Mom and Her Sleeping Pills


Let me start off with we are a normal everyday American family. I am a18 year old, average build guy with a 7" cock. I know his because I measured it several times like all young men do. Mom is hot. She is the mom all my friends want to fuck. It kind of makes me mad when they talk about her, but she is very hot. 5'7 inches, blonde, with a great body. Just a perfect handful of tits and a sweet hard ass. She is always working out, and doing her yoga thing. Dad works nights, and is a cool guy. Hangs with the family whenever he is home. I guess you could say we are the Cleaver family. Mom's one problem is she cannot sleep at night, so she takes a pill called Ambien. It is a sleep aid. She will take it and then slowly doze off while watching TV. In the morning she will always ask when did I go up to bed. I don't remember anything after a certain point. This got me to thinking about what she would not remember. I hatched a plan and put it into action right away. The next night, she was dozed off in front of the TV and I walked over to her and shaken her to wake her up to go to bed. She just mumbled and slowly got off the couch with my help. I slid my arm around her to help her walk and rubbed the sides of her breast while she walked in front of me. As we walked up the stairs, I grinded my hard cock against her ass through her yoga pants as we went up. I felt her push back and grind herself a little. I got her to her bedroom, and helped her lay down. I cupped her tits and squeezed them a little and trickled my hand between her legs and felt the heat of her clothed pussy on my hand. I kissed her goodnight and actually slid my tongue into her mouth for a couple of seconds. She kissed me back not like a mom.

The next morning she came downstairs. I was waiting to hear an earful about how fucked up I was for doing that last night, but nothing. She went on like nothing happened. I even tried to jog her memory a little and told her I had to help her up to bed. She just said thanks. I knew right then tonight was going to be more daring.

It was 10:00p and I know mom took her pill at 9:30. I asked her if she wanted another glass of wine to help her sleep. She said thanks and to just make it a half. I went into the kitchen and got her a drink. I also dropped another Ambien into her drink and let it dissolve. About 40 minutes later, mom was out lying on the couch. I got up and started to rub her feet to wake her. She just moaned and pushed her foot into my lap and wiggled her toes on my crotch. I guess I'm a foot freak cause the next thing I did was raised her leg and started to suck on her toes. She was moaning and actually face-fucking me with her foot. She freaked me out when she grabbed her tit and started to maul at it and pinch her nipples through her tank top. I asked her if she liked that, and she said "fuck yes!" It was my mom talking, but not her voice. It was like she was really drunk or something. I then slowly started to rub her legs higher and higher up to her thighs. She spread her legs like it was an invitation to her pussy. I slide my hands up her short legs, and felt her panties which were soaking wet by now. I got scared thinking I was going to fast here. That changed when mom said, "Don't stop!" I wondered if she even knew it was me or if it was really happening to her. I paused for a second and got her to her feet and helped her upstairs feeling her up the whole way. She in turn was rubbing my hard cock all the way to her room. I sat her down on the bed, and pulled her top off. She had a cute lacy bra on. She was like a whore at this point. She attacked my pants as I stood in front of her. She freed my cock, and went to work on it. She sucked and licked me like a pro in the porn movies I've seen on the internet. She was rocking her heads side to side, moaning and taking my cock all the way down her throat. She pulled off me and said in a slurry voice, "Lick my pussy!" she laid back and peeled off her shorts and panties to reveal a beautiful bald pussy. Damn I just wanted to crawl back up there where I came from. I got down on the floor and when to town on her licking her and biting her clit. In only seconds, she was Cumming all over my face. She clamped her lags around my head and pushed my face into her pool of juices. It was like she was pushing me back in to her. After she relaxed a bit I grabbed her hips and turned her over. She went tight into a doggie position and I slid my cock into her. We fucked for about 10 minutes before I came like a gusher and she was working on her third orgasmic explosion. She got up and staggered into the bathroom and cleaned up, again with me feeling and probing her the whole time. She walked back to bed and went to sleep.

It was now the weekend and dad was home. I was ready to pack a bag and flee, but nothing was said and she did not act anyway different towards me. I was in seventh heaven.

It was now Monday night, and the scene was set again. This time I wanted some insurance to help me. I don't know why, but I just did. I set up my camcorder in my room, and set it to motion activation. I slipped mom another pill after she took her first one, and then started my molestation on her again. I sucked on her beautiful nipples, and licked the back of her neck. A major turn on for her. She was like a hot whore wanting to be fucked. I helped her upstairs, and this time I helped her dress into a sultry bra and pantyhose with heels on. I knelt down in front of her and liked her pussy through the hose, and rubbed my cock in and out of her mouth. We were now standing in the hallway upstairs. I told her to give me a minute and then come inside to be fucked real good. I entered my room turned on the lights, and jumped under the covers and pretended I was sleeping, knowing the camcorder was rolling. She walked in and sat on the edge of my bed, and then it started. She pulled down the sheet and started to give me a fantastic blowjob. I pretended to be just woken up by this, and made it look I was pushing her away, and then just giving into her lustful attack. We made love for over an hour that night. I fucked her in every hole and licked every inch of her body. She was like my drugged sex doll. We fell asleep in each other's arms for a couple of hours and then I helped her back to bed.

The next morning, was a little odd. She was looking different, and I know she was feeling different also. I was scared, so I decided to try to save myself. I told her we needed to talk. She asked what was going on. I could tell she had some recollection of the night before's antics. I sat her down while dad was sleeping and told her that she has been doing really scary things at night to me. I said that I know it has to do with the pills, and I was ok with it, but I needed her to know about it. She was flabbergasted. She did not believe me at all. I told her to come upstairs with me, and that I wanted her to see something. We went upstairs, and I showed her the edited movie I made last night of us. It started with me sleeping, and her coming into my room, sitting down and going right onto my cock. It ended with her getting out of bed and walking out of the room, with me laying there pretending to be upset. Well, mom just broke down and started to cry, only after staring at the screen for the whole movie. She could not apologize enough. She said she did not know what to say. She knew I must hate her for this. I comforted her and caressed her like a lover would. I told her I liked it too, and pressed my lips against hers and we made out for what felt like hours while I fingered her once more since she was so wet from the movie.

It has been a few months now, and mom does not take Ambien anymore. We make love a few times a week to help her sleep. I love that sleeping pill.