Kyle's POV

Ali and I sat for two hours everyday planning a different part of her wedding, from the day I agreed to help her plan her wedding.

I never thought planning a wedding took this much out of a person. I thought while paging through the cake catalogue.

"I think it's time we take a break, don't you." I asked with a bored sound in my voice and my head leaning on my hand. "No I want to at least finish the planning for the cake, napkins, center-pieces and seating arrangements." She said with a puppy dog look on her face.

"Ali you haven't even set a date yet so how can you plan all these things before you have even booked you venue, and sent out invites." She looked at me almost bursting with excitement.

"Kyle I don't have to book a venue." Very confused I look at her in question. "I don't need a venue if I live in the venue dummy.." she said smiling herself into oblivion.