
A blaring alarm sounded in the "prison room" Auo Ju was stationed in and it rang six consecutive times.

A robotic voice sounded from a hidden speaker in the room.

"Auo Ju, it is now time for you to wake up", it ordered.

The alarm then sounded again, this time seemingly louder than the last.

"Auo Ju, it is now time for you to wake-"

" I get it already, shut that shit off!", Auo shouted.

He yawned and rubbed his eyes with his right hand.

He growled remembering he was at a place he didn't want to be.

"It is currently eight-thirty one A.M.", the robot voice began, "Breakfast will begin at nine-thirty A.M."

Auo couldn't fully process what was going on because:

Auo would never wake up this early


The drugs had really taken a toll on his brain, slowing down some of the functions that would normally be running full speed.

Auo sighed and then sat up slowly in his bed. He looked down and noticed that there was a cover sheet laid across him and that the foam restraints were gone.

He figured that while he was asleep someone had removed the items and gave him the sheet in exchange.

'It is way too early for me to be awake. It felt like I hadn't even slept last night...' he thought.

"Auo Ju is a new patient. Would Auo Ju like to ask questions?"


"Okay. What would you like to know?"

"For starters, what do I call you?", Auo asked.

"You may call me Carly. Would you like to know more about me?"


"I am an artificial intelligence system fully named Computer Acted Reliance Limited Yemince. I am designed to log information about patients admitted in the Yemince Program. Do you have any more questions?"


"What would Auo Ju like to know?"

"What country are we in?"

Even though he knew he wouldn't get an answer, he still wanted to see if it would. Not only would it help him get out of the mental facility faster, but it would also tell him whether or not these people were as careless as he thought they were.

His curiosity was stiffened when he heard Carly's answer.

"I'm sorry, I do not have enough information available in order to answer your question. Would you like to know more about Carly?"

'Welp, that ruins my chances of getting out of here, but hey- at least now I know for sure that these people are purposely trying to keep this information from me.'

Auo had almost forgotten the last piece of information Carly had given, but then he remembered that she had asked him if he wanted to know more about her.

Auo pushed his sheets back and sat up in the inflatable bed, as he stretched he noticed that a smartwatch was wrapped around his left wrist, something he hadn't seen before when he first woke up.

'The hell, where'd this come from?'

"Hey, Carly," Auo began, "what's this watch I have on my left wrist?"

He figured that he might as well ask the questions he had now since this watch had something to do with the Yemince Program and the building he was located in.

"Are you asking about the Yemince Artificial Research Device placed on Auo Ju's left wrist?"

"Yes, what does it do and why do I have it on?"

"The Y.A.R.D watch is used to monitor the physical and mental activity of patients in the Yemince Program. Would you like to know more?"

Auo took a moment to process what he heard and then began to indulge in his own thoughts.

'I can believe that a watch can monitor the physical status of a person, but their mental status as well? So that means technology has advanced, or I just don't remember… Well, it would make sense that I don't remember something like this, considering the fact I can't even remember where I lived.'

After his Einstein evaluation of the watch, he decided he wanted to know more about the Y.A.R.D watch and the functions it provides.

He answered, "yes" to Carly's previous question.

"Okay." she responded, "The Y.A.R.D watch has a level system designed for categorizing patients in areas such as strength, intelligence, agility, stamina, and memory. All of this collected data will come to the total of a whole number."

'This Y.A.R.D device doesn't seem like something that should be used in a mental institution. Even though Carly answered my question on what this watch does, she didn't answer why I have the watch on. Will I be able to find out why later on, or will I never be able to have my question answered?'

"Would you like to know more about the Y.A.R.D watch?"


"The Y.A.R.D watch can be for personal uses. For example, by clicking on the home button, you can find the time, date, and weather of the day. You can also set alarms on the watch, set timers, and record audio on the device. If you wanted to, you could also customize the watch to the users liking, however, permission must be bestowed from an administrator."

Auo looked at the watch and smirked.

"Carly, how can you use the record option on this watch?

"You can use the record option by saying' Record Audio '. You can also record videos as well and capture images. To record videos say- 'Record Video'. To take pictures say- ' Capture Photo'. Would you like to know more about this function?'

"Yes. Where is the camera on this watch?"

"The camera on the Y.A.R.D watch is located on the front edge of the watch. Would you like to know more about the Y.A.R.D watch?"

"Does this watch have a tracker or a GPS system on it?"

"Yes, the Y.A.R.D watch has a Global Positioning System along with a tracking device located inside of the Y.A.R.D watch."

'This watch is basically an advanced phone on my wrist. Although these options are beneficial to me, these people -er- administrators will be watching my every move. Man, it would've been so nice to use these functions to my own discretion. Well, maybe I can, just in a discreet way.'

Auo clicked the home button on his watch to turn it on and saw that the time displayed was eight fifty-four A.M.

"Carly, what do I do for breakfast?"

