Abducting Mom Ch. 01(warning)


Editor's note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.


She had pissed me off for the last time. My mom was always saying or doing shit to embarrass or humiliate me, her one and only child, in front of my friends. It my last summer at home before I left for college and I'd had enough. It was time to knock her off her high horse and bring her down a notch or two.

I never understood why Dad put up with her. I mean, she's gorgeous, so there's that. Great big titties with incredible curves and legs that went straight to heaven. Her long blonde hair wrapped around a thin face with high cheekbones and piercing blue eyes. She was always telling people about how I ruined her body, although you couldn't tell it to look at her. Once we discovered girls, my buddies would always tell me what they'd like to do with and to Mom if they could get past her bullshit. But Dad was rich and successful. He could find any trophy wife. Maybe that's why they were still together, he didn't want to give her half of everything he had worked so hard for. Maybe she was a hell cat in the sack. I dunno.

Whatever the case was, it was time for a little payback. I devised a plan and found a partner in crime, which wasn't easy. I had to find somebody Mom wasn't familiar with. So I convinced my buddy Steve from the soccer team. He was a mischievous character anyway, and he knew my mom. It didn't take too much convincing. Dad was out of town for a few days, as usual, and Steve's parents were going to be in Europe for a couple of weeks. It was time to act.

Mom left the racquet club Tuesday at 5:30 just like she did every Tuesday. She looked hot as fuck, too, as usual. Her long blonde hair fell over a sheer white blouse that was tucked into a short, red pencil skirt. Matching red pumps adorned her feet. Every bit of it was designed to accentuate every luscious curve she had, and it worked.

She climbed into her black Mercedes and fired the engine. I was dressed completely in black, even wearing a black ski mask. I blended perfectly into the black leather interior. I slowly raised myself up from the backseat and pressed the unloaded revolver to her temple.

She nearly came out of her skin, then froze. The air left her body.

"Hello, Dana," I whispered into her ear.

"How...how...what do you want? Is it the car? Take it, it's yours," she said in a panicked voice.

"I don't want the fucking car," I said in a low, menacing growl. I needed to growl as much as I could. I wanted to disguise my voice and sound as menacing as possible. "It's you I want."

"Oh God! What...what do you want with me?! Oh God! Please...please don't hurt me!"

"Play nice and you won't get hurt. Don't play nice? Well, I can't make any promises," I whispered into her ear.

"Oh God! Please, please don't hurt me!" she whimpered. "I'll do...I'll do whatever you want."

"Good girl. Now drive."

"Drive? W-w-where to?"

We drove across town to the seedier side of town. I had her pull alongside the curb and park. Steve came bounding out of an abandoned building.

"Get out and get into the backseat with me. He'll drive," I commanded as Steve crossed in front of the car.

We opened our doors simultaneously and stepped into the deserted street. Steve, also wearing all black and a ski mask, slid into the driver's seat. Just as he did, Dana decided to make a break for it. She turned and began to run away from the car, her red high heels clacking on the pavement, whimpering the entire time.

It only took a few seconds for me to catch up with her. I grabbed her by the back of her long blonde hair and yanked her backwards. Her shoes flew off her feet as her body came to a sudden and painful halt. She cried out and grabbed my hands, trying to pry them off. Her feet scrambled trying to keep herself upright while I dragged her back to the car with her screaming the whole way.

I spun her around and threw her into the backseat. She bounced off the seat and slammed into the passenger side door. She quickly grabbed at the door handle and pulled...and pulled...and pulled. But Mercedes, in their concern for the safety of your children, wouldn't allow the back doors to open if the front doors were locked.

I threw myself into the backseat and landed on top her thrashing body. I slapped her across her head and face until she finally stopped flailing about and simply curled herself into a protective ball. I slammed the door shut and Steve stabbed the gas.

Mom and I were both panting. "I told you! Play nice and you won't get hurt! That little stunt isn't playing nice."

She was sobbing against the door. "I-I-I know. I-I-I'm sorry. Please...please don't hurt me."

I took a deep breath. "Fine," I said as my heart rate slowed. "C'mere, sit up. Sit up next to me."

She slowly sat upright and scooted closer to me. Her shoulders were raised up around her head as if I might strike her again. Her hair was no longer perfect. Her cheeks were red. Her eyes were filled with tears.

"You can make it up to me. Want to make it up to me?"

"O-o-okay. How?" she asked nervously.

"Take off your blouse," I growled.

"Take off...what?! Why?!"

"Just do it! Or do you want to get slapped around some more?"

"No! No. I-I-I'll do it," she sobbed. She slowly began to unbutton the blouse.

"Jesus Christ," I hissed. I turned to her, reached into the shirt, and ripped it open. She screamed as buttons flew into the front seat. I roughly yanked the shirt off her shoulders and down her arms.

"Fine! Fine! Okay!" she yelled. I leaned back over to my seat while she pulled the shirt the rest of the way off and tossed it aside. She wouldn't look at me. She just stared at the floor.

"Okay, the bra. C'mon, let's go! The bra!"

She paused for a moment then reached behind her. I could see Steve watching in the rearview mirror as she slid the straps down her arms. She paused before she pulled it completely off and threw it to the side to join her blouse. She quickly covered herself.

"C'mon, let's see 'em," I said as politely as I could.

She paused, still staring at the floor. Slowly, she peeled her hands away and placed them at her sides.

I stared for a moment. I'd seen her in skimpy little bikinis thousands of times. But never completely topless. Her tits were perfect! Any plastic surgeon would be proud to show these off as samples of his work. Round and firm and tan. The cold air conditioning of the Mercedes had her gumdrop-sized nipples pointing straight out.

"Fuck me," Steve groaned from the front seat. Was that a hint of a grin on her face at his comment? I thought to myself.

"Very, very nice," I said. Seriousl?. Did I see the corner of her mouth just curl into a tiny grin?!

After a short pause, I reached over and roughly grabbed her tits with both hands. She gasped and her body tensed. She closed her eyes. I continued to paw and maul her tits. They were fabulous. I couldn't stand it anymore. I leaned in and took an erect nipple into my mouth. She gave another gasp and her head flew back slightly.

