Chapter 2

A whole month of failure! That's what it was. Izuku has spent a week hoping Bakugou would text him first (and being busy with work). He'd then spent a week trying to get the nerve to text Bakugou. Apparently figuring out how to say, "You wanna hang?" is infinitely harder when it's a blond bombshell on the other end. He was so caught up in his head it took him until week three to realize he didn't have Bakugou's number. He wasn't even friends with him on social media. How had that happened?

So what? Ask Kirishima for his number? Add him on Instabook? All of his options seemed humiliating.

Sure, Bakugou had said. Just thinking about it gave Izuku shivers. What had he been thinking? Who asked pro heros to just, hang out? Who asked old estranged friends to hang out?

"Deku?" That was Uraraka, sweet and concerned. They were drinking matching iced mochas, and Deku was spacing out. A whole month. If Bakugou didn't hate him anymore, he probably did again.

"Deku." She poked him in the cheek, making Izuku squeak. In the background, Ground Zero was shown beating some fishy monster into fiery submission. "Earth to Deku!"

He looked at his friend mournfully, noting her tired eyes, glossy brown hair. "You okay, Uraraka?"

"Are you okay?" she countered. "Is the Association riding you too hard again?"

"Just picked up some night shifts for Momo," he sighed. "She's got a new girl, and keeps wanting to spend nights."

"What? Who?"

"No idea," Deku groaned. "I've been asking, but she just keeps asking me to 'respect her privacy.' I can't keep pushing after that!"

"You're too nice," Uraraka sighed. "I'm gonna have to get to the bottom of this myself. We need someone to live vicariously through, you know? She's being selfish."

Izuku giggled despite himself. "Well then you'll love this: I ran into Bakugou last month."

Uraraka was silent for a moment, then exploded. "Last month? And you only tell me now? You hurt me, Deku."

"It was weird," Izuku whined. "So weird. One of his villains crossed over into my sector and he didn't even notify me. He tries so hard to avoid me," he sighed. Not that it made him sad. No, it was just, "It's unprofessional," he huffed out. Uraraka crossed her arms.

"He's still such a jerk, huh?"

"I just don't understand," Izuku sighed, slurping his mocha. It was sweet and cool, perfect for a summer morning.

"What's there to understand? He got what, 10% less jerky after school but still continues to be a jerk. So what?"

"Why would he agree to hang out if he wanted avoid me?" Izuku blurted out. Uraraka stared.


"But I don't even have his contact info, so I can't even text him," Izuku groaned, sliding down in his seat. "It's so awkward, oh my god. I can't believe I'm like this. We're supposed to be adults, right?"

"You want to hang out with him?" Uraraka said, doubtful, but gentle. She knew how badly Izuku had missed his friend, at first. Izuku swallowed.

"Just to catch up, and stuff," he mumbled. "I hate losing friends."

Uraraka fished in her purse, finally yanking out her phone. After a few taps, she smacked it down on the table in front of Izuku. On the screen, a contact sat, named #1 Asshole with a bomb emoji.

"There. Text him. But if he hurts you you're out, Deku. I'm not putting up with his bullshit ever again," she snapped. "I don't want to be responsible for connecting you with someone bad for you."

Dutifully, Izuku put the contact in his phone, nearly vibrating with energy. Now he had no excuse not to text Bakugou. He stared at the contact in his phone. Kacchan. He'd written and erased the name Bakugou Katsuki five times already, but it felt too wrong.

"You think I should text him?" He murmured, then jumped as Uraraka slapped the table.

"Jesus Christ boy, after all this? The more you hesitate the harder it will be. Trust me, I know." Her smile was gentle. Izuku was reminded of her unrequited crush, one she'd failed to act on over and over.

"Fine. But you can help me with it, right?" He opened a message, staring nervously at the name at the top of the screen. Kacchan. Why was his heart in his throat?

"Of course," she grinned, a little evilly. "It's easy. Just say, 'Hey, when do you want to hang out?"

