A Loving Gran and Mum


Jack had just left his mum at the Airport, she was gone for seven days, that was the longest they had ever been separated. Jack's dad had died suddenly three years ago, Jack was now in his third year of University. Jack would stay with his gran but he also had the use of his mum's car, he was so happy about this. Mum was going to a Medical Congress in the south of England; it would last five days then she was spending two days with her friend who she had been at University with but now lived in the south of England, Jack would collect her from the Airport next Sunday evening.

Mum had been quite emotional as she left Jack and walked into the Departure Lounge, she had given Jack a long hug when she kissed him on the cheek. Jack felt the weight of his mum's huge tits on his chest; they felt so good. Mum told him that she would message him when she got to her Hotel, her friend Jean, would pick her up from the Airport.

Mum had instructed Jack to take his gran out for Sunday lunch to the Hotel close to where she lived; gran loved to have a Sunday Roast. Jack was looking forward to seeing his gran; she was widowed six months after mum. Gran had a similar figure to mum, both were buxom but gran now often wore clothes that showed her figure off, she also wasn't opposed to undoing a button or two to show her massive cleavage. Jack was keeping very friendly with gran as she was going to change her car soon, and Jack would possibly get her old car.

Jack used his key to get into gran's cottage, when he was in the hallway, he said, "Hi gran, I'm here, are you here?"

"I'm in the lounge darling, I'm watching the six o'clock news, put your bag in your room then come and join me, we have duck breast tonight, and everything is prepared."

Jack emptied his bag putting his clothes into the wardrobe; he then used the bathroom before going downstairs to the lounge. Gran was sitting on the sofa watching the News, she said, "Jack, pour yourself a glass of wine, your glass is beside the cooler on the coffee table, did your mum getaway alright?"

Jack poured a glass and topped up gran's glass; this was the first time that he had ever had a drink with his gran. He sipped his wine, feeling immensely grown-up. He sat beside gran on the sofa as she watched the News. He could smell gran's perfume, she smelt good. The buttons of gran's blouse were undone, her cleavage looked immense, it was difficult for him to look as he was sure gran would notice. Jack said, "She got away on time. I was a little sad when she left."

Gran squeezed Jack's hand as she watched the end of the News then said, "It has been tough for your mum since your dad died, this is the first time she has left you, Jack, Jean is a good friend, they went to Primary school together. It will be good for your mum to spend time with her, she lost her husband too, there are many things that they can talk about. Now, come and help me set the table and get dinner in the oven."

They went into the kitchen, as gran squeezed past Jack. She said, "Jack, have you grown since the last time I saw you? You look taller and more fuller."

Gran then took him in her arms and gave him a big hug. As she kissed him on the cheek, Jack felt the weight of her enormous tits on his chest. They felt more substantial than mum's, it was unusual, but Jack could feel gran pushing her pussy against his leg with a gentle, circular and sexual movement when she broke the embrace, he could feel his cock harden. Jack then topped up both of their glasses and said, "I'm not any taller, but I'm doing a lot of exercises, I spend a lot of time in the gym, and I am swimming three times a week."

Now he could look at gran and admire her majestic cleavage; Jack then realised that he loved big tits. They had two bottles of wine over their meal which was delicious. After dinner, Jack phoned the Hotel to reserve a table for lunch tomorrow. He was worried in case they were fully booked as he should have booked earlier, they had a table, so he booked it for one. He then said, "I have booked a table for us tomorrow at one, is that good for you?"

"Darling, that's wonderful, I'm so looking forward to it, I haven't been out for ages. I bought a gorgeous outfit during the week; I was out shopping with Sister Helen, by the way now that she's retired, she wants to be called Helen. She is no longer a nun, she was so lucky that her father lived so long otherwise the Order would have taken over his house, but now she has inherited it, and she has a Pension from the Local Authority for the thirty years she taught."

"My new outfit shows my figure off very well. Helen said it suited me and made me look a lot younger. I can wear my heels with it, too; you are so tall that I can wear heels when we are out."

Jack was still admiring gran's beautiful tits, he said, "Gran, I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, you will look beautiful. I will call Sister Helen, Helen now, does she still wear her nun's habit? I can remember her when I was a child wearing it."

Gran had known Sister Helen all her life; they had been neighbours as children. They had kept contact throughout their lives. Helen was a teacher and was in a teaching order. The convent school had been taken over by the Local Authority; the teaching nuns were all gone, there were no replacements as nuns and priests were losing their appeal. Gran said, "She stopped wearing it when she retired, she's modern in her clothes now, she's coming on Friday for dinner so you will see her then."

At ten, Jack excused himself; he went upstairs to his bedroom. There were two bedrooms, a bathroom and a study on the first floor of gran's cottage. Jack used the bathroom then went to his bedroom. He checked his mail; there was a message from mum, it read, "Jack, thanks for the lift to the Airport, had a good Flight and Jean had picked me up and brought me to the Hotel. The conference will start tomorrow, it will be boring but I must attend two of these conferences every year. Jean is staying in the Hotel too; she's on the floor above me. I've got a bigger room. We had a lot to drink tonight, but it was good. Jean wanted to go to a disco, but I'm a little old for discos. How are you and gran getting on? Did you book a table for tomorrow? I'm lying on top of my bed watching television; there's nothing good on. Write when you can. Love mum xx."

Jack was about to reply, but then he heard gran in the bathroom. His bedroom light was off; he was using his smartphone to type, he replied, "I'm glad everything went well, I was a little sad when you left, but you should relax and enjoy yourself while you are away. I don't know if discos are your thing, mum, I don't like them much. You're still a beautiful woman; you should be out meeting people, you might find the man of your dreams, has Jean a boyfriend? I've booked a table for lunch tomorrow with gran. Write when you can. Love Jack xx."

Jack sent the message; he had heard gran come out of the bathroom a minute ago, all was now quiet in the cottage. Jack lay in his bed, thinking about mum and gran's massive tits, they had felt so good when they had been resting on his chest. He was just about to fall asleep when he heard a gentle buzzing sound; he wondered what it could be. He checked his phone in case it was coming from there, it wasn't, but mum had replied.

He quietly got out of bed; he tiptoed to his door, which was slightly open. He put his head into the landing, gran's door was open, the sound was coming from her bedroom. All the lights were off; Jack was so sure that the buzzing was getting stronger. He listened for several minutes then heard gran moaning with pleasure, she was masturbating with a vibrator, her breathing was more rapid then Jack heard her cum, she was noisy with her orgasm. The buzzing stopped. Jack quietly went back to his room; he was hard.

