Sisters Senior Prom


I was so upset that my boyfriend Jeremy dumped me right before Prom. "What's wrong Erin?" my mom asked as I slammed my bedroom door closed . I couldn't tell her, I jus sat on the edge of my bed and sobbed. I was a senior, eighteen years old, and now my last chance to go to Prom was taking a sophomore instead! Ughhh!

After a few minutes I heard my door creak open. I thought it was my mom trying to find out what had me upset, but when I looked up I saw my older brother Dan standing in the doorway. He was three years older than me and had been away at a technical school for almost a year. I was surprised to see him since he hadn't planned on coming home for another three months.

I wiped my tears away with my sleeve and managed to give him a hug. He asked what was wrong and I told him the story, about how Jeremy had cheated on me and now I didn't have a prayer for getting a Prom date since it was tomorrow night.

Dan put an arm around my shoulder and said any guy would be lucky to go to the prom with me. I tried to have a sense of humor about it and joked, "well why don't you take me then?" Dan laughed and told me to stop being a smart ass.

Then a strange thought crossed my mind. Why couldn't we go together? Nobody in my school knew who Dan was, he had gone to high school in our old hometown, 200 miles from here. We could pretend to be dating and nobody would know the difference, as long as we didn't spill the beans. And besides, Dan was so good looking and well built that all my friends would be jealous that such a hunk had asked me out.

"Please Dan," I begged, "take me to Prom, it'll be so fun and nobody will know the truth except us." I put on the little-sister-gets-what-she -wants look and after a few bats of the eyelashes, he caved in and agreed.

The next night I took my time getting ready, shaving my legs, picking out the cutest panties, putting on the right amount of perfume and make up. I wanted to look my best, not only for Prom but for Dan too. He was doing me a huge favor by being my date and I wanted him to have a sexy girl on his arm all night. Before heading downstairs I slipped on a pair of black thigh-high nylons and black strap heels to go with my black backless, low-cut dress. All five feet, five inches of me was looking dark and elegant, my 34C cups filling out the front and showing plenty of cleavage.

Dan was standing at the bottom of the stairs in a dark tuxedo with a perfectly tied bowtie. He whistled in a teasing tone as I walked down the stairs but he never took his eyes off me until we got to his car. I knew this dress was a head turner. We walked into the school's gym fashionably late and boy did we make an entrance, all eyes were on us for a few seconds. The girls were almost drooling over my big brother as we headed for the refreshment table.

"Now remember, we're a couple tonight, not siblings." I reminded Dan in a whisper. He just smiled as he lead me to the dance floor. After a few pop jams the lights dimmed and the slow songs started playing. Dan wrapped a strong arm around my waist and put the other hand on my hip. He pulled me close to him and we were face to face. I could feel his chest against mine, his hips against mine, his hand on my bare back. My heartbeat quickened.

I couldn't describe the strange and exciting feelings I was having, being held so close in my brother's arms, so much of our bodies touching. I felt completely safe, and yet so vulnerable at the same time. Suddenly I had the urge to kiss him.

The look of utter shock on his face slowly faded as I kissed him, not a sisterly peck, not a first date smooch. A full on passionate lip lock. I waited for him to pull away but after a few seconds he hadn't. I had to make a decision: pull back and explain myself or continue to surprise him. Well I didn't know what to say, how to explain what I had just done, so I surprised him and stuck my tongue in his mouth. We stood there, amongst my clueless classmates, French kissing like real lovers.

Dan dragged me outside to his car. "What the hell was that!?" he stammered. I was embarrassed but refused to allow him to see it. "I told you, tonight we are a couple, not siblings." I crossed my arms sternly and acted hurt. I was hurt I guess, but did I really want him to kiss me back? I mean, after all he is my brother.

"Sorry, deal's off," Dan said as he opened the car door for me, "we're going home." I really was hurt now, not only had Jeremy dumped me but now Dan had rejected me also. I sulked beside him as he drove us back home, neither one of us saying a word the entire time. When we pulled in the driveway I noticed all the lights in the house were off. Mom and dad had gone to bed, expecting us to be out much later.

We snuck in quietly not wanting to wake up our parents and have to explain an awkward situation that caused us to leave the dance early. At the top of the stairs I whispered to Dan, "well at least you could help me with this clasp." I pointed to the strap around my neck that held my dress up as I walked into my room with Dan following behind. He gave me a dubious look but indicated for me to turn around. The small metal clasp clicked and I held onto the straps as I turned to face him. He didn't wait to be thanked, he just turned and headed for the door.

"Dan," I whispered as he stood in the doorway, "don't go, please." He turned to face me but didn't say a word. I had to make a choice, let him go to bed and end the night in total failure, or surprise him. I let go of the straps. The little black dress fluttered to the floor. I stood there in only sheer panties, black nylons and heels. My bare breasts rising and falling more rapidly as my breathing quickened. He remained silent, neither one of us moved a muscle for a full minute.

I put two fingers inside the waistband of my panties and slid them down around my ankles, exposing my freshly shaved pussy. Dan took two steps forward and closed my bedroom door behind him, we were standing about three steps away from each other and one of us was feeling very exposed. My head pounded from the sudden rush a adrenalin. I don't know what I was more afraid of at this point, being naked with my older brother or having him reject me again, twice in one night.

I didn't know what to say, I lifted a foot and lightly kicked my panties off towards him. He broke the silence, "are we still a couple now that we're not at the Prom?" I was stunned that he asked that, I almost couldn't respond but I knew if I didn't say something he'd probably walk out. "Yes, I really want to be." I said quietly as I stepped toward him. Before he could respond or react I kissed him, another full on passionate kiss. He reached behind me and grabbed my bare ass with both hands. I felt my blood race, I almost fainted from the mixture of fear and euphoria and lust.

I stepped back and watched quietly as Dan took off his tuxedo, finally standing completely naked in the canter of my room. He looked incredibly sexy in the dim light of my small bedside lamp, he was sweating slightly and had an impressive erection. I knew we were about to cross a line that could not be un-crossed, but I was beyond caring, I wanted to be wanted now. I wanted to be desired.

I laid back on my bed and put my knees up, my feet apart, slowly opening my legs. Dan watched silently as I spread wider, giving him a perfect view of my smooth pussy. "I don't have a condom," he whispered apologetically. "I don't care, I just want you inside me," I said without bothering to whisper. He inched closer to the bed and slowly lowered himself down in front of me. He was kneeling between my legs, running one hand slowly up and down my calf, over the smooth black nylon, while the other hand slowly stroked an erect penis.

Usually I had to make a effort to make myself wet, but not this night, I was already starting to make a wet spot on the bedspread. "Fuck me," was the last thing I remember whispering before I felt my older brother enter me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he tried to fuck me as quietly as he could. We would be in a world of trouble if we got caught now, fully in the act of having sex.

I don't know exactly how much time passed as we made love but everything seemed to be in slow motion as Dan lifted my legs and shifted my hips. I had never before been penetrated so deeply. An intense wave of energy washed over me as I climaxed, all my muscles tightening and tensing around Dan's cock. A moment later I felt his climax, a warm flood of semen filling my pussy. No condom, no pills. I didn't care at all, I was completely overcome with a feeling that was beyond description. I had just been fucked by my brother.