Glory Hole p4

Peter knew for sure that he had struck lucky the first time around. He wracked his brain all night to find an alternative plan to be able to repeat what he had been able to achieve.

Peter and his mother had been kissing every day a couple of times since his birthday about two weeks earlier. Both ensured that the sessions were prolonged as much as the charade of a good morning or a good night would allow. Both fancied the good night kissing sessions more, because those had become longer with each passing night, and a lot steamier. On occasions when Ernst was home, the morning kissing sessions were welcomed with as much enthusiasm.

The kissing had gotten hot enough to wake a dead man. Peter, to give him credit, had respected the boundaries set for him - barring what he had done the previous night. He had never gone beyond her chest, never touched her breasts with his hands.

Helene came to her son's room early morning on the day before Christmas. Ernst was home as it was a holiday, and their good mornings were relegated to Peter's room on such instances, something that they both preferred.

Peter was already up, and having brushed and cleaned up was waiting for her in his bed. He intentionally kept his shirt off and stuck to just his boxers under the covers.

When Helene arrived at his room early, she found him lying under the covers. She had on her a flannel nightgown for the cold, windy morning outside. Upon reaching his bed, she slowly undid the knot of the gown and let it fall as Peter gawked.

She let the gown fall and revealed the sexiest nightie he had seen on her. Peter remembered why he loved their nightly routine more; every night, she would wear one or the other stylish nightie and shuck her gown before joining him in bed to kiss him good night. Interestingly, this morning Helene was not wearing the nightie she had worn the previous night, even though her gown was the same.

She revealed a nightie that was no more than a ladies Slip. It was plain white, with thin strings on her shoulders the actual nightie started right from where her breasts, on her chest, rose. It hung on her until it reached her hips. The lower hem was made of lace of about half an inch, also white. The slip ended where her panties began on her hips. She had on her, white panties with an inch-wide band around her hips and the triangle barely sufficient to cover her mound at the front.

The overwhelming feeling that came through Peter's mind that instant was that his Mom was built for Sex. Her aura, her body, her face, her mannerism, each exuded sexuality from Peter's point of view.

The slip made of satin was so sheer that her movement outlined her tits from where Peter lay. His mother's nipples pointing outward, unable to be contained under the filmy fabric of the slip. As soon as she bent down on Peter to kiss him, it hung loose in front of her to reveal the hanging tits merely inches from his face. He was pained to peel his eyes off from them to move his gaze up towards her eyes, while she waited for him to look up so they could kiss.

As was his expected move, he took her head in his hands and planted a couple of soft good morning kisses on her lips. Then he moved the covers to invite her in, even as his right hand around her shoulders and her back, and pulled her on top of him. He held her head in front and kissed her again, holding her on top instead of rolling her to the center of the bed as he usually did.

She shifted her weight and rode astride his crotch, with her knees outside his hips she stayed bent into his mouth glued on their torso. He shuffled to get the covers behind her back to completely cover her from behind. With his mother riding his dick, it was just his boxers and her panties holding them apart.

They attached their chests and bellies further as if there was an air bubble size of a gap between them, to finally shift focus on the lips to kiss vigorously. Peter rubbed her back, and her satin slip moved under his hands. His energized rub ensured the slip was inconsequential in a matter of minutes as his hands found skin.

Peter kept kissing his mother with fervor trying to keep her attention away from what his hands were doing. Or one could easily argue his hands kept her attention drawn as she forgot what his lips were doing.

Somewhere between the struggle to part lips and to gasp for air his mouth had shifted to her shoulders, taking the string of her slip along with his lips.

Helene was trying to recollect whether he used his teeth to hold the string between them when his hands split in opposite directions on her back. One going down toward her panties and the other going up on her back towards her neck.

As she was figuring out which to reprimand, the hand going down into her panties or the string of her nightie being pulled off her shoulder, his hand reached behind her neck and pulled her up, away from his head. She arched her back to rise on him, and gravity did the rest to her nightie, and it fell off from her left breast. His eyes devoured the most breathtaking view of her breast from this close. She was mesmerized with the effect this revelation had on her. He mentally compared every millimeter of her breast, from the picture in his mind.

He wasn't rushing, but he also gave very little time for her to react. On finding no snap response, he rose up and brought his lips back on his mother's. Her hands found the back of his neck and his head, as he went in her mouth, searching for her pleasure zones.

She was riding his crotch, and they sat hugging with his chest attached to her breasts. Both of them pulled the other with passion. The difference was that her bare left breast found the skin on his chest. Her nipple, emanating heat, was burning a hole into his chest. As her breasts mashed into him, the feeling of her bare breast on him was exhilarating for them both.

After many minutes of kissing, Peter left his mother's mouth to explore her face, only to slip lower on her neck, as he usually did every morning and evening. As he kept bending down, kissing, and leaving a trail of saliva on her, she had ample opportunity to pull his head back to her lips. She was dumbstruck, and he was not going to stop on his own.

Just as Peter took her nipple in his mouth, she felt a shiver go through her spine. He was not just going to kiss her breast; he was going to suck it as well. And, suck he did. He had her cumming by mere sucking of her nipple as she held him tightly from behind his head.

He left his mother's breast to go back up in her mouth by which time her eyes were loaded with desire, and she was moaning.

"Good morning, mom," he said, leaving her mouth briefly.

"Hhuuhhhhh..hhh..hhh." She chuckled in his mouth, not finding a sensible morning greeting from inside his lips.

Finally, coming back to reality she wished him, "good morning," and pecked a small one on his cheek and left her head on his shoulder as they fell back in the bed.

When she finally stood up, her slip had bunched on to her stomach and her left tit out, firm and proud. She pulled the string back and silently mouthed her mock reprimanded to him, before picking up her robe.

"Come down quickly for breakfast," she ordered.

Everyone wished Merry Christmas to each other around breakfast.

Ernst had prepared hot chocolate for everyone. They all sat on the ground floor sitting room, and both Ernst and Helene had to leave to give a few presents to a couple of close friends and Ernst's cousin.

Peter used the time to roll out a variation of his previous night's plan. He fetched the couple of spare tiny cameras he had brought along with the one installed in the gateway room. He installed one in the tree right in front of the house, facing towards the main door. This one needed no power; it had twenty-four hour battery life and motion sensors. The other one he installed outside the gateway room in the hallway. There was a small display stand with a vase that would camouflage the hallway camera, but the lens could see right up to the main door from inside.

The camera outside would give him the view in front of the house and the one from the hallway in front of the bedrooms would let him see a long way into the drawing-room as well, both streaming directly in his phone app, in addition to one in the gateway room he had earlier installed. Having set the whole thing up, he again rechecked the glory hole room from the sideboard rack door and thanked his dad, in his head, for his ingenuity.

He quickly had a bite to eat and rushed out to call his favors.

In the evening, he cornered his mother in the kitchen doorway under the mistletoe and kissed her in front of his dad. The kiss was way more than what his dad had ever seen him give his mom, but in the excitement of Christmas let it slide. Before Peter could release his mother, Ernst butted in and took over Helene from Peter and gave her a scorcher in front of Peter, seconds after his son left her mouth.

With Helene laughing it all off, Ernst and Peter sneaked up on her a couple of more times until dinner and got her all hot and bothered. While Peter took advantage of the situation, he still kept his tongue within his mouth and his hands to himself.

After dinner, Peter told his parents, "Mom, I'm going to Mack's and we are then going to drive over to Bernard's to drop off his Christmas gift." and then added for safety, "I should be back in an hour or so."

Helene was upset that he was leaving on Christmas eve, but was reassured, that he would be back in an hour. He politely nodded at his dad as well, apologizing for his behavior.

As soon as Peter stepped out of the house, Ernst came over to Helene on the sofa and kissed her a few times. She, on her part, was worked up with both of them kissing her. The fact that Peter was kissing her in front of Ernst had her going berserk. She was almost juicing her panties.

They had wanted to make love right there on the sofa in the living room, but they could not risk Peter's barging in on them. They took the next hornier route, to the glory hole room. Ernst also wanted to make it up to her for an interrupted routine of last night.

In about fifteen minutes, Peter had already found his way back in the dark room opposite his dad's gateway room. Five minutes later, he saw in the hallway camera, his father was walking towards the gateway room's door.

Peter pressed the call button, and the phone on the other side rang. In less than five minutes the doorbell rang. Ernst had sucked his wife briefly and had just started fucking her when the bell rang. He went out of his mind. How in the world could it happen two days in a row? He didn't budge and kept on fucking his wife with more vigor than was usual for him. The bell rang again. And then one more time.

Ernst had not cum, and neither he was going to be able to, with all the interruption. He harrumphed out of the room, pulling his jeans back on.

Peter was already out of his jeans and phone in his hand, standing ready for this. As soon as Ernst was out of the hallway, Peter tiptoed into the gateway room, rushing as fast as he could.

Once again, he saw an immaculate display of sex within one eyeshot. His mom had splayed her legs out through the lower hole, and her feet were clasped up in hooks, next to the upper hole. Her pussy was wet and ready. She was quivering in anticipation.

He had no reason to waste time, he bent and kissed her on the pussy lips, as if announcing the return of her lover. Then stood up, lined his dick in front, and entered her with a soft grunt in his throat which traveled through his cock into her.

Her moan, in return, let him know that he was welcome back.

Peter went to business slowly and picked up his pace in the next one minute. Casually, he looked at the phone streaming the front door camera showing his father talking to Mack.

Peter smiled and let his tempo go a couple of notches up and got a welcoming squirm from his mom. He unbuckled her left leg clasp from next to the upper hole, while he continued to pump, and guided her leg on his right shoulder. Then he repeated the same to her other leg and brought that one on his shoulders, as well.

His free hand held her leg from the front of her thigh pulling on her, as her calves went behind his shoulders to pull him in further. His hand started massaging her thigh as he fucked her. Her feet found each other and locked behind his shoulders. The angle raised her butt some more, and he found great depth in her on every thrust.

Her legs behind his shoulder moved frantically as if trying to get hold, or to rub his head, as she squirmed wildly.

