From Angel to Cock Slave



Something amazing happened. I'm so overtaken by emotion I just have to sit down and write this, and I've never really written anything that wasn't mandated by the boring ass teachers at my old boring ass school. Anyway, although it's pretty fucking gay, I guess this could be considered a kind of diary. I deleted and rewrote that word three times because I feel like a faggot every time I see it on the screen.

I fucked my cousin's mouth today. Let me write that again, it feels so fucking good. I fucked her cute little mouth. She wouldn't let me cum on her face so I had to dump my load on a potted plant I had nearby. Even while licking my cock she still manages to be a fucking tease that slut. Little does she know, she'll get what's coming to her.

Maybe I'll post this on the internet after I've grown tired of abusing her. I want to immortalize my new whore, my submissive little bunny.

My future readers, if they exist, must be wondering how I did such a thing. Or why I did such a thing for that matter? To answer the last question, she's cute, I think I've said it a couple of times already. Try picturing her in your head, she's about five feet, white chubby cheeks like a baby, her legs are a bit skinny but those D cups of hers remind me she is a woman, and they always make my dick stand at attention.

My uncle and auntie think she's this princess, a perfect little angel. Well miss perfect has had a couple of boyfriends, at eighteen no less. Her parents treat her like such a child it honestly disgusts me, she plays along so she can be in their good graces and excuse her fuckups. I'm really fucking tired of picking her drunk ass up from parties at six in the morning and helping her out with school.

"Zack I'm going to fail math, help me study. Please."

She drags that please like a child begging her parents to buy her a toy. I have no excuse to deny her since I'm taking a gap year while doing jack shit pretty much. My mother is always telling me not to be mean to my cousin.

Well Jennie, I'll be really, REALLY mean to you from now on, your mouth was only the beginning. And guess what, if you don't behave like a good little slave, this shit will go out to the internet, maybe with a couple of pictures or videos of you on your knees, looking up at me.



I haven't seen her since the last time I updated this journal (finally came up with a better word) but I'm writing preemptively because her family will be coming over tonight and if all goes well I probably won't have time to write.

I noticed I never actually explained how I got her to service me two days ago. Firstly, let's talk about the logistical side of things. My father is a truck driver who pretty much only comes home on the weekends, sometimes not even that. My mother is a nurse who often does long night shifts at the hospital and then sleeps during most of the day, I kept telling her working so many hours is bad for stress but she prefers the money I guess. Now It's actually very convenient for me she stays away from home for so long.

I was tutoring her in my room the other day when I noticed she kept staring at the ground and clutching her arms tightly. She usually doesn't listen to anything I say, instead, she gossips and speaks of her stupid problems, but even for her this was abnormal. Since I'm such a nice person and all, I asked her what was wrong but she wouldn't answer. We clearly wouldn't study anymore and since we were alone in the house, I opened a bottle of whiskey and we had a couple of drinks. She drinks a lot, typical of a slut like her, I also loosened up a bit and asked her what the problem was.

Get this, she bought a quarter ounce of coke from a guy who knew a dealer and promised to pay him. Her friends had planned to share the coke, split the bill and give her the money. Well her so called "friends" did the coke but didn't give her any of the money, she woke up the next day and is now indebted to an actual coke dealer. According to her it's this really big guy with face tats, people like that don't play around. Apparently, the guy got her number and threatened to beat up her boyfriend and then her if she didn't pay up. She wailed and sobbed while she told me all this.

What dumb bitch, I pretended to be surprised and told her if this got out she would probably get expelled from school or maybe even GO TO JAIL and her parents would be so disappointed they might DISOWN HER. I was so excessively dramatic I should have won an Oscar for my performance. I said all this while sounding disappointed although I know quite well she is just the type of girl to do such a stupid thing. I then twisted my face to show a hint of concern and, hugging her and said.

"I got some money, I might help you out. I don't know."

"Please!! I'm so sorry for what I did. I'll do anything!! I beg you... please fucking help me Zack!!"

Her tears had dried up but she still had that squeaky crying voice.

"Jennie, I think I ought to tell your parents. I'm sorry but they should know about all this."

She started screaming and spazzing out. She grabbed the collars of my t-shirt and buried her face in my chest, wetting it with her tears.

After leading her to my bed, we sat down. I held Jennie's hand, so petite and soft, just like she was. I moved her light brown hair out of the way and whispered in her ear.

