A Cousin's Reunion Pt.5


I pressed forward and slipped easily into her, concerned about the lake washing away her lubrication, but apparently without merit. I held myself over her and started stroking in and out of her, her hips rocking in time with my strokes, my thighs making little splashes each time I slapped against her in the shallow water. We were making larger waves than mother nature as I started pounding harder into her, driving my cock fully into her with each stroke, her moans and cries of pleasure growing with each passing minute.

"I'm going to come," she moaned loudly. "OH god I'm going to come."

"Uh huh. Me too." I grunted, knowing I was only moments from the same ending.

"DO IT! She cried surprisingly loudly. "FUCK MEEEEEE!" She cried as her whole body suddenly jerked and spasmed. "OHHHHHH FUCK YESSSS!"

"UHG" I grunted as I felt her pussy clench hard around my shaft, resisting my attempts to keep stroking, the sudden change in pressure sending me over the top. My body, like hers, spasmed hard, jamming my cock deep into her and unloading a gush of cum. "FUCK!" I grunted, feeling her pussy contract again around me as my spurting cock jerked in her again, adding more to the cum I was already leaving. A full half dozen times more I pumped into her, practically collapsing on top of her in the water as I panted for breath, my buried cock still twitching and presumably leaking more cum into her still spasming pussy.

"Jesus!" She breathed heavily, letting go of her legs to slide them down, trapping my softening cock inside her as I lay on top of her. "Now that was a fuck!" She panted.

"Glad you approved." I answered as I felt my softening cock slip from her. I started to roll off of her but her arms trapped me.

"Don't be in a hurry. I'm kinda enjoying this!" She said with a smile.

"Okay." I answered, letting my body lay back on her, her huge tits smooshed against my chest.

"You are one hell of a tease. I loved how gentle you were with my nipples. If you'd have kept doing that much longer I might have come just from that."

"Good to know."

"Oh? Why? Planning on having another go some time?" She asked with raised eyebrows.

"I didn't mean...I mean. I don't want to assume... Oh fuck" I muttered as she started giggling.

"Honey, if you didn't want to come back I'd have been offended, or at least disappointed. But we are neighbors. I suppose we should be somewhat cautious."

"We're laying in the lake completely naked, boats going by and who knows looking from wherever and you want to suddenly be cautious?"

"Well, let's face it. All they can see is your ass as long as we're this way," she said with a giggle.

I rolled my eyes and rolled off of her into the water. "Unreal!" I finally said.

"I've been told I have a horrible sense of humor."

"It would seem." I answered.

"So. Just so I know. If I find you out here again, naked or not, is that an invitation to come over and play?"

"You want to?"

"Oh, I'd say I do. Who knows, maybe I'll find some way to return the sweet view you gave me earlier," she said as she pushed herself up. She walked over, picked up her suit and collected her blue float that had washed up on shore a few feet way. She blew me a kiss and then walked down the shoreline, completely naked, her full round ass swinging sexily the blue float blocking any view of her nakedness from the lake side. I waited until she was out of sight before I collected my suit and hiked up the hill to the house, realizing I was quite hungry.

Lunch, a nap. Ahhhh yes. Unfortunately by late afternoon it was time to climb back onto the roof. I pulled my work boots and shorts back on, deciding to be daring and leave my underwear off. I mean who's going to see anyway? I put my tool belt back on and headed back to the roof to start laying paper. I worked right though dinner, making good progress and not really wanting to stop, not to mention I didn't have anything for dinner planned. I finally climbed down at almost eight, when the damn mosquitos came out in force as the sun dropped to the horizon. I suppose I could have put some deet on and stayed out another half, hour, but to be honest I was getting tired, my back hurt from bending over and hell... I was retired!

I headed into the house for a quick shower, a fresh change of clothes and thoughts of food. It was a half hour drive to get fast food, or I could go down to the local tavern and get something there, or there was a nice little sit down joint about ten minutes away. I was still making up my mind when I heard the knock on the door.

"Hi. I thought I'd bring a little house warming present!" Lily said, holding a plate of cookies out for me as she stood in front of the door.

"Oh. Yeah. Thanks!" I answered, taking the plate of chocolate chip cookies from her. "You wanna come in?"