She started streaming a climax with a tremor and loud grunts. Peter worried that his dad might hear her even as he stood on the door talking to Mack.

"URNNNGHGHHHHHHHH...." Helene shouted.

Peter got scared and looked at the camera in his other hand but saw no apparent reaction from his dad or Mack. The insulation in the rooms saved the day for Peter.

Before Helene had settled down, Peter restarted his fuck with energy. Like the previous day, he gave her long powerful thrusts and then stopped at the bottom for a couple of seconds before coming out and charging into her again with a powerful thrust. Last time around, he had done thirty for about a minute, and this time around, he did not stop until he had achieved a hundred in three full minutes that seemed to last longer. By which time he was a feather's touch away from cumming.

His mother knew that he was going to burst, she could feel his cock pulse, and she squeezed her pussy hard and pulled on his cock. Her legs behind his shoulders tightened, pulling his head into the wall.

He started spewing hot liquid into her, with a grunt, "AAAHHHHHHH." He all but said 'Mom' at the end.

She felt his hot juice in her and squirmed to a climax that took over her innards in a release she had never felt earlier. She opened her eyes to look at Sara's face in the poster in front of her with Adam in her pussy.

She shouted again with a rush of motherly emotions and again gave back a "UUUUUUNNNGHHH." She almost shouted, 'Peter' at the end.

She had not stopped cumming when Peter saw Mack step back from the door, waving his hand towards Dad and phone on his ear.

Peter hastily clasped Helene's ankles back and kept shoving hard so she would stop squirming by the time his dad finds her.

The camera in the hallway showed Ernst taking rapid steps into the gateway room.

Peter barely made it behind the bed when Ernst entered the room and kept moving towards his wife with intent.

When Ernst saw his wife's pussy creaming, he was almost glad that she was squirming in desire and did not seem upset. He had found her wanting, and the anticipation of the fuck must have kept her wet. 'Lovely,' he thought and romped into her eagerly.

The third time around took longer for Helene to release, but so it did also for Ernst, whose dick had lost most of its strength in the fifteen minutes that Mack had wasted on the door.

Ernst's regular slow shoves into Helene got him worked up soon, as it helped build the anticipation in her. On the other side of the wall, Helene's head was in an overdose. She was experiencing something which had not happened to her anytime recently, and she was a bundle of emotions and all of them sexual.

Helene climaxed before Ernst and shook wild enough for him to believe she was genuinely excited. She got everything she wanted, and more, from the glory hole. She wanted multiple fucks, and she got just that.

Helene climaxed in time for Ernst, excited beyond her belief. He shot his load in her excitedly, with solid grunts. Peter was long gone before their parents could find their way back out.

An hour after he had left, Peter was back in the living room with his parents, who sat drinking and chatting. Peter, ever so confident, slumped right next to his mom as soon as he sat on the sofa. Snuggling into her arm and waiting for her to kiss his cheek. Helene did kiss him lightly and tentatively.

They all sat and talked about nothing and everything. Somewhere in between Helene left them to get some more eggnog, and Peter took the opportunity to apologize to his dad about Mack and blamed it on the confusion that they had got it mixed up whether Peter was supposed to pick Mack or was it the other way around. Eventually, Peter explained he had stayed back at Mack's, while Mack drove back.

Ernst replied, "don't worry. It happens." Little did Ernst know that Peter had traded one day's use of his brand new car with Mack for his troubles. His friend found it weird, keeping Peter's dad engaged at the door for fifteen-twenty minutes, and strictly entre nous, but the trade was too good to pass.

They all were up for another half an hour before Ernst said he was tired and retreated to the bedroom. Helene told him she would join him in a little while and stayed back with Peter.

Ernst might have barely made it to the bedroom, as Peter got up and went to the kitchen doorway. He pulled the mistletoe along its tape. He walked to the sitting room, looking towards his smiling mother, who laughed when she saw him dangle the mistletoe in hand.

Peter did not stop in front of her, as she looked on, amused. He went to the chandelier in the living room, reached up, and stuck the mistletoe on it. It hung loose but held on. He reached his mother, opened out his arm, asking for her hand to get her up. She took him up on his offer and got up as he pulled lightly on her hand, giving her support to stand. They reached under the mistletoe, hand in hand, and his head came down as expected, to kiss her slowly a few times. He changed tack to silently dance with her under the mistletoe as they remained joint in front.

For half an hour, they danced slowly and kissed heavily under the mistletoe before she pushed him on the chest and told him, "I'm tired, Peter and I'm going to go sleep."

Shutting a couple of lights on their way up, they went to the sitting room upstairs.

"Good Night, Peter," she said, turning towards her room.

Peter was shocked. He could not believe that this was it. He replied, "No,no,no,no...No. We must kiss good night properly."

Helene turned to him and smiled wide, "Peter, you have had more than your fair share today. Don't you think? And frankly, I am very tired. I will see you tomorrow morning. good night."

Not completely satisfied, Peter pulled her hand, got her into his arms, and locked his hands behind her. He bent towards her face and started kissing her face and slowly redirected to her lips and kissed her. She responded to his kisses with her tongue and lips, but her response was less than enthusiastic. Peter reckoned that she was indeed tired.

He got her to promise, she would come to wish him good morning.

Back in her room, Helene stayed up for another half an hour thinking about everything, and as soon as it was midnight, she called Sara, stepping out of the bedroom into the sitting area so as not to disturb Ernst.

Helene almost sang to Sara, "Merry Christmas, my love. I wanted to be the first one to wish you."

Helene wished her Merry Christmas with as much love, passion, and warmth as she could gather in her tone. Sara responded with equal affection and admiration.

Sara replied, "Merry Christmas Helene, my love. I regret that I am not with you this Christmas. It won't happen ever again, EVER."

"I am waiting for the sixth of January. Can't wait to see you." Helene confirmed her plan.

"I am dying to kiss you, hold you, make love to you," Sara replied

"Me too." Helene replied, and eagerly added, "I've to tell you something..."


Over the last two months, ever since Sara had told her about Adam and their relationship, Helene had been a bundle of emotions. The influence Sara had on her was incredible; in her opinion, there was nothing Sara could do wrong. That was the power of their love. The more Helene thought about Adam and Sara, trying to rationalize their sexual relationship in her mind, the more it bothered her emotionally. Many a times, her own thoughts had wavered towards Peter, and every time she would shirk the idea out of her mind.

Somewhere around the same time, Ernst had built the glory hole wall after Peter had gone back to college in October, after her birthday weekend. With the glory hole's faceless fucking, and with Adam and Sara's posters on the wall in front of her and under the upper berth, as she received pleasure, for some reason Peter kept coming back to her mind even while none of her sexual fantasies had ever involved Peter earlier. But the mere thought of it sent shivers in her spine.

Her center focus was to get together with Sara earliest. For that, previously the dynamic involved Adam the Lover, and now the dynamic had changed to Adam the Son and Lover.

On the home front, when Peter arrived earlier in December, a couple of days before his birthday, their one kissing session had taken a turn for the better, and now they were kissing and making out like teenagers. Her mind was doing tricks with her; every time she kissed Peter she imagined Sara kissing Adam, images of them having sex from the Kama Sutra calendar clouded her mind. It had reached a point where she was now imagining Peter fucking her while in fact, it was Ernst was fucking her - in the glory hole or even otherwise.

Helene spoke with Sara daily; they spoke about everything in general, and down to more specific. She told Sara, the reason for excess use of the glory hole with Ernst, was because she would imagine Peter inside her while she was being taken by his father. And after Peter had come in December, from earlier days when she regretted letting Peter kiss her, she had reached a point where she confided in Sara how much she was looking forward to it; how much she dressed up for it.

She blamed Sara for corrupting her, many times mock chastising her for it. In time she would credit Sara for it. Sara, in turn, teased her aplenty.

As Peter kissed her every morning and evening, Helene experienced an emotional similarity of what Sara had with Adam. The equivalency of it with Sara got Helene to a mental high. She wanted more.


What happened that evening was critical to report to Sara. Helene was so overwhelmed that she did not believe it herself. She was rambling as she spoke with Sara about it.

Both spoke for four hours until Helene collapsed on the sofa and spent the night there, exhausted both physically and mentally. It was past four in the morning.

Ernst came out around seven in the morning looking for Helene and saw her sleeping on the sofa, her phone near her. He knew immediately she must have been speaking with Sara and slept there. He slowly picked her up in his arms and lifted her, scooping up her light body.

She instinctively brought her arms around his neck and leaned her head on his shoulder and moaned, "mmm."

Ernst tucked her in the bed. Helene was very tired and slept in.

Another hour later, she got up and kissed Ernst, wished him "Merry Christmas" with as much festive spirit she could muster.

She got a cheery 'Merry Christmas' in return. Ernst was glad Helene looked happy and upbeat.

Ernst had brought coffee, and they enjoyed a leisurely relaxed Christmas morning in bed enjoying coffee together. Helene stayed in bed lazily while Ernst showered; she ran in her mind everything she and Sara had discussed last night. The anticipation of it tickled her.

Ernst got ready and offered to make breakfast as she got ready.

She offered her, "Thank you. I'll wake up the slugabed and drag him down with me."

Helene went back into her closet to change her nightie and pulled back her nightgown over it.

Peter was already up and anxiously waiting for his mom for over an hour. As had become his habit, he slept without his t-shirt and only wore boxers at night. He had cleaned up and had gone back under the covers and was anxious to know if something was wrong. Last night, his mother had not come into his room to kiss him good night, and it looked like she was ditching him this morning as well. It was not just the kissing; he was also worried if he had somehow let on his secret with her. What did she mean last night, when she had said, 'you have had more than your fair share today. Don't you think?'

Was she referring to his sucking on her breast yesterday, or kissing her in front of his father? His shaft was standing at attention in anticipation, and he sighed in relief when the door clicked open, and he saw Helene enter.

Upon reaching the bed, Helene undid her robe and let it slip off her shoulders.

If it were possible to have a heart attack at twenty-one, Peter was going to have one then. His eyes popped out at what he saw.