"You really don't deserve any fucking help Jennie you know that?"

She gasped and it looked like she was about to have an anxiety attack right in front of me. I interrupted the beginnings of her convulsions by whispering in her ear some more.

"But you're my baby cousin, so I'll let it slide this time. I'm sure that, from now on, you'll be on your best behavior, won't you?"

I brought her hand to my cock that was already hard as steel. Gently, I made her fingertips rub against the place of my pants where the shaft was. For a couple of seconds, all I could hear was the sound of the warm summer breeze at the beginning of nighttime. My lips were still next to her ear and her hand was still on my bulge but she didn't move an inch, it's as if something had instantly frozen our dear Jennie. I lost my patience with the cunt.

"Ok, I'll just have to call your parents then. Don't worry Jennie, I'm sure they'll visit you in prison."


The whore finally got on her knees in front of me, one last sob, one last wide-eyed look asking me for mercy, just like a little puppy. I wasn't in the mood for mercy that day.

"I don't have all fucking day Jennie!"

She unzipped my fly and pulled down my boxers, my cock sprung up and it had precum dripping off the tip.

She held the base and just looked at it for a moment, as if she didn't know what she had to do. Seriously the cunt can be so fucking annoying sometimes.

"Open your fucking mouth!"

"Don't fucking talk to me like that!"

Wow, she got fucking chatty all of the sudden. The shock must have worn off, her crying had ceased. Upon reflection, I really was going a bit too fast.

She added.

"We're fucking cousins Zack, this is creepy."

"So, if I wasn't your cousin, my cockhead would be touching the back of your throat right now, huh?"

"Fuck you! I fucking hate you!"

She was being too much of a spaz so I needed to calm her down. I leaned forward and while caressing her cheek, I tried to relax her a bit.

"Alright! Look, I'm sorry. You're really fucking hot. I've wanted to do this with you for a long time you know? Just let me stick the tip in and then we'll move slowly."

She repulsively jerked her head back and swatted my hand away, but her eyes were not so vitriolic anymore. What a vain bitch, just like that those rich red lips of her parted, her mouth opened and I stuck the tip of my cock in her at last.

I gave her directions throughout, but I wasn't a brute like before, that will have to wait. She licked my tip, jerked me with both her hands. I pushed her head down onto my cock and she gagged, that made anger show up in her eyes again. I'm average sized too so I expected a whore like her to be able to completely down my erect dick.

She managed to humiliate me at the end though. In a half mumble/half scream I went.

"I'm cuming! FUCK!"

The cunt actually jumped back on her ass and I had to quickly cum into a potted plant that was nearby. The convo after went kind of like this.

"What the fuck was that Jennie?"

"I'm not going to swallow your cum, you pig!"

"Fucking shit, I nearly made a giant mess in this place, what the fuck is the matter with you?"

"You'll help me now? Right?"

"You've got to be fucking kidding me, you think I'll do anything in exchange for ONE shitty blowjob?"


Shit, she was about to spaz out again.

"Relax Jennie. I'm your cousin, you know I would never leave you out to hang like that. Listen sweetie, I know you'll be coming here in two days with your parents, so make up some excuse and come up to my room, we'll talk some more. Alright?"

"This is so wrong, oh my god..."

With watery eyes she stormed out of my room, I texted her to make sure she really was coming over today. In fact, she should be here in a few minutes. Wish me luck.



Another triumph to register on my captain's log (journal might have been better but meh, let's just roll with it).

So, she came over to my house yesterday because her parents had some matter they had to discuss with my mother. She used some bullshit excuse and came to meet me in my room. All went as expected.

My cousin was still disturbed by the whole situation she found herself in. She stared at the ground and said.

"What do want now?"

"Listen, I'm your only way out of this mess YOU created, so it's in your best interest if I'm left thoroughly satisfied. You understand?"

She remained still with her fingers tightly curled up and her arms motionless by her sides.

"I asked you a fucking question Jennie!"

Resigned, my little fuck-toy nodded her head.

"On your knees, next to the bed, same as before Jennie."

While she obeyed, I pulled the curtains away and slid open my bedroom window. I live in a suburban area and my bedroom is on the second floor, the window is large and leads into a small balcony. Looking outside I could see flashes of light coming from neighboring houses and sometimes silhouettes of people going about their lives at this late hour. If anyone from those same houses was to open the window perhaps for a smoke or some fresh air, they would be able to see inside my room.

