Test Part 5

Liam headed down the hallway passing the room that had four skeletons and headed down the next hall not wanting to waste any time.

Once he could see the door way to the next room he made the same type of wall he had been doing, and ran in to scout. He saw five skeletons, three of them where shield skeletons, and two of them had bows. Behind all of them was a wooden chest.

'Bows?! Are you serious?'

Two arrows started to fly toward Liam, the first completely missing, while the second grazed his left leg.

'The longer I wait the, the more chances they have to shoot arrows at me. I have to rush through the shield users and take out the ones with bows quick.'

Liam dashed at the shield skeletons, and let them gang up on him. Each skeleton was continuously hitting Liam with there shields as he crouched down. Thanks to Liam's new armor they were not affecting him very much. The skeletons formed a triangle around Liam, bashing his armor over and over again.

Soon enough what Liam had been waiting for had come. Both of the archers shot arrows toward Liam, and both of them hit a shield skeleton. One arrow hit its back breaking it in half while the other went though it's skull as it fell backwards.

'Nows my chance!'

Liam did a full spin breaking the legs of the remaining shield skeletons, and sprinted toward the archers. The sound of bones breaking echoed through the room as Liam smash both of their skulls using his club.

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

[You have earned 1 XP]

[You have earned 1 XP]

[Your club mastery has reached level 1.]

[You have unlocked a new club skill.]

'Nice. I'll check that out once I finish up here.'

Liam walked over to the now immobile shield skeletons, and bashed both of their skull.

[You have earned 1 XP]

[You have earned 1 XP]

When he smashed their skulls he felt a little bit less resistance than he had been feeling breaking other skulls. Normally he wouldn't have noticed this, but due to the adrenaline he has been getting during this dungeon his senses are heightened right now.

'Weird, I must be getting stronger.'

Liam walked over to the wooden chest, he heard that you could find treasure in dungeons, so he might as well check it out. Once he stood in front of the chest he cautiously opened it. Inside of the chest was a sheathed sword.

'Item inspection.'

[Normal Steel Sword]

[Magical Rarity: None]

[This sword was found in an F ranked skeleton dungeon inside of a wooden chest. It will last a decently long time without rust.]

'Not bad, I can use this for the rest of the dungeon.'

After looking around the room Liam came to the conclusion that this was all this direction had to offer. He started to head back down the hall, grabbing his bag on the way. About half way back to the starting room Liam suddenly stopped.

'I almost forgot!'


[Club Skills]

[Strong Arm]

'A passive skill? A pretty good one at that.'

Liam continued down toward the room in the center. On his way he attached a loop to the left of his skirt to hold his new sword.

Once he reached the first room he headed down the right hall way.

'I don't think I need to make a wall now that I have this armor.'

Upon entering the room Liam saw one axe skeleton and one with out a weapon. Liam dashed at the weaponless skeleton, slashing its skull easily with his new sword.

[You have earned 1 XP]

'I have a new plan for this guy.'

Liam calmly walked toward the axe skeleton, with the skeleton was going toward him at the same pace all the others have gone. Once Liam was close enough for the axe skeleton to swing his axe down on him it did. Liam swung his sword upward, the sword pointing to the right, while also stepping to the left as if to dodge. Right before the weapons should have clashed, two words could be heard inside Liam's head.

'Instant sheath.'

As the axe fell to the right of Liam he reached for his sword that was now inside the loop he made on the left of his skirt.


[You have earned 1 XP]

In one quick motion the skeleton's head now had two parts, and a smile appeared on Liam's face.

'This is starting to be pretty fun.'