Chapter 15

"BAKUGOU!" Izuku screamed into his phone the very second his boyfriend picked up.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT," Katsuki screamed right back, not even waiting for context. It really said something that Izuku could tell the difference between Katsuki's angry screaming and his neutral/friendly screaming. This was downright jovial on the Scoville Scale of Bakugou Shouts ™ .

"They saw us kissing," Izuku cried into the phone receiver.

"Shit, really? Where the fuck's all the news, then?"

"Hang on, I'll text it to you."

Izuku: [link attached]

There was a moment, presumably as Katsuki scanned the article. And then there was uproarious laughter.

"Deku, my god," Katsuki cackled. "They didn't fucking recognize you, oh my god."

"This is why everyone says I'm plain," Izuku whined.


To be fair, the picture didn't really show anything to identify Izuku. It was grainy and clearly taken from a distance, although Katsuki's face and blonde hair were unmistakable. Fat lot of good the stupid KIWI hoodie did if he didn't have the hood up, though in this case Izuku supposed could forgive him for being distracted. Izuku just looked like any black-haired guy with his back to the camera.

"You're not plain, just boring," Katsuki said in his ear, still bubbling with amusement. "I guess I shoulda been more fucking careful, though. Wouldn't want anyone to figure out who my mystery squeeze is." He started cackling all over again.

"Yeah, you could have not asked me out in the middle of the street," Izuku grumbled. Technically, it was good he hadn't been recognized, but it did sting a little.

"You know I'm not a fucking romantic," Katsuki scoffed. "You should take what you get."

"Uh-huh," Izuku said, trying to sound ungrateful and failing. Izuku couldn't sound anything but fond, because he'd caught sight of the Your Kacchan poster, now hung up in a place of honor in his living room. And yes, Katsuki had already teased him mercilessly about it.

"You keep telling yourself that. My Kacchan."

"Fuck you."


"And quit turning my cursing into innuendos," Katsuki grumbled, making Izuku laugh. "How else will I cuss you out?"

"Don't complain," Izuku admonished him. "We both know you like it. How's work been?"

"It's balls," Katsuki said. "Turns out first responders have been targeted lately. Not sure who all's involved, but if we get hit by a major disaster it's gonna be fucked up."

"I've noticed the same thing," Izuku frowned. "I guess it's across sectors? Have you guys found the villain behind it?"

"Us guys?"

"Kacchan," Izuku snorted. "I'm not stupid. It's obviously a villain, and of course the city's top heroes are on it. It's gotta be your Striker case, because it's confidential - and that explains why no one's talking about it. I'm surprised you've been able to keep it under wraps so completely."

There was a loud sigh on the other side of the phone. "Yeah, fuck, of course you put it together."

Izuku warmed at the compliment. Maybe Katsuki liked him, but compliments were still a rare thing from the blonde. "Of course I did. What else would I do but obsessively think about the city's heroes? Did you know that you and Shouto are now the top two in our city?"

"Of course we fucking are. Don't give a shit about the city though," Katsuki's voice rumbled over the line. "Gotta top the country. Then the planet."

"You can start by topping me." Izuku was glad they were on the phone because Katsuki couldn't see his tomato-red face. At least he sounded confident. The truth was that the article was a lame excuse to call Katsuki and see if he was free, because Izuku was trying to get some damn action from his damn busy boyfriend.

"Such a dirty fucking mouth, Deku. When'd you get so filthy, huh?"

"That's a rhetorical question, isn't it?" If Izuku was going to actually answer that, it would probably be in his early twenties, once he had some experience and had shored up his self-confidence. And then a lot of it came from Izuku's pathological need to shock Katsuki. It was just so satisfying, okay? "I'm going to answer seriously, it would be back when I-"

"Wow, look, my boner's already gone," Katsuki snorted. Izuku heard sounds of laughter from the background of the call. Where exactly was he?

"That easily?" Izuku grinned, goading Katsuki intentionally. What's the fun of having a fiery boyfriend if you can't set him off?