An amazing summer breeze dried the sweat of my body and cooled me down. I took off my shorts and my boxers and was now wearing nothing but a plain white t-shirt. I sat in the bed. My cock was now in front of her face.

"Are you fucking crazy Zack? Someone will see us."

"Then you better hurry up don't you think? Also, everything you got above the waist, take it off."

She hesitated so I brought my phone out and pretended I was going to send a message to her parents telling them about everything. The slut finally submitted. I fumbled around with her tits for a bit and then ordered her to start sucking.

"Listen Jennie, and listen good, from now on until the time I bust inside you, this cock DOES NOT LEAVE YOUR MOUTH unless I order it. Do you fucking understand?"

She tried to complain but I pushed her head down on my dick, she tried resisting by putting her hands on my legs but I got my phone out again and scolded her.

"I'm really starting to lose my FUCKING patience with you!"

She mumbled something witch I discerned to be "Okay... Okay." I made her look at me, she nodded her head again and went back to work.

I made sure she learned exactly how I like to be sucked off. First rule is, no hands unless I order you to. Second rule is, my cock DOES NOT leave your mouth unless I tell you otherwise. Usually I like my slave to begin my taking just the tip and thoroughly salivating it, maybe give it a kiss. Then you alternate between fast sucking and slow long deepthroats, and you better not fucking gag. Puking on my cock is not an excuse to stop, keep that in mind. The slave shall keep alternating between those two modes of worship. When I tell you to stick your tongue out, you fucking do it. When I ask you how my cock feels inside, you answer "Amazing", "Godly", "Ecstatic" or some other word that shows how my cock is a divinity compared to you. But remember, my cock should NEVER, EVER, leave the fuck-toy's mouth unless I order it. You will do this until I am completely satisfied with your performance, even if it takes hours. I don't care how much you cry or how tired your mouth feels. When I am ready to gift you my seed, I will face fuck you usually by getting up and furiously thrusting my hips while holding the back of your head. If I wish to remain seated, I will grab your hair and violently push your face up and down until I finish.

The slave shall endure getting face-fucked without resisting, that means no hands on my thighs and no pulling back. If your resist you will be slapped back in line. A small amount of gagging is permitted at this point. Once I orgasm, you are to maintain my semen in your mouth until I command you to show it to me. You will open your mouth and show me my cum while looking into my eyes. If I order you to play around with it in your mouth, you obey your master and do it. Once I command you to swallow it, you do so in one big gulp. You are to open your mouth and stick your tongue out as proof that you have consumed my seed. In the end of it all, you smile and thank your master for allowing you to be a slave to his cock. Throughout this entire process, slight resistance or forgetfulness will be answered with slaps and choking. If the slave is rebellious then her hands and feet might be restrained with towels or other tools. If you perform poorly, I might decide to apply certain punishments (these include spit, piss, ass to mouth and other humiliations, I didn't tell her what the punishments were, better to remain vague at this point).

I have to admit she performed reasonably well, I lasted about three minutes and when I got up to face-fuck her I merely thrusted twice before I finally blew my load inside her mouth. She made a disgusted face when swallowing it. At the end she was still defiant and said thank you in a soft voice.

"Thank you what?"

"I'm not going to call you master. You can forget that."

"You will, but you did alright today so I'll let it slide. I won't be so nice next time."

She snickered at me and left once I told her she could. Can you believe that? Seems she isn't quite docile enough, but that will change in the future. I'm sure of it.

I will completely corrupt this girl. I will violate every hole in her body in its due time. She will live only as a tool for my amusement. Slowly, she will be utterly broken.

I got to work on my stamina though, three minutes is nothing. I guess I was a bit too excited to finally get a decent blowjob. My own speech about the rules of servitude she will have to obey left me on edge so I came fast.

Also, I'm not sure if I should make her call me master or daddy. What do you think future reader?



Woke up with my balls drained. And I also have some great news.

Gotta say, this whole ordeal with my cousin is panning out much better than I expected. Realistically I thought I might get a couple of blowjobs, maybe fuck her once or twice. It would seem suspicious if she started spending too much time at my house, in my room, with me. Tutoring is usually only once a week, and I didn't have a better excuse to force her to come over. Until now.

