slightly as he parted her lips with his tongue. It was eagerly received, and Rachel's tongue glided softly over the intruder, tasting it, trying to devour it.

Mike caressed the silky smooth skin of her ass as his cock throbbed harder. He moved his lips to her slender neck, planting a string of hot kisses from her collar bone to her ear lobe, causing Rachel to let loose a long, low moan.

Returning to her lips, he snaked his tongue into her mouth again as he felt her hand find his cock and begin stroking it through the thin fabric of his shorts. He pulled away slightly, moving his hands to her shoulders. Their eyes locked together, he slowly pushed down on her shoulders, gently guiding her to her knees.

Rachel ran her tongue over her lips as her mouth drew level with the lengthy bulge in Mike's shorts. Grasping the legs of his shorts, Rachel pulled them down slowly, until the head of his cock popped into view above the waistband. She stopped and leant forward and planted a wet kiss on the very head of his prick. It was Mike's turn to let out a low moan. He moaned louder as he felt the tip of Rachel's tongue lick softly around the glans.

Rachel tugged on the shorts again, revealing the solid shaft and finally the dangling sack holding walnut sized balls. Letting his shorts fall to his ankles, Rachel walked her fingers across the under side of his balls making his cock twitch.

Cupping his balls in the palm of her hand she lowered her mouth over the head and sucked as she pulled back and let it pop out again. She could hear Mike groaning and felt his hands on her head stroking her hair.

Still holding his balls she began to stroke the hard shaft with her other hand.

"Let me know when you're going to cum."

She lowered her mouth over his cock and began to bob up and down on the top half of his cock while her hand stroked the bottom half. She could feel Mike's balls contracting in the palm of her hand and knew it would not be long.

"Here it comes already," Mike groaned.

Quickly pulling her mouth from his cock, she firmly pinched the base of the shaft between her thumb and forefinger killing off his climax. Mike's legs were shaking as she waited for his throbbing cock to calm. Slowly releasing the pressure, she resumed where she had left off working his cock with her mouth and fingers.

As his orgasm was about to erupt for the second time, Rachel repeated the process, stopping it dead. Mike's shaking legs wouldn't hold him anymore as he stumbled to the lounge and sat down.

Rachel shuffled between his open legs and resumed sucking and stroking his cock. Every nerve ending was screaming for release as his balls contracted once again to shoot forth a load of milky cum, but still Rachel denied him.

Stroking his slick shaft, Rachel looked up and him smiling, "This time Mike. I want you to cum in my mouth."

She circled the head of his steaming cock with her tongue and then trapped it between her lips. She began to bob up and down, each time taking more and more of his cock into her mouth, until her lips reached the base of his cock. She paused to slide her tongue back and forth across the shaft, and then slowly withdrew to the very tip.

Rachel repeated this several times, moving very slowly, dragging her lips along the shaft, while her hand fondled Mike's heavy balls. She could feel his cock starting to twitch and she began to stroke her other hand along the wet shaft, while sucking gently on the head of his cock.

Within seconds she felt his balls contract violently as cum was forced through his cock at a frantic pace, erupting into her waiting mouth. Stream after stream of tangy cum filled Rachel's mouth, spilling from between her lips as she tried to swallow the huge volume of seed splashing across her tongue. The feeling for Mike was unbelievable as he emptied his balls into Rachel's willing mouth, and he collapsed on the couch still feebly thrusting his deflating cock into her mouth.

When the last dribble of cum had been sucked from his cock and swallowed, Rachel lifted her head and licked the dribble of fluid dribbling from the corner of her mouth. She slid her body up Mike's legs and straddled his thighs.

"Did you like that Mike?" she cooed at him.

"Too right, and I plan to enjoy a lot more of this beautiful body," he replied reaching to cup a large breast in each hand.

"Gently now," she chided him, moving in to nuzzle his neck with pouting lips.

In response, he slid his hands up to her shoulders and undid the bows holding the silken material in place. He pulled the top of the baby doll down, fully exposing her breasts. He placed his hands under her ass and lifted her towards him so that he could capture one of the large erect nipples in his mouth.

He licked and sucked at it, eliciting a soft moan from its owner, before moving to the other nipple and giving it the same treatment. This caused Rachel to moan even louder. He sucked harder and tasted the warm milk as it suddenly spurted into his mouth. He continued sucking, feeling his cock beginning to harden as he drank the mother's milk.

