An Irresistible Neighborhood Milf


Hello, my name is Shoaib. I am 27 years old 6" tall guy and I am a huge fitness enthusiast. As for the people who have not read my previous stories, I was a friend of Palak Tiwari and I was fucking her mom the Indian television superstar MILF Shweta Tiwari. It's been a long time since I was enjoying with Shweta and she was in love with me how I use to satisfy her sexually. She used to take good care of me and she was letting me stay in one of her owned 3 BHK flat in Juhu. I moved to that flat in 2017 when I was in my third year of graduation. There were six buildings in our campus.

It was an awesome place, to be honest. It was a dream for many people where I was living for free. Now let's forget Shweta and move on to the MILF that I banged who was living in one of the other buildings of our campus.

It was dhuleti time in India (Festival of colors). I just knew my neighbor and a few other people from the lot of our apartments. On the day of dhuleti all the members of the society gathered to play a festival of colors but I was still asleep and that's when the bell rang 'Ting-Tong' and I came out of my peaceful sleep. My neighbors insisted me to join them in the society compound. I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth and left to join them in the compound.

A lot of new faces were there, my neighbors were introducing me with them, and then when there were only a few left to be introduced, they introduced me to a fine dusky babe. Her name was Smita. She was somewhat 5"10 tall, slim but not skinny, had a nice pair of b cups. Her touch was pure bliss for me, I was awestruck, she wasn't the most beautiful babe I've ever seen but there was that something that attracted me towards her. Initially, I thought she was somewhat around 25-26 years old. When she turned around I had a clear view of her perfectly round 34" or maybe 36 " bootie through wet black track pants. We all enjoyed playing the festival of color for about an hour and all the time I wasn't able to take my eyes off her, we had a few wild stares between us before I went back to my home.

I thought, "that's as good as it gets." You know the feeling, after seeing Victoria's Secret commercial, browsing web, or gracing the cover of a magazine. You just think, for that make and model, it just doesn't get any better. That's how I felt upon seeing Smita. If anyone was a 10, for me, it was her. I'm not saying she was perfect, because I don't believe anyone is perfect, but her combination was the perfect combination for me. I've never seen a woman so awesome that she left me rock hard at first sight and trust me I've seen and dug into a lot of women.

I took the bath and quickly came out and searched for her on Facebook through the profiles of my neighbors, after a while, I found out her Facebook, and to my surprise, she was 38 years old and she was the mother of two teenagers. I was amazed at how she kept her body so well-toned, nobody on this god damn planet can tell that she was 38 by looking at her. I quickly sent her friend's request and went to have lunch.

I took lunch and came back to my room to sleep for a while so I can go out in the evening. Before going to bed I checked my mobile and my friend request was accepted. I decided to sleep for a while and chat with her in the night.

I came home after dinner with my friends and it was around 9 O'clock. I messaged her, "Hi"

She quickly responded and we chatted some in general things for a few minutes but I felt like the connection is not only from my side, she was quick to respond and she was not cutting off the chat like a married woman generally does in India and that's why I just straight-out asked her for her cell phone number. She was not a bit hesitant and gave me the number immediately.

Four months passed, we almost chatted every-day, I never missed a chance to compliment her body as well as her outfit every time I saw her in past months and so did she. Her husband was a quite fat and unfit guy and I had some thoughts in my mind that she was getting attracted to me but it was too soon to ask out her anything like that. I was just holding back.

One-day she called me in the noon, about 2 O'clock. I generally return to my home from college at around 1:45 pm. She asked me if I had lunch or not, I was about to prepare an Egg omelet but she said not to and said she was coming ours with some food.

I thought she might have prepared some special food that's why she is coming over to hand it over to me. Ding-Dong, the bell ranged. I went and opened the door, Smita was here with a bunch of dominos pizzas. was wearing a yellow T-shirt which was hugging her skin very tightly and pink shorts which were revealing her think beautiful dusky thighs.

"Hello, can't I come in?" She said because I didn't welcome her inside as I thought she was not gonna come in.

"Of course, of course, why not!" I said hesitantly.

She came inside the house and I closed the door, she started walking towards the living room and I was able to see her perfect ass-cheeks shaking from behind through her shorts. The mere presence of her was making me go gaga already.

"Wow! are you from a royal family or what? your house is god damn amazing." She said.

"No, no It's not my house," I said.

"Ohh! so you rented it?" She said.

"Actually yes, but I stay here on rent without paying anything," I said.

