Aunt Jo's Dirty Secret


Jack was in his second year at University, he was studying law and was getting good results. He was spending his summer holidays working in his aunt Jo's hotel, It was Jack's mother's hotel too. They had inherited it when Jack's grandfather died. Aunt Jo and her sister Sal, Jack's mother were both doctors, Sal had her own Clinic, but Jo worked in it two days of the week although Jo ran the hotel business. Jo had never married, she was a typical spinster. Jo, like Sal, were tall and had curvy bodies though Sal wore more risqué clothes, Jo was more twinsets, skirts and pearls.

Since Jack was ten, he had worked in the hotel during his school holidays. He enjoyed it and knew the business inside out. Aunt Jo was very religious, she was at the church every day, when Jack was younger, she expected Jack to attend with her. Jack hated this, he didn't mind going on a Sunday, but every day was not for him. He had spoken with his mother about, and she had told him that maybe because she was single, that was what made Aunt Jo so religious.

Jack had asked his mum if she ever had a boyfriend, she told him that at University, she socialised a lot and went to lots of dances but didn't have a steady boyfriend. After she had qualified, she had a boyfriend who was older than her, and this lasted for a year, but his mum had never met him, and she thought that maybe he could have been married.

Now there was an understanding between Jack and his Aunt Jo. He would go with her to mass on a Sunday, but that was him for the week.

Jack was an excellent rugby player, he was tall and robust. He played in the First University Team. The season was now finished, but there was a seven a side tournament left which Jack was chosen to play in. There was seven on a side, and they played two halves of seven minutes. Jack got injured in the third round when an opponent head collided with Jack's cock and balls. He had been wearing a Jockstrap which had given him some protection, but it was very sore.

He showered then made his way home. He phoned his Aunt Jo as his mother was on a Cruise holiday with her friend May, they were gone for two weeks, and Jack had no word from his mum, she had been away already for six days. He said, "Aunt Jo, I got injured today, the doctor said that I just needed rest and it would heal by itself, should I go into the hospital on the way home to get checked out?"

Aunt Jo replied, "How were you injured, where is your pain, how sore is it?"

"A guy tackled me, his head hit my penis and testicles, it feels very sore, they put ice on it, and that took a bit of the swelling out of it, but it's still sore."

"Jack, are your thigh muscles in your groin area sore as well when you stretch your legs?"

"I can drive, and it feels ok, after it happened, I had to be carried off the pitch as I couldn't walk."

Aunt Jo said, "Jack, I've a consulting room at home, you come home, and I'll check you out, don't be embarrassed, think of me as your doctor not as your aunt. I can imagine that would have been very sore, but I need to check you out. When will you be home?"

"Thanks, Aunt Jo, I'll be there in ten minutes."

Jack arrived at Aunt Jo's, she was taking it seriously, Aunt Jo was a Urologist, she had a female examination chair which she asked Jack to strip then sit on the chair. Jack sat on the chair, he was still wearing a Ralph Lauren Jockstrap which gave him some support. Jack was now getting embarrassed, the Jockstrap was a tight-fitting one, Jack's cock was flaccid but still looked massive, the guys in his team had said that Jack's cock flaccid was more significant than most guys with a hadron. Aunt Jo said, "Jack, think of me as Dr Jo, you must remove your Jockstrap, it looks so cute, I didn't know Ralph Lauren did Jockstraps."

As Jack removed his Jockstrap, Aunt Jo put on a pair of surgical gloves, she said as her eyes focused on Jack's massive cock, "Jack, I want you to relax, I need to give you a thorough examination if you feel any pain or discomfort then tell me immediately. I must check your cock and balls, but first I must check your groin. I'll put my hand on your knee then I want you to squeeze your knees together against my hand. Squeeze as tight as you can but as soon as you feel pain stop immediately."

Jack took his legs out of the leg supports and squeezed against Aunt Jo's hand, he had no pain, he squeezed her hand very tightly for a couple of minutes, Aunt Jo said, "Your groin is good, your thighs are so powerful, I'm happy about that. I'll check your cock and balls now, I want you to relax, if you want you can close your eyes as this can take a while, and I must be thorough."

Jack kept his eyes open as Aunt Jo started her examination. She cupped his left ball and started to gently squeeze it, she covered every part of his left ball then did his right ball, Aunt Jo said, "I can feel nothing untoward, your balls are heavy and full of semen when was the last time you had an orgasm?"

"This morning."

Aunt Jo said, "You're very healthy. Jack, would you mind if I took off my surgical gloves when I examine your cock, the gloves are cold, and I would like to see how your cock reacts to the warmth of a hand."

"Aunt Jo, I'm so impressed with what you're doing, I've felt no pain at all, you've a gorgeous, gentle touch."

Aunt Jo looked at Jack in the eye then said, "Thanks Jack, you're the first man in my life to tell me that, if everything goes well then I'll be a little firmer at the end of the examination. Don't worry if you have an erection if that happens and it's painful to tell me then I will stop immediately."

