Three Day Weekend


Three Day Weekend

I slowly closed the front door as Dan finished backing out of the driveway. How the Hell did I get into this? I thought. Shit, I wasn't even part of the decision process; this entire thing had come from Dan. As I walked back towards the kitchen, my mind went back to the dinner table tonight.

Our son Eric had always struggled when it came to school. Not because he wasn't bright, more because he was too bright actually. Boredom was Eric's worst enemy, and school came easily to him. By his senior year, his grades barely broke average, and the whole issue was getting him to apply himself.

Dan and I had tried over the previous three years to find ways to motivate our son. Now, in his senior year, we had all but run out of ideas. It was after we got Eric's lack luster mid-term results that Dan had called the family conference.

Eric had been less than receptive when Dan had tried to ask him what would motivate him for better grades. Video game weren't the answer, grounding him didn't seem to affect him since he had few friends.

It was when I had mentioned to Dan that I thought Eric was using my worn panties to jerk off with, that Dan found what he was after. He had confronted Eric with the panties I found hidden in his room. While Eric was red faced with embarrassment, I sat stunned as Dan made his pitch.

"OK" Dan said, throwing the panties into Eric's lap. "You want to sniff that pussy, go right ahead."

I watched as Eric fingered my used panties. I had to admit, the idea of my own son jerking off to the scent of me, sent my own juices flowing. I sat quietly as Dan settled on the couch beside me.

"Every time I want you to wonder what this smells like" Dan spoke again.

Before I could move my own husband had jerked my skirt up almost to my waist, bringing my currently worn lavender panties into full view to my son.

"Does it make you hard, wondering what this cunt tastes like" my husband told our son.

Eric had sat with his eyes locked to my already moist panties. I could only sit stunned at Dan. It wasn't like either of us was innocent. Christ I had just banged a burly construction worker during lunch two days ago. Dan, for his part, had a steady piece of ass on the side, a big titted blonde with a fat ass he loved to pound. When he would describe how her soft ass slapped his hips, while her jugs swung under her; it always made me squirt all over his cock.

While not swingers in the true sense, Dan and I had always maintained an open relationship. As long as it didn't come between us, and wasn't public, we could fuck whoever we wanted. In the privacy of our bedroom we would share our tales while we fucked like rabbits.

But this, this was different. He was showing my increasingly wet pussy off to our eighteen year old son for God's sake.

"Do you want this pussy?" Dan asked our son. "I want a straight answer" he told Eric.

"Yes" Eric gave a strangled reply. I could feel a ripple in my belly with the realization my son wanted to fuck me.

"Not happening" Dan gave a grunt, tossing my skirt back over my lap.

Eric seemed to deflate, and then stared at his father as Dan rose and picked up the mid-term report card off the coffee table.

"Not with this bullshit" Dan growled, tossing it as Eric. "You want that pussy, you have to earn it."

I sat in silence, shocked. What was Dan proposing, he couldn't mean that I...and Eric?

"I want A's" Dan stared at his son. "Not one or two but straight A's. I want a fucking 4.0." Dan said.

I don't know who got wider eyes, me or Eric as we listened. My nipples began to harden, he wouldn't would he? I thought.

"You have until the last day of this semester, Friday before Christmas break" Dan said calmly. "You give me a 4.0 on that card...I give you..." Dan turned and pointed between my thighs "that pussy...for three days."

I could only gasp at my husbands' words, while Eric stared mutely at his father. Holy shit! He DID mean it, I realized.

"I don't want to hear a single word about this" Dan told our son. "Not to me, or your mother, or anyone." Dan stared hard at Eric. "Got it?" He added.

I watched as Eric could only nod his head in agreement. God, what he must be thinking right now.

"Good" Dan grunted. "Then I'll see you Friday at Christmas break." Dan turned and headed out of the living room.

After the memories had flooded through me, I looked down at the small card sitting on the kitchen table. Eric had silently set it beside his father at dinner tonight.

Biology an A, Geometry an A, it continued down the row. At the bottom was a small type written number, 4.0 GPA. Fuck, I whispered to myself.

Dan had not said a word when he looked at the report card. After dinner, he had climbed the stairs to out bedroom, and began packing a bag. I stood in the doorway and watched.

"Dan..." I had tried to say.

"Look Gail" my husband had turned to me. "Tell me when was the last time you saw Eric apply himself like he has these last couple of months?" he asked.

I could only stand mutely, he was right. Eric had studied every night, no friends, no video games, nothing.

"If it takes your wet pussy to motivate him" Dan stepped in front of me, "then fine, he's earned it." He stared into my eyes, "You are wet, aren't you" he had whispered.

"Soaked" was all I could reply, staring back.

Dan had smiled, and then leaned down to kiss me softly on the lips.

"Have fun baby" he told me. "I am off to fuck some huge melons for a few days" and he had chuckled.

"Oh, and Gail" Dan instructed me from the front door of the house. "Make sure you're still on the pill, I don't think the boy is going to pull out."

I shuddered as I watched him climb into the car and pull away. I retreated to my bedroom to prepare for bed. I wondered how Eric was going to initiate things tomorrow, or would I have to. Sleep finally took my fevered mind, as a vision of Eric jerking off into my soiled panties lingered.