"I'd love to!" She said, slipping her hands behind her back and giving a little grin and shrug that seemed almost bashful. I let her step past me, checking out how sexy she looked in the snug green dress, the green almost the same color as her incredibly sexy eyes. It was a light weight dress, maybe cotton or something similar, sleeveless with little green buttons running up the front from the hem to where the V neck dove down between her two breasts. I had little doubt that she had forgone the bra the way her nipples showed through the thin material, not to mention the way they bounced and wiggled with each step of her high heels.

"So, I see you were working on the roof?" She asked sweetly.

"Uh yeah. It was getting pretty bad. I probably should have done it several years ago." I said a little stupidly.

"So, what are you doing tonight? Too dark to roof now, isn't it?"

"Well, actually, I didn't feel like cooking so I was going to go down to that little greasy spoon down the highway for something to eat."

"Oh. Okay. I guess I could let you go," she said turning for the door hesitantly.

"Uh, would you like to go along?" I asked suddenly.

"I already had dinner, but... Yeah, if you want some company I'd be happy to come along," she answered, looking up and at me brightly, a wide smile coming to her slightly lipsticked lips.

"Okay then." I said, picking up my car keys and stepping to the door. I held the door open for her to go out and then pulled it closed and locked it behind myself before leading her to my Chevy Traverse. I unlocked the passenger door with the remote and then opened it for her, holding it as she sat down in the leather bucket seat, her dress sliding up even higher than the middle of her thigh where it was when she was standing. She seemed to pause a few moments before swinging one leg up and in, her legs splaying apart for a few moments, her completely shaved bare pussy glistening at me before she swung the other leg in. I closed the door behind her and walked around to the driver's side and slipped into the seat.

"So, you having a good day?" She asked sweetly, her knees pressed together, but the dress hem up almost to her crotch.

"It's been different." I admitted as I started my car up. I pulled out onto the road and started down the twisting river front road that followed the shoreline to the main highway. As I drove I couldn't help but look over at her in the passenger seat, illuminated by the bright LCD screen in the middle of the dash. As I drove she teased her fingers up and down the neckline of her dress, sliding from her neck down to the top button, popping it open after several trips up and down. She continued to slide the fingers of her right hand up and down the material, teasing them down to the next button and then back up again. Up and down her fingers went, again, popping the next button open after several trips. Each button exposed a little more of her breasts, my cock getting harder in my shorts with each open button. I turned onto the highway with four buttons open on her dress, her fingers still teasing up and down the dress.

"You enjoying the view?" She asked seductively as she flicked another button open, this time her fingers pulling the top of the dress apart, letting her right breast slip completely out of the dress. "Oops!" She said with a giggle. "Guess I slipped out."

"So it seems." I answered.

She reached down to the next button and teased it open as well, pushing the material apart and letting her left breast join the first. "Oh dear," she giggled. "Seems like both of them want out."

"I'm not about to complain." I answered honestly trying to watch her tease her own breasts and drive at the same time.

"Just don't get in an accident. It'd be hard to explain why my boobs are hanging out."

"Yeah, it would." I agreed. "But I'm still not complaining. Just wondering. How did you know I was such a tit man?"

"Oh sweetie. That's easy. All I had to do was look at your eyes as you peeled my swim suit down off of them. You looked like a kid getting a new bike at Christmas!" She said with a laugh.

"Well, yeah, I suppose I did stare a little." I chuckled a little sheepishly as I slowed down to turn into the parking lot of the little greasy spoon. "I suppose you should put those away for now though."

"Do you really want me too?" She asked, pulling the top of the dress as far apart as the still buttoned portion would allow, twisting toward me in her seat and wiggling her shoulders to make her monster tits shake and wiggle in front of me.

"Hell no! But I think it would be the prudent thing to do." I said as I pulled into a parking space and turned the engine off.

"If you insist," she said with a soft sigh, pretending to be disappointed. At least I thought she was pretending. She tucked her breasts back into the dress and buttoned it back in place. I got out, walked around and opened her door. "Thank you kind sir!" she said with a grin, swinging her legs out and then sliding off the seat so her dress pulled all the way to her waist before sliding back down as she stood up.