As he suckled at her breast, he slid his hand along a firm inner thigh until her found the damp crotch of her G-string. Mike slid a finger underneath and pulled it to one side, exposing the glistening slit to his probing fingers. He glided his index finger along the puffy lips guarding the entrance to her pussy, wetting his finger in the slick juice.

Rachel panted loudly as the thrilling waves of pleasure traveled out from her breasts and pussy. The teenager was a quick study as far as she was concerned. She wriggled her hips back and forth pushing her dripping cunt against his hand, gasping as he slid two fingers deep into her slick vagina.

She felt him change to the other breast and begin to suck greedily as he plunged his fingers in and out of her cunt. She reached between them and placed his thumb against her turgid clit, encouraging him to flick it gently back and forth sending electric waves surging through her. Rachel could feel Mike's fingers exploring her cunt, sliding across the slippery walls, then swirling his fingers in circles, around and around, then moving his fingers back and forth once again.

"Oh god," she suddenly wailed. "That's it. Right there Mike. No, no. That's it. Yes. Just there. Oh fuck yes!"

Rachel moved her hips in time with Mike's fingers. Mike's mouth was at her breast, but he had stopped sucking as he concentrated on caressing her cunt in exactly the right spot, establishing a smooth rhythmic motion. At the same time he had the thumb from his other hand massaging her clit. Except for the slight movement of her pelvis, Rachel was almost motionless as she straddled his lap with her head on his shoulder, struggling for breath.

Her body was beginning to tense up as the pressure from her impending climax gripped her body. Mike continued to massage her clit and work his fingers in her cunt, both of them waiting for the inevitable. Rachel knew the moment had arrived and she held her breath as her hips bucked on Mike's hand and her body was gripped by violent spasms.

Mike tried to keep his thumb on her clit, but she was jumping so violently as she rode the tidal waves of pleasure, he gave up and just hung onto her ass and waited while her orgasm subsided and she collapsed against him.

They both sat there for a few minutes enjoying the post-orgasmic glow, feeling very comfortable in each other's arms. Eventually Mike's throbbing cock brought him out of his reverie. He pulled Rachel sideways and slid her ass from his lap letting her fall back onto the couch.

Mike knelt on the couch between her legs as Rachel wriggled her butt to get into the right position, raising her knees to open herself up to his rampant prick. Mike paused for a couple of seconds, casually stroking his cock as he admired the view and pondered how easy this was after all the fruitless attempts with girls his own age.

He let his cock swing free and moved into position over her, feeling his cock bump against the wet lips guarding the entrance to her pussy. He felt Rachel grab his swinging cock and place it at the opening of her gaping cunt. As soon as he felt the head slide between the slick labia, he thrust forward driving his cock deep into her until it would go no further.

"Enjoy the ride Mike. Don't worry about anything else," she whispered.

Mike was almost overawed at the soft velvet feel of her slick cunt, and he took a couple of deep breaths to try and maintain some semblance of control. Slowly he pulled back and then drove his prick into her once again, and then again and again.

He could already feel his balls beginning to churn as he paused at the top of his stroke, and he wondered how anybody ever lasted more than half a dozen strokes. He felt Rachel's hands grab a muscular butt cheek each and pull him towards her pushing his cock all the way into her pussy.

Rachel loved the feel of Mike's cock as it slid in and out of her pussy. Its girth was just enough to fill her cunt and create a pleasant pull on her labia as it drove in and out that sent tingles of pleasure wafting through her.

"Harder Mike. Let me feel your hard cock deep in my cunt," she commanded.

Mike responded with slow, deep, hard strokes of his cock. He could feel her cunt clutching at his cock each time he pulled back. He could feel his dangling balls hit against her ass each time he drove back into her. It quickly became too much to bear for a young fellows second time and with a loud roar from Mike, hot semen surged into Rachel's cum hungry cunt. Mike continued thrusting wildly as stream after stream of fresh spunk filled her pussy to over flowing.

As Mike ran out of steam and slowed to a stop, Rachel could feel their combined juices running down the crack of her ass, probably staining the couch, but she did not care.

As they lay there recovering, it occurred to her that she still had one more first time to offer Mike, but she decide it would also be fair to make him earn it. She slapped him on the ass.

"Don't go to sleep on me lover. We're not finished yet."

"Hey," Mike protested, "I'll need a couple of minutes to recover."

"While you're recovering, you can get us both a drink and then meet me in the bedroom."

