Dare Me To?


At 18, John had never had a father figure. His dad had left him and his mother, Jenny, years ago, but they were far from unhappy. They were like best friends. They would sit and talk things over, go for drinks together for company, play on the Xbox, and pull pranks. They pulled so many pranks on each other. It was all in fun though. It was rare to see them together and not be laughing about silly things.

It was a Saturday afternoon, the height of summer. Sunshine beamed down into the suburbs. Heat lines danced above the asphalt of the streets. There was not too much activity. John and his mother lived in a dead-end road and not many cars came down there. It was rather quiet and secluded excepted for the residents of the other houses. John sat playing on his Xbox in the living room. He had drawn one drape across the French doors which led to the garden, so as to keep the sun from blinding his view of the television.

Over the sound of gunshots and grenades from his game, he could hear his mother one door away in the kitchen rattling pots and pans as she cleaned. The house was hot, basking in the sun. A few of the windows were open, but there was no real breeze coming through. Everything was stagnant, a dog day afternoon.

John was getting his ass kicked by the game he was playing, and lost interest after a while. He leaned back into the sofa and looked through the French window not covered by the drape. Grass in the garden was burning and turning brown. He turned off his Xbox and made his way through the hallway.

"Bored!" he yelled, standing in the doorway to the kitchen. His mother was on her knees, head in a floor cupboard she was scrubbing. Below the waist she had on a light colored skirt which flowed smoothly over the curve of her butt and stopped at around her knees. She wore an old white cotton vest, marked a little from her hard work. It was obvious she wore no bra. She always said it made working a little uncomfortable, and there was no embarrassment between her and her son. No one else would see so it was fine.

"Bored!?" chuckled Jenny, climbing back out of the cupboard. She sat back on her knees, looking towards John. Her dark hair was held above her head in a band. Stray locks curled playfully down her neck.

"If you're bored you can help me clean!" she smiled.

"I'm not that bored!" John cheeked back. He leaned against the doorframe.

"Yeah! Thought not!" his mother sniggered, putting her head back into the cupboard. John walked over behind her, inspecting her work.

"You've cleaned loads. Why don't we do something? John persisted. His mother climbed back out of the cupboard, and pushed herself into her feet. Standing up she was a little shorter than her son. John was by no means tall, but he had a few inches on his mother. "What do you want to do? She asked, crossing her arms over her chest. John had always noticed his mother's ample breasts. He considered her gifted, although he had never thought of her in a sexual way. When he was younger and had friends over, they would often stare at his mother as she walked through a room. Little jiggles of her curves drove them mad. John did not like it, but could not blame them for it.

"Want to play a game?" he asked, "How about Monopoly?"

"Aren't you a bit old for that?" Jenny asked, as John shrugged. "Ok. Go set it up. I'll be in a second." John grabbed the game box and set the board up on the coffee table in the middle of the room. He sat on the sofa. Soon his mother entered and took her place on the floor the other side of the table, facing him.

They began playing, the same old boring game. They moved the pieces round the board, got some properties, and paid a few fines. Jenny sighed.

"This sucks doesn't it?" John voiced. He and his mother looked at each other for a few moments before laughing.

"It needs something new to it," suggesting Jenny. John nodded, and went to find something in the kitchen. After a few moments he returned, holding a few cans of beer in one hand, and 2 bottles of wine in the other.

"In the middle of the afternoon?" Jenny giggled. John placed them on the table along with 2 glasses.

"You don't have any plans do you?" He asked.

"Well..." she hesitated, "No I suppose." John opened a bottle of wine and began pouring generously into his mother's glass. Jenny looked a little shocked at the amount he had given her.

"From now on, you drink one glug for every $50 you get fined in the game." explained John. Jenny was not too sure what to say, but gradually gave a genuine smile.

"You're a terrible influence, young man." She jibed, picking up her near-overflowing glass in one hand and the dice in the other. John sat down, cracking open a beer. Rolling the dice, Jenny took a small sip of her wine. She moved her piece along a few spaces, landing on a $200 fine.