"Is it your relative's place?" She said.

"Nope, it's of TV star Shweta Tiwari and her daughter is one of my best friends that's why she is letting me stay here for free."

"Wow, lucky you."

"Indeed," I said sitting down on the chaise leaning my back on the backrest with my legs on either side of the chaise.

"Is it okay if we eat here?" she asked putting the pizzas on the chaise

"Ya, Sure," I said.

She sat opposite of me the same way I did, each leg on either side which revealed her thighs even further almost till her thigh joints. I was getting horny but I was being careful of not rushing things. We enjoyed eating chicken pizza while talking about some casual things. We washed our hands and she went to throw trash in the dustbin while I went back and sat on the chaise.

She came back after throwing trash and stood near me as I was changing television channels. "Stop, stop, let's watch this movie." She said. I was actually amazed as I thought she would leave after lunch but instead, she wanted to watch a movie with me. A whirlpool of wild thoughts started flowing through my mind.

Suddenly she jumped and set between my legs, her back facing me on the chaise, and pretended as if she is excited to watch the movie. I was confused about either she genuinely wants to see the movie or she is interested in me.

Resisting her was getting harder than ever. Her perfect round and wide butts were almost touching my thighs. I was wearing boxers without underwear. I was having a huge hard-on an inch away from her butt. After a moment of silence, I just gathered courage and decided to try my luck.

"Hey, do you go to the gym regularly?" I asked while slowly grabbing both sides of her waist.

"Ahhh!! Why do you think so?" She asked with a little bit of moan when I touched her waist.

"Because you have a beautiful slim waist and gorgeous round butt," I said while hardening the grip on her waist.

"Yes, I am a regular gym freak." She said while turning her head to look at me. She slowly leaned her head on to my chest, it was hot outside, cool inside the house due to the air-conditioner and it was burning inside my boxers. She slowly placed back of her head on my stomach and looked into my eyes. Although she didn't move a muscle, I think I saw her mentally shrug. "I hope you don't make me regret this," she said.

My mouth was so dry I could not swallow. I could not believe she had the same thoughts about me that I had for her. Later she'd confess that she was unable to think about anything else for the whole night when we met for the first time.

"Aren't you happy with your husband," I asked out of curiosity.

"Everything is okay between us but I cannot resist you, your body, your eye, your touch. I feel there is something between us, something that I want for a long time," She said.

"I felt the same the day we met, the mere touch of yours spread like a current in my body," I said as I planted a kiss on her lips and returned back to my posture again.

She was still keeping eye contact with me, I started playing with her waist and then her tummy. I slowly slipped my hand under her shorts, scratched her little bush very passionately. She closed her eyes surrendering to my touch. I asked her to get up and rest her head on my shoulder. She quickly adjusted as I said then I slowly caressed her clit making her moan slightly. I could clearly see hunger on her face, she must be missing this kind of lovemaking for a long time.

I kissed her left chick and the side of her lips before kissing and licking her left ear while I slowly slipped a finger in her love hole and my skin chilled when she shuddered. Her wet snatch was warming my finger. I pushed it in further and she arched her back from the pleasure, her tits were mouthwatering close to my face. I pulled out to smell my finger like the cork of fine wine, then sucked her juices off. She might as well have coated my finger with ecstasy. A slot machine in my head suddenly went off.

She lowered down her shorts as I entered another finger in her vagina. I couldn't believe how wet she was. She needed this as much as I did. "Harder!" she ordered me. I smooched on the side of her neck and dug deeper and harder in her vagina, I slipped another finger in, quickening the pace and she gushed all over my hand with a scream of relief.

"It's been a long time since somebody made me cum," She said.

"I will make you cum as many times as you want darling," I said.

After a brief pause, she got up, adjusted her shorts, and turned around to sit on my thighs facing me. While I held her steady, she lowered herself onto me she leaned forward and kissed me on the mouth for several awesome minutes while I caressed her naked thighs and groped her ass several times through the soft cotton material.

We broke the kiss and I said, "You were really missing this, aren't you?"

"Yes! I was, my husband is good at everything apart from the bed."

"Why me?" I asked her to know the reason why she chose me for this.

"Honestly, I kept this inside me for years, I was holding it back for a long long time but your tight muscular body and your looks, as well as attitude, blew me away. I'm not a cheater but you turned me into one." She said.