Rachel headed to the bathroom to begin preparations for the next lesson, while Mike went to the kitchen and grabbed a couple of Cokes. He scooted upstairs and flopped on the king-sized double bed and sipped his drink.

A few minutes later Rachel came in, now totally naked. She took her drink from Mike and took a couple of mouthfuls before lying on the bed with her knees up and legs wide open.

"I'm not quite ready yet," said Mike indicating his flaccid prick resting against his thigh.

"That's okay, because you don't get to stick me with that big cock of yours until you give me another orgasm," replied Rachel.

"I am at my lady's service," said Mike with mock servility.

He wriggled closer to her and dipped his hand between her legs, only to have Rachel push it away.

"Not like that. I want you to eat my pussy."

"But I just filled it with cum," said Mike making a face.

Rachel looked at him with a raised brow. "So its alright for me to swallow your cum by the bucket load, but I offer you a little cream pie and your not up for it."

Mike considered this for a moment, noting the serious expression on Rachel's face. He rightly figured this was a critical moment for his ongoing practical instruction, and quickly came to a decision. With a grin and a shrug of his broad shoulders, he moved around to kneel between her legs.

"I knew your were a smart guy," said Rachel laying back.

Mike studied the sight before him. Her neatly trimmed pubic hair was coated with his cum and the pink slit gaped open exposing the smallish inner labia. A thin trickle of white fluid was making its way from deep in her cunt, down between the cheeks of her ass, sliding across her tiny, pink anus. He could feel his cock beginning to raise its head and he stroked it a couple of times.

Rachel spoke to him. "All you have to do is give my pussy a big French kiss. Stick your tongue in it, lick it, and suck it. You'll know when you're doing it right."

Mike dipped his head to her waiting cunt and gave it a kiss. It was a sloppy kiss as he tasted his own cum for the first time, albeit mixed in with Rachel's juices.

"How do you like the taste?" asked Rachel.

Mike lifted his head a little to look at her, his mouth dripping with second hand cum, and screwed up his nose. Pushing his face hard against her pussy, he slid his tongue deep into the leaking canal. He slurped their combined love juices into his mouth and felt it slide easily down his throat. He had tasted better things in his short life, but he decided it was bearable given the benefits.

He lapped steadily at her pussy, trying to clean up every drop of cum. He could hear Rachel moan every now and then and her hips were beginning to move slightly in rhythm with his tongue. He began to slide his tongue the full length of her hot slit, flicking it over the hard button of her clit. That caused a loud moan from the owner, so he did it again with the same effect.

"Stick your fingers in my cunt while you lick my clit," demanded Rachel as she humped her hips up to meet his mouth.

Eager to oblige, Mike slid two fingers deep into her, sliding them back and forth just under the pubic bone as she had taught him earlier. Establishing a steady rhythm, he went to work on her clit with his tongue, lapping it back and forth over the delicate nerve center.

Rachel was breathing hard as the spikes of ecstasy rippled through her with greater and greater intensity under the relentless assault on her pussy. She gasped as Mike nibbled at her clit with his lips and sucked it into his mouth. It was too much and she bucked her hips to meet his mouth as the first tremors of intense pleasure ripped through her body. A shrill cry escaped her lips as every nerve ending joined in the orgasmic eruption that quickly followed.

Mike continued to suck at her clit, his arms wrapped around her thighs, as he attempted to keep up with violent contortions of her hips. His face was soaked in her free flowing juices as wave after wave of searing pleasure wracked Rachel's writhing body.

Slowly, her climax began to ebb until she lay exhausted, her eyes closed as she fought to regain her breath. Mike raised his head wiping his mouth on the back of his arm, his tongue slick from the lubricating fluids. He watched her heaving breasts; nipples erect, and felt his hard cock twitch.

He crawled over her prone form and gently kissed her on the lips. She draped her arms around his neck in response and returned the kiss, sliding her tongue over his lips and into his mouth, tasting herself. They lay entwined in each other's arms for a few minutes, enjoying the touch of each other's skin as they recovered.

After a short while Rachel turned towards Mike and began to cover his strong neck with soft kisses as her hand slid between his thighs and began to gently caress his hard cock. Her lips nibbled at his ear lobe as she asked, " Are you ready for your next lesson?"

"Oh yeah," replied Mike enthralled by the delicate touch of her fingertips on his cock. "What do you want me to do?"

"Well, you've fucked my mouth and my pussy. I thought you might like to fuck my ass. But you have to go slow. You're a big boy and I don't want you to damage me."

