Hot Incest Ch. 02


I've decided to let Bill vanish into the ether. Jan and Carl are on hold. As this started with Dan and Carol so let's move along with them.

Life for the four has settled into a nice routine. The babies are old enough to sleep all night and they are on solid food. Now, it's just dirty diapers and lots of love for them. They are so proud of their babies. They don't care who is the father of which one. Carol's baby is Daniel and Jan's is William. Carol is on the pill.

Dan and Carol are in bed after enjoying some afternoon delight.

"mmmm, It's so nice being in your arms. Especially after a good fuck."

"Mom, I've been thinking. I need to do something with my life. I don't want to just get a job. I want a career."

"What did you have in mind? Are you thinking of college?"

"Yeah. I like sports, so I'm thinking of teaching phys ed. I did pretty good at football and wrestling. I could take that farther. Maybe start teaching at high school level and work up to college."

"That sounds really good. I'm sure you'll do well at it. Did you have a college in mind?"

"Not yet. I just started thinking about it. I'll do some research on it."

"That might mean moving. Have you thought of that?"

"Just briefly. I know I'll want to take you and Daniel with me if we do move. I guess Carl's job in construction would be enough to support them. It would break up the great foursome. It's not just you and I that's involved here. I guess we all should talk about it."

"Just so you know, I'll support you whatever you decide. You might meet some sweet little college girl and want to get married."

"Ha. That's a good one. You have set the bar so high it probably won't happen."

"Aww, that sweet of you to say that."

"Who knows. You might meet some hot guy and want to marry him. That shoe fits on both feet."

"Well, just like you said. The bar is really high here too. You're my hot lover."

He pulls her into his arms.

"Let's move that bar up a notch or two."

He kisses her and their tongues dance. The slurp and suck on each others mouths. His cock fills with blood. She moves down and starts sucking and licking it.

"mmmm Your big cock is getting ready for me again. I love how you can fuck so often. It's all I can do to keep up with you."

"You keep up with me just fine. Just keep doing what your doing."

He pulls her ass around and is looking at her pussy. She kisses it and she moans. The lick and suck each other just to the edge of cumming. Carol turns and sits on his thighs.

"This looks ready to go in a pussy. Let me see if I can find one."

She moves the head of his cock back and forth on her clit. She cries out and cums Her pussy is aroused from his expert mouth. She slowly slides in up in her pussy. She hits bottom and cums.

"Oh yes. Every time you hit my cervix and your bone hits my clit I cum. Your cock is as wonderful now as it was our first time."

She starts grinding, stroking and squeezing. Their passion rises and with a mutual scream they both cum.

"mmmm. My sweet baby boy lover. So good for me."

He laughs. "Yeah, baby boy fucking his mother. Maybe a sweet bad baby boy lover."

Dan starts his research. He finds a couple of colleges he likes but it would require them moving. They have a meeting and discuss all the options. It's decided that Dan, Carol and Daniel will move. Carl, Jan and William will stay in the house. They sign a rental contract with Carol's dad that's well within their means.

"Mom. Good news. I got all the classes I wanted and I found the wrestling coach. Tryouts for the team are in three weeks."

"Oh great. I'm wondering, though. Are you in shape to make the team? It's been a while."

"I'll hit the gym hard. I should be able to make some good progress by then. I don't know how stiff the competition is. I'll just give it my best shot."

"What about football. Are you trying out for that too?"

"I decided not to. I don't want to risk an injury. Football is pretty rough. I could be out of action in one play. I just want to concentrate on wrestling."

"Maybe you're right. And injury would pretty much end it for you."

"The have some special teacher prep courses in math and science. I signed up for them too, just to cover more bases."

"It sounds like you have it pretty well covered."

"I was thinking. We aren't living as husband and wife now. We need to go back to calling each other mom and son stuff. Mom and son outside and hot naked lovers inside."

"You're right. I especially like the hot naked lovers inside."

She walks up to him and pulls off his t shirt. She runs her hands over his chest and abs.

"mmmm So pretty. My hot lover is pretty."

"Mom, it's handsome, not pretty. Girls are pretty and guys are handsome."

"That's tough. You're pretty to me."

He pulls her t shirt up and off. They hug and her naked breasts press against him.

Daniel makes himself heard. Carol pulls away.

"Hold that though. I'll be right back."

She comes back in a few minutes.

"Mr. poopy diaper needed attention. Now, where was I?"

She grabs his shorts and pulls them down. She pushes him back on the couch.

"mmmm My pretty cock."

She sucks and licks it up to full hard. She steps back and takes off her clothes. She sits in his lap. He pinches her nipples and she moans. He sucks one and twirls the other.

"Yes. Yes. Nipples. Do my nipples."

She reaches down and rubs her clit. Her pussy juice starts running down on his balls. She lifts and slides down on his cock. Dan moans and thrusts up in her.

"Oh yes. Hard cock. Big hard cock in me. Yes. Yes."

"Your pussy is always so hot. I never get tired of your hot pussy."

She rides him hard. He tweaks, twists and bites her nipples sending lightening bolts to her pussy. She cries out and cums on him.

"Yesss yesss. Nipple and pussy cum. So good. Yes. Oh god, yes."

Her pussy milks is cock hard. His cum builds and he cums hard in her.

"Oh god, mom. Your hot pussy. Yes. Yes. Take my cum."

"I got it baby. You're filling me with it. Yes. Yes. Oh god, yes. Hot hot cum."

She pushes down, holding him in her. She slowly leans against his chest. She kisses and licks his neck.

"mmmm My baby. My sweet baby. Hold me. Hold me tight."

"I got you, mom. I got you"

The hug and kiss, whispering love word to each other, reveling in the afterglow.

Monday morning, Dan starts his Math and Science classes. It's mostly what he had in high school except they throw in some teaching techniques. He takes lots of notes.