"Four glugs, please!" grinned John. Jenny gave him a sarcastic frown, just sore for being caught.

"Oh dear, middle of the afternoon," she sighed before drinking down her wine. She had to drink nearly the whole glass. Leaning back on her hand, her face came over all red.

"It's so hot." Jenny complained. Standing up, she pulled the other drape across the French window, blocking out the light. The room was now a dim place filled with shadows. A tall lamp provided just enough illumination to see. John noted how alluring his mother looked like this, and he was only one in the world who could see her. It was very intimate. John rolled the dice next. Before he finished moving his piece his mother laughed.

"Haha!" yelped Jenny, pointing her near empty glass at the board, "that's $300! That's most of your drink, please." John sniggered and shook his head. He gulped down his drink. This was going to be messy.

On the next go Jenny had to drink another glass, throwing a playful tantrum about how brutal the rule was. John dismissed her, joking she could not keep up with him.

"I can!" she griped, giggling, trying not to let her son see she was wound up.

"It's fine, mom," John spoke sarcastically, "you can cop-out now if you want."

"Pour my wine." Jenny was determined. John filled her glass again, and Jenny enthusiastically downed it. As she leant back, John could see her bright red cheeks, and a mild sweat she had developed around her neck and chest. They continued playing, drinking different levels of wine and beer until they neared the end of the game. By then John noticed his vision had blurred a little, but was in good shape compared to his mother. She tried leaning on her arms on the floor, but they buckled easily. Her head fell back flaccidly, eyes closed. Jenny found herself moaning softly at her dizziness, but kept smiling. She was sincerely happy. She was drunk.

"Stop now, lightweight?" John teased. Jenny's head snapped forwards, pointing a finger with it.

"No!" she snapped.

"I'm over here, mom." sighed John. His mother had pointed and shouted at the wrong end of the sofa. She unsteadily moved her arm to correct her mistake, making John burst out laughing. Jenny clumsily pushed herself off the floor and found the stability in the legs to stand upright. John got on his feet and held the tops of her arms.

"Ok?" he asked.

"Just floating to the bathroom!" his mother laughed. John led her out to the hallway and allowed her to go into the bathroom. He returned to the living room, walking to the drapes and peered out. The sun still beat down heavily. His eyes soon got sore from the light, so returned the room to its dim musk.

After a minute his mother returned, flopping into the room. John ran over to catch her. She fell chest first into him, squeezing her breasts against him. After he steadied her she put her arms around his.

"So big and strong." She hummed.

"So drunk!" John poked fun at her, "Two bottles of wine and you're anyone's!" Jenny looked up at him, pushing herself away in the process.

"Ok!" Jenny stammered, "Ok! New challenge! New challenge!" She was determined to stop her son mocking her, but was having fun all the while it happened.

"Why don't we play forfeit poker?" he asked.

"What's that?" slurred Jenny.

"We just deal a hand of poker, and the loser has to drink." He explained. Jenny agreed eagerly, not wanting to spoil their fun. They set it up with a proper poker set. John sat on the sofa one side of the low coffee table, and his mother on the other side sitting on the floor. The first hand was dealt.

Jenny looked down at her cards, biting her bottom lip lightly. John stared at her dark curls as the fell playfully over her eyes. She could feel his gaze, and raised her big eyes to meet his. Her lashes fluttered in dark allure.

"I raise." John announced. Jenny's eyes widened, like a rabbit in headlights. Looking back down at her cards, she allowed her lip to bounce out from between her teeth. She smiled.

"I'm all in" she flirted. John instantly checked his own holding again. Three beautiful aces stared back at him. Looking back at his mother, he saw her smiling broadly, struggling to contain giggles.

"I call." He grinned. Jenny let out a burst of laughter. She turned her hand over to reveal a king high.

"Looks like you got me." She kept smiling, showing brilliant white teeth. John nodded towards her empty wine glass. Jenny's head flopped to look where he pointed, in that ragdoll way only a very drunk woman could. She could not stop giggling, strewing up her eyes and covering her mouth with her hand. Rocking back and forth with intoxication, she leant for her wine bottle. Upon shakily lifting it to pour, it struck her that it was empty.