It was such a wonderful dream, swimming behind closed eyes. A young stud was between my spreads thighs lapping at my dripping hole, sending shudders through my belly. Slowly, my eyes fluttered open.

My first thought was it had been a dream, I was still lying stretched out on my own bed. sunlight streaming through the half open curtains. Then a surge leapt from my groin, straight through my belly to my breasts, causing my nipples to harden instantly. I raised my head from my pillow and stared between my spread legs.

There was Eric, stretched out on his stomach between my lewdly spread thighs, his hot mouth latched onto my dripping gash, I trembled as he pulled my swollen clit into his hot mouth.

"OH fuckkkkkkkkk" I could only moan. My legs automatically spread wider, giving him more access to me.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm" Eric hummed in delight; I could feel the vibrations sink into the pit of my belly.

"Oh God yes" I moaned. "Eat my cunt baby" I almost screamed.

I was more than evident I didn't need to give him any prompting, like I had worried about last night. Eric had not hesitated in claiming his prize this morning. I wasn't sure if he was a virgin or not, but it didn't really matter at that moment, as my belly tightened under the onslaught of his tongue.

My hands shot down, wrapping around his head. My nails dug into his scalp as I rammed my sons' face harder into my pelvic bone. I could feel my ass bouncing on the bed as he followed my commands, slurping and munching his way through my drenched pussy.

I could feel the pressure mounting in my gut, this was going to be a big one, I dimly realized. I would have loved to watch my son eat his mother's pussy; but my eyes kept rolling back as little sparks exploded behind my eyes.

"CCCUMMMIIINNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" I heard some woman screaming, and then was ME.

My body flopped and convulsed on my bed as my orgasm tore through me. God was this sweet heaven I thought. Even as wave after wave rolled through my belly, I felt Eric tear his face from between my thighs. His body slid up my slick spasming belly as he settled between my thighs.

"I've waited so long for this" I heard Eric mutter softly above my shaking form.

I wanted to tell my loving son to do it, to just take his mother; but the throes of my orgasm had stolen my voice. Then again, I didn't need to tell this young man anything; as I felt his thick cock unerringly drive deep into my belly.

"EERRRIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC" I wailed, as my orgasm seemed to re-explode inside me. I could feel my juices splatter out against his belly as he buried himself to the root in me.

"Mooooommmmm" Eric moaned in lust as he filled me with his delicious cock. Then he pulled slowly back until just the head remained inside my clutching walls; and with a grunt he rammed back deep inside me.

This wasn't making love; this was primal fucking; as Eric owned my body. My legs pulled up to wrap around his waist, locking my ankles behind his lower back, as my heels drummed into his firm ass. My arms wrapped around his body as he pressed me down into the bed with his weight. My nails raked down the soft flesh of his back as he pounded down into me.

"Fuck me....Oh God Eric...fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" I babbled, as he pounded into me without mercy.

What he lacked in technique, Eric more than made up for in youthful vigor. His hips picked up speed as he rammed down harder and deeper. My walls were stretching to meet every thrust with a wet sucking noise. It had been years since I had been fucked like this, like a two dollar whore on a Saturday night. I loved every damn second of it.

"Fuck me...bang your slut mother, give it to me" I babbled again, as I mounted towards that nirvana once again.

"" Eric grunted into my ear between thrusts.

"In me...dear God...please...fill me" I begged.

"Shhhiiittttttttttttttttttttt" Eric roared, as I felt his cock swell deep inside me. I swore to God I could feel the veins on his shaft pulse along my walls at that moment.

"Arrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" my raw voice screamed, as I felt the first hot splash of his cream wash my walls. The sensation was sending my body into a third tremendous orgasm.

Every pump of his hot cream into me sent a corresponding spasm of ejecting pussy cream back out, running down the crack of my ass to soak the sheets under me.

As I felt his hard cock begin to soften inside me, Eric pulled his hips back. With the most obscene sucking sound, he pulled his dripping rod from me. I could feel my pussy lips gaping as my belly missed that sense of fullness the moment he pulled out.

Eric climbed off the bed, and without a word, headed into the master bathroom. I listened as the shower started, hearing him softly humming in the other room. My body lay like a quivering mass on my marital bed, limp in a puddle of swiftly cooling juices that soaked the sheets under me. God, would I survive this weekend, I wondered.

As Eric showered, I rose and threw on my robe. No point in dressing, I thought. Eric would want easy access to his trophy. Walking to the kitchen to prepare him some breakfast, I could feel our mixed juices trickle down my inner thighs. Dan had been right, good thing I was on the pill, as Eric seemed to have no hesitation filling his mother full of hot cum.

By the time Eric wandered into the kitchen, I had whipped up some toast and scrambled eggs. I set the plate on the kitchen table in front of him, watching as he devoured the food.

Eric had slipped into a pair of boxers, his bare chest on full view. I slid into the chair across from my son, watching his chest ripple with every movement as I sipped my coffee.

"How long have you wanted this?" I asked as Eric looked up at me. I wasn't sure if the question was appropriate, but I wanted to know.

"It might sound corny mom" Eric said between fork fills of eggs. "Ever since I knew what sex meant." He said.

Jesus, I was stunned. My son had been lusting after me for years, I realized.