Hearing those words I lost all the control, I was so horny, I quickly took her T-shirt off and unhooked her bra before pushing her back and drubbed her on the flat part of the chaise. I lifted her thighs up and legs in the air to get up on my legs and took off my T-shirt. I flexed my body showing her pure masculinity like a lion shows its prey. My cock was ram straight inside my boxers. She saw that but didn't react. I leaned down and smooched her, her nipples hardened, and she could feel wetness seep from between her legs.

My lips swopped down on hers forcefully, my tongue sneaking out to trace her plumpy lips. I pulled her closer and the feel of my body against her body couple with the gentle bites to urge her mouth open drew a moan from her. I angeled my head and dwelled my tongue to get the beautiful sweet taste of her saliva. I deepened the kiss as she wrapped her legs around me for good three-four minutes.

She wanted me to keep kissing her but I forcefully broke the kiss as I vigorously kissed her left plump boob which sent a bolt of lightning throughout her body. My other hand was working on her right boobie, pulling her dark erect nipple, and giving her the sweet pain of sex. I slowly moved down and kissed and licked her belly while both hands were full of her breasts. I wrapped my arms around her already arched back and brought her face in front of mine and said, " You know, I wanted to feel your body from the first day we met, I just wanted you, there is something in you that is attracting me, it was lust at first sight but it was stronger than ever, I never felt before." and again we both started exploring each other's mouth for a hefty time.

I slowly moved my right hand from her back into her shorts and rubbed her asshole before planting my middle finger inside her anus, "Oh!God!" she murmured and initiated grinding her ass. My throbbing cock was roaring at her vagina to come out and get inside her. We made-out for several minutes like two true lovers waiting from aegis to get their hands on each other. She was gripping my body while kissing me like a python does to its prey.

We slowly broke the kiss, she went down kissing my neck while I rested my head on the chaise. She gave me some love-bites on the neck before her tongue started playing with my already hard nipples. She sucked them tenderly then moved on and kissed my abs, all the while I was chilled to my bones because of the pleasure, her touch, her aura had put me in some kind of frenzy that I never felt before.

She grabbed my boxers and slid them down slowly while I helped her by lifting my butt a bit. My majestic 8-inch piece of meat came out fully erected and ready to roll. Exactly what this sexy married, beautiful woman wanted was in front of her eyes.

"It's so big...your dick is so thick..." She said.

"Bigger than your hubby?" I said while smiling at her.

"No comparison," she said while making deep eye contact.

She gently grabbed my thick cock in her right hand. She slowly started stroking it. My body burned under her touch. Every caress left a mark of lustful greed as she squeezed her hands on my shaft. Her nearly cruel torture on my flesh grew dangerously teasing to the rest of my body. Her left hand joined the party as she started stroking my man-hood with both of her hands at the same time. I was in total control of her but I was enjoying every single moment of getting controlled by a beautiful MILF.

Smita gripped my stiff cock at the base, stretched her obscenely long tongue down to her hand, and then licked all the way up my throbbing shaft, slow and sloppy-wet and almost in a straight line. I whimpered and groaned. The sexy MILF then swung her tongue around my mushroomed cockhead, resulting in my whole body vibrating. She slid her smeared lips over the top of my bloated knob and sucked on it, I generally wouldn't get to the climax that fast but this time I thought for sure I'd lose it; that the whole wild, the crazy ride would end in an uncontrolled blast of white-hot semen before it'd even really started. But Smita -- bright as a nova, but oh-so blessed in the sex department -- sensed my impending rupture and slowed the flow by sliding her hand up my shaft, pinching me tight just under the hood. I dug my fingernails into the bed-sheet and willed the boiling sperm in my balls back down to a simmer. Smita grinned up at me from her glowing white teeth clenching my swollen cap, fingers circle-squeezing my shaft until my balls turned blue again. "Not so fast, baby, let me taste you a bit more," she said with a wild smile.

Smita looked so beautiful, naked, devouring my throbbing cock, as if it were the world's last porterhouse. I loved how her deep black hair danced on her back. I yelped in surprise when I hit the point of no return. It's like she just pushed a turbo button on her because her engine suddenly revved up. she gobbled me with the enthusiasm of a fag. I grabbed her wonderful hair with both hands and exploded in her mouth so as my whole body tightened.

"I'm cumming, take it out," I said as I tried to take my cock out of her mouth.