Obediently, Izuku typed it in. Then she continued, "And also I've been in love with you since I was four L.O.L. Spell it out, all caps."

Izuku sent her a Bakugou-worthy glare. "No?" She asked, innocently.

"I hate you," he mumbled. "I'm over that."

"And I'm over Iida, eh?" She cackled, then hit send on Izuku's phone. He watched in slo-mo horror as the little text bubble floated up. He waited in terrified suspense, but nothing happened. Uraraka soothed him, because he'd become an instant, pathetic nervous wreck.

That night, a reply still hadn't come. Nor the next day. Then Izuku realized that Bakugou wouldn't know who he was. He was on patrol when he texted next. He'd just bagged a gang of ATM thieves, and he was riding an adrenaline high. So he decided to try again.


Two Days Ago

Hey, when do you want to hang out?

Read 11:52 AM

Today 6:42 PM

It's Deku

He shoved his phone in his pocket, determined not to worry about it. He nearly jumped out of his skin when it vibrated a second later.


Two Days Ago

Hey, when do you want to hang out? Today 6:42 PM

It's Deku

wtf midoriya

Izuku stared at the screen like it had bitten him. Bakugou replied fast. He wasn't prepared. He wasn't prepared for the feeling stirring in his chest upon seeing Kacchan on his phone screen, either. He nearly dropped his phone when a second text came.


Two Days Ago

Hey, when do you want to hang out?

Today 6:42 PM

It's Deku

wtf midoriya

you been in a fucking coma?

its been like a goddamn year jfc

I'm sorry!!!

Izuku texted him back, shaking with energy. No reply. He tried again. He didn't want to say how hard it had been to text but… he needed some excuse. So he sent,


Today 6:42 PM

It's Deku

wtf midoriya

you been in a fucking coma?

its been like a goddamn year jfc

I'm sorry!!!

I got caught up with work and then I realized I didn't even have your number or Instabook and I just got your number from Uraraka

He sent it before he could stop himself.


wtf midoriya

you been in a fucking coma?

its been like a goddamn year jfc

I'm sorry!!!

I got caught up with work and then I realized I didn't even have your number or Instabook and I just got your number from Uraraka

ty for the novel nerd

Took you a long ass time to find my #, u losing ur touch?

Izuku stared at the exchange. Bakugou wasn't being friendly, but he was texting back. Somehow, it made him happy. Way too happy. It was the closest they'd had to a real conversation for so long. They had no reason to be talking. No media, no disaster, no villain. Bakugou was talking to him because he wanted to. Izuku found himself grinning unreasonably at his phone.


you been in a fucking coma?

its been like a goddamn year jfc

I'm sorry!!!

I got caught up with work and then I realized I didn't even have your number or Instabook and I just got your number from Uraraka

ty for the novel nerd

took you a long ass time to find my #, u losing ur touch?

thought maybe you changed ur mind

Izuku's mouth dropped open. Bakugous was being… he was being.. It couldn't be. Emotionally vulnerable? Even a little? It felt momentous, like someone should throw a festival to celebrate. A new national holiday. Izuku knew he had to protect this moment, do something to show Bakugou that it was okay to be vulnerable with him.


I got caught up with work and then I realized I didn't even have your number or Instabook and I just got your number from Uraraka

ty for the novel nerd

took you a long ass time to find my #, u losing ur touch?

thought maybe you changed ur mind

Ofc not! I was just uh… I was just a little nervous :)

y the fuck

Izuku was caught. Why indeed? Because he'd never stopped longing for Bakugou's attention? Because the man was more beautiful than fireworks? Than sunlight on a rainy day? Than a fireplace after being caught in the snow? Oh yeah, he could just text that. Bakugou would never speak to him again. Then his phone buzzed.


ty for the novel nerd

took you a long ass time to find my #, u losing ur touch?

thought maybe you changed ur mind

Ofc not! I was just uh… I was just a little nervous :)

y the fuck

but yeah, we can meet whenever u want

heard theres another lame ass class drinks night this weekend. u there?

dont be nervous, nerd. arent u a brave hero?