"Why me, why not some hot thing at school?" I wanted to know.

"Stand up" Eric told me; stopping eating to watch me. I rose slowly then stood by the kitchen table, waiting for his command.

"Open your robe" my son told me. I undid the sash without a second thought, letting the cloth fall open as my breasts slid into view. Age had been fairly good to me; I still held some of my slim figure, only a small bulging of my stomach evidence of child bearing.

"Come on mom" Eric said staring at me. I could see the hunger in his eyes. "Look at those tits, they are fucking perfect." He said softly.

I looked over the edge of the table, and could almost watch as his cock thickened inside his boxers. God the recuperation power of youth was fantastic.

"I've wanted that hot body for so long, there isn't a single teenager who can hold a candle to that ass mom" my son complimented me. He sure knew all the right obscene things to say to a woman.

"I should get dressed" I murmured softly.

"Why mom?" was his only reply. "I'll just rip them off you again." I could see the burning in his eyes as he looked over my body, and knew he meant every word.

I picked up the empty plate and took it over to the sink. I turned and faced Eric from across the room. He had watched every movement of my body as I moved about the kitchen. As he rose from his chair, I could see the now stiff bulge poking against his boxers.

I watched mutely as my son stepped in front of me, I swear I could feel the heat emanating from his bare chest only inches from my own body.

"Kneel mother" Eric said firmly. Without a moment of hesitation, I slid to my knees in front of my son. My eyes now level with that wonderful bulge. I could feel myself begin to tremble knowing what he wanted.

"Take it out mother" his voice rasped above me. With shaking hands, I tugged at the waist band of his boxers, pulling the cloth lower. His cock slid into view, my face only inches from him.

This was the first time I had really gotten a look at my sons' manhood. Like his father, he was about eight inches long. Not a porn superstar, but the dripping down my thighs proved he knew how to use this thing.

"Stroke me" Eric commanded. My hand reached up, as my fingers wrapped around him.

He was a bit thicker than my husband; that was why I held felt that delightful stretching when he had been inside me. I could feel the veins pulse along his hard shaft against my palm.

"You like jerking your sons' cock" he asked

"Yessssss" I could only hiss back. God, I was turning into a slut, I thought.

"You want to suck your sons' cock" he asked.

"Yes...please" I replied.

Looking up at his face, I was startled by what I saw. Gone was the eighteen year old boy I knew as my son. This was an eighteen year old MAN standing over me. His eyes blazing with lust as he stared down at me.

Eric reached down and wrapped his fingers in my hair. I knew what he wanted, but waited for his command.

"Then suck it...bitch" he muttered. His hands began pressing my face towards his groin.

I shuddered at my sons' words, even as my mouth opened to engulf his throbbing cock. I could feel his length slide along my tongue. My nostrils filled with his scent even after his shower.

"Mmmmmmmm" I moaned as I knelt in my own kitchen, orally servicing my son.

The sounds of wet slurping quickly filling the room as my head bobbed up and down his length. A small trickle of my own spit dripping from the corner of my mouth as I sucked him deeper.

It didn't take long, with his hands now guiding my head, for things to rapidly change. What had started out as me sucking on his cock had evolved into him fucking my hot mouth with every stroke.

I could feel myself softly gag as he drove his pulsing cock deeper into my throat. Most men would have backed off at the sound, not Eric; it only seemed to fuel him more as his hips pumped away.

"That's it, suck my dick mom" Eric moaned above me. I tried to answer, but could only gurgle around the thick shaft pumping in and out.

Eric pulled his hard dick free of my mouth, looking down at me. I knew he could see my tits hanging free from my open robe, maybe even the slick wetness that glazed my inner thighs from our previous round only an hour ago.

"You want this cock?" he rumbled.

"Yessss" I could only moan back. I shivered as he slapped the swollen head against my cheek.

""Whose cock do you want?" he said. "Tell me mom." He commanded.

"My son's cock" I gasped back. Damn he was quickly taking command, and my body could only surrender to him.

"Tell me what you want...slut mommy"" his voice grated down at me.

"You're cum" I almost begged, looking up into his burning eyes. "I want my sons' hot seed" I whispered. God I had given in I realized.

His hands gripped my head tighter, and then his cock drove between my lips, filling my mouth and throat with him. His hips began to pump as he fucked my mouth in earnest now.

"Then take it mom" he grunted, his balls slapping my chin. "Take your sons' hot cum....drink me." He directed.

""Unghhh...ullkkk" I tried to answer around his thick rod.

My arms hung limp at my sides, as I knelt on the kitchen floor while my son began using my mouth for his own cum receptacle. Yes, his father still owned me, he was my husband. I also realized that now, my son also owned me, in the same way. My body was his now.

"Oh fuck..." Eric grunted. "Gonna cum" he rasped.

I locked my lips around his now throbbing cock, waiting for that first jet of thick cream. When his cock jerked, the first thick rope literally exploded against the back of my throat, oozing down my gullet to fill my belly.

Jesus, I thought, he had just filled my pussy only an hour before, and he was now pumping a second thick wad out to fill my hungry mouth. I rolled my tongue through the salty goo inside my mouth, savoring his flavor before I swallowed it down.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" I couldn't help moaning as he coated my tongue with his essence.