His mother was wearing a see-through red chemise nightie made of very fine net. With not a shred under it, every part of her front was transparently visible to Peter. With his jaw on the floor, he zoned in on her breasts, both staring proudly in his face. The thin cover in front of them of no consequence. The chemise reached her hips and gave the duty of rest of the titillation to her panties. He slowly looked down towards her all too familiar pussy and saw her pussy lips carving their presence through the same transparent fabric on the panties as well. The thin, fluffy white lining around the edges of the chemise gave it a Christmasy spirit.

No one said anything for a long while, and Helene broke the silence with, "Merry Christmas, Dear."

Peter was trying to rationalize what had just happened. Moments ago, he feared his kissing days were over, and now his mother had just gone ahead and upped the game.

He recovered from his dumbstruck zone and offered a lame, "Merry Christmas, Mom."

Recovering, he got up arching his back as he wished her and offered her his hand. She followed his lead and entered under the duvet. She held the cover briefly as he scrunched-in a few inches while turning towards her. As she slipped into his bed, he turned even more to half ride her. Before she got an opportunity to turn towards him, he attacked her with passion and took over her mouth. His mother's head was still above his elbow pit as he hefted on the same elbow to turn and bring his head over hers.

Their kissing was only for the name. Within fifteen minutes in his bed, he had alienated the chemise off from her breasts. He had kissed, licked, sucked, and mauled her breasts to his heart's contentment. Another fifteen minutes later, she slowly and half-heartedly pushed him off from on top of her. She reminded him that Ernst was waiting for them for breakfast.

When she did manage to untangle and get up, her Chemise was off from both her shoulders. As she stood up, it fell to the floor leaving her with only the panties on her. She picked the robe and wore it straight on, instead of bothering with the chemise, which she picked up in her hand and dragged it behind her.

It took Peter fifteen seconds to shoot cum all over his chest while he moaned, "Mom," and kept jerking his dick.

Helene quickly showered to get ready and joined Ernst who was waiting for the both of them for breakfast.

Peter joined them in another ten minutes and wished his dad, "Merry Christmas, Dad."

"Merry Christmas, Son," Ernst responded as if reminding him of their relationship.

While they were having breakfast, Peter saw the mistletoe on the chandelier from last night, directly in his line of sight. He signaled his mom, silently with his face and eyes towards the chandelier. She realized what he was signaling towards and without much ado covered up.

"Ernst, I asked Peter to take the mistletoe down and hang it elsewhere. I don't want to be assaulted every time I turn in my kitchen." Helene offered.

They all laughed at the joke Helene made of it, and then she added, "As if under the chandelier is any better, you know we are going to spend all of today there. Not fair." She managed in fake exasperation.

"Cheeky." Ernst chided Peter.

Peter grinned as if it was all intentional, keeping in mind that it was Christmas day.

Ernst leaned towards his wife and kissed her on the lips, "Thankfully I don't need mistletoe to kiss you, my love."

Helene wore a Christmas dress that made her look many years younger. It was a very classy high-end Chanel dress, made for women with a perfect figure, and Helene pulled it off with style and felt sexier as she wore it. Made of fine cashmere wool, the dress was not bulky even while it kept her warm. The fur on the ends of the sleeves let her snuggle into soft and cuddly faux hair whenever she felt like it.

"Mom, you look beautiful" Peter complimented her as soon as he saw her standing.

"Yes, dear. You look great." Ernst added before she could thank Peter.

She said, "Thank you" and nodded towards both of them, one by one.

Half an hour later, they retreated towards the sitting room and the Christmas tree to open their gifts. Before she could find her corner Peter held her waist and planted a nice, wet kiss on her lips. As they broke away, he grinned and signaled towards the chandelier on her head. She smiled and turned to sit but bumped into Ernst, who stood less than ten inches beside her. He pulled his hand behind Helene and bent down to kiss her well and proper; a nice wet and sloppy kiss.

Over the next two hours, the scene in the drawing-room was surreal for each one of them. With every move Helene made, whether to pick a gift or keep a glass on the table; whether to get up for going to the toilet or to get the lunch going, either Ernst or Peter would get up and kiss her. It had become a contest amongst them as to whose reaction was faster, responding to Helene moving about. Often one passed her to the other after he was done. By the afternoon, taking after his father, Peter was kissing her with tongue in her mouth, and she was kissing him back.

By Lunchtime, the pretense of kissing under the mistletoe was weakening. The kisses became longer, and the tonguing more serious. If they didn't break for lunch, that Helene had somehow managed between the relay kissing, she would surely be fucking them both right there in the drawing-room.

After lunch, even while Helene's mind told her to go upstairs and rest it out a little, she gave in to the temptation, and they all shifted back to the drawing-room again. She was feeling very hot and bothered, and she felt exhilarated having this foreplay with Peter and Ernst in the same room.

She was defying all the instincts that told her to cool down a bit for the evening, as they were expecting a guest. Ernst's parents usually came at Christmas, and today her mother-in-law was expected, later in the evening.

The kissing game restarted where they had left and, in time, only grew hotter. Ernst was groping along with kissing Helene. Peter had started kissing her, holding her head in his hands and tongue kissing her, she was fervently returning every kiss.

Peter also knew his grandmother was arriving later in the evening. That's why his variation was designed for earlier. Had it not been a pre-set plan, he would not have budged from this erotic family get together. Though, it seemed perfect because it had worked everybody up at the right time.

Reluctantly, Peter told his parents that he was going to see a friend for an hour and should be back much before his grandmother arrived. He found no resistance from either Helene or Ernst.

Helene and Ernst were kissing and necking before Peter had exited the front door. Peter rushed as soon as he could and ran his phone urgently even as he drove his car around the corner. He continued to rush someone at the other end of the phone, even as he walked briskly towards his home, trying to avoid unnecessary attention from neighbors.

Peter entered from the rear unlocked door and went into his hiding room with the phone in his hand, screen streaming all three cameras. As expected, he got a fleeting look at his mom in the camera as she walked through the hallway, and turned towards the room that led to her side of the glory hole wall. Keeping the facade of faceless fucking, his dad followed her a couple of minutes later.

Peter's phone pinged a confirmation receipt. He shot a message back. His distraction plan was ready. The stop clock started for precisely five minutes.

Ernst was in half-mind to actually go to the main door and check everything before joining Helene from across the glory hole wall. The action from the drawing-room since morning had them both hot and horny enough, to go at it instantly.

Like clockwork, five minutes after they had entered the glory hole room, the bell rang. Ernst swore to God it was not possible to be more ill-timed than that. He mumbled something while he came out of the glory hole room and then exited the gateway room into the hallway. Peter tiptoed into the glory hole room on cue and saw his mother hanging out from the upper hole this evening. Obviously, she was receiving oral pleasure, when Ernst had been called to the door. Her legs, while splayed open, were hanging downwards. Peter admired her open pussy that was glistening with his dad's saliva, and loads of her own juices.

Peter was in heaven, and this opportunity to go down on his mother was God's Christmas gift to him. He kissed her legs and went up to her thighs at a comfortable pace. Peter knew his father was not going to come back in soon. By the time her pussy was eye level to his face, he smelled the delicious aroma of mother's juice, leaking profusely. Peter could guess how much his mother was waiting for, what was coming next. His hands around both her thighs hefted them and perched them on his shoulders. Peter moved ahead and kissed her pussy.

He licked, kissed, and sucked his mother's pussylips.

Helene locked her legs behind his head and was cumming instantly while moaning.

"UUUUHHHHHH. UUUUHHHH." it was as if her pussy spoke in his mouth.

Peter gave a confirmation back, "muuah."

Out front, on their pebbled driveway, Ernst was listening to carol singers organized by Peter. Young girls sang in beautiful symphonies one carol after another. Ernst could not find the courage to turn back small young girls from their door and offered them pastries before they left.

By the time Ernst managed to discharge the performance from the front porch, with as much politeness he could muster in his aroused state, Helene was well into her third orgasm and cumming like an open tap. Her legs that had locked Peter's head into her pussy were supported by her hands pulling his head into her pussy, pulling him with his hair.

She was shouting, "uuuuuunnnngghhh." She was cumming like she meant it and gave all her strength to pull him back into her, where he came from. Her hands pulled him with his hair, her legs locked behind him adding pressure, on his shoulders and neck.

Peter had propped his phone on the side and had lost a direct view of what was happening outside. He struggled to unclasp his mother's hands from behind his head to see the camera. He panicked. The front door was closed, and the hallway camera showed footsteps far too close for him to be able to jump out of the room without coming face to face with his father.

Peter freed himself from his mother's grasp, and left her hanging, trying to figure out what to do next. In a split second available, he hid himself behind the heavy door that had the sideboard rack mounted on it. He was not in plain view, but the risk was that, in a matter of seconds, he and his father would be on the same side of the glory hole wall and in the same enclosed room.

As soon as Ernst entered the glory hole room, he saw his wife's legs hanging loose, quivering and shaking. Her hands, which moments earlier, were holding Peter's head in her pussy were now covering her pussy and slowly petting the pussylips. Ernst assumed she started fingering herself as she had been waiting for him.

Helene was about to retreat when Ernst took charge and started licking her. Helene's hands that were still on his side of the glory hole wall, went behind Ernst's head and pulled him in her pussy. With his father unable to see any activity on his side of the wall, other than what he was doing in his wife's pussy, Peter beat a hasty retreat.

Truly spent, Helene climaxed the final time that afternoon, this time on a different tongue. By then, Peter was in his car. He started the engine and went for a drive. He had a doubt but couldn't really nail it down because his ears were tightly plugged by his mother's thighs. He thought he heard her cry out his name when she was cumming. Did she? Why would she do that?

Ernst's parents - Heidi and Stefan - always joined the family for a Christmas dinner. It had become a long time family tradition of sorts. Sometimes they would stay for more than a day, but mostly they would stay for a night.

When Stefan was diagnosed with advanced dementia, about two years ago, he was admitted to an old-age care home for proper care. Ernst had ensured that he was getting the best possible care, but everyone knew his situation was not going to be improving much from hereon ahead.

