Enslaving My Hot Roommate Ch. 04

Chapter 4: The Fourth Syringe - Obedience

"Do you like it like this... or like this?" The sound of my roommate's voice was heated, erotic, even more so when she was giving me the handjob of my life and at the same time, kissing me with soft, sensual pecks on the lips.


I pulled her in again, to taste her heavenly lips, but Amber resisted, frowning at me.


I mirrored her frown. "What?"

"I'm asking an important question here." My roommate started massaging my balls again and I moaned. "Do you like it if I do this?" She ran her manicured fingernails lightly over the skin of my testicles, ever so gently curling inwards, teasing them.

"Or this," Amber held them with a gentle, but firm grip. I immediately felt the warmth enveloping my balls and almost came when she began rolling part of the skin with her thumb and index finger. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, moaning out my delight.

"Okay, I am guessing you like this one more then," she said, a wry smile tugging at her glistening lips. She increased the rhythm on her right hand that was jerking me off while still rolling my testicles. "Noted."

"I'm going to come," I breathed, my eyes still sealed shut in pleasure. I felt her lips claiming mine and her tongue greeted my mouth. I savoured her unique taste.

Her tongue retreated back and she cupped my balls, squeezing them gently. I felt the wet slide of her tongue again, but this time on the crown of my cock, ready to taste me.


That one word. So breathy, so full of lust, and coming out from my own roommate's lips. The woman who I'd lusted after for years. The woman who claimed every single one of my wet dreams, the woman who was the centre of every masturbation session. Just a month ago, I doubt she would even have kissed me, probably would never talk to me again if I tried. She was a closet lesbian and saw me as a brother. Not anymore. I had changed that.

"Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck." My hands on the back of her head, pulling on her french braids as I erupted into her mouth. She enthusiastically swallowed it all down. The pleasurable eternity finally ended and she began expertly lapping up my entire length, making sure not a drop of semen was to be seen — one of my rules she agreed upon.

Her tongue ran the underside of my softening cock, then out, then in again, wrapping her lips around it, pushing her tongue down to guide the firm tip into her mouth.

When she was done, I was hard again.

"Well?" Amber said expectantly, straightening her spine but still maintaining her kneeling position. I was sitting on the edge of her bed, which was a dream in and of itself. My roommate was VERY adamant about her privacy. Over the years I have known her, I couldn't recall a single instance where she'd let anyone in her room. According to the agreement, there were to be no secrets hidden from us, so she made the effort of regularly inviting me to her room, which I now see as the 'fuck room' since all the sex so far happened right here, on her bed.

Of course, I couldn't share my secrets.

"Yeah," I panted, still struggling to catch my breath. "That was great, as always."

"Good," she smirked, pushing herself to her feet and heading to her bathroom. "Wait here while I clean myself up."

I nodded, watching her delicious ass go. I might be biased, but my roommate had the absolute sexiest hip sway. If I could, I would stare at those juicy cheeks all day, but she had chores to do now. She was clad only in thin lingerie around the house now; lingerie that I would choose for her to wear every day, along with a various assortment of high heels I hadn't realised she owned. I proposed for her to go naked around the house, but she quickly shut that down, saying there was no way she'd be naked 24/7 since she gets cold easily and that it was 'uncomfortable'.


I could, of course, change all that with the next injection. Make her unable to disobey any of my commands anymore. Make her believe that whatever I say was the right thing to do. And I was planning to do that. Tomorrow.

She will be totally and completely mine then. Forever.

I studied her room while she rinsed her mouth with mouthwash. Another one of our agreements. I didn't want to kiss her and taste my own come.

Her room had the same colour scheme as mine — blue. A floor to ceiling bookshelf filled with various types of books covered the right side of the room and a huge flat screen TV dominated the other side. I could only wonder why Amber bothered to watch her Korean dramas in the living room since the TV here was so much better.

I also didn't know why she was so insistent on keeping her room so private. I couldn't see anything worth hiding. Aside from pictures of her graduation and some family photos on her desk, there was nothing 'personal' here.

I sighed and lay back lazily on her bed. I liked being in her room, not only because it was the 'fuck room', but also because it smells exactly like her. Flowery, minty. The smell you would get when you stroll through an exotic garden.

Amber finally came out of the bathroom and I looked up, taking in all of her like I always did. She was naked now, having discarded her lingerie. Her french braid, perfectly done up how I liked, fell down to the smooth curves of her lower back. Her breasts, a sight that I could gaze upon forever, looking so full and perfect, stared back at me, her hardened nipples poking up. Her natural, toned body that came from ruthless dieting and countless blood, sweat and tears from the gym. Her sex, the instrument that created countless rippling orgasms, was now completely shaven — due to my preferences — looking ready and soaking wet for me.

She was perfection.

She frowned at me. "What?"

"Nothing," I said innocently. "Just admiring how beautiful you are."

She snorted, but I could see she was struggling not to smile. "Get up, I prepared a bath for us."

I raised an eyebrow. "Really? That will have to wait since I want you bent over first."

"We don't have time."


"Our date." It was her time to raise an eyebrow. She crossed her arms over her beautiful breasts and tapped her right foot. "You didn't forget, did you?"


"Really? We have a reservation for six thirty at the Italian restaurant downtown. We only have forty minutes."

I gave her a smile. "Forty minutes? Plenty of time. Come here."

She was not amused. "Don't make this hard, Dave. Come on, let me wash you. Then you can choose my dress. You know I hate to be late."

I could have commanded her to just shut up and let me take her. I could fuck her anytime and however many times I wanted, as long as it's in the house and there were no guests present. One of the rules that she'd reluctantly accepted.

She probably was thinking of that too because her eyes changed from determined to pleading and her tone became angelic, high pitched.


I sighed. "Fine. But I am fucking you first thing when we get back."

She walked over and pulled me up. "No problems with that. Come on."


Amber, at the very least, allowed me to play with her tits while she washed me, the pounding jets of warm water cascading down on both of us. It was tempting not to do more than just sucking on her nipples or kneading her full breasts as I was getting rock hard again from her determined fingers sliding up and down my chest.

"Let's cancel the date," I said, moaning softly when she kneeled down to wash my throbbing cock. "I want another blowjob."

My roommate made a frustrated sound. "Come on. You know how much I love Italian food. No way we are cancelling."

She stood up. "Okay, turn around."

I did so with just a scowl, rather watching the view of naked Amber than the bathroom's walls. She began running delicate fingers down my back, before drawing them back up and massaging my neck that was sore from all the fucking we did recently.

Amber was really serious about our new relationship, waking up every day at the crack of dawn, dutifully completing all her chores before sliding back with me in bed, snuggling close until I woke up. She would then get up to make me my breakfast in bed, then assist me in completing my daily rituals, which was a major distraction more often than not — it was hard to complete flossing my teeth or bother getting up at all when I'd rather be in bed all day fucking a smoking hot blonde.



"Am I better than Kim?"

I winced at the name. Kim. My ex girlfriend. It was a messy breakup, ending with arguments and things being thrown around. I shuddered, shoving the memories out of my mind.

I snorted. "What do you think?"

"I mean sexually."

I turned towards her, reminding myself to hold her gaze instead of drawing them down to her more... eye pleasing features.

'You are the best I ever had."