Mike's cock throbbed in anticipation at the very thought of sliding into butt hole. "Just tell me what to do."

Rachel broke away and delved into the drawer of the bedside cupboard and pulled out a tube of lubricating jell that lay in amongst a few of her favorite toys. She offered it to Mike.

"Put some of this on your fingers and then you play with my ass to get me ready."

Mike snatched the tube from her outstretched fingers and popped the cap open. He squeezed a liberal amount of the cool jell onto his fingers then moved down to her hips. He studied the gaping slash of her cunt as Rachel pulled her knees up to give him better access. Mike could see the crinkled pink skin surrounding her anus.

Gently, he slid his slippery fingers along the crack of her ass and over the puckered hole. He felt her hips flex a little as he made contact. He slid his fingers back and forth a few times making the area slippery and wet.

"That's it Mike. Just go slowly," murmured Rachel. "Now apply a little more pressure and open my ass up." Her ass twitched as her pushed his finger firmly over her hole, making it open up a little.

Placing the tip of his index finger against the tiny opening, he pushed gently opening it up ever so slightly. He pushed a little harder and the tip of his finger eased into her. Mike felt Rachel's hand grip his cock and begin to slowly stroke up and down his shaft. He worked his finger in and out a few times, entering a little further with each push, until he was in up to the first knuckle.

Rachel moaned with pleasure. "I love the way you play with my ass."

Emboldened by her reaction, Mike pushed his finger into her ass up to the first knuckle and then twisted it around a few times, before pushing it steadily in up to the second knuckle. Rachel's response was to grip his cock a little harder and stroke it faster.

"Use more jell Mike."

He quickly grabbed the tube and put a large dollop on the end of his finger. He could see that the tiny hole had not quite closed up and he placed his finger against the opening and easily slid it in. He slid his finger back and forth several times pushing deeper and deeper into her ass, while Rachel pulled steadily on his cock.

Mike watched his finger sliding easily in and out of her ass; sliding in as far as it would go. He felt Rachel release his hot prick momentarily, as she squeezed a generous amount of jell over it. Her hand returned to his hard shaft and began to spread the slippery jell along its full length

After a few moments she released his cock. "I think we're ready now."

Eagerly, Mike moved around between her legs and waited as Rachel pulled her knees towards her chest giving him easy access. He moved closer, holding his cock as he positioned the flaring head against her waiting hole.

He watched Rachel waiting for the go ahead. She gave him a quick nod and closed her eyes. He pushed forwards, watching as the head of his cock pressed against the delicate opening. He could see the flesh give way as the tip opened her ass up a little.

Mike quickly looked at Rachel's face and then down at the head of his cock, which was beginning to slowly disappear from view. He could feel the constricting tightness of her sphincter and he pushed harder and felt the head of his cock pop through it. He stopped as he felt Rachel jump.

"Its okay Mike," Rachel gasped, "Just give me a second to get used to that big cock. Its been a while."

Mike waited as Rachel took a couple of deep breaths, exhilarated by the tight grip on his slippery pole. She nodded to him and he slowly pushed more of his rampant cock into her ass, feeling it reluctantly open as the helmet shaped head speared deeper and deeper, until he had a good four inches of cock in her ass.

He stopped once again as Rachel groaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure. She was taking a few deep breaths, trying to maintain control. His cock felt as big as a fence post and she wondered if she could take it all. Tim had fucked her ass regularly in the early days of their marriage, but though his cock was nearly as long as Mike's, it was only half as thick, and she had taken it with ease.

Taking another deep breath she bore down and signaled to Mike to continue. She felt the fire deep in her bowels flare once again as Mike's cock penetrated deeper into her ass, until his groin gently met her fleshy butt. Mike paused for a brief second before slowly withdrawing his cock all the way until it popped wetly from her ass.

Rachel could feel the empty void that was left behind and pushed on Mike's ass with her feet to drive him back into her. Mike pushed his cock against the waiting hole. It was still tight, but the lubricating jell allowed his cock to slip much more easily into her ass and he pushed steadily until he could go no further.

He began to work the full length of his cock in and out of her ass, pulling back until just the head was inside her, before slowly driving the full length of his slick cock back into her.

As Mike's cock filled her, Rachel began to experience the unique fiery pleasure that came with being fucked in the ass. She slid her hand across her stomach and dipped it between her legs, sliding a finger along the wet slit, finding the hard button that was her clit, and gently massaging it, the electric pleasure fuelled by the fire in her belly.