Three weeks pass and he goes to the tryout for the wrestling team. He looks around at the competition. He watches a few matches. He is scheduled for two. He doesn't know who they are. The coach calls him out and he is up. He starts slow, sizing up his opponent. He blocks a few moves. He sees an opening and pins the guy. The coach looks at him and smiles. He watches a few more matches and he is up again. This guy is better. He notices a weakness and makes his move. He pins this guy too. The coach catches his eye and gives him the thumbs up. He has made the team. He can't wait to tell Carol.

"Mom. Mom. I made the team. I pinned both guys. Wooohoooo. I did it."

She runs and hugs him.

"Oh baby. I'm so happy for you. I knew you could do it. You worked so hard for it. I'm so proud of you."

"Wait till you meet my coach. He is really a nice guy. We have a match with Central in two days. I want you to go and watch. It's more like a scrimmage than a match. Sort of a warm up before the season starts."

"I'd love to go. I haven't seen you wrestle since high school. I should be fun to see how you've progressed."

They get to the school. Dan looks for the coach.

"Hey, coach. Meet my mom. Carol, meet coach Johnson."

"Hello, Mr. Johnson. It's nice to meet you."

"Hi Carol, and please. Mr. is too formal. Call me Glenn."

She smiles and they shake hands.

"Dan has a tough one tonight. His opponent is division champ. It should be a good match."

"I'll pin his ass, coach. You wait and see."

The all laugh.

"I have to run, Carol. It's very nice to meet you."

"Nice meeting you too, Glenn. Good luck, baby."

Dan loses his match 3 to 2. He takes the loss in stride. He didn't really expect to win, but he gave it his best shot.

"Don't take you loss to heart, Dan. That guys is good. With a little more experience you will be able to take him. You did just fine."

"Yeah, I'm ok. He is pretty good"

Carol walks up.

"Are you ok, baby. I didn't like to see you lose."

"I'm ok, mom. He was just better than I am. I just need to work harder and I'll take him."

"Don't worry about Dan. He is really coachable. He will improve. I have great expectations for him."

Carol gives him a big smile, and they leave. Glenn watches her walk away.

'hmmm, Dan has a hot mom. I'd like to get to know her better.'

Three days later, Dan walks in.

"Mom. Coach is coming by tonight. We didn't have time today at practice. He wants to go over some strategy for our next match. He has seen my opponent before. He says he has some tips for me."

"That's fine, baby. Thanks for letting me know. I'll make some snacks for you two."

"OK, mom. I gotta go study for a while. I'll be in my hole."

His hole, as he calls it is the spare bedroom. He has a big desk with his computer set up for studying. There is a bed there too. It's more like a man cave.

Glenn shows up at about 6pm. They are just about to sit down for dinner.

Dan answers the door.

"Hi coach. Come on in."

Carol walks up.

"Glenn, we're just about to sit down for dinner, Have you eaten yet? We would be glad to share with you."

He laughs.

"It look like I timed it just right. I can' turn down an offer like that. I get tired of my own cooking. My daughter cooks sometimes. She doesn't sit still very long. She is a busy girl"

"Great, I'll set another place. What can I get you to drink. I have some wine, coffee and tea."

"A glass of wine sounds good. It's been a long day."

"Is White Zinfandel ok? We're having fish tonight."

"Sounds good."

"We're eating in the kitchen tonight. Come in and sit. Dinner is ready to dish up."

They sit and she serves it up.

"It's good that kids keep themselves busy. Dan is the same way."

"Jacqueline is on the track team and she is a cheerleader too. She is majoring in business and marketing."

Dan and coach go over the next match during dinner. The finish and Carol suggests they go sit in the living room. She tops off their glasses and they all sit.

"Glenn, you had a long day. Kick off your shoes and relax for a while."

Dan smiles. 'mom likes Glenn. This should be good.'

They chat a while and finish their wine.

"I have some peach pie I made today. Let me get you some."

She comes back with some pie and coffee. Dan is amused with his mom. She is being the perfect hostess.

"If you two will excuse me. I need to study for a while. Enjoy your dessert."

He picks up his pie and coffee and goes to his hole. He leaves the door open. He studies and listens. They are chatting it up and laughing, having a great time. He smiles. Mom likes him.

"I'll bet coach makes a move on her.'

About an hour later he hears them saying goodbye.

Carol walks him to the door. He leans over and kisses her on the cheek. She blushes.

"See you Saturday night, Carol, and thanks for the great dinner."

"You're very welcome. It was my pleasure. Till Saturday."

Carol is in the kitchen, cleaning up. Dan walks in.

"Glenn is a nice guy, huh mom."

"Yes. I was surprised. I thought he would be some old worn out jock."

"I thought you would like him."

She turns and looks at him.

"He asked me out to dinner on Saturday. I accepted. Are you going to be ok with it. We haven't talked about either one of us dating."

He thinks a minute.

"Mom, our relationship is special. I don't want it to be something that stops you from having a normal relationship. I suspected this would happen sooner or later. I want you to follow your feelings and be happy. If something works out for you, I'm ok with it. I won't interfere at all."

She gives him a hug.

"Thank you. Baby. You will always be special to me too. I don't want us to ever stop. I'll always love you, no matter what. You might meet a girl your age while you're in school. I want you to be happy too. I won't interfere in your life either."

"We're ok, mom. We'll always be ok. Right?"

"Yes, baby. Always."

"I thought you would like Glenn. He is really a nice guy. I hope you two hit it off."

"I don't know, baby. It's been so long since I dated. He seems really nice. We will see what develops."

Saturday rolls around and Carol is trying to decide what to wear.

'All my nice dresses are so old. I need a new one for tonight.'

"Dan, I'm going shopping. I need a new dress for tonight. All of mine are too old."

