All I Need Pt. 05 last


"Miss me?" She asked, out of breath, grinning like a fool when she finally settled down.

"Like you wouldn't believe." I smiled back at her. Amy looked stunning, as always. She was wearing a red shirt and jeans, but she could make even such a simple outfit look sexy as hell.

We collected my luggage and caught a cab to her apartment. Most of the trip was spent with her practically climbing me in the backseat of the cab, kissing my neck, and making me feel a bit like a cat tree. A very horny cat tree.

The shyness that had loomed over both of us when we first reunited in London was long gone now. As soon as we entered the apartment, she locked the door and dropped to her knees in front of me. She grabbed my belt buckle in one hand and found my zipper with her other. She fished my prick out of my pants and gazed at it as she licked her lips. I watched her as she stroked my length in her small hands. Her eyes came up to lock with mine and she gave me a wicked, lust filled smile, just as she tilted her head a little to the side and took me into her mouth. She bobbed up and down rapidly, tilting her head first one direction, then the other as she went adding to the sensations she was giving my length. I moaned as I pulled her hair back from her face, holding it out of her way.

She slowed for two long sensuous strokes, running her tongue along the underside of my shaft as she went, before she moved forward, Adjusting the angle of her throat just a little. I gasped audibly as I felt my cock move past her mouth into her throat. Her lips met with the base of my shaft and she moaned, the vibration in her throat creating a sensation along my cock that made me groan again. She withdrew, clearly pleased with herself, and attempted to smile around my prick in her mouth. I felt her suck in a breath around the side of my dick before she moved back and took me all the way down again. She faltered this time, pulling back to cough a moment and snicker.

"Out of practice," she mumbled as she flashed me a grin, and dove back to her task.

Her mouth swallowed me whole again, without choking. Each time my cock slid into her throat, the sensation nearly overwhelmed me. I fought hard not to grab her head and ram myself into her. A groan escaped my lips periodically, the only sound in the room aside from the wet sounds of her lips on my prick and the light moans she was making herself.

"Oh god, Amy." I gasped. "Keep going."

She didn't reply, but she kept up her ministrations. I could feel my balls tensing up. I'd had my eyes closed without realizing it, and opened them taking in the sight of my beautiful baby sister kneeling before bobbing her head up and down my length. My free hand reached out to the wall for support as I felt the rush building in my groin. She sped up her bobbing, breathing hard through her nose. My hips bucked a little, involuntarily as the first shot of come released in her mouth. She instantly went deep, taking me all the way in and stayed there as long as she could as my cock sent volleys of come deep into her throat. Finally, she pulled back, licking me clean as she went, careful to avoid putting too much pressure on my crown, now sensitive from having just climaxed. She swallowed hard when she released my prick and made sure she had licked it clean.

Amy caught her breath a moment, then smiled warmly up at me. She raised her arms above her head, cocking her head to the side adorably, motioning for me to help her up. I couldn't help grinning widely as I did so. Her arms snaked around my neck, pulling me into a huge hug, which I gladly obliged. Her lips moved up to my ear.

"I had been dying to taste my big brother's come for weeks." She whispered seductively and nibbled my ear. My cock twitched a bit at her words, despite being temporarily out of commission.

I swept her up in my arms, cradling her like a small child and asked.


She laughed aloud and pointed over her shoulder, "That way."

I paused a moment to kiss her deeply, tasting a little of myself in her mouth. I carried her down the hall, toward where she motioned the bedroom to be. She was kissing and sucking on my neck as I walked, no doubt leaving marks, knowing her. I pushed a door open with my foot and was faced with a bathroom. Part of my brain registered that most of the bathroom was packed into boxes that sat on the floor by the sink, but I really was unconcerned with that detail at the time.

"Oops." I mumbled, and she started chuckling against my throat. I could feel the smile spread across her face.

"Next one."

I carried her to the next room down the hall and saw a bed in it.

"That's more like it." I said aloud and lightly tossed her onto it. She bounced harmlessly on the mattress.

"Hey! Damn it!" She laughed, not even coming close to achieving the annoyed tone I could tell she was trying for.

She sat up on the bed, pulling her shirt over her head and tossing it to the floor. I pulled off my own shirt, as she began unbuttoning her jeans. I stripped to my boxers and saw her still struggling with the jeans that she now had halfway down her hips.

"Little help?" She grinned at me. I chuckled as I grabbed the sides of her pants and tried to pull them off of her, unintentionally lifting her ass from the bed in the process.

"How the fuck do you move in these things?" I asked as I they finally slid down her long slender legs.

"Oh shut it." She smirked and reached behind her back to unhook her bra.