Mike marveled at the feel of Rachel's tight ass gripping the length of his prick as he slid deep into her ass. He began to increase the speed of his thrusting, his pleasure heightened as she pushed her ass up to meet his cock. He bent his head to watch his cock disappear into her ass, further aroused by the sight of her finger swirling across her clit and occasionally dipping into her dripping cunt. He could feel the juices dripping over his cock as he began to pound harder into her.

Just as Mike felt the now familiar feeling churning through his balls, Rachel was racked by her own orgasm, her body convulsing violently, her ass squeezing and releasing his cock. Mike responded in kind, firing his hot cum deep into her, slamming his cock into her ass as he rode the bucking woman into submission.

Eventually Rachel lay still and Mike eased his wilting cock from her ass and flopped onto the bed beside her. He closed his eyes briefly while he caught his breath. Tired from the sexual frenzy, both were soon soundly sleeping.

About an hour later Rachel woke with a start as her younger sister's voice cut through the fog of sleep. She saw the bemused, but inquiring look on Nicky's face. The sheet covering her otherwise naked body registered on her consciousness as she quickly looked about the room. Mike was not there.

"Hi Nicky," she said innocently. "Just catching up on some sleep while Mom has some time with Josh."

"Pull the other leg Rachel," said Nicky disdainfully. "The room smells of sex and I think you've got cum in your hair." She leant forward and peered at Rachel's head.

Quickly giving up, she smirked at her sister. "Well that's not the only place either. But don't you dare say anything to anybody or I'll never forgive you."

"You know I wouldn't say anything. Besides you're not the only one with a husband who won't fuck you anymore."

Rachel looked at the expanding tummy of her five months pregnant sister. She nodded sympathetically. "The jerks," she said with feeling.

"Never mind about them. Give me details," Nicky demanded.

"Later," replied Rachel as she rolled off the bed. "I need to get cleaned up before Tim gets home."

At that moment Mike was also heading for a quick shower, having slipped out of the house when he heard Nicky's car pull up in the driveway. He was smugly satisfied with today's lesson and he was looking forward to many more over the coming weeks. He had decided he would not waste any more time with girls his own age, not when he had such easy access to the beautiful nymph next door.

And so over the next four weeks Mike visited Rachel almost every day. Rachel was a good teacher and she had a very attentive student, so Mike quickly became an adept lover. However, as the weeks passed he was also becoming quite obsessed with her and even more possessive.

Rachel was concerned at the change in Mike's attitude. While he had developed into a terrific lover, there was no future for the two of them as a happy couple, but Mike was showing clear signs that he thought otherwise. Eventually Rachel talked to Nicky about how best to handle the situation. She came up with the perfect solution.

It was early in the evening the day after Rachel and Nicky had their chat, when Mike slipped in the back door of Rachel's house, knowing that Tim would be at the Golf Club until late.

Strolling into the living room with the cocksure smirk he had began to cultivate lately, he was surprised to see Rachel sitting in a recliner holding Josh. She was wearing nondescript track pants, an over large tee shirt and no makeup.

"Hi. Everything okay?" Mike asked, puzzled by the scene before him.

"Sure. Everything's fine. It fact it's a great day for you," she said smiling. "You're ready to put your new skills to the test."

"What do you mean?" asked Mike, totally confused.

"I want you to seduce my sister, Nicky."

"But she's pregnant," said Mike, stunned by the idea.

"Yes she is. She's also gorgeous and the asshole she's married to won't fuck her anymore. She's perfect for you."

Mike shook his head. "You don't want to have sex with me anymore. Is that it?"

"No. I love screwing with you, but you need to try other women."

"I don't want other women. I'm happy with you," Mike stated emphatically.

"Mike, we need to slow things down a little. Wait," she said as he started to protest. "I'm a married woman with a young baby and you seem to have forgotten that. The sex is great Mike, and I love all the attention you've been giving me, but you're limiting your experiences. You need to try other women. Everyone is different when it comes to sex. Different experiences will make you a better lover."

Mike was silent for a few moments before he spoke. He had become so stuck on Rachel he had forgotten about the other women he had lusted after. Maybe she was right.

"If I fuck other women, can I still fuck you sometimes?"

"Of course silly. I don't want to give you up all together. Actually I'll help you find women to fuck and then you can come and tell me all about it and fuck me just like do you them."