Jack couldn't believe what had just happened; he had heard his gran cum, this excited Jack, there was something very sensual about his grandmother, he was now looking forward to tomorrow's lunch. Her door had been open, she had drunk a lot but wasn't drunk. Why didn't she close her bedroom door? Did she want him to hear her? Jack thought that time would tell; tomorrow, he would be very attentive to gran.

He read mum's message; it read, "Jack, thanks for the compliment, I'm not going to find my dream man and definitely not going to find him in a disco. Jean is much more active than me, she's on a couple of online dating sites, a couple of years ago I tried them, but they are not for me. I found that they were either married men or weirdos looking for sex."

"Gran had me when she was twenty-one, I'm now forty-six, gran is sixty-seven. Neither gran or I feel old. Jack, you're twenty-one next year, I wish that I was twenty-one again knowing what I know now. I'm glad that you're taking gran out tomorrow, be nice to her, she's changing her car soon, I suggested that she gives you her old one, she didn't say anything, but I think that she'll do it. I should be sleeping now, but I can't sleep. How was your dinner? Love mum xx."

Jack replied, it kept it short, and to the point, his message read, "Mum, I'm glad dating sites are not for you, you're much cuddlier than Jean, I prefer cuddlier women. I'm looking forward to lunch with gran tomorrow; I'll keep on her good side, any tips that you can give me on doing that? The dinner was excellent, gran and you are the same, you both are wonderful in the kitchen. Love Jack xx."

Jack was just about to fall asleep when his phone beeped; he had a long message from mum, it read, "Dear Jack, I love to cuddle too, I miss cuddling so much, it's years since I last had a good cuddle. Thank you for the compliment, gran, and I are both good in the kitchen as both enjoy cooking so much. I learned so much from gran. Good question about how best to treat gran, I know that you always show respect for her, she appreciates that. Gran was a beautiful woman when she was younger; she is still beautiful for her age. You must pay attention to how she is looking and feeling. You are confident; I know that she likes that in a man, she's a bit like me, we both have no time for men that think they are some kind of ladies' man, that type does nothing for either of us."

"Spend time with gran, compliment her, tell her how nice she looks. She still has a magnificent body, tell her how nice she looks. She may wear younger clothes; she's taking a risk when she does this, always compliment her then if you think something could be improved then say it subtly. Always praise gran's efforts, she puts a lot of thought into everything that she does."

"I don't know how to say this, but I'll say it, gran and I both have huge tits, we're both very self-conscious about this, we both try and play them down, don't get me wrong we have them, and we are comfortable with them, but both of us appreciate a little reassurance that we are not a couple of freaks with big tits. If the opportunity arises then compliment gran on her's, tell her that they look gorgeous and things like that. I'm embarrassed about writing this to you, but we are both adults. Jack, I'll go now. Write when you can. Love mum xx."

Jack read the message slowly; he knew that it must have been trying for his mum to write, Jack then replied, "Mum, thank you for taking the time to explain things so thoughtfully to me. I have a confession to make, I don't have a lot of experience with big tits, but I honestly love big tits. I once heard that any more than a mouthful was a waste, someone also said that women with big tits were lazier in bed, but I don't have enough experience to make any comment. I hope that your conference goes well tomorrow. Love Jack xx."

Mum replied a few minutes later, "Jack, I must disagree with you in regards to women with big tits being lazy in bed, that's not true, and I should know. Having a mouthful in your mouth and a handful in your hand, giving your partner pleasure is a lovely way to go about things. Tomorrow will be an easy day. Love mum xx."

Jack woke the next morning with the sound of gran knocking on his bedroom door; he smiled when he saw her, she was wearing a dressing gown, Jack said, "Good morning gran, it's lovely to wake up to your beautiful smile, how are you this morning? Did you sleep well? I slept like a log."

"I slept well, thank you. I haven't dressed yet as I wondered when you want breakfast. After breakfast, I'll soak in the bath; it's one of my few pleasures now. Maybe you should shower while I'm making breakfast?"

Gran was at the foot of Jack's bed; his two feet were sticking out from under the duvet, gran was looking at them when Jack said, "That would suit me, gran, our tables booked for one so we have plenty of time."

Gran then touched Jack's left foot gently; she said, "We will do that then, your skin is so dry on your foot, would you like me to give you a nice foot massage?"

"Gran, I'd love that, have we time?"

"Of course, I'll just give you a quickie, let me get some oil."

Jack could hear a tap running in the bathroom; gran came back into the bedroom with a towel and a bottle of oil. Gran then lifted the duvet above Jack's knees; his calves were muscular. Gran then gently applied the warm oil to Jack's feet; she had warmed the oil under the hot water tap. It felt so good as gran massaged his left foot. He hands and fingers were strong and sturdy, Jack said, "Gran, I love what you're doing, it feels so good, and it's so relaxing."

Gran then started on his right foot; she said, "Your skin is very dry, I should give you a full body massage as I'm sure that the skin on your whole body will be dry. That's what happens when you shower a lot, better to be like me and soak in a bath with some oils and baking soda, feel my skin then you will see what I mean."

Jack then felt gran's forearm; the skin was so soft, Jack took his time as he stroked her arm, his fingers sensually massaging her forearm muscle, Jack said, "Your skins so soft gran, I'd love you to give me a full body massage."

Gran smiles then said, "I'll run a bath now for you, I will put my magic potion in it for you. Soak in it for twenty minutes; I'll have breakfast ready in half an hour, you'll feel better after your bath."

Jack loved his bath; his skin felt so smooth when he came out of it. He had breakfast in his dressing gown. Over breakfast, gran touched his forearms several times. After breakfast as he was standing, gran put her hand on his neck then slid it down on to his chest, as she squeezed his breast she said, "Your skin is smooth, but I'd still like to give you a full body massage, your body feels so firm and tight. Jack, I will go and steep in my bath now, say we meet in the lounge at twelve-thirty for a glass of wine, is that ok with you?"

Jack agreed then gran left, Jack had thought of asking her if she would like him to wash her back but decided against it. Instead, he watched some catch-up television. Exactly on twelve-thirty gran came into the lounge, she looked stunning, her outfit showed her curvy figure to perfection, she was showing a lot of cleavage. Jack had a bottle of wine and glasses prepared, as he poured their two glasses he said, "Gran, you look amazing, I'm proud to be your partner for lunch, that outfit is perfect for you, the mini-skirt is perfect with your beautiful legs, I love your blouse too, you have a gorgeous body."

"Thanks Jack, I love your compliments. I love wearing heels for you. We should just walk to the hotel; it's only a couple of minutes away then we can have a nice bottle of wine with our lunch."