"Kim was your first."

"My statement still stands."

"You are a douche, you know that? But I knew she was joking. Oh, if only she knew...

I drew forward, catching her hips and claiming her sweet lips.

Amber resumed washing me again, kneeling down to clean my legs. "But really, how has the sex been so far?" she said, without looking up. "Am I pleasing you enough?"

"Yeah," was all I could managed out. She was grazing my thighs, occasionally touching my balls with her fingers. I recomposed myself. "You are amazing, drive me crazy sometimes."



The attire of the night I chose for her was a red silk dress that showed off her lean shoulders, hugged all her luscious curves, and had a huge slit which showed off her long, toned legs. I vividly remembered her talking about wearing it only on very special occasions and now I could understand why. She looked irresistible in it. I wanted to make people gawk at her and know that she was off limits.

Amber pouted a little, begging me to choose a less 'special' dress, but eventually relented, grumbling her way to silence when I gave her my best poker face.

"It's too tight," my roommate moaned again when we got into her Chevrolet. I leaned back into my seat while she put the car in gear.

"Would you rather me choose some lingerie for you instead?"

She gasped. "You wouldn't dare."


"You know people will be staring at me all night right?" she chided, trying to change my mind one more time. "When I wore this to prom, I was uncomfortable with the amount of drool from all the men gawking at me."

I laughed. "That's the whole point."

She raised an eyebrow. "You wouldn't get jealous?"

"No. I like it when people stare at you then find out that you are mine."

"Fiend," she said, turning her head forward, but I caught her smiling.

Dinner was great — and very expensive — but made worth it by all the men (and women) giving me the 'you are so damn lucky' look. Amber also couldn't resist touching me. She ran her foot up and down my calves all throughout dinner. It was then I figured out that eating with a raging hard on was tougher than it sounded.

Amber jumped me as soon as we arrived home, shoving me to the wall with a hard kiss.

I took it, loving how she felt and tasted in my mouth. I ran my hands around her hips, feeling up her curves for a few beats before drawing up to unzip her dress.

"Maybe you should close the door before someone spots us," I mumbled into her mouth.

Amber ignored me, her tongue doing wonders to mine. One of her hands cupped my raging hard on and did a few sloppy pumps through my jeans.

My hot roommate finally drew back, winking at me and shutting the door with her foot.

"There. Can we fuck now?"

I looked at her, then the door, then back at her. "Lock it?"

She made an over exaggerated groan and locked the door. "You are soooo demanding sometimes, you know that?"

I smiled, then led her by the small of her back down the hallway.

"Not in my room?" my soon to be fucked toy asked.


I had fully pulled down her zipper by the time we got to my room. It smelt unfamiliar — for the past three days, I had only slept in Amber's room.

"You haven't even put your laundry away," she grumbled, pointing to the pile of clothing that was neatly stacked on my chair.

"That's not my job anymore, remember?"

"I don't know where to put your shit. Your wardrobe is a mess."

"Then fix it."

I pried off her dress and soon enough — except for her midnight black high heels — she was naked. I stared at her awe-inspiring beauty as if seeing it for the first time.

Amber wasn't paying attention, staring at my open wardrobe with the mountain of messy clothes lumped inside. She tapped her pretty chin. "Hmm."

"Get in bed, now."

"Alright, alright." Amber put up her hands in mock surrender as if she wasn't the one who had been excited for sex. She kicked off her high heels before climbing onto my still freshly made bed.

I didn't waste time. I pulled off my tie, shrugged out of my dress shirt and unbuckled my belt as fast as I could. My cock was throbbing so bad for her.

Amber draped her hands over my shoulders as I climbed on top of her. She was breathing heavily and my chest lit with pride as I noted the sexy gleam in her blue eyes, telling me how much she lusted for me, how much she wanted me in her. Right now. The super drug was producing incredible results. In just a couple of weeks, I went from being only a friend whom she couldn't even imagine being naked in front of, to now, someone she has no problems fucking.

My life was completely changed. And I still had two more shots to give her.

"Your cock goes in here, you know that right?" Amber said, pointing one finger to her already glistening cunt.

"Shut up. I was just thinking about how beautiful you are."

She laughed. "I'm going to puke."

I didn't know how she was always wet for me; sliding into her was so easy. Amber reacted by inhaling sharply like she always did when I entered her. I rolled my hips, pushing deeper and deeper, my hands palming her perfect breasts, relishing how snugly they fit in my palms and how good they felt under my touch.

Amber grunted, biting her bottom lip in a way that makes me go wild. She grunted again, pressing her heels against the bed, churning her hips, working to fit me until I was fully in her. Amazing. She felt fucking amazing.

"Oh, fuck," she blurted out in a single breath, low and hot, tilting her head backwards and shutting her eyes as I found my rhythm, pumping my hips into her. "You feel so good, Master."

I leaned forward and claimed her mouth, tugging her lips with my teeth. She startled a bit at the touch, her eyes still closed. Then she relaxed into me, parting her lips, demanding my tongue to seek entry. I obliged.

Her tanned skin was already slick with perspiration and I was so close to the edge, which frustrates me. I never lasted long inside her. I thought that experience would wisen me up. But it never did. Three days later and I was still orgasming just one or two minutes in. I had hoped to break five by now. She just felt that good. But that wasn't an excuse I was comfortable with. I wanted to ride her for hours on end, fucking her till dawn crept in and I still wanted to keep going.

I was dragged back down towards my partner's inviting lips as she banded an arm around my neck, pulling me into hot, deep kisses.

"Come in me, Master," she said, her voice raspy and needy.

"Not yet," I grunted, clinging onto her lips. Her hands drew down to my ass and her fingernails dug into my skin as I swallowed her hot moans.


"Not yet." I decided to punish her later for that. I really didn't want to end my enjoyment prematurely.

Amber made a sound of annoyance as I drew back, pushing off the arm that was so keen on keeping me on her lips.

"Kiss me," she pouted.

I ignored her, drawing my hands back to her breasts and giving her pebbled nipples a hard squeeze as a small punishment. My roommate half moaned, half grunted. I went back to cupping her breasts, feeling her thundering heartbeat beneath my palms, enjoying how excited I was making her.

"I am going to come," my submissive said, her voice almost drowned out by my own heartbeat drilling in my ears.




Her cunt tightened around my cock, threatening release. I gave a low, warning growl and it softened back up. She stuck her tongue out at me, even though her lips were visibly quivering.

"I am going to punish you later," I grunted out, not being able to hold back the impending orgasm anymore.

"Punish me..." she echoed, her eyes glazing over. "Oh my god..."

I came, exploding into her and her folds tightened up again. So tight. Her own orgasm came through, milking my cock in a welcoming squeeze, our grunts and words, laden with lust, filled up the room.

My orgasm finally subsided, rolling down slowly in multiple waves, spurting come into her until I was completely dry.

"Jesus," Amber finally managed out after a moment of silence, only broken by our heavy breathing and the smell of after sex. A grin formed on her perspiration covered features. "That was fucking amazing. Let's do that again later." She paused. "In a different position, perhaps. But, of course, it's your call."

With a groan, I slid out of her and rolled onto my side of the bed in a breathless pile. Amber slid behind me, her slick breasts pressing into my back and her swollen sex to my ass. She started humping me, giggling when I gasped.