She tightened her grip and kept on sucking my throbbing cock ignoring my warning. I was amazed that an Indian babe wants it in her mouth. My first wad hit her like a shotgun blast, the way her head snapped back like whiplash. Well, that only seemed to provoke her more. I saw her swallow, then continue to pump my dick dry, moaning like a bitch in heat. I felt my second load coat her tongue and a third bounce off the roof of her mouth. Still, she fed the beast, not hesitating for a moment, eager for every drop. She was a miracle-worker! I never knew a total hottie was capable of such things. A moment later her whole body shuddered. Her lips still locked on my cock. Her eyes glazed over like she took a premium hit of some new super drug. The bowels of my soul coughed up my sixth and last squirt of cum. She pulled out to rest her lips on the head of my cock.

It looked like she was putting lipstick on, the way she moved her lips over the tip of my penis. Her tongue flicked out and cleaned the sperm around her mouth like a puppy fed too much peanut butter. I watched her eyes unglazed and her face settles into an expression of deep satisfaction. Her happy smile barely fit on her face. "You taste so good!" she told my penis, looking me in the eye. I found a swallower in a world of spitters. She looked up at me and moaned. No lie, my cock twitched against her tongue. For a minute or two, I just lied down on chaise as she cleaned up my cock.

She slowly climbed up and kissed my lips as I turned her over and we swapped our positions, now it was my turn. My tongue danced around her nipples before I nibbled them. A rush of heat travels down her core. I could see my touch was driving her crazy. I let go of her breasts and left a trail of kisses down her stomach. With each kiss, I was going closer to her core and I writhe beneath me.

She arched her back as I slowly took off her shorts, revealing her black panty. I kissed her foot along the arch, then kissed upward to her ankle. Her fingers stroked through the thin hairs above her cleft and she arched her back with a moan.

I kissed up her calf, taking a leisurely path and lingering on the way. Her scent drew me faster than her voice. The fresh, mouthwatering promise of heat and lust. It took all my will power not to push her thighs apart and feast on the wet heat between them. Teasing, moving from one thigh to the other, I was inches away from her core when her trembling fingers fisted my hair.

"Eager?" I said with a husky voice making her feel what's coming up her way. She raised her head as my eyes meet hers as I grab hold of her panty with my teeth. Too fast for her to comprehend, I ripped them off her. She whimpered as the cool brize coming out of the air-conditioner hits her. I blew down on her sex, making her writhe even more. I grabbed her legs and places them on my neck and scoot her closer to me. My eyes leave her and fall on her core. I licked her lips before softly, tracing from the bottom to the top of my core. Her legs tremble and her head falls back. I did the same motion a few times before my tongue parts her folds, and I started eating her up like she was my last meal. Moan after moan escapes her lips and she can feel a few of mine down there. The vibration almost drove her to the edge. But I knew what I was doing. Before she can have her release, I slowed down. I slipped a finger in and she almost broke down right then.

Smita reacted like she had been electrocuted, crying out and jerking away in one moment to push back for more the next. I held her captive, my arms preventing her from escaping the warmth suction of my mouth.

"Fuck," she cried out. "Oh, God! Oh, Shoaib, don't stop."

I had no intention of stopping. She held her breath even longer, gasping for air then holding it again. She was riding the cusp and I needed a hand free to push her over the edge. Slipping one hand out from around her thigh, I placed my palm under my chin and slid two fingers inside her. When her muscles clamped down, I paused and pulled back, teaching her she had control. She opened herself completely then, crying out as I began to slowly fuck her with my fingers. I swirled my tongue around the little bud trapped between my lips.

"I'm coming," she announced as her body trembled. "Yes! Yes, oh, please, oh, yes!"

I rode it out with her. She sat up slightly, her hands moving behind my head to hold my face where it was. When her inner muscles clenched around my fingers, I began to lick long, soft strokes from bottom to top in time with her insistent rhythm. She convulsed and shook with each pulse until they slowed. I kept licking around her sensitive bud until she stilled, at last, then I gently pulled my fingers out and placed one last kiss on her furry mons. My cock was again fully erect and was ready to rumble inside her.

"I can't move," she whispered, her legs splayed open and arms in a jumble on her stomach.

"Shoaib please!" she pleads, but it falls on deaf ears.

"What? Tell me." I breathe down on her sex and start flicking her clit with my tongue.

"I need you." she breathes out loudly.

"What do you need?" I asked huskily, my voice full of lust as much as her.

"I need you inside me." she finally breathes out, not standing the torturous teasing anymore.

I stood up with the chaise between my legs while the dusky beauty lifted both of her legs in the air.