"Oh no," She falsely moaned, "I can't do my forfeit!" Jenny let the bottle roll out of her hand and across to carpet. She started falling backwards, saving herself by landing on her palm. Her thick, lush curls fell down half her face. Jenny gave a soft sigh, completely vulnerable. With her chin resting on her chest she looked up at her son mercifully.

"You still owe me a forfeit, lady." John spoke firmly. Jenny rolled her head back.

"Everything's spinning." She laughed. John gathered the cards on the table and began shuffling them.

"Looks like you lose then." He informed. Jenny leaned forward and put her hand on the cards, stopping him shuffling. Her mouth straightened, more serious.

"I'll give you a forfeit." Without taking her wide eyes off of John, her free hand ran up her leg and waist, then ran her index finger up her front, across her body over her stomach and over her breasts until she reached the strap of her vest. In one smooth action her vest strap was flicked from her shoulder. It fell down the top of her arm floppy. Without hesitation she did the same to the other strap. Each rested around her elbows. The vest top strayed where it was, held up tight by her ample chest. John's mouth opened a little, taking in the sight of his mother's bare shoulders. His eyes caressed down her neck and top chest, witnessing her smooth and peach-like skin.

"Is that good enough?" Jenny cheeked. Sitting still for a moment, she allowed her son to take in this new side to his mother. John licked his lips. As she leant back on her hand again her vest shimmied down her body a little further. Jenny knew it was happening. John was treated to a good eyeful of cleavage. He saw the tops of her perfectly round breasts. The very top of her vest settled just inches above her nipples. Even though covered, they pushed through the white cotton enough for John to see his mother's excited state.

"What are you doing, drunky?" laughed John.

"Another hand?" she grinned. John could not shuffle up quickly enough. He almost dropped the card as he dealt with such haste. Jenny leaned forwards to take her cards. The vest slipped further down her body. John tried not to stare at her nipple which peeked out on top of the cotton rim. She saw him looking, but did nothing to cover herself. She looked down at her cards.

"Oh no," Jenny sighed in a very forced manner, "I only have a ten-high."

"You're not meant to tell me, mom." John chuckled. "You can bluff me."

"Ok." She laughed, pushing all her chips across the table. John announced a call before she could get them in the middle and showed a pair of twos. His mother wasted no time in stumbling to her feet once again. This time she whipped off her skirt. It was one of those that was buttoned at the side. It peeled off her legs like a big wrap, revealing her navy blue lace panties. Her vest was held up resting on just one boob now. The other was entirely exposed. It stood proud and erect in the warmth of the room.

"Shouldn't you cover yourself? I don't have any dollar bills to stuff down that!" John said, making light of it. Jenny stood still, a little shaky, but said nothing. "You're beautiful." John complimented, after some hesitation. Jenny turned around, letting John get a look at her panties riding up the crack of her ass. Her ass was so fleshy, like a peach. John wanted to dig his nails into it and taste the salt of its skin, just to know it was real. Soon he realized his mother was bending over, away from him. She had slid her vest down around her waist and was pushing it down her hips. She let them fall down her silk legs and crumple at her feet. John could only sit slack-jawed, eyes dancing down his mother's slender back.

As Jenny stood back upright she turned towards John, placing one forearm across her chest. John could see her ample rounded breasts as the dim light bounced off them. Jenny sat back down, nipples concealed.

"I think we should play for dares now." She smiled, "You know, 'I dare you' to do something." John nodded willingly. It did not take long for Jenny to give up the next hand. John passed her his beer and dared her to drink it in one. She took it willingly. In her intoxicated state she missed her mouth and much of the liquid spilled down her chin and onto her chest. She jumped a little at its chill, still keeping her arm across her tits. John dealt the next hand. He looked down at a pair of kings, and then slyly peered at his mother's face as she studied her own hand.

"I've got three jacks!" she smirked. John paused for a moment.