Damn. Izuku giggled to himself. Did no one ever tell Bakugou about double texting? What was this, a quadruple text?


thought maybe you changed ur mind

Ofc not! I was just uh… I was just a little nervous :)

y the fuck

but yeah, we can meet whenever u want

heard theres another lame ass class drinks night this weekend. u there?

dont be nervous, nerd. arent u a brave hero?

Now who sent a novel

Then, before Bakugou could get offended,


Ofc not! I was just uh… I was just a little nervous :)

y the fuck

but yeah, we can meet whenever u want

heard theres another lame ass class drinks night this weekend. u there?

dont be nervous, nerd. arent u a brave hero?

Now who sent a novel

I'll be there! Are you finally coming?

Read 6:55 PM

A long pause. Izuku started to feel nervous, and tried to tell himself that Bakugou was probably just busy with something. Then,


y the fuck

but yeah, we can meet whenever u want

heard theres another lame ass class drinks night this weekend. u there?

dont be nervous, nerd. arent u a brave hero?

Now who sent a novel

I'll be there! Are you finally coming?


I'll come for u

Izuku flung his phone away, shrieking. Then raced to pick it up. The offending text was still there. Izuku could feel his composure dissolving. Fuck, fuck fuck. He had to pull himself together. There was absolutely no way that Bakugou had meant it like that. He just meant he'd be there, because Izuku had dragged him there.

That alone was an intense thought. Bakugou doing something because Izuku asked? What was the world coming to?

Izuku didn't bother replying. There was absolutely nothing he could say to that, not without his head combusting. He could barely even bring himself to look at the text message.

The weekend came slowly, but way too quickly. Would Bakugou show his stupid, gorgeous face? Would he come for Izuku?

Izuku growled under his breath. He was losing his mind. His friends had all met at a bar, and were already getting rowdy just thirty minutes in. Thirty minutes in with no Bakugou. Still, it was a good turnout. Kirishima and Kaminari were daring each other to order expensive shots at the bar - apparently it was manly - and Momo and Jiriou had claimed a large booth for everyone. Ojiro was bringing them beers, and Uraraka and Iida were arm-wrestling at a cocktail table. Tsu had turned up late with Aoyama, giving Izuku a friendly wave before sliding into Momo's booth.

Izuku was about to give up when Bakugou strode into the bar, strutting in like he owned the place. He plopped onto the bar stool next to Izuku, ignoring everyone's stares.

"Sup nerd," he said, with that trademark dangerous grin. Izuku swallowed hard. Despite the cool evening, Bakugou was just wearing a loose, concerningly revealing, black tank top and slouchy jeans. It looked too good. Too good for Izuku, who, after hours of agonizing, had merely picked out a green sweatshirt and pale jeans. He looked like an off-duty librarian.

"Bakubrooooooo," Came a shout from behind them. Kirishima slammed into Bakugou's back, enveloping him in a hug. "You finally caaaaaameee ouuuuut!"

Izuku found himself laughing as he made eye contact with the abandoned Kaminari, who just looked fondly exasperated.

"Jesus H Christ, shitty hair," Bakugou snapped, turning around. Then to Izuku's surprise, snatched the red-haired man into a real hug. "It's been so long man, what the fuck."

Kirishima looked like he was about to cry manly tears of joy. Izuku felt that joy too - having Bakugou back in the group felt like filling a hole he hadn't even known existed.

"You're always so busy," Kirishima scolded, pulling back to punch his friend in the arm. "Never making time for you friends now, huh? Huh?! What happened to the dynamic trio?"

"You're drunk already," Bakugou snorted. "Fucking typical."

Behind them, Kaminari, raised a shot glass in cheers and explanation. Kirishima was inevitably drawn back to Kaminari. Those two were like magnets, never far from each other. After they'd been assigned the same sector, they'd been inseparable. Were they dating? Izuku had 5k Yen in the pool that said they were, but the two had managed to not confirm anything despite everyone's efforts.