They chatted and sipped wine until ten to one then they walked to the hotel. Gran was the best looking woman in the restaurant; she was glowing. During the meal, Jack couldn't keep his eyes off her massive tits; Jack was sure that she was wearing a push-up bra, then gran surprised him when she said, "I think that you like my big tits Jack, you can't keep your eyes off them."

"Gran, I love to look at them, you have an amazing body. I love big tits. Yours look enormous but gorgeous."

"Thank you, Jack, when I was out with Helen during the week, I bought some lingerie, I bought a couple of nice bras, which are so comfortable to wear. I'm like your mum, it's difficult to get a cup size that's comfortable for us, but I found it during the week. They push my tits out, but they are very comfortable. I'm glad that you like what you see. Are you dating anyone at the moment?"

"Gran, I'm not at the moment, I've too much work at University. This has been a tough year, we've gone through a lot of work this year. We had the last exams for this term last week; I'm quite confident that I've done alright. What about you? Are you dating anyone? You're a beautiful woman; you are so young looking."

Jack was thinking of the buzzing of gran's vibrator last night as he spoke, gran squeezed his hand gently then said, "I don't go out much, I'm mostly at home, working in the garden or keeping grandpa's grave tidy. I have a couple of girlfriends that I meet for coffee, but that's it. There are not many dream men running around here."

Jack took gran's hand and teased it seductively, teasing the palm of her hand with his index finger, looking gran in the eyes he said, "Do you get lonely? Do you ever have the urge, the need to have a man? It's only natural if you do. This morning, you gave me so much pleasure with that wonderful foot massage. I loved what you did to me. I wanted to do the same to you. How would you have felt if I had given your beautiful body a massage?"

"Jack, I enjoyed giving you a massage, that's the closest that I've been to a man for years. I'm a normal woman; I have my needs and urges; sadly, I must look after these needs myself. I'm glad we're having this conversation, anything that we say or do must be between ourselves, is that ok with you? More importantly, can you keep a secret?"

Gran had a mischievous smile on her face; she was also using the biceps of her upper arm to push her massive tits out. Jack smiled then said, "Gran, you and mum are my best friends, you can trust me, I'm so happy that you're thinking of giving me your old car, that would make me mobile, any secrets that we have are safe with me."

Jack then paid the bill; they left the restaurant. Jack was a perfect gentleman, opening every door for gran; she loved the attention. As they walked home gran took Jack's hand, she squeezed and held it as they walked, gran said, "Jack, thank you for a lovely lunch, I enjoyed it so much, you'll have my car soon, I think my new one is due in the next week or so. When you have the car, you will be able to come and take me out for lunch or even dinner; I would like that?"

Gran said this as they were walking into the cottage, Jack closed the door then took gran in his arms, giving her a big cuddle, Jack said, "I'd love to do that gran, I would love to do that regularly."

Gran with her heels on made her tall; their mouths were inches apart, Jack felt gran's pussy pushing against his leg, he then leaned down, their lips met, they both opened their mouths as gran buried her tongue in Jack's mouth, gran was a good kisser.

Gran was moving her pussy against Jack's leg with a circular motion, both their hands were now exploring the other's bodies, gran's tits were a handful, her nipples were big and hard, gran was purring as Jack teased them, gran said, "That feels so good, take me, Jack, I need it, I want it, let's go to bed."

They got into gran's bedroom; they were both naked in second, gran's body was fantastic, massive tits, flat stomach, smooth and swollen vulva, she looked gorgeous naked. Then gran saw Jack's erect cock, the length and thickness impressed her, she took it in her hand and started to stroke it. Then she saw some precum on Jack's cock slit. Mum sat on the edge of her bed, with a flick of her tongue, it was gone then gran went down on Jack's massive cock, she teased his bulbous head with her tongue then took his full length. Gran came up then said, "Jack, your cock is magnificent; it's so thick and long. I didn't think that I could take it all, but where there's a will, there's a way."

Jack then positioned gran on the bed in a way that allowed them to 69 lying on top of gran's bed. Gran was wet when Jack went down on her; gran had a long sex slit, she also had a sizeable hooded clit. Jack teased her clit with his tongue then started to suck it as he finger fucked her with two fingers. Gran loved this; she had Jack's full length in her mouth as she massaged Jack's heavy balls. She was also pushing her pussy against Jack's mouth.

Gran was getting wetter; her cunt juice was so sweet, her pussy was tight, she was also gripping his fingers, he now had three inside her, with her powerful cunt muscles. Gran was moaning with pleasure; Jack was so happy that he was giving her pleasure. Jack sensed that gran was close, she was pushing her dripping cunt hard against Jack's mouth, Jack said, "Gran, cum for me, cum in my mouth, let me taste your hot cum, flood my mouth with it, I want to taste your cunt juice."

He went back down on her, relentlessly sucking her hard clit as he finger fucked her with three fingers. Then gran shouted out, "I'm cuming, don't stop, take all of my juice, hold it in your mouth then when all of its in your mouth cum kiss me. Jack, this is so good."

Gran then flooded Jack's mouth with her cunt juice; Jack loved it, when she had finished, Jack cum kissed her. For several minutes their tongues were transferring her cum between their mouths, both of them were loving it. Both of them were glowing then Jack said, "Gran, I loved that, I've never done that with anyone in my life before, but it was so good, I was loving you, how was it for you?"

"Jack, it was amazing. I love oral, giving and receiving, that's the best oral that I've ever had from a man in my life. You were so loving as you did it to me, you gave me a great orgasm, as you did it I wanted to cum in your mouth, I felt that you wanted it too, that made it so much better. Jack, I'm bisexual, I have a couple of girlfriends that I see, both are mature ladies like me who still enjoy sex but are careful who they have sex with as it is risky out there. I wanted you to know that, is that ok with you?"

Jack gave gran a long tender, affectionate kiss as his hand cupped and squeezed her sizeable left tit, Jack then said, "Gran, I want you to have all the fun you want, do you want my big cock now? Just seeing you makes me so hot."

"I need your cock, it's been so long for me, let me go on top then I can control how much of this big boy that I take, I want it all but let's do it slowly."

They did take their time; gran took Jack in the cowgirl position, she was terrific, her massive tits were bouncing everywhere as she rode him, this aroused Jack. Gran climaxed forty minutes later; she loved Jack's cock. They stayed in bed until nine-thirty in the evening. Gran came three times, Jack came twice. Gran loved it doggy style as Jack could go so deep inside her. Gran was glowing when she got out of bed to make some supper for them.