With each swirl of my tongue and pinch of her nipple I could feel her body unclench a little more. But there was a part of me that was getting tighter and harder. As much as I hated to, I finally pulled away from her chest. She gave a slight gasp when her exposed nipple hit the cold air.

She froze again when she saw me unzipping my pants. I yanked them down and out popped my thick beast. I had quite a reputation around the school with the ladies that I was quite proud of. Nine inches long and thick. Most girls gasped at first sight. Dana was no different. Her eyes grew wide and her mouth flew open. I looked at her with an evil grin while I grabbed it by its shaft.

"What...what...what are you doing?!" she asked, panic returning to her voice.

"Well, for starters, you're gonna suck my dick," I said grinning. I grabbed her hand and pulled it over until she wrapped it around the shaft. Her hand was warm and soft.


"You what? You've never sucked dick before?" I said in a mocking tone.

"No! No. It's not that." She paused. "It's just...it's just...it's so big. It's so much bigger than my husbands. I...I..."

"Then it's your lucky day, isn't it?" I said with a crooked grin.

I grabbed her head and pulled it down towards my lap. She fought, but only slightly. I pressed her head down until I felt the head of my cock enveloped by her hot, wet mouth. I pressed harder until I felt the tip slam against the back of her throat. I gave a long, low moan. I saw Steve smile in the rearview mirror. I released the pressure and she brought her head back up but only to the tip. Soon her head was bobbing on my pole like a pro.

"Oh fuck, dude! This bitch knows how to suck dick!" I moaned to Steve while she continued to smoke my pole with gusto.

"She's a good little cocksucker, huh?" he chuckled from the front seat.

It wasn't long until she had me ready to blow. "Oh shit! I'm gonna bust a nut! Make sure you swallow ev...grrrrrr...every last drop! Got it?!" I said as I thrust my hips into her face.

She nodded her head and moaned. "Mmmm hmmm, mmmm hmmmm!"

I pressed down on the back of her head and threw my hips into the air. "Here it comes! Here it comes! Gggggaaaaaaaa!"

I exploded inside her mouth. Each pulse sent a fresh load of thick cum down the back of her throat. She gulped and gulped, doing her best to keep up with the flow. So much cum! I can't keep up! she said to herself. Her mouth finally overflowed, allowing streaks of white to slip out of her lips and down my shaft.

My balls finally stopped emptying their contents into her face. I let go of the back of her head and she slowly lifted her head up and off my rod. She had cum dripping off her chin and falling onto her magnificent tits. She licked her lips and swiped her forearm across her chin.

"I told you to swallow it all. Looks like you missed some," I growled quietly. "Lick it up."

She nodded. "Yes, I'm sorry." She grabbed my shaft and dove back into my lap. Her tongue began to lap at my balls and shaft, thoroughly cleaning off every drop she had missed. After several moments, she finally sat up. She licked her lips and swiped her forearm across her chin again. "There, I think I got it all," she said meekly.

I nodded and smiled. "Good girl."

It was dark by now and we were getting near our final destination.

"I'm sorry, but you're going to have to put this on," I said as I handed her a balled up piece of material.

She unraveled it and looked at it. It was a mask used in bondage. It had holes cut out for the mouth and nostrils, a zipper on the back, and that was it.

"You-you-you want me to put this on?" she asked with a hint of panic returning to her voice.

I nodded. "I promise, we're not going to hurt you," I said in as comforting a voice I could make and still growl.

She looked at the hood again. "O-o-okay."

She nervously pulled the hood over her head and leaned back into her seat. Steve and I pulled our masks off. I couldn't help myself. I reached over and began to play with her fun bags again. She gasped at first touch but quickly relaxed.

Moments later we pulled into the driveway of Steve's parent's house. He pulled up to the back door and stopped. We both got out of the car. I grabbed Mom's hand and started to pull her out.

Panic struck her again. She pulled back. "W-w-where are we?! Where are you taking me?!"

"Dana, I swear, I promise you. Just cooperate and I swear we won't hurt you."

"B-b-but I'm half naked!"

"Don't worry about that. Trust me, nobody will see you."

She quickly stopped struggling and slid across the leather seat. One long leg, then the other emerged from the car. I pulled her up to her feet. I could feel her slightly trembling. I handed her to Steve.

"Okay, take her down. I'll be down in a second."

She began to lightly sob again but went with Steve into the house without a fight. I jumped behind the wheel, pulled it into the garage, and quickly lowered the garage door.

By the time I got to the basement, Steve already had her strung up. He'd slapped handcuffs onto her wrists. Her arms were raised high in the air. The cuffs were attached to a chain and hook that dangled from the ceiling. She was lifted onto the balls of her feet, completely naked. She was making a mixture of sobbing and moaning sounds while Steve had two fingers buried in her snatch and a nipple in his mouth.

When he saw me enter the room he released her nipple. "Dude, she was soaked! She must've gotten all worked up giving you that blowjob."

I laughed. "Fuckin' slut."

She shook her head. "No! No! It's not true!" she cried out. Steve and I both laughed.

"Think she's ready?" I asked with a grin.

"Oh, I know she's ready!" Steve replied and removed her fingers from her slit.

"Ready?! Ready for what?!" she asked, panic in her voice again.

She struggled slightly at her bindings, but only half-heartedly. Steve and I stripped down without replying. Steve had a solid boner. It was nothing compared to mine but nothing to be ashamed of. Quite average. He'd be able to satisfy any woman with it.

Steve placed himself in front of her and I stood behind her. Steve lifted her legs into the air and cradled them in his arms.

Her body tensed. "What...what...what're you doing?!"

Steve and I simply smiled at each other. Simultaneously, Steve touched the tip of his tool to her swollen gash while I touched mine to her puckered rosebud.

"WAIT! Wait! Ohmagawd, wait!" she yelled.

Steve and I paused. "What?" Steve asked annoyed.