Heidi, on the other hand, was fairly fit for her age. She would soon be sixty-two in a couple of months. Heidi lived alone in their hometown, managing perfectly well in a substantial house. She had to herself a driver-cum-assistant, a woman from Poland, and also office staff who mulled around her home because she managed Stefan's business from home, mostly to keep herself busy. She visited Stefan daily.

Like last year, Heidi came alone for the traditional family get-together on Christmas. Until later on Christmas Day, they all enjoyed dinner and drinks together.

While relaxing on the ground floor sitting room, Heidi gave gifts to the three of them; Ernst and Helene gave her a vinyl-record player for a gift. Heidi has been a musician back in her days, and her impressive collection of vinyl-records needed a better record player than the one she had. She loved her gift.

Somewhere during the fun and games, Peter stood up and held his grandma in the center of the room and kissed her lips in front of everyone. When Heidi looked at him quizzingly and surprised, he signaled toward the mistletoe she had been standing under and then hugged her.

With cheerfulness and joy around them, they partied as the night went on. Her new record player was tested, and everyone danced on old, slow songs; Peter with Heidi, and Ernst with Helene, switching partners often, every little while jostling to get under the mistletoe hanging from the chandelier.

When their dance ended, Ernst went to the record player to turn it off, and Peter took Heidi's lips under the mistletoe, kissing her respectfully on her lips one last time.

Ernst came to them and took his mother's arm from Peter to kiss her one final time under the mistletoe, also on her lips without any tongue. Helene looked at them, standing closeby, and suddenly lightbulbs in her mind flashed as if she had become enlightened with worldly knowledge, from within.

Helene stepped forward and tapped Ernst off, smiling towards him. Helene looked on and smiled, now more sure of herself than ever. Ernst made way for her, as Helene stepped forward and took Heidi's lips and kissed her slowly. Then again and again. Five minutes later, Helene was still in Heidi's mouth even as Peter and Ernst gawked at the ladies conjugate.

When Helene freed Heidi, softly pecking her one final time, she wished her, "Merry Christmas!" Heidi was overwhelmed, her head was buzzing, but gave back a controlled grin.

They all eventually retreated for the night around twelve in the night. Everyone was exhausted and somewhat drunk. As was expected, Heidi stayed over for the night in the third bedroom on the first floor. This was their usual room whenever Heidi and Stefan decided to stay back.

After changing for the night in her ensuite bathroom, instead of heading to her bed, Helene picked the phone and called Sara. Ernst knew this as her ritual and went on under the covers as she stepped into the sitting room outside their bedroom.

Helene had been exchanging messages with Sara all evening.

Her phone call with Sara was a confirmatory call of sorts, and it was the shortest conversation she had had with Sara in months.

"Going ahead," Helene confirmed as if on a do or die mission.

"Love you," Sara replied as if sending her emissary on a mission.

Helene blew Sara a kiss good night, chucked the phone on the sofa, and entered Peter's room without knocking.

Peter was waiting for his mother.

She came next to his bed and shed her gown. She looked far more cool doing it, as against what she felt inside. She was burning with desire and lust, on her inside.

Her gown found the floor, without much fanfare, and she stood stark naked in front of Peter.

Shocked to see his mother naked, he leapt up from his shoulders, elbows behind him on the bed. Instead of looking towards her breasts and her pussy, he looked at her face trying to find an explanation. No words came out of him even as he looked on.

She flippantly said, "since you are going to claw my nightie off anyway, I thought it might be best if I came without one."

Bizarrely, she didn't explain the lack of panties. Peter had overtly never touched her pussy. That was about to change though.

She did not bend on him, nor did she kiss him, but she let him admire her for a long while. Belatedly, Peter raised his right hand reaching out, inviting her under the covers.

She looked towards his boxers, visible when he lifted half the covers, and said, "don't you think it's unfair?"

He found no logic in what was expected, but it would be stupid to argue with his mother at this point. His boxers came off and revealed a rock hard boner almost pink, pulsing with blood.

Helene took the covers in her hand and crawled ahead with her knees on either side to line his dick below her pussy and sat crushing it between them. Her wet pussylips wrapped his dick, and she rode it flat on his stomach. She moved up and down on his dick massaging it with her pussy, as it remained crushed between his belly and her pussy, growing another inch. Her hands pressed on his chest to find support.

There was nothing obscure about her movements. There wasn't even a show of trying to kiss him as yet. Her juices lathered his dick as she moved slowly covering it with liquid gold she was producing.

A few minutes of this agonizing stimulation and Helene eventually bent forward, taking his lips with hers. She kissed him with passion like she meant business.

Helene's body felt hot under his hands as if she was running a fever. Peter's open palms crawled all over her back and then ventured on his bums without compunction. He egged her butt to buck on his dick as he made love to her mouth. Her pussy's entrance had lifted back an inch with her leaning forward into his lips.

As she continued to kiss him lovingly, Helene brought her hands behind her son's head, in his hair. She tousled his hair, rubbed his hair, played with his hair extravagantly, and for the first time thanked God that Ernst was bald.

Then Helene lifted her chest back up, her hands lightly pushing his chest as if asking him to stay back. Her pussy lips enveloped the girth of his dick again.

As she sat on his dick, still moving forward and back, she asked him, "You know your father does not have hair on his head, right?"

In his cloudy state-of-mind, Peter thought he hadn't heard his mother right. At first, he did not understand, but as she looked into his eyes, it sank in, and his heartbeat sped up to a hundred and kept going higher. His mother knew that he had fucked her and sucked her pussy.

Peter had been a blatant fool and didn't think it through when he was licking her pussy she held his head inside her quim. His mother had held his hair as she pulled him in. Peter was stupid enough, to not remember that just the previous day he had unclasped his mother's ankles to get her legs on his shoulders while fucking her, and then she had locked her legs behind his head. How could she not feel his long wavy hair on her legs?

It was as if Peter was hit by a truck loaded with bricks. He felt as if his mother might just bring out a knife and chuck it in his chest, for his deceit. He felt small, and he felt like a creep.

Peter did not realize that his cock had vanished from between them and had gone inside his mother's pussy. As he looked into her eyes, offering an apology as she squeezed her pussy and clasped his cock hard. She had moved her hips higher and downed herself on his dick, taking him in, until he was way inside her.

Helene smiled as only she could. His heartbeat slowed and returned to a hundred. She started bucking on his cock slowly. He could not believe what had just happened. It was like falling off an airplane to land on your feet.

Helene's bucking gained momentum, and his fear turned into euphoria. His hands on her butt helped her hesitantly. Their eyes locked in love and devotion.

Helene was so overwhelmed with her overt act of fucking her own child that she yelped when she came. Her Rodeo position copied Sara's from the calendar, as she ran it in her mind.

"UUUUUUUNNNNNGGGGGHHH," was her shout, as if she wanted the world to know what she had just done.

Undoubtedly Heidi heard her, who was clear that Helene was getting some action tonight.

Before she could finish cumming, Peter turned her from above him. Laying her down on her back, angled again at her pussy Peter reentered his mother. She was numb from inside and out. He started slowly shoving into her back and forth. Before she could climb down from her sexual high, he had his mother going back up. He regularly shoved into her, with his unique thuds, reminded her of the two days of similar loving that she had received. Peter would shove hard and paused for a couple of seconds before he withdrew to repeat. She marked it inside her pussy as her son's patent style.

When he sprayed his cum inside her, he grunted like he had succeeded in some lifelong goal, "AAAAAAGGHHHHH." He did not shout, but Helene did.

She was cumming like it was her first orgasm of the night, and it shook from head to toe. Helene did not let eye contact, between her son and herself, waver. They looked into each other's eyes and humped as she grunted her, "UNNNNGH." Not loud like her previous grunt but loud enough to tell him, 'thank you, my son.'

They could have made love all night. But she had other things on her mind. She felt energized for some reason. Clearly it was more because of things running in her mind, than her physical activity.

They lay in each other's arms for a brief while, cuddling. Peter wanted to restart and was kissing her relentlessly between their two sessions. But she squeezed out from under him.

As he lay on his back again, she kissed Peter "good night" and left. He wanted to talk, but she was not interested at the moment.

Peter could not believe what had just happened. He started believing in God and thanked his good fortune. The turn of events had him gobsmacked.

Outside Peter's room, Helene reached for her phone lying on the sofa. She found a cowgirl gif emoji while looking for a cowgirl hat, and pressed send.

Sara, on the other end of the world, laughed herself silly as she imagined Helene rocking on Peter in a manner the girl in the gif was bucking on the dummy rodeo horse. Message received.

Instead of going towards her own bedroom, Helene turned instead towards Heidi's bedroom. She knocked lightly, enough for Heidi to have heard it and entered without waiting for a response.

Heidi's room was dark, but as Helene entered, light from outside the room broke the darkness inside. Clearly, Heidi wasn't sleeping. As Helene reached near her bed, Heidi looked towards her, surprised.

Helene's robe was on her shoulders, but she had not tightened the belt. That left her front bare for Heidi to look at. Even though Helene's breasts were covered from the lapels, her pussy mound was out in the open.

Helene bent on Heidi's head and kissed her on the lips, "Hi."

Heidi, kissing her back, replied, "Hey."

Helene pulled the covers from Heidi and took her hand, and pulled on it as if asking to sit up. When Helene had her sitting up on the edge of the bed, she bent and kissed Heidi again a few times on the lips before stepping back, and started pulling on Heidi's hand again, asking her to come along.

Helene led the way with Heidi's hand in hers. She was only lightly tugging Heidi, who walked behind her daughter-in-law in her own dazed mental cloudiness. When they entered Helene's bedroom, the door clicked to let Ernst know she was entering. He was under the cover but had not slept yet. On seeing his mother being led by Helene inside, he was as confused as his mother.

Helene stopped only when she had reached her side of the bed and left Heidi's hand. She brought up her hands on her shoulders to shrug the gown off. Night light filtered dimly into the room from the bathroom. Heidi saw a completely naked well-built Helene and was immediately in awe of her beauty. Heidi had never in her life kissed or touched a woman sexually. All that was going to change soon.