They were in the kitchen; gran was only wearing an apron as she made some pasta. Jack checked his mail; he had a message from mum that she had sent forty minutes ago, it read, "Hi Jack, how was your lunch? I had an interesting day, I learned a lot. Two of the speakers were excellent. I was thinking in a couple of years you'll be going on these Congresses, maybe I'll come with you. I ate alone this evening; Jean chatted up an elderly doctor at lunchtime, he invited her out for dinner, so I ate alone. A lot of the other doctors were in the bar when I ate, which was good for me. I'm a little annoyed with Jean; she should have stayed with me. It doesn't matter as I have my iPad with me and I'm watching some catch-up television. I think Jean's desperate for sex. It wouldn't matter how desperate I was; I would stay with my friend. I would love to know how your day was. If you want then message me, I'll be still up for a while. Love mum xx."

Jack replied he told his mum about gran, giving him a foot massage, then running him a bath with all her lotions in it. He told her about gran saying his skin was too dry. He told her that his skin felt much better after the bath. Jack told his mum that gran lay and soaked in the bath with her lotions for over an hour; her skin was soft and smooth. He then finished off by saying that that wasn't nice of Jean going on a date when she should have been spending time with her.

Jack finished up by writing, "Mum, gran wears a lot of clothes that show off her figure, your figure is as nice as gran's, but you don't wear sexy clothes. Is there a reason that you don't do that? I enjoyed being with gran for lunch; her tits looked wonderful. I enjoyed being with her when she dressed like that. Could you ever wear sexy clothes for me? Love Jack xx."

Jack and gran had their pasta; it was delicious. When gran had finished stacking the dishwasher she came over to Jack and started stroking his cock; gran was hot again, Jack said, "Gran, suck me and make me hard and I'll fuck you doggy style on the kitchen table."

Jack was sitting naked on a kitchen chair, gran knelt in front of him then started sucking his cock, Jack's phone beeped, mum had replied, she thanked him for his message, she told him gran was right, too many showers would dry his skin, she would run special baths for him that would make his skin soft and smooth. Gran's head was bobbing up and down on his cock as he read, gran was a very sexy woman. Mum finished off by writing, "I don't have any sexy outfits as the majority of my clothes are the clothes that I wear for work. When we're alone, would you like me to wear sexy things in the house? If you do, then I'll do it for you. There's a small boutique in the Hotel, I was in there with Jean as she wanted some risqué lingerie, the girl gave us both brochures which I'm looking at now. My bra cup size is big; I will try some of them on tomorrow if they fit and they're comfortable then I'll buy some so that I can wear them in the house for you.

They have a website; I'll send you the link from my iPad then you can have a look and tell me what you like. They have everything, Basques, bodysuits, you must tell me if you want them crotchless or not. Also, have a look at their leggings, they have very tight ones which hug the body, I could wear those around the house. I don't have any push-up bras as they make my tits look enormous, but I now know that you like that so I'll get some. I'm looking forward to your reply. Love mum xx."

Jack was so horn now, he was thinking of his mum's massive tits, he took his gran and bent her over the kitchen table, her cunt was dripping, he slid up her quickly then pounded her pussy for the next twenty minutes. Gran had an intense orgasm then went to bed. Jack told her that he would be with her soon as he had to reply to mum.

The link to the website came by email; mum had provided the links on the website to push up bras, crotchless lingerie and leggings. Jack checked them out, he was impressed especially with the leggings, they showed the models Camel's Toe, they were very sexy. Jack didn't know what lingerie gran had, but he made a note to find out. He wondered how gran would look in the leggings with her long sex slit, her Camel's Toe was longer than the models in the brochure.

Jack replied to mum, "Thanks for the links, everything looks great. I would love you to get some of those things. I need to go now as my first lecture is at eight-thirty tomorrow. I will be able to write tomorrow. I love the leggings; I have a question, how long is your Camel's Toe? I'm happy that we have written today. Love Jack xx."

Gran was sound asleep when Jack got to the bedroom. He was asleep within minutes. He had set his alarm for seven, but gran had woken him at six. She was sucking his cock; this was what had woken him up. Jack had thought what a beautiful way to be woken up. They had made love; it was so good, in foreplay, Jack had slipped a finger up gran's ass. She loved it; he had ass fucked her with two fingers, gran had a small orgasm with this. Jack had done her in the missionary position but knew tonight that he would ass fuck her. Jack showered as gran, made breakfast for him. Over breakfast, Jack said, "Gran, I love this, what about you? The big question is, what will we do when mum gets home? I'll be able to see you during the day, but sleepovers are going to be difficult."

"Jack, I was thinking the same thing, we must be so discreet, I'm sure that we can work something out. I've never discussed sex with your mum. She was taught all the facts of life at school; then she did medicine. Helen was one of your mum's teachers; they got on very well together. Helen is one of my lovers; I know that since your dad died, Helen has given your mum some relief but your mum has never discussed that with me. Overnights will be difficult, but if I can see you say three times a week, then I'll be happy with that."

"Gran, what's Helen like in bed?"

"She is amazing, very affectionate, gives wonderful oral, she would love your cock. She's a very sexy woman, she's coming here on Friday night for dinner so you'll see her then, but you already know her, did she not teach you?"

"She did, she's an excellent teacher, she was a great listener, she helped a lot of people. I loved her in her habit. I thought that she was very sexy when I was younger, she wasn't like the other nuns. She was always happy and smiling."

"She likes to be fucked in her habit; she'll hear your confession then ask you if you have any impure thoughts, and do you lust after her body? She knows your family history; I know that she was seeing your mum once or twice a week, but your mum has never said a word to me about it."

Jack then left as he had a train to catch, it was faster and cheaper to travel by train, it also gave himself half an hour to compose himself for the day. He checked his mail, he had a message and a picture of his mum's Camel's Toe, she had a long and perfect sex slit, it looked longer than gran's but her slit and swollen pussy lips were perfect.

Her message read, "Jack, you're a devil, I didn't know what a Camel's Toe was, I had to Google it to find out, I laughed when I saw the pictures then knew what you were on about. I hope that you like the picture, I have a pair of leggings with me, the ones in the boutique are far better, I'll buy several pairs as I will enjoy wearing them around the house. You can see I have a long Camel's Toe, in the picture, I'm not wearing any panties, I keep my pussy smooth as it's more sensitive after I shave. Let me know what you think and when you have time what lingerie you would like me to order. Love mum xx."

Jack replied, "Mum, it's beautiful, you have got a magnificent sex slit, leggings in the house would be perfect. I like the crotchless Basques and bodysuits; some crotchless panties would also be nice. I'm a University all day today, write and I'll answer at my breaks. I love you, Jack xx."