Mike's cock grew hard at the thought. "Yeah, I could go for that." He nodded his head and smiled broadly at Rachel. "That would be a lot of fun."

"So why not keep it in the family and start with Nicky. You like her don't you?"

"Sure, but why her?"

"It would be another first for you, after all you've never fucked a pregnant woman before have you?" Rachel looked at him quizzically.


"Well get going. Andy's away on business and she's waiting for you right now."

Ten minutes later Mike was on the doorstep of Nicky's house. His cock was so bone hard it hurt and his palms were moist from the combination of excitement and nerves. He rang the doorbell and immediately heard footsteps coming his way. She was keen he thought to himself. The door opened and Nicky stood there with a radiant smile.

"Hi Mike. Come on in." She moved back a little to let him past. She shut the door and led him into the family room. Mike watched her taut ass undulate beneath the clinging dress as he followed her and came to the conclusion that she was not wearing panties.

Nicky had blonde hair, longer than Rachel's, reaching well down her back. As she turned to him and indicated a chair, he saw her breasts were somewhat smaller than Rachel's but well rounded, no doubt aided by her pregnant state. Though not really big yet, the swelling bulge of her tummy was emphasized by her slender build.

As he sat, Nicky sat opposite him giving him the chance to check out her slender tanned legs as she slowly crossed one over the other, the short dress riding up a little exposing a firm upper thigh. Mike could see the dark rings of her aureoles clearly showing through the thin fabric with the large hard nipples standing out.

"Is that for me?" she asked in a low sweet voice, nodding at the large bulge in Mike's pants.

"You don't waste any time do you?" he said in surprise at the blatant question.

"We both know why you're here Mike, and I've been without sex for too long to mess about with small talk."

"Then you had better get your sweet ass over here," he said patting his lap.

Nicky rose gracefully from the chair and sashayed over to him and folded herself onto his lap, grinding her ass on against his cock. Mike ran a hand over the firm globes of her ass, while sliding the other over her ribs to cup a firm breast. He buried his face in her hair.

"You smell delicious," he whispered.

She turned her head to him and kissed him on the lips, her wanton tongue spearing through into his mouth.

Nicky slowly licked her lips. "You taste delicious."

She attached herself to his mouth again and their tongues twisted together as Mike thumbed her erect nipple and gently squeezed the firm breast. Nicky reached between them and grasped the head of his cock through his pants and stroked it

They writhed together for a few minutes, rubbing and squeezing cock, breast and ass, while covering each other's neck and face with wet kisses. The room was getting hot. They both came up for air.

Mike reached behind her neck and released the bow holding the dress in place. Her lightly tanned breasts spilled free and Mike bowed his head and drew a large nipple gently into his mouth. He nibbled at it with his lips causing Nicky to gasp softly. Her hands moved to the back of his head holding him against her breasts.

Mike continued to suck at her nipples switching from one breast to the other, while his hand slid along her warm thigh. He smiled to himself as she spread her knees to give him unobstructed access. He felt her tremble as his fingers traced across her thigh, before grazing across the luxuriant pubic hair.

His hand continued moving up across the prominent pubic mound, moving smoothly over the swelling stomach while his lips sucked and nibbled at her breasts and long dark nipples. Nicky was moaning softly and her breath was coming in short gasps.

Mike softly rubbed her tummy with a circular motion as Nicky stroked her hand along the hard shaft of his cock still within his pants. He could feel the large wet spot from tingling in his balls that meant his cock was about to explode.

Mike stopped his activities and held her tight as he slid his ass forward on the chair and stood up and carried Nicky over to the lounge. He laid her down with a pillow under head and then pushed her dress up until it was bunched under her breasts leaving her tummy exposed.

As she watched he lowered his pants and jocks to the floor. Nicky moaned in delight as she saw his cock bobble free. Mike pulled his shirt off before climbing onto the lounge between her legs. He pushed one leg up to rest on the back of the lounge and let the other drop over the edge, her foot resting on the floor.

Satisfied all was ready he slid his hand under his balls and cupped them before sliding his hand along the shaft to the flaring head. Slowly he coated his fingers in the clear fluid leaking copiously from his cock and smeared it across the head and along the shaft.

Nicky watched in fascination as he spat on his hand and began to slowly jack himself off. She saw his eyes were flicking from her breasts to her dripping pussy and then to her rounded tummy. She licked her lips as his hand moved faster and faster along the shaft, his breath coming in sharp grunts.