"Nice." I said with a grin. "I hope you don't mind me checking that out more later."

"If you didn't, I'd be disappointed," she said as I closed the car door behind her. She hooked her arm in mine as I walked to the front door, allowing her to step in as I held it open. "Not used to having a gentleman for a date," she said quietly with a smile as we stepped into the dimly lit little diner. There was a typical bar and a long row of booths down one wall.

"Sit anywhere you want!" The waitress called from behind the counter as she went back to pouring a cup of coffee for one of the few patrons that were in the little joint.

"Come on." Lily said, taking my hand and drawing me along as she walked down the length of the aisle to the very last booth. She slipped into the bench facing toward the door and pulled me along with her, drawing me into the same bench as she was.

We weren't sitting very long before the waitress walked down the aisle to us and set silverware on the table in front of us and set down two menus. "So, can I get you something to drink?" She asked, pulling her pad out of her little apron.

"Uh. Yah. How about a coke." I said.

"Just water with lemon please." Lily answered.

"Be right back," she said, turning and walking away.

"I wonder what's good here." I said as I picked up the menu and started looking at it.

"Actually, they make a mean philly cheese steak and their mushroom burger isn't half bad either."

"Well, philly cheese steak it is then." I said as the waitress came back with our drinks. She took my order and Lily just ordered a plate of fries for a snack.

When the waitress was gone Lily whispered to me, "Wanna be naughty?"

"Naughty how?"

"Put your hand in my lap," she whispered with a grin.

I slid my hand over to her lap and felt bare skin on her leg, and slid my hand up her thigh until my fingers pressed against her bare pussy lips. I glanced down into her lap and saw that her dress was unbuttoned all the way to her waist and spread apart so she was completely exposed under the table. She spread her legs apart so that I had better access and then moved her hand to my lap, her fingers deftly working on my belt. I felt extremely nervous as her fingers undid the snap on my cargo shorts and then unzipped them. "Really?" I asked as she wormed her hand into my boxer briefs and wrapped around my fat cock.

"Oh yeah. I wonder if I can get you off without the waitress noticing," she whispered with a giggle.

"I highly doubt it, and even if you did, it'd make one hell of a mess."

"True, but it might still be fun to try," she said with a pout, "Unless you don't want to play."

I sighed softly, her hand pulling mine tighter to her wet pussy. "If you want to play, fine. But let's keep the really big stuff for later, okay?"

"Okay." She answered, her left hand moving from where it trapped mine against her. "I wonder how many of these I can open before anyone sees?" She whispered, teasing another button open.

"Oh I don't know. Why not just take it all the way off and show everyone?" I said a little frustrated.

"Ohhhh don't get sore. The whole idea is to tease and play. I don't necessarily want anyone to see but you, but I want to tease the shit out of you. You have to admit, it's turning you on."

"Why do I have to admit that?"

"Cuz my hand is wet from the pre-cum that's drooling from your really excited dick. Your words may be saying no, but your cock says go for it!"

"I really gotta stop thinking with my cock." I muttered more to myself than anyone else. By the time the waitress brought our food, Lily had better than half her dress undone and was leaning toward the table to hide the fact that her tits were partially exposed. As soon as she set down the plates and walked away, Lily leaned back again and used one hand to tease her own nipples up under the dress.

I was pretty hungry, and gobbled down the sandwich surprisingly fast. I had barely finished when Lily whispered to me. "I wanna get fucked again."

"I got that idea." I answered back.

"No. I mean it. I really want to get fucked right now! I'm so damn turned on that my pussy is leaking all over the seat."

"So what, you want me to just bend you over the table and fuck you here? No. I don't think that's a good idea."

"So, let's go to the car and do it then."

"Well, at least button your dress up." I said as I picked up the check from the table. I was about to get up when I remembered my pants were still undone, and quickly closed them up when I thought no one was looking. "Come on horn dog!" I said as I slid out of the bench and walked to the bar to pay the tab. Lily stood next to me, her hand playing with my butt as I paid the bill, removing it only when she thought someone was looking our way, which was only two people besides the waitress and the cook in the back.

