Part 122 - Coma

Keep calm and write something...Today Rahman decided not to come to the office, he still wanted to accompany Diana to the hospital. Diana's parents had asked her to go home last night, but Rahman refused and wanted to accompany Diana to the hospital. And this morning Diana's parents, have also asked Rahman to come home and rest, but Rahman is still reluctant to go home.

"Rahman, you should go home. You need to rest, because since yesterday you haven't had enough rest," said Pak Damar.

"It's okay sir, I want to stay here to accompany Diana" said Rahman.

"Rahman, you must rest. You must also care about your health," said Diana's mother.

"But I'm fine ma'am, I still want to be here to accompany Diana. It is better if you and you go home first and rest, let me accompany Diana here" murmured Rahman.

Diana's mother sighed. "Yes, if you want that, then you and I will go home first. Later, if there is anything, let us know, Rahman".