"You...you...fuck! Goddammit! You...you...you can't stick that...thing...up...up my butt! Please! You'll tear me in half! I'm begging you!" Steve and I smiled broadly at each other.

"You know, she's got a point," I said to Steve. "Maybe we should prime her before I fuck her ass."

Steve shrugged his shoulders. "Okay, fine with me. I'll take one for the team and fuck and her in the ass first," he chuckled. He paused. "I'll even do her a solid. I'll get her lubed up first." He turned and ran up the stairs.

"Oh God...oh God...oh God..." Mom moaned.

Soon he was back holding a tube of KY jelly. He held it up. "Dad loves giving it to Mom in the ass," he laughed. He squirted some onto his finger and pressed against her rosebud. "Better relax or this is gonna hurt like a motherfucker," he whispered into her ear.

He allowed her to take several deep breaths. He felt her muscles relax, but the gate never swung open. Tired of waiting, he pressed hard. His lubed finger slipped through her asshole and past her sphincter until it was buried knuckle deep.

Mom's head flew back. "Oh! You motherfucker!"

She bit her bottom lip while he stabbed at her ass until he felt like she was sufficiently lubed and loosened. "Let's rock this bitch!" he said, tossing the tube to the side.

"Oh God...oh God...oh God..." Mom moaned again.

We slid in close again, only this time I pressed my tree trunk to her puffy pussy and Steve pressed against her freshly lubed ass. Her long legs were cradled in my arms. Steve and I pushed forward. Suddenly, both swollen heads slid through their intended holes until we were both balls deep.

Mom's head flew back. "Ohmagawwwwwd!" she yelped. "It...it...it's too much!"

"Holy shit she's tight!" Steve moaned. "Her old man must never give it to her in the ass!" He reached around and began to maul her tits and twist her erect nipples.

"Fuck! Her cunt is squeezing me like a vise! I've fucked virgins that weren't this tight!" I announced. "The old man must be ignoring this hole, too!"

As Steve and I began to pound on her neglected holes, Dana's mind raced. It was true. Her husband barely touched her anymore. He was either gone, too busy, or too tired. Her vibrator had become the closest thing to a lover she had. And she hadn't been DP'd since her college days. She'd forgotten what an incredible feeling it was to have two cocks buried inside her at the same time. Even though she was being raped, her body was getting the pounding it had been craving for so long. I'm being raped but I'm actually enjoying it! Oh my God! Is that even possible?! Her body grew warmer with every dive of our cocks into it.

After what seemed like hours, but in reality was only minutes, things were getting hotter.

"Oh God! Oh God! Mmmmmm, don't stop! Ohmagawd, don't stop!" she begged.

"Hear that, buddy?" Steve asked while he drove his stick into her ass. "She loves it!"

"I know, right?" I replied while I stabbed her with my thick tool. "Nothing but a fucking slut," I growled.

"No! No! It...it...Oh God! No, it's not true!" she lied.

"Lying bitch!" I barked. "Tell me you don't love it! Tell me you don't love two cocks fucking you!"

She shook her hooded head. "No! No! It's not, mmmmmm, true!"

I drove my hips hard into her. She yelped. "Liar! Your cunt is squeezing me so tight! You're about to cum, aren't you?"

It was true. Her body was building to a climax. She shook her head again. "No! No!"

Sweat was rolling down Steve's face. "Fuck, dude! Her ass is sucking me in! I'm gonna...grrrrrrr...I'm gonna...mmmmmm...."

"Do it, man! Shoot it up her ass!"

Steve's body stuttered. "Fuuuuuuuuuck!"

Dana felt her ass filling with Steve's hot cum. Each thrust of his hips only filled it more. He was gripping her tits as if they were the only thing keeping him from launching into space. I grinned while I watched both of their faces contort.

"Yes! Yes! God, yes!" Dana yelled. "Ohmagawd, yes! Don't stop! Don't stop! Oh God! Oh God! I'm...I'm..."

Steve had emptied his balls into her ass and pulled out. I felt Mom's cunt starting to spasm. I pulled out.

"OH! No! No! Don't...don't...don't stop!"

I walked around behind her as Steve stepped away. "Now that you've warmed her up she should be ready for me," I said in a wicked tone.

Her body stiffened. "Wait...what?! No! It's too big!"

"Bullshit," I hissed as I touched the tip to her gaped ass.

"Wait! Fuck! Wait!" Panic was in her voice again.

I grabbed her hips and pushed. The bulbous head of my cock slipped past her sphincter with surprising ease. My hips slapped against her ass.

"Oh FUCK!" she yelped. I gave an evil chuckle.

I held her hips steady while I drove my tool deep into her ass with each thrust. The sounds of skin slapping skin and her moans echoed in the basement.

I was close to cumming when I was fucking her snatch. Her tight ass was going to finish the job. "Holy fuck! You weren't kidding! Her ass is tight as fuck! Even after your reaming! Fuck! I'm gonna...I'm gonna...ggggaaaaaaaaa!"

"Oh God! Wait! Wait!" Mom cried out.

My body spasmed while I dumped my load into her ass. I could feel it seep out as spunk filled her ass past capacity. I kept pumping until I'd dumped my full load.

When my body stopped convulsing, I pulled out. It was like pulling a plug. A stream of white poured out of her asshole and down the inside of her silky smooth thighs.

"Fuck yeah," I said, smiling at Steve. "I think that'll do for now," I said and slapped her on the ass.

"What?! No! But I...I...I was so close!" she said in disbelief.

"Close to what?" I asked. "According to you, you weren't enjoying it at all."

Dana paused. "No! I...I...I wasn't! But...but..."

"But nothing," I said. "Maybe next time, if you beg us, we'll let you cum." Steve and I gathered our clothes and walked up the stairs.

"You...you...bastards!" she screamed while she wiggled on the chain holding her up. Steve and I just laughed and closed the door.

Steve and I showered and played a video game, talking about what a great fuck my mom was the entire game. An hour later we went back down to the basement. Mom was still hanging from the chain. Her hands had gone numb. Her cunt had stopped throbbing 45 minutes ago. A puddle of white had formed at her feet. Her masked head snapped around when she heard the door open.