"Three kings." He said in a soft, timid voice. Jenny sighed, and mucked her hand face down onto the table. John felt relief overcome him. His dishonesty worked. His mother had not even looked to see if he was telling the truth.

"Dare me?" she asked. John took a breath, thinking of what to suggest. Jenny watched a look of realization come over his face.

"I'm going to save this one up." John informed his mother. She nodded in agreement. John dealt out another hand, and stared at Jenny until she revealed her hand. It was a pair of fours.

"Unlucky, mom, I have fives!" John tried to keep a serious face, looking down at his ace high.

"I don't think I'm very good at this." Giggled Jenny. John wasted no time dealing another hand, and went through the same façade. They did it again and again. Jenny was entirely passive, just allowing her son to declare himself the winner of each hand. John was getting so excited he began announcing his hand before his mother did. After about 15 dares he had successfully saved up he told her that he had three eights on his next hand. Jenny looked down at her own hand and claimed to have a pair of tens. She threw her hand down on the table. It landed face up. She had folded three tens, beating John. He look down at the hand in mild shock, then up at his mother's face. She looked into his eyes deeply, and then slowly pushed herself up towards the table, leaning over to him. She put her elbows on the glass, uncovering her nipples. John noticed how erect they were again.

"Want to use some of these dares up now?" She asked softly, "Otherwise I'm going to be at your command for life." John had to swallow a lump in his throat.

"I dare you..." stuttered John. Jenny moved to sit on her knees placing her hands behind her back. Her chest bulged out in front of her, with the sides of her ample breasts slightly obscuring her arms above the elbow.

"Yes?" Jenny interrupted. John shook, obviously out of his comfort zone.

"I dare you..." he continued as Jenny fluttered her eyelashes, "I dare you to pose."

"To pose?" His mother smiled.

"Yeah. Wait there." John pushed himself off the sofa and made his way out the room. Jenny shivered with anticipation. She leaned back on the floor, her arms falling above her head, legs curling to her side. Staring at the ceiling, she felt like a child, completely at the mercy of someone in charge. She ran her fingers down her side, imagining what John would ask of her.

After a couple of minutes John appeared back through the door, holding a digital camera in his hand. Jenny pretended to cover herself up. John instructed her to sit up on her knees, arm back across her chest covering her nipples. The camera flashed. Before checking the photo John told his mother to use her other hand to run her fingers through her hair, to hold it above her head. She did willingly. The camera flashed again. He then told her to cup each of her tits. As she did John could see her hands could barely contain her fleshy mounds. John took a few more pictures.

"Stand up." John instructed. Jenny stood, still holding her tits. John got her to turn away from him, so he could see the side of her tits and most of her back. The light danced off her ass like a candle in eclipse. A few more flashes of the camera recorded his mother's exposure.

"Look at the camera." John once again asked. Throwing her gaze over towards him, her luscious curls fell down her shoulder. Her bedroom eyes pierced through the lens. Moving towards her, John put one hand on her hip over her panties, and the other at the top of her back. He pushed down on her, forcing her to bend over. Through instinct Jenny released her breasts and balanced herself on the fireplace mantle. Her pert tits swung free, retaining their roundness. John stepped back, taking in her amplified posterior as it was pushed out, barely contained by lace underwear. More pictures flashed.

"Get on the floor." John ordered. Jenny got back on her knees. Her son guided her onto all fours, arching her back inwards. He circled her, taking many photos. Jenny threw her head back and forth to John's instruction, giving a ravished look. John had his mother lean down into the carpet, tits pushing down against the floor. Her ass remained proudly upright, atop her smooth thighs. Her panties ran deep into the crack of her ass, cheeks on full display. John took his last pictures. He could smell a warmth in the air, the excited condition of his mother. He could see the moistness in the crotch of her panties.

"Ok," Breathed John, "You can get up now." Jenny slid up off the floor. She picked up her white vest heaped on the floor. She went to put it on but hesitated.

"Is that dare over now?" she joked. John nodded, allowing her to pull the garment over her head and cover herself. She got on her feet, drunkenly balancing on her son. John was looking through the photos on the mini screen. She pushed her breasts against his arm, laughing as if she acted like she did not know what she was doing. Failing to get his attention she watched as the photos came up one after another.