Bakugou nudged him, pulling him back to the present. "Whatcha drinking, space cadet?"

"Uh-" he panicked. Talking was a lot harder than texting. He was blushing already. Izuku wanted to fall of the stool and be swallowed by the floor. Bakugou rested his hand on his chin, propped up on the bar.

"Uh?" His tone was lazy, relaxed. Izuku pulled himself together.

"IPA. Space Dust," he said, and Bakugou waved down the bartender.

"You used to drink mojitos, right?"

"You remember?" Izuku was so surprised he was almost offended. What right did Bakugou have to go off remembering things about him? The man in question just snickered.

"I always thought it was because it matched your shitty green hair."

"Asshole," Izuku muttered, accepting his beer from the bartender. "Let's go to the booth," he added. Bakugou would be less intense if they were surrounded by everyone else, right?

Wrong. Bakugou was not less intense surrounded by everyone else. Well, less intense to Izuku, maybe, but the man was just loud person and everyone had a lot of catching up to do. Once he failed to viciously snap at the first few people who tried talking to him, the questions kept flowing in. Everyone wanted to catch up with their distant classmate.

They learned that Bakugou had been put in the highest crime rate sector, an industrial district neighboring Tsu's harbor sector. He'd be suspended five times as a sidekick, and had gotten his pro license a full year after everyone else, a fact that he laughed off. Old Bakugou would have exploded the table for anyone mentioning it. New Bakugou thought it was 'fucking hilarious,' and that he'd been 'such a shit, Jesus Christ.'

Izuku was playing a private game. Everytime Bakugou made him want to blush, he was taking a drink. He'd finished the IPA in record time, and suddenly a mojito had appeared in front of him, courtesy of Lord Explodo Murder. Embarrassing. He took another drink. So far, Bakugou had slung his stupid, buff arm over Izuku's shoulders, called him a 'flower bed,' said he'd missed all you losers, stared into Izuku's eyes slightly too long, had tipped his shitty beer back to drink the rest in a way that drew Izuku's eyes to his neck, his slow swallow, he'd arm wrestled Uraraka, he'd… the list went on and on.

Three drinks Izuku is drunk Izuku. He was, well, both good and not good at holding his alcohol. He couldn't hide that he was tipsy, though he was careful to slouch against Ojiro on his right, away from Bakugou. He could hide that he was drunk. He stayed relatively quiet, happy to listen to everyone talking, to watch Bakugou enjoying himself.

The issue came when he had to pee. Break the seal, as Kirishima had shouted once Izuku asked his side of the booth to let him out.

He was very focused. Very focused, keeping his balance, sliding out of the booth without knocking over anyone's drinks. Right until he was out of the booth, and the table wasn't here to brace against, and he immediately staggered. He snatched at the air, falling, but Bakugou was faster. He grabbed Izuku mid fall, setting back him on his feet.

"Oy, little nerd, how drunk are you?"

"Not drunk," Izuku glared. Bakugou stared at him for a moment, red eyes disbelieving. Then he snorted so loudly Izuku jumped.

"Midoriya's druuunk," He announced loudly to the group. Izuku groaned, steadying himself against Bakugou's arm.

"Bathroom," Izuku insisted. He needed to get away from everyone. To calm down. He'd gotten halfway through his fourth drink, and it'd start hitting soon.

"You need help?" Uraraka asked, sweetly. "I'm sure Kacchan will help you," she added, much less sweetly. Evilly. The girl was a witch.

"Call me that again and you die," Bakugou snapped, instantly vicious. Then he frogmarched a confused Izuku away from the table.

The bathroom was a relief. He spent some quality time staring himself down in the mirror, trying to pretend he wasn't drunk. Normally, he wouldn't worry about it. His friends were kind. He took care of them, and they took care of him.