"Ready for some more?" I asked.

She shook her head. "No!" She lied.

Steve laughed. "Too bad."

We lifted her up and off the chain. Her arms fell down and her legs were wobbly.

"Where...where are we going?" she asked.

"Just over here," I said.

Steve and I helped her over to the bed we had placed down there. It wasn't anything fancy. Just an old metal spring bed with a lumpy, stained mattress. She fell onto the bed and Steve cuffed her hands to the metal slats in the headboard.

"My turn to try this mouth out," Steve said with a smile as he climbed onto the bed and straddled her ample chest.

"What?! Wai-ggggggfffffff..." Steve had his meat stuffed into her mouth before she could finish her protest. Knowing it was no use, she began to suck on his rod like a lollypop.

"Oh fuck yeah!" Steve said with glee.

I climbed onto the bed at her feet. "I only got a little sample of her ass last time. I think I'll give it another poke." Mom gave a muffled squeal. I lifted her feet over my head and parted her legs. Her pussy was still swollen and pink, begging for attention. Her ass was still gaped and slick. The tip of my rod slid through the slick entrance with ease. Mom gave a long, muffled moan while I slid in balls deep. "Ohhhh fuck yeah! That's the good stuff right there!" I groaned. Quickly, my balls were slapping against her backside as I slid my long, thick tool in and out of her ass again.

Steve was impaling her face with his sword. His balls were bouncing off her chin at a fast clip. Occasionally, he would hold the head against the back of her throat, trying to slide it in. He would hold it there until she coughed and gagged.

It had been a long time since Dana had given head, let alone deep throated anyone. But she knew exactly what Steve wanted, and she wanted to give it to him. She concentrated on loosening her throat muscles. She tried to time her gulps with the rhythm of Steve's dives. Then...

"Oh FUCK!" Steve shouted at the top of his lungs. "That's right! Take me down your throat, you deepthroating bitch!"

Mom can deepthroat?! Holy shit! I thought to myself.

Dana was quite pleased with herself. She was actually a little surprised she could still do it. Thank God it's not that big cocked bastard! she thought to herself.

We were giving Mom another good pounding. Her excited clit was staring me in the face. I reached around her leg and flicked at it. She gave a loud, muffled squeal. I flicked at it again. Another squeal. I began to rub it and pinch it. The room was filled with moans and groans.

It wasn't long before all three bodies began to tremble.

"Ready, bitch? Ready?!" Steve asked.

Mom nodded her head as best as she could. "Mmmm hmmm! Mmmm hmmm!"

"Fuck yeah! Here it...here it...comes aaahhhhhh!"

Dana felt his cock throb in her mouth and throat. Each throb shot a new stream of thick spunk done the back of her throat. Steve's thrusting into her face began to slow. He dove into her face and held it there. He throbbed in her throat. He kept it there. Dana began to gag. Her body begged for air, her airways clogged with cock and cum. She coughed. Bubbles of cum slipped out through her lips. The room started to go black. Steve finally pulled his rod out of her mouth. He shook his cock at her while she gasped for air. Droplets of cum splattered across her hooded face.

"Fuck me," he panted. "That bitch can suck some cock."

Dana's body grew hot. She felt two lightning bolts running up her thighs. "Oh God, yes! Oh God!" I pulled my hand away from her pounding clit and pulled out of her ass. "Oh God! No! No!" she cried out.

I laughed as I crawled up her body. "Ha ha! Too bad! Now open wide!"

She opened her mouth wide and stuck out her tongue. I stroked my meat hard and fast while I pointed it at her face.

My body shivered. My head flew back. "Gaaaa, fuck!"

A thick stream of white shot out. It missed its mark and streaked across the cheek of the mask and splashed against the pillow behind her head. A second stream blasted out. It smacked against the black leather on her chin and splashed into her mouth and across her face. I stabbed my throbbing tool into her mouth and let each throb shoot a fresh load into it. I could feel her gulps suck in each one.

I finally pulled out and smacked the head against her lips, coaxing several more drops into her open mouth.

"Jesus Christ, what a fucking slut," I groaned as I climbed off the bed.

Steve and I turned and headed for the stairs. "Rest up. We'll be back in a little while," Steve told her.

"What?! Again?! Oh my God! Please! I'm...I'm...so close!" I can't believe I'm begging them to make me cum!

"So close to what?" I asked.

Mom considered her answer. "Having...having...a...you know..."

"Cumming?" Steve asked. "Close to cumming? Say it!"

"Yes! Fine. Cumming! So close to cumming! There. Happy now?"

"Mmmmmm, that's a good start," I answered. "Tell you what. Think about it. Think about what you can do to convince us to allow you to cum. We'll be back in a little bit." Steve and I grinned at each other and walked up the stairs.

"You bastards!" she screamed at us as the door closed.

For the next two hours Dana laid on the bed thinking of what she could say or do to convince them to allow her to finally cum. Her body was going crazy! Am I really going to beg them to fuck me until I cum? she thought. The answer was a resounding yes. She couldn't wait for the release. Her body grew hotter and hotter thinking about what she might say or do to her abductors. Her pussy tingled at the thought of finally exploding. She anxiously turned her head towards the noise of the door opening.

"All rested up?" Steve asked sarcastically as we crossed the room, our hard ons leading the way.

Mom nodded. "Mmmmm hmmmmm," she purred. Steve and I grinned at each other. "Come over here and fuck me with those big, fat cocks. I want you to make me scream. Fuck me senseless. Make me your personal cum dumpster."

"Fuck, yeah!" Steve exclaimed. "Now we're talkin'!" Dana smiled.

"Now the true slut is coming out," I hissed. "We're gonna make you scream our names, you fucking cunt."

"Yes! Yes! Fuck me like you own me!" she screamed. Did I really just say that? She was already in a frenzy by the time we got to the bed.