"I love you mom" Eric whispered down at me. My heart swelled as I heard the sincerity in his voice, even as his cock began to soften in my mouth.

Eric let me recover over the rest of Saturday morning. While he might have the recuperation of an eighteen year old, two sessions only an hour apart had left my knees shaking and my pussy raw.

Eric actually did things around the house, instead of his usual camping in front of his computer on the weekend. I watched as his broad shoulders pushed the mower across the yard, while I stared out the kitchen window.

The only requirement he had given, was that I remain nude. His comment that he wanted ready access to his 'prize' sent a shiver down my spine.

I had to admit, every time he passed by, I could see the hunger in his eyes, and the lump strain at his tight jeans. I knew my husband loved me, but damn it had been a long time since a young hunk had so blatantly wanted my body. I never stopped dripping between my thighs all morning.

By a little after noon, I was standing in the kitchen making sandwich's for the two of us to share at lunch. I heard the mower shut off outside, and then his footsteps as he entered the house.

I didn't turn to look as I listened to him enter the kitchen and stop in the doorway. I knew he was staring at my ass, I could almost feel his eyes burning on my flesh.

The soft 'fuck' he muttered only confirmed his view. I startled slightly as hands reached around my body, cupping my breasts in both palms. I could feel his hips press into my bare ass from behind, the telltale lump now pressed into the groove between my ass cheeks.

"I could never get tired of this fucking body" his voice filled my ear.

"Does someone want more?" I asked over my shoulder.

"Mom, I could fuck you right now" I heard Eric say.

"What's stopping you?" I asked over my shoulder. "I'm yours all weekend...sir" I added softly.

I felt his hips pull back slightly, and then a moment later press back against me. This time the rough cloth of his jeans no longer was between our bodies, as the heat of his cock slid between my ass cheeks. I could feel the slickness of his pre cum as it smeared across my skin.

"You're so hard already" I moaned softly.

"I've been hard for you since I was fourteen" Eric groaned. I could feel him flex his knees, as the head of his cock slid between my thighs.

""Oh God, that long" I moaned. He had wanted his mother since puberty had hit.

I leaned slightly forward, my hands gripping the kitchen counter. I shifted my stance, opening my legs... inviting him in. God, what kind of mother was I, opening myself for my son like some common slut. I felt the fat head of his cock lodge against my swollen lips, as my own cream oozed out to coat his hot skin.

"God your wet" Eric muttered

"For Gods' sake" I moaned. "Just fuck me" I gasped. Eric pushed his hips forward, and with a wet plop, the engorged head of his cock slid inside me again.

"Ohhh fuck" we both literally moaned in stereo.

I groaned as he slowly pressed deeper, each inch of his cock stretching my walls, how could something this wonderful be wrong I dimly thought. As his hips pressed against the cheeks of my ass, his thick cock now buried entirely inside me, the reality hit home.

"I'm fucking my son" I gasped.

"No Mom" Eric chuckled softly. His hands reached around to again cup my swaying breasts, his thumbs teasing my hard nipples.

"You're being fucked BY your son" he grunted. He slid that hard cock back and then slammed back in to emphasize his point.

"Oh FUCK" I yelped, as his cock hit bottom again.

I pressed against the counter, shoving my ass back to meet his thrusts, driving him as deep as I could. He might be fucking me, I thought, but I was a willing participant.

"Then do it" I groaned back. "Take my cunt you motherfucker" I moaned.

Eric began speeding up, the wet slapping of his skin against mine filling the kitchen. His hands slid down my body as he gripped my hips, powering into me even harder.

"That's it" I gasped. "Fuck me...fuck your mother" I cajoled him.

I was half bent over the counter as Eric rammed into me again and again. My tits wobbling as the power of his blows shook my entire being. God was this fucking, I thought dimly.

"Fuck your mother, come on baby give it to me." The filth just poured out of my mouth that afternoon. "You want your prize" I gurgled, "then fucking TAKE it." I told Eric.

The power of his strokes only increased, until my whole body was shaking. My head rolled from side to side as once again sparks began igniting behind my eyes. My tits swayed under me as Eric hammered in deeper yet.

"So fucking hot" Eric moaned; his hips slammed into my ass from behind. "Going to fill that cunt" he grunted.

"That's it baby, fuck momma" I screamed across the kitchen. I could feel the knot building deep inside my belly.

Wet sucking noises now filled the room as Eric pounded into me. I could feel my hot juices running down my thighs like a flood gate. Only whimpering escaped my lips.

Just like this morning, it was like some animal possessed my innocent son. This young man just hammered into my willing body from behind.

"Give it to me...give me...give me" I babbled. "Cum in your mother's pussy, fill me baby" I gurgled in wanton lust.

With a roar, Eric drove deep into me, holding; as his fingers dug into the flesh of my hips. I felt his cock jerk deep inside my belly for the second time that day.

The first jet of his cum erupted inside my quivering pussy; he was so deep I swear he was coating my womb with his seed. Dimly I thought it was a good thing I was on the pill, or my son would be impregnating me right now.

When the second pulse came, and I felt that heat filling my belly my own body finally surrendered. My knees started to buckle as my orgasm tore through me.