Jenny looked fantastic. Even in the amateur style of these pictures. The white hot flash burnt most of the pictures giving that home made feel, although it captured her curves beautifully.

"So are you turning your mother into a porn star?" Jenny said in jest. John stopped reviewing the photos and thought to himself. Jenny was slowly slumping onto his shoulder.

"I dare you to put these on the internet." John tempted. Jenny woke up with a jerk. At first she looked shocked and reluctant, but after a long stare from John she began smiling.

"That's my dare?" She grinned. John nodded.

"You backing out?" he asked. Jenny excitedly shook her head. Taking her hand, he led his mother to the computer in the hallway. She followed obediently. After turning the PC on John took a seat on the desk-swivel chair. Jenny looked for where she could park herself, as there was only one chair. John placed his hands on her hips and guided her ass onto his lap. Swinging her head around, she gave her son a wide smirk, showing her brilliantly white teeth. The smell of grapes and wine filled his nose.

Soon after the computer loaded John opened an internet browser. It did not take long to find a message board dealing with amateur porn. There were many threads and topics, all with names like "My wife in the shower" and "Ex-GF poses in bedroom". Jenny clicked on a couple to open them. Many pictures began flashing up across a range of topics. All the photos looked like they had been taken at home with basic equipment, just like the ones they had just made. There were asses and tits everywhere.

"So you're going to make me into one of these?" Jenny asked, although with no resilience.

"Yes Miss. Zemanova," he joked, "You're so in their league." His mother beamed. John created a new thread and quickly added all the compromising photos of Jenny to it.

"We need a title for the thread." John told his mom, "So people know what sort of thing it is." Jenny shrugged, then watched him type something in. It read "Busty MILF strips in living room".

"What's a 'MILF'?" she asked in genuine fascination.

"You're a MILF." Laughed John, "It means Mom I'd Like To Fuck'."

"Oh would you?" Jenny asked, moving her face closer to his. He could feel her breath on his cheeks. John swallowed, clicking 'post' on the website to publish the new thread.

"It usually means you're over 30, but men would give anything to fuck you." After he spoke, Jenny turned around to face him, throwing one leg over him. She straddled him. The warmth of her crotch alerted John to her continued excitement. Her tits sat inches from his face, nipples attacking the soft cotton and ample flesh barely contained as it strained against the top. John felt his heart beating faster, his body was becoming sensitive. The heat from his mother got him excited. His penis began springing into action. It hardened gradually, pushing up against his pants. Jenny gyrated slowly on his crotch as she felt the stiffness pushing into her flimsy panties.

With a sudden thud, there was a knock at the front door. Jenny and John jumped with shock, both frozen. They stared at the door, then at each other. Another sudden thud came from the door.

"Just leave it." said Jenny, catching her breath. John looked back at the door.

"Answer it." he told her.

"I'll get my skirt." sighed Jenny, now leaning away from her son. John grabbed her arm.

"Go as you are!" John smiled.

"I'm not going like this!" Jenny protested.

"I DARE you to!" smirked John. Jenny's eyes widened, red cheeks fading to white. She looked back at the door as another knock came.

"I hate you!" Jenny stated, still smiling. She climbed off of John and took a moment to compose herself. John stood up with her and guided her towards to door. He used his whole palm to lightly slap her across the ass, making his mother yelp, before retiring back to the kitchen doorway so he could peek around. Breathing heavily, eyes shut, Jenny lifted her hand to the lock on the door. After a second of hesitation, Jenny swung the door wide open.

Standing there was a delivery man. Jenny could tell from his uniform. It was a young man, probably only about 20. He had to do a double take at what was in front of him. He stood speechless for moments, eyes scanning the gorgeous woman up and down. Jenny clasped her hands at her waist in front of her, only through nerves, but framing her chest nicely for him. The man stared down her chest and slender stomach, then further down to her crotch. Jenny felt his eyes caressing through the dark thin patch of hair visible through the translucent panties.