We had her roll over. As she did, I climbed underneath her. She rolled back until she was on top of me. Her tits smashed into my chest. I grabbed my rod and she lifted her ass. I touched its tip to her swollen slit. She lowered herself, forcing my purple tip to slice through her. We both moaned as she slid down into my lap, swallowing all nine inches. Her cunt felt like warm velvet wrapped around my cock.

Steve slid between our legs. He held his rock hard rod steady as he slipped his warrior through her rear gate. After the poundings she had taken from me, he practically fell into her until his balls stopped him from going any further. Mom's head flew back when he slid passed her worn out sphincter and moaned until his balls slapped against her hot body.

"Oh God yes! Please fuck me like a whore! Fuck me good and hard!"

"You heard her," I grinned at Steve.

Promptly, we began to fulfill her request. We were like two pistons pumping in the hottest dragster you can imagine. The basement echoed with the sounds of skin slapping skin and curses to the heavens.

It didn't take long for Mom to finally get the release she was begging for. The heat raced up the insides of her thighs and crashed into her cunt like two locomotives. She threw her hips into the two cocks filling her holes. Her body trembled as a stampede of thunder and lightning tore through her body. It was an orgasm unlike anything she had ever experienced.

"Ohmagawd! Oh my fucking God! Yes! Yes! That's it! Fuck me! Fuuuuuck me! Oh gaaaaaaaaa!"

Her holes clamped down on us like two vise grips. Her cunt pounded around my own throbbing tool. Steve thought her ass was going to snap him off inside her. We both gripped her hips and drove our cocks into her as hard as we could.

Suddenly, her lips were pressed against mine. My mother was trying to shove her tongue down my throat. Our tongues danced inside each other's mouths. Her lips were hot, her tongue was hard and fast.

It wasn't long before Steve began to moan.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh shit!"

Mom broke off our kiss. "That's it! Fuck my ass! Fill it up with that hot fucking cum! Come on! Do it!"

That was all Steve needed. "Fuckgaaahhhhhh!"

His head flew back and his eyes closed. Hips dives into her ass were more stuttered but harder and deeper. She felt her ass flood with warmth. She concentrated on squeezing him until she'd gotten every last drop.

He finally drove his hips forward one last time and held it there. A few moments later he slowly withdrew from her back door.

"Motherfuck," he groaned as he wearily climbed off the bed.

She turned her full attention to me. I felt her cunt muscles squeezing me. She was driving her hips down into mine. She began to breathe harder.

"Oh God! Yes! Oh God! Yes! Fuck my tight little pussy! Oh yeah! That's it! Gaaaaaaaaa!"

Her body trembled with her second orgasm less than five minutes after her last. She cursed the heavens and begged me not to stop.

"C'mon, you fat cocked bastard! Give it to me! I want it! Oh God, yes!"

I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Oh fuck! You nasty fucking cunt! Take it! Take it! Cumming! Cumming! Fffffuuuuucccckkk!"

My hose erupted inside her cum catcher. The throbbing of my beef steak and the warmth of my cum only extended her orgasm. We cursed each other while our bodies writhed in ecstasy.

Our grinding finally came to a halt. We were both panting like we'd just run a marathon. Once I'd caught my breath, I rolled her off me and I practically fell off the bed. Her hips had deep red marks where our hands had been. Steve and I gave each other satisfied smiles.

"Okay, slut, get some rest. Tomorrow's another day," I said as we walked away. She was too tired to respond. It was 2 in the morning. Steve flipped the light switch and locked the door behind him.

It was close to noon the next day before Steve and I made our way downstairs. Mom hadn't moved. Her naked body was still face down on the bed. I walked over and slapped her heart shaped ass. She snapped to life. Her cuffs rattled against the metal slats. She'd forgotten she was handcuffed to the bed.

Huge cum stains were visible on the bed. The insides of her thighs looked like dry sky with flaky dry spunk covering them.

"Wakey wakey, my little slut," Steve said.

He uncuffed her from her bindings. She flexed her hands and rubbed the red rings around her wrists. She couldn't remember the last time her body ached like this. It was worth it she thought to herself and grinned.

"C'mon, get up, let's go," I said as I pulled her up.

"Now what? Where are we going?" she said in a weak, groggy voice.

"C'mon, let's get you cleaned up. You smell like fucking cum," Steve said. He was right. The whole room smelled like cum.

We pulled her through the master bedroom and into the large master bathroom. Steve and I donned our ski masks once again and then pulled her hood off. Her eyes squinted and blinked at the bright lighting of the bathroom.

"Go take a shower," Steve said, waving at the large walk-in shower. "Get that nasty cunt cleaned up."

She slowly walked into the clear paneled shower. She looked at us like she was waiting for us to leave.

"What? Are you going to watch?" she asked.

"Fuck yeah we are," I said practically chuckling. "We don't want you doing anything stupid."

The room quickly steamed up from the heat of the water. Steve and I soon had our snakes out of their cages and were petting them while we watched my mother coat herself with thick suds and then wash them off. She glanced over several times. Her grin grew bigger with each glance, as did our poles. She began to exaggerate the soaping of her skin and the rinsing it off. She massaged her tits. She buried her fingers into her slit and her ass. She knew exactly what she was doing.

Her body grew hotter as she probed her body with her own hands. Her probing got more aggressive the harder and longer our cocks got.

She'd forgotten the resiliency of young men. Oh how I've missed young cock she thought to herself. They can go 3-4-5 times a day. Oh God how I've missed that.

She looked at us with hungry eyes. "Why don't you boys come join me? Maybe you can wash parts I can't get to," she cooed.

Steve and I looked at each other with crooked grins. Before you can say "I'm cumming" our clothes were in the corner and we were in the shower.

Steve and I attacked her breasts and her luscious lips with our mouths and her snatch and ass with our hands. While one was kissing her, the other was sucking on a nipple, alternating back and forth. One had two fingers buried in her slit while the other flicked at her raging clit. Mom had a stiff cock in each hand, giving both long, hard strokes.

It wasn't long before Dana had turned herself around and was bent at the waist. Her ass was grinding into my groin when she took Steve into her mouth and swallowed him whole.

Steve threw his head back. "Fuck she knows how to give head!"