Aunt Jo then put her warm hand against Jack's cock, he was still flaccid, there was an inch of a gap between her thumb and her middle finger. She was gently squeezing and arousing Jack's cock. Two minutes later Jack was erect, Aunt Jo now had a three inch gap between her thumb and middle finger, Jack could see from Aunt Jo's eyes that she was impressed, Jack was rock hard, Aunt Jo had touched every part of his massive cock, she was now to all intents and purposes giving her nephew a hand job. A little precum appeared on the slit of Jack's bulbous head. Aunt Jo took her index finger and took all of the precum on her fingertip, she licked her finger clean then said, "Jack, your precum is very sweet, I now want to make you cum to make sure everything is ok, I can give you a hand job or a blow job, whatever you want. I can also take my clothes off if you want to play with me as I do it to you, I want to give you so much pleasure."

Jack then tongue kissed his aunt, it was a long tender and affectionate kiss, which lasted several minutes. It was the most sensuous kiss that Jack had ever had in his life, it was so pleasurable and passionate, Jack looked his Aunt Jo straight in the eye then said, "I love how you kiss, that was the nicest kiss I have ever had in my life."

Aunt Jo then kissed Jack again, it was an incredible kiss which lasted several minutes, Aunt Jo's tongue was buried in Jack's mouth then Aunt Jo said, "I love to kiss and cuddle."

Jack was surprised when Aunt Jo said this, Jack now thought there was a lot more to Aunt Jo than her attendance at church. Jack asked, "Aunt Jo, can I undress you, I want to touch your body when you are playing with my cock?"

Aunt Jo said, "No problem, I'll strip for you but let's go to my bedroom, we'll be more comfortable there."

Aunt Jo led Jack into her bedroom where she stripped naked, she had an incredible body, her curves were amazing, her tits were huge and didn't sag. Her vulva was hairless, she had a long sex slit. Aunt Jo lay Jack on her bed then she went down on his massive cock, her tongue teasing the bulbous head of his erect cock, her touch was so gentle, Aunt Jo said, "I love your cock Jack, I've never had one so big, my cunt is dripping thinking about it. I want to take all of him in my mouth, but that might take some time."

Jack slipped two fingers inside her wet pussy, Aunt Jo grunted with pleasure as she started to ride the two fingers Jack had inside her, Aunt Jo screamed, "That's so fucking good, you're going to make me cum!"

Jack was loving how Aunt Jo was sucking his cock, he then spread her legs wide open, then positioned himself so that he could go down on her, he was amazed at the size of Aunt Jo's clitoris, it was huge, it was like a little cock, he started to suck her clit as he finger fucked her, Aunt Jo continued to suck Jack's cock, she was now taking his full length, he could feel the head of his cock hitting the walls of Aunt Jo's throat.

Then Aunt Jo said, "Don't stop Jack, that's wonderful, I'm going to cum, you're the first man to go down on my cunt, darling, I'm cuming!!"

Jack kept sucking her clit as he felt the warmth of her cum in his mouth, it tasted so sweet, Aunt Jo was riding Jack's mouth as Jack was lapping Aunt Jo's very wet cunt, Aunt Jo then composed herself and said, "Jack, thank you I loved that, I've never cum in a man's mouth before, was it good for you? I'd love you to do that again for me, but now I want you to love me, I can't wait to feel your cock inside me. Jack, I love sex, but I want to be loved. I've done everything, I love being dirty, you can do anything you want with me, I love it in every hole. Let's make love, I'll tell you more about myself over dinner tonight, we can go to the Italian restaurant then we both can have the night off from the hotel."

Jack replied, "I loved it, Aunt Jo, your cum tastes so sweet, I swallowed a lot, but I've still some of your cum in my mouth, let's kiss then you can taste it."

They kissed and Aunt Jo's tongue was licking inside Jack's mouth, the kiss was long and affectionate then Aunt Jo said, "That was so nice of you Jack, I've tasted my cum once before, a guy wanted me to play with my pussy and cum on my fingers then I'd to lick my fingers clean, I prefer the way that we have done it."

Jack asked, "Who was the guy that made you do that?"

"I'll tell you later, I've done a lot of dirty things, but I've always enjoyed what I have done, I have the feeling with you that it's going to be very special, let's make love."

Their lovemaking was beautiful, they both were giving the other pleasure, they were both so intimate in their kissing and touching. Jack took Aunt Jo in the missionary position, he started slowly gradually building his tempo up, Aunt Jo was terrific, she was gripping Jack's cock at the base and head of each thrust, she had powerful cunt muscles. For forty minutes, Jack pounded into his aunt then they both climaxed within seconds of each other then they kissed passionately with Aunt Jo holding Jack's cock inside her cunt with her strong cunt muscles. Aunt Jo said, "That was good, you made love to me, to be honest with you that's the first time in my life that that's happened, I've been fucked so many times but this is the first time that I've felt that the person I have been with has cared about me and how I have felt, thanks, Jack, you and I will do a lot of special things together."

Jack asked, "Aunt Jo, who were the guys that you were seeing?"

Aunt Jo was still holding Jack's cock inside her, she quietly said, "Jack, I lost my virginity at twenty when I was at University, my lover was my Professor, he was married and I was his plaything. He taught me so much, and I loved it. We were having sex twice a day, it was hot sex. I didn't realise it but Sal, who's two years older than me had an affair with him as well. One night, I was staying over with him, he got very drunk and told me that I was very similar to Val, we both enjoyed dirty sex. We both had huge clits, he could give me body shaking orgasms by stimulating my clit with his fingers, he told me Val was the same."