You see, the "business" my mother and her parents were discussing yesterday is going to be of great use to me. In a couple of days, the group of old farts is going to some old people resort. The kind of resort where you either spend your day in the pool, or you play golf and get oil massages with all the other old farts. I'm yawning just thinking about it.

Anyway, that means, that for a full week, my cousin will be alone at her house, and I will be alone too. Isn't it great? It's going to be such a fun week. At least for me.

They will be leaving in 7 days. I will use this time to work on my stamina. Everyday I will edge myself to the point of almost cuming. I won't cum though, for all of these 7 days, I will be saving my seed for her. I'll make sure she gets nice and full when I unload again. I'm getting hard just thinking about it. A full week, just me and her. It's going to be torturous before I can use her again, but can you imagine how my first orgasm will feel? Jesus fucking Christ I really should go to bed or my dick will start to hurt from being too hard for too long.

Once I heard the good news, I texted Jennie this.

"Hey sweetie. I'm sure you heard both our parents will be leaving for a while. I'm going to save up study material for you. And when they leave we can study reaaaaally hard together. We'll have a good time ;P

Can't wait to see you. xoxo"

The bitch didn't answer, how rude. Ha-ha who am I kidding. It was low, even coming from me. But what can I say? I love playing with the cunt. Both literally and figuratively.



Just 24 hours left until the big day. I can barely contain myself.

A nice little interaction happened today between me and her. As you might guess, our dear Jennie is avoiding my calls and not answering my texts. So today was the first time we spoke ever since I painted the roof of her mouth with my cum. My mom sent me over to my uncle's house to run an errand. It must've been around 8 p.m. when I got there. They were having dinner, just Jennie and her mommy and daddy. Not me, her actual daddy lol. I chatted with my uncle for a bit and I noticed Jennie was guzzling her food so hard that her cheeks ballooned and she was having trouble breathing. I said "This food must be delicious Mr.--. Jennie is loving it."

Jennie looked at me like she wanted me dead. Ms.-- was flattered, she smiled and said "Oh, don't be so nice, I'm a terrible cook. I hope you two eat well while we're gone."

I walked close to Jennie and said "Don't worry Ms.--, we'll be fine. Me and Jennie can take care of ourselves." I petted her head in the most condescending way imaginable. "Can't we Jennie?"

I wish you could have seen her face. So much hatred, she would have stabbed me if she could. But she was still so cute, I got to be careful so I don't fall in love with her. She excused herself and left the table. "I think she's sick." Said my auntie. "Poor thing. Maybe it's boy problems." Said I. "She's too innocent for that sort of thing. I almost don't want to leave if she's sick." She said. "Don't worry auntie, go and have fun, if anything happens I'll take care of her." Said I. "You're a good boy. She'll be in good hands." "She will auntie. She'll be fine... with me."

We said our goodbyes and I left. If only they knew. I giggle when I think about it.



It's the first night ever since I began training my new slave. Jennie's in the bathroom right now. Washing herself off. The bitch is so ungrateful. I shaved down there, making myself cleaner and smoother for her and she doesn't even appreciate it. She's my first slave and I'm trying to be nice and caring with her. Maybe I should be rougher. Maybe that will teach her some fucking discipline.

Jennie will be sleeping over for the night whether she wants to or not. First thing tomorrow when I wake up, she will service my cock. She already complied to everything, or else...

Here's how it's going to be. At 1:00 p.m. I wake up. Since she will be sleeping on the floor next to me she will wake up too and her service will begin. The slave is to say "Good Morning Master!" even though 1 p.m. isn't really morning but whatever. The slave will then be by the bed, on her knees, with her tits showing and her tongue hanging from her mouth. If I wish to make out with you, I will. If I want to play with your tits, I will. If I want to smack your ass, I will. If I don't, I don't. And the slave will be fucking glad either way. After getting up, I will take my morning piss. The slave is to follow me to the bathroom on all fours, like a well behaved little puppy. If the toilet seat isn't up, you will put it up. I will be naked since I always sleep naked. I will stand in front of the toilet and start pissing. It's the slave's job to direct my cock so that the piss falls in the toilet. With her mouth of course. The slave will clean every last drop that falls on the ground. And if you fuck up too many times, you will start cleaning it with your tongue.