She followed me out and I opened the car door for her once again. By the time I got around the car and climbed in, she had her dress completely unbuttoned. She reached across the center console and started undoing my pants.


"OH god yes. Here. Now." She breathed, pulling the front of my pants open and then trying to push them down. "Haven't you ever fucked in a car?"

"Not since I was a kid. You know it would be a lot more comfortable in bed."

"Wouldn't be the same. We can fuck in bed anytime. If you really wanna live you gotta fuck when the mood strikes, and believe me, I'm in the mood!"

"I get that idea." I answered, relenting and helping her push my pants down to my knees, leaving my rock hard cock completely exposed. She leaned down over the console and engulfed my cock with her hot mouth, sucking and slurping it as she reached down between the door and the side of the seat to find the power seat switch. She sucked and licked my engorged head as she motored my chair back and tilted it back considerably.

"Far enough," she said, pulling her mouth off my cock. She gingerly climbed across the console onto my lap, facing me, her huge tits pushed out at my face as she reached between us to grasp my cock. I felt her rub my head across her lips before dropping quickly down my shaft. "OHHHH Fuck yes!" She moaned loudly as my cock disappeared up into her, her velvety soft tunnel seeming to gobble my fat shaft up as she pushed herself down it.

She reached for my hands and pulled them to her tits as she began bouncing up and down on me, the car rocking gently and obviously, her ass bumping the steering wheel each time she dropped her sexy body down my stiff rod. "Oh god oh god oh god." She mumbled over and over as she rode up and down, my hands holding her big tits as they tried to bounce, my fingers and thumbs gently squeezing and twisting her rock hard nipples.

I could feel her pussy clench around me as her climax started, her breathing ragged but her bouncing on my cock not slowing, but going even faster. "OH FUCK! Come with me sweetie. Come in my hot pussy!" She moaned loudly.

"Uh huh." Was all I could say as I felt my own orgasm building quickly, partly from the teasing and partly from watching her sexy tits bounce in my hands as we fucked right in front of the greasy spoon.

Up and down she went, coaxing me with her body and with her words to come with her, her climax seeming to go on forever.

"Shit!" I grunted as my body convulsed, lifting her and pumping a huge gush of cum up into her. Her ass hit the horn button in the middle of the steering wheel not once, but twice as she continued to bounce on my spurting cock.

"Ohhh fuck yessss!" She said in a surprisingly soft voice as she stopped her strokes and sat on me, my cock still twitching and jumping inside her spasming tunnel. "OH my god I can't believe I came so long."

"Me either." I answered as she lowered herself down on top of me, her tits pushing into my face.

"Oh my god Michael. I can't believe your wife let you get away!" She gasped as she lowered her face toward mine to kiss me.

I tensed up and she froze in place, feeling my body go stiff as a board. "What? What did I say?" She asked, looking down at me from inches away.

"My wife didn't let me get away. She was killed on the way up here when my dad had the stroke." I said, my voice a horse whisper.

"Ohhhhh my god. I'm so sorry! I didn't know. Oh lord. Please forgive me. I didn't know." She practically begged.

"I know." I answered, moving my hands to her shoulders to coax her off of me. She gently climbed back over the console and sat in the passenger seat with her dress still wide open. I motored my seat back up where it needed to be for me to drive and started the car, not even bothering to pull my shorts up.

I backed out of the spot and drove home, both of us silent until I pulled into her driveway. "I'm so sorry. I had no idea," she said practically in tears. "Here I was trying to make you feel playful and naughty and everything and then I go and ruin it by saying something so stupid and insensitive!" She said before sniffing and wiping tears that were running down her cheeks.

"It's okay. You didn't know." I said quietly.

"But...I should have. I didn't mean to bring up what has to hurt so much. I'm so sorry."

"Stop. It's not the first time I've had to deal with someone asking about her. It'll be okay. It'll just take me a little while and, well it kinda ruined the mood, if you know what I mean."

"Yeah. I do. I'm so sorry. Will I see you tomorrow?" She asked softly, wiping her face again but sounding like her crying was stopping.

"Yeah. Just look up at the roof." I said. "And thanks for the really unusual date."