"Are you hard again?" I felt her sit up, glancing over to see my cock. "No?" she slid back down and started sensually sliding her still wet sex over my buttocks, taunting me.

I turned towards her. "Stop it."

She stopped and frowned. "What?"

"I have to punish you."

"For what?"

"For trying to make me come as quickly as possible and almost coming before me."

"I did not."

"You did."

I watched my roommate grumble inwardly, then sat up, straightening herself. "Okay, Master. What's my punishment?"

I watched her boobs jiggle as she waited for my answer, her nipples still hard and as swollen as her cunt. I tapped my chin exactly the way she does it, pretending to think.

"Umm... you are to go grocery shopping tomorrow wearing just lingerie."

She stiffened. "No."

I drew my hand to her wet folds. She didn't make a move to stop me. I circled her labia with teasing circles before rubbing her clit with the pad of my thumb, making her squirm.



I raised an eyebrow. "Remember the agreement?"

She was already panting, her words tumbling out in a breathy rasp. "Yeah. And I have the right to say no. Then you have to find a compromise."

"Okay." I stopped rubbing her clit. "If you don't obey, I will stop fucking you for a month."

She gasped. "You wouldn't."

"I will."

"That's not fair, Dave. And you know it."

"Will you obey or not?"

She let out a defeated sigh, gripping my thumb with her two fingers and using it to rub her clit again.

"Fine. But don't choose something super revealing."

"I will make you wear that sexy number you had on last night."

She stopped moving my thumb. "No..."

I couldn't take it anymore. I started laughing. "I was joking! You really think I would do that?"

"That's not fair, Dave." She gave me a look then started using my thumb to rub her clit again, this time faster, angrier. "You threatened to withdraw sex. How is that taking care of me and making me happy?"

I was still laughing. "I was joking."

She stuck her tongue out at me. "Not fucking funny."

"Okay," I pulled my hand away, sat up and patted my lap. "Lie across my lap."


"Your punishment."

She frowned. "Isn't torturing me with that stupid joke punishment enough?"

I licked her juices off my thumb. Fuck, she tasted divine. From her mouth to her cunt.

She grumbled at my silence, then grumbled all the way crawling to me, laying herself face down across my lap. I was getting hard again, my erection poking near her navel. I could feel semen dripping down the sides of my left thigh, but I ignored it. Amber would clean me up after, then my sheets later.

I took a moment to admire those mouthwatering ass cheeks, right there, just staring up at me, begging to be fondled. I ran a hand over her left cheek, feeling how smooth it felt, how firm they were when I squeezed them in my palms. They jiggled and bounced as Amber shifted in her new, uncomfortable position.

Then without warning, I drew my hand back and delivered a hard smack to her right cheek.

My roommate gasped and pulled away from my lap, practically jumping off the bed.

"What the fuck?" she cried, rubbing her right cheek and glaring at me.

I remained stone faced. "Lie back down."


"This is your punishment," I said simply, still maintaining my passive composure. Inside I was screaming, my heart throbbing in my ears, and my right hand still tingling madly from the contact.

"What type of fucking punishment is that?"

"Lie back down, Amber."

"Fuck that."

I faked a sigh. "Do you want this relationship to work out or not?"

I knew she would say yes. Not being with me would mean a lifetime devoid of pleasure and happiness.

She furrowed her brow. "Yes, but that doesn't mean insane punishments."

I smiled inwardly. I knew she was very sensitive about people touching her ass. She liked it when people stared at it — which many, many people do, it wasn't hard — but touching it was an entirely different matter. On the first day of her submission, she was very reluctant about me fondling her cheeks but gradually became comfortable with it after hours and hours of me worshipping them.

"Are you going to obey me or not?" I said flatly and she threw me a death glare.

She said something under her breath but slowly shuffled forward, resting gently back on my lap.

I didn't wait a beat. I drew back again and slapped the same cheek causing her to gasp.

"Are you going to try to come before me again?" I inquired, drunk on the power I have over her.

A small whimper. "No."

A slap on her left cheek, that one still pink and ready. She jerked forward, but I held her down using my free hand.

"Are you going to let me come in my own time now?


Another slap, another whimper. "Apologise."

"I'm sorry, Master."

I slapped her one more time, just for the fun of seeing her squirm and the feeling of her jiggling cheeks beneath my palm.

I didn't want it to seem like I was slapping her for nothing so I quickly said, "Say it again."

"I'm sorry, Master."

"Okay, get up and prepare my shower."

She did so quickly, rubbing her ass and running towards my bathroom.

I let out the breath I'd been holding when she was out of sight. My cock was throbbing madly; I was so turned on. Slapping had always been a fantasy of mine, and doing it to the girl of my dreams was a godsend. Sadly, she didn't seem to enjoy it as much.

Amber washed me in unnatural silence. Usually, she would throw me a wink, a flirty glance, or would graze my cock 'accidentally' while washing near my stomach. She didn't do any of that, her head held down and her eyes focused on her hands.


"Yeah?" She didn't meet my gaze.

"Are you angry with me?"

A pause.

"No, Master."

She said 'Master' without her usual, unique purr to it. Just saying my title with a flat, rigid tone.

"I'm sorry."

Her fingers steeled for a second, then resumed their washing.

"Okay." A beat. "Master."

She completed washing me without meeting my gaze, her fingers mechanical and none of the teasing to my still throbbing cock when it was time for her to wash it.

Amber gave my body — avoiding my wantful gaze �� a final lookover, making she had done her job well, then left, leaving me feeling like complete shit.

I wanted to scream. She promised me that she would fulfil my every fantasy, but now she was sulking when I was doing what turned me on.

She wasn't waiting in my room when I stepped out of the bathroom. My gaze immediately flitted to the locked cabinet in the corner of my room, where the two unused syringes still lay.

I made my way to her room and turned the knob. It was locked. I frowned and knocked on the door.

I waited for what felt like an eternity. Finally, the door opened a little, showing the pretty features of a red-eyed Amber.


"I want to sleep with you."

"I'd rather not tonight, but I will if you command me to."

"I want to sleep with you."

"Okay," she whispered hoarsely, opening the door fully, revealing her in pyjamas. "Would you prefer if I was naked?" She wasn't meeting my eyes again.

"Whatever you feel comfortable with," I said simply, giving her an option to choose and hopefully alleviating the tension.

"Okay," she said again, then slumped down on her side of the bed, still in her pyjamas.

Frowning, and feeling like the worst human being who ever existed, I climbed into bed with her, scooting forward so that I was boning her ass. She started but said nothing.

I draped my hand over her stomach. "Amber..."


"I'm sorry."


God dammit. It wasn't okay.

"Turn around."

She didn't turn around. "Is that a command?"

I stiffened. She really knew how to make me feel like shit.

I didn't say anything, and soon after, I fell asleep with her back turned towards me.


Amber seemed to be in a better mood the next day. I awoke to breakfast in bed, which still seemed bizarre to me. A smoking hot woman in lingerie serving you breakfast would be a dream come true to anyone.

My roommate greeted me with a small smile.


I returned that smile, glad to even see her smiling at me.


"Tell me how the bacon tastes. I hope I didn't overcook it."