Jack's morning flew in; it was a good morning; he was very alert; he was absorbing everything. He didn't know whether it was because of gran or the thought of mum going around the house in crotchless lingerie, but he was happy. He also thought of Helen, she was a tall attractive woman, but he had only seen her in her nun's habit. He wondered about Helen and his mum, he thought would his mum tell him or not.

Just after two Jack got a message from his mum, she wasn't happy, the message read, "Jack, I'm so fucking angry, Jean's just told me that she's going out for dinner with a salesman from a pharmaceutical company, he must be fifteen years younger than her. It really annoys me. We have been friends since University, we shared a flat together. We have kept in touch all these years; now she's fucking anything that moves. I've checked the flights; I can be home on Friday arriving just after four in the afternoon. Is that good for you? I just don't want to spend any time with her. She told me that the old doctor had eaten her pussy last night, she came twice in his mouth because even with Viagra he couldn't get it up."

"On a happier note, I spent some time in the boutique, I've bought a lot of lingerie and sexy outfits. I've bought so much that I've sent a big package to the Clinic with UPS, they'll have it tomorrow or the next day, and we can pick it up from the Clinic on the way home from the Airport. If Friday is good for you then I want you to invite me out for dinner on Friday night. I have bought several outfits with mini-skirts, I have also self-supporting stocking and several three inch heels which I can wear when we go out. Let me know about Friday then I can book the flight. I love you, mum, xx."

Jack thought immediately that was Friday night with Helen scuppered; he would rather be with mum. He knew from the message that the argument with Jean was important to mum, he wanted mum to tell him if Jean and she were lovers, his reply read, "Mum, I feel for you, of course, I'll be there for you. My last lecture finishes at two so four at the Airport is not a problem. You've known Jean a long time; I think she has turned into a nymphomaniac, does she sleep with women too? Where would you like to eat on Friday so that I can book a table? Must go, my next lecture is starting. I love you, Jack xx."

Just after three Jack had a message from gran, it read, "I'm so looking forward to tonight, I so enjoyed it when you teased my butt with your fingers. I was shopping, I got two beautiful steaks for dinner. I met Helen; she can't make it on Friday. I've invited her for tomorrow if that's good for you? I bought a leg of lamb for tomorrow. Please let me know if you would like Helen to join us for the lamb? I have some lube in the house, would you like me to lube my ass, so it's ready for you when you get home? Let me know when you'll be home so that I'm ready for you. Love, gran xx."

Jack was happy with gran's message; at least he would see Helen this week. Jack replied, "Gran, thanks for the message. I'll be home around six. Mum is coming home on Friday; I'll pick her up at four on Friday afternoon so tomorrow would be good for Helen. Yes, lube your ass, don't be wearing a lot as I will be hungry for you when I get home. Will Helen wear her habit tomorrow? It would bring back a lot of memories for me if she did. I've had a good day. See you at six. Love Jack xx."

Jack had one last lecture; he went to the cafeteria and had a coffee. His phone beeped, he had a message from mum, it read, "Thanks for being so understanding, Jean is bisexual, when we shared the flat at University, we were lovers. I want to be honest with you darling, I'm bisexual too, how do you feel about that? Over the years, after we were married, we still met and had our fun. I am now not interested in seeing Jean anymore. I tried to speak with her this afternoon, but she knows best, she can go her own way now."

"Since your father died, I haven't been with any men, to be honest, I'm not interested. I have you and my work, that's all that matters to me. I do see an older woman. I've known her for years. When I have my urges, she gives me relief. Jack, it's also important for you to know, I have urges often. I was nervous as I wrote this to you, but now I've written it to you, I feel better. I'm looking forward to Friday. I hope that you can understand what and why I've written to you. Write when you can, I'm thinking of you. Love mum xx."

Jack was so happy when he read mum's message; she was honest with him, that was so important. Jack knew that when the time came and mum asked him what he was doing, he would be honest with her. He knew mum's older friend was Helen. Jack replied, "Mum, thank you for your honesty. I don't have a problem with you being bi; I think you should now keep your distance from Jean. I'm looking forward to Friday, you haven't told me where you want to eat, let me know, and I'll book it. I love you. Jack xx."

Jack had a reply from gran saying that Helen would bring her habit tomorrow night, she wouldn't wear it as she now wore regular street clothes, but she would put it on when she got to grans. Mum also replied, saying the Italian restaurant.

Jack arrived at grans just before six. Gran was in the lounge having a glass of wine, she was naked, and she was hot. They kissed and touched for several minutes. Then Jack noticed gran had a butt plug up her ass; Jack said, "What's that for?"

Gran replied, "I've lubed my ass, I'm ready for you. I put a butt plug in so my lube doesn't drip out after you ass fuck me, I'll put it back in as it's nice to have a butt plug in when you're fucking my pussy."

Gran then lubed Jack's erect cock; she was so hot. Jack spread her on all fours on the carpet. He then slid his cock inside her ass doggy style; she was so well lubed she took his full length quickly. She was tight, it felt good. He was rubbing her clit as he rode her. Gran said, "The head of your cock is hitting my G-spot, it's amazing. I'm going to cum soon."

Jack moved up a gear; gran had her first vaginal orgasm two minutes later. Jack didn't stop; he kept pounding her ass, soon gran had her second vaginal orgasm; this one was a lot stronger. Gran loved it, she was purring with pleasure as Jack continued. Gran's tits were bouncing everywhere; this aroused Jack, he loved to watch bouncing tits. He couldn't remember how big Helen's were as he had only seen her in her habit; he imagined they were big. As he rode gran's ass, Jack said, "Gran, has Helen big tits? I can't remember, but I think they're quite big."

"Jack, they're big, not as big as mine, they are beautiful, they don't sag, and they are very sensitive. She can cum if you play with her tits. We will have fun tomorrow. This is wonderful; I've had two of the strongest orgasms of my life, I'll be wanting ass fucked a lot in the future."

Jack kept pounding away, a few minutes later, gran had her third and strongest orgasms; her whole body was shaking. After she composed herself, gran said, "Thank you for doing that Jack, it was amazing, that last orgasm was something else. Helen has ass fucked me with a strap on, but it didn't compare with your magnificent cock."

Jack then pulled out; gran slid the butt plug inside her ass then Jack went up gran's pussy doggy style. Doggy style was becoming gran's favourite position as Jack could go so deep, gran loved it deep and hard. Twenty minutes later, gran climaxed, Jack came a few seconds later, the timing was right. Jack turned gran around; they kissed lovingly then gran said, "I loved that Jack, I felt you squirt inside me, I love it when you do that. I may buy some new lingerie tomorrow, is there anything that you'd like me to buy?"