With my morning piss taken, my morning wood will remain. The slave will flush the toilet and start licking my balls. Only the balls, until told otherwise. When I am satisfied I will tell you to stop. You will open your mouth and stick your tongue out once more. I will spit in it and then shove my cock in your mouth and face fuck you until I am ready to cum. When I feel like rewarding you, I will pull your head just above the toilet bowl and blast my load in your face. That way the excess will run down your cheeks and fall in the toilet. "Thank you master!" is how you will show your gratitude. Only then are you free to clean yourself while I go and get dressed.

The spit part was hard to sell, but I managed. Soon she will be gargling my piss too. She just doesn't know it yet.

As for what happened today. More of the same really. The edging really worked as I'm lasting much longer now. I face fucked her for some minutes. She gagged and had teary eyes. It was gorgeous. I kind of want her to puke on my cock, but I don't want to have the smell linger after she cleans it up. Decisions, decisions... Being me is hard sometimes.

Jennie gets absolutely mortified when I mention ANYTHING about touching her pussy. It's not like I was going to go down on her or anything. No way in hell would I stick my mouth inside her. The stupid bitch doesn't deserve it. I would stick my dick in though. I'm even more excited about taking her ass. I asked her if she had ever taken it up the rear before. She said no. I told her "Yeah right! Like I'd believe that." She got genuinely offended, she was mad at me but it was different from the other times. Maybe her ass hasn't been fucked after all. Or maybe I'm just being wishful. Virgin ass or not, she will please me with it.



It's twilight hour as I'm writing this. I sent Jennie to the mall to buy a few "presents" for us. She will also go by her house and bring some of her underwear here. I like my slaves clean.

Starting tomorrow she will wear nothing but her panties while she is in my presence. I also made it clear she isn't allowed to masturbate unless I tell her she can. She can hate me all she wants, in fact, I love it when I see the hatred in her eyes, and I love hate fucking that pretty little face of hers. Despite all that, I see how wet her panties get. She doesn't touch herself in front of me, probably not wanting to give me more tools to humiliate her with. But it's obvious she gets horny when she's sucking my cock, when I'm sucking her titties and when I grab her by the hair and force my tongue down her mouth. It wouldn't surprise me if she's doing it while I'm asleep. She's such a fucking slut after all, and I love that.

She's becoming docile faster than I expected. Today, after waking up, she did everything I had instructed her to. After I was done pissing, she licked my shaft without me asking. I caressed her cheek to reward her. When it came time to spit in her mouth, she opened her mouth and closed her eyes very tight. Even though she clearly didn't like what was about to happen, I could see my cute Jennie was making an effort to serve me correctly. I'll admit I was touched for a moment. I face fucked her gently afterward, making sure to give her time to breathe and trying my best not to make her gag.

Jennie blows me 5 times a day. Once after I wake up, 3 times in the afternoon and once before I go to bed. It's only been two days but it's very exhausting already, I might have to take some "off days" where I only cum once or twice.

When we're not fucking, I usually watch stupid shit on the internet while she stays in the living room reading books or playing with her phone. We never eat together, that is, sometimes I eat while she eats my cock. But we never eat actual food together. She is to ask for my permission whenever she wants to leave the house. I won't let her unless she really needs to or is going to do something I want, like today. Plus, she can't be away for too long. My cock won't suck itself.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, she gave me a tit-job today. I'll admit it was a bit disappointing. Maybe it's because my cock is not that long so when she has her tits wrapped around it, she can only suck the head right at the tip. Aesthetically it's great, but normal blowjobs feel way better. Next time I'll try to finish by straddling her belly, then fucking her tits and letting the cum smack her in the face when I finally bust. Variety is the spice of like they say.



Future reader, I lied to you, I'm sorry. It was for a good cause though, I promise. I told you I wasn't going to stick my tongue in Jennie's pussy. Well, I did.

Here's how today played out. Remember the "presents" I said she bought for us yesterday? Those were actually two pairs of handcuffs. Obviously, she bought those cheap plastic ones for like three bucks. But they are enough to restrain her.

Jennie has been doing everything I want, and I guess it affected me. I was becoming too nice to her. Before I used to smack her titties and ass without a care, pinch her nipples, slap her face, face fuck her hard. Now I'm so soft. So caring. I don't know how to feel about it.