Helene let Heidi admire her for a little while, and then brought her head down on Heidi's and kissed her one more time, with her tongue going in. Her hands were busy on Heidi's gown. As she kissed Heidi, her hands unsnapped Heidi's bra and let her saggy, but large, breasts fall in front. Helene bent in front of Heidi and helped her step out of the knickers she was wearing. "Not bad," Helene thought. She did not come up instantly but kissed Heidi's mound once.

She stood up and asked Heidi, as if it was a question, "Would you like to sleep with us please?"

Helene gave little pressure on Heidi's shoulders to make her sit and then shuffle back towards the middle. In another world, Heidi could have died of embarrassment, had she found herself naked in front of her son kissing a woman, but Helene had made this magic happen with so much love that no one could even question the normalcy of the scenario. Ernst just looked towards them in amazement.

Heidi kept facing Helene and her eyes moist with emotions. Helene kissed her innumerable times as if urging her into considering this as a loving gesture on her part. Heidi brought her hands cupping Helene's face and kissed her affectionately. Helene's hands flew behind Heidi and pulled Heidi's shoulder and head into her mouth. A minute later, Helene's hand left Heidi's head to search for Ernst without looking behind Heidi.

Heidi shivered as her back felt her son's hand. Nuzzling Heidi's neck, Helene's reached out her hand on Ernst's hip to pull him forward. When she felt Ernst's pajamas bottom on him, she left Heidi's neck to look at him as if he was being rude.

She glared at him, amazed as if asking, 'Do you want this or not?'

He shuffled with boyish urgency, and without waiting for Helene to pull on him again, nestled his dick inside his mother's butt-crack. Helene was kissing the side of Heidi's neck and could feel the low moan in her throat and shiver in her spine.

Helene smiled in Heidi's neck.

As the dual assault on Heidi continued, she was soppy wet. She had not had sex in over three years and the sinfulness of what she was doing was way too much for her.

Ernst pushed his forearm between her thighs and hooked her left thigh up to find space enough for his dick to enter.

As Ernst sank in her, Heidi moaned passionately, "mmmmmm," in Helene's mouth. His slow climb-down into his mother spoke volumes of love he had for her, considering how turned-on he was at that moment.

Ernst fucked his mother with love and passion, and yet slow enough to relish the moment forever. Heidi nestled into her daughter-in-law, and they looked into each other's face and eyes.

Heidi's eyes were thanking Helene for what she had made them do. Helene's eyes only thanked Heidi back in appreciation for returning the love.

As Ernst's jerks became urgent, Helene took Heidi's mouth and pushed her tongue inside.

Both Ernst and Heidi exulted their climax together within a few seconds, overwhelmed by the depravity of their actions.

Heidi moaned her climax in Helene's mouth, "mmuuuaaaa."

This was one of those rare nights when Ernst wanted to double-tap his lover. He was so charged up that he took hold of his mother and turned her towards him, kissing her like a lover. They exchanged some twenty sloppy kisses, and he turned his mother on her back before finding his position on top of her, between her legs. Her head was resting on Helene's arm, high up near her shoulder. As Ernst rose up to line his dick in front of Heidi's pussy, he looked down on two of the most beautiful women in his life. His eyes remained locked with Heidi's, and he sought permission to enter as if it was their first time, and her eyes invited him in.

He descended into her with love and devotion in his heart; lust and desire in his eyes. His cock found bottom as she responded with arching her hips upwards. Finding no attention from her husband, Helene turned her head towards Heidi and started licking her ears. Heidi's hands were on Ernst's shoulders, pulling him, as she let him give her what she wanted badly.

Ernst willed himself to slow and made love to his mother as he longed for this day his entire life and thanked Helene in his mind. He remembered she was lying next to them and looked sideways towards Helene.

Their eyes communicated, she asked, "like it." teasing.

Ernst's saying, "thank you for this. I love it more than anything in the world."

Mother and son slept in each others' arms until it was morning. Helene was sleeping on her back, her lips wide from ear-to-ear in a smile of contentment.

This was a Christmas night the family won't forget, ever.


Sara asked Adam, "Do you think you can manage to stay somewhere else, for some time." It was a very odd question for Adam coming from Sara. Clearly, it was not even a question, but a request.

Adam surprisingly checked, "What's wrong?"

Sara clarified, "Helene is coming over, and we want to be alone for some time to figure out stuff."

Adam and Sara had discussed already that their relationship was momentary, and he had assured her that he would move-on at the right time. That discussion was more than a year ago, and they had only gotten closer until Helene came into her life.

Ironically, it seemed like Sara was ready to move-on before Adam was going to.

Adam made the grim situation somewhat lighthearted, "So you are throwing me out?"

Sara chuckled at the expression, "you can call it that if you want to."

Adam asked, "When is she arriving?"

Sara replied, "In the new year, on sixth."

Adam trudged along, "When is she leaving."

Sara snapped, "None of your business," but maintained her cool.

Adam knew not to go ahead on the topic. Without having heard it in as many words, he was also aware that when she said 'for some time', it was bound to be much longer than 'some time.'


In the morning, on Zweite Feiertag, it was time for Second Celebrations.

Heidi was up and was holding Ernst nestling in her bosom as he slept. Heidi's arms completely covering his head as if he was hiding between her breasts from a monster called reality. Helene leaned over Heidi's head. She held Heidi's face from the opposite cheek pulling Heidi into her mouth. She kissed Heidi on her lips, wished her a warm-hearted, "good morning."

Before she got up, Helene lowered into Heidi's ear and whispered, "I'm going to wake Peter up. No need to come on down. I'll fetch breakfast upstairs."

Heidi mouthed a silent "thank you."

Helene kissed Heidi once more on her cheek and left the lovers in her bed nuzzling into each other.

Helene was actually the first to get up, and felt as energetic as ever, having found purpose. She left her bedroom, walking towards the door as she pulled on her gown over her naked self.

The gown stayed on her shoulders for less than a minute, because as soon as she entered Peter's room, she shrugged her gown walking towards his bed, where she dumped it before climbing up in his bed.

After many days, she had actually found a sleeping Peter. Usually, on occasions when Ernst was home, he would be awake waiting for his mother's, 'good morning'.

Helene went under the covers and went to work on his dick. Peter woke up soon enough to find his mother sucking him. By the time she got him near bursting, she turned on the bed and went up to the headboard and sat with her back to it, adding some cushions on her lower back. She pulled Peter to rise up in front of her, and get on his knees. When Peter had positioned himself astride her, his dick lined in front of her mouth, she pulled on her son's cock and started sucking it again.

They were in a position from Sara's calendar replicating the April pose - Man on High. She sucked on until Peter shot his load in her mouth, and she hungrily swallowed everything that was offered.

Her "good morning, Peter" came last, when she was getting up. He wanted her to stay for longer, but she had a plan to attend to.

While downstairs in the kitchen, she sipped coffee and gave a blow by blow details to Sara. Most importantly, Helene informed Sara about her plan, and that left Sara in awe of her love. Sara reminded herself why she loved this woman. Even while she was planning her own future, she made sure she had taken care of everything and everyone. There was no machiavellian bone in her body, she was made only of love and compassion.


Helene asked Sara, "I want to do all of your positions with Peter." It was as if she was seeking permission instead of an announcement.

Sara thought about it only for a moment before saying, "you don't need me to permit you or tell you to do it or not. Even though the point is moot, think about Peter before going ahead. I know he has taken the first step, but you need to be the person in control."

Helene absorbed what Sara was saying. They had already discussed this over the last two days for many hours. As soon as Helene came to doubt it - about Peter being on the other side of the glory hole - she had told Sara, and the plan for laying on the upper hole the next day was devised together by the ladies. Their plan hit bang on-target with Peter's hair in Helene's hands, as he sucked her to orgasm.

The first day Helene had come to doubt it, the second day she was sure of it, the third day she wanted it.

Helene, replied, "Sara, Besides the fact that it was Peter who made love to me, I want to feel what you did; I want to feel it the way you did."

It wasn't a reckless thought on Helene's part but a level of commitment that was backed by a rapacious desire to converge with Sara at their heart, body, and soul.

Sara understood where Helene was coming from and loved her only more.

They had eleven days, until January the fifth, when Peter would return to Berlin, and Helene would board a flight to Los Angeles. Sara resolved to take Helene through all the positions in the Kama Sutra Calendar along with their sequences in which to achieve them.

Sara replied, "let's do it then."

Helene got her answer, and let Sara off the hook to let her sleep a few hours.

Sara, on her part, could not sleep, and the thought of Helene going to replicate her positions with Peter was too much for her. She fucked Adam twice that night, ideating and implementing what she would be guiding Helene to do.

When Sara woke up the next morning, completely satisfied sexually, it was evening time for Helene in Germany. They had a twenty-minute long chat that had Helene charged up more than she could handle.

Helene, during the course of the day, had warmed up for her sequence for later that night. She brought Ernst and his mother breakfast in bed, just like Ernst had when Helene and Sara lazed in bed. She felt so content when she saw the two locked in arms and kissing when she entered without knocking.

"Good morning," Helene announced.

She got wished in return by Heidi, "Good Morning" and "good morning, my love," by Ernst.

All three enjoyed breakfast together and did not once address the elephant in the room directly.

Heidi told them both about her plan for leaving later in the afternoon, "I should be headed back after lunch, so I am back home before nightfall."

Helene was clear as day with Heidi, "Nonsense. Heidi, you cannot go." She was not asking but demanding that Heidi stay back. She looked at Ernst and asked him to pitch in.

Ernst, still holding his mother on his arm, "Mother, you can stay a few days," and added, "Please stay until New Year's."

By the end of breakfast, Heidi was persuaded to stay until New year's day.

Heidi went to her room to have her shower and got ready to meet them all in the sitting room on the first floor.

All three of them relaxed until lunch, with Peter out of home until late in the afternoon. They had their lunch without Peter, who joined them after lunch. Peter had to cancel some other arrangements he had organized.

Heidi and Helene jointly prepared lunch. As they all sat on the ground floor, post their lunch.

When Peter came in, he was freezing, not having worn enough layers on him. He saw all of them under blankets, his dad and mom under one and his grandma in another. He quickly joined his grandmother under the blanket.

Heidi shrieked, "Peter, you are cold." and shucked the blanket, and herself, away from him.