I studied her through the corner of my eye while chewing on the bacon strip. It was good, but I took my time chewing. She had that sexy gleam in her eyes again.

And on cue...

"About last night..." Amber said hesitantly, shuffling her feet. She paused then handed me a paper which I took with a frown. Whatever it was, it wasn't good.

I opened the folded paper to see a copy of our agreement, this time with red inked slashed through one line of the 'For the dominant' section.

No choking, hitting, or any kind of physical/mental abuse or punishment that would otherwise cause physical/mental damage to the submissive. Slapping (as punishment) is okay.

She had drawn a red line across 'Slapping (as punishment) is okay'.

I looked up at her. My roommate held my gaze uneasily, biting her lower lip. "I really want this to work, Master." She sat down facing me on the bed, looking at my feet. "I knew you liked slapping. I thought I was doing you a favour by writing it down, then thought nothing of it later. But... I just can't. You have to understand, I'm just not comfortable with people touching my ass. You can still touch it... but... no more slapping." She looked up at me with hopeful eyes. "Okay?"

It wasn't okay. Things got off to a rough start on the second day, where I demanded anal and she refused it, spluttering apologies and compromises. It wasn't just slapping her pretty ass cheeks. I wanted her to completely submit to me, make her know that her body belongs to me, that she has no say about it.

Tonight, I repeated to myself. Tonight.

"Yeah, it's okay," I managed out through gritted teeth.

"Thank you." My beauty hugged me, careful to avoid the breakfast tray. "I knew you would understand. What happened last night. It's my fault. I should have been more clear." She cleared her throat. "I think it's time to establish our safe word, don't you think? So nothing like that will ever happen again."

I could only nod.

"You can choose it. I can't think of anything right now."

"Umm... unicorn?"

Amber laughed, the sound music to my ears. "Unicorn? Really?"

I shrugged. Too glum to think of anything else.

She gave my shoulder a playful punch. "Hey, you're the Master." She studied my tray and at me picking my food. "So, how's the bacon?"


"Good! Do you want me to do anything? If not, I will resume my chores, then come back once I am done."

"Yeah, sure."

I received a peck on the lips before she walked out of the room, her light, flowery scent trailing behind her.

I sighed when she was gone. I hated this. The rules, the refusal to completely submit to me. The goal was to make her the perfect sex slave. I had the relationship, the sex, but it still wasn't perfect. I left my half finished breakfast on her table and walked back to my room, making sure the door was locked before making my way towards the drawer.

I unlocked it and stared at the green liquid, seemingly bubbling in its little containers.

Two left, but one was more than enough to complete the job.

I didn't wait for tonight. I didn't even bother reading her diary. I grabbed the pendulum, filled the syringe up and made my way towards my soon-to-be thrall, my strides strong and filled with purpose.

She was ironing my clothes when I reached her. Damn it. Just seeing her in that black lace lingerie made me horny as hell. Her face lit up when she saw me but she frowned when she noticed the syringe and pendulum in my hand. "What's th-"

"Amber sleepyhead."

I caught her with one hand before she could fall, then carried her to the sofa.

Amber sighed when I injected her with the drug. The session began.


"Why didn't you like it when your Master punished you by slapping your ass?"

My roommate squirmed in her seat. Sunlight was streaming down on her face, making the soft blond strands of her hair glow like burnished gold.

"I just don't like it when anyone touches me... there."

"But he owns you."

A frown. "No, he doesn't.'

"You are his slave."

"His submissive," she corrected, a dangerous sharp edge to her monotone.

Time to make her drugged mind see sense in my flawed logic.

"David Book is your Master."


"Say it."

"David Book is my Master."

"What does a Master have?"


"What is the opposite of 'Master'?


I answered for her. "Slave."

She frowned, but otherwise nodded.

"So a Master owns a slave, right?"


"Do you have a Master?"



"My roommate. David Book."

"Who are you to him?"

"His girlfriend."


"His submissive."


Her frown deepened. "Huh?"

"A Master owns slaves right?"


"Only slaves."

"Only slaves," she echoed.

"You have a Master, yes?"


I tried to hold my dick still with my free hand. It was throbbing like crazy and making it damn hard to concentrate.

"What does a Master own?"

There was a short pause. Then,

"A slave."

"Doesn't a slave obey her Master's every command?"


"Do you obey your Master's every command."

She didn't answer.

"Do you obey your Master's command?" I rephrased.


"So you obey your Master's command?"

No pause. "Yes."

"What does that make you?"

I waited. No answer.

I mentally counted to ten, forcing myself to relax.

"You have a Master, yes?"


"Who has Masters?"

Her lips didn't move.

"What does a Master own?"

"A slave."

"What does a slave have?"

"A Master."

"Who is your Master?"

"David Book."

"And what does David Book have?"

"A slave."

I froze. Did she just...

"What does David Book have?"

No hesitation. "A slave."

"Who is his slave?"



I spent the next thirty minutes redefining and refining what a slave was.

By the time I was done, my shoulder was throbbing painfully from holding the pendulum for so long and my throat was raspy and dry from talking too much.

I exhaled. "What is a slave?"

"A slave is a person who is owned by a Master. A slaves obeys her Master. A slave's only thoughts are of her Master. A slave's sole existence is for her Master. A slave..."

I let her drone on, tired from the number of times I'd had her repeat it.

"Okay," I said when she was done. "What are you?"

"A slave."

"Who's slave?"

"David Book's'"

"Who do you only obey?"

"My Master."

"Can you disobey your Master?"


"What are your only thoughts?"

"Of my Master. How I can please Him, how I can serve Him, how I can make myself more desirable to Him, how I can-"

"What is your sole purpose in life?"

"To serve and please my Master."

"Who owns your body?"

"My Master."

"Can your Master do whatever he wants with your body?"


Time for a trick question.

"What does a slave own?"


I gave myself a tired smile. Time to wake her up.



I watched as my slave rubbed her eyes, blinking up at me.


I tensed, expecting anything to happen.

Amber blinked a few more times, before exploding in a wide smile, showing her perfect white teeth. "Master!"

I smiled at her. "Hey."

"Are you horny, Master?"


My slave drew in for a kiss. It was deep and ravenous, having a desperation I'd never felt from her. She finally drew back, nipping my jaw, sliding a sly hand to my crotch.

"Where do you want me, Master?" she whispered into my ear. Oh, fuck.

I decided to test it. Ask her something that was forbidden for her.

"In the ass," I breathed. "In your fucking ass."

"Of course, Master." she purred back, gave me one last sensual kiss. Amber drew back and started stripping before going down on to all fours.

A breath caught in my throat. Just an hour ago, she would have screamed at me for breaking the promise that I would never demand anal sex. And now... she just... accepted it like it was normal.

"Master?" Her purr gave me goosebumps. I watched Amber wiggle her delightful ass at me. "Your slave is waiting."

"Uh, yeah," I said, pulling down my shorts then catching her by the hips. Given the new programming, I had expected her to agree to this. But still, I was sweating bullets.

I lined up my cock with her ass, reluctantly pressing myself to the seam of her butt, going in slowly, carefully. My slave wiggled her ass left and right, then backwards, making entering her much easier.

I gasped. Fuck, she was tight. Tighter than when I first entered her three days ago. Maybe I should have applied lube.