I climbed into the bed just as she dropped the bra. She flung her arms open, beckoning me to her as if I needed an invitation. We wrapped ourselves around each other, her beautiful breasts smashed against my chest, and kissed. I held her to me for a long time, just enjoying that she was back in my arms, before I allowed my hands to wander her body. She had her arms hooked under mine, gripping my shoulders for all she was worth as she ground her pelvis against me. My lips traveled from her mouth to her jaw line, planting kisses up toward her ear. Just as my lips brushed against her ear, she managed to maneuver her pelvis so that my shaft was lined up with her labia and she rocked her hips so that my cock slide, rather unexpectedly along her slit. The incredible sensation cause me to release a sharp gasp right next to her ear and it seemed to drive her wild. She bucked against me, moaning loudly.

"Oh fuck, Adam. I need you!" She cried, as she rolled us until she was on top of me. She jerked her panties down her legs, bringing up one leg to remove them and nearly tumbling herself in the process. I would have laughed at her, if it hadn't made her breasts bounce so deliciously that it filled me with hunger and overwrote the humor or the situation. I raised my hips enough to slide my boxers down and she quickly returned to straddling me, grinding her bare pussy against my semi erect cock. Somewhere in the back of my mind, it registered that she had shaved it again. Unable to resist, I took her breasts in my hands, kneading them, feeling her rock hard nipples against my palms. She moaned her approval, holding one hand over mine against her breast, while the other was flat against my chest.

"I love your hands on me." She breathed.

My uncovered hand toyed with her nipple a moment, before cupping her breast as I leaned forward to kiss it. I kissed her breast in a circle around the nipple before I gave it a swift lick and fastened my lips to it. I sucked her nipple into my mouth, tonguing the hardened nub while my hand snaked around her back and slid down her body.

My erection was rapidly returning and that bit of information was not lost on her. She raised herself up and grabbed my shaft, lining it up with her entrance. Amy lowered herself slowly and I watched as my dick slowly disappeared into the tight folds of my baby sister's flesh. I reflexively held my breath as I had entered her, trying to focus everything I had on enjoying the sensation of her enveloping me. When she was lowered completely, I let out a long breath.

I slid my hands down to cup her ass, and began pulling her against me as we met each others thrusts. She arched her back away from me, her beautiful breasts bouncing as we rocked against each other rhythmically. One of my hands moved around to drag my palm across her stomach, up between her breasts, pausing to rub one of them, before curling around behind her neck and pulling her down meet my lips. We kissed hard, our tongues thrusting into each others mouths, tasting each other as best we were able.

"God I love you," I breathed when we came up for air. She ground herself against me, too busy moaning at the moment to respond. Her breath was coming in hard, ragged gasps. Amy sat back up, and began slamming herself into me harder. I watched in rapt attention as her breasts heaved above me.

Amy's urgent moans increased in tempo and volume as she rocked against me. I slid a hand across her thigh and down to run my thumb across her clit as she arched her back again. The combination of my cock inside her and my thumb on her clitoris was too much and sent her over the edge. Her legs seized around me, vibrating as her stomach rippled with the force of her orgasm. She cried out loudly enough that I was sure half the apartment complex had to have heard her. She collapsed into me, as though she were made of rubber and I cradled her to me, my hard shaft still inside her, while she rode out the aftershocks of her climax.

"You didn't come?" She asked when she regained her senses. Her blue eyes cracked open to lock on to mine.

"Not yet." I replied as I softly stroked her hair.

"Well, I guess your little sister has some work to do, doesn't she?" She grinned wickedly at me.

* * *

We woke up late the next morning, neither of us feeling particularly energetic after the night before. Luckily, she was now unemployed and had nowhere she really needed to be that morning. We went to a local cafe for a late breakfast and then returned to her apartment to finish packing things up for the move. I made arrangements with the shipping company and filled out the bill of lading as we went. Shipping things to another country was a pain the ass, I had learned from my experience shipping my own possessions back in Austin. I could not have asked for better company, of course, and did not mind the work in the least.

If I were being totally honest, we probably could have finished up for the day much sooner, if one of us hadn't been distracted by the others ass when she bent to pick up a box and given it an appreciative rub. I refuse to accept responsibility for my actions in that particular situation. There was a magnificent ass in desperate need of a grope and I felt it was my duty to accommodate that need. That rub resulted in a delay that took a couple of hours, although neither of us complained about it. We finally finished packing everything and stacking it in the front room by late afternoon.

A former work colleague of hers came and picked up the bed and some of the living room furniture just before dusk. Neither Amy nor myself felt much need to point out to him just how thoroughly used that bed had been the night before. The apartment had come partially furnished and we made good use of the washer and dryer before packing the sheets away. We'd be staying in a hotel by the airport that night, returning in the morning to meet the shipping company and catching our flight to Athens that afternoon.