"Val and I are very similar, we both have very sensitive tits, we can both cum when our tits are sucked. We both love it doggy style in both our holes. I was amazed when he told me this as Val and I have never discussed sex in our lives. He then got promoted to the Senior Professor in a University Hospital. I never saw him again, I then started going to church. Soon a priest was taking an interest in me. One thing led to another, and soon we were having sex. I graduated and was working in a Clinic, I was still staying at home, Val had got married and you were on the way, I was so happy for Val, I had the feeling that I would never have children, so I got myself sterilised as I was now seeing a lot of priests, I was the plaything for over twenty priests. I would have three and four at a time and be gang-banged, I loved it, one in my ass, one in my cunt, one in my mouth and another giving me a titty fuck."

"The priests started to get older, a few younger priests appeared then things changed, I had to treat myself for STDs, I got pubic lice, that's why my pussy is now hairless, this all happened four years ago. Then your father died, that was a big shock for your mum and myself. Then my father died, and I had to manage the hotel. That's when I called it a day. You're the first man in over four years to have me. I must tell you that I have a girlfriend, she was a nun in a teaching order, she was a wonderful Maths teacher, she was doing the same things with the priests that I was. Then her convent was sold, she was the only nun left. Her parents were wealthy, she left her order and got a senior teaching in a local authority school, I see her for sex every month. Jack, I feel so good with you, we're going to have a lot of fun."

The meal in the Italian restaurant was excellent; Aunt Jo was relaxed, she was chatting a lot. Jack said, "I think I'll send mum a message, I haven't heard a word from her which is unusual as she usually writes every day which makes me feel that I'm on holiday with her. It might be that she's no Internet on the ship."

Aunt Jo replied, "I think that there will be an Internet, but maybe she hasn't found it. She'll be fine; May will look after her, they'll be having a great time, they'll be eating each other's pussies when they get horny, which probably will be every day."

"Does mum and May have sex?"

"They've been friends for a long time; they went to school and University together. May used to stay with us at the weekend when they were at University; I often heard them having sex, let's say that they both know how to give the other relief!"

They went back home, walking arm in arm, Aunt Jo looked happy. They kissed and touched when they got into the house; they straight to the bedroom. For the next two hours, Jack took Aunt Jo to places she had never been before; they made love in total harmony; there was togetherness in everything they did.

Jack did Aunt Jo from behind in both her holes, she loved it, she had multiple orgasms then Jack shot his load inside her hungry cunt, Aunt Jo was fast asleep two minutes later.

Jack went for a glass of wine. He sat in the lounge then messaged his mum; it read, "Hi mum, I hope that this finds you well. Are you ok as I haven't heard anything from you and your now been away for a week? I'm working hard, and Aunt Jo is looking after me. Drop me a line and let me know how you're doing. It's May's birthday on Tuesday, so I'll send her a message. All my love, Jack xx."

Jack topped up his wine glass; his phone beeped, mum had replied, it read, "Darling, thank you for your message, I'd no WiFi then May found the WiFi reception area, I can write now. I'm putting on weight, the food is amazing, we have breakfast at eight, morning coffee at eleven, lunch at one, afternoon tea at four then dinner at seven. I'm putting on weight, not on my stomach but my breasts are enormous."

"I've only one swimming costume with me, and I'm scared my melons will pop out. I tried the shop onboard, but they had nothing that fitted me. Apart from that, we're having a great holiday, send May a birthday greeting, she'll appreciate that. I'll write every day now. I'm home in seven days, all my love, mum xx."

Jack replied, "Mum don't worry, I love big tits. If you have a spare swimming costume at home, then I could FedEx to the Shipping Office at the next port that you visit. However, maybe we could run out of time there. You enjoy your holiday and have fun with May. Write when you can, love Jack xx."

Mum replied, "You're a dirty boy, but dirty boys can be fun. Thanks for the offer but our next port is Barbados where we disembark then fly home. I'll be careful when I wear my swimming costume and will do everything slowly when I wear it. I'm now an E cup, E for enormous. Has Charlie not got his twenty-first coming up? Love mum xx."

Jack replied, "Mum, please take a selfie of your tits, I'd love to see them, I often think of my sucking on them when I was a baby, I hope that you enjoyed that when I did it. Your home on Friday and the following Friday is his twenty-first, I'll stay with you then so I can have a drink, looking forward to the selfies, love Jack xx."

Five minutes later, the pictures arrived, Jack was taken aback with the views, there were four in total, one in her swimsuit where her massive tits were bursting out of her swimsuit. The other three were of his mum posing topless; May must have taken them, mum looked stunning, her tits were magnificent, she had an all-over tan, the pictures were recent.

There was also a short video of mum standing naked, from waist up, she then started to touch her hard nipples, she then slowly brought her left nipple to her mouth and licked and sucked it. She did the same with her right tit; mum was a very sexy lady, she was looking straight at the camera as she was filmed.

The message read, "The pictures and video are for your eyes only, I've sent them to you because I trust you so much. Yes, I remember breastfeeding you, I fed you eight and nine times a day, every time that you sucked my nipples you made me cum, I missed it when you were two, and we stopped the breastfeeding. As soon as I knew that I was pregnant, I stopped drinking alcohol, for two years and eight months, I was alcohol-free."

"I'll drive you if you want for Charlie's twenty-first then you can have a drink. I'm thinking a lot about you, Jack, when I get back, I'd like to spend some time with you. I hope that you feel the same way. I love you, love mum, xx."