I went in her compact hole another inch, then another. I was halfway inside now, and Amber was making exaggerated moaning sounds, which was so unlike her, filling the house with our fucking. I hoped the neighbours couldn't hear.

I pulled out, my breathing hectic and heavy.

"Master?" Amber looked over her shoulder with a confused expression. "What is it?"

Suddenly fear took over her expression and she crawled towards me, settling herself in a kneeling position. "Master, are you dissatisfied with your slave?"

"No," I muttered and she beamed at me like I'd just said the best thing in the world.

"Where do you want me, Master?"

I sighed inwards. "Let's just... do the normal thing, okay?"

My slave scrambled to her feet, dragging me to her room with an excited hand.

"Yes, Master!"


I grunted in between thrusts, hearing Amber's groans as the orgasm rolled over her, tightening her cunt in the perfect way and milking my seed out in a huge burst.

Exhausted from my third back to back orgasm, I rolled away from her and my slave immediately followed, curving her body against mine in the way I liked. I gave in, turning back around and pressing her mouth over mine, making me claim her in a ferocious kiss.

I broke the seal of our mouths and clicked my tongue. Immediately, my slave got up, gave me one last lingering kiss, before making her way to the bathroom to prepare my hot bath.

I watched her go. It's been six days since we agreed to the contract and three days since she received her fourth shot. Three days of perfection, three days of non stop sex. She has been the perfect slave, every single action she took, every thought she had since then... all for me.

She never came anymore, which was a side effect I hadn't foreseen. She did come, but only for my benefit, since it couldn't be a coincidence that she always orgasmed just a second every time I did — every time.

Amber was perfect now... so why was I empty inside? I haven't touched her ass since that day, not even daring to fondle it, always jerking back like touching something hot whenever I instinctively did. Why?

Amber was confused at first, asking me why I didn't want to feel up her ass. I told her I didn't want to, and that was that. She never spoke of it again. No explanations needed.

My slave never argued with me either, accepting whatever I said with a cheerful, 'Yes, Master'.

Maybe what's bugging me is the conversations we had now, or lack thereof.

Everything that came out of her mouth was about me — how could she please me more, how could she possibly suck my cock better, how could she improve kissing me, if I wanted a blowjob, if I wanted to be inside her when I woke up the next morning. I couldn't get a real conversation going. She would always find a way to divert the conversation back around to me. I mean, why wouldn't she? I was her living God now, and she believed the sole reason for her existence was to please me.

"Master, your bath's ready." The purr of her voice carried through the bathroom and into the room that reeked heavily of sex.

With a sigh, I went inside, plopping myself down next to her. The temperature was perfect, of course.

"Do you want to fuck me now, Master?"


"Yes, Master."

She laid her head on my chest instead, unconsciously rubbing her hand up and down my shaft, making it hard again.

I tried one last time to make conversation.

"You going out with your friends tomorrow?" I frowned. "Uhh.. what were their names again?"

"Mike and Fletcher?" She shook her head. "I am cancelling it to be with you. Unless you want me to go out with them, Master?" She looked up at me.

I shook my head numbly. She nodded and laid back down, the decision settled in an instant.

Amber was a sex slave now, my sex slave. Isn't that what I wanted all this time? Now I have it. Then... why was I feeling so empty? Why were the orgasms I was having with her now way less enjoyable than the ones before? Why?

Because I liked the old Amber more.

I jerked, the realisation hitting me like a tidal wave. Amber looked up at me again. When I didn't say anything, she smiled and tilted her pretty chin back down, her hands now committed to my cock, jerking me off with determined finesse.

I orgasmed without a moan, without a grunt, without a twitch, not even a sound. Amber's mouth was already on my cock, swallowing every drop, making sure none leaked into the water.

I miss the little arguments, the debates we had on the ruling of our new relationship. The cute grumbles she did when I told her to do something she didn't like, but she always submitted; except for anal, she always relented, always made sure I was happy. It was artificial love, but she was happy. Genuinely happy.

I am going to get the old Amber back.

My Amber.


Chapter 5: The Fifth Syringe - Slavehood


That throaty, sexy purr. "Yes?"

Argh. This wasn't the time to get hard. I needed to concentrate; this was the one syringe I had left and I needed to make sure everything went smoothly. Restore my roommate to the way she was before I fucked everything up.

But I couldn't help it. Amber was getting used to being in a trance, her voice was less of a monotone now and closer to her normal tone — sexy as hell with a breathy, throaty rasp to it and a low, hot purr that triggered my cock every single time. For a moment, I lost focus, recalling all the moments that happened this week when she orgasmed, moaning out my name in that magic voice of hers. Hearing words of lust coming out from her full lips seemed to make my orgasms go on longer and harder.

Everything about Amber was sexy, from her breathtaking facial features that rivaled those of a supermodel, to a body that possessed curves almost too dreamy to be real, to breasts which fit perfectly in my palms, as if they were made specifically for me, to a exotic ass, smooth yet firm, and by far her best feature. My roommate had deemed it forbidden for anyone to touch her there. Except me. She gave me enough trust — more than she'd given anyone else in her life — to touch it, fondle it and play with it for hours on end. Although I made the mistake of pushing her boundaries too fast. It just seems to be much hotter like that. Like the saying goes, the forbidden fruit always tastes the sweetest — and that sweetness was the full, curvy ass of Amber Rose. I wanted the whole fruit, not just pieces of it. I want to ravage her ass, inside and out. But my main priority for now was to get Amber back to 'normal', the way she was three days ago, before the fourth injection.

I snapped back into focus, watching my drugged, entranced roommate swaying her head with the pendulum, her eyes dull and unblinking, tears free falling down her flushed cheeks and off her chin.

"Amber?" I repeated.


My cock throbbed a little, pre cum leaking out from the tip. The little voice inside of me was telling me not to go through with this, that she was perfect now. He was right; Amber was perfect. She would do literally anything for me right now, all her thoughts were of me, how she could please me better, how she could be a better slave.

But I wanted my Amber back, the one who argues over the littlest things, the one who makes me laugh, the one who gives me 'real' affection compared to the blind, stiff devotion now.

Even if she was going to be a worse sex slave, I still want her back.

I took a deep breath, going over the script in mind.

"You are going to forget everything that happened after March 13th."

March 13th was the day I punished her, the day before I snapped and injected her with the super drug earlier than I had anticipated.

Forgetting everything after that fateful day meant forgetting the punishment I gave her that day and everything she did afterwards while she was completely brainwashed and all my sick hidden commands I'd engraved in her mind,. The ones that made her to what she was now.


"It will be a haze. All that you remember is that you had the best time of your life with David Book."

She smiled at that and I decided to improvise.

"You can only remember bits and pieces after March 13. The best sex you ever had in your life with David, long talks with him in your bed, kissing him until the sun rose, snuggling with him everyday while watching K drama."

She nodded, still smiling.

That was it. It only took a couple of minutes to erase her memories and replace them with vague ones. Her mind will fill in the rest.

I went through my thoughts again, running through every single scenario for the hundredth time. This was the last syringe. If I fucked this up, it will be a long before I could make another.

Nope. I couldn't think of anything that would break her mind once she wakes up, or any side effects that would occur — aside from the obvious memory loss.