"Gran, I trust your judgement, but you know that I love you naked."

Tuesday morning was the same as Monday; gran woke up Jack with sucking his cock, they had a great session then gran made Jack's breakfast as Jack showered. Gran was so happy with the lamb; she would roast it in the oven slowly for three hours; they were both looking forward to dinner tonight. Jack got the train again, mum had sent Jack a message late last night, but Jack and gran had an early night, and he didn't pick it up until this morning. Mum had suggested the Italian restaurant; it was only a couple of minutes walk so nobody needed to drive. Jack replied, "Mum, I had an early night last night; I was tired and was asleep early. I'll book a table this morning for Friday evening at seven. Tonight gran has invited my old teacher, Sister Helen, for dinner. We have lamb; I'm looking forward to seeing her again. She was my favourite teacher. Gran was telling me that she is no longer a nun; she has retired from teaching and is now a pensioner. I hope all is good with you and Jean doesn't annoy you anymore. I'm looking forward to Friday. I keep looking at your Camel's Toe picture; it's beautiful. I love you, Jack xx."

Jack had a busy morning; he had phoned and booked a table at the Italian restaurant. He was now in the cafeteria for some lunch. Mum had not responded to his message of this morning. Jack wondered what was happening, was mum too busy at her conference? Was mum alarmed at Helen coming to grans for dinner? Should Jack not of mentioned mum's beautiful Camel's Toe? Jack knew that mum would answer as soon as possible, but he had sent the message over four hours ago.

As Jack was having his coffee his phone beeped, mum's message read, "Jack, I've had a busy morning; I couldn't reply at my break as I was speaking with Jean, she apologised for how she treated me. She wanted me to visit her after the conference still, but I told her that I'd already changed my flight. Anyway, I want to be with you on Friday night; Jean has a dinner date with another man this evening. I think that she's working her way through all the men here."

"Helen is a lovely lady; she's been a good friend to me over the years. I see Helen often, she's the older woman that I told you about. I wanted to be honest with you, that's why I'm telling you this. Please don't tell Helen that I've told you this. I felt it better that I told you. Helen knows how I feel about you. I know that she likes you. She said that you were a young gentleman. I'll be interested to hear tomorrow how tonight goes. Tonight, I'll take a picture of a pair of my new leggings; they are flesh coloured and very tight fitting. I thought of you a lot this morning. I love you, mum, xx."

Jack was a little relieved with mum's reply; he was pleased with mum's honesty about Helen. He wondered why mum had not mentioned gran, did mum know that gran was having sex with Helen too? Was mum and gran having sex also? It was a possibility, but how could Jack find out?

Jack replied, "Mum, I'm glad that you're coming to me on Friday. I am looking forward to tomorrow morning and seeing you in your new leggings. I wonder how gran will be tonight when Helen is here. Gran's wearing very sexy clothes around the house. She's wearing lots of low cut tops which show her big tits and leave nothing to the imagination. Gran is now giving me cuddles at every opportunity. Should I respond to this? To be honest, I feel comfortable when she does it. I think of you all the time, love Jack xx."

A couple of hours later Jack got his reply; he was happy when he read it, mum wrote, "Jack, don't worry about gran, I think that she's trying to make herself attractive for you. Flirt with her; if she responds and you would like to go a little further, you are both adults. I would say the same with Helen, flirt with her too, if she responds then, once again, if you want to take it further. We are all not young girls on our first date. If an older woman makes a play for you, then it's up to you to respond. I know one thing for sure, I'll be making a play for you on Friday. I have another seminar. I love you, mum, xx."

Jack smiled then replied, "Mum, don't be surprised if I make a play for you on Friday. I wish it were Friday! I love you, Jack xx."

On the train home, Jack's phone beeped, mum wrote, "So you know, I'll be doing the same. I have a lovely outfit to travel in; I also have a beautiful outfit for Friday night. I wish it were Friday too. I love you, mum, xx."

There was a VW Polo in gran's drive; Jack wondered if that was Helen's car. He opened the front door and heard voices coming from the lounge; Jack said out loud, "Hi gran, I'm home; there's a beautiful smell coming from the kitchen."

"Jack, we're in the lounge, get a wine glass from the kitchen and come and join us."

Jack got his glass and went into the lounge, the first thing that he noticed was Helen was not in her habit, she looked gorgeous in street clothes, she had a stunning figure. Her curves oozed sex; her outfit was showing her body to perfection, especially her legs, her mini-skirt was showing the tops of her self-supporting stockings. Gran was similarly dressed; they both exuded sex. Gran stood up when Jack came into the room, she hugged him then gave him a slow tongue kiss, she said, "I'm running a little late, the roast is on, but it has still two and a half hours to cook. If we eat at eight-thirty is that ok with you?"

"No problem, that's good for me. Helen, I wouldn't have recognised you if you walked past me in the street, you look beautiful though you were always beautiful, I see a completely different person than the person I knew all those years ago. It's great to see you again."

Helen stood up and hugged Jack; she was pulling him closer to her. Their mouths were an inch apart, Helen pushed her mouth forward, their lips met then she tongue kissed him. It was a long sensual kiss, she broke away and said, "Jack, it's great to see you, you've turned into a very handsome young man, it's great to see you again."

Gran was filling Jack's glass then she topped up her own and Helen's, gran said, "I'm happy to see you get on so well, Helen's brought her habit with her, she has left it in the bedroom but ..she can put it on now if you would like or would you like her to wear her street clothes this now?"

Jack smiled then said, "It is great to see Helen looking so good, all my memories of her are of her wearing her habit. Helen, it would be great if you wore your habit now, would you think that I was naughty if I told you that I'd like to kiss you as we kissed with you wearing your habit?"

Helen smiled, she said, "Would you like to be very naughty with me when I'm wearing my habit? I'll go and change now for you."

Helen left the room, gran kissed Jack and stroked his semi-hard cocktail then said, "I'm sorry we're a little late, Helen had a little bush, I know that you prefer a pussy smooth so I shaved her. She's hot, and she wants you. Would you like me to give you some time alone with her then we can have a threesome after dinner?"

"Gran, that would be nice, give us some time then we can get to know each other."

As gran stroked Jack's cock, she couldn't help herself, she unzipped his trousers and pulled his now erect cock out, gran was sucking Jack when Helen came back, she was wearing her habit, Jack noticed her big tits sway, she wasn't wearing a bra under her habit. Gran brought her mouth off Jack's cock then said, "Helen, I was just getting him nice and hard for you. I will leave you two now, that will give you both a chance to get to know each other."