"Cccummminnggggggggggg" I wailed as my body spasmed. I could feel Eric continue to empty himself into my shaking body even as my eyes rolled back in sheer bliss.

"Come on mom" his rough voice filled my ear. "Squirt on your sons' dick" he teased me.

"Oh my GOD" I could only scream back. I could hear my juices splatter to the floor around my feet as Eric commanded my body.

By the time I collapsed down onto the kitchen counter, I could feel the thick ooze of his cum dripping out of my swollen lips and trickle down my thighs. As he reached around my still quivering body to retrieve his sandwich, I looked up at the kitchen clock. Only five hours had passed, and already he had filled my cunt twice, and poured another hot load down my throat. How many times a day could he do this? I wondered.

Thankfully, he let me rest the remainder of the day. It wasn't until bedtime that night that his demeanor shifted again. I had prepared for bed, and exiting the master bathroom, found him sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Eric, what are you doing" I asked softly.

"I'll be sleeping in her tonight and tomorrow night" my son told me.

"I don't think..." I tried to say.

"That's right mom" Eric cut me off. "You don't think, I do." He told me. He rose and began to undress for bed. "Dad said you were mine for three days, and I'll be damned if I miss a single chance." He said in a husky voice.

I briefly thought of arguing with my son, and then simply nodded my agreement. The look in Eric's eyes, forbid anything other than what he wanted right now, and what he wanted was his mother. I also couldn't argue the point about his father; Dan had given his wife to his son for these three days.

I watched as Eric slid his boxers off, his thick cock hanging semi hard between his thighs. God, could he go a fourth time today? I knew I wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight.

""Weren't you going to call dad and wish him good night?" Eric asked as he stretched out onto the top of the covers, his hard cock laying out in full view on his taut belly.

"Mom, I believe the instructions were...nude" Eric reminded me as I picked up the cordless phone. I pulled my nightgown over my head and dropped it to the floor, standing nude in front of my son as I dialed the telephone for my husbands' cell number.

"Hey baby" I said, when Dan picked up his phone. "I just wanted to wish you good night sweetheart." I watched as Eric fluffed the pillows against the headboard, and then motioned for me to lie next to him.

"Yes...he has" I spoke into the phone, sliding onto the open bed next to my nude son. "Three far" I stared into Eric's hungry eyes.

"Where am I now?" I repeated into the telephone. I watched as Eric rose to his side facing me. His lips gently kissing my already hard nipple; I tried to suppress the moan as my son pulled my aching bud into his hot mouth.

"I am lying on our marital bed nude" I gasped as a ripple coursed through me. "While our son sucks my left breast" I told my husband.

"Yes, he's hard" I breathed. "Yes, I'm wet" I answered to my husband.

I tried to violently shake my head no, as Eric began to slowly kiss his way down my flexing belly. I trembled as I felt his hot breath on my now swollen lips.

"Oh Jesus" I couldn't help moaning.

"No, I'm fine" I told my husband on the telephone. "Eric just slid between my thighs." I answered hoarsely.

It took every ounce of will power to not reach my free hand down and mash Eric's face into my drenched mound. This was driving my body insane with lust, and Eric was hitting every trigger.

"Nnngggghhhhhh" I moaned as Eric closed his moth over my steaming sex pulling my hard clit in deep. I felt my belly somersault as I climbed higher.

"No dear, I'm fine" I gasped. "It's just....your eating...his mother" I grunted in time to Eric's probing tongue.

God, could this young eat my pussy like a pro, as I felt the fire raging to an inferno in my belly. My juices poured out, filling his thirsty mouth, and dripping down the crack of my ass. I was going to cum soon, and there wasn't a damn thing I could do to stop it.

"Oh Goddddd" I moaned, as my ass arched off the bed, mashing myself into my son's face. The tightness was growing, and I wanted it, badly.

"Oh, you're fucking her now?" I asked in response to Dan's words. I looked down at Eric between my thighs. "Oh, doggy position" I grated.

Just that quickly Eric pulled free from my clenching thighs. My belly ached for my orgasm, and I could only stare as my son rose to his knees. Instantly, I knew what he was going to do, and I felt his powerful arms reach down and flip my body over.

Being barely over a hundred and thirty pounds helped, but even weighing more, I think the adrenaline in Eric would have motivated him. I now was face down on the sheets, the telephone clutched in my hand, as Eric gripped my hips. With one swift movement he pulled my ass higher into the air, lining up behind me.

"Gwwaadddddddddddddddddd" I cried, as I felt Eric drive his cock into me in one stroke. My slick walls were stretching to fit him as he slid deep inside.

"Yes dear...Oh shit" I moaned as Eric rammed in deep. "He's fucking my doggy now....Oh fuck." I mouthed breathlessly into the telephone.

Dan and I had done some kinky things in our years together, but this had to rate at near if not THE hottest thing I had ever done, being fucked by my son while my husband listened on the phone.

"He's...fucking hard." I grunted with his thrusts. The fire he had started with his mouth blazed to life.

"I'm going to cum" I moaned. "Oh God our son is making me cummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" I groaned.

Even as my juices flowed down my thighs I felt Eric continue to pound into my spasming cunt. Where he found the stamina I had no idea, even in our peak Dan made two, maybe three times in one day. His son has just out stripped him on the first day.