Amy balked at me for insisting that she pack a couple of weeks worth of clothes in her luggage for the flight. When I reminded her that it would take at least two weeks for the things we were shipping to arrive, she took my advice and loaded some more things from a box to her luggage. Surveying what she had prepared, I probably shouldn't have said anything. I'd momentarily forgotten the unwritten rule that women felt the need to pack at least four outfits per day for any given outing.

We were both exhausted that night when we got to our hotel room for the night. Our last night in the States for the foreseeable future was spent cuddling in the hotel bed, watching television and occasionally making out.

The following afternoon, still somewhat in shock from seeing the bill for the shipping, I settled in beside Amy on the plane for our fifteen hour flight. She had both of her arms wrapped around one of mine and her head leaning on my shoulder. She leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, excitedly.

"Do you remember the night you first took me to that Italian place?" She asked.

I smiled at the memory. It was the first time we had gone on a real date, the first night we had sex, and the first night we had spent the entire night together as lovers. There had been one of the best nights of my life.

"Of course I remember."

"You told me that night that you wanted to take me somewhere where no one knew us. Someplace we could start over and have our life together, remember?" She smiled.

"Yeah, beautiful. I remember." I brought my hand up and lightly stroked her cheek. She turned her face to nuzzle my palm and sighed happily.

The airline began delivering the safety speech before take off. I watched the rather condescending looking stewardess cut her eyes at each person as she made her way down the aisle of the plane, checking everyone's seat belts. I remembered watching movies in my younger days that always seemed to feature these incredibly attractive stewardesses and reflected momentarily on the fact that most of the ones I'd encountered in the last few months ranged from looking like angry school teachers to my old high school lunch lady. Not a smoking hot one in the bunch. The recording of the safety message wrapped up and the stewardess wandered into the front cabin for a bit.

"The point is, we're doing it." Amy grinned, returning to her conversation. "We're really doing it. There's nothing to keep us apart anymore."

"It was always the plan, baby." I joked, wondering how easily she could elbow me from her current position.

"Well, you certainly took your sweet time about it." She chuckled. I couldn't help chuckling myself.

"I love you." I said, giving her a squeeze.

"I love you, too."

* * *

"That wasn't a real plane." Amy commented as we stepped out of the tiny airport in Zefiria. We were both stiff as hell from sitting for most of the day on a flight across the Atlantic.

"You get used to it." I replied as I scanned the parking lot for Margaret.

"Seriously, that was a glorified hang glider. They put us in a slingshot and launched us from Athens."

I started laughing.

"Jesus, brat. We can take the ferry next time if it bothers you that bad. And here I thought you were always the adventurous one."

"I am adventurous. But I at least want a parachute if I'm just gonna be flung in the general direction of my destination instead of being on a plane with two wings and an engine." She was grouchy from the flight and, man, it was showing.

"It had two wings and an engine, Amy." I sighed.

"Okay, an engine not powered by two hamsters and a rubber band."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and hung my head.

"I'm gonna spank you in a minute, I swear."

"Is that a promise?" She wrapped her arms around my waist and grinned up at me. She made it really hard to be annoyed when she pulled her adorable little sister act. She'd had more then twenty years to work on it and she played it to perfection. Especially when she added sexy connotations to the mix.

I brushed the loose strands of her hair from her face as I looked down at her.


"Yeah?" She was giving me one of her most adorable grins, waiting for the kiss she was expecting.

"Shut the hell up, already." I smirked. Then I kissed her.

We walked a few yards and I spotted Margaret getting out of her car, waving to us. She gave Amy a huge hug and then did the same to me.

"Was it a good flight?" She asked.

"Long flight. As always." I replied, then cut my eyes at Amy. "But the longest part was from Athens to here."

"Shut it, jackass." Amy retorted.

"You're brother and sister alright." Margaret snickered. "Come on, let's get to the house so this lovely girl of yours can get a shower and settle in before dinner."

"Where's Theron?" I asked.

"He had to fly back to London with Damian to meet with some big art buyer. He'll be back in a couple of days." Margaret replied as we loaded the luggage in the trunk.

We drove a few minutes and I spotted the coast. I nudged Amy and pointed to the bay.

"Wow. You weren't kidding. It's beautiful!" She exclaimed.

"Just wait, this is the view from the cheap seats." I replied, grinning.

We got to the house and I showed her the apartment. She walked through the rather small place and grinned widely at me.

"You like it?" I said, mildly surprised.

"I get to spend every night with you from now on. We have our own place and there's nothing to keep us apart. You really think I care about anything else?" She asked, still grinning.

"Well, when you're thinking more practically about it, you might. But I like the direction you're taking it." I chuckled as she came over to give me a huge hug.

"I think we'll be just fine." She smiled. "Now about that shower?"

"Right through there." I pointed. "Unlike your old apartment, you can't mistake this one for the bedroom."

"You could have fucked me in the bathroom all you wanted. I wouldn't care." She shot me a sultry look as she grabbed her toiletries bag and walked into the bathroom.