Gran then kissed Jack and Helen then left the room. Helen looked so angelic in her habit; she also looked beautiful with her makeup on, her lipstick and face colouring was perfect. Helen took Jack's cock in her hand and started stroking it; she said, "She has made you so hard, you are blessed to have such a magnificent cock, it's so long and thick, the head of it looks like a giant mushroom, perhaps it would be better if you removed your clothing then I'll be able to give you some relief."

Jack immediately stripped naked; his erect cock looked so impressive. Helen was wearing a modern nun's habit; her skirt came to just below her knees. She wore a leather belt with her blouse tucked into her skirt. She wore a headdress which covered her head neck and front to below her massive tits. With her stroking, some precum had appeared on the head of Jack's cock, with a flick of her tongue it was gone. Helen said, "You are so hard, you are lusting for sexual pleasure, aren't you, my naughty boy?"

"I am Helen; I love how you are stroking my cock and massaging my balls, you have a beautiful touch, is there anything that I can do for you?"

Helen replied, "That's so thoughtful of you to ask, if you put your hand under my headdress you will find that the buttons of my blouse I have left open for you, my breasts are very sensitive, I will cum if you suck and play with them. Then when you feel that I am ready, you can unbuckle my belt. I also lust for sexual pleasure; when we are ready, I want you to fuck me hard and deep, will you do that for me, Jack?"

"Of course I will, I want you so much, but I also want you and gran after dinner?"

"Jack, that excites me so much, you will have us both then."

Jack slipped his hand under the headdress, he was right, she wasn't wearing a bra, her tits were significant but not as big as gran's, Helen was giving Jack an incredible blow job, she was now rimming his ass with her tongue, Helen knew how to give pleasure. Jack then undid her belt, she pulled her skirt off, underneath all she was wearing was her self-supporting stockings. Her stomach was flat; her vulva was perfect, smooth and swollen, her pussy was so wet as Jack slid two fingers inside her, Helen then said, "Jack, would you mind if I went on top? I've never had a cock as big as yours, I have made it so hard for you. Let me ride you first; it will be good when I get used to this big beauty then I'll give you great fucks."

Helen removed her headdress and blouse; she was naked; she had an incredible body. She then went on top of Jack on the carpet, she was good, she had strong cunt muscles, she knew how to grip. Twenty minutes later, Helen had a massive climax; her whole body was shaking and trembling. Jack felt that Helen had needed that. When Helen recomposed herself, they kissed tenderly and affectionately; there was something beautiful about Helen. She said, "Jack, that was amazing, it was the best fuck of my life, you filled me, you were hitting my cervix, no one has ever done that before. You didn't cum, later do your gran first then I'll make you cum, that's a promise."

They lay in each others arm chatting; Jack was surprised how easy it was to talk with Helen; she was so open and honest. Then Helen asked, "How is your mum doing at her conference? She must be busy as I haven't heard from her. If you're talking to her, tell her that I send my kindest regards."

Jack told her that he would do that, then gran knocked on the door and said dinner was ready. Helen went naked to the bedroom and came back wearing a dressing gown. Jack got a dressing gown too then they ate. The lamb was beautiful, gran was an excellent cook, she was so happy when Helen and Jack complimented on the meal.

That night was terrific, gran and Helen were both so hot, they brought each other off first, this aroused Jack then he did gran. Helen was fantastic; they were at it for just under an hour later, they both climaxed simultaneously. Helen loved it when Jack filled her with his cum. The three of them fell asleep quickly that night; they were all contented.

Helen stayed at gran's on Wednesday and Thursday night as well. The three of them got on so well. Helen loved anal; it was now part of the foreplay with gran and Helen. The lovemaking was so varied and exciting. Gran and Helen worked well together, they gave Jack so much pleasure, but he was also giving them a lot of fun. On Wednesday, Helen asked Jack for his mobile number, that was before gran invited her back for Wednesday evening. On Friday morning, both gran and Helen were a little sad; they were both glowing as Jack had looked after them both well last night and this morning.

After breakfast Jack drove to the University, it was the first time he had used mum's car all week, he used it this morning as he wanted to go straight to the Airport after his last lecture. Friday flew in for Jack; his lectures were excellent, he had also done well on an oral examination, he was good at orals as he and mum talked all the time about what he was studying.

As he drove to the Airport, he was a little nervous; he had been writing regularly to mum, he had told her Tuesday had been a great evening. He hadn't told her that he had fucked Helen, but something told him that she knew that he had. He had only said to her that they had all flirted a lot. He also told her that gran had tongue kissed him, but mum didn't respond to that.

He arrived at the Airport just as the plane was landing; the plane was ten minutes early. Jack waited outside the Arrival door; then mum walked through, she looked stunning, the mini-skirt of her suit looked terrific. She was also wearing three-inch heels which were unusual for mum. Jack took her in his arms; they hugged, they tongue kissed, mum's tongue was buried in Jack's mouth, she was also pushing her body hard against him. After a minute or so of heavy kissing, mum said, "Let's get out of here."

In the car, Jack said, "Mum, you look gorgeous, I have got a couple of bottles of Champagne in the fridge chilling for when we get home. How was your Congress? I've missed you a lot."

Mum was stroking Jack's thigh as he drove, mum said, "I get points for attending, so that helps my salary. I learned a lot; many things were discussed which were informative and interesting. That's nice with the Champagne. I've missed you too. I think of you every day; tonight is going to be special."

Mum's hand then found Jack's erect cock; she felt the full length then said, "My god Jack, that's enormous, it's so long and thick. Have I made you so hard?"

"Mum, I get hard just thinking about you."

"That's good; I'll make you so hard when we get home. I've been saving myself all week for you. A couple of times, I was tempted to play with myself, but I have saved myself for when we get home."

Jack looked down; he could see the top of mum's self-supporting stockings, the mini-skirt suited her. Jack put his hand on her thigh then moved his hand towards her pussy, mum smiled, spread her legs wide open for him and said, "I'm wearing crotchless panties just for you."

Jack then felt the top of her long sex slit; he ran two fingers down the length of it; it was long. He slid a finger inside her; he found her hooded clit, it was big, he ran his finger around it then mum said, "That feels so good, you'll make me cum, do you want mummy to cum for you?"

"Mum, you're going to cum a lot, we'll be home in a few minutes, thank god the traffic is light or I'd have made you cum this now."

They arrived home; they went straight to mum's bedroom. They were both naked within seconds, mum's body was gorgeous, her flat stomach, massive tits, smooth and swollen vulva, her long sex slit was perfect. Jack laid her on the bed, then went down on her. Mum nimbly got herself into a position to allow them to 69.