"You're welcome," she said with another sniffle as she opened the door. She quickly leaned over and kissed my cheek before quickly getting out of the car. She stood in the driveway, her dress still spread wide open so I could see her naked body in the headlights as I backed out of her driveway.

I pulled into my own drive, went into the house and sat down in the recliner in the living room, not even bothering to turn on the lights.

It was almost one thirty and I was still tossing and turning. I'd changed into a pair of light athletic shorts about eleven, my usual bed attire, and went to bed, but I couldn't seem to sleep. It was like a stick, poking me. Every time I started to get comfortable enough to fall asleep, something would force me back awake again. It was frustrating. I lay there, trying to sleep, and failing. What was worse, I felt like I knew what the problem was, but couldn't solve it. Like a sliver in your finger that you can't see. You know it's there, you can feel it every time you rub your other fingers over it, but you can't see it to get it out. The more you try not to touch it and irritate it, the more you seem to do just that. It's frustrating because you know all you want to do is get rid of it, pull it out, but you just can't seem to. Well, I knew where this splinter was and I knew how to get rid of it, I was just being stubborn and not doing what it took to make this particular poking splinter go away. Finally at two thirty I'd had enough. I reluctantly climbed out of bed, pulled on a pair of sneakers and a windbreaker, grabbed my keys and headed out into the darkness.

It was a short walk. I didn't dally because if I did the bugs would most certainly find me. A brisk walking pace was more than enough to keep the bulk of them at bay for a short time. I walked up my drive, down the road two driveways and down another gravel driveway, finding myself in only a few minutes standing at Lily's door. I took a deep breath and nervously knocked on her door. I knew I was going to wake her and I really hoped she wouldn't mind. Especially when she heard what favor I was going to ask of her. She didn't answer so I knocked again, wondering if I should just go back home. 'Probably just as well', I thought to myself as I turned to head back to my own bed. I'd only walked two or three steps when the porch light flicked on. I stopped and turned to look back as the front door opened and Lily stood in a light pink satin boy short and tank top pajama outfit.

"Michael?" She asked questioningly, wiping sleep from her eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... Well, sorta...Not so much." I finally said, still standing a dozen feet from her door.

She stepped out into the night toward me, reached for my hand and pulled me toward the door. "Come on. Get in here before you get chewed up alive," she said softly.

"Yeah, okay." I said, following behind her. She drew me into the house and closed the door behind us.

"You look exhausted. Are you okay?" She asked with concern in her voice as we stood in the hallway under the only light on in the house.

"Lily. I know I don't have any right to ask this, but would you mind if I slept with you tonight. I just really don't want to sleep alone." I blurted out.

She stepped toward me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pulled me against her. "Awwwwww sweetie. I'd love to share my bed with you."

"It's not for sex or anything like that. I just really really don't want to be alone tonight." I said in almost a whisper.

She let her grip on me loosen and her hands reached to push my jacket off my shoulders. I let her slide it down my arms and hang it on a hook by the door. She squatted down and untied my athletic shoes and coaxing me to lift each foot, pulling them off and setting them by the door, leaving me in just my shorts. She turned off the light, took my hand and drew me along slowly through her house, the only illumination being the soft glow of a clock in what appeared to be the kitchen and the moonlight filtering in through gaps in the curtains. She pulled me to what I assumed was her bedroom and continued to pull me as she climbed on the bed. "Come on. Lie down here." She cooed softly, coaxing me onto the bed with her. I turned and sat down, her arms wrapping around me. I could feel her huge tits press against my back through the satin tank top as she pulled me back and rolled me onto my side. I lay my head on the pillow and smelled a very distinct feminine scent as she pulled a sheet up over us and then pressed her body snugly to mine, one of her arms wrapped around me, her hand gently resting on my chest as she held herself against me.

"Go to sleep now my sweet. Just relax and rest. I'm right here," she whispered softly in my ear.

"Lily..." I started to say.

"Shhhhh. Not tonight. We can talk in the morning. Right now you need to rest," she whispered in my ear as her hand moved up and one finger gently pressed against my lips. "I understand. No expectations."

"Thank you." I whispered back.