No, his problem was waiting outside the door, lounging against the wall with his arms folded. Izuku was confronted with the sight upon leaving the bathroom. For a moment, his breath was stolen. Bakugou belonged in dingy bar hallways just as well as he belonged in a burning summer day. How did he look so at ease everywhere? He'd only snapped once this evening, at Uraraka. That was relatively little by Bakugou's standards. Had he really changed? Maybe he just hated that nickname. He wished that Uraraka had said nothing. Izuku's stomach turned over.

"You really hate that name so much?" he asked, heart stuttering in his chest.

Bakugo frowned at him, and reached out to steady him. Izuku jerked back, hitting the wall with a thud. "Kacchan," he snapped. "You didn't need to shout at Uraraka."

Bakugou flinched away, staring at Izuku with wide eyes. He was still for a moment, lips parted.

"Roundface has no right to call me that," he said finally, voice a low growl. "Shitty nerd. You know I only ever let you get away with it. S'not my fault you quit saying it. Doesn't mean everyone fucking else gets to say it."

He crossed his arms, and stared Izuku down like he was a villain. Izuku didn't know what to say. He had stopped calling Bakugou 'Kacchan,' even in his own head. The name reminded him of their sunny, childhood days, before his friend had turned selfish and cruel. He thought Bakugou had hated the name. That's why he'd stopped - for Bakugou, in hopes that calling him by his real name would bring him back to Izuku. It had never worked.

"Kacchan," he said under his breath, musingly. The name was familiar on his lips.

"Yeah?" Bakugou said, pushing himself off the wall and towards Izuku, before stopping suddenly. Izuku wanted to clarify he hadn't been calling Bakugou, but suddenly he couldn't talk. Bakugou's expression froze him in place. He looked… hopeful.

"Thought you hated it," Izuku muttered, pouting. He was never drinking again. This was too embarrassing. Suddenly, strong hands were on his forearms, as Bakugou finally crossed the space. Nervously, he looked up. Bakugou was staring down at him, forbiddingly intense. He was going to tell Izuku off, he was sure. Not to use such a shitty childhood nickname. He was going to cry.

"I did," Bakugou rumbled. "I was also shit-for-brains loser. Don't want you to call me anything else, now."

Izuku blinked up at him, eyes watery. He cursed his waterworks nature. His lip was trembling. Pathetic, he told himself. "Kacchan," he mumbled. Bakugou's hands squeezed his arms reflexively. Then the man leaned down in, right in Izuku's face.

One hand lifted, jabbing a finger into his own chest. "That's right, little Deku." He tapped himself in the chest again, for emphasis. "Ka-chan. Don't fuck it up."

He was so, so close. Izuku stared up at him, looking at his eyes. Bakugou looked partly amused, but mostly serious. And then there was his mouth. Izuku had to look away. It felt like he was about to be kissed. An impossibility. Bakugou had always been aggressively withholding about his relationships. Izuku didn't even know if he'd ever had one. It was a topic constantly discussed by trash magazines.

Izuku looked down and away, relieving the pressure of those red eyes. "You called me Deku."

Bakugou dropped his arms, stepping away. "Sorry. Midoriya."

"No," Izuku said, quickly. "Everyone else does, you know."

"I said it like it was a bad thing," Bakugou huffed, looking away. "I lost the right."

It was, well. It was really, really endearing. Drunk Izuku does not do well holding back from endearing things. He launched himself at Bakugou, wrapping his arms around that trim waist. Bakugou squawked in surprise.

"I hate Midoriyaaa," Izuku whined. "Just call me Deku like always. Kachaaaaaaaan, come onnnn."

He buried his face in Bakugou's back, unable to not be an emotional mess but also completely unwilling to let go. Bakugou twisted around, then ruffled his hair. It felt nice. Nice . He hummed in happiness, feeling comfortable and safe. Should he feel that way? Nope. But he couldn't help it. Bakugou was warm and solid and here, and he couldn't bear to pull away.

"Fine, lil' Deku. Fucking nerd," Bakugou huffed. "Come on, we should go back. People gonna be making fucking rumors, you know."