"Hey, fuck you too," Katsuki snapped.

"Sure, any-"

"I swear to fucking god I will end you," Katsuki groaned. There was a pause as Izuku tried and failed to stifle his laughter. Katsuki sighed again, then said, "Anyway, I'm fucking finally off my night shifts. I've been transferred 24/7 on call, which is also balls but not quite as shitty schedule-wise."

"Wait, really? Isn't on-call usually for sidekicks or like, junior heroes?"

"Not anymore," Katsuki growled. "It's too dangerous for them now. Don't know when these fucks are going to show up, or where. I'm being used like some fucking point-and-shoot canon for every incident in the city."

"Well, hopefully it's not too bad," Izuku said, worrying a bit about Katsuki's pride. To finally hit Top Ten and be put on-call like a junior hero?

"It's fine. At least I can be free at normal fucking times. Case in point, me and the extras from work are at McMarin's right now. Wanna come by? You're off now, right?"

Izuku glanced at the clock. It was 10:00 PM, and he'd called knowing Katsuki would probably be getting ready for an upcoming shift - which he no longer had. 10:00 PM also meant Izuku was exhausted, and he probably could convince Katsuki to come over but then… Katsuki hadn't invited him out with his coworkers before. Izuku wasn't about to let this opportunity pass.

"Do they know we're together?" he asked.

"They're fuckin' about to," Katsuki said, sounding unworried. "You coming?"

"I'll come for you," Izuku said lightly, then hung up.

Izuku wore exactly the same thing as he had on his last trip to McMarin's, because he really just didn't have a lot of clothes with that vibe. He found the group in a booth in the back of the room, and approached nervously. It felt weirdly like meeting Katsuki's parents, except that he already knew Katsuki's actual parents. He had dinner with them and his own mother every few months, with Katsuki notably absent every time. He guessed that would change, now.

Timidly, Izuku tapped Katsuki's shoulder. Katsuki whipped around, face in his default snarl. Upon seeing Izuku, the snarl morphed into his shit-eating grin.

"Hey nerd," he said, and reached up, pulling Izuku down to his lips for a lingering kiss. The rest of the table erupted in noise. Startled, Izuku jerked away, looking up at everyone.

"That's Midoriya!" Onito was shouting, looking overjoyed. "Katsuki you absolute dog! You didn't tell me it worked out! I thought I'd ruined everything this whole time!"

Katsuki scooted down, squishing the man on his right in order to pull Izuku down next to him. He looked over at Onito with a shit-eating grin. "I know, fishface. You deserved to suffer after that crap you pulled. You're lucky I didn't fucking cut you up for sashimi."

"Hi," Izuku gave him a little wave, and Onito beamed back, displaying rows of sharp teeth. "Nice to see you again!"

"You too! Everyone, this is Midoriya Izuku, Katsuki's long-lost love."

"Shut the FUCK up," Katsuki snapped, an effort that was completely ignored by everyone else. Onito pointed at the woman next to him.

"This is Tanktop Tiff," he said. "The big Triple-T!" Tiff waved one huge hand, smiling slightly. She had cropped hair, and maybe the biggest muscles Izuku had seen outside of All Might. And yes, she wore a pink tank top with a yellow T on it. Izuku gave her one of his friendliest smiles. These were Katsuki's friends!

"Nice to meetcha," she laughed, her voice lighter than you'd expect from someone who looked like the embodiment of a Russian tank.

"And this sweetheart's Dovetail," Onito went on, pointing at the man Katsuki had squished up against the wall. He had long, rose-colored hair and doe eyes.

"You guys are cute," Dovetail said, leaning on to the table, chin in his hand.

"I'm not fucking cute, asshole," Katsuki snarled at him. Dovetail didn't even blink, but Izuku interjected anyway.

"Mmm, I think you're kind of cute."

Katsuki rounded on him, fire in his eyes. " Kind of cute?"