It was only a couple of minutes before Mike cried out and thrust his hips forward, aiming his cock at the exposed belly and cum spurted across the void between them. So hard did it explode from his cock, the first stream of cum landed across her right breast and the bunched up dress.

Mike adjusted his aim slightly as the second rope of hot cum sizzled from his cock and laced across her stomach. Spurt after spurt of cum criss-crossed her swelling tummy until only a few weak dribbles fell onto her waiting pussy.

As he squeezed the last few drops from his softening cock, Mike watched his cum trickle off the mound of her belly pooling against her dress and in the mat of pubic hair.

"I think I've made a mess," said Mike apologetically.

"Stuff the mess," declared Nicky, "that was the hottest thing I've ever seen."

"Yeah. Well sit up and swing your legs around this way so I can taste that juicy pussy."

"Wait a minute. Lets move into the den. Andy fucked his slut girlfriend over his desk last week and now its my turn."

"Great,' said Mike helping her up. Nicky shrugged the dress down over her hips and Mike followed her naked ass into the den. Mike saw she had the desk cleared and a small cushion in place in preparation for the main event.

Nicky reversed her ass on the desk and lay down. Mike sat in the big executive style chair and rolled it forward positioning himself between her legs. He examined the hairy thatch that covered her cunt, tangled and matted with his cum.

He poked a finger through the thick growth, probing for her dripping slit until her was able to part the fleshy folds and slid his finger into the slippery crevice. Her hips undulated beneath his hand forcing her pussy onto his finger. He slid his finger up and down the slit a few times and then parted the folds clearing the pubic hair out of the way.

He pushed his face into her crotch, flicking his tongue into the pink opening, tasting her sweet juices for the first time. Nicky tasted different from Rachel he decided, not better or worse, just different.

His darting tongue returned and he pushed as far as he could into the tiny canal, slurping up the tasty nectar. Nicky moaned loudly and grabbed his head with both hands as if he might try to escape. With his fingers holding her pussy open he lapped his tongue up to her clit and began to lick at it, flicking it back and forth.

Nicky thought she would explode. Andy refused to eat her pussy, although he insisted on blowjobs before she became pregnant, and it had been a long time since she had felt the thrill of a mouth on her clit.

Mike nibbled at her clit with his lips and then pushed his tongue between the fleshy labia, raking it firmly back and forth. Her juices were dripping from his chin as he maneuvered his tongue deep into her cunt again.

As he sucked at her clit he dragged a finger across her ass hole, making he twitch at the touch. A steady stream of fluid was running along the crack of her ass and he slid his finger back and forth in the sticky juice, making the opening slick. He increased the pressure as he slid his finger back and forth and each time it passed over it would momentarily force open the puckering hole.

Each time her hips would flex and Nicky would let out a loud moan. With his lips nibbling her clit, Mike pushed the tip of his finger into the tiny hole. It went in easily. He pushed harder, and it slipped in up to the first knuckle.

"Ohhh, fuck," cried Nicky as her hips thrust up and her ass clenched. She quickly relaxed as Mike gently worked the tip of his finger in and out of her ass, all the while attacking her cunt with his mouth and tongue. Nicky could feel her climax building rapidly and she closed her eyes and licked her lips as she focused her concentration on her fast approaching orgasm.

Nicky gasped in dismay as the delicious sensations radiating from her ass and pussy receded. Her eyes flew open and she saw Mike stand up between her legs, his chin glistening with her juices. She wriggled her ass towards the edge of the desk as he raised her legs to rest against his shoulders. Her well-rounded belly meant she could not see Mike's cock, but she soon felt the bulbous head nudge against her cunt.

Mike rested the tip of his cock at the entrance to the small pink canal. Nicky looked to be a snug fit for his cock and he was proved right as he eased the head into her waiting cunt. The combination of her own juices and his spit had worked though and his cock slipped in comfortably as her cunt stretched to accommodate the hard shaft.

"Oh yeah Mike," she grunted. "Fill me up with that big cock. You're much bigger than Kirk. I can feel you stretching me. Oh yeah. Stick it all the way in. Go on," she demanded.

Mike thrust his hips forward heavily and felt the head of his cock bang against her cervix. He quickly pulled back and just as quickly thrust his cock full depth into her as Nicky moaned loudly and tried to push her hips up to meet him.

"Fuck me Mike. Make me cum. Make me cum."