I lay there, still awake, but feeling like that sliver was somehow gone. That emotional poking I was feeling pushed away, but replaced with something else. Something still keeping me awake, but slowly letting my exhaustion and the soft body pressed against me pull sleep closer. I could feel her large tits press to me and then ease that pressure as she breathed softly behind me, warmth flowing between us as her soft legs pressed to mine. I felt as much as smelled her scent on the pillows, drawing images of that first meeting in the lake to mind, my cock growing harder in my shorts. I don't know why I did it. I didn't even really remember consciously doing it, but I know I did. I felt my own hand reach up to hers and gently pull it down my chest, continuing to pull it down until I pushed the waistband of my shorts down with it and placed it against the bare skin of my growing hardon.

"Are you sure?" She whispered softly.

"Yes and no." I whispered back. "I really can't explain it."

She wrapped her hand around my shaft and gently stroked slowly along it, her fingers sliding all the way up and over my engorged head before sliding down again. "I will if you want me to, but don't feel like you have to do this. If you just want to sleep, that's fine too."

"When I got here, that's all I really did want. I just didn't want to be alone. But now, with you holding me...I suddenly want more."

She let go of my cock and pulled her body gently away from me. I couldn't see her but I felt the bed rustle and the sheet pull off my body. I jumped slightly as her hands touched my hip in the dark, but then allowed her to roll me on my back. Her hands gently coaxed my shorts down while I lifted my butt off the bed with my legs. She slipped my shorts down and off my feet, leaving me completely naked. I felt her hand slide up my leg and wrap around my hard cock again, slowly, gently, very tenderly, stroking my cock.

I lay there, just absorbing the sensations, her soft hand stroking me and then, suddenly, her lips on my body. She kissed me softly, just at the base of my neck. A soft wet kiss that sent tingles through my whole body. Her kisses slowly worked down and across my chest, her hot tongue teasing each of my surprisingly hard nipples before her soft kisses worked down my stomach teasing closer and closer to where her hand was still gently and slowly stroking my shaft. I moaned softly as her kisses reached the base of my cock and began to work up my shaft as her hand opened and just held me so her lips could slowly kiss up the shaft. "Ohhhhhhh." I groaned as her hot lips slipped over my engorged and very excited head, her tongue slowly swirling around and around my head.

I felt more of my cock gently disappear into her mouth, her hot lips sliding down my shaft until there was none left. Part of my mind wondered how she managed to do that, another part didn't give a shit because what she was doing felt so good. She slowly withdrew her mouth up my shaft again, her hand back around me as she slipped her hot wet lips off of me.

"Just let me do everything," she whispered as she pulled her body away and the bed shook and bounced slightly. I couldn't see her, and I wondered if she could see me in the darkness, but then didn't really care as I felt my head rub against her wet pussy lips.

"Ohhhhhh." I moaned again as my saliva slicked cock was slowly engulfed by her hot pussy, her tunnel expanding to fit me like a glove as she slowly lowered herself down, her ass finally resting on my thighs and my head pressing against the end of her tunnel. She reached for my shoulders, slid her fingers down my arms until she had my hands and then drew them to her breasts, pressing them against the front of her massive boobs, her rock hard nipples pressing into my palms.

She let go of my hands and I felt her squeeze her tits together with her arms as she slipped her arms under mine to rest on my chest, her fingers resting on my nipples.

She began to slowly lift and lower herself on her knees, my cock slowly pulling down her velvety soft, incredible pussy, my head nearly coming free of her before she stopped lifting. She slowly pressed down again, gently massaging my head with her soft slick walls, her fat lips stroking the sides of my shaft as she slowly settled down again until her bare ass pressed against my thighs. Up and down she continued sliding, her fingers slowly stroking back and forth across my nipples with each trip. I couldn't help but squeeze and gently massage her huge breasts, my fingers seeming to have a mind of their own as the sensations of her fingers on my surprising sensitive nipples and her incredibly erotic pussy on my cock sent tingles and shudders through my whole body.

I felt like every nerve in my body was being stimulated as she continued sliding up and down, heat from her pussy seeming to flow into my cock and throughout my body. I heard her moan softly as she continued her slow methodical strokes. Part of me wanted her to go faster, to bring the climax that seemed agonizingly close along faster, but another part couldn't pull away from the incredible sensations long enough to voice anything but a soft moan.