Peter mewed like a puppy, laughed it off as if he was intentionally teasing his grandmother, "ha, ha, ha, ha, ha"

They all laughed for a while before, Helene, moving away from Ernst opened her arms to Peter to join her in the blanket.

Helene asked, "Ernst, can you sit in Heidi's blanket for a while?" She asked genuinely as if she needed Ernst's approval.

Ernst willingly joined Heidi, and Peter gratefully joined his mother under the blanket. Helene immediately jerked as his chilled hands, and cold clothes touched her perfectly warm body.

They all laughed again.

Containing her reaction, she let him nuzzle up and cuddle. Peter did an extra show of it for his grandmother.

They moved back to a topic of their conversation, which became irrelevant after a short while.

Peter had snaked his hand inside his mother's panties and was cupping her pussy in his hand; his head had tilted into his mother's shoulder as a loving son's.

Helene had reflexively brought her hand on his initially to pull it off, then she had let it stay to warm up even while holding it just so he does not go any further. Eventually, Helene held his hand tightly, keeping it in place, just so he did not decide to move it away. Their hands moved in up and down direction just a fraction, no more than an inch, every few seconds; enough for the friction to rank up the heat inside her quim and in his hand. The movement under the blanket was invisible from the outside.

Ernst had used his position next to his mother, to catch hold of her right breast. A bulky mammary weighed in his hand, and he squeezed it just enough, so as not to make her jerk or his shenanigan to be evident from outside.

None was keen to leave their spots, even while their conversation had long died down. But the actors in the scene maintained the facade of normalcy, and eventually, Heidi gave it up, offering to start dinner.

She stood up slowly so as to allow Ernst to withdraw his hand, without being discovered. Helene followed suit, but with great difficulty, because Peter was reluctant to pull his hand out of her panties.

As Helene stood up, she looked at Ernst as he was signaling something.

Helene looked up to see what he meant, and then realized he was signaling towards the mistletoe, under which both Helene and Heidi stood, ready to turn towards the kitchen.

Helene smiled taking hold of Heidi's shoulders and planted her first kiss of the evening on her. Helene's kiss on Heidi was loving, tender, and without pretenses. They tongued for quite a while.

Peter had a major hard-on already and could not help but give the lead to his father, who stood up and took over from Helene and kissed his mother, even as he kept his hand around Helene's shoulder ensuring she didn't slip away.

Ernst's kiss on his mother's lips was deep, wet, and loving. Then he turned towards Helene and gave her a wet, smooth, and tongue-infused kiss to which the audience clapped. Peter got carried over in the moment and stood up to take over from his dad and gave his mother a kiss that meant business. Helene kept her hands in front of her to push him sufficiently, telling him to slow down.

As Heidi made dinner, Helene tinkered around her in the kitchen, and they discussed general stuff, making no issue of the fun they just had in the drawing-room.

At the dinner table, the congeniality of a family dinner did not even hint at the depravity of the sexual fantasies of the four.

Later that evening, after supper, the pairs transferred to the first floor for a nightcap and comfortably settled on the sofas there.

Peter went into his room first, kissing his grandmother "good night" on the lips; Ernst left for his bedroom sometime later, leaving the crucial decision to the ladies for the next part.

Helene and Heidi kept chatting for a bit longer, and Helene got up and reached out for Heidi's hand. Heidi gave her hand willingly into Helene's and got tugged to Ernst's bedroom without any reluctance.

As they reached the bed, Helene went for Heidi's gown and nightie to find her braless. She bent down and kissed Heidi, into her lips, french kissing her mother-in-law with love and compassion. She nudged Heidi to sit back and kneeled in front of her to take her panties off.

The fact that her daughter-in-law was disrobing her so she could lay in bed for her son and to make love to him all night, sent tingles in Heidi's spine. Not one bone in her told her that anything in what was happening was unnatural. The only thing that went through her mind was exhilaration and excitement.

When Heidi was snuggled into the middle, Helene rose on top of her and lay full length on Heidi. Their breasts mashed, their lips joint and their hands behind each other. Ernst less than a foot away was ready to burst in his pajamas.

Helene eventually gave control of the next part of Heidi's sexual gratification to her husband, who willingly took over. Instead of going straight into fucking his mother, Ernst went down to business in her pussy and started kissing her body on his way down.

Helene spoke softly, "Ernst, I will speak to Sara, say good night to Peter and will come back soon."

Ernst was lost in another world and couldn't give a damn. Heidi's mouth was open and exclaiming. Her lips were apart but no noise came through them. Helene, pulled her hands to Heidi's cheeks and caressed her lovingly, bent on top of her lips, and kissed her once more before getting down from the bed.

Helene had not taken her gown off, and she walked out in the sitting room.

In the sitting room, "Sara, I need it very bad. I am beyond horny at this point." Helene said.

Sara, who had herself had a sex-filled night, replied in a husky voice, "I love you, Helene." Sara was still in bed, it was morning in California, and she told Helene that Adam had fucked her twice last night in the sequence that she wanted Helene to enjoy with Peter. She explained to Sara the array of positions as part of the sequence.

Helene heard Sara with as much attention as she could muster, "thank you, Sara. I Love you."

Helene knocked on Peter's door lightly and walked in without waiting for a response. On the foot of the bed, she shed her gown and then slipped off her nightie, looking towards Peter, who soaked in the naked beauty of his mother.

Peter was naked under his covers and pulled the cover to invite her in. Helene silently moved in, and they locked in a lover's embrace and hugged tight. They kissed like lovers and eased into each other's bodies. Their burning skin signaled their inner heat and their carnal needs.

Before Helene could even ease into her predetermined position or start with the planned sequence, Peter was deep inside her. Even though Helene was on top, neither were bucking to fuck the other. Peter rested inside as if he was home, only their lips and tongues played with each other.

As much as Helene desired to go through the sequence she had discussed with Sara, which required Ernst to be on top, she was powerless to what her body was making her do. She started humping in a slow churn of her hips. Within minutes both of them were humping wildly, and the pent up desires made them both climax.

The day-long foreplay of kissing and groping had made them heady.

Peter shouted his grunt, "UUUUNNGGHH." Loud enough for the confines of the walls.

Helene felt no compulsions to keep it down and announced her climax, "Ppppppeeeeeter....hhhuuuuhhhhh."

Her voice echoed in the hall as if a mother was calling her recalcitrant son to, 'come down and have dinner this instant'.

Trying to recover, Helene fell on Peter, and lay on top of him; his dick still hard inside her. She stayed with her head high on his chest, and Peter rubbed her back calmly. When her breathing settled, Helene smiled at the fountain of youth as his cock pulsed inside her.

Second day in a row, she had fucked him sitting astride his cock. Then they started making out and kissing. Her mouth caught his tongue and let him shove his tongue into her, to compliment the entry down below.

By the time they retreated to breathe in some air for their lungs, their crotches were shoving heavily. The sheer lust and desire of her sexual need made her eyes droopy, and his humping became urgent, even though he was shoving upwards into her.

To increase his access inside her, Peter turned in the bed and let his mother fall on her back, disengaging them. Peter urgently entered her again with little fanfare and started humping her, as she lay under him.

Peter started his patented long thumps and halts in her pussy. If her eyes did not believe that it was her son making love to her, the pussy confirmed the patent thuds were indeed those of her son. Their second fuck lasted just five minutes, but their bodies were sweating as if they had been at it for fifty.

Peter again exclaimed first, 'UUUURNNGH' but his thrusts never stopped. His cock remained inside her, and he continued to shove.

Helene was in another world and sexual delirium. She climaxed her orgasm, pulling him into her mouth. She wanted to be sure that it was her son in her mouth and in her pussy, at the same time.

Her moan and her cry were muffled, but her pleasure was out of the world.

She let go of her muscles as a major climax hit her, and she squirmed and slithered under him. Eventually, her mouth disengaged from his, but she still could not shout out loud.

When she joined her husband and her mother-in-law in bed, she was naked and leaking. She did not have the energy to shower and fell on her back next to Heidi, not camouflaging her coming into bed. She flopped and spooned Heidi, who was snuggling into Ernst.

Heidi was sleepy, but Ernst was still up, trying to figure out what had happened to his life. How did his simple, good life become this sexual harem? He reached past Heidi and cupped Helene's cheek as she fell asleep.

They woke almost in the same position, more entangled than when they had slept.

When Helene got up, she found mother and son nuzzling into each other. Helene kissed Heidi on her cheek, whose face was still inside Ernst's chest. Then she went up towards Ernst and kissed him on the lips.

Helene wished them, "Good morning."

As the mother and son lay in their arms, Helene announced, "I'll fetch breakfast, and I will go wake up Peter."

Before she could get out of the room, trying to gather the gown on her shoulders, she looked back to see that Heidi had climbed on top of Ernst.

He was deep inside his mother, and she slowly started bucking. Helene stopped only for a moment, before going out smiling towards the kitchen to brew fresh coffee and make breakfast.

"Sara, I got carried away, and we did something completely opposite to what you had told me." Helene guiltily reported to Sara, as coffee was brewing.

Sara laughed at the other end, "haha. I am not surprised. Peter must not have been able to keep his hands off of you."

Helene sheepishly said, "it was more me than him, I'm sorry to disappoint you," wanting to sound naughty to Sara.

They exchanged some banter, and Helene laid out a plan in which she intended to discuss straight up with Peter what she wanted to be done over the next ten days. She asked Sara, "what do you say?"

"Sure, whatever works? Besides, you will need him to participate willingly if you have to do all the sequences."

Helene took the breakfast tray to her bedroom and went into the bathroom to freshen up. By the time she came out, Ernst and Heidi were up, sipping coffee.

Helene lay on the bed, arched on her elbow, opposite Ernst and Heidi - near their feet. All of them talked about what they should be doing today.

They laughed around and decided to play hooky throughout the day. Helene told them, "Stay in the room until I come back with Lunch."

Helene left with the tray in her hands and her gown that she had worn after her shower had loosened more than it should have. Her breasts jostling to come out, revealing cleavage. She bent down and kissed Heidi before leaving the room and pushed the door shut with her foot, giving them privacy.