"OK, mom. Get something hot. Something that will make him talk to himself."

"Oh great. You're lots of help. I'm nervous enough without your remarks. I don't want to look like a slut."

Six o'clock rolls around and she starts getting ready. She runs a bubble bath. She carefully shaves everywhere. She is like a school girl going out on her first date.

She bought a spaghetti strap, burgundy dress. It comes about 4 inches above her knees. She wants to show off her legs. She can't wear a bra with it. She walks out where Dan is watching TV.

"Holy crap, mom. You are so hot. That's a beautiful dress. Glenn will be toast when he sees you in that."

'Is it too much? Do I look slutty?"

"You look perfect, mom. Just relax and have a good time. Just enjoy."

The door bell rings. Carol walks to the door. Dan sees her breasts sway as she walks.

'Glenn. You're toast. You'll be hard all night.'

She grabs a light shawl and her bag and they leave.

"Nice outfit, Carol. You make guys hold in their stomachs."

She blushes.

"Thanks, Glenn. It's nice to get compliments. Girls can't get too many."

"For this evening, I've planned on dinner and dancing. How does that sound?"

"Oh my. It's been so long since I dated. I'm not sure if I remember how. Dinner and dancing sounds fine. I'll try not to step on your toes."

He takes her hand and leads her to his car. He helps her in like a perfect gentleman.

They enjoy a nice dinner. She finally relaxes and they have a nice time. They drive to a night club and take a seat in a dimly lit corner.

"What would you like to drink, Carol?"

"A glass of wine would be nice. I'll let you choose."

He orders a carafe of White Zinfandel. A slow set starts and he takes her hand and leads her to the floor. He takes her in his arms and the float around to the music. She feels good in his arms. The song ends and they wait for the next one. He looks down at her and smiles.

"You didn't forget how to dance. I guess it's like riding a bicycle."

"You're a very good dancer. It helps that you know what you're doing. I just follow."

"I took some dance lessons years ago. I still remember some of it."

He takes her in his arms again and pulls her close. She sighs and lays her head on his chest. He pulls her closer and she feels his cock against her stomach. Her nipples perk up and her pussy clenches.

'Oh god. He feels so good. I may be in trouble with this guy."

She maintains her composure and the finish the dance.

"Thanks for that nice dance. It's been so long since I danced."

"Are you up for a few fast ones. I think I still remember how."

"Sure. Let's give it a go."

The dance two fast ones and she is out of breath.

"Whew, I forgot how much that takes. I'm out of breath."

"I just want to thank you for going out with me. I haven't been out like this in ages. You're nice to be with. I hope we can do this again."

"Of course we can. You're good company too."

They stay and dance till the wine is gone.

"You ready to call it a night. I don't want to drink anymore. One carafe is my limit."

"Mine too. Let's call it."

He walks her to her door. She steps up and turns around. She moves into his arms and their lips meet. He licks her lips and she gasps. She opens her mouth and takes his tongue in hers. Her nipples perk up and her pussy tingles and gets damp. His cock is half hard. She presses against it. The kiss a little more and she breaks it.

"Oh my. I think I should go in now. You're a great kisser, but let's not rush things, OK?"

"OK. I'm good with that. I expect another date with you. I'll call you."

"OK. Do you promise to call me."

"You can bet on it."

He hugs and kisses him and opens the door.

"Good night, Glenn. I had a great time."

He smiles and leaves.

'Wow. Did I ever find a keeper. She is wonderful.'

'Oh my. He is so nice. He may be a keeper.'

She goes in the bedroom. Dan is asleep. She undresses and sits at her dresser. She takes off her makeup and gets in bed. She scoots over and Dan wakes enough to take her in his arms. They spoon and fall asleep.

"Good morning, mom. I see by the smile you had good time last night."

"I did after I relaxed. He is a nice man and a good dancer. It felt really good to be wined and dined."

"I guess it has been a while for you. The last I remember is Jerry. But that was a blind date. Way different."

"OH god. Don't remind me of him. I'd like to forget the disasters in my life."

"Are you going out again?"

"He promised he would call. I want to go with this and see where it goes. I have a good feeling about him."

"I hope you don't mind that I set you up with him. It was all my idea for him to come over. I even set it up so he would be here at dinner time."

"Well, aren't you just the little hook up artist."

"What do you have planned today, baby?"

"I'm thinking I need some endurance training. I going to start running. I might hook up with the track coach and get some pointers."

"OK, baby. I'll see you when you get back."

"Daddy, how was your date last night?"

He smiles.

"It was great, baby. She is a real sweet heart. She made me promise to call her again. You know I can't break a promise."

"Aw, daddy. I 'm glad you found a nice one. Most of them are taken."

"Where did you guys go?"

"I took her to dinner and dancing. She is a wonderful dancer and good company. It's been so long I was really nervous."

"I know, daddy. It's about time you found someone. I hope you two get something going."

He takes her in his arms. His hands slide down to her ass. He lifts her skirt, slides his hands inside her panties and holds her naked ass cheeks.

"Oh yes, daddy. Your hands feel so good on my ass. I love how you hold me."

He pulls her against his hard cock.

"Daddy. What is that poking me. Do you have a boner for me. Did going out last night make you horny?"

"Your naked ass cheeks make me horny. They are so nice and firm."

"All the running I do makes them just right for you."

She reaches down and unzips his pants. She pulls is hard cock out. She drops to her knees and kisses it. He moans. She takes it in her mouth and sucks on it. His hips thrust to her. Half of his cock goes down her throat.

"Yes, baby. Throat me. Take it down. Your throat is so good on my cock."

She takes a deep breath and pushes till her nose is in his pubic hair. She squeezes it with her muscles."

She sucks, licks and throats him.

His cock flares and he unloads in her throat. She pulls back and takes some in her mouth.