Through the phone, still clutched in my shaking hand, I heard Dan roaring his release as he emptied his balls into his busty blonde mistress. The sound was matched by the roar behind me as I felt Eric's cock swell inside me, then spit a wad of thick hot goo in to my clutching pussy.

As father and son emptied themselves together, I wondered how I was going to survive tomorrow. We were barely halfway through the weekend and already I was exhausted from my son's pace.

Easing back down onto the bed, I could hear the wet slurping as Eric slid free of me. Ignoring the now torrent of mixed cream that gushed from my gaping hole, I collapsed onto the bed. I felt Eric pull the telephone from my limp grasp, clicking it off and then hanging up.

I mumbled incoherently as I felt my son gently pull the covers up and over my sweat soaked body.

"I love you mom" soft words filled my ear as I drifted into an exhausted sleep.

Streaming sunlight through the bedroom window woke me the next morning. I rolled onto my side and stared at Eric, still sleeping blissfully beside me.

I almost chuckled as I wondered if four had finally reached his endurance. When my eyes landed on the tent in the sheets at his groin, I knew better. Even in sleep his hormones raged. I had the urge to uncover that hard rod and suck it deep into my throat, but instead eased out of bed and headed to the kitchen.

After making a quick cup of coffee, I bustled about cleaning up the kitchen. Tomorrow was Monday, and Dan would be returning. With Eric still asleep now seemed the only time to get things down around the house. I shivered as I thought of what Eric had planned for today.

I had just opened the curtains to the bay window in the living room, when I felt arms wrap around my robed body. I felt a hardness press against my covered ass cheeks, Jesus he was hard already.

"Good morning sexy" I said over my shoulder.

"You snuck out of bed" my son's voice breathed against my neck. I felt a shiver down my spine.

"I had to get some mom things done" I said softly. "Seemed like the only time, since someone seems to be constantly horny." I pressed my ass back against his hard cock.

"Don't blame me" Eric informed me. I felt his hands reach around and slide inside my robe, cupping my hanging breasts. "That fault is with the hottest mother in this whole town" he muttered.

As I felt the sides of my robe pulled open, my tits now free for his groping hands, I suddenly realized we were still standing in front of the large window.

"Eric...the window" I gasped.

"I am well aware...mother" my son chuckled.

Releasing my swinging breasts, he made no effort to close the robe, leaving my upper body on full display through the glass. With a sudden movement I felt him kneel behind me. "What was he doing" I wondered.

"OH God, Eric not here" I could only moan, as I felt the hem of the back of my robe flipped up and over my ass.

"Eriicccccccccccccc" I wailed as I felt his face mash between the cheeks of my ass. His tongue dragging from my swollen lips up and back, until the tip swept over the tight ring of my asshole.

My hands slapped against the cool glass of the bay window as I braced myself. I felt my knees want to buckle as he began to tongue my tight ring from behind.

"Fuck yesssssssssssssss" I moaned. "Eat my ass you dirty bastard." I cried out.

This was something Dan seldom did, but the one thing that turned my entire body to jelly instantly. Few men were into the anal rimming that sent bolts through my body , the kind of rimming Eric was giving me right now.

"Eat my ass baby" I blubbered as my body shook and spasmed.

True to his word, Eric rammed his tongue through the tight ring of my ass at the same moment he drove two fat fingers up my sopping cunt.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMM" my son hummed behind me, sending another bolt from my ass straight to my pussy, causing my belly to tighten.

"Oh you naughty...dirty...fucking wonderful boy" I moaned. My head fell forward as my forehead banged against the glass.

The fact that any person, including our neighbors, could walk by the front yard and have a clear view of me getting eaten never even entered my mind. Only the driving tongue that stretched my tight ring and pumping fingers that grazed over that sensitive spot again and again.

"Don't stop" I gasped. "Please don't stop. Make me cum you nasty man" I begged.

Suddenly the tongue literally vanished from my ass, and the fingers pulled out of my sex hungry pussy.

"Noooooooooooooo" I wailed. "So close...oh God I'm so close"" I begged.

"Beg to cum mother" Eric's voice hissed in my ear.

"Please" I babbled. "Let me cum, Oh God Eric." My whole body quivered with need, right on the edge of a tremendous orgasm I was being denied.

"Beg me to fuck your ass" my son's voice rang in my ear. My eyes popped open, did he just ASK to fuck me anal? Jesus, most men, Dan included, were not into anal sex to the degree I was.

Now, here behind me, was a young stud with a hard cock. He wanted my ass and made that clearly plain as his dick slid along the now spit slick crease.

"Fuck my ass" I growled. I shoved back against his throbbing member, feeling it press between the cheeks of my spit covered ass.

Eric's hand slid around my body, opening my robe completely for the entire neighborhood. His fingers slid down my soft belly until just the tips strummed at my pulsing clit.

"You're a bastard" I moaned as my body shook from the stimulation. God I wanted that hard cock in my ass right now.

"And you're one hot bitch" my son whispered in my ear. The name he used sending a shiver down my spine. I almost screamed when he pinched my throbbing clit I was so close to orgasming. "Now beg" he commanded.