Shit, he hadn't called Katsuki cute in public before, had he? He obviously hated it. Izuku opened his mouth to apologize, but Katsuki bull-dozed on, leaning into Izuku's space. "And who the hell is cuter than me, huh?"


"I said who the fuck is getting off on being cuter than me, huh? I'll go kill those fuckers right now." Katsuki did look ready to kill, but in the particular way that told Izuku he was joking around. His angry snarl merely sent Izuku into fits of giggles. The rest of the table was apparently used to this behavior, because Tiff had just face-palmed and Dovetail had whipped out his phone to take a video.

"Uhh," Izuku managed to say between laughs, "Uraraka's pretty cute?"

Katsuki gave him a homicidal look, and pulled out his phone. Confused, Izuku watched as he hit Uraraka Ochako's contact, and held up the phone as the line rang.

"Hello?" Uraraka's voice was faint over the phone. Katsuki met Izuku's eyes with a searing look.

"Hi chubby-cheeks, prepare to get fucking MURDERED-"

Izuku snatched the phone away, shrieking. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry," he chanted into the phone.

"Um, what?" Uraraka's voice sounded deeply confused. Izuku sighed, slumping in his seat while Katsuki cackled next to him.

"Nothing," he groaned. "Kacchan's just being really extra again. I promise he's not coming to kill you."

"I could take him," she said, mock-serious. "Tell him to try me!" Then she hung up.

" Kacchan?" Tiffany crowed, as Dovetail wrapped his arm around Katsuki's bicep.

"Oh, Kacchan," he purred, leaning into Katsuki. Katsuki violently yanked his arm away, nearly pushing Izuku out of the booth in the process.

"I'll fucking rip your tongues out," he growled.

"Aw, Kacchan, don't be mean," Onito grinned.

"Deku, why would you ruin my life like this," Katsuki groaned, face in his hands. "They're never gonna stop."

"Poor Kacchan," Izuku said, and patted his head. "I'm so sad for you. Alexa, play All Might's theme song."

Katsuki turned to face him, expression dark. "Oh, you're gonna get it for this, Deks." Desire shivered through Izuku. Whatever Katsuki meant by it, Izuku was definitely interested. Work had kept Katsuki away from him for way too long, and they hadn't had any quality time since the signing.

"I'm so scared," Izuku stuck out his tongue, ignoring the laughter from Katsuki's coworkers. His current plan was to rile Katsuki up now, and see what he got out of it once they went home. Hopefully, a very wound up Katsuki.

"Quit flirting at the table," Onito chuckled. "Tiff, weren't you telling us how you arm-wrestled a villain into surrender?"

Tiff went on with her story, giving some spirited demonstrations of the event. Izuku was absorbed, happy to learn about other people's quirks and villain fights. Well Izuku should have been absorbed, but he wasn't. No, Izuku was busy subtly moving his hand onto Katsuki's thigh under the table. Katsuki's head jerked around to look at him, eyes wide. God, he was so damn handsome, and Izuku wanted him bad. That stupid automatic frown, his jagged blond hair, his intensity…

"Sh," Izuku said, quietly as he could, and squeezed his thigh. After a moment's consideration, Katsuki narrowed his eyes and looked away. Then he deliberately slouched in his seat, making Izuku's hand slide up his thigh to decidedly more interesting areas. The invitation was clear, especially when Katsuki put an arm around Izuku, pulling him closer.

Izuku tried to look focused on Tiff explaining how the villain's elbow had popped, but he couldn't think past Katsuki's firm thigh. He slid his hand further down, massaging his inner thigh, running his fingers over the soft fabric of his sweatpants. Katsuki's knees twitched apart, giving Izuku better access. That little movement was making Izuku's head spin with desire. Could Katsuki get any hotter?

Katsuki pretended not to notice Izuku's hand, humming in agreement or nodding along with what everyone was saying. Izuku knew he was affected though, for each time he ran his hand a little higher he could feel Katsuki's knee twitch against his.