She was still spazzing out whenever I mentioned touching her cunt. But the blowjobs were getting better. She diligently directed my piss to the toilet every morning and not a single drop was spilling. She smiled and made sure to give me loving kisses on the tip of my cock. She deepthroated me and held herself there without me having to force her. Sweet little Jennie. But her pussy was still off limits. And I would never consider raping her.

Right before dinner, I told her to come to my room and get on her knees. I was completely naked and she had only her panties. I bent forward and kissed her on the upper lip. I wasn't forceful, I brought my hands to her cheeks, she did the same to me. I handcuffed her hands behind her back, then I handcuffed her ankles together. I kissed her again. When our lips split apart there was a string of spit still uniting us. A hot summer day, we were both sweaty and panting. Just me and her.

I lifted her up like she was a princess being taken back to her castle. Now laying on top of her, on my bed, we made out some more. My dick was hard, sliding up and down her midriff. She moaned and squirmed. With her little hands still locked behind her back, her ankles restrained, she rubbed her legs against mine. I started jerking myself off, then I moved my hand down to her thigh, then her inner thigh. At first, I touched her with my fingertips, then some slight grabbing, one leg, then the other, then close to the pussy, but not quite, and then I would start all over again. I finally let my fingers brush Jennie's pussy lips. Her panties were soaked.

"No." She mumbled inside my mouth. Our lips parted and I looked her in the eyes.

"I'll make you feel good. I promise. You deserve to get off too. I want to touch you so bad... Please..." I said, while smooching tiny kisses all over her little cheek bones. "Please Jennie..."

"Zack... Go slow." She said under her breath.

I kissed her again, this time in a violent yet caring charge down her throat. I stopped for a

second to lick my index and middle finger. Downward I went. I massaged the skin of the hood, moved it out of the way and finally started rubbing her clit. Slowly, then faster. She couldn't hold still once she became possessed with pleasure. Rubbing her knees against one another, moaning into my mouth. I kissed harder and held her tongue and lips with soft little bites while the moans attempted to escape.

"Jennie. Let me make you cum baby." I said as I pulled my mouth away from hers. I could feel her furious panting right in my face.

She just looked at me with her cute round eyes. I slid down the bed and started licking her midriff. Her legs trying their hardest to break the cuffs and present her pussy to me. I freed her ankles from the handcuffs and she splayed her pretty little pussy for me to eat. I licked the lips and pulled back to tease her. She scooted her butt so her cunt would be closer to my face. What a pretty pussy. It's tiny, not a single hair is visible, no sagging skin. I licked her labia for a short interval and then I flickered my tongue on her clit. Her toes start curling and her back starts arching on the bed. The moans got louder, my tongue was starting to get tired but I kept going, faster, faster, faster. Her back was nearly breaking and she wanted my face buried in her cunt. And then... I stopped.

"DON'T STOP! ZACK!!" She yelled.

I got on my knees and started rubbing my cockhead on her swollen clit.

"What do you want me to do Jennie?"


"My cock's throbbing Jennie. I have to fuck you." We were both panting like dogs at this point.

"I... I Don't..." She looked at my dick, pondering. "ALRIGHT, JUST FUCKING DO IT." Jennie yelled.

"Beg me."


"Beg me to fuck you Jennie."


"Please what?"


YES. I jammed my cock all the way in. She gasped. Her pussy gripped me. My cousin's sweet pussy that I wanted for so long. I started thrusting hard. We stayed in missionary for a while then switched to doggy. Her waist was melting into my hands while I fucked the shit out of her. She moaned and moaned. I was about to cum, gripping her waist even tighter, I let out an audible moan. Jennie made more and more noise, until, I felt her pussy grip my cock like it was trying to suck every last drop of cum out of my balls, and it did just that. I couldn't resist. Her pussy was filled with my seed. For a second, right after I came, every muscle in Jennie's body tensed up, her moans stopped. We had both came at the same time. Her body turned to gelatin and we both fell on the bed, still panting. Completely exhausted.

We fell asleep together after that. We were both little kids the last time we slept on the same bed. It's roughly 5 a.m. as I'm writing this. So technically the date on my journal is wrong. Jennie got up to go take a shower and asked if I wanted to come with. I kissed her but said no.

It's really pretty out. Summer mornings have the best temperature. A nice breeze. Quiet. The sky is dark blue with rosy clouds. I'm going to have a smoke by the window while she finishes up her shower. For the first time ever, I might be in love.