I sat on the edge of the bed and looked over the three room apartment. It really was going to be too small for us. She may think she didn't care, but the entire apartment was only about the size of our two childhood bedrooms smashed together. I wasn't entirely sure at this moment how much money had I had because pieces had been selling fairly steadily in London for the past three weeks. I knew it was enough to be able to afford to rent the house down the block, which was much larger than this tiny apartment. There should be more than enough left over to give Amy to invest for us. I'd take her by there tomorrow and let her look over the place, I thought.

I didn't try to join her in the shower, because there was no possible way we would both fit in the tiny stall. When she came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, she had on a pair of bikini cut panties and a towel draped over her shoulders, covering her breasts. I let out a low breath, and she picked up on it.

"You approve?" She chuckled.

"Oh, I most certainly approve." I nodded. "You look sexy as hell like that, baby."

She blushed a little and gave me one of her arsenal of heart stopping smiles.

"You should take your shower, so we can meet Margaret for dinner."

"I know." I said, without moving or taking my eyes off of her. She walked over to me and put her hand under my chin, tilting my head up to look at her. Her smile was radiant.

"Hold me a moment?" She asked.

I obliged, wrapping my arms around her, my face pressed against her stomach. She hugged me back for a long moment, before she finally released me.

"I'm not going anywhere, baby." She cooed. "Go take a shower. We have all the time in the world now."

She was right, and for whatever reason, it clicked into place in my brain more than saying it over the past couple of days had before. I felt another layer of weight lift of my shoulders that I hadn't even realized was still there.

"Don't get me wrong. I adore it when you look at me like that. So don't ever stop, okay?"

"Not a chance, beautiful." I grinned as I stood to go to the shower. I made it about three steps before I spun around and pulled her back to me, my erection pressing against her ass. She yelped playfully, until my hand cupped one of her breasts under her towel and gave it a gentle squeeze. Her breathing became a little heavier. I released it and headed for the shower.

"That's not fair, damn it. You know what you do to me." She growled without malice.

I chuckled as I turned the shower on and started stripping, curious to see if she was going to try to wedge herself in the tiny stall with me after all. She didn't.

Later, over dinner, I asked Margaret if she thought Theron would mind if I borrowed his boat in the morning.

"Of course not. You know better by now." She admonished me.

"I still prefer to ask." I replied, grinning.

"We're going boating?" Amy asked.

"Yep. You pack a suit?"

"Yeah, I have a couple actually. You said there were a lot of beaches here. I figured if they were nice enough to get you out of your hermit cave mindset and into the sun, then they must be pretty awesome." She smirked.

"They're better." I replied.

"I must say, it's going to be nice not being the only woman around here." Margaret smiled.

"Oh? My brother's been a pain in the ass? Can't say I'm surprised." Amy stuck her tongue out at me.

"Certainly not. Adam has been nothing but a perfect guest."

"Jesus, it's getting deep in here." I picked up my empty plate, took it to the kitchen and started loading the dishwasher.

"See? Perfect guest." Margaret chuckled motioning toward me to Amy.

"I don't think I've ever seen him willingly load a dishwasher in his life." Amy commented. I gave her the finger over my shoulder.

"You already owe me a spanking, are you just making a to-do list now?"

I rolled my eyes and kept loading the dishwasher.

Amy walked into the kitchen and started doing the larger dishes in the sink. She bumped me with a hip and smiled at me as I rinsed the pots she'd just scrubbed. I gave her a grin of my own.

Later that night, I crawled into bed. Amy stripped to her panties and one of my shirts she'd grabbed from the closet, then joined me. As she cuddled up next to me, she smiled warmly.

"Every night." She sighed, sleepily but elated. I couldn't disagree.

* * *

The next day, I took a blanket, a couple of towels, and a couple of zip ties. I slipped them all into a heavy garbage bag, pressed them down enough to minimize the air a bit, and used another zip tie to seal it. I loaded a wooden wine box with a bottle of wine that I'd purchased before I went to the States in anticipation, a couple of glasses, and some fresh fruit. I made a couple of sandwiches in the kitchen, wrapped them up and added them to the box as well.

Amy came into the kitchen wearing blue bikini with a pair of shorts over the bottoms. She had her long, black hair pulled up in a ponytail, and I took the opportunity to kiss her exposed neck for a moment.

"Mm..." She moaned lightly in approval. I wrapped my arms around her bare waist and gave her a squeeze just as my phone's alarm chirped.

"We gotta get moving." I mumbled.

"What's the rush? I thought we could relax until London on Friday?" She asked, puzzled. I needed to go back to London for an interview with a German art magazine that Damian had set up.

"There's a boat from Adamas that passes around the island soon. I want to avoid it." I said, cryptically.

"Avoid it?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

"You'll see." I grinned as I grabbed the wooden wine crate and trash bag.

