Chapter 62

Two months after everything was over, I entered Dekus room. He was sitting at his desk, typing something on his computer. Once he heard me enter, he closed the tab. "Hey Kacchan." He turned around with his desk chair like a villain straight out of the book. "I've been waiting for you." His voice was hyperbolically sinister. Then he broke out in laughter.

I just stared at him and suddenly noticed his shirt. It was bright fucking red. The contrast to his black hair and pale skin made him look like some snow white or shit. What was up with him and that obnoxious ass color? Wait, my eyes were that obnoxious ass color. I should stop thinking shit. Touché self, touché.

"Kacchan, you're staring." My eyes shot up to Deku, who was greeting me with a conceited grin. I growled lightly. "Can I not stare at my favorite thing to look at?" "I'm flattered." Deku chinhanded coquettishly. Asshole. I flicked my tongue and sat down on his bed. "I'm surprised you own clothes in other colors than black and grey."

"Only this shirt and the dark blue half-sleeved one, actually." Deku crossed his legs with a slight smile. "And both of them serve a special purpose. If they didn't, I wouldn't own them. I look way better in black." "What purpose?" "Well, the blue on shows off these babies-" Deku pushed his sleeves up and waved his scarred forearms around.

"-and either that scares people, they pity me or think I'm a bit tetched. In any way, they'll be easily influenced. They let their guard down. This one…" Deku dropped his head to the side and shot me a glare with hooded eyes. "How does it influence you?" In the first place, I was turned on. But I believed that wasn't what Deku meant.

Deku must've read my eyes, because he snickered viciously. "You're imagining things, aren't you? That's your interpretation. The vibrant color of this one draws attention on me. If I want to be noticed, even subconsciously, I'll wear this one. The side effect is that red practically screams danger, but I won't wear any kind of lollipop colors."

He gestured dismissively. "Anyways, I like wearing black much better. I blend in with the dark, so people won't see me coming. Black is kinda neutral. And because my skin tone is lighter, people will see this-" Deku pointed at his face, than at his shirt. "Rather than this." Or maybe he was pointing at his body in general. Yup, I was imagining things.

Now that Dekus lesson about clothes influencing people was over, I could finally get to my point. "Oi Deku, what will you do once you're eighteen and that whole online-high school stuff is done?" He put two fingers to his lips. "Hm. I'm definitely gonna move somewhere else. Too many people know too much about me here."

Deku started turning with his chair, making his voice reach me in strange waves. "I'm gonna take the money I had before and the money I made from selling my All Might stuff and look how far I'll get with that. Then I'll have to get a job somewhere. And then… I'll either find something to do… Someone to play with… Or I'll just end it there." He ended with a shrug.

I shivered. He was talking about 'ending it' too casually. "So you won't go back to the house you lived in before?" "No. I can't. The pension contract of the old idiot finally ran out. I took the rest of his money off his bank account and got rid of the credit card. No bills will be paid, people will search for him and find out he's dead, the house becomes government property again, yadda-yadda. That house is of no use for me anymore."

I hummed in response, sorting the words in my head. "…Once I've graduated, I'll immediately start working as a sidekick for Best Jeanist. It's been planned for months. I'll have to move closer to his agency for that. It's also good, because I can cut ties with all the idiots I can't be around anymore thanks to you." Deku raised his eyebrows and I sighed.

"Guess I'll just pop the damn question- Wanna move in with me?" I hoped it wasn't obvious how nervous I was. "That was a voice as if you were proposing to me." I flicked my tongue at Dekus knowing glare. "Maybe I would've, but I'm one hundred percent sure you would've rejected me." "You know me quite well for the fact that you don't know me at all."

I growled at Deku. "Will you just fucking answer?!" "Hmm… I'll think about it." The chair wasn't facing me, so I couldn't see Dekus face. I'm more than sure he did that on purpose. Deku knew I could read him quite well too by now. I stood up and stopped Dekus chair. Then I turned it to me to find a quite surprised little serial killer.

"Kacchan? Explain-" I shut him up by softly putting my lips on his. "Mmh-" Deku struggled a little, then he closed his eyes and went with me. I put my arms around him and pulled him up, then I sat down on his desk chair with him on my lap. Kissing Deku was like drowning in an ocean of warm strawberry milk and I couldn't fucking get enough.

Suddenly Deku pushed me back a bit. "Jeez, Kacchan. I need to breathe." I growled, already at his lips again. "Breathing is fucking overvalued." "Fuck living then, I guess?" Deku gave me a contemptuous smirk. I seriously tried to find something to shoot back, but his lips were distracting me.

I moved towards Deku, but he put a finger on my lips. "Are you trying to convince me with this attack of affection?" I slowly took his hand down. "No. I just fucking love you." This made Deku sigh. "You won't seem to let go of me, huh?" I took his face into my hands. "Absolutely fucking not. Not after what we had to do to be here."

Deku rested his arms on my shoulders. "You've become such a succumbing softie, Kacchan." "And you've become such a cocky asshole." He chuckled lightly, while I just grinned. Then Deku looked up to me with clear, unclouded eyes. "I'm just saying this once, so savor the moment."

He came close to my ear and the vibration of his voice tickled me. "If I had still been my old self, I would've surely fallen in love with you by now." Internally, I broke out in tears. That must've been the nicest thing Deku had ever said to me. Externally, I just pulled him back to my face and kissed him again.

I guess I had gotten my happy end…?