"Oh daddy. Your cum tastes so good. I really love sucking your cock."

"You are the best cocksucker on the planet. I never get tired of your mouth."

He sits and tries to recover.

"Daddy. I need to go run today. I want to be ready for the start of the season. Oh, and I have cheerleader practice this afternoon."

"OK, baby. I'll see you later. I'm going to take a nap."

Dan is stretching out, getting ready to run. He notices a girl walk out from the shower room. He stops and checks her out.

'hmmm, nice long legs, pretty face, great ass and ok boobs. I need to meet her.'

He finishes stretching and starts a slow jog. He watches her out of the corner of his eye. He sees her looking at him.

'Oh yeah.'

He watches her stretch out and start a slow jog too. He speeds up a little to catch up with her.

"Hey. Good day to run, huh?"

"yeah, I'm getting ready for the season. Can't start too soon."

"For sure. I need some endurance training. I don't want to poop out early."

They run for a while and she picks up the pace. He runs with her.

"My name's Dan. What's yours?"

"My friends call me J."

"Nice to meet you, J.

"Let's race for half a lap. I'll bet I can take you. You looks soft."

"I'm soft at running for sure. Let's go."

They take off at full speed. He stays with her. He starts to blow a little and she pulls ahead. He is so out of shape he can't stay with her. She finishes 5 yards ahead of him.

"You need some serious work. I heard you start to blow way early."

"I told you I was out of shape. I guess it shows, huh?"

"I could help you with your training if you want. I will put you through some serious pain."

"Challenge accepted."

She puts him through some drills. He does just ok.

"I have to go to cheerleader practice. You want to meet tomorrow after class?"

"You're on. See you then.

They meet the next day after class. She puts him through a rough session.

"Do you have cheerleader practice now?"

"No. we got the evening off."

"Let's go get something to eat. I missed lunch and I'm starved."

They go to a popular college hangout and eat a light dinner. After they finish, they walk to their cars. He decides to kick it up a little. He takes her in his arms and plants a big kiss on her lips. She squeals and kisses him back. Their tongues meet and wrestle. He pulls back.

"Wow. You're one hot kisser. I could get used to that real fast."

"I was gonna tell you that. I could do some more of that."

She wraps her arms around his neck and they kiss again. This one is more heated. She presses against his half hard cock.

"I see you like that a lot."

He smiles.

'Yes. We do."

They both laugh.

"See ya tomorrow, big guy."

He smiles and goes home.

"Mom, you're off the hook for dinner tonight. I ate with J."

"J? Who's j?"

"A girl I met when I was running. She's on the track team. She offered to train me."

"That's nice of her. Is she pretty?"

"No, mom. She is hot. What's more, she is nice too."

They look at each other and smile.

"Interesting times we're having, huh mom?

"Interesting is the right word. Any feelings for her yet.?"

"I like her and she's nice. We'll see what develops. I'll keep you posted on our progress."

"Sounds like you might have a keeper there, Ya think?"

"I don't know. She probably has a long line of guys waiting for her. She's a cheerleader."

"I suppose. Cheerleaders usually get hit on all the time. Guys making bets and stuff like that."

Dan picks up Daniel and sits on the couch. He turns on a ball game. He starts explaining it all to Daniel. Daniel drools on him. Carol watches them.

'He loves his baby so much. He makes me so happy. He is a proud papa.'

""Mom. I'll be in my hole."

He takes Daniel with him and shows him how to kill aliens. Daniel drools some more. A couple of hours later he changes Daniel and puts him in his crib. He takes a shower and gets in bed. Carol comes in, gets undressed and joins him.

"Baby. Let's cuddle and watch a crumby romantic movie."

Dan rolls his eyes.

"I'd rather make a movie with you. We could post it on the internet. We could be millionaires."

"Yeah, right. I want everyone to see us. I would make one, but it won't go on the internet."

Dan gets his cell phone out and sets it up so it shows the bed.

"OK, mom. Let's give them a show."

"Does it have sound too?"

"yep. We get to record you screams and my howls. It should be really hot. I'll make you scream extra loud this time."

She looks at the camera.

"Watch closely. I'm going to suck and fuck my son. He is my hot lover."

She rolls him on his back and grabs his cock. She starts sucking with extra vigor. He moans and moves around till they are in a 69 position. He looks at the camera.

"I'm gonna make my mom scream and cum on my mouth."

They start licking and sucking each other. They soon forget about the camera. Their passion builds and they cum and scream together. She moves around and hugs and kisses him.

"That was pretty not. I wonder if it melted you phone."

"I can always get a new phone. Let's get to act two. You ride me. That's your favorite. Ride me and take my cum."

She sits on his thighs. She leans down and sucks his semi hard cock. It fills with blood and she rubs it on her pussy lips. She squeals and falls on it. She cums as he hits bottom.

"Oh yes. A cervix cum. So good. Your hard cock on my cervix. Yes. Yes."

"Ride it, mom. Ride it hard. Take my cum in you. Shoot it in your hot spot."

She grinds, squeezes and strokes on him. She screams and cums again. He grabs her and holds her down on his bone. He makes her cum and cum. She if flopping around like a rag doll. He pulls her off and back on and holds her deep. His cum squirts in her hot spot and they both scream.

"Oh god. Oh god, yes. Hot cum in my cervix. So hot. Yes. Yes."

"Take it all, mom. Milk it all in you. Milk me dry."

She milks all his cum out and lays on his chest. They learn how to breathe again.

"That should be a pretty hot video. I came really hard."

"We both came hard, mom. My cock felt like it exploded. Fucking on camera is really hot."

"Let's look at it. I want to see how we cum."

He gets the phone and they watch.

"Wow, mom. Look at you go. You're an animal. You are going for it. Holy crap. That is so hot."