Helene kept the tray on the coffee table outside, in the sitting room, and entered Peter's bedroom. Her entry was unannounced but certainly not unwelcome. Peter was already sitting up, under his covers, waiting for his mother to kiss him 'good morning.'

As soon as he saw her, his face brightened like a light bulb, and his grin widened.

Helene did not shuck her gown and sat opposite him, explaining.

"Peter, I have something I'd like us to do." Helene offered.

Puzzled, Peter asked, "Sure, what is it?"


Over the next ten days, Helene made love to Peter in the entire array of positions that Sara had done with Adam in the calendar and also in the sequence which were not apparent in the calendar that Sara explained over the phone. Helene spoke with Sara twice a day for at least half an hour each, to exchange notes. Helene was the newest devotee and proponent of the ancient Indian art of Kama Sutra.

Over the next ten days, Sara made love to Adam in all the Kama Sutra calendar positions and the sequence they entailed. Sara was also overwhelmed with the fact that Helene was doing exactly what she herself was doing with her own son. Each morning Helene would call Sara to tell her about the nights' actions and enthrall Sara with the blow by blow details. Each evening she received Sara's call for the sequence for the night, which Helene executed with enthusiasm.

Over the next ten days, Helene tallied all the positions and sequences that Sara had told her about - Oral, Peter on top, Helene on top, mutual, standing, sitting, and even acrobatic.

Helene had not allowed Heidi to leave, and she found a permanent place between Helene and Ernst. Apart from the regular lovemaking, Ernst had found comfort, love, and closeness he had not felt in decades. His deeper, darker fantasy had been fulfilled. Something he had never told anyone, not even Helene. But Helene knew as a mother would.

Over the next ten days, Peter kissed his mother on the lips in front of Heidi and his father, but never went overboard with his tongue or his hands. Ernst kissed his mother in front of Peter and Helene but rarely used his tongue in her mouth. Helene on the other hand kissed Heidi many times a day, on the lips with tongue. Mistletoe had lost its relevance, and the roof of the house was mistletoe for all of them. They kissed the ladies at will; and the ladies kissed each other at will. Each gesture filled with love.

With Heidi, Helene had found a kind of love and relief. With Heidi around, Helene felt a massive weight off of her shoulders, and she was overjoyed for that. Helene needed to be sure of what she would do in LA when with Sara, and the fact that Heidi was home, was an immense relief to her. Kissing Heidi every few hours was Helene's way of thanking her and expressing gratitude, for something Heidi had not even agreed for yet. Though Helene had little doubt in that.

Over the ten days, all four of them enjoyed the vacation at home and relished the company abundantly. They would spend hours in bed, then eat and play games together. They would dance to music and be touchy, feely to a level that was well beyond natural for mothers and sons.


New Year's eve was a highlight for all of them. Helene and Heidi prepared a big meal, and they all drank up and danced until late into the night.

When the clock struck twelve, Peter's tongue was way inside Helene's, and Ernst was inside his mother's. They both exchanged the ladies and kissed and wished them 'Happy New Year'. In the brief gap provided by the guys, Helene kissed Heidi with lots of tongue and wished her 'Happy New Year.' Eventually, Peter and Ernst reclaimed their mothers and took back possession of their lips and mouths, as if confirming new year resolutions into their mouths.

Ernst took his mother upstairs, all charged up and ready to give his mother the first fuck of the year. Helene and Peter stayed back down. Helene told Ernst she wanted to call Sara and would join them soon.

Helene called Sara and wished her, "Happy New Year, my love," with Peter resting his head on her lap. As she spoke with Sara, her hand tousled into Peter's hair.

Sara wished her back, "Happy New Year, darling. I miss you very much."

Helene replied, "me too."

Sara promised, "I promise you, I am never going to have a new year's eve without you, ever. I will not leave your side until the day I die."

Helene was talking to Sara, and Peter moved on the carpet and started licking her legs. He moved towards Helene's thighs, and it made her quiver.

Peter's hot and sloppy kisses left a trail of saliva on her legs.

By the time Helene was going to respond to Sara, Helene had forgotten what she wanted to say.

Her whimpering told Sara everything, "Are you with peter?"

Helene could only nod, "mm...hhh."

Sara laughed and wished her good luck with the night's sequence and let the lovers be.

Helene let Peter lick her and then lifted her hips to let her panties come off. Peter's head went inside under her dress and found home in her pussy lips. He licked her to a frenzy.

She stood up briefly to take her dress off as well, then came down her bra, after which she sat back completely naked in the family drawing room of their home. Her actions made Peter conscious of what was expected, and he started taking off his clothes in a hurry.

Peter assumed he had induced his mother to go on impulse to make love in the drawing-room.

Helene stood up and pushed him back to the sofa, and as he sat back slumped, she rode his lap with her knees resting on the sofa on the outside of his legs. Helene's feet hung down from below the ankles. Her pussy was lined on top of his crotch, and her pelvis moved in the direction of his dick.

She reached down to hold him straight up and descended on his cock as it impaled her inch by agonizing inch. She was swooning by the time she reached down to the base of his cock. His cock filled her thoroughly.

Peter brought his hands behind her and pulled himself forward at the same time. She brought her hands behind his head, and her elbows rested on his shoulders. She pulled him with equal force to have his face buried in between her breasts.

She was emulating the Hot Seat position from Sara's Kama Sutra calendar. Without even the fucking motion, the position became one of her favorites. It provided her the pleasure of a cock deep inside her, a loving bear hug with her son, and control of the lovemaking.

She could have sat like that for hours if nature would provide her such an opportunity, but his cock started pulsing, and her pussy started convulsing. Automatically, she started bucking and fucking her son, her first fuck in the new year.

Peter's movements were limited, and it was all Helene. His hands on her back roamed with freedom and helped her to keep going.

Before long she was cumming on his dick, "AAAANGH."

Peter held on with great resolve. As his mother fell forward deeper into his arms, he lifted her. He wanted to keep going, but his mother slumped on him wouldn't have let him. His hands went under her butt to lift his lightweight mother and scooped her while he still was inside her. He had started on a plan but got confused midway. He would have just turned and laid her on the sofa and rode her. But the urge to do something new with her, this new year, took over.

He moved towards the wall and bumped her into the wall. He plastered her back to the wall and started to hump her, using the wall as a support. Her hands flew further behind his shoulders, and she hefted herself on his shoulders so he could find space to go in and out. It was their first standing fuck, and it was fashioned after the calendar's Wall Hanging position. It was another matter that it was a day or so ahead of schedule.

Peter felt energized and pushed her into the wall with each shove. His climax came with a strong grunt, "UUUUUNNNGGHGH," and he kept pushing. His enthusiasm gave him strength; he was not done. His youth and his upper body strength came in handy.

Her climax was just on the edge but he did not have it in him to go once more in the same position. He carried her, keeping his hands hooked under her butt and moved a few feet sideways towards the kitchen island.

His quick thinking had retained his erection inside his mother and her butt perched on the edge of the kitchen island. He slowed down a little but kept slowly shoving to ensure she did not back down from the edge she had reached before her orgasm.

Helene's hands behind his shoulders hooked his head, and they kissed passionately. Peter's hands, having helped his mother down on the shelf, were free to manipulate her body. He went for her nipples and tweaked them slowly. On impulse, she pressed forward forcing a hug.

Peter's hands flew back behind her and pulled her into him. His hips started bucking as they made love in the Iron Chef position from the Calendar. She pulled him closer to give him deeper access inside her pussy, one of his went down pulling her bum, as he picked momentum and started fucking her third time that night.

Helene came with much fanfare and exulted her orgasm that echoed all through the ground floor. Her voice reverberated across the hall and the kitchen.


Peter came inside her delighted that he had got her to orgasm, "AAARGH."

They held hands while going back up and went into their respective rooms.

Helene found Ernst was deep inside Heidi when she joined them on the bed. Their bucking was luxurious and slow. Unlike the animal instincts in Peter and Helene's lovemaking, Ernst and Heidi were making real love. They found a pace that enabled a slow, loving, long fuck. They seemed to be in no rush. This was how Helene and Sara made love. She related to it, at a deeper level.

When Helene joined them on the bed, Ernst was shoving in and out of Heidi, missionary style. Helene pulled on his shoulder to let her in. She fell in between Heidi's legs. She had this compulsive urge to suck pussy.

Ernst made space for Helene, with no apparent reluctance. Helene went inside Heidi's pussy and licked her clean. By the taste of it, she found a strong smell of mixed cum of her husband and her mother-in-law. Helene lapped up and cleaned the inside and out. She attacked Heidi's clitoris and got her to orgasm as she had by now learned well.

Before Heidi could settle down, Helene left the coveted place and signaled Ernst to go ahead. By then, Ernst was too much charged to keep it slow any longer. He gave a rigorous bucking to his mother and had her cumming once again just as he started spurting inside her.

Heidi did not know what was going on in her life. She had missed this in her sixty years on earth and thanked God for giving Helene as her daughter-in-law, who had made all this happen.

A couple of days later, having made love in many exhilarating positions and sequences, Helene knew it was time for anal. She had been postponing it and did not really feel excited about doing it.

She spoke with Sara about it, "Sara, I am not comfortable doing the anal position with Peter. I know it is one of the exciting positions in your calendar, but sorry, I do not have the courage to ask Peter for something like that."

Sara, spoke softly, "Helene you must not do anything you are not comfortable with completely," adding "you hardly even needed to do what you have already done, up until today."

If Helene wanted encouragement to nudge her to do Anal with Peter, she found none from Sara. Helene kept going ahead with the rest of the set of positions that they discussed daily.

On Peter's penultimate day home, January the fourth, late in the afternoon Peter had gone out to say goodbye to his friends. Under the guise of an emergency, Peter had given the car to his friend Mack for a day, Peter had to retrieve his car back.

Helene and Heidi relaxed on the first-floor sitting room with Ernst opposite them.