Jack felt so good when he read what mum had written. He replied, "My darling, thanks for trusting me, no one else will see your pictures or your exciting video, I'm sure that I'll watch them often and that there will be consequences! I'll go to Charlie's at seven and leave at nine, how about you and I have an Indian takeaway together and some wine, we haven't done that for a long time. I want to spend some quality time with you. Your pictures and video are terrific; thank you. I love you, love Jack xx."

Jack got another message from his mum saying that she was looking forward to the curry. The next ten days with Aunt Jo were terrific; the sex was intense. It was also very intimate, which both of them loved. Aunt Jo had told Jack that Maria, her ex-nun girlfriend, would stay over on Wednesday night. Jack asked what did Aunt Jo want him to do with Maria? Aunt Jo replied, "You must ass fuck her the way you ass fuck me. Then you'll be so pampered by two women who know how to give a man pleasure. Maria and I work so well together; we will all eat in the Hotel at seven then come here, you will enjoy it, Jack, Maria hasn't had a cock for over four years, she's looking forward to meeting you. She has a beautiful body, she's a nice person, and she loves good sex."

Mum and May had got back home; both had started again at work on Monday morning. Jack had sent a birthday greeting to May, May was over the moon and sent Jack a picture of mum and May drinking champagne on the ship. They were both wearing low cut cocktail dresses; they looked stunning; Jack knew then that they were both very fuckable women.

Mum had exchanged messages every day. She had called Jack when she had got home. They had flirted in the most careful possible way; Jack had the feeling that his mum was very interested in Jack but was worried she overplayed her hand.

Jack had noticed that she was in a time-zone six hours behind Jack. Jack was asleep when these arrived at four in the morning, which was ten in the evening for mum. Jack had messaged his mum about the cocktail dresses saying that her tits looked beautiful in the picture, his mum had replied, "Thanks for the compliment, if you look closely you will see that my nipples are hard, I was thinking about you, grins, I hope that you don't mind me thinking about you like that. I love you, love mum, xx."

The other exciting thing was Jack had replied to May thanking her for sending the lovely picture. May had replied, "Dear Jack, it was my pleasure sending it to you, Val loves to dress up in the evening, she loves the formality on the Cruise ship. When we get home I'll invite you and Val over for supper then we can both dress up for you. We are both enjoying our holiday. See you soon. Love May x."

Jack knew that his mum and May very close, he had the feeling that they were planning something, this intrigued him. Jack had been to his mum's house to check the mail and make sure everything was ok; he had promised to do this once a week. Something made him look in his mum's bedroom; he got the shock of his life.

Mum had an iPad in her bedside cabinet. Jack knew his mum's password. He checked her browsing history; she loved port, an older woman with younger men. She loved porn where the guys had big cocks. In ten minutes, Jack learned so much about his mum. She was into online sex. Val had two email accounts; her naughty one was very naughty. May and she shared many men for online sex. Then he found her photo files. Mum had a beautiful hairless cunt with a long sex slit. Jack used a USB stick and transferred all of mum's pictures, videos. He had a complete insight now into his; he also knew how to handle her on Friday.

Wednesday was terrific; Aunt Jo met Maria at six at her house. They came over to the Hotel at seven; they had champagne in the Cocktail Bar. Maria was a beautiful woman; she was like Aunt Jo, twinsets, skirts and pearls. She was intelligent and articulate. Jack liked her immediately; she had honest eyes and a beautiful smile. Maria broke the ice by telling a joke; "Two nuns are riding their bikes to church. One nun said I've never come this way before. The other nun replied I know it's the cobblestones."

They all laughed, then Aunt Jo said, "Talking about cuming, let's go home and have some fun."

Maria thanked Jo for the beautiful meal, and they walked to Jo's house. Jo got some champagne, when she came into the lounge Jack and Maria were already kissing and touching, Jo said, "Maria, you're such a fast worker, let's all get naked then you'll see the most magnificent cock you've ever seen in your life!"

They all stripped naked, Maria and Jo had very similar bodies, Jack was impressed with Maria's long sex slit, Aunt Jo said, "Maria, I'll let you get to know Jack, you two can kiss and touch, Jack will ass fuck you first, when you're ready let me know, and I'll lube your ass for you."

Maria said, "Jack, I love your cock, I've never seen one as big, I'll go down on him and make him really hard for you."

Maria was excellent, she was deep throating Jack very quickly, Jack went down on her too, her clit was big but slightly smaller than Aunt Jo's. Maria loved it when Jack sucked her clit and finger fucked her. Jack asked Aunt Jo to lube Maria's ass, then the fun began. Maria said afterwards that it was the best fuck of her life. She had many orgasms; Jack had taken his time with her; he gave her so much pleasure. Maria appreciated this as she was like Aunt Jo, just used for sex.

Jack had given Maria three vaginal orgasms; she couldn't believe the pleasure Jack's bulbous head had given her G-spot, then he had done her pussy from behind, she loved it deep and hard. Jack was stroking her hard clit throughout their lovemaking. Maria was a gripper; Jack loved the way she gripped. Maria was like Aunt Jo, a great ride, they both knew how to give pleasure. Jack knew how to provide them with Jackpleasure.