"We really look good together. This would look really hot on the big screen. We could watch us and fuck at the same time. We should make one with you on top. Then I could see your hot ass thrusting into me."

"You really are an animal, mom. That's why I love you so much. You know how to let it go."

They fall asleep in each others arms watching a romantic movie.

Friday night, Glenn calls Carol.

"Hi Glenn."

"I'm good. You?"

"Saturday night. Sure. Where we going?"

"Dinner and dancing is great."

"OK, see you are 7."

"Good night.'

She walks into Dan's hole.

"Glenn just called. We're going out Saturday. He said dinner and dancing again."

"Great, mom. You going to get a new dress again."

"Nope. I have one I've been saving for a special occasion. Wait till you see it."

"Mom. I think you're smitten with Glenn. You're setting a hot trap for him."

"He will make up his mind after tonight. That's for sure. I'll just let him know what he's in for."

"Wow, mom. You're so bad. Glenn doesn't have a chance."

Dan's phone rings.

"Hi J. What's up?"

"Damn, I can't. Mom has a date and I have to watch Daniel. You could come over here. We could kill some aliens or something. You can meet Daniel too. He's almost two."

"Yeah, 7:30 is great. Casual dress for killing aliens."

"I'm just kidding. I know girls don't like video games. Why don't you rent a movie. I'll make the popcorn."

"See ya then. Bye."

"Mom. That was J. she is coming over Saturday night to help me baby sit. I think she is renting a movie. Do we have any popcorn. I on the hook for it."

"Yes. There is some in the cabinet next to the stove. The popper is there too."

Saturday rolls around and Carol is getting ready. She pulls out 'the dress'. It's white and short. It come down to mid thigh and her hint of her nipples show. It's designed to show off a lacy bra. She puts on some white thigh highs. She also decides not to wear panties. He shaved pussy won't show. She stands in front of her mirror and likes what she sees.

'This will help make up his mind. I may get laid tonight."

He pussy clenches up and her nipples get hard thinking about it. She walks out and Dan's jaw drops.

"Holy crap. Mom. You're going for it tonight. Glenn doesn't have a chance. He is toast."

"Do you think he'll like this. I feel pretty hot in it. I may be late getting home tonight."

"Mom, you are so bad. A real bad girl."

"I know. It feels good. I haven't been bad like this for a long time. Maybe his daughter will be out all night."

The doorbell rings. Carol take one last look in the mirror and opens the door. Glenn's eyes open with and his mouth fall open.

"Now that is a picture of loveliness if I ever saw one. All I can say is wow."

She blushes.

"Aw, thanks, Glenn. I thought you would like this outfit. I'm starving. Let's go."

He helps her in the car and she flashes some thigh above her stockings.

'Holy shit. If I don't get laid tonight, I never will. I really want her. She is such a beauty.'

They have some dinner and wine. Then go to the same nightclub. They take their same table and he orders a carafe of wine.

"You are a vision tonight, Carol. You really know how to dress."

"Thanks. I hoped you would like it. It's kind of a special dress for me. It has good memories."

"I won't ask, but I'll bet they are good ones."

"Good. I won't tell either."

The smile at each other and he leans over and kisses her. She grabs his arm and holds the kiss.

"mmmm. I remember those lips. They were good last time too."

The band strikes up and he takes her hand and pulls her to the dance floor. She puts both arms around his neck and he pulls her close. She lays her head on his chest and purrs. He feels her breasts on him and knows she has no bra on. His cock twitches. They float around the floor till the song ends. He holds her, waiting for the next one. He looks down and lifts her chin and kisses her. She moans and returns his kiss. The music starts and he pulls her close and they float away. She is lost in his embrace. They sit out one dance and chat a while. Another slow one starts and they move to the dance floor again. He holds her close and slides his hand down below her waist. He doesn't feel any panties.

'Holy shit. She isn't wearing a bra or panties. This is so hot."

She feels his hand move down. She knows he is looking for a pantie line. She smiles and hugs him. She feels his cock getting hard. She pulls his head down and kisses him.

"Glenn, I'm yours tonight if you want me. I don't want to wait any longer. I know it's rushing things, but I'm past worrying about that."

"You know I want you. Can't you feel it."

They laugh and it breaks the tension.

"My daughter is out on a date tonight. Let's go to my place."

They walk in the door and he leads her to his bedroom. He takes her in his arms and they kiss passionately. His hands fall to her ass and he pulls her to him. She feels his strong hard cock against her stomach. She moans and pulls him hard against her.

"mmmm It feels good in your arms, Glenn. You hug so good."

She pulls his jacket off and starts unbuttoning his shirt. His hand searches for her zipper. He finds it and pulls it down. His shirt falls to the floor and she caresses his chest. He pulls her dress off her shoulders and it fall around her feet. All she has on is a smile and her thigh highs. He steps back and looks at her.

"Carol. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. You are a vision of loveliness."

She puts her hands behind her head and gently sways her breasts for him. He just looks, enjoying the visual. She pushes him back on the bed and attacks his pants. He lifts his hips to help her. She pulls his shoes and socks off and yanks his pants and boxers off. His cock springs up. She can see the large veins pulsing in it. She takes his balls in her hand and kisses them. He moans. She licks his balls and take each one in her mouth and sucks on them. His hips are twitching up, helping her. She kisses the head of his cock and he cries out.

"Oh god. Your touch is so good. You are an amazing woman. I've died and went to heaven."

"You ain't seen nothing yet. You just lay there and I'll do all the work. I'm going to take you to heaven."

She pushes him to the middle of the bed and settles between his legs. She starts sucking and licking his cock. His moans are getting louder. She brings him close to cumming. She stops and lets him come back down. She brings him up again and stops. She waits and brings him up again. She stops and looks at him. She smiles and moves her pussy to the head of his cock. She slowly takes it in her pussy. She squeezes it gently as she slides it in. She wants to tease him.