After they had finished their drinks in hand, Heidi stood up to pour all of them the second glass of wine. Helene had this urge to do something she had been wanting to, and this seemed like as good a time as ever. She went to Ernst's sofa and offered him a hand to stand. Before Ernst could even get up, Helene had already unhooked her dress with just a couple of flicks, and it fell down around her ankles. Heidi poured the drinks and kept Helene's glass on the table. Helene was in the middle of undressing Ernst. Heidi was dumbstruck but didn't know what to do next. She had no option but to stay out of the way and found herself sitting on the opposite sofa, and watching this surreal event unfold in front of her.

Helene on her knees pulled his trousers and shorts off and found a semi-hard dick in front. Without even letting him step out of the trousers bunched at his ankles, she pulled his cock in her mouth. Ernst was looking into his mother's eyes as his cock was jacked by Helene in her mouth. It did not take long for him to get a full-sized boner.

Helene nudged him to lay back on the sofa. He stepped out of the trousers and lay straight on his back, and waited for the next part of Helene's plan.

As if this was a natural day-to-day thing to do, Helene picked up the glass of wine from the coffee table where Heidi had kept it. She stepped back and planted herself on his upright dick, directing it with her left hand, so she could impale herself on it.

Once he was deep inside her - her butt firmly on his pelvis - Helene crossed her right leg on her left, squeezing his cock inside her and looked towards Heidi on the opposite sofa. Helene lifted her glass to take a sip of wine Heidi had poured for her. As she straightened her back, to make him go further in, her pussy kept a tight grip of his cock. Helene looked across the sitting room towards Heidi and smiled.

Helene had been wanting to sit like a Queen from Sara's calendar cover, and this seemed like the best time to do it. Right at that moment, she swore she was going to do it with Peter before he went back.

Ernst lay straight not believing what was happening to him, She sat on his cock and was using her pussy to do tricks on him, but there was no bucking or shoving. Surely she would have spilled her drink if there were any.

Heidi was in awe of what she was witnessing, and Helene could feel it in her eyes.

Ever a loving human being, Helene took herself off from her throne, and Ernst almost cried out loud. Helene went ahead towards Heidi, on the way keeping her glass on the table. She took the glass from Heidi's hand and set it on the table. Heidi had not taken a single sip from her second glass because she was spellbound by Helene's act ever since.

Helene pulled up Heidi with a light tug and undressed her mother-in-law slowly. Once Heidi was naked as her, Helene needed very little effort to pull Heidi towards Ernst. It was also clear what was offered. Helene brought Heidi in position, in front of Ernst's hips, and turned her around. Helene bent behind Heidi to hold Ernst straight up and with her other hand pushed Heidi lightly. Her aim was perfect, and Ernst sank in like a hot knife in soft butter.

Helene went towards the table, picked up Heidi's glass, and handed it to her. Then Helene walked past the table, picking her own glass and sat opposite the new queen on the throne. Heidi acknowledging her newfound position crossed her leg and regaled Helene with the same view that she had seen moments earlier.

Helene had bequeathed her throne to Heidi. Her responsibility was now complete.

There was not a spot of jealousy in Helene, if anything she felt love towards Heidi and Ernst. She felt warmth towards both of them. She felt mature, and in her heart gave them her blessings.

Ernst lay on his back, unclear what was expected of him, as his mother sat on his dick, her legs crossed. When she felt Ernst pulse his cock inside her, unable to control herself Heidi started grinding on him. With one of her hands holding the glass, she brought her other hand on his chest, to find balance. Ernst came inside her, long before she felt her own release.

Even as Ernst was turning flaccid under her, Heidi bucked and rocked. Helene kept her almost empty glass down on the table and went ahead towards the couple.

She bent on her knees and her face buried in Helene's breasts, as Helene sucked Heidi's breasts to stoke her pleasure further. Heidi pulled Helene's head in her bosom and started releasing her juices in no time.

Her exclaims were soft and squeaky, "aaagh. Aaagh. Aaghh."

When she was done, glass still in her hand, Heidi stood up and hooked her arms around Helene.

They kissed like they meant it, and Heidi mouthed a "thank you" to Helene, which was meant to be between the ladies.

When Peter came back later in the evening, Ernst and Heidi had already gone to the bedroom and Helene was on the phone with Sara, sitting naked on the sofa.

As Peter came to hug her, she kept speaking to Sara.

In her naughty streak, she said, "and then when I was on the phone, Peter came back."

Sara on the other end of the phone was puzzled.

Peter could not understand what she was talking about, and of which instance?

"As I sat on the sofa, naked as the day I was born, he looked at me lustily and hoped to do things no son should be doing to their mothers." She carried on.

Peter watched dumbstruck, even while he kissed her neck.

"I was still on the phone when he bent and kissed his way down from my shoulder and reached my breast and took it in his lips. One of his hands roamed on my back, and the other held my right breast, squeezing it playfully." Helene continued to speak and arched her body towards Peter.

Peter moved forward and understood that her conversation on the phone was actually a command for him.

He started licking her shoulders and quickly moved down to her breast to follow through on the instructions that he believed were directed towards him.

As he sucked her breast, she moaned into the phone and her hand behind his head assuring him that he was absolutely right in catching her drift.

"After he had sucked me for a few minutes, he licked and kissed his way down towards my pussy." Helene said, and Peter followed suit.

Helene carried on, "On reaching my pussy mound he strayed on my hips and went behind me to lick my bum."

Peter was delirious and followed her instructions to the letter. While his lips were inside her ass-crack, she moaned out loud.

"He reached my pussy from behind me, and forced his lips inside my thighs to find my pussy lips," she said hoarsely.

There was an intentional long pause in her conversation, and she kept moaning, as his lips kept the assault going inside her pussy lips.

"I had my first orgasm on his tongue, and he licked me clean." Peter knew what this meant. He was supposed to make her cum and fast before she moved on to the next set of instructions. He lapped hungrily.

Helene kept moaning in the phone, "mmmmmmm," adding "I can't tell you how lovely it felt."

By the time Peter had her cumming she had gone louder in her moans, and her voice was heavy, "MMMMM MMMMM."

When Peter was able to reach her clitoris from his awkward angle behind her, she was flowing like a tap and shouted her orgasm, never leaving the phone, "MMMM.....UUUUUAAAAGHHH." Her voice was hoarse but not very loud.

Peter already had his next instruction - to lick her clean - and he eagerly did his job while keeping an ear out, waiting for her next directions.

"After he had cleaned me up properly, he shed his clothes," Helene said, recovering.

Peter rushed and got out of his clothes.

"He went back and lay on the sofa on his back, and I followed him," she told Sara.

Sara was out of her mind, with what Helene had ended up doing in this new self-styled phone sex live audio streaming.

Peter took the sofa nearest to his room and lay on his back.

Helene had no further instructions for him. The next part was hers.

She wanted Sara to hear it. "I stepped near him, turned once I was near his hips. I held his dick straight up with one hand and sat back on it." Helene told Sara, as she did everything exactly what she said.

Helene moaned, "MMMMMMM."

She added, "then I moaned my way down his dick. MMMMMMM." She explained her moaning as well.

"Once I reached the base of his dick, I crossed one leg on the other to sit on his dick like a Queen," Helene spoke and immediately straightened her back and pulled her right leg on her left knee to sit cross leg.

Sara, on the other end of the phone, had never heard anything more sexier. She was as horny as she could ever be.

Helene's free hand came down on his chest, as her other hand held the phone on the ear. Peter had lost all rationale as to what was going on. He was going to shoot cum deep in his mother. Her crossed legs had made her pussy squeeze his cock, and Peter was going crazy. He tried to buck, but her hand lightly pressed his chest down, as if instructing him to wait for the next instruction.

She was the Queen on her new throne, and she found her position exhilarating. She explained to Sara, "Sara, I can not tell you how much I love the new throne I have acquired. The poke of this throne is deeper and more meaningful than I can tell you on the phone."

Whatever she heard was inaudible to Peter, and he loved the fact the voice on the other side must have asked his mother to go ahead, because after that Helene said, "then I ground on his dick until he came inside me."

Immediately after saying it, before completing the line, she was already grinding and bucking. Peter was way too excited to wait for his mother to cum, and shot his load deep inside her quim, with an "AAAgh. AAAgh."

Before he was through, his dick still inside her, she turned on the sofa and brought her leg on the opposite side and rode him cowgirl style. She was twerking on his cock, and before long, she came heavily on his cock.

'UUUNN..GHH..PPPEEEETTT," her unintelligible moans said more than what she actually meant. She was very excited and happy.

When she fell on his chest, she picked the phone back in her hand from the sofa and put it on her ear and told Sara, "then I came on his dick, Rodeo-style, one more time."

She looked at Peter and said, "I love you." Her phone still on her ear, Peter could not make out if the 'I love you' was for him, or her friend on the phone. He silently mouthed his, "I love you," out of his true feelings for his mother.

On the night of Christmas, when they were all dancing, playing, and kissing under the mistletoe, Helene serendipitously found the answer that had been bugging her.

She would have to leave Ernst in his mother's arms.

Peter went to Berlin on the fifth of January in the afternoon. By then, he had made love to his mother to his heart's content, in every possible position that he knew of and many he had learnt from his mother.

When Peter left for Berlin, he remained unaware of his mother's plan to go to LA; he kissed her near the main door. Their passionate goodbye was not frowned upon by the audience. Peter hugged his father once and then kissed his grandma on her lips before stepping out for his waiting taxi.

Helene was packed and ready later that evening for her flight to Los Angeles. Helene kissed Heidi goodbye in the kitchen and brought her heart in every kiss she exchanged with Heidi. She meant every word she said, "I am sorry for leaving abruptly. But I really really have to do this. I am relieved that I am leaving Ernst with you, and I am extremely happy that you have found love with him. You must not leave him alone, not until I return, not even after I return."

They both had tears in their eyes. Heidi did not know how soon Helene would return, but she was in doubt it would be anytime in the near future.

Heidi thanked her and reassured her that she would stay until Helene returns back.

Ernst did not doubt that Helene was not coming back soon. When he dropped her to the airport, they kissed the longest they had in many days, and he told her, "you must come back soon. With Sara or without. You know I love you."

She nodded back at Ernst and kissed him, smiled, and said, "goodbye."