"I'm sorry, I don't understand your question. What I can answer is, there is a schedule stating what a patient is to do during the day and how the human body digests food. Would you like me to tell you more information about option one or option two?"

"Option one."

"Okay. When nine o'clock approaches, patients are expected to be outside of their rooms with their MHT. When nine-twenty approaches, patients are to be brought to the Breakfast Room located approximately five hundred and twenty-six feet from your current location. When nine-thirty approaches, patients are to be seated at a table eating breakfast in the Breakfast Room. Would you like to know more about the morning schedule for the Yemince Program?"

"No. Carly, who's my assigned doctor?"

"Your assigned doctor is Satsu Ri, director of floor A. She is currently making her way to Auo Ju's room. Arrival time for Doctor Satsu Ri will be in two minutes and forty-two seconds."

Auo pounded his fist on his inflatable mattress.

'Out of all the possible doctors I could've gotten, I have to have that woman as my doctor. I wonder if I can change doctors? I highly doubt it, but it's worth a shot.'

"Carly, is there a way for me to change doctors?"

"The time frame for doctor replacement has been shut down. Starting next month, patients can request a different doctor. Would you like to know more about Satsu Ri as a doctor of the Yemince Program?"

"No, not now. Carly, can I ask you questions only in this room or can I ask you questions at any time?"

"At the time being, you may ask me questions anytime and anywhere between eight-thirty and ten-thirty, any other times besides the times listed will not be answered. Would you like to know more about Q&A's?"

"Are you currently installed in my watch?"

"Yes. Carly is currently installed in the Y.A.R.D watch, you can ask questions verbally or type in your questions in the TextBox. The TextBox is located on your home screen. The TextBox should be the color blue and TEXT should be in white bold letters. Would you like to know more about Carly?"


"Okay. Would you like me to alert you whenever someone is within a twenty-mile radius of you?"


"Okay. If you go to your home screen, next to your TextBox is an app called Lynx. In this app, every living thing with any sort of electronic waves will be shown in this app."

'This watch is really helpful, actually- Carly herself is very useful.'

"Satsu Ri has arrived at Auo Ju's room."

Auo looked at the door and sighed. Today was going to be a very long day...

The door to Auo's white padded room opened slowly.

Auo flipped his legs to the side of his inflatable bed and groaned. His legs felt heavy and the back of his knees were aching.

Auo looked around the room.H turned his attention to the ceiling of the room, there was not a single sprinkler. He then looked at the floor to see if maybe there was this new innovative way of stopping fires from the ground , but still, he saw no sprinkler.

To make matters worse, there was no visible exit and it took a keen eye to even see where it was.

Even though fire hazards and safety requirements should be the first thing someone should do whenever they enter an unfamiliar place or location, Auo didn't see or implement a plan.

However, now he was doing so, and he was glad that he did that now instead of never.

Despite this though, this just increased his anxiety and fueled his argument about how unethical, illogical, and dangerous these people were.

To calm his nerves, Auo looked down at his legs and played around with a loose string.

It seemed to work, for a while, but then he started thinking that by any second now Satsu Ri would appear and his sour mood would turn even sourer, better yet, bitter and rotten like fermented eggs.

In all honesty, Auo thought of himself as a liberal and nice person who cared for other people even if he didn't know them.

His reasoning for this was his mindset.

His mindset consisted of something like this motto: Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

This motto wasn't like the typical "be kind to others so you can be treated kindly" kindergarten bullsh*t, but something to be taken literally and to be applied to everyone in his life.

So, if someone were to be mean to him then he would be twice as mean to them, if someone were to be loving to him then he would be twice as loving to them, and so on.

He had decided, literally as soon as he saw Satsu Ri, that she should be pushed off of the pedal stool she seemed to flex on.

However, he didn't want to do this to her and he blames his righteous self for this: He believes that women should be treated delicately, like flowers beginning to bloom in the springtime.

In his mind, since women bring life to this earth, figuratively and literally, they should be given the utmost respect no matter how disrespectful they may be.

However, he draws the line when life is endangered, especially children because they are the future and they predict how your life will go.

Auo sighed, making a noise like that of a donkey or mule, and tried to think happy thoughts so he could treat Satsu Ri the way he thought he should treat her.

"You sounded like a horse," Satsu Ri stated, a hint of malice in her voice.

"Good morning to you too, Dr. Satsu Ri," Auo replied calmly.

"Have you accumulated yourself with Carly and the Y.A.R.D watch?"

Satsu Ri had entered the padded room and walked towards Auo with confidence.

"Yeah. I have. "

"I hope you asked the right questions," Satsu Ri responded.

Auo tilted his head and looked at Satsu Ri with an eagle's eye.

'Is that a threat I hear?'

He was getting mad, truth be told, and he really wanted to hurt her, make her feel all the pain her arrogant self deserved.

But he held back, took a deep breath, and answered in the calm state he had before.

"I believe so. I do have a question to ask you though."

"What is it, we've wasted-" Satsu Ri looked at her watch, " four minutes already."

'Man, I love her attitude-'