"You like to torture me, don't you?"

"Of course. Tell me you don't like it. Go ahead and tell me."

"Just keep doing what you're doing."

She pushes all the way in and squeezes him.

"Hang on, baby. Here we go."

She pulls up, squeezes him hard and strokes in and out. She hits her clit on his bone each time. She goes faster and faster. She feels his cock swell and pushes all the way in. She squeezes him hard and his cock explodes his cum in her."

"Oh god, yes. Yes. Yes. My cock. I'm cumming in you. Cumming. Yes. Yes."

"Give me your cum, baby. Shoot it in me. Cum hard for me. I want this to be good for you. Cum hard in me."

His hot sperm drives her over the edge.

"Yes. Yes. Cumming on you. Yes. Oh god, yes. Hot cum in me. Fill me with it. Yes. Yes."

She falls on his chest and kisses his neck and face.

"Holy shit, Carol. What did you do to me, I never in all my life came that hard. You are an amazing woman. Just amazing."

"Did you like that. I tried real hard to make it good for you."

"I'll never be the same again. That was a life changing fuck."

"I'm so glad I made you happy, because I made me happy too. You made me so hot I had to do it."

They hug and kiss in the wonderful afterglow of love.

"I don't want to push it, but I would like you to stay here with me tonight. I want to wake up and see you in my bed."

"I can do that, but I need to call Dan and let him know. He might worry about me."

"Will he be ok with this. Some sons are protective of their moms."

"Don't worry about him. He is fine with us being together."

"Hi, Dan. I'm staying with Glenn tonight."

"OK, see you in the morning"


She reaches down and strokes his cock. It starts to fill with blood.

"Oh my, look at you. Your cock is looking around."

She takes it in her mouth and sucks it back to full hard.

"I want you on top this time. I want you to fuck me hard. Fuck me hard and cum in me."

He moves into her saddle and she grabs his cock. She guides it in. she grabs his ass and pulls him in.

"Yes. You're in me again. Yes. Yes. Fuck me hard. Fuck me. Fuck me. Shoot your hot load in me"

She pulls on his ass and the get a rhythm going. He hits her clit on each down stroke. She cries out and cums on his cock.

"Cumming on you. I'm cumming on your cock. Your hard cock. Fuck me more. Fuck me hard."

They stroke and grind. She cums twice more. He feels his cum rising.

"Take me, baby. Take my cum. I'm there. Take my hot load."

She squeezes his cock and he cries out and slams into her. The both scream and cum together.

"Oh god. I came so hard. You are so good for me. Stay on me. I want to keep your cock in me."

She locks her legs around his ass and holds him to her. After a time he rolls off. She snuggles up in his arms and they fall asleep.

J shows up at about 7:20. Dan answers the door. He grabs her and kisses her.

"Hi, come on in. The popcorn is waiting to pop."

"Hi Dan. That was a nice welcome."

He leads her into the living room and sits her on the sofa.

"What can I get you to drink. I have some really good White Zinfandel chilling."

"Oh that sounds good. White wine with popcorn. Just right."

He pours two glasses of wine and sits beside her.

"Thanks for coming over tonight. Killing aliens gets really boring after a while."

"You and your aliens. I would think you had them all killed by now."

"Let's go to my hole and start the movie."

"Your hole. What the hell is that."

"It's my study room, office and bedroom. I do everything in there."

'This looks more like a man cave."

"Hang on a sec. I need to check on Daniel."

He comes back.

"He is out for the count. He is old enough to sleep all night now. No more midnight feedings."

"You're so good with him. That's nice to see in a man. I'm impressed."

"He's my little buddy. I love watching him grow."

"If you don't mind me asking, where is his father?

Dan already has a story ready for this.

"When mom was pregnant, they couldn't have sex. He started fucking his bimbo secretary. Mom caught his and ran his dumb ass off. It's been her and I raising him. I've bonded real strong with him."

"Aw, you give me warmies talking like that. You're pretty cool."

"I think it's the dirty diapers that got me hooked."

"eewwww. Hooked on poop. eewwww."

"I can get one of his diapers if you want a hit. It's good shit."

"Dan! Stop. You're gross."

"Sorry, I couldn't resist."

"Start the movie, you goof."

They prop themselves up on some pillows and start the movie. It's a romantic comedy.

"I figured you would get a girl movie."

"It's supposed to be a funny one. You might like it."

"It's ok. I'm just giving you a bad time."

She playfully hits him on the arm.

He puts his arm around her and pulls her to his side. He puts the popcorn on his stomach and they settle down and watch the movie. It's almost over and his phone rings. He picks it up.

"It's mom."

"Hi mom, what's up."

"All night? Great. See you in the morning."


"She's spending the night with her boyfriend."

"Aw, that's sweet. It's good when parents find a new love. That gives me warmies."

"My dad has a new girlfriend too. He says she is a knock out. I think he's in love, but he won't admit it. He is a little gun shy after what my mom did to him. She was fucking the pool guy. He went ballistic and ran her off. He is a little bit of a redneck. The pool guys was black. I'm surprised he didn't kill them."

"Wow. That could have been bad. He would be in jail for life."

"Do you ever hear from her?"

"No. I told her I didn't want to ever see her again. I couldn't forgive her. My dad was really hurt. It took him a long time to pull out of it. I stayed with him. He says I saved him."

'You should be proud of that. It's hard for the kids too. It's really hard when the kids have to be the grown up."

"I had to be there for him. I really love him. I would do anything for him. He is the nicest man."

"Now you're giving me the warmies."

He hugs her tighter and she sighs. She puts her hand on his stomach as they watch the rest of the movie. She pulls his shirt tail out and runs her hand under his shirt. She softly caresses him. His cock twitches.