"M'not not little," Izuku said sternly, tilting his head up. Bakugou had grown as a teen. Izuku had not. Even looking up, his head barely passed Bakugou's shoulder.

"Compared to me, you are a tiny little grasshopper," Bakugou snickered, then tried to turn and go. Not allowed.

"Noo," Izuku said, tightening his hold. "I missed you," he added mournfully. "Kacchannn, I don't wanna go back to the extras, let's stay here forever."

Stiffly, Bakugou looked down at him. Then he relaxed. "Dude you're fucking blasted. I'm gonna take you back."

Izuku opened his mouth, about to retort something about being an adult and making his own choices, but Bakugou was more sober, and much quicker. He tucked Izuku under his arm, and towed him out of the hallway, grumbling something about small, shitty nerds.

Bakugou presented him to his table of friends like he was a show dog.

"I brought Deku back." The name sent a shiver of happiness up his spine, until Bakugou continued. "Nerd's completely smashed. He always like this?"

Izuku frowned, as his friends laughed.

"Maybe you should head home, Deku-kun," Uraraka called out. "You feeling okay?"

"Fine," Izuku said, defiant until the last. Like a real hero. He is a real hero. "I am so fine."

"So fine," Bakugou muttered.

"Take him home, Bakubro," Kirishima grinned. Kaminari smacked the back of his head.

"You good with that?" Uraraka asked, looking at Izuku, not even caring to ask if Bakugou was okay with it.

"Don't care," Izuku sniffed. His friends were right, he realized. He needed to head home before he embarrassed himself further.

"Yep, we're going," Bakugou said. "Later, extras." He gathered up their stuff, and before he knew it, he was being marched out of the bar to the sounds of wolf-whistles.

Bakugou hailed a cab, and Izuku gave the address. The car ride was quiet, with Bakugou staring out the window like his life depended on it. Or maybe it was finally time to think of him as Katsuki? Izuku resisted the urge to throw himself on the man. He couldn't come off too strong. He'd somehow lured his old friend out of exile, and he was terrified of scaring him off.

Bakugou- no, Katsuki walked him all the way to his apartment complex's door. "You can get to your place okay?"

"Of course," Izuku said, wanting desperately to seem like an adult. He was an adult, damn it. There was a pause, and he filled it, not wanting Katsuki to go. "Did you have fun?"

"With those idiots?" Katsuki scoffed, then softened. "Sure, I guess. Could be worse."

"Aw," Izuku grinned. "Cute." Then he slapped his hand over his mouth. Old Katsuki would have smacked him for that, but new Katsuki just cackled.

"I'm the cutest motherfucker out there, nerd. Text me when you're in your room, kay?"

"Um," Izuku said, realizing he was about to leave. "You want to uh-" he faltered, suddenly wishing he was sober. Katsuki shoved his hands in his pockets, waiting.

"Hang out later," Izuku choked out, feeling like a failure. Katsuki's eyebrows shot up.

"Hang out? Fine. I'm not on the fucking group chat anymore, though, so you have to tell me when."

"N-no," Izuku stammered. Damn, this was hard.

"No, I'm not invited back?" Katsuki said, voice dry. Izuku had the distinct impression that he was being toyed with.

"No, not that!" He gushed, then pulled himself together. Here goes nothing. "I meant, like. Hang out. Not with everyone."

"Alone," Katsuki drawled, a smirk crawling across his face. "Sure, Deku. We can hang out alone."

"G-good," Izuku said quickly. "Night."

Then he bolted, again.

Heart pounding, inside his apartment, he sent the promised text.


Today 11:12 PM

Got imside safe goodnigfht kacchann ;334

He didn't see the replies until the next morning, thanks to flinging his phone on the couch and running for the safety of bed, and promptly passing out. In the morning, Katsuki's replies waited for him.


Yesterday 11:12 PM

Got imside safe goodnigfht kacchann ;334

sleep well nerd

fcking text me when u want to meet k

dont forget to hydrate