Time to wake her up and hope for the best.

"Amber, I am going to count to ten, and with each number that passes, you will see the dark place you are in slowly illuminating, becoming brighter and brighter. I want you to feel yourself waking up, and once you do, you will feel very refreshed and the last thing you remember is you and David making out and that you are extremely horny. Do you understand?"

Post-trance Amber with her heavy eyes and hoarse voice had always been fun to fuck.


I slowly counted to ten, holding my breath as I did, sweat dripping down my forehead, making the pendulum shake a little.

"Eight... Nine... I let out a long exhale... Ten..."

Amber blinked, rubbing away the sleep from her eyes. I quickly tucked the pendulum into my pocket, shifting myself on the couch where we were sitting. She blinked several more times; more tears rolling down her soft cheeks and onto her lap as she does so.

She squinted at me. "Dave? Master?"

I forced a smile. "Hey, I-"

Amber was on me before I could say more. She pinned me on the couch, laying me flat on my back, her piercing blue eyes boring through mine, her breathing heavy and fast, and I could only imagine what she was thinking. And as if breaking free of a spell, my roommate shook her head, the last bit of the trance fading away and she leaned down, claiming my lips and dispersing all my internal worries. Her tongue slipped into me while her hands roamed freely all over my body, going under the hem of my shirt and desperately trying to pry it off me.

I held my arms up before she could rip my favourite shirt. A moment later, it was on the ground, along with hers.

"Amber..." I whispered. I wasn't sure if the memory wipe had worked or not.

"Shut up and relax." My roommate was already unclasping her bra, lifting herself up for a moment to discard her black laced panties. She began pulling down my shorts. I wasn't wearing any underwear and she stared at my throbbing cock, a sly grin tugging on her lips. "I am sooo going to fuck your brains out."

I smiled, more relieved than horny. Slave Amber would never have told me to shut up.

She positioned her slit mere inches above my cock, so close that I could feel the searing heat of her sex and her warm juices dripping out. Amber glanced back up at me, already panting, already soaking wet.

"Are you okay with this position, Master?"

"Yeah, I-"

She pushed down, my cock entering her in a rush.

"Oh, fuck..."

Amber began rolling her hips, working to fit me in her, biting down on her lower lips, a soft moan escaping through them.

She didn't break eye contact, her intoxicating blue eyes showing that 'fuck me' gleam. "Just relax," she repeated, softer this time, almost a purr. She pecked my lips and I savoured her unique taste. "I am going to ride you until you come in me. I will try to hold out until you orgasm first, okay?"

I could only nod.

Her lips claimed mine again, softly this time. Lightly. Just clinging on my lips, kissing me with a compassion and fervour no one has given me before. I didn't take her kisses for granted, no matter how abundant they were. I never will. I remembered just weeks ago, where I would do anything just for a taste of her lips, then finally kissing her for the first time when she was in a trance. Amber didn't kiss me back, being a closet lesbian, but now she couldn't get attracted to anyone, except me. It was cruel, but it ensured her loyalty and attraction. It was a small price to pay, and I didn't feel bad about it in the slightest.

I groaned as her cunt finally engulfed my entire length, then tightened around me, enveloping me in its warm, glistening folds and I shuddered with ecstasy, using everything I had to push back my growing orgasm.

Amber leaned back, straightening her spine and began riding me, thrusting her hips back and forth, slowly at first, then picking up pace, eventually ramming herself onto me, grunting hard and spewing words of lust — music to my ears.

"Slower," I gasped, finally getting my voice back. "Slower. I don't want to come so fast."

She obeyed, slowing her rhythm, then keeping it, her french braid bobbing back and forth as she worked on my cock. "We can go for round two, Master. No need to end the fun after only one."

I shook my head and braced myself for an argument. When none came, I looked back at my roommate questionably.

She shrugged. "You make the calls. I just follow them. That's the deal remember?"

I smiled, then beckoned her forward, wanting to grab her juicy breasts. Amber enthusiastically obliged, surprising and delighting me. But she leaned forward too much and I realised why she had been so eager.

I pushed her back. "I want your tits, not your mouth."

"I just wish you would make out with me more," she grumbled. "For you, it's all about tits and ass."

But she did obey, arching her back to allow me access to her full, round breasts. I kneaded the outer areas, slowly closing in and then thumbing her hard nipples. "I like making out with you. Your tits and ass are just more fun."

I pinched her nipples causing her to throw her head up to the ceiling and let out a long, primal moan. We fucked on and on, slowly but steadily until I could take no more, spurting out my load, filling her up completely. Possessing her.

Amber came a few seconds after I did, clutching my cock in an iron grip, taking all of me with happy grunts and long moans.

"How long did we fuck?" I asked her when she collapsed on top of me, her forehead touching mine.

"Maybe six minutes or so." She frowned, shifting a bit. I was still inside her, and that simple thought made me happy again. "Why do you ask?"

I sighed, running a hand across her sleek back, pausing over each delicate curve. "I hoped for at least ten."

Amber laughed. "Is that why you keep telling me to slow down? Because you are embarrassed that you always come in, like, a minute?"

"Give me some credit. It's always at least two or three."

She was still laughing, then paused as she kissed me sweetly. "If it makes you feel any better, the other guys I fucked never lasted long either."

I furrowed my brow. "Don't talk about other guys. Especially the ones you fucked."


"No shit."

We stayed silent after that, relishing the feelings after sex, savouring the smells, our chests falling and rising in sync with each other, my cock still hard inside her. This was it. Heaven. I remained there with her for a couple of minutes longer.

"Okay, get off."

Amber made a frustrated whining sound, but pushed herself off of me. She stretched, and I could see some of my come leaking from her cunt, rolling down her thighs. She winked at me. "You felt good as always, Master. I love how your cock feels in me, and the sounds you make when you come... Fuck, I get so wet just thinking about it."

I sat up, groaning from my stiff back. For some reason, I felt a little heavy, like my heart was weighing me down. What I did to her, what I am doing to her, was unforgivable.

"Amber, babe..." I started.

She tilted her head. "Yeah?"

"I'm sorry."

She frowned, coming back towards me and raising a hand to caress my cheeks. It felt so soft, so warm. Comforting. "Why?"

I couldn't even look her in the eye. "For everything."

"What do you mean everything. Is it... oh, you meant the spanking that day? It's nothing. I am over it. Honestly, you can spank me again if that's what you want."

"No, it's not that."

She leaned closer, brushing over my lips with her own, giving me a little sample of her. "What is it?"

"I can't tell you."

"No secrets between us, remember?" She gave my hard cock a comforting squeeze, then started stroking her thumb over the sides. Pre cum oozed from the tip. "Master... you can tell me anything. You know that. I will forgive you for anything."


"Did you cheat on me?" Her voice cracked, her face twisting like she was about to break down. "Is that it?"

Fuck. Amber was never this emotional before. These couple of weeks have been a rollercoaster of emotions for her: insanely happy when I praise her and the next minute, crying when I fucked something up.

"No, I didn't cheat on you."

"Then what is it, Master?"

"It's nothing. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry and that you mean a lot to me."

She smiled, but it was forced. I could tell that she was annoyed I wasn't telling her everything.

