(Third Person's POV)

''Don't fall for her'' were the only words Jin said before leaving the room to god knows where. Jimin sat there with confused expression for some time processing Jin's words. He got up and ran towards the door behind Jin with the speed of light but failed to stop Jin as he already left.

'Don't fall for her? Why?' was all Jimin could think.

Jin left the room and now he was standing in front of a door and without thinking twice (btw I stan Twice 😉) he opened the door and pushed his feets inside and closed the door with a loud 'thud' voice and looked straight at the shocked tall male in front of him and said,

"I have a bad news"

"And what's it?"

He gulped the big limp in his throat before he continued

"Jimin is in love with Mr.Jordan Lewis's daughter"

A large wave of panick rushed through Namjoon. These were the last words Namjoon wanted to here in his entire life. He was the most calm person Jin has came across in all of his 24 years of life, but now he was freaking out.

"How is this possible!?!" Namjoon yelled

"No!! No!! No!! No!!...." He continued saying no while waking from here to there with his hands behind his back.

"Clam down" Jin said to Namjoon more like he said to himself.

Namjoon stopped in his tracks looked at Jin and asked

"What should we do now?"

Jin face palmed and said,

"I was going to ask you the same"

Namjoon: "Shit! How am I supposed to tell you the solution for it?!?"

Jin: "With this pretty mouth of yours"

Namjoon: "I don't know!"

Jin: "What?"

Namjoon: "I don't know what to do!!"

Jin: "Shit!!!"

Both Jin and Namjoon were panicking..

Namjoon: "It indeed is a BAD NEWS"