Part 104 - Don’t Say Wrong

Sabila is still trying to contact Santi, but Santi's number is still not active. Sabila decided to contact her mother, yet Sabila had not had time to contact her mother. Sabila's Pomsel rang and on the cellphone screen was written the mother's name, Sabila immediately answered the call. You can hear the mother's voice from the telephone line sounding very panicked. To the point that Sabila woke up from her seat, hearing the news that Santi had run away from the house.

"What ma'am? Santi ran away from home?" said Sabila in shock.

"Yes, just when you called him not at home. I looked everywhere he wasn't there either, so when I checked in the room the room was empty and there weren't all the clothes in the wardrobe either".

"Then did he leave something ma'am? Some kind of letter?".

"There is no Sabil, then what should you do? You call Santi's number not active either".

"Mom calm down, don't panic. I'll try calling Santi later".