"Okay. I will prepare you a bath now. If you want to talk, we can do it while I am washing you. Or fucking." The gleam in her eyes was there again. "Your choice."


Amber gave me a little bow.

A bow? That was a little odd, but I wasn't complaining.

I took a moment to wonder if Amber was even sore - she never showed any signs of fatigue. Maybe the drug increased her stamina or something. It certainly increased her sex drive to near lunatic levels. If I let her have her way, Amber would fuck me until our bodies lacked the resources to produce any more come. She would beg and beg for sex all day. Only chores and errands kept her busy. Who knew sex with the hottest woman in the planet could get tiresome?

As was tradition, I watched her go as she turned and sauntered towards the bathroom, her bare ass swaying in that seductive motion that made everyone look her way; it was impossible not to. She glanced back, slapping her right butt cheek with her palm, the contact creating a sharp noise that stung the air. I watched the cheek jiggle and bounce. Amber winked, blowing me a kiss and mouthing the three words I thought I would never hear from her, or anyone else.

Then she was gone, leaving me with a trail of sweet, flowery aromas mixed with the musky scent of sex.


I woke up in Amber's bed again, naked, with my roommate's breasts pressed closely against me.

My beauty smiled at me. "Hey, sleepyhead."

I flinched, then forced a smile. "Hey."

She pecked me on the lips, then pulled the comforter away from her, getting up and stretching. She had already gotten ready, having done her hair in a sexy french braid and her body all clean from a shower.

"Today's the last day of our agreement," she said against my mouth.

"Uh huh."

Amber retrieved a paper from the desk beside the bed and passed it to me.

It was another agreement, this time more formal. A contract. I looked up at her, surprised.

"I want to renew our relationship," my roommate said, shuffling her feet. "The one week we had was just a test run and I am really happy with how it turned out. Really happy. So I am giving all of myself to you."

I looked at the contract again. They were still a lot rules, but the majority of them were directed at the Submissive and with only one for the Dominant. I looked back up at her.

She shrugged, her cheeks flushed. "I only have one rule: you can have only me as your submissive. You know I am the jealous type. Other than that, you can do whatever you like with me."

I raised an eyebrow. "No more safe words?"

"No. I trust you."

"How about spanking?"

Amber gave me a smile. "You can do whatever you want with my ass. Anal included. It's yours now, along with everything I own." She pointed to the paper. "Read on."

I did. She was serious. The contract stated that everything Amber owned was now mine, her body, her money, her assets, her stocks — all mine, if I agreed.

"So... how long will this last? I can't find seem to find anything stating the duration."

"There's none because I want it to be indefinite."

That got my attention. "What?"

"I want to be yours forever, Master. Body and soul. I really believe this can work out. I promise I will be a good girl. I-"

She blew out a breath, then steadied herself, meeting my gaze. "I am in love with you. I can't imagine being with someone else. You.. you make me so happy. Nobody can bring me joy anymore. Only you. I completely trust you and... and I love you."

I pursed my lips, trying not to show any emotion. The 'love' she was feeling was completely artificial. Do I feel bad? A little bit. But what's done is done, and she even said she was happy, so what's wrong with that? She is happy. I am happy, and-


I looked back up at her. A pained look was etched across her face, and it hit me that she was expecting me to repeat those words back.

"I... I don't expect you to love me so quickly. We have known each other for almost three years, but we just got so close these couple of weeks. It happened so fast... and I just... fell in love with you. It's okay if you only see me as a fuck toy. I will be one if that's all you want me to be. But in time, I believe you will love me as I love you."

I shook my head. "No babe, that's not what I meant."

Amber forced a smile. "It's okay. I understand." She gestured to the contract and handed me a pen. "So... can you sign it? I already did."

I took the pen but stared blankly at the contract. Should I do it? Should I be an asshole and push for more? I already hurt her when I failed to reply that I loved her back.

Amber, as attentive as ever, noticed my hesitance. "You don't like it," she said, almost snapping. "What is it? Is it the length of the contract? If you are afraid of long term commitment, we can do ten year increments instead."

I stayed silent.


"It's not that, babe. It's something else."

Amber got back on the bed, sitting beside me and frowning. "What is it then? We can discuss the terms now. I don't know what else you want. I already offered everything."

"It's the one rule I have that is-"

"Jesus, Dave." She shoved my shoulder, her voice cracking. "You only have one fucking rule to follow, I have at least fifteen. One fucking rule, Dave. One."

"I know," I held up a hand, tentatively running it along her breasts. She didn't stop me. "I just... I want more."

"Am I not enough?" She snapped, glaring at me through tear stained eyes. "Is that it? What is it? Is it how I perform during sex? I can do better, you know that. I-"

"You are amazing in bed."

"What is it then? Is it our arguments? I promised I won't argue with you anymore. I will do everything you say. Just look at the damn contract. I can't disobey-"

"Calm down, babe."

"Calm down? Are you insane, Dave? I am literally offering you everything. All you have to do is not cheat on me and you are saying you want to? What the fuck? How can I 'calm down'? Tell me that, oh wise one?" She slammed her fist down on the mattress, then ran her hand through her hair. "Fuck."

"You're right. I'm sorry."

There was a lull in the air, only broken by Amber's occasional sobs. I didn't know what to do so I raked my hand across her back, smoothing her hair, trying to comfort her. That didn't seem to help. I am such an asshole. She didn't deserve any of this.

"I can do one."

I snapped my head up. "What?"

"You can have one other woman. Honestly, I don't know if I can live with that. But if you really want someone else that badly, then I guess I will have to learn to."

I snuggled myself next to her. She was trembling. "No, I didn't mean it. I'm sorry."

"Don't bullshit me, Dave. If you didn't mean it, you wouldn't have brought it up in the first place. One. That's all you can get."

"I only want you."

That got her crying again and I held her for god knows how long, whispering soft words of apology to her. Finally she wiped the last of her tears away, leaning her forehead to mine. "Are you sure you don't want one other woman?"

"I only want you," I repeated.

"Okay," she sniffed.

She kissed me again, shoving her tongue into me and tasting me in long, heavy strokes. I squeezed her breasts in response, kneading them in gentle circles, feeling how supple they felt under my touch, teasing her for a few seconds, then squeezing her tits as hard as I could. I swallowed her surprised moan.

"Fuck me, Master," she said in a breathless whisper, laying back and spreading her legs, showing me how wet she was. Heat and desire rippled through me and I looked at her soaking wet cunt, back to her face, then back to her cunt, not sure if it was a good idea to fuck a sobbing woman.

"Please, Master. This is all I'll ever ask of you. Please fuck me until my heart is whole again."

I didn't need any more convincing. If sex with me would make her feel better, I was all up for it. I settled over her trembling frame, gently dipping my cock into her waiting cunt, alreading anticipating the soft gasp she always let out when I entered her. She did, gasping my name, pressing her heels onto the mattress, driving downwards, taking all of me in one fell swoop, her cunt rippling frantically around my cock, grasping me with ravenous greed then clamping down as soon as she took all of me in.

"I love you, Master," she gasped in between hot grunts as I rolled my hips, so deep inside her, so close to coming. I closed my eyes and took a moment to relish the heated flare between us, the fleeting feeling of paradise. "I love you so much it hurts."