I thought I could resist, I thought I could fight back; and then I felt the swollen head of my sons' hard cock press against the tight ring of my ass, and my mind simply melted right there against the cool glass of the bay window.

"Please Eric" I begged softly. "Fuck mommy's ass baby" I moaned. I gyrated my hips, trying to worm his cock lower, in a far corner of my mind I wondered what kind of mother begged her son to fuck her ass.

Just as he started to push inside, in a moment of clarity, I thought of his size and my tight little opening. Then, with a grunt the engorged head dilated my tight ring and popped inside smoothly. The son-of-a-bitch was lubed, I realized. He had planned this entire thing. With a grunt of my own, I drove my ass back, slamming his thick cock deep into my bowels.

""Arrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed as he dilated my ass further and further. The mixture of burning and raw pleasure blending in my gut as my son ravaged my body once again.

Eric pulled back, and then slammed in hard, making the cheeks of my ass shake as his hips slapped against me. He wasn't just fucking my ass, he was almost raping it.

"Gahhhhh" I moaned my body erupting in orgasm as Eric pounded my ass like a man possessed. The orgasm he had denied shredded through me as he pounded into my ass.

My eyes rolled back as wave after wave coursed through me, where we were, who we were vanished as I rode my orgasm. I could feel my own drool as it dripped from the corner of my mouth and down my chin as I slammed back harder and harder.

"Tight...fucking...ass" Eric grunted behind me. "Hot...bitch...ASS" he growled.

"Fuck my ass" I babbled "Take my ass...its youursssssss" I howled.

For some women, anal sex was painful. For me, that intense blend of pain and raw pleasure traveled straight from my ass to my cunt, sending rolling waves through my belly.

I could feel my warm cum dripping down my inner thighs as waves rolled through me. This was the most animalistic fucking I could ever remember having, being taken right here in my living room. My son was fucking my submissive ass while anyone in the neighborhood could watch.

My eyes started to finally focus again as I barely began to slide back down the mountain. Panting for breath I felt my orgasm slowing, when suddenly Eric drove two thick fingers up my already spasming cunt.

"FFUUUCCCKKK MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" I screamed at the top of my lungs, as my body ignited again. My head snapped back and then dropped forward as I banged against the glass of the window with clenched fists.

I had never been multi-orgasmic before, but my son was rolling one orgasm into another, playing my body like a maestro conducting a symphony.

With a hot splatter, my juices sprayed out against the bay window glass, and coated the hardwood floor between my feet. I felt my knees start to buckle under the intensity. Then, Eric shoved my body forward, pinning me between the cool window glass and his body.

I hung there, impaled by my son, his hard cock throbbing along the walls of my bowels, while his fingers stretched my pussy wide open. My body rocketing from a second to a third orgasm as Eric pounded my helpless ass.

"Cum...please...cum" I begged my son. I could feel my tits smashed against the cool glass as my son owned every damn inch of me.

"Take it mom" Eric grunted in my ear. I felt his cock jerk deep in my ass and I wanted to scream my pleasure, but all that came out was a soft whimper.

My now half limp body could only hang there as Eric emptied himself into me with soft grunts. The scalding heat of his seed in my bowels was sending me through a fourth orgasm, while I accepted his cum into my body.

"Cumming again" I could barely gasp. My whole body shook and trembled impaled on his cock, pinned against the glass.

By the time Eric slid his semi hard cock from my sore ass, I did the only thing I could. I slid down the glass of the bay window, to collapse in a heap on the living room floor. I could feel my thighs coated with the puddle of cum I now sat in, while I felt his hot seed seeping from my ass.

I looked up in wonder at my son. Never before had any man, not my husband or any of the myriad of lovers I had been with over the years, so completely owned my body as my son just had.

For the rest of Sunday, it was as if we had returned to mother and son. I almost wanted to scream at Eric to keep fucking me. My pussy tingled constantly, and I kept glancing at his hard cock through his boxers.

I knew he wanted it almost as badly as I did. His constant hard on was clear evidence of that. Why didn't he just take me, I kept wondering.

By that evening my level of horniness had escalated to a near fever. I twice had begged Eric to take me, but it was as if he was ignoring me completely. I was so confused and yet turned on at the same time.

By bedtime, I was nude waiting on the bed when Eric entered the bedroom from the master bath. He smiled at me and walked over to the bed.

"You want my cock, don't you mother" he stated calmly. I watched as he reached down and ran his palm over the bulge in his jeans.

"Yes...please" I could barely croak out.

"Then prove it" my son told me. "Hands and knees my dear mother, like a true bitch in heat."

I quickly scrambled to my hands and knees on the bed, watching as Eric undressed beside me. My eyes were glued to his throbbing cock as I felt my wetness ooze down my quivering thighs.

How had I reached this point in only two days? What had been a joke by my husband, then a dark reality as he had given me to Eric as a reward for grades; had rapidly turned into me aching to be hammered like some street slut by my own son.

As Eric climbed onto the bed and positioned his body behind me, my head lowered to the mattress in total submission. I shoved my ass higher into the air, offering myself to my son.

"Fuck me" I moaned. "Fuck your whore mother" was all I could get out.

"Oh I will mother" I heard Eric rumble behind me. "First, we need to do this right" I heard him say.