"The hell are you up to?" She followed me down toward the beach.

"You'll see."

"Whoa." She whispered suddenly.


"This is amazing." She motioned to the large white volcanic rock formations we were approaching as we got closer to the water.

"Oh yeah. They're beautiful, aren't they?" I smiled, enjoying watching her sense of wonder. "There's a few I'll show you that I enjoy diving from. And, the beaches on the other side of the island have these boulders that look almost like earth toned rainbows or something. I've been told it's because of the mineral deposits, but they are pretty awesome to check out, too."

A few minutes later, as I loaded the boat, she said. "You weren't kidding. The water is so blue."

The Aegean Sea was calm, as usual. The beautiful blue water lapping at the mostly stone beach. I motioned her into the boat and once she was settled, I shoved off, climbing in behind her. I smiled to myself watching as she put her hand up to shield her eyes from the sun and peered at the coastline. Ever the artist, I found myself studying the sensual curve of her back as I paddled. I watched the way her ponytail moved across her back when she would turn her head to look at the different rocks and beaches that I paddled us by. I was fascinated by the way her muscles moved on her back and sides when she would turn to continue watching things that caught her eye as we passed them. I certainly noticed the curve of her breasts that would come into view periodically when she turned far enough to expose the sides of her bikini. Goddamn, she's beautiful, I thought to myself.

After a few minutes of me paddling in silence, I glanced up from her back and noticed her looking over her shoulder at me.

"What is it?" She asked, smiling sweetly at me. Busted. Not that I thought she'd mind.

"Just looking at you." I grinned, a little self conscious.

"Well, just don't paddle us into a rock or anything, okay?" A smirk crept across my sister's lips.

"If you only knew," I chuckled, knowing what was coming.

"If I only knew what?"

"You'll see. It's a surprise." I kept paddling, purposely being cryptic. She squinted back at me for a moment, debating if she wanted to push the issue. She let her eyes gaze down at the sapphire blue water. Even though I knew from experience that the water where we currently were was at least thirty or forty feet deep, you could see the bottom clearly.

"Do they have many shark attacks here?" She asked, suddenly. I started laughing, remembering when I'd asked Theron the same thing.

"Not at all. In fact, from everything I've been told, there aren't any sharks here."

"You don't have to make fun of me over it, asshole." Amy replied, sounding a little embarrassed.

"It's not that. I was laughing because I asked Theron the same question the first time he took me out here fishing."

"Oh!" She brightened again.

We paddled along huge cliffs made of the same white volcanic rock back by the house. The island really was a stunning place.

"You see those caves along the cliff?" I asked.

She nodded.

"There's dozens of them along the beaches. One guy in Plaka told me there's more than a hundred."

"Wow. That's pretty crazy."

I paddled us over to the section of cliff I had been looking for, near a cave entrance that was almost at water level. There was no way that a person could paddle through it in a boat, although the boat itself would fit. I pulled the paddle out of the water and set it in the boat.

"Here we are." I announced, and grinned at her puzzled expression.

"Why here?" Amy asked.

Instead of replying, I stood and dove in the cool water. I swam underwater to the front of the boat where she was perched and came up for air next to her. She was looking down at me like I was an amusing idiot.

"Lay back," I told her.

"Excuse me?" She cocked an eyebrow at me.

"Lay down, so you're level with the boat. Unless you wanna crack your head open." I repeated, thumbing over my shoulder at the rocks. I swam to the front of the boat and grabbed the tow line.

Amy looked up at the cave entrance and back at me, suddenly figuring out what I was planning.

"We're going in there?"

"Yep." I grinned, wiping away the sea water that had pooled in my eyebrows.

"Why do you have to pick the hardest one to get into?" She asked as she laid back on the trash bag.

"Believe me, there are some much harder." I replied as I pulled the boat into the crevice.

It slide through the entrance, just barely scraping on one side because I had the angle just a little off. The roof of the entrance glided over Amy's head and I saw her raise a hand to brush against it like a little kid would do. It made me smile. About ten feet into the cave, the passage widened into a pool. The only illumination seemed to come from the water itself as the sun spilled in from the cave entrance, giving the water a glowing blue green look. Shadows from the water rippled across the cave walls.

Amy sat up and looked around with a sense of wonder that I hadn't seen on her face since our parents took us to Disney World as kids. I smiled at the memory. I couldn't help feeling pleased with myself for having blown her mind by showing her this place.

"Holy shit, Adam!" She exclaimed as I pulled the boat up to the bank.

"I know. Pretty bad ass, isn't it?" I pulled myself out of the water onto the rocks and extended a hand to her. She took my hand and stepped out of the boat, nodding her head as she did so.

"A couple of months after I first moved here I got curious about the caves. Mostly just to kill time." She didn't look like she was listening to me, but I continued. "Anyway, this was maybe the sixth or seventh one I went into."