After a moment of laughter when everyone was distracted, Izuku risked looking down at Katsuki's lap. His mouth went dry. Katsuki was hard. Like, completely hard, painfully obvious in his sweatpants. Izuku wanted him so badly he felt drunk with it. He tore his eyes away from the sight, looking blankly at Onito and Tiff across the table. He'd never felt more obsessed with dick, and he wanted nothing more than to jerk Katsuki off under the table, regardless of how filthy the thought was.

Izuku managed to restrain himself a little longer, until he pinched lightly at the sensitive area up the inside of Katsuki's thigh. He swore he heard Katsuki moan under his breath. Izuku was broken, and it was his own fault. In a move probably more daring than anything he'd done in his life, he put his hand lightly on Katsuki's hard dick.

"Fuck!" Katsuki barked out, jolting. The table turned to stare at him.

"What?" Dovetail asked, looking confused. Katsuki gritted his teeth.

"Fuck that," he said, voice raspy. His legs were tense, but Izuku didn't remove his hand. God, Katsuki was going to wreck him for this. Izuku was just deeply thankful for the booth's narrow seats, and the way the table covered this fucking bed of sin.

"Fuck whatever you just said," Katsuki continued, obviously trying to salvage his slip-up. Obvious to Izuku, at least.

"That Dovey found a nice hotdog stand yesterday?" Tiff snorted. "You're such a dick, Bakuboy."

"Yeah," Katsuki coughed. Izuku ran his hand down Katsuki's length. "Fuck!" Katsuki swore again, then went on, "That. Fuck that. Hotdogs are… shitty. Not spicy. You lot should eat proper fucking food. Nutrition is important." Izuku relished his last few breaths before Katsuki murdered him.

"Wow, Kacchan, you're so touchy," Izuku said, trying to remember if he'd written a will or not. He'd definitely need it after this. Katsuki glared at him, hands deliberately flat on the table, attempting to look casual.

"Look who's fucking talking," Katsuki snapped. Izuku knew he was referring to how he was touching Katsuki right now, but Onito looked confused.

"Katsuki, you're going to scare off Midoriya if you keep being such a dickhole," Onito frowned. Katsuki barked out a laugh.

"Oh yeah, I'm the fucking asshole." Katsuki's voice was dripping with sarcasm. "Deku's just a fucking sweet baby angel who's never done a fucking dirty thing in his goddamn shitty life!" Izuku always knew he was getting under Katsuki's skin when every third word was a curse.

"That's right, I'm a sweet angel," Izuku said, smiling beatifically in the face of his certain death. For good measure, he squeezed Katsuki's achingly hard dick. With a jolt, Katsuki slammed both hands down on the table, making everyone jump.

"That's it!" He shouted. "I'm fucking out of here!" He turned and bodily shoved Izuku out of the booth, following closely behind. He paused before getting up from the table, and aggressively threw his hood over his head. Then he blurted, "It was fucking great to see you guys but something came up so we are going and goodbye."

Izuku bowed quickly, saying, "It was nice to meet all of you, I hope I see you again!"

Katsuki slid out from the table, strategically angling his hips to hide his boner from the group. Izuku felt a little bad, but the feeling evaporated when Katsuki pushed him out of the bar like a human bulldozer. He didn't stop until they were halfway down the block, when he grabbed Izuku's hips and yanked him against his dick, grinding hard into Izuku's ass. He leaned down to snarl into Izuku's ear.

"Bet you think you're real fucking cute, pulling shit like that." Then he bit Izuku's neck, hard. Izuku jumped against him, becoming worryingly hard himself. Thankfully, his jeans were tight enough to disguise it for now.

"I do think I'm really cute," he said, giving Katsuki an impish smile over his shoulder.

"Oh fuck you, I'm going to goddamn rip you apart," Katsuki growled. Izuku shivered in anticipation.

"Anytime, baby," Izuku purred, pulling out his phone to call a taxi. "Your place or mine?"