She spread her legs and I slipped between them. I touched the tip of my hard log to her swollen gash. I felt her lips quiver. Without any effort at all, its swollen head slid through her slick gates and I was balls deep. She gave a low, muffled groan the entire time.

Steve and I began to drill each end of her body. Steve had his hands behind her head to hold her steady for each dive into her throat. I had a firm grip on her ample hips and drove my hips into them as hard as I could. With each thrust I threw her forward, shoving Steve's probe down her throat even further.

I could feel her cunt begin to quiver. Her moans were getting louder. I knew she was close. I gave her a reach around and swatted at her clit.

She forced herself off of Steve and turned her head to me. "Oh God, yes! Fuck me with that fat cock, you bastard! Ohmagawd, yes! Feels so good! Yes! Yes! Cumming! Cummmggggggg!" Before she could finish her announcement, Steve had her throat plugged again.

Her body trembled as an Oklahoma tornado ripped through her body. Her moans were loud and muffled. Her knees went weak. The only thing holding her upright were the two cocks that were impaling her. Steve and I continued to angry-fuck her through gritted teeth.

Her spasming body slowed to a light shiver. Steve and I withdrew and she dropped to her knees panting. Steve and I slid in front of her and pumped our shotguns hard and fast as the water fell down on her. Her face was directly in the line of fire.

She finally realized what was about to happen. She sat up straight and cupped her beautiful breasts. "C'mon, boys, cum on my tits. Cover my tits with your hot cum. C'mon, do it! Give it to me!"

Our bodies trembled. I felt the burning in my thighs. My cock throbbed uncontrollably in my hand. "Fuck! Fuck! Ggggggrrrrrr! Cumming! Oh yeah! Here it comes! Ggggaaaaaa!"

A blast of thick spunk crashed into her chest and spread across her tits. Another rope sprang out, this one only having enough strength to fall directly onto her breasts.

Steve began to bark. "Hold 'em up! Hold 'em up! Fuuuuck, hold 'em up! Fuuuuuuck!"

Steve dumped his load directly into her cleavage. She twisted back and forth enabling the rest of our gifts to spread evenly across her cum catchers.

Steve and I finally emptied our balls of all bodily fluids and backed away. The shower was whitewashing the front of her toned body. A river of milky white was washing down the drain.

She scooped what she could off her fleshy globes and tucked her fingers into her smiling lips. "Mmmmmmm, that was fun," she purred. "Now I need to start all over, you naughty boys. Why don't you get out of here before it happens again?"

Soon she was toweling herself off. She wrapped the towel around her and tucked it into her cleavage. I handed her the leather hood. She looked at me.

"Really?" she asked with disappointment in her voice.

I nodded. "Really."

She paused and then the world went dark again as she slipped it over her head. Steve zipped the back of the hood then ripped the towel off her body. She gasped and instinctively covered herself.

It wasn't long before she was lying on the bed again. Steve slapped the cuffs back on her and brought her hands back to the metal slats of the headboard.

"Oh, c'mon guys. Do we really need the cuffs?"

Steve chuckled. "Uhhhh, yes."

"So, slut, you like us making you cum like a whore, huh?" I hissed.

She nodded her masked head. "Mmmmmm hmmmm," she whirred.

Steve and I smiled at each other. "Then you're in for a real treat," Steve snorted.

My eyes grew wide. "Jesus Christ, dude! Where the fuck did you get that?!" A flash of fear raced through Dana's mind at the words.

Steve laughed. In his right hand he was holding the biggest dildo I had ever seen. It looked like a baby's arm! It was easily 12 inches long with thick "veins" wrapping around it and the head was like a small hand balled into a fist. Steve shook the large piece of rubber. "I got it down at Dave's Sexy Surplus. It was the biggest one I could find." He laughed again. I mean, I know we were out to teach my mom a lesson, but goddamn! In his other hand he held a stick of anal beads.

Steve moved next to the bed. "C'mere, dude, lift up her legs." Steve lifted one while I lifted the other. I could feel Mom's body tense. Steve touched the tip of the anal stick to her puckered asshole. "Better unclench, bitch."

"What...what is that?" she asked nervously.

"Something that's going to be uncomfortable if you don't unclench," he said annoyed.

She took several deep breaths. I could feel her body relaxing. Steve pushed and the first bulb of the stick slid through. As each bulb slid into darkness, her moan got louder. Bulb by bulb the stick disappeared into her ass until only the handle was visible. Then he grabbed the dildo.

"Now spread your legs, slut," he commanded.

She gasped when the cold rubber touched her hot, glistening lips. "What...what's that?!" Panic was in her voice.

Steve's voice dripped with sexual anticipation. "If you like fucking big cocks, you're gonna love this."

He grabbed it just below the head and pushed. The very tip slipped in. He pushed harder. I watched intently as half of the bulbous head slipped in. He pushed again. Her cunt swallowed the full head. My jaw dropped. Mom's back arched off the bed and she yelped. Two inches slipped in. Then four. Six. Nine.

"Oh my God!" she cried out. "It's too big!"

"Shut up, cunt!" Steve barked.

He pulled it out until just the head was left in. The rubber glistened. He shoved it back in. 10 inches. Out again. Back in. 11 inches. Dana screamed and writhed on the bed. Steve had an evil grin. Back out. Back in. The base slapped against her swollen lips. She took the whole fucking thing!

I was stunned. "That...that...that's fucking amazing!" I said.

"Oh my God! Take it out! Take it out!"

"Not a fucking chance," Steve bellowed. "Fuck it like a good little whore."

He grabbed the anal beads as well as the rubber schlong and began to slide them in and out of their respective holes. Each slide out resulted in a quicker and harder slide back in. Mom was moaning and squirming on the bed. I found myself with my dick in my hand.

"Fuck, man, I've already got another hard on," I snickered. "Time to fuck those big, fat titties."