His cock held snugly by her tight cunt, Mike began to saw his cock quickly in and out, lifting her ass of the desk with each forward thrust. Her tits bounced back and forth in time with every thrust.

A glance at the rounded belly covered in dried cum reminded him she was pregnant and he slowed his stroke to a deep, steady but gentler thrust. He reached a hand between them and found her clit with his thumb and began to massage it with a gentle circular action.

"Fuck, yes," screamed Nicky, heaving her hips up to meet his plunging cock. "I'm cumming, I'm cumming."

Wailing like a banshee, Nicky was over whelmed by an explosive orgasm that racked her body from head to toe. With his cock deep in her cunt, Mike fought to hold her legs as her body thrashed from side to side, his thumb still pressed against her hard clit.

As her orgasm subsided and her body began to relax, Mike started to slowly stroke his cock into her, just gentle half thrusts, as she regained her breath. Mike held her limp legs against his shoulders, and studied her heaving chest as she lay with her eyes closed.

"Mmmmm. That feels good Mike," she murmured. "Don't stop until you fill my pussy with cum."

Nicky's eyes flew wide open as Mike pulled away. He took her hands and sat her up. Holding her head in his hands he pulled her mouth to his and kissed her hotly.

"Why don't you ride on top for a while," he suggested.

"As long as we do it on the desk," agreed Nicky.

Mike helped her to move to one side of the desk and clambered up and rolled onto his back in the middle of the large desk. The leather inlay stuck to his back and ass, but it was a small price to pay for such a hot fuck.

Carefully, Nicky swung her legs over Mike and positioned her gaping pussy over his glistening blood red cock. Mike grabbed hold of both breasts and used them to pull her gently to him. They kissed again as he massaged both breasts pulling on the big hard nipples.

He pulled her closer and took a nipple into his mouth, holding it hard with his lips and flicking it with his tongue. He swapped to the other nipple and gave it the same treatment. He could fell her rounded belly pressing against his muscular stomach and his cock throbbed.

He felt her ass wriggling back and forth as her pussy searched for his cock. It bumped against her tiny ass hole and she jumped forward a little, before lifting her hips and sliding back, feeling his cock nestle into the folds of her cunt. Nicky sat up as she lowered her cunt on the full length of the hard shaft until it hit bottom.

Mike took hold of her hips and helped her lift her ass as she began to ride his slippery pole. Nicky closed her eyes a she quickly established a steady rhythm. Mike slid one hand up to fondle a hanging breast and squeeze at her nipple. Her mouth hung open and Mike could see she was completely lost in the moment she rode his cock.

He pulled her forward as close as he could and began to thrust his hips upward driving his cock to meet her pussy. Soon Nicky was still as Mike took over slamming his cock into her with long, quick strokes, so that his balls began to twitch.

He lifted his head to latch onto a nipple and sucked it hard as his thighs slapped against her ass with each stroke. He felt his balls spasm and his cum, filled with microscopic baby makers, surged futilely into her cunt until it filled to overflowing and dribbled back down over his balls.

They lay together for a couple of minutes, tired from their efforts, Mike's soft cock still nestled inside her. Nicky was pleased with today's events. It had solved a problem for both her and Rachel and Mike seemed more than happy with the way things had turned out.

Nicky sat up and lifted herself off of Mike. She could feel his cum slide from her pussy and drip down her thighs and onto the desk. She looked with satisfaction at the splashes of cum that stained the desk. Tit for tat was a rule she lived by.

Sliding off the desk she leant over Mike and gave him a kiss. "Thanks. I hope we can have a few more sessions like that."

"Nicky, you are one hot lady. I would love to do this again," declared Mike.

"Come on," she said taking his hand, "before you go, I want you to fuck me in the shower."

The next week was very busy for Mike. The day after his tryst with Nicky he had completed a repeat performance with Rachel, although he had fucked her on the sturdy kitchen table instead of the small desk in Tim's den.

He had met with Nicky three times since then, repeating his exploits with Rachel the following day. He was pleased with events so far, except Nicky would not let him fuck her ass. Therefore he had not been able to fuck Rachel's ass either under the current rules of engagement.

During the past week, Mike had come to realize that Rachel was right. Fucking the two sisters was damn good fun, but there were other women he wanted to plunge his cock into, so he had decide it was time to find other young ladies to satisfy his ever growing lust. Alexis Morrison, who had frustrated his carnal desires for so long was to be his first target. Mike's cock would be the first to invade her virgin cunt.