A New Skill

'A new skill?!'


[Dirt skills]

[Dirt Creation]

[Dirt Eradication]

'Wait this is really good! With this I can farm ability levels easily. If I just cycle cast dirt creation then dirt eradication I will level up in no time.'

The entire way back to the dorm, the same words where replaying inside of Liam's head.

'Dirt creation, dirt eradication, dirt creation, dirt eradication...'

~10ish minutes later~

As Liam Entered his dorm he glanced at the clock with the numbers 2:34. He then walked over to his bed and picked up the map he left with one hand so he could keep casting his skills, and looked for somewhere he could waste time until dinner.

In the end he came down to two choices that seemed interesting to him. The first being a training hall, and the second was an arcade, but before he could even decide a familiar noice rang in his head.


[Your dirt ability has reached level 3.]

'My statagy is better than I thought, I may be able to get to level ten by the end of the day.'

After getting this message Liam gained some encouragement and wanted to head to the training hall.

'Wait. Do I even need a training area for my ability, and now that I think of it they probably wouldn't let me in with out a school ring.'

After coming to this conclusion Liam decided to just sit and think about what to do while also cycle casting his two skills as usual.

'The map also said there was a student support office, so maybe I can just ask what I can do with out a school ring.'

On Liam's way out he did the motions of locking the door behind him out of habit. From doing this he noticed there was no lock so any one could easily just walk in. Liam found this very weird, but didn't think too much into it.

On his way out of the dorm building he passed by two students walking together.

"It felt like I was stuck in class for forever." He over heard one of the students say as they passed.

When he took a look out side he saw quite a few students walking around socializing with each other.

'Class must be over.'

After a few minutes Liam made it to the student support office. He walked up to the counter and asked the pretty lady with golden blond hair and ice blue eye behind the counter.

"Is this the support office?" Liam said nervously as he was never good around girls

"Yes, I am here to help out in any way I can." She said with a smile.

"I just have a few questions. The first being, when will my classes be starting."

"You must have just came here recently, since we are in November right now your classes will start the first of December with every one else who came during November." The lady replied still maintaining the friendly atmosphere.

'So my classes start in about two weeks then, I really feel like they should have given this information before hand.'

"I was also wondering if their is anything I can do without a school ring?"

"I'm afraid the only thing you can do with out your school ring is go to the arcade and cafeteria." She said with a face that made you think she felt bad.

"That's ok, thank you for all you help."

"No problem, come back if you have any more questions."

"I will do that."

'What a nice person. I suppose I Should just head back. Maybe I'll check out the arcade tomorrow, but for today it's grinding time!'