"Mine's closer," Katsuki breathed into his ear. "I'm not fucking patient. Hope you don't have any regrets in your life, 'cause I'm going to end you tonight." His hips jerked forward in an aborted thrust, making Izuku gasp.

"Hashtag no regrets," Izuku said happily, and scampered into the taxi when it pulled up.

The ride was tense, the air swampy with tension. Katsuki led the way up to his flat in stony silence, leaving Izuku's very active imagination to consider what Katsuki might do to him. Izuku was nearly crawling out of his skin with anticipation by the time they got to Katsuki's door. Wordlessly, he let them in.

The second the door shut and locked behind them, Katsuki turned and slammed Izuku back against it, knocking the breath out of him. Katsuki seized both of his wrists and pinned them against the door, muscles bulging as he tensed.

"You're such a filthy slut," Katsuki snarled, eyes burning into Izuku's. "Fucking grabbing my dick in public, huh? You wanna get railed that badly?"

"Yes," Izuku said, his voice coming out as a breathy whine. Katsuki gritted his teeth for a moment, then dropped his wrists in favor of grabbing his face. He leaned in, close enough their breath mingled.

"Rough sex," Katsuki said. Izuku blinked up at him, confused, but then Katsuki continued, his voice low and steady. "Rough sex is about trust. We both know I've been holding back with you."

"Right," Izuku looked up at him, utterly captivated. Nervous energy was running through his veins, burning him up from the inside. Was he actually going to get Katsuki to let loose? Maybe all it took was some questionably dick-grabbing, and-

"I have to be able to trust that you won't let me do anything you don't enjoy, Deku. Because I'm not feeling particularly nice tonight." Katsuki's voice interrupted his thoughts, and sent desire ricocheting through Izuku's nerves.

"You can trust me," Izuku whispered. "I promise. I want this so badly, Kacchan."

"You said there's nothing you don't want me to do," Katsuki pressed, lips brushing his.

"That's right," Izuku breathed, heart in his throat. Katsuki's nails dug into his head, creating small bursts of pain.

"What if I make you scream?" Katsuki's gaze burned into him. "What if I'm mean ? What if I make you cry?"

"Please," Izuku whimpered, painfully hard now.

"And if I slap the shitty smile off your face? Fuck you 'till you sob into the mattress?"

Izuku's legs probably would have given out if Katsuki hadn't been holding his face up. He wanted it so badly. He wanted to be fucked until he couldn't think, until the constant churn of his mind was blissfully silent, until he couldn't see anything except the man before him.

"Please Kacchan," Izuku whined. "I just want you to fuck me until I can't think of anything except you."

Katsuki's breath caught. "You fucking asked for it," he said. Then unceremoniously gripped Izuku's hair and yanked his head to the side.

"You knew this would happen, didn't you," Katsuki murmured into his exposed neck. Tears were forming in Izuku's eyes from the tugging at his scalp, but he tried to nod anyway. "Couldn't fucking keep your hands off my dick, huh? Bet you were hoping I'd fuck your brains out. Un-fucking-believable."

Katsuki's hand was between his legs now, hot and rough, jerking him off firmly. Izuku's resulting moan was horribly dirty, drawn-out and desperate. Katsuki laughed, teeth sharp as he sank them into Izuku's shoulder. Izuku shouted at the sudden pain, but it didn't stop him from mindlessly thrusting against Katsuki's hand.

Then suddenly he was moving, pitching forwards onto Katsuki's arm. Before he knew it, Katsuki had him bent over the kitchen island countertop. The black granite was cold on his chest, hard and unpleasant. Izuku tried to lift himself up, but there was suddenly a warm hand in the center of his back, shoving him back down.

"Take it off," Katsuki ordered. Izuku glanced over his shoulder, and was struck dumb. Katsuki's face was vaguely pissed-off, horribly handsome, and completely overtaken with desire. Izuku swallowed hard, not even wanting to tease him at this point. He struggled out of his shirt, the movements difficult while pressed against the counter. It was digging painfully into his hips, but he refused to complain.