Aunt Jo asked after Jack and Maria had climaxed how Jack had enjoyed his evening. Jack replied, "I've had a great night, I'd love to see Maria regularly, maybe we should try and arrange a weekend, but it can't be this weekend as I have Charlie's twenty-first on Friday. I've also things to do at mum's house this weekend, but we should arrange something for the future."

Aunt Jo and Maria arranged that Maria would come this weekend as Aunt Jo would be lonely. They all went to bed; Jack did Aunt Jo then he did Maria again. The next morning Jack did Maria again before she left for school. After Maria had left he did Aunt Jo again, she loved it.

On Friday morning, Jack got a message from his mum asking if he would come home before he went to Charlie's party then he could leave his car at home and mum would drive him to Charlie's. Jack replied, "Good thinking, mum, there's a conference in the ballroom which finishes at three, then I've to help set up for a dinner dance for two hundred people. I could be home at six, but I'd like a quick shower before I go to Charlie's. Thanks for thinking about me, I love you, Jack xx."

Mum replied, "I'm always thinking about you, that suits me fine, I'll finish at two this afternoon so I can relax in the afternoon, I'm so looking forward to our Indian tonight, it's ages since I've had one. I have some champagne in the fridge, I know it's wasted with a curry, but I love drinking it. Is Champagne good for you? I'm a little nervous about tonight, I love you, mum xx."

Jack had been busy, he replied just after two, it read, "Mum, I'm working for my money today, sorry for the delay in replying. Champagne is good for me, I know that you love Pol Roger, I love it too. To be honest, I'm a little nervous too, we haven't spent enough quality time together. I will be casually dressed for Charlie's, polo shirt and chinos, I'm looking forward to the Indian too. Since I started working for Aunt Jo, this will be the first free time that I've had for myself. I love you more, love Jack xx."

A lot of staff helped Jack set up the dinner dance. Jack had a message from his mum which read, "Darling, it will be Pol Roger, Jo says that you work so hard for her. I spoke to her this afternoon, she sounded pleased and didn't mention the church once! I won't ask you what you'd like me to wear, you would probably like me in my tight swimming costume with my E tits hanging out. I will be casual too, I've a nice top, and I'll also wear leggings. I've done the shopping, and you can have a Full breakfast tomorrow. I love you much more, and I can prove it, I love you, love mum xx."

Jack was at the reception just before five, he had made good time and would be home around five-thirty, then Mrs Grey appeared wanting to confirm her daughter Jill's wedding arrangements. Mrs Jean Grey was the family's dentist, she was first-class, she was easily the best dentist in the area. She and her husband had set up a Dental Practice years ago. Her husband died three years ago, Mrs Grey had continued to run the practice now her daughter Jill, who had just qualified as a dentist would join the practice with her soon to be husband who had been in Jill's year at University.

Jack had dated Jill a couple of years ago. She was four years older than Jack. They had only dated for two and a half months. Jack had never got to the good bit with Jill, she had pointed to her pussy one day and said, "If you want in there, you've got to put a ring on my finger."

Jack was in his first year at University, and he had no intention of getting engaged to anyone at that age. What he did get from Jill was excellent blow jobs, Jill was the first girl to take Jack's full length in her mouth. He loved it when Jill deep throated him then licked and sucked his cock clean afterwards. Jack offered Mrs Grey a coffee then went to get the hotel diary. He then sent his mum a message, it read, "Mum, I'm running late, Mrs Jean Grey has arrived to finalise Jill's wedding, it will be after six-thirty before I'm home, I love you, Jack xx."

They quickly went through the arrangements, there were over two hundred guests. Mrs Grey was ordering the best wines and Champagne it would be a profitable wedding for the Hotel. Everything was concluded, Mrs Grey asked, "Jack, is it possible that you're on duty the day of the wedding as you're the only one I've discussed it with and you know everything that I want? I would also like to book a room for myself for the night then I don't need to worry about driving home."

Jack replied, "I'm back at University, it's on a Saturday, and I'll be here all day. We offer a bedroom as the bride's changing room, I'll make sure that the room is our best suite and you can use it with breakfast with the Hotels compliments."

Mrs Grey smiled then said, "Thank you, Jack, I'll bring my swimming costume so I can try your Spa. One of my receptionists is handling all the replies to the invitations, could you give me your mobile number then I'll message you then we'll have direct contact?"

Jack checked his mobile and gave her his number. He had a message from mum, it read, "Darling, take your time, that's a big wedding, I bought you some Ralph Lauren shirts and chinos when the ship docked in Florida, I'll leave them on the bed for you. I love you, mum, xx."

Jack then left the Hotel, it was six-thirty. Mrs Grey's house was amazing, it was a Smart Home, everything was run from iPads, every room was controlled by an iPad. Heating, lighting in fact everything. There were security cameras everywhere, the one in the lounge was Jean Grey's favourite, the four times a week that Jack had a blow job in the lounge was captured on HD video. Jean Grey loved Jack's massive cock, she enjoyed watching the videos as she buried her biggest dildo inside her hot, hungry cunt. Jean had videos of all of Jill's boyfriends, they all paled into insignificance when compared to Jack's massive cock. Jean could not understand why Jill was marrying Bob, Jean wouldn't have given him a second look.

Jack thought of Jean as he drove home, she was a very fuckable woman. She was tall with a voluptuous body. Since he had dated Jill, every time he had visited her practice which was four times a year, she had brushed her breast against his face, he looked forward going to the dentist just for this.