She can feel my throbbing member at her entrance. But I didn't push myself inside her yet. No. Instead, I grabbed my cock, and with the tip of it started gliding it up and down her clit. Her eyes were down, paying close attention to what I was doing, I was looking at here from time to time. I liked to see how it affected her, and damn it I could see on her face that it was driving her insane.

"Sho-", before she can even finish, I dived inside her. I stretched her to the max. There was a slight discomfort before she got used to my huge meat piece. Slowly I start moving in and out. I was giving her time to adjust to my girth. Soon, the discomfort is gone, and she was begging me to thrust faster. I eagerly complied. With each thrust, I could see her getting closer to the edge. She was close. But I don't want this to end so I slowed down the pace to almost nil. Her pussy was buttery smooth. It was the time I thought to do my signature move, I took my penis almost out of her vagina and for a half a minute I only pumped my cock head inside her twat. Finally, when she got too calm I banged my all eight inches inside her without a warning.

She screamed like a little bitch, almost cracking the glass windows, it was painful but I do know women like it. This is how a man shows women my dominance. She was about to say something but before she could I did it again and again and again and the only thing she can do was to scream like a little pup. The sound that came when our bodies collided each and every time was making me more and more horneir. I kept thumping her with my full gym body strength. I was showing her what is the difference between her husband and me. I kept pumping her with the full-throttle while I grabbed her boobs tightly.

Eventually, she was riding that edge again, her body slick with sweat. She pulled me and started smooching me, I kept on pumping her harder and harder.

"I'm so close, don't stop" Smita whispered.

She started shaking, she arched her back. She was lost in it. She kissed me even more passionately. She wrapped her legs around my waist, she planted her nails in my back, muscles inside her pussy clenched my cock and the dam broke, her walls contracted and burst all over my cock. The hot stream of juices flown through her love-hole on to my cock and all the way on the chaise. I still kept pounding her for a little while until I was out of strength and I collapsed on top of her. The bliss is evident on her smiling face.

"This was magical," She said breathing heavily.

"You sure are a hell of a package, babe," I said with a light laugh.

She was laying on the chaise beneath me, she gradually moved her left foot from chaise to the ground. I was still fully charged as I lifted myself. Her other leg was on the chaise, knee bent, leaving her womanhood openly exposed. I lowered my mouth to her sweet wetness again.

When she felt my tongue part her swollen flesh and begin making long sweeps from her opening to her clit, she relaxed into the chaise cushion with a moan she couldn't suppress. Gone were any thoughts about the neighbors, the storm, I nearly caught her pleasuring herself or anything at all really. She was lost in the sensation of my tongue caressing her most intimate places. She had been aroused so much that my touch brought shivers of pleasure and relief so intense that there was no fighting it. Her hips lifted to meet my mouth and she shifted slightly on the chaise to lay more comfortably. She opened her legs and exposed herself more to me. She felt my hands slide under her to cup her ass and hold her to me. God, I wasn't going to stop any time soon. She was almost unaware of her hands moving to play gently with her nipples as her hips began their familiar easy thrusting motion. She just couldn't hold still...I made her feel so good. My tongue explored every fold of her, licking from her clit to her opening and back in seemingly endless rounds of pleasure. When she felt me probe her opening with my tongue, she pressed toward me, encouraging me to taste as much of her as I could.

I tighten my hands on her ass as I held her to my hungry mouth. my tongue made another quick trip up to her clit, and then slid past her opening and down toward her anus. She had a fleeting thought about the nice soak she'd had in the tub and surrendered to the pleasure of my tongue teasing her ass. I was way beyond careful planning now. I wanted to eat her alive. I loved the taste and smell of her. When I heard her moans of pleasure, saw her hands moving to tease her nipples and felt her hips begin their easy thrusting I knew that she was beyond stopping, too. I relished the feel of her smooth skin on this tongue. God, she was so wet. I buried my tongue inside her, feeling her press into me. She was so sweet and clean, I just wanted to have more of her.

I gave her cult a quick lick and then ran my tongue past her opening and down to tease her anus. She moaned and bucked with increasing abandon as I licked and probed. I knew what she liked, and was gratified when she began to thrust more urgently as she climbed toward her climax. I shifted my attention back to her clit, closing my lips around it to suck gently. My tongue lapped over the hard little button in my mouth and soon I felt her stiffen. Her back arched and her breathing became ragged. Her hand came to rest on my head — her signal to keep doing what I was doing because she was going to cum. I held her to me, her gasps and moans filling my ears, blending with the wind. When her breath caught in her throat, I pressed a little harder with my tongue and she began to moan and shudder as the waves of pleasure broke over her. She thrust against me with each pulse of pleasure and I stayed right with her until she began to relax and come back to earth.