I nuzzled against her neck, kissing and licking my way down, worshipping her breasts with my tongue. Amber writhed under me, clearly enjoying what I was doing to her, moaning out words of encouragement, groans trickling from her lips, groans so filled with ecstasy and lidded lust that they gushed against my ears, filling me with a animal drive as I plunged into her over and over and over until I could take no more.

I came with a cry, opening the dam and spurting geysers into her. Amber held my gaze with her piercing blue's, her heavy eyes glazing over as she took me. "I love you, Master," she said, then she came too.


"Can I please have one with like, diamonds or something?" Amber grumbled, staring nervously at the item I was holding.

I looked at the collar, admiring it's plain black leather finish. The small silver ring that was attached to the front sparkled from the lights above. "I like it."

"It's so plain. You know that I am going to wear that thing for the rest of my life, right?"


She huffed. "Fine."

I handed the collar to her and she took it with a poorly hidden frown. I laughed. "You won't be wearing that all the time, babe. I am also getting you a nice, tight black choker for when we go out on dates and stuff."

"Does black turn you on or something?" Amber began then deepened her voice, trying to imitate me. "Black high heels, Amber. Wear a black bra, Amber. Don't forget the black laced panties."

I shrugged, giving her ass a swat for that comment. The guy behind the counter raised his eyebrows at that. "Black just looks good on you."

After a couple minutes of choosing, I picked up a choker I liked and tossed it to my roommate. She caught it, then studied it at arm's length, the frown still heavy on her pretty features.

The guy behind the counter coughed when Amber went up to pay. He eyed her from head to toe as he took the items from her hands, pausing slightly as their fingers made contact. I didn't blame him. Even with the plain black nike tank top, skin tight grey yoga pants and the half assed hair bun she was rocking, having not bothered to style it to a french braid after the shower sex we had, she was still a vision.

"Hey," the guy said, smiling up at Amber as he scanned the two items in slow motion.

Amber stayed silent. Instead she looked at me, seeking permission to reply, just in case I would get displeased if she did. I just shrug then half nodded.

"Sup?" she said, not returning his smile.

"You live around here?"

My roommate gestured to the collar in his hand that he still hasn't scanned. "Mind if you, like, hurry up? My boyfriend and I are in a hurry."

Hurry for the day's ninth sex session. My dick was already throbbing sore.

His smile disappeared at that and he looked at me, shooting daggers like it was my fault. He said something under his breath and scanned both items quickly, shoving them in a yellow plastic bag.

"That will be $43.50," he muttered.

Amber handed him a fifty, told him to keep the change, grabbed the bag and strode out of the shop, her flowery scent trailing behind, now mixed with fresh shampoo. I sniffed. The guy did too. He looked at me again. I gave him a shrug then followed her out.


"It's kind of tight," my roommate grumbled as I wrapped the collar around her neck.

"I like you tight," I said, smiling. That earned me a swat on the shoulder.

Amber fingered her new collar, tilting her head left and right in front of the mirror. "You could at least have used some of the money I transferred over to you to get me a nice diamond one."

"You are a slave, not a queen."

"Your slave," she corrected. "Your one and only for the rest of your life"—she raised an eyebrow—"right?

"Yeah," I muttered.

My slave sighed, turning from the mirror and facing me "I just want you to be happy, Master. That's my main priority. If you wish for another submissive, we could work it out."

"We talked about this."

"Yeah, and I am glad for that." She walked towards me, wrapping her arms around me and seeking my lips. "How would you like me?"

"I always prefer the usual."

Amber raised an eyebrow. "You know you can have anal, right? You've never asked for it again. Just know that I am completely yours now. The complete package, everything, and that's including my ass." She grabbed my wrist, moving it to her bare buttocks, making me feel her up. "You can have this. Just say the word."

"I just want your cunt right now,"

"My cunt it is then." Her lips went back to mine. "For like, what? The fifteenth time today?"

"Ninth," I mumbled against her mouth.

"You keep track?"


We kissed for a while, her lips moving sweetly against mine, her hands on my cock, pumping me, making me ready for what was about to come. I didn't need to finger her, she was already wet. Always ready for me.



"I'm sorry."

I looked up. Her hand had left my wrist but I was still fondling her ass. "For what?"

"For putting you through this. I know it's fast. Just last month I was screwing around with random chicks, and then the next month, I am suddenly proclaiming my eternal love to you and making you agree to lists of shit and stuff." She nuzzled her nose against my cheeks. "I don't know. I was so sure I was a lesbian, but now... all I want to do is fuck you and be with you, all day, everyday, for the rest of my life."

"Mhmm," I said, abandoning my hand from her plump ass and plunging a finger into her soaking sex. Then another, pulsing them back and forth gently. I hoped she would take the hint and stop talking.

Amber just smiled and arched her hips a bit, giving me better access. "Maybe it's fate. We were meant to be together." She giggled childishly. "All this time, the man of my dreams under my very own roof. If only I had known earlier so I wouldn't have wasted both our time."

Frowning that it wasn't working, I took the extra step and rubbed her clit using the pad of my thumb. She moaned a little, but still continued talking. "It feels that we are married. You know, instead of a ring, you gave me a collar." She fingered her collar, smiling dreamily. "Then instead of vows, we signed a contract. It's all the same anyways, agreeing to be together forever through thick and thin. Now, it's like we are in our honeymoon phase, fucking like teenagers in love."

I walked her backwards until she fell in bed. I climbed on top of her, growling hungrily.

"I know I've said this a million times already, but I am just in love with you so much. I would literally do anything for you, kill for you if need be. I've never felt like this before, never loved someone as much as I love you. Never. I just want you to know that. And one day you will feel the same about me."


"Yes, Master?"

"Shut up and let me fuck you already."

Her smile grew wider, naughtier. "Yes, Master." Amber wrapped her legs around my hips, goading me closer to her swollen sex. I didn't wait, I was done with that. She was completely mine now. And not the kind of mine like she was when she was a fully brainwashed sex slave, devoid of any real emotions and stripped out of her will. She was still brainwashed, yes, but at least she still had some sense of self. Just the Amber I wanted. Mine. All mine, and I was just taking what I owned.

I came in her again that day, and again, and again, and again. I fucked her until dawn came, until our bodies were forced to shut down due to soreness and fatigue. Amber was passed out in my arms, our limbs entwined. I was still inside her, my cock laying cozily halfway in.

I didn't know if I wanted another slave. I could just hypnotise Amber to accept me having as many as I wanted. But I didn't want to tinker with her mind anymore. She was absolutely perfect now and I was scared to take any more of her will, not that she had much left.

Will I be content with Amber for the rest of my life? Having only one slave when I knew I could have more? Many, many more. There are still super hot girls out there, waiting for me to enslave them. I could have supermodels, powerful rich women, or even just sexy stewardesses. It will take time to make more of the super drug, but it could be done. I could have a harem full of girls, all fully dedicated to me, worshipping me as their God, make them exactly like my roommate.

Will I? I don't know. We will see. For now, all I could think about is the woman in my arms, inhaling her unique, flowery aroma, embracing the moment as it was. I could love her. Hell, I was falling in love with her already. I could have many, many more woman, but for now, I was perfectly content with Amber. My roommate. My submissive. My slave.

Mine. Forever.
