Part 206 - Miracle For Santi

Santi began to open her eyes, she was confused why she felt like she was in a small room. While in her right hand an IV tube is attached, Santi tries to get out of her sleep. Then he pulled out the IV needle that was attached to his hand.

"Aww .." muttered Santi, who forced out the infusion stuck in her hand.

Santi immediately rushed out of the room, she was surprised when she saw a mother who was handing over a baby girl to the caretaker of the orphanage.

"Mom, I ask for help. I have twins, but I can't afford to take care of both of them. Because their father suddenly doesn't want to take care of his child anymore, I'm confused ma'am. So I beg you, please take good care of my child. One day, when I have a good economy, I will come to pick him up, "said the mother.

"All right, ma'am. I will take care of your child, oh beautiful, don't cry, honey, cup cup cup" muttered a caretaker of the orphanage.