I felt my sons' hand wrap into my hair, his fingers tightening in my short tresses. Just as I felt the bulbous head of his cock lodge between my now soaked cunt lips, he pulled my head back and up.

Oh my God yes, I wanted to scream. Take me like an animal, own your mother, I thought.

As my head came up, my eyes flew open wide at the figure standing in the bedroom doorway. Eric held me poised there as he leaned his body over my arched back.

"Dan,'re early." I gasped in shock.

I stared at Dan leaning quietly against the door frame, arms crossed watching. I felt Eric lean over my trembling body, his hot voice filling my ear.

"Say it mother" he rasped. "Tell us BOTH, exactly what you want."

"I want my son to fuck me" I moaned, my eyes locked to Dan. "I want his cock deep in my cunt, until he fills me with his hot seed."

I was stunned as the pure filth poured out of my own mouth. Yet, I knew the words were the truth. This was what I not only wanted, it was what I needed right then. Just as a shadow came around Dan in the doorway, Eric slammed deep inside me.

"Daaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn" I screamed my husbands' name as my son mounted me. My eyes rolled back sightless as Eric instantly began to pound into my dripping pussy. Every stroke was sending a mini orgasm rolling through my belly. I had craved this all day, and now it felt like I couldn't stop myself as I drove my ass back against his invading cock.

The sound of skin slapping on skin filled the air as Eric pounded into me. I could feel my ass shaking from the power of every thrust as he drove deep inside me.

My eyes slowly refocused as Eric fucked me like some animal on the bed. I watched as a busty blonde slid to her knees in front of my husband. What was her name? Mary or Miriam or something, I dimly tried to remember. The sound of squelching filled the room as the smell of sex filled the air. My brain couldn't totally focus on the young woman's name as Eric pounded into me.

I heard Dan grunt as I watched the young blonde inhale his cock down her throat, while Eric grunted behind me with every thrust. I was in heaven and just let my body take control as I pushed back harder, driving my son deeper and deeper.

"Fuck...yes..." I gasped out between thrusts. "Fuck"" I moaned.

I could only kneel there and watch, as Dan turned his body, until my eyes locked onto his now slick cock sliding in and out of the girls' mouth. His fingers wrapped in her blonde curls as he fucked his hips back and forth.

I opened my mouth to say something, anything. All that came out was whimpering and mewling as Eric hammered into me. Dan and I locked eyes, and I could see the fire glowing there, he was close; very close.

"Cum in her mouth" I grated out finally. "While your son makes me cum all over his hard cock." I told my husband.

I shook and trembled as I watched the shaft of my husbands' cock throb, the neck muscles of the blonde working, trying to swallow his hot load. My pussy walls tightened as I saw a thick trickle of Dan's semen leak out the corner of the girl's mouth.


Forget running down my thighs, I could feel my juices squirting out like a geyser as I soaked the sheets under my spasming body. The strongest orgasm of my life ripping through me as Eric slammed deep into my body.

Through every pulsing wave, Eric never let up behind me. Ramming into my cunt as my juices gushed out. Our son was fucking me without mercy, and my body loved every second of it.

My eyes locked once again to my husbands' as I felt Eric swelling inside my clenching pussy. I drove back, holding my ass tight against his hips, his cock buried to the root in me, I didn't want to miss a single drop.

"He's cumming" I gasped to Dan. When the first thick rope pulsed inside me, I swore I could feel it wash my cervix Eric was so deep. "Cum in meeeeeeeeeeeeeee" I wailed as my orgasm erupted into another wave.

Dan watched, as our son pumped his mother full of his hot, incestuous cum. I felt every pulse, every hot squirt as it coated my walls. I was clenching my thighs together around him, trying to hold his thick cream inside.

The pulses slowly faded inside my belly as Eric emptied his full balls into me. My pussy still rippled with after-shocks form the primal fucking I had just received. My chest heaved as I tried to refocus my eyes on Dan at the doorway.

As my ravaged body eased forward, Eric's cock slid from my pussy with an obscene slurping sound. While I lay face down on the sheets, Eric remained kneeling behind me. I watched as the young blonde slid off my husband's cock. A thick glob of Dan's cum clinging to her lips, even as I felt the mixed cream drip off Eric onto the cheeks of my bare ass.

"Why don't you take Molly to your room" Dan motioned to our son. "Your mother and I have some unfinished business to take care of." A smile crept over my husband's face.

I lay panting as Eric climbed off the bed. Taking her hand, he led the dazed girl from the bedroom. Molly, I dimly thought; that was her name.

I could only stare as my husband finished undressing standing at the bedside. His cock, usually deflated after his orgasm, was still rock hard and pointing straight out. I could even see the glisten of the blonde's spit clinging to the shaft.

As Dan rolled me onto my back, climbing between my now cum soaked thighs, a dim light sparked in the back of my mind.

Had he planned this? I looked into the eyes of my loving and adoring husband, seeing raw lust burning there. Could he have planned this entire weekend? I wondered. That thought vanished as I felt Dan shove his cock into my used pussy in one single stroke.

I dimly heard a young woman scream with pleasure through the walls of the house. The sound quickly drowned out by my own screams as Dan drove his cock into my cum soaked cunt over and over.