"It's so beautiful!" She continued gazing around. I wasn't entirely sure she had blinked yet.

I stepped over to her and settled my hands on the swell of her hips. Her eyes moved over to meet mine.

"You're more beautiful, though." I said quietly, hoping the over saturated, clearly calculated line would crack her up.

"Laying it on a little thick there, aren't you big brother?" She chuckled up at me. Her eyes were shimmering, though. Regardless of the silly level of over reaching I'd gone for with the compliment in a weak attempt at humor, some of the truth behind it had hit home for her.

"Hey, I spent the last three years wanting to bring you here and show you this place. Cut me a little slack if I overplay my hand, eh?" I grinned.

"Three years, huh? That's a long time to wait to make your move."

"I knew this girl once that took something like nineteen years to make her move."

"Well, at least she made one. Just think where they would be otherwise." She brought hand up and ran it through my wet hair.

"I'd rather not." I leaned in and kissed her. Her hands reached down and unbuttoned her shorts, letting them fall to the ground, leaving her in just her bikini.

She pressed herself up against me as she returned my kiss. After a few moments, she glanced at the stone cave floor and back up at me.

"Didn't I see you pack a blanket?" She asked.

I went to the boat and pulled out the stuff we'd brought. Amy walked around the perimeter of the room, exploring a little while I retrieved Theron's fishing knife from the boat and cut the zip ties from the trash bag. By the time she got done wandering, I had the blanket laid out and poured her a glass of wine.

"I thought you didn't like wine?" She smiled down where I was crouched.

"I don't particularly, but you do." I offered up the glass to her.

She nodded as she sat down next to me and put her free hand on my leg while she took a drink. Setting the glass down, she wrapped her arms around me in a big hug and pushed me back on the blanket.

"You taste salty." She licked her lips.

"I just climbed out of sea water, I can't imagine why." I found myself distracted by her cleavage.

"Damn it." She breathed.

"What?" I glanced back up into her eyes.

"I feel like I'm going to melt when you look at me like that." She said, bashfully.

"Sorry?" I offered.

"Don't even think of being sorry. Just come here and do whatever it was you were thinking of doing to me just now." Her lips curled upward in a sultry smile.

"Right this second, or what I've been thinking of doing to you here since I found this place?"

"Why not both?"

"I had years to think about it, it might take a while if I went with the second option. But we aren't in a rush, I guess." I replied, sliding a hand over one of the cups of her bikini top. She arched her back up against my palm.

"Start with 'just this second' then, we'll work on the rest later." She whispered. I leaned down and licked the flesh between her breasts, causing her to suck a breath of air in anticipation. Placing a palm just above her stomach, I slid it upward between her breasts, under the bikini top, raising my thumb to catch the string and pull her top up. Her breasts slid free of the material with a satisfying jiggle. I smiled appreciatively, admiring the view. Her nipples were hardening and I slid a thumb over the nearest one watching as it responded to my touch.

I cupped both of both of my hands around the breast nearest to me, and planted kisses in a circle around her nipple slowly. She arched toward me again, one of her hands coming up to wrap around her other breast. I sucked her nipple into my mouth, pulling it with my lips, and slid my far hand over to take over for her on the other breast. She purred and cradled my upper body to her breast with her arms.

"Do you like my breasts, baby?" She asked sweetly, already knowing the answer.

"I love them," I breathed.

"Do you love sucking your baby sister's nipples, dear brother?" She asked in a lower, more seductive voice.

"You know I do, dear sister." I replied, playing her relation game, something I rarely gave voice to.

"They're yours forever, my brother. Always and forever. Like every other part of me that I can give you. Yours forever, my love." She breathed out in almost a whisper. Whimpering in reaction to my touch.

I moved up even with her face, moved to my core by her words, and kissed her as deeply and passionately as I was able. Trying to express my love for her that I always felt was beyond my ability to say or show to her. This was no exception. There were no words, no act, that could do the job to my satisfaction. Our lips parted after a time and I looked deeply into her piercing, beautiful blue eyes.

"You are everything to me, Amy. Everything. I am so lucky to have you in my life, beautiful. I love you more than anything." My voice wavered a little with emotion.

I saw her eyes start to well up, but she moved up to place her mouth over mine before any tears fell. We shared another long, meaningful kiss. When we broke for air, she smiled up at me as she wiped a tear from the corner of her eye with the back of a hand.

"So, you're going to keep me forever?" She asked. Surely, she knew the answer, but I'd play along.

"Even longer, if I could."

"That sounds perfect to me." Amy smiled, as I kissed the corner of her mouth and made my way down to her neck. My lips moved over her body lightly grazing over her skin and stopping to plant kisses strategically along the way. I worked my way down to her nipples again, spending plenty of time with each nipple, then down between her breasts and under each of them. The appreciative moans above me, assured me that my efforts were having the desired effect. My hands slid down and untied the strings on either side of her bikini bottoms.