I climbed onto the bed and lifted myself over her moaning, wiggling body. I sat down on her chest and placed my log into her cleavage. It was slick with sweat. I grabbed her massive mammaries and wrapped them as tightly as I could around my pulsing member. They felt like two warm pillows. I began to slide in and out of the valley, the head of my cock popping in and out of the top like a gopher, almost smacking the bottom of her chin. My pace was soon matching the massive slab of rubber that was gliding in and out of her slit.

It wasn't long before Mom and I were both grunting with pleasure.

"Oh, yeah, fuck! Shit! Dude, these...these...grrrrr...these tits are amazing!" I announced.

"Ohmagawd! Oh shit! It...mmmmm...it's too...shit! Too much! Oh God! Oh God!" she wailed.

"Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh fuck! Ggggaaaaaa!" My cock emptied onto her chest and pooled onto her throat. Spurt after spurt followed the same path, and then slipped down the sides of her throat and into her long, blonde hair.

At the same time, Mom began to scream. "God! God! Ohhhhh God! Gaaaaaaaa!" Steve continued to pump the plastic rod of beds and the massive rubber in and out of their respective holes.

Steve laughed as both my mother and I's bodies shivered with orgasms. "Ha ha! She fuckin' loves it! She came as soon as your jizz hit her throat! Ha ha! What a fuckin' slut!"

My hose finally stopped shooting and I climbed off of Mom's still quivering and moaning body. I stepped away from the bed and watched Steve pull the two inserts from her body. Dana sank into the bed, mumbling "Oh God" and breathing like she'd had the workout of a lifetime. Steve peeled off his pants to reveal a raging boner.

"Here, see how she likes this," he said with a smirk. He handed me a hard, purple vibrator coated with raised bumps. "Now it's my turn," he snarled.

I touched the new projectile to her pulsing pussy lips. "Oh God! Oh...God!" she quietly panted. It slid through her snatch with ease. "Oh Ggggggggg..." Before she could finish her cry, Steve had his tool shoved down her throat.

I stabbed and twisted the new insertion in her body while Steve stabbed her brain. With each thrust he drove her head into the mattress. Muffled grunts escaped from her plugged throat. Then I flipped the switch. The vibrator buzzed to life. Mom's back arched off the bed. She gave a long, clogged squeal as her body squirmed.

After several minutes, both sweaty bodies rose to a climax.

Steve pulled his plug from her throat and hovered over her. "I'm gonna paint this bitch white," he proclaimed as he stroked himself.

"Oh God! Yes! Cover me with cum! Ohmagawd yes!" she begged.

Steve's body stuttered. "Fuck!" A thick, white rope landed on its target, changing her erect nipples from a sexy pink to an even sexier milky white. Another rope shot up the top of a breast and streaked across her shoulder into her not-so-silky hair.

"Yes! Yes! Yassssss!" Her body exploded with another explosive orgasm. She writhed on the bed, screaming to God and the heavens, while Steve did just as he said he would do, coating her tits with sticky, white cum.

He finally stopped stroking and shook his snake . Droplets shot up the front of her mask. She moaned softly as I pulled the buzzing wand from her slit and shut it off.

"Did you see that?" Steve asked. "She came the second our cum hit her. Bitch loves cum!"

You could barely hear her moan, "I do, I do."

It was well into the afternoon by this time. Steve grabbed two more cylinders and smiled. "One last thing before we head upstairs."

One was a thin white, 5 inch ribbed vibrator. The other a longer, thicker blue vibrator that not only vibrated but twirled around in uneven spins. He walked over to her and touched them to her tired holes.

"Oh God! No! No! No more! Please!" she shook her hooded head and pleaded.

Steve simply gave an evil chuckle and snapped the tools into the place. The white one disappeared into her ass while the blue one into her snapper. She practically levitated off the bed when he flipped the switches on.

"Oh gawwwwwwwd!" she screamed while we laughed and climbed the stairs.

As we sat in the living room eating our sandwiches we could hear her moan below us. The moans got lower and lower as the sun set until we could no longer hear them.

Three hours later we went to the basement to check on our personal cum dumpster. The vibrators had slipped out and were buzzing on the bed. Mom lay exhausted and panting on the bed. She had lost track of how many orgasms she'd had. She didn't think it was possible to have that many orgasms in a lifetime, let alone a day.

Steve unlocked the cuffs. "Okay, sunshine, time to go."

"Go? Go where?" she asked groggily.

"Time for you to get the fuck outta here."

Steve backed the Mercedes out of the garage while I helped her climb the stairs. The cool night air shocked her senses and brought her back to life. I tossed her into the backseat and Steve drove off into the night.

"Okay, slut, one last chance to show me what a good little cocksucker you are," I said as I grabbed her by her matted hair and pulled her to my groin. Her hot breath raced across the tip of my thick weapon just before she swallowed me. I was surprised at how easily she took me in and how quickly she was sucking me off with gusto. I looked down and her hand was fingering what had to be an exhausted slit. She had truly become a prisoner to her sexual awakening.

She continued to suck me and pleasure herself as we drove along the darkened streets. All too quickly, Steve pulled alongside the curb of the deserted street and next to the old, abandoned building where this had all began. He ran around the car and opened the rear passenger door.

"One last time," he warned.

He spun her around until her ass was pointing up and he climbed into the car. With the door still open, he stabbed her swollen cunt and buried himself balls deep in one, hard thrust. The force threw her forward. The tip of my tool slammed against the opening to her throat and slipped into her throat ever so slightly. She gave a loud, muted grunt. The dim interior light set an eerie mood as our three bodies abused each other.

Even though her body was sore and tired, it still couldn't get past the thrill of having two cocks buried in it. It wasn't long before her body started to tremble and her muffled moans got louder. Her body began to rock back forth, meeting Steve's thrusts with thrusts of her own.

"Mmmmm hmmmm! Mmmmm hmmmmm!" she moaned. Her anal grip clamped down on Steve's rod. Her breath around mine grew hotter and heavier. "Mmmmmm! Mmmmm! Mmmmmmm!" she squealed. She felt the heat rise through her thighs and crash into her slit. She didn't think they could anymore, but her muscles trembled as more volts of electricity lit up her body. Her moans filled the Mercedes and slipped through the open door, breathing life into the empty streets.