Jack went down on her, but first, he admired her perfect sex slit, it was long, it looked better in reality than in the leggings pictures. Jack ran two fingers up and down the length of it. He found her big hooded clit; he teased it with his fingers as he finger fucked her with two fingers. He then started to suck it as he moved his fingers in and out of her tight cunt. Mum loved it, a couple of minutes later, Jack said, "Mum, spread your legs so my fingers can go deeper."

Mum spread them wider as she pushed her pussy hard against Jack's mouth. Mum was getting hotter, her moans with pleasure were getting louder, mum said as she came off sucking Jack's cock, "Jack, your cock is massive, I wasn't sure whether I could take all of him in my mouth, but I managed it, and it felt so good. Maybe it would be better if I went on top for the first time, that will let me get used to the size of him, is that OK with you?"

Jack replied, "No problem, we can do that. I will make you cum, that will make your pussy wet then you can go on top. I want you to cum in my mouth, mum; I want to taste you."

"Jack, I would love that, when I cum, hold my cum in your mouth then we can cum kiss. I have never tasted my cum; you will be the first man that I have cum in their mouth. I want to do this with you. Hold my cum in your mouth then we'll kiss."

Jack kept going; he sensed mum was close, then mum said, "I'm cuming, it feels so good."

Jack felt the warmth of her cum in his mouth; mum was cuming a lot, Jack's mouth was filling with it, he wanted to swallow some but didn't, he kept it all in his mouth. When mum composed herself, they cum kissed, they were both using their tongues to transfer mum's cum into mum's mouth. Mum then swallowed and said, "It tastes so sweet, we must do that again soon, I loved doing that. Jack, you now lie on your back, and I will go on top. Just relax, I will do all the work. I will start slowly, as I get used to him then I'll speed up, he looks so big."

Mum then went on top, very slowly, she pushed down on Jack's erect cock. She soon was taking the full length, mum said, "It feels amazing, it fills me, but it feels so comfortable. The head of your cock is hitting my cervix, I've never had that before, it's a wonderful sensation when it hits."

Mum soon had a powerful rhythm going; her face was glowing as she pounded on Jack's cock, her tits were wobbling in every direction, mum took her left breast and held it close to her mouth then started to lick and suck her nipple. Jack was stroking mum's big clit as she rode him, then mum started to ride him faster and deeper, two minutes later mum had a massive orgasm, her body was shaking with it. Jack didn't cum, but he knew that he would after dinner. Mum leaned down, she was holding Jack's cock inside her with her strong cunt muscles. Mum said, "That was magnificent, Jack, let's shower now. I have got a super outfit for tonight. I want to surprise you. After we shower, let me get dressed alone. Open a bottle of Champagne, and I will meet you in the lounge. My outfit is special; I want you to be proud to be seen with me. I think now that we'll eat out a lot."

Jack waited for mum in the lounge; he had poured himself a glass and had a glass ready for mum. Jack was surprised that mum hadn't asked about gran and Helen. He would be honest with her and tell her that he was fucking them. He had the feeling mum already knew but was keeping it to herself as he believed that mum was also sleeping with Helen though he wasn't sure about gran.

Mum then came into the lounge; she looked striking, her mini-skirt outfit was so eye-catching, it showed her voluptuous figure to perfection. Jack stood up and took her in his arms and said, "Mum, you look gorgeous; you're perfect in every detail."

They kissed lovingly then Jack poured mum a glass of Champagne. They sat chatting for twenty minutes then walked to the restaurant. It was buzzing; Jack was happy he had booked the table. The meal was excellent. Jack and mum were acting like teenagers, holding hands and kissing at every opportunity. As they were about to leave, mum said, "This afternoon was amazing, my pussy is still tingling, I can still feel you inside me. Jack, when we get home, could you do me doggy style? If you do then you can go so much deeper, I love it when you go deep, are you OK with that?"

Jack squeezed mum's hand and said, "Mum, whatever you want then I'll do it for you. I want to give you pleasure, if doggy style gives you more pleasure then we'll do that. Let's get home so that we can get started."

Mum said, "OK, I have something else for you. I'm wearing a crotchless bodysuit under this lovely outfit. Can I keep it on when you fuck me, I'll pop my tits out of it, it will stop them from wobbling all over the place?"

Jack told her that he would love that. He paid the bill then they walked home arm in arm. They got into the house, Jack led mum into the kitchen, they kissed and touched for a couple of minutes then Jack said, "Mum, I'd like to do you over the kitchen table, that way you can keep your heels on, are you comfortable with that?"

"Jack, I'd love that, get naked and let me make your cock nice and hard."

Jack stripped naked; mum stripped to her crotchless bodysuit, self-supporting stockings and heels. The bodysuit enhanced mum's curves; for her age, her body was terrific. Jack sat on a kitchen chair, mum knelt in front of him, licking and sucking his now erect cock. Mum soon had his cock rock hard; she popped her tits out of her bodysuit, spread her legs and bent over the kitchen table.

Jack went behind her; he teased her clit with the bulbous head of his cock. Mum was wet; she was also hot. Jack centred his cock in the middle of her long sex slit, with a gentle push, he was home. Mum was wet but felt so tight as Jack started to up his rhythm, Jack said, "Mum, your pussy feels so tight, I love it when you grip my cock."

"Jack, it feels so good for me, you can go deeper and harder if you want, I have never felt so filled before."

Jack build up his rhythm, he was going harder and deeper, mum was purring. Jack was stroking mum's clit then mum put her left hand down under Jack's heavy balls, she then started to massage Jack's balls as he rode her. Mum loved the doggy style position.

Jack sensed that mum was close, so was he, mum's massaging of his balls was having an effect on Jack, mum said, "I'm close baby, I know that you didn't cum this afternoon but cum for mummy now, I want to feel you fill me with your cum. Cum for mummy, wouldn't it be fantastic if we both came at the same time. Cum for mummy."

Jack was pounding mum's pussy so hard now; he was impressed that mum was still massaging his balls, then mum cried out, "I'm cuming."

Two seconds later, Jack was squirting his cum inside her; they had both cum together; it felt wonderful. Jack pulled out then turned mum around; they kissed lovingly and tenderly for several minutes then Jack said, "That was amazing money, we both wanted and needed that, I'm so happy that we're doing this, we have a lot of catching up to do."

As they walked to the bedroom, mum said, "You are right, we have a lot to catch up with, I think that we should spend a week or so together. After that, who will we invite over for dinner first, gran or Helen?"