Jack arrived home at twenty to seven, he had a quick shower then put on one of the shirts and chinos, mum had bought for him. Mum was in her bathroom when he arrived, Jack had gone straight to his bedroom with its own ensuite bathroom. He had left the bathroom door open, he heard his mum ask, "Jack, don't worry if you're a little late, is there anything that I can do for you?"

"Mum, thank you for those beautiful clothes. I'd love a glass of wine, it's been a long day. Mum if you drive me then I'll walk home, then you can have something to drink here, I would hate to be a bottle in front of you when I get here at nine."

"Jack, I'll do that, I will open a bottle of Pol Roger then sip the bottle until you get home, will I bring your glass up here for you?"

"Thanks, mum, I'll be down in two minutes."

Jack went downstairs, mum was sitting on the sofa with two glasses of Champagne, she looked stunning, she had a gorgeous tan, and her tits looked incredible. Jack sat beside and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. They chatted for a couple of minutes, mostly about Jill Grey's wedding, then mum asked, "You dated Jill, why did you stop, she's a very eligible young woman?"

Jack replied, "Mum, I was eighteen, she told me if I wanted into her pussy, then I would have to put a ring on her finger, I wasn't for doing that. Mum, could you drive me to Charlie's, the sooner I get there, the sooner I get back."

They drove to Charlie's, the road was filled with cars, there was a lot of people going into Charlie's house. Jack lent over and kissed his mum on her neck, it was a sensuous neck kiss, "Mum, I wanted to kiss you, but that will have to do until later."

"I'll sip my champagne and think of you, I loved the kiss, message me if you can."

Jack walked into Charlie's house, Charlie was in the hall welcoming his guests, Jack shook his hand and gave him his birthday card which had a one hundred pound note inside the card, Jack said, "Keep the card safe, Charlie."

Charlie knew what he meant and immediately put the card inside his jacket pocket. Jack then got a glass of wine then circulated, nodding and chatting with the people he knew. He was on the terrace when he saw Charlie's mum, she was an Accountant and did Aunt Jo and mum's accounts. He shook her hand then said, "You'll have a busy night tonight, Mrs Brown, I can't stay long, I've been working so hard, late nights and early mornings."

"Jack, please call me Dot, Charlie was telling me you're working so hard, that's what happens in a family business, four weeks without a day off is tough. Jack, thank you for the generous gift that you gave Charlie, you have been a great friend to Charlie, I appreciate that."

Jack replied, "I like Charlie, Dot, I came out on to the terrace for some fresh air, and everyone is smoking out here, could we go inside where there's no smoke?"

Dot replied, "No problem, I hate the smoking smell, let's go into the Winter Garden, there's no one there, let me get some wine so I can top up our glasses."

Jack liked Dot, her husband and she had set up the Accountancy practice, Dot also had a law degree, so they had a large business. Charlie was doing Law and Accountancy too, he would join the firm when he graduated in three years. Dot was like Jean, tall with a voluptuous body, there was also something very erotic about her. Her husband had died five years ago, she lived for Charlie, she was also a very hard worker.

They sat on a sofa in the Winter Garden, Dot topped up their glasses then said, "How are you, Jack? Charlie told me you had a bad injury at the Rugby Sevens and had to be carried off the pitch."

Jack replied, "It was very sore at the time, but they managed to get ice on to it and that greatly reduced the swelling. I got it checked out, and everything is working perfectly, so I have no problem. I'm now wondering if physical sports are for me. The number of serious injuries that come from Rugby is frightening. I'm playing golf and swimming a lot while working out in the gym at Aunt Jo Spa. I'm seriously thinking of giving up Rugby."

Dot answered, "I love how you think Jack, Charlie smokes, and I hate it. Charlie told me that you are very well hung. He told me that when he sees what you've got, it makes him feel inadequate, I told him that the size doesn't really matter, it's knowing how to use it that's the most important thing."

Jack said, "You said the right thing to him, I try and downplay my size, but it's difficult in an open shower room when my flaccid cock is twice and in some cases three times the size of the other flaccid cocks that are there. I disagree with your assessment the guy with the bigger cock can give pleasure in places that the smaller can't reach if the guy knows how to use it."

Dot said, "I've only a limited experience of smaller cocks but would say that I'm big cock curious. I agree with you about Rugby, it's not worth it if you can get an injury that can threaten your life. Jack, I'd like to try your Spa, could you arrange that for me? I also love playing golf, my handicap is ten, I think it could be lower if I played more. Maybe we could play together, Charlie has no interest in golf."

"No problem Dot, this is my card, message me on my mobile number, and I'll get back to you very quickly, I've enjoyed chatting with you and would love to get to know you better."

Dot squeezed Jack's hand then said, "I think the same as you, I know that you'll be discreet as I will be. I don't want Charlie to know about this, are you comfortable with that?"

"No problem, I look forward to hearing from you."

As they left the Winter Garden they went into a short corridor, Dot hugged Jack then they tongue kissed for several minutes, Dot said, "I want to see you soon, your cock feels wonderful against my leg, and I don't think it's erect yet."

Jack replied, "He's not, but he's responding to you."

Jack then left Charlie's house, knowing that Dot would be in touch very soon. He checked the time, it was five to nine, he messaged mum, it read, "I'm on my way home, how are you going to prove that you love me more? I Love you, Mum, xx."