"Can I help?" Jenny asked sternly.

"Yes..." his eyes probed her body, "Yes ma'am. Can you sign for this please?" He handed her a small package, then a clipboard. Jenny had to free her hands of the package to take the clipboard, so turned around and put it on the floor. This gave the delivery man a real eyeful of her ass. Before standing she looked up towards the kitchen door. There stood John, laughing at her. Jenny lifted her hand to her neck and ran her finger across it, gesturing 'you're dead'. Standing up and turning around, Jenny took the clipboard from the man. As she signed the papers she noticed the tent pole sticking out in his pants.

"See you later, sugar." Jenny winked at the man, passing him back the clipboard and closing the door. As soon as the lock clicked shut Jenny turned around and ran towards to kitchen. John let out a loud burst of laughter. She started hitting him on the arm playfully. After a few moments she joined his laugher.

"I hate you! I hate you!" she screamed in fits of amusement. John grabbed her arms. Jenny kept flailing. He pushed her against the wall, their bodies crashed together. With colliding, their laughter stopped. John and his mother stared deeply into each other's eyes, and within moments their lips locked in embrace. Jenny pushed her tongue into John's mouth and danced around inside. John's hands felt their way down her body to her panties. With little tact his fingers pushed down into the front of her underwear. He found her course pubic hair and brushed through it, then feeling the sticky wetness coating her pussy.

"Agh" moaned Jenny as she felt her son massaging her lips. John moved his hand slowly around her panties, whipping his mother into a frenzy. With his other hand he grabbed the back of her soft hair tightly, keeping her in place. Jenny threw her head back, moaning deeply, filling the silence of the house with exhilaration.

John felt his fingers getting wetter and wetter and more it went on. Soon his fingers were sliding into her snatch with no resistance. Jenny put her weight on one leg, lifting the other allowing John to go even deeper. Her pussy was tightening and clenching at his hand. She was a soppy mess. John pulled his hand out of her underwear. Before Jenny would moan he shoved his fingers into her mouth. His mother instinctively began lapping her tongue over the sticky sweet juice covering them. She sucked them clean like a lollipop.

"Here's the next dare." John told her as she calmed down. Pulling on the back of her hair, he guided her head down to his crotch. With his free hand he undid his belt buckle and pulled out his very solid cock. It throbbed powerfully in front of Jenny's pert lips. She opened her mouth, it watered. John steered his solid member inside. Instantly he could feel his mother's warm wet tongue caressing his shaft. It made his head grow bigger, touching the sides of her mouth. He continued pushing his cock over her tongue until he was buried to the hilt.

Jenny's cheeks tightened as she gently sucked. John had to put his hand on the wall to steady himself, it was such an intense feeling. Jenny was crouched in front of him, one hand on his thigh and the other stopping herself from falling over. She was weak in the legs from alcohol. John felt himself throbbing harder the longer it went on. He ran his hand through his mother's hair and controlled her movement.

"I'm gonna cum!" He yelled, screwing up his face. Jenny found the strength to pull her face off his cock, against the power of her son's grip.

"You want me to swallow?" Jenny choked. John nodded furiously.

"You DARING me to swallow? Everything you spurt?"

"Yes!" John bellowed. With that, John came. John came harder that he had in years. His cock twitched for a second, and then erupted. Jenny saw thick white streams of juice flying towards her. The first painted itself across her cheek. Jenny opened her mouth, trying to catch the rest. Another hit the tip of her nose and streamed down across both lips, lowering over her tongue. The third was a bulls-eye. It crashed against the back of her throat. Jenny gagged. She shut her mouth, trying to swallow and clear her throat. John kept coming. He fired more streams of warm jizz over his mother. They hit her chin and meandered down her chest. Jenny could feel the moist substance creeping down under her vest.

John's muscles began to relax. His shoulders slumped. Jenny regained her composure. Moving her head forward, she took his penis into her mouth, coiling her tongue around his head, licking off the last few globs of cum. John looked down at her as she swallowed.