Before she had time to gather her wits, I moved to lean over her and kiss her with lips still damp from her sweet juices. Her hand reached for me and found my hard cock, caressing it lightly through the fabric of my boxers. Her touch was gentle despite the passion raging through her. She knew just how to drive me crazy. I eased the back of the chaise to a more horizontal position without breaking the kiss. I groaned into her mouth as I felt her hand slip between my legs. I continued kissing her, loving the feel of her hand on my cock and her lips on mine. When I couldn't stand it any longer, I broke the kiss and forced her to scoot over and make room for me to lay next to her. It was a tight fit, and she moved to lay nearly on top of me, leaning down to kiss me deeply. I nudged her with my arm to coax her into straddling me just in front of my raging hard cock. I felt her wetness on my lower belly and my cock throbbed, bumping insistently against her ass. "Put it inside you" I murmured against her lips. She reached around and guided me into her warm wetness.

She slid slowly onto my hard cock, feeling every millimeter as I entered her. She was as eager to have me inside of her as I was to be there. She sat up in order to take every bit of me into herself. my hands slid over her shoulders, dislodging her robe, and moved to cup her full breasts. As I teased her nipples, she began to move slowly on me, savoring the invasion of my hard cock. The stimulation to her nipples made her clit throb and she moaned with the pleasure of every movement.

She was transported to a place she'd rarely been in all her years as a woman. Her whole world narrowed to the boundaries of her body and the pleasure building inside her. Time seemed to stand still as she lost herself in the feeling. We were as intimate as possible. Her eyes were closed as she moved slowly on me, grinding down to send ripples of pleasure up from her clit. I could feel the warm wetness where our bodies joined and I knew that most of it was hers. The silky warmth wrapped around my cock alternated with brief moments of coolness as the wind found the moist places. There wasn't even the slightest pause in her rhythm as she rode me. If anything, her movements were increasing in pace and urgency. I looked up at her, and the sight took my breath away. Her head was thrown back and her eyes were closed as she focused on the pleasure she was feeling. Her nipples were rock hard, partly from my attentions, partly from the wind of the air-conditioner. Suddenly the sky darkened up, It was as though Mother Nature was rising to an explosion of her own along with the two of us. The thunder was pleasant rumbling and not loud cracks as it started raining slowly.

Her hands rested on my chest for balance and I felt them tense as she began to move more quickly on my cock. I loved it when she grabbed onto him as her pleasure grew. She got hit with an intense orgasm, I could feel her muscles clenching on my cock as her body vibrated and the waves of ecstasy came out flowing through her love hole, she would suddenly realize that she was gripping my chest and apologize and ask if she'd hurt him. She never could seem to understand that I felt like a king when making love with her made me a bit wild. I just grin and tell her that it didn't hurt a bit even if I ended up feeling a bit bruised for the next two days. The small pain was always a pleasant reminder of our passion. At the rate she was going, I was going to have a reminder of this adventure for a bit longer than normal. I wasn't sure if I've ever seen any of my sexual partners reach this level of abandonment.

My hands moved to grip her hips as I began to thrust up to meet her. I could feel my balls tightening as my own orgasm began to build within me. She was riding me hard by now, her breathing ragged, her heavy breasts bouncing each time our bodies met with a wet slap. I gripped her hips to keep her from dismounting and began to thrust into her with hard, deep thrusts. It took all of five thrusts for her to surrender to our mutual passion. Her eyes closed again and she leaned forward a little, making it easier for us to shift to a fast rhythm that would carry us both over the edge. She bucked back onto me, our bodies slapping together, both of us groaning with pleasure and panting with effort.

Her pussy muscles clenched and loosened spasmodically, she was out of control, quivering like a jack-hammer. I kept pounding her until she was out of her juices. She looked into my eyes before she collapsed all her weight onto me. Her body, built for sex, slack, sweat-slicked and pale. I hugged her tight while planting a sexy kiss on her right cheek.

She knew I was still hard and it was far from over, after a minute or so she regained her strength and lifted herself up as my rod popped out of her hole, moving herself at the end of the chaise, sitting at the edge of it, near my feet. She leaned forward as she slurps my cock head with her tongue, tasting her own pussy juice.