The movie ends and she is caressing his stomach and chest. He leans down and kisses her. She returns the kiss.

"It's not fair. You hand is up my shirt and mine isn't up yours."

She smiles, sits up and takes her shirt off. She isn't wearing a bra. He leans forward and takes his off.

"That's much better. Now we're even. He puts the popcorn bowl on his desk and pulls her on top of him. She puts her arms around his neck and he grabs her ass. They kiss passionately, tongues wrestling. He rolls her off and cups one breast. He licks one and tweaks the other. She moans.

"You have good hands, Dan. And your lips aren't bad either."

She pulls his head to her breasts.

"I want more. Kiss and lick them. It's so good they way you do me."

He twists one and gently bites the other. She cries out.

"Yes, yes. Bite them. More. More. Suck and bite them. It makes my pussy so hot."

He reaches down and rubs her pussy though her pants. He pushes up against his hand. He unfastens them and pulls them down. She lifts her hips to help him.

"Dan. You make me so hot. Your hands feel so good on me."

He pulls her pants and panties all the way off.

"You're so pretty, J. I love looking at you."

"I wish I had bigger boobs for you. They are kind of small."

"They seem to work pretty good, and they taste good too. Let's leave them like they are."

He holds her by her ass cheeks and they kiss some more. She starts pulling at his pants. They manage to get them off. His cock is full hard, pointing at the ceiling.

"OH wow. You have a nice cock. It's bigger than I expected. This is gonna be fun."

He grabs it and starts jacking him.

"You know what? The first time I saw you I wanted to fuck you. You looked so hot in your shorts. That's why I offered to coach you."

"I remember watching you stretching out the first day. I just stood there and watched you. I thought those legs would look good open. Now I get to see them."

"I'll open them for you anytime. Just let me know."

He moves down and kisses her stomach. He pulls her legs apart a little and gets between them.

"OK, open them for me. I want to see your pussy."

She smiles and puts her hands on the inside of her knees. She slowly pulls them up and out.

He slowly leans in and spears her asshole with his tongue. She squeals and humps up. He licks her from her asshole to her clit. She squeals again. He settles in and give her pussy his full attention. He licks and suck, purposely avoiding her clit. She is moaning and groaning. She grabs two handful of his hair and pulls him.

"Oh yes. That's so good. Yes. Lick me. More. More."

He sticks in two fingers and works them in and out. She is gasping with each stroke. He moves his mouth to her clit. It's time for the big one. He sucks her clit hard and curls his fingers up to her G spot. She screams and cums. He keeps her cumming hard. He is sure the neighbors can hear her. He makes her cum and cum till she begs him to stop.

"Oh god, yes. Oh yes. Cumming so hard. Cumming hard. Oh god, yes. Yes. Yes."

He lets off and she returns to earth.

"Oh god, Dan. That was so good. No one ever make me cum like that. No one ever took the time. You are a master pussy eater."

He moves up and places his cock on her pussy lips. He rubs it, getting it wet. He pushes the head in. She cries out and cums.

"Yes, big cock in me. Yes. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me hard. Make me cum more."

He pushes in slowly. She cums twice getting it in. He is almost all in and he thrusts the last inch in her. His cock hits her cervix and she screams out and cums.

"Oh yes. You hit my cervix. Oh god that's good. No one has been that deep in me. Fuck me. Fuck me."

He grinds on her clit and bumps her cervix. She cums and cums. Her screams echo through the house.

"Squeeze me baby. I'm almost ready to cum in you. Squeeze me hard."

She grabs his ass cheeks and sinks her nails in. He slams into her and fills her pussy with his hot cum.

"Tight pussy. Yes. So good. Take my cum. Take it. Oh yes."

"Dan. Dan. You make me cum so hard. Oh yes. So good in me."

"J, I'm so glad I found you. You are so good. You are the best coach I ever had."

"Hug me, Dan, hug me tight. I feel so good with you. You are so loving. No one ever took the time with me like you did. You make me feel so special.'

"You are special. I want you to stay here tonight. I want to wake up with you in my arms."

"Just you try to get rid of me. You're stuck with me. I'm gonna fuck you till you can't walk."

He hugs her tight and pulls up the covers. She snuggles in and fall asleep.

The next morning, Carol wakes up. Glenn is still asleep, breathing slowly. Carol looks at him and gently takes his cock in her mouth. She starts sucking it and he moans and wakes up. He sees her head bobbing up and down on his cock.

"Good morning, baby. I see you're busy there. Don't let me interrupt you."

She keeps sucking and his moans fill the room. His hips start thrusting at her and he cums in her mouth. She sucks every drop from his balls.

"Oh my god, baby. That was the best wake up call I ever had. Your mouth is like magic on me."

She smiles and shows him his cum in her mouth. She swallows and shows her empty mouth.

"You are so fucking hot. You just amaze me how you fuck. Not only that, you are beautiful too. What a package you are."

"This is the best time I've had in years. I just want to thank you. I never thought this would happen."

"You certainly make my night. You know I want more of this. More and more."

"Good, because I do too."

"I need to go home soon. I want to check on Daniel. Dan dies when he falls asleep."

She gets dressed, and she kisses him goodbye.

She opens the front door. All is quiet. She goes to her room and checks on Daniel. He is fast asleep. She undresses and takes a shower. He feels her body, remembering last night. She shivers remembering the afterglow of sex with him.

She looks in Dan's room, she sees some brown hair on the pillow next to Dan.

She gets dressed and goes to make some breakfast. She hears footsteps. Dan walks in the kitchen.

"Hi mom. I'll be right back."

He goes in the hole and wakes J up. He pulls her into the shower. The dry off go back in the hole. She gets dressed.

"Come on. Mom is making breakfast. She wants to meet you."

"Mom, this I J. J, my mom, Carol."