"Another dare down," Jenny breathed heavily. John took her hand and helped her to her feet, noticing her mouth and chest sodden in semen. He helped her sit down at the kitchen table, exhausted from her assault and intoxication. She flopped down.

"You know, you haven't really finished the dare yet." John poked. Jenny lifted her gaze to meet him.

"No?" She inquired. John nodded towards her body.

"I dared you to eat all my spunk." He joked, but with a firm tone, "Look how much you've left." His mother looked down at her chest. Generous streams painted her skin white. A glob hung from her chin which she could feel moving around. Jenny used two fingers and her thumb to pinch it away and hold it next to her face.

"You backing out of the dare?" John smirked. Jenny smiled at him.

"You're such a fascist!" she jested, "but I won't have anyone saying I back out of dares." John's heart began to beat faster again. Jenny giggled, imagining what she was about to do. Lifting her head, she pushed her tongue beyond her lips. Raising her hand, she held the ball of jizz over her mouth. It very slowly stretched and glooped out of her fingers, hanging ever longer until it hit her pink tongue. Taking no time to savor, she bought her fingers to her mouth, cleaning them off the salty mess. Lowering her head, she saw her son sitting slack-jawed.

"Mmmm" she teased, pretending to enjoy the taste. John was paralyzed, in trance. Jenny had a beaming smile, teeth coated in a thin film of semen. Looking around she noticed a candy bar on the table. Without thinking too much she unwrapped it and rubbed it across her cheek, gathering all the cum in a pool on top of the chocolate. John held his breath. His mother brought it to her mouth and bit down, through the salty coating and into the sweetness of the candy. Jenny sat back, chewing contently. She soon swallowed the blended concoction and immediately took the remainder into her mouth. After a few moments chewing she swallowed that too. Giving a little clear of her throat, she opened her mouth wide and poked her tongue out at John, showing it was all gone. John thought it was really porn star-like. It only made him more excited.

"Why don't you find me something to clean to rest of me up?" instructed Jenny. John was overjoyed. He pushed himself up and looked around the kitchen. He opened the bread bin and pulled out a bread loaf. Taking out one slice, he leaned over the table to his mother and placed it flat on her chest where most of his spunk remained. Jenny allowed him to wipe it over her skin, cleaning it all up. He pushed it down under her vest between her tits to get the last of the streams. His mother sat passively, hands in her lap. John folded the slice over, making half a sandwich. Jizz oozed out the sides. He held it in front of Jenny's mouth, and she happily leaned forwards and took a bite. Salty liquid poured out between the bread. Jenny used to tongue to catch most of it. She began chewing.

"So what brought that on?" teased John.

"Well..." Jenny swallowed her snack and breathed out, "I just got excited." John looked at her for a moment before pushing the sandwich into her mouth again. His mother obediently ate more.

"Was it the stranger at the door? Did showing off to him do it?" John asked. Jenny kept chomping and shrugged, trying not to grin.

"I'm not an exhibitionist." Jenny protested, gulping down.

"Maybe," John said, guiding the quickly vanishing sandwich to her mouth, "or maybe you just don't know you are yet." Jenny took another chuck out of the bread, while shrugging and averting eyes from her son.

John could feel his dick getting hard again, just from the sight of what he had reduced his mother to. Her skin was shiny from the spunk shower she had received, and now was dutifully eating the excess in a snack. She could be his slave. He was not even sure if he would have to keep her drunk, she was so submissive. Jenny swallowed that portion, and John passed her the rest of the cum-soaked bread. His mother shoved it in her mouth. John just stared. After consuming the last of it Jenny slummed back in her chair.

"I don't feel too well." She complained. Her head fell from side to side. John knew it was the alcohol.

"I'm going to take a shower, clean myself off." She stated, wobbling as she pulled herself up. John took her hand and led her to the stairs.

"You ok, mom?" he pretended to sympathize.

"Yeah, I think I need a lay down." His mother slurred, "Why don't you think of an ultimate dare for me? We can do it tomorrow" John's eyes lit up. Jenny stumbled up the stairs. John watched the tiny bounces her ass made with each step.

She was his to play with.