(Y/N's POV)

??: " I'm Jimin.... Park Jimin, and I want you both to get up from here"

Hell....I don't know why but I still can make it out that Lily is staring at him. I mean is she supposed to stare at him like that, she has never looked anyone else like that...

Y/N: "No way... we are not going to go anywhere and you are no one tell us what we should do and what we should not this is a public place and you ar...." Before I could complete Jimin interrupted me and said

Jimin: (laughing)"PUBLIC PLACE... every place in this world belongs to Sir Jeon and his place means my property"

Y/N: "What the heck!! who is this 'Sir Jeon'? A king? A president?"

Jimin: "Don't say that you don't know him.... now I guess you are not only new to Hostel but also this world" I was bursting with anger my cheeks were red but as usual I had control over my anger.

??: " Come on Jimin she is new, atleast let her breath and I don't think she can even stand for herself in front of the worst person in the whole world"

Lily: "We don't need anyone to speak up for us atleast not by insulting us"

I think Lily took him in a wrong way...

Jimin: " Oh so you can speak I thought you can only stare at people...and Taehyung you please stay out of it can't you hear they don't need your help" he said all of it with a creepy smile on his face.

Taehyung: "Come on girl I'm helping you"

Lily: "We don't need your hel..." I pinched her for indicating that she should be quite. Then I heard a sweet voice which said.

??: "What's going on guys? Why is everyone gathered here.... did you do something Jimmy?"

Jimin: "No! I just asked her politely to let me sit on my table. And you know me Jungkook I never do anything"

Jungkook: "Yeah, you never do anything" he said that with a small smirk on his face.

I narrowed my eyes at Jimin and was about to say something but before I could say anything dad started.

Dad: "W-w-what are y-you doing h-here." dad said this in a cracking voice looking at Jungkook and Jimin (scared)

Jimin: "Hey olddie!!"

Jungkook: "Mr.Lewis!! Nice to see you, And why are you here?"

Y/N: "You know them dad?"

After this line of mine I looked at dad and no-one else and his face turned pale he didn't answer my question for the second time, first time he didn't answer me was when I asked him about my mom.