As he walked up to his driveway his phone beeped, mum's message read, "By loving you, I'm in the lounge, when you get here, say nothing, take me in your arms and kiss me, then you'll understand. Love, mum, xx."

Jack got home bang on nine; there were so many things going on in his head before he opened the front door he took three deep breaths, opened the door and went straight into the lounge where mum was sitting on the sofa. She stood up and came and put her arms around Jack, the kiss was amazing, it was sensual, affectionate and tender. It lasted several minutes. The weight of mum's enormous tits felt so good on his chest. Mum was pushing her pussy against him with a circular motion; his massive cock was rock hard. They were both taking their time, enjoying their togetherness, they were so close, they both knew it now, mum said, "I love how you kiss, I've wanted this for so long, it feels so good and so desirable, kissing you feels so nice."

Jack replied, "I feel the same mum; let me love you, then you will know how I feel towards you."

"Love me, Jack, I want and need you so bad."

"Mum, I'm going to take off your top, then I'll suck and play with your magnificent tits, we'll go back twenty years, I'll suck your tits and only that until you cum, then I will love you as you've never been loved before."

Mum took off her top; her tits were enormous, they looked magnificent, she had a gorgeous all-over tan, she must have sunbathed nude. Jack then saw her perfect Camels Toe; her tight leggings showed it to perfection, Jack was sure that his mum wasn't wearing any panties, he laid his mum on the sofa and went down on her enormous tits, slowly and systematically he sucks, squeezed and played with her two melons. They were looking in each other's eyes as Jack pleasured his mum's tits then without warning mum said, "Baby, don't stop, I'm cuming, you do that so good, baby love me, let's go to bed, I want the light on, I want to watch you doing it to me, love me baby, and I'll love you back more."

They went to mum's bedroom; mum left the two bedside lights on as she pulled her leggings down, her beautiful vulva was hairless, she was like Aunt Jo, her slit was the same length as Aunt Jo's. Jack stripped naked when he turned around mum saw his massive erect cock, mum said, "Jesus Jack, you have an E for enormous cock, I've seen one so long or so thick before, baby, I want you to love me with that beauty."

Jack laid his mum on her bed; he spread her legs wide open then he went down on her. He positioned himself in a way that would allow them to sixty-nine, he left it entirely up to his mum on how she wanted to proceed, all Jack was going down on his mum where he would suck her clit and finger fuck her until she orgasmed again.

Jack was not disappointed; mum's clit was the same size as Aunt Jo's. Jack knew that it would be as sensitive. Mum's clit was like a little cock, she grunted with pleasure when he started sucking it, mum's cunt was so wet, but it was also tight, Jack was finger fucking her with three fingers, mum was gripping his fingers and even riding the fingers that he had inside her hungry cunt, mum grunted, "Baby, it's so good, I love what your doing to me, I'm going to cum again, baby, let me cum again then I'll make you cum."

Jack continued what he was doing; mum was getting hotter, Jack felt his mum's tongue on the slit on the head of his cock, mum licked the precum away, Jack then felt his mum's lips wrap around his cock as she slid his erect cock into her mouth.

Jack then lubed his middle and index finger with some of mum's cunt juice; he slid his middle finger inside mum's ass, mum grunted with pleasure and said, "Baby, I love that, your mum loves it in every hole."

Jack then slipped his index finger in with his middle finger; he was then sucking her huge clit as he ass fucked her with two fingers. Mum loved it; Jack knew then he would ass fuck her first to give her a couple of vaginal organs before taking care of her hungry cunt.

Jack was now finger fucking mum's ass with three fingers; she was ready for him. He took her off the bed; she stood beside the bed. Jack bent her over her ass level with his hard cock. Mum hands were on the bed, giving her balance and support. Jack centered his cock in the middle of her tight ass, with a gentle thrust he was home. He soon had a dominant rhythm going, mum was pushing her ass against his massive cock, out of nowhere mum had her first vaginal orgasm, she was trembling with it then mum said, "I can't believe what's happened, I never had that before, the head of your cock was stimulating my G-spot, and you've made me cum with a powerful orgasm, baby, make me cum again."

Jack continued to pound his mum's ass; he had felt the warmth of mum's orgasm on his fingers as he stroked her huge clit. Mum's second vaginal orgasm came a couple of minutes later, mum was shaking with this one, Jack went out of her ass and into her very hot wet cunt, it felt so good, mum said, "That feels so good, your cock is enormous, your banging against my cervix, no one has ever done that before, your mum loves you and loves your cock."

Jack was looking in mum's dressing table mirror; mum was bending over, her flat stomach visible, there wasn't an ounce of fat on mum, then these two magnificent pair of tits bouncing in every direction, on seeing this Jack started to fuck his mum harder, and she loved that.

Mum was a great ride; she was gripping Jack's cock beautifully with her strong cunt muscles. Mum then put her right hand onto Jack's balls and started massaging them as he rode her. Jack sensed his mum was close to cuming; Jack said, "Mum cum for me, let me feel the warmth of your cum on my cock. I'm going to cum soon."

They both climaxed within seconds of each other; it was an incredible feeling for both of them. Jack pulled out, turning his mum around he held her in his arms as they kissed tenderly with much affection. Mum said, "Jack, I'm so happy we have done this, to feel you inside me was amazing, you made me feel like a woman again, I haven't felt that for a long time. I want to spend time with you, in three weeks you're back at University and staying here again, I'm so looking forward to that, I'm now going to order the Indian, goodness, look at the time, it's eleven, the last two hours have flown in."