"That's it sweetie. Just let it happen. No rush. Just let it happen," she whispered breathlessly as she continued to ride me. I could feel her knees and thighs shudder softly against my sides as she settled at the bottom of her stroke and then her pussy clench and spasm gently around my fat cock as she stroked up yet again. Part of me knew she was coming, but she kept stroking, her body trembling and sighing softly as my own cock seemed to grow fatter and longer inside her.

It happened suddenly. It had been hanging there for so many minutes. I don't know how long, but a long time. All of a sudden my climax was upon me as her soft sexy tunnel spasmed hard around me, pushing me suddenly over the edge as if shoved over a cliff. My body bucked under her and I felt a gush of hot cum lance up into her pussy. She relaxed her motions, her full weight resting on my thighs, my cock jerking and spurting inside her as my whole body spasmed and jerked with it. I could feel her fingers pinch and twist my nipples, sending a new set of electric sparks though my body and a new wave of jerks and spasms through me. I heard her moan in obvious pleasure as her body clamped around my cock, her muscles rippling and trying to pull me deeper into her, as if that were possible.

I have no idea how long we lay that way, her ass resting on my bare thighs, my cock slowly softening inside her. I know I didn't really want it to end. I felt her move her arms and then slowly lower herself down toward me. I let go of her tits, and let my hands slide around to her back, holding her against me as she lay on me, her tits and still hard nipples pressed to my chest. I could feel her face coming near to mine her breath gently breathing on my lips as she softly pressed hers to mine, softly kissing and teasing my lips with hers.

"Thank you," she whispered softly, her lips practically brushing mine as she did so.

"For what?"

"For letting me give you what you needed. For letting me make love to you," she whispered softly.

"I should be saying thank you to you. That was incredible."

"Shhhhhh. It's been a very long time since any man has let me do that. To give him what he needed, softly, lovingly. Thank you for letting me help you this way," she whispered before kissing me softly again.

We lay that way for several minutes before she slowly rolled off of me, my now softened cock slipping from her. She lay on her side next to me, her head on my shoulder, one leg draped across one of mine so her thigh nestled against my balls. One of her big soft tits rested on my chest while the other pressed against my side. I lay there, one arm around her neck, her head on my shoulder, her nose brushing my cheek her lips practically touching my skin as she breathed. She reached for the sheet behind her and pulled it over us, settling the thin material over our naked bodies. Her hand moved to my other shoulder, and her fingers slowly traced down my arm, eventually finding my hand. Her fingers interlaced with mine and then our intertwined hands rested on my chest.

"Sleep now," she whispered softly. "Just enjoy the relaxation and sleep my love."

I woke up in her arms, laying on my side, spooned against her, my arm around her, gently cupping one breast as my body pressed against her. I could feel her regular shallow breathing as she slept. I nuzzled my face against her neck, smelling her scent and closing my eyes again.

The sun was well up before I woke again, still lying against Lily. As sleep slipped away, I nuzzled her neck again. I could tell she was awake, her breathing this time not as shallow or regular as it had been before. She lay quietly, letting me guide what and when.

"Thankyou." I whispered quietly.

"You're welcome," she answered in an equally quiet whisper. "Would you like a shower before you go?"

"Throwing me out?" I asked with a soft chuckle.

"No. I know you needed me last night, but we both know that neither of us is ready for anything more than that," she said rolling herself over so she was facing me, her nose inches from mine as she settled back in, each of us with one of our hands on the others chest. "I mean, we've only just met. I know some about you, but before two days ago I'd never met you and I certainly can't base a relationship on two days of sex, no matter how good it is!"

"Yeah. You're right of course. Thank you for being there last night. What you did was...well, incredible."

"You're welcome. I'm glad I could make you feel as good as you've made me feel so many times already," she whispered. "Now if you don't mind girly smell, we can share a shower."

"I'd like that." I answered with a smile.