"Damn, these things are convenient." I mumbled.

Amy broke out in a giggle. "I'll remember to wear them more often."

I flipped the bikini bottoms down and gave her a long light lick. She gasped above me. Her hand shot down and snatched one of mine, pulling it up and over her breast. I paused, raising my head to look at her. Her eyes shown down at me, the reflection from the water rippled shadows across her beautiful, nude form. I was, without question in my mind, the luckiest guy on the planet. My free hand slid over her mound, grazing over her entrance. Her eyes closed and she let out a slight whimper. I dropped my head back down and began to lap at her slowly. Her body responded, her stomach fluttering, as her breath quickened.

Her legs widened, trying to allow me more access. I slipped my tongue between the folds of her flesh, lapping up her secretions, enjoying how I would lick her clean only to be rewarded with a fresh wash of her nectar as soon as I probed deeper. She was moaning heavily above me now, her hips rocking back and forth in small motions.

"Oh god, baby, don't stop." She breathed, a whimper sliding out of her at the end of her sentence like a punctuation.

I had no intention of stopping. I continued to lick her, sliding my free hand up to tease at the hood of her clitoris. My other hand, extended somewhat uncomfortably above me, continued to massage her breast while she kept both of her hands clasped tightly over it. Her hips seemed to be almost vibrating, as she struggled not to buck them into me. Amy's cries above me were becoming more shrill and increasingly urgent. I raised my head slightly and planted a kiss on her clit, lapping at it gently with my tongue. I began using my tongue as a pen to spell out my love for her, tracing the letters individually across her clit. She drew her knees up suddenly, locking them on each side of my face, as her hands flew to the side and each balled up into a fist grabbing a handful of blanket. Her back arched high as her stomach and thighs quivered violently. Even with my ears covered tightly by her thighs, I could hear her orgasmic scream of release echoing off the walls of the cave. I almost cracked a grin as my tongue plunged as deep into my little sister as I could, but not moving for fear of overstimulating her. I hadn't thought of the echoes, not once in all the times I'd fantasized of bringing her here.

Gradually, she lowered back to the blanket and relaxed her thighs, releasing my head from the death grip she'd had on it. I scooted up beside her and laid down as she gasped for air, still shuddering from the aftershocks of her huge orgasm. After a moment, she cuddled up against me, draping a naked thigh across me as she laid her head on my chest. Her hand came up to rest on my chest beneath her chin.

"You are so amazing, baby." She murmured against my chest as she started kissing my chest all over. Her hand slid down and unzipped my shorts. I raised my ass a little, allowing her to slide them down my legs.

She climbed on top of me, straddling my erection, and rocked her hips sliding her pussy over my hard cock. I moaned slightly at the sensation. She withdrew and repeated the move a second time before raising herself to position my cock head at her warm entrance.

Amy let out a loud groan as she lowered, impaling herself on my throbbing erection. I lost myself in the feeling of my dick disappearing into her glistening folds. Seeing her sitting upright, riding me, was something I found endlessly erotic. The blue and green light coming from the water cast shadows that rhythmically rolled across her body like spiderwebs. I loved watching the way I slid in and out of her. She moaned appreciatively as my hands slid up to massage her creamy breasts that were bouncing deliciously above me.

"I love your hands on me," she groaned, putting a hand over one of mine, pressing it to her breast harder. Her free hand moved up to her scalp, gliding through her hair as she tossed her head back guiding her hair out of her face. My cock, finding her impossible to resist, lurched in response to the sexy vision above me. I slid a hand down to her hip, resting there a moment, before gliding it over to rub her clit lightly with my thumb. She let out a loud moan, loud enough to echo off of the walls of the cave again in response.

"God, I love you," I breathed. A smile cracked through the gasps she was releasing above me, as her half closed lids gazed downward at me. She rolled forward, her soft breasts smashing into my chest, as she began planting kisses on my jaw as she put her mouth up to my ear whispering my words back to me.

I cupped her ass in one of my hands while my other was across her back, holding her against me. My mouth worshiped her neck and shoulders with kisses, causing her to gasp when I touched on her favorites spots. I thrust my hips up into her, listening to her rhythmic panting above me. I don't think there was a more erotic sound in the world.

"So good..." I heard my sister moan, as I tightened my grip on her incredible ass and thrust deeper into her. Gripping her against me, I rolled her onto her back and she immediately wrapped her legs around my waist, digging her heels into my thighs. My shaft moved in and out of her like a piston as her fingers dug into my shoulders.