Mum ordered the Indian; it delivered in thirty minutes. Jack opened a fresh bottle of Champagne; she also brought Jack a towelling dressing gown telling him there was money in the pocket to pay for the meal. Mum sat beside Jack naked; she was glowing, mum asked, "Baby, when can you stay till?"

Jack replied, "Until Sunday night, Aunt Jo is in the Clinic so I must be there for Monday morning, we can stay here until I leave on Sunday night."

They kissed and touched, then the Indian arrived. They ate in the kitchen; the meal was excellent, mum said, "Jack, I've to work in the morning, I'll be at the clinic from eight until eleven, I would love to make love to you in the morning before I left, how do you feel about that?"

"Mum, we think the same way, let's go back to bed. I want you now."

The next morning they woke at six, their lovemaking was so intensive, mum had multiple orgasms as she had last night on their second session. Mum left for the clinic just before eight. Jack checked his phone; he had a message from Dot, it read, "The party was good, we managed to get it cleaned up early this morning, I'm happy it's over. I can be free on Monday morning. I'd love to come down for a swim. Let me know what time is good for you. Thinking about you, Dot."

Jack replied, "Dear Dot, thanks for the message. I will be at the reception at nine on Monday morning. I'll then take you to the Spa; you can have your swim and see around the facility. We could then meet at eleven for a coffee and a chat. If this is good for you, then please let me know. Regards, Jack."

Jack then made his breakfast and showered. Just after nine, he had a message from Jean which read, "Dear Jack, thank you for the time that you spent with me yesterday and thanks also for the use of the suite to spend the night. I've looked at your website which is so informative and so easy to navigate through, is it the Sovereign Suite that I'll be staying in? It looks wonderful."

"I have two hygienists, one is on holiday, and the other has to attend a funeral on Wednesday morning. I've checked the appointments, and you have a checkup and the hygienist at nine on Wednesday morning. Is it possible that you could come at twelve on Wednesday and I'll do the hygienist work for you and the checkup? This would be the easiest solution to this problem. If it's good for you, then I'd like to invite you for lunch afterwards. I have so many things that I want to ask you."

"I intend to carry out all the procedures that the Bride's father would have carried out. Bob, Jill's fiancee, has only his mum as his dad died five years ago. Sheila, Bob's mum, whom I have not as yet met, wants the two mothers to carry out all the protocols the fathers would have carried out. I would love to spend some time with you on Wednesday afternoon. Please let me know if this is convenient for you. Kind regards, Jean."

Jack replied, "Dear Jean, thank you for your message. I will see you at twelve on Wednesday. I can give you lots of advice on the protocols involved; in fact, I can even help you with your speech. Until Wednesday. Kind regards, Jack."

Just before eleven, Jack got a message from mum; it read, "Baby, I feel so good, I can't get your magnificent cock out of my head, I want you before and after lunch. Let's do dirty things when I get home. I love you so much, mum xx."

Jack had a reply from Jean, it read, "Dear Jack, you're so kind, I've been worrying about the speech, I want your advice on that. I'm looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday; the Practice closes at twelve. You can't eat or drink for forty-five minutes after your treatment, we could go to my house, and I'll cook you something. If you want this, then please tell me what you'd like to eat. Kind regards, Jean."

Jack replied, "I'd love that; I leave it to you to surprise me. I know that it will be good, Jack."

Mum came home; they had terrific sex, mum was now talking dirty when Jack was fucking her, this turned both of them on. They then went out for lunch; they were speaking about everything. Back home, they had another fantastic session. Mum suggested having a Chinese takeaway instead of her cooking or going out. After the Chinese, which was delicious, they had another intensive session, mum said, "I have never cum so many times in the one day in all my life, Jack, I love you, and I adore your cock."

They kissed and touched then mum said, "May was working this morning as well. We had a coffee together, she told me that Jo is a changed woman, she looks so good, and she seems so content with herself. She didn't mention once to May, which is so unusual for Jo."

Jack thought for a moment; he said, "Mum, Aunt Jo's new church is the church of Jack's cock. We are lovers; I want to be honest with you. I still want us to be lovers, but you must be prepared to share me. I've had sex with Aunt Jo and her friend Maria. I'm a young man, one day I'll want to marry and have children but at the moment I love being with older women. I hope that you can accept that then we all can have so much fun."

Mum then took Jack in her arms; they kissed passionately and affectionately for several minutes then mum said, "Jack, you have given me the best sex that I've ever had in my life, I want you, I will share you. In a way I'm happy that you're giving Jo pleasure, we must all have a session together. Jack, I'm bisexual, May and I are lovers. I know that she would love you and your magnificent cock. Please always be honest with me and tell me what you're up to. If you see other women, then I'd like to know."

They kissed then Jack said, "I'll always be honest with you mum, on Monday I'm seeing Dot, Charlie's mum. On Wednesday day I'm seeing Jean, Jill's mum, I find both of them very attractive."

Mum said, "Thanks for your honesty. I also find them attractive. I've flirted with both of them but only kissing and touching; we should invite them for supper one evening."

They then went to bed and had the best lovemaking that they had ever had; they both knew that there was a future in what they were doing.