She pushed herself up on the bed, crawled over me and stood next to the bed, her hands out waiting for me. I rolled over and climbed out of bed and let her walk me to her bathroom. I was surprised to see a large triangular garden whirlpool tub and a large walk in shower in what I had gauged as a rather small house on the lake. She pulled me along to the shower and reached in to turn on the water and adjust it before turning back and pulling me into the tiled booth with her.

With the pleasant smile that seemed to always be on her lips when I was with her, she reached for a bottle of squeeze soap and then took my hand, turning herself around, pulling my arm until her back was against my chest and the two of us stood under the gentle cascade of water from the rain head. She reached up past her head, squeezing the bottle and drizzling the soap down her back and my front and then slowly drizzled more over her shoulders and across her big round tits. She set the bottle on the little shelf built into the shower wall and reached for both my hands, moving them up to her soft tits.

I started gently rubbing her breasts, sliding my hands around her tits, across her hardening nipples, and then down her stomach and shaved mound all the way to her thighs. My fingers felt the soft stubble on her mound as she pushed her ass back into me, gently grinding and wiggling her ass against my again hard cock. She moved slightly side to side and up and down, rubbing her body against mine as my hands stroked and teased her body.

"Most unusual shower I've ever had." I said with a chuckle as she leaned her head back against me.

"Glad you approve," she said softly, spinning around in my arms slowly, pressing her soapy tits against my chest and grinning up at me. She turned us slowly under the rain head, rinsing the fragrant soap from our bodies. She turned us until she could reach the water control and turned the water off before turning back to me, lifting herself on her toes and gently pressing her lips to mine. "Thank you," she whispered after the short sensual kiss.

"For what?"

"For letting me be there for you. For letting me make you feel better the way you made me feel better the last couple days."

"I really didn't do anything." I whispered back.

"Yeah, you did. You let me give you something very special. Thank you!" She whispered again as she let her hands slide down my body and pull from me. She gently stepped past me without another word and stepped from the shower, reaching for a big pink fluffy towel. She stepped back in and began to gently dry everyplace, including my hard cock, gently cradling it with one hand and rubbing the towel around it with the other.

When she had dried me off I took the towel and returned the favor gently lifting and drying under each breast before leaning down and gently kissing each now hard nipple. "Thank you," she whispered, stroking her fingers gently down my body. She took my hand and led me back into bedroom, helping me dress in my shorts and shoes, before leading me back to the front door of her little house. She handed me my jacket and lifted herself up again to give me a long gentle very loving kiss. "See you later?"

"I certainly hope so. Thank you again, for last night."

"Trust me, it was my pleasure," she said with a grin as she opened the door. I headed home through the woods and across Julie's place.

Like the day before, it got hot fast. I got a late start to boot, so I was well behind my self-imposed schedule. As much as I didn't want to, I pushed till almost noon, trying to finish off the shingles on the east side. I finally climbed down off the roof, the last shingle in place on that side, my body dripping rivers of sweat. To say I was hot would have been an understatement. I was hot enough that I wasn't hungry. It was Thursday the third, and the lake was surprisingly quiet. Tomorrow would be another issue all together. The lake would be crazy. I wondered if I should blow off shingling this evening and go fishing. As I walked down to the water the waves rolling down the lake from the gentle south west breeze made the boat bob and bounce lightly against the dock and its moorings, almost as if begging to be released to run down the lake.

I looked across the lake and saw only one boat running at high speed down the far side of the lake, running through the stump field that he apparently didn't realize was there. I sat on the edge of the dock and pulled my work boots and socks off, tossing them onto the concrete of the boat landing. I stood up on the landing just above the lapping waves and undid my shorts, dropping them and stepping out of them before pushing my underwear down. I stripped off my soaked t-shirt and tossed it on the concrete behind me as I waded down into the water completely naked. 'I won't be able to get away with this tomorrow', I thought to myself as I waded to the drop off and pushed off toward the sandy point, taking a number of slow breast strokes toward the point and what I knew was shallower water. "What was it? Two years ago?" I asked the lake as I swam, trying to remember just how long ago Julie and I had shared this spot naked. "That first time was still the best." I told the water, remembering back to that game of water tag and how we ended up stripping each other and swimming naked together, and all the incredible sex we had after that.