'Hi J. nice to finally meet you. Dan told me about you and now we meet."

"Nice to meet you too, Carol. I hope you didn't mind me staying and helping Dan watch Daniel."

The laugh and break the tension.

She dishes up breakfast and they all pig out. A hard night of fucking made them all hungry.

"I have to leave soon. My dad can't cook very well. I need to make breakfast for him. He would just eat cereal and peanut butter sandwiches all the time if I didn't cook for him."

"Helpless men. Where would they be without us?"

"I hate to eat and run but. I need to go. It's nice to meet you, Carol"

"Nice to meet you too. Bye."

"Well, mom. It looks like we both have a keeper. Don't you think?"

"It sure does. Glenn is such a nice man. I really like being with him. I think we have something good going."

"Me too. J said she had her eye on me from day one. She says that's why she offered to train me."

"Scheming women. They do bait a tender trap."

The both laugh.

The next Saturday night Carol has a date set with Glenn, and J is coming over to help Dan babysit. Glenn picks Carol up at about 7. J shows at 7:30.

Glenn and Carol walk in their favorite restaurant. The enjoy their meal. Carol leans over and whispers,

"Let's forget the dancing and go to my place. I have more plans for you."

He smiles.

"Great idea. I want to hear more about these plans."

"You know what they are. I want to go to heaven again with you."

"No problems with Dan being there?"

"No. We have all of that worked. He is actually happy that you and I are seeing each other.

Dan and J are making out and watching a movie in the hole. Dan hears the door open. He hears voices and gets up and closes his door.

"Sounds like mom brought her boyfriend home."

Glenn and Carol go to her room. She closes the door and looks at Glenn. He is taking his clothes off. She watches him.

"Did you have something in mind, baby.

"Yep. I want to find out about those plans you have."

He lays back on the bed. He props himself up on some pillows and watches her. She slowly walks over by the bed. She decides to do a striptease for him. She slowly takes her shoes off. She reaches behind and pulls her zipper down. Slowly her dress slides off. She turns her back and wiggles her ass at him. She hooks her thumbs in her panties and slowly pulls them down. Glenn's cock is at full mast. She wiggles her naked ass for him. She slowly turns and shakes her breasts at him. She walks to the bed and climbs in.

"Scoot down a little, baby. He scoots down and she sits on his chest. She is facing his cock. She takes his cock in her hand, leans down and kisses it. He moans and pulls her legs apart and she settles on him with her pussy open to him. The start sucking and licking. She is so turned on from doing the strip that she come immediately. Her cries ring out.

"Wow. Mum just came. Did you hear her. She is really loud. He must be doing a good job on her."

They both laugh.

Carol cums twice more and turns around. She mounts his cock and it fills her. She cries out again as it hits bottom.

Dan looks at J and smiles. J is getting turned on and takes her clothes off. She kisses Dan and helps him take his off. She starts blowing him.

Carol rides Glenn and their passion builds. She is cumming and cumming. She gives one final push and squeezes his cock. He howls and she screams as they cum together.

"Wow. Listen to them. That was a big one."

"I want a big one too."

She mounts Dan and take him in her in one stroke. His cock hits her cervix and she cries out.

"Dan's girlfriend must be here. Did you hear her cum. She is a loud one."

"A whole lot of fucking going on here. What a great place."

Carol turns on the TV and they snuggle in and watch a movie.

Dan and J turn up the heat. She is riding him hard. He keeps thrusting up in her, hitting her cervix. She cums and cums.

"Yes, baby. Fuck me hard. Fuck me. Fuck me hard. Shoot you cum in me. Fill my pussy with it."

He pushes up hard, holds her clit on his bone and grinds hard. They both scream out as they cum together.

"Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh god, yes. Cumming so hard. I got your hot cum in me. Yes. Yes."

"Take it all, baby. Take it in you. Hot pussy. So hot. Yes. Yes."

Carol looks at Glenn.

"Wow. That was a monster cum. They both screamed."

Both couples snuggle in and fall asleep.

The next morning Carol and Glenn wake up first. They take a shower and he bends her over and fucks her. The get semi dressed and go to the kitchen. Glenn has just his pants on and Carol is wearing a short robe. Carol makes some coffee and starts breakfast. They sip their coffee and chat.

Dan kisses J awake and he pulls her to the shower. He also bends her over and fucks her. The get dried off and go back in the hole. J puts on one of Dan's t shirts, sans panties. Dan puts on a pair of shorts. The head for the kitchen.

J walks in first and stops short.


"Glenn's mouth falls open.


Carol and Dan look at each other and burst out laughing.

Dan says, "This is way too much. I never suspected this for a minute.

The all dance around and hug each other. Carol dishes up breakfast.

Daniel starts crying. Dan jumps up and runs to him. He picks him up.

"It's ok, baby. Daddy has you. Stop crying. Daddy is here."

Everyone in the kitchen hears him. J and Glenn look at Carol. Their eyes pop open. Carol goes into shock. He mouth falls open.

'Oh god. They know. They know about us. No. No.'

Dan walks in carrying Daniel. He sees everyone looking at him. He realizes they heard him.

"Oh fuck. No. This wasn't supposed to happen. Everything is all fucked up."

J looks at Glenn. He shakes his head up and down.

"Tell them, baby. It's time."

Dan, Carol, calm down. I have something to tell you. You see him, he is my daddy. What you don't know is we've been fucking for over a year." It's all ok."

Carol almost faints with relief. Dan looks at them in disbelief.

"You're kidding, right? This can't be."

"Oh my god. I thought everything was ruined. I almost died."

The all settle down and have a big laugh.

Glenn says, "This would make a good movie. It couldn't be better. It feels good to have the air cleared."

The next day, Carol calls Jan.

"Hi Jan. You need to sit down. You won't believe what I have to tell you."

The end.