She moved closer, shifting her grip to the base of my cock and taking me into her mouth. I made a soft sound, the switch from the pressure of her hand to the warmth of her mouth was making me flinch. She sucked me gently, giving me time to adjust, letting me go long enough to lick and kiss her way up the thick shaft and run her tongue around the rim of the circumcised tip. She lifted her head to look at me, teasing me with her tongue before sucking the length of my cock back into her mouth, as much of it as she could take. She moved her head, pushing me to the back of her throat and breathing through her nose to keep from gagging. My breathing changed, becoming fast and uneven. My hands fisted in the sheet and she wondered if I was reluctant to touch her. She increased the pace, her hands and mouth were in full synch. I felt I was nearing my edge but I didn't want it to end this early. I forcefully pulled my cock out of her mouth and told her to turn around.

She quickly turned around, her ass close to my ass, I quickly slurped my tongue on her pussy lips as I stood up on my feet, chaise between my legs and so does she. She was on all four except not on her knees but feet, something like standing doggy but her hands on the chaise. I rubbed my cock on clit for a while and then spat on it for smoother motion, I stroked my cock several times, each time rubbing her clit. I gradually inserted my tool inside her hole again.

I started to doggy fuck the horny wife. My balls were aching from being hard for so long, and I had to let myself go inside this sexy woman. I began pounding her body with no regard for anything but my own pleasure. I grabbed her hips and began pumping her hard, slapping my heavy, cum laden balls against her clit, stimulating both of us every time we heard and felt them slap her with a thud. "Smita, I love your ass, round and beautiful, I want it so bad." I was fucking her as fast as humanly possible. I thought she was going to pass out from pleasure she began to moan so loudly. I moved a bit closer to her so I could pound her deeper, letting my balls now slap her pussy lips. She somehow got one of her hands-free and was rubbing her clit as I pounded my cock deep into her. I was easing it all the way out to where the tip was just penetrating her and then jamming it balls deep into her tight cunt. She had begun to moan and quiver constantly. I could see her whole body shaking and her toes curled up underneath. I could not hold this off anymore. I began to feel my balls pulse and began to pump my seed deep into this woman's gorgeous cunt. My cock pulsed time and time again, just unleashing tons of my cum inside of her as she moaned feeling my hot cum filling her up. I lost my sense of reality from the intense pleasure this woman was giving me. I felt like I was in a state of euphoria. I could not pull my cock out of her because I could not move my body, but I could feel myself running down my balls and her pussy from the overflow. I grabbed her by her around her chest and pulled her closer as we sat down on the chaise, my cock still inside her, throwing seeds deep into her cervix.

"God damn, you are made to be fucked, your body is made to have sex, I can't get enough of you," I said while kissing her shoulder. She moaned at first and said, "So does your cock, I wish I could keep it inside forever."

Cum was dripping down on my balls as well as thighs. The chaise was already a cum-dumpster mess, I asked her to join me for a bath. We walked our way and entered the bathroom. I had a 2 side glass shower encloser in the corner of the bathroom. We went inside as she flipped the shower tap. The water began to run through her goddess-like body. She cleaned herself up while I watched her, stroking my semi-erect cock. I gradually cupped her tits with my hands as I entered the shower, pressing my lips on to hers. Slowly moving my hands from her boobs to her ass, pulling her closer. Her breast on my chest, nipple to nipple. Our tongues dancing with each other, I squeezed her butt cheeks and spanked them as we kept making out like a mature couple. She broke the kiss and said, "Would you like me to wash you too?"

"Please," I answered.

I wasn't still fully erect, but I was as excited about the reciprocation of her bathing me as I was at the thought of making love to her. She took the washcloth and began to wash me, first rubbing the cloth gently on my chest and working up toward my broad shoulders. After washing each shoulder she used the cloth to soap up each one of my arms. Then she rinsed the washcloth into the water, then reached down to start washing my thighs and then knees and calves, being very determined not to touch my penis yet, teasing me to the core.

She asked me to turn around and started rubbing soap on my back moving down to my butt, she played with my ass-cheeks for a little while before slowly rubbing her soapy hands on my plump balls. I moaned a little as she played with them then gradually she stood up and grabbed my cock, putting her chin on my shoulder she stroked it slowly. In a matter of seconds my cock grow full hard once again, her touch was driving me crazy.

Oh, my god, I was going out of my mind with lust. She touched just the tip and made a small subtle swirling motion with the tip of her finger at the very top of the head of my penis, It felt like I was on fire, She let out a tiny giggle as she was enjoying the power and control that she can exert over me. She again grabbed my cock and started stroking it harder while planting a smooch on my right shoulder. A moment passed and she said in my ears, "Seems like you are ready for another round.