"Fuck me! I'm done, bro!" I hollered at Steve while she polished my knob.

"Me, too!" Steve pulled out and grabbed her hips. "C'mon! C'mon! Quick! Get out here!" he told her.

Mom backed out of the car and onto the dark, empty sidewalk. She was completely naked except for the dried cum on her body and the hood covering her head. I followed her out with my long stick leading the way.

Steve was beating his meat hard. "Get on your knees! Do it! Now!" he snarled. She dropped to her knees in front of us. "She likes cum on her tits? I'll give her one last load on her tits! Here it comes! Here it comes! Uuuugggghhhhhh!"

The first rope covered the top of her fantastic fun bags. She quickly cupped and shook them. "Oh yeah, baby! Give it to me!" she shouted as a second and third wave coated them.

"Fuck me! Cumming! Cumming! Fuuuuuuuck!" My body spasmed as my stream crossed over Steve's, glossing her rack with a thick white film.

Two more shots rang out before she took me into her mouth, then Steve. She alternated between the two of us, trying to suck the chrome off of our throbbing hitches. When our hoses stopped throbbing, she gave each one a loving kiss and stroked them softly.

"Okay, c'mon, fun's over. Get up," I said.

Steve and I grabbed her under each arm and lifted her onto wobbly legs. The headlights illuminated the streams of white streaking down her body as we crossed the front of the car. I opened the door and we helped her slide into the driver's seat. In a flash, Steve had one cuff on her left wrist and the other cuff on the steering wheel.

"Well, slut, it's been fun," Steve chortled.

"Thanks for being our personal cum dumpster, you fucking cunt," I chimed in.

Once again, panic set in. "Hey! Wait! These cuffs! What...what...how do I get them off?! And my clothes! I'm...I'm...I'm naked!"

Steve gave an evil grin, even though she couldn't see it through her hood. "The keys to the cuffs and your clothes -- well, what's left of them -- are in the trunk. You figure it out."

"In the trunk?! How am I..."

I slammed the door shut. Steve and I raced around the abandoned, old building to the car we had left there yesterday. As we ran we could hear her screaming from inside the Mercedes. "Hey! You fuckers! You can't just leave me here! You fucking bastards!" Her voice trailed off the further away we got. We jumped in the car and left a trail of dust behind us. I was sure she would head home and I wanted to be there when she got there.

Dana slammed her fist on the steering wheel. "Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck! What the hell am I supposed to do now?!"

She took several deep breathes and tried to gather her thoughts. The first thing she had to do was get the hood off. She struggled with the zipper in the back but was finally able to work it off. She looked in the mirror. The long blonde hair that was normally perfect was matted and hard. She looked down. Both fresh and dried, flaky cum covered her torso. She was a hot, naked mess.

She gripped the steering wheel tight and screamed, "Fuck!"

She finally came to the conclusion that her best option was to drive home and face the music. Her husband should still be out of town. Mark should be the only one home. She could stonewall him and get away with it. He'll want something in return, though. I'll have to come up with something good. Shit. she said to herself. A thought raced through her mind. Fuck! I hope he doesn't have any friends over. Fuck!

While she drove home, as hard as she tried not to, she kept reliving the last few hours. The feeling of getting fucked by two cocks again. She's forgotten just how good it could fee. It surprised her how much she missed that feeling. And that fat cock! Oh how she wanted it again.

She pulled into the driveway and parked in the garage. She saw my car there and not her husbands. She took a deep breath and pressed the button for the hands free phone.

I had to suppress a laugh when I answered the phone. "Hey, Mom! Where've you been? I was starting to get worried."

"I...I...I was, um, out. Um, can you come out to the, uh, garage, please? I could use your help."

She had her window down and the trunk was open when I walked into the garage. Her mind was racing.

I walked up to the car. "Hey, whatcha n...what the fuck?!" I tried to act as surprised as possible.

She cleared her throat. "Yes. I'm sure this looks, um, odd, but..."

"Odd?! You're fucking naked and handcuffed to the steering wheel! What the fuck happened to your hair?! And what's that all over you? It looks like...holy fuck! Is that..."

"Never mind what's all over me," she said annoyed. "The keys to these cuffs are in the trunk, along with my clothes. Will you get them for me, please?"

I grinned. "Yeah, sure. Hang on a sec." I pulled my phone out of my pants and held it up.

Her eyebrows nearly flew off her head. "Hey! What...what...what do you think you're doing?!"

I laughed. "Oh, this is too good. This is one of those 'once in a lifetime' moments. So, if you want those cuffs off without chewing your arm off, just let me snap a couple of pics and then I'll get you out of there."

She gasped. "What?! Why you little..." The flash went off. "Hey!" Another flash. "Goddammit!"

I moved around and got different angles. I leaned into the car and got a couple of really nice pics of her still puffy pussy and cum covered torso. I made sure to get some great pics of those fabulous, cum covered tits. Steve'll love these I thought to myself. I stuck the phone back into my pocket. "Okay, that should do it," I said with a twinkle in my eye. She gritted her teeth and shot darts at me with her eyes.

I went to the trunk and, when I saw what was in there, I smiled ear to ear. Not only were the keys to the cuffs and her clothes in there, but so were her sexual aids. I grabbed the foot long schlong and the warted vibrator and walked to her window with glee.

I shook the sticky rubber dong at her. "Care to explain this?"

Her jaw hit the floor and the air left her body. "I...I...where did you get that?! I...I...I have no idea, um, what that is even."

When I released her from her bindings she grabbed her clothes and hauled ass up the stairs. The warm water of the shower could wash away the remnants of being used as a cum dumpster but not the memories of having two young cocks buried inside her, forcing her to cum over and over, for over 24 hours.

That's when she realized her lust for young cock had been lit. Oh my God! she thought to herself. I can't get it out of my head! My pussy throbs just at the thought of it! How do I fix it? Maybe I don't want to fix it! Oh my God! Am I going to be...that woman?

That's the question, isn't it?