She cried aloud, her voice booming through the cavern yet again, as her body rushed toward a second orgasm. Amy began writhing uncontrollably beneath me, mewling unintelligible cries of ecstasy. Her vagina pulsed around my cock as her orgasm hit her. She bucked her quivering thighs into me as hard as she could, vibrating throughout her body. It was so fucking hot to see the effect I had on her that my balls emptied themselves, sending rocket streams of semen out of my dick into her body. The force of my orgasm caused triggered another in her and we both cried out, locked tightly together in rapturous release.

We collapsed into each other, sweating and gasping for breath. Once I was able to breathe normally, I kissed her tenderly, cradling my beautiful, little sister in my arms.

"Wow." She said softly. "That was incredible."

I nodded my agreement, kissing her forehead and leaving my lips there for a while. I glanced up at the shadows playing across the cavern walls and reflected a moment on the realization that my wish to make love to her here had been fulfilled. My eyes traveled back down to the beautiful creature in my arms.

"Have I ever bothered to mention that you are the most amazing, beautiful thing I have ever seen?" I asked, knowing damned well that I had.

"You may have mentioned it once or twice, but you can tell me again. I don't mind." She flushed a little as she grinned up at me.

"Well, it's true, sweetheart. I can never find the words to tell you how much I love you. It pisses me off. You make me feel more..." I paused, trying to find the words, annoyed because I felt my eyes clouding a little at the emotions I was trying to express. "at peace, I guess... comfortable with myself maybe... than I've ever felt in my life. You are all I need, Amy. You are the only thing that truly matters to me. I don't fucking deserve you."

"You, my dear brother, are the love of my life." She whispered, smiling softly at me as her hand stroked my cheek. "And you totally deserve me. I'm yours forever."

"That makes me happier than you can ever imagine." My lips met hers in a long, loving kiss.

"Even if you took me to your secret hideaway and fucked me there like you are some sort of creepy cave troll." Her eyes twinkled at me.

"You brat. This place is fucking beautiful and you know it. I could have brought any girl here and her panties would hit the floor like an anvil." I deadpanned. "The only thing I could have done to make this more romantic is candles and rose petals."

"You cheated me out of rose petals, you bastard? How dare you..." She smirked, before latching onto me with a huge kiss.

"Alright, alright. I'll bring rose petals next time." I chuckled.

We lay together in each others arms for a while longer, dozing contentedly, until we decided it was time to clean up. I lead her into the water and we washed each others bodies in the water, pausing often to cuddle into each other in a hug. Eventually we got dressed again and she lay back in the boat as I pulled it back out of the cave entrance into the bay. I climbed back aboard and paddled us around the island while she lay back getting some sun and purposely allowing me to look over her wonderful body to my heart's content. We talked and laughed and relished in the knowledge that this was our new reality. Finally, as the sun was beginning to retreat for the day, we headed back to the apartment. Amy marveled at watching the sunset over the Aegean Sea.

* * * * * * *

One early afternoon a few weeks later, I walked over to Theron's studio from our rent house to continue working on my newest painting. I had just gotten word from Damian that it was confirmed that I would be having a show in Tokyo this coming December. Amy would be ecstatic to get to see Japan. Hell, I was excited to see Japan.

Theron was out fishing this afternoon, so I had the studio to myself and decided to make full use of the sound system that was in the corner. Most of the time, I was back to using headphones so that I wouldn't disturb anyone. Amy and Margaret had gone out for a walk on the beach. I picked an album that felt appropriate, smiling contentedly as the sound filled the room, and got to work on the painting.

A few songs later, the girls came wandering into the studio. Amy was wearing a white bikini that accentuated her beautiful body and had a floral sash tied around her waist like a skirt. She came up to me, giving me a big hug and a quick kiss. She listened to the song that was playing for a moment and smiled.

"What is this? This is really catchy." She asked.

"The song's called 'No Crimes.' It's pretty great."

"Yeah, it really is." She agreed, and started to dance around the room, grinning widely. She looked so beautiful and happy.

"Come on, dance with me." She called to Margaret, knowing full well that I was not a dancer by any stretch of the imagination. I chuckled to myself as the two of them playfully danced around the studio.

I went back to looking at the painting in front of me. Some of the lyrics stuck in my head on a loop, as the song kept going.

"All you ever wanted

All you ever need

Your brand new history"

This happened sometimes when I was painting, and focusing on snippets of lines that resonated with me just added to the mood I hoped to convey. The song repeated the lyrics over and over as it came to a close. Amy danced with Margaret, both of them smiling and laughing as I watched, smiling from behind my canvas. The sun shown through the window casting a long shadow from my baby sister's beautiful bikini clad body as I watched her move gracefully to and fro around the room. Sometimes the perfect song at the perfect time can say more than you ever can on your own, I thought to myself. Amy looked over at me as she danced, her eyes as blue as the sea, and smiled warmly. I smiled reflexively in return, and silently mouthed the words "I love you."

The End.