I turned my head towards her and kissed her lips and said, "let's swap the position sexy."

She moved in front of me, her back to my face. I rubbed my cock onto her clit as she bent her knees a bit for better access. I was almost delirious from the heat in the room, the water, the steam, her body, our passion. She grabbed my swollen cock from between her legs with her right hand and guided it inside her love hole. I entered her very slowly but pleasurable that we both almost cry out in absolute bliss. I slide into her as deep as I possibly can as she rested her hands on the glass wall. Neither of us wanted to move just yet. We just stayed in that position for a few moments languishing in the feeling of me inside her, filling her up, and she completely enveloping me in a perfect union of flesh and lust as if her very soul was attempting to embrace me.

This is when she slowly start to wiggle her hips and began to move up and down on me. It is a combination of the water and her own wetness that enhanced our every push and pull, allowing us to slide so perfectly together, in and out, back and forth. The rhythm of our lovemaking was deliberate, yet intense. Sweet, and damn scandalous, as we began to increase the speed and pressure of her ass-cheeks grinding down onto me.

A minute or two passed, I was having fun of my life but I wanted to kiss her so bad. I forcefully turned her around and kissed her like a hungry vampire. I drubbed her back on to the wall and pulled her ass closer to me. I spread her legs and plunged my cock inside her, fucking her from the front without breaking the kiss.

I was into an animalistic state, I pulled her body even tighter. Her hands clutching at my neck and the back of my head. We continue to kiss sporadically through our act, but our labored breathing and the fluid motion was making it harder to concentrate on anything other than the lustful act itself. The moment was so sexy. Her arousal was already near its peak again. I could feel it coming. I lifted her with both hands on her asscheeks and started fucking her as fast as humanly possible. After a minute of wild fuck she bit my lower lip hard, I gave her one final push. She vibrated hard, tightening her vagina around my cock, as if to extract the orgasm from me forcefully. I kept her in the same position while making out with her until her orgasm subsidized.

She was exhausted from the hardcore treatment but knew I was far from over. I slowly put her down. "Come here," she said as she walked towards the toilet seat. I turned the shower off and went behind her. She sat down on the seat. She held my cock in her hand and then leaned forward taking it in her mouth. I gasped as her lips passed over the head, her fingers pulling back the foreskin exposing the glans which her tongue danced around sending shivers of ecstasy up my spine. She moaned heavily with my cock inside her mouth, sending vibrations reverberating through my shaft and her wet tongue expertly sliding around my throbbing cock. I was in heaven.

Suddenly she stood up and forcefully made me sit on the toilet seat. She turned around, her ass was right in front of my ass, twerking it she asked me to spit on her pussy lips. I spat a huge load of saliva on her clit. She grabbed my cock and guided it inside her tunnel. Her dusky asscheeks started jumping up and down. The motion was smooth as silk. She increased her pace, each thrust feeling better and better.

"Cum inside me again Shoaib," She whispered.

She lowered her upper body as she put both of her hands on the floor for better penetration. She was doing it on a maniac pace. The sound of our bodies colliding was all over the bathroom. I groaned as I felt my balls clenching. As if on queue, she began quaking again, and her orgasm hits her with the force of a moving car, both of us feeling as if the whole room is about to explode. I shot my entire load into her, letting out one final gasp, as she shook with each and every throbbing push into her, making her bite down her lips before screaming hard. We slow our bodies as the waves subside, she lifted herself as she sat in my lap, my cock still inside her. I held her tight with my hands around her waist, still, on fire from the heat of our lust, both of us completely spent, satisfied beyond words.

"You gave me, without a doubt, the single greatest orgasm that I have ever had," I said.

"And you did the same to me, handsome," She said.

We sat there for a while enjoying our first fuck. She slowly stood up and went away in the shower again, later I followed her too. "I gotta go soon," She said.

"I wish you can stay here," I said with a smile.

"Don't you worry, it's just the beginning babe," She said as we kissed.

We came out of the bath, dried ourselves with the towel. She was wearing her clothes while I was still naked, lying on the chaise on my back. She wore the clothes and took her stuff. She came near me, leaned forward, and kissed my lips, and then the tip of my cock.

"I'll be waiting for you," I said as she was walking out of my flat.

She winked at me and gave me a flying kiss as approval before leaving my house.