Slowly, deliberately, the hand on his back slid up his spine, coming to a halt on the back of his head, when he pushed Izuku's face into the countertop. Katsuki's other hand began undoing his pants, yanking them down to his knees. Judging by the sudden cold against his skin, he was naked now.

"Is this what you wanted?" Katsuki asked, sounding faintly amused. "Bent over in front of me, ready to be used?" Izuku breath caught. Katsuki made a fist in his hair, pulling his head back. "Answer me," Katsuki said, his voice gaining a rough edge that went straight to Izuku's dick.

"Y-yes," Izuku said, words muffled by the countertop. Then, because he was daring and apparently had a pathological need to antagonize Katsuki, he added, "Please use me."

"Demanding slut, aren't you?"

Izuku murmured something that sounded vaguely affirmative. After a moment, he felt Katsuki grinding against his ass, pushing him rhythmically against the counter. As good as it felt, the edge of the counter was digging into his hips.

"Kacchan, the edge is hurting my hips," Izuku gasped out. Then there was a smack, and his ass stung. Katsuki had spanked him. The knowledge fizzed in his head, settling through his limbs. Izuku wondered what he'd need to do to get spanked again, and promptly forgot about his poor hips. Izuku tried to turn and look, but Katsuki pushed his head back down.

"And?" Katsuki ground out. "I don't remember fucking asking." Another slap, and Izuku found himself moaning into the countertop, ass stinging deliciously. And if Katsuki was now holding him slightly further away from the counter's edge to lessen the impact, Izuku wouldn't tell. Damn, he liked this too much.

And there it was. It being what Izuku had been fantasizing all those years, the vicious side to Katsuki that the man kept strictly in check. The side of Katsuki that wouldn't hold back, that had the urge to win, to dominate no matter what. Izuku had just never imagined it tempered by tenderness. Tempered by the sure knowledge that if he asked, Katsuki would stop everything in an instant and fuss over him like a mother hen. Izuku wasn't about to tell him to stop though, because goddamn he was finally getting what he wanted.

He whimpered when Katsuki spanked him again, hard enough to hurt. And again, and again, until Izuku was crying into the counter. His tears puddled next to his face, coming more from cathartic release than from pain, and the desire for anything, everything Katsuki had to give him.

"Kacchan," he said, trying to sound alluring despite his mouth being smushed. "Want to feel you."

"So fucking needy," Katsuki said from behind him, and spanked him again. Izuku yelped in surprise. He flinched away from the contact, but the movement made his dick thud against the cabinet. It was pathetic that even that small contact threw a wave of need through him. Then Katsuki's hands were gone. Upset by the lack of contact, Izuku twisted around to look.

Katsuki was getting something out of a cabinet? A bottle of lube. Izuku stared. That was being prepared to the max. Before he could think better of it, he said, "You keep lube in the kitchen?"

Katsuki scoffed. "Yeah, so it's on hand when I fuck needy little sluts like you."

"That's uh, very prepared of you," Izuku mumbled, knowing he was blushing. Katsuki never shut up. Not when he was fighting or fucking, and he had a goddamn filthy mouth. Izuku was blessed. Katsuki's grin was sharp.

"You're not the first slut I've bent over my counter."

That was an image. Izuku turned his face away, trying to hide how much the thought turned him on. That Katsuki could have anyone he wanted, but it was Izuku that he went home with.

"You like hearing that, huh?" There was a hand on his dick, wet and cold. Izuku moaned mindlessly, trying to process the question. Distantly, he knew it was Katsuki checking in, wondering if he'd gone too far.

"You're mine," Izuku choked out, letting himself be a little possessive. Behind him, Katsuki chuckled.

" You're mine," he retorted, voice rough as he ran a hand over Izuku's ass. "Gonna show you exactly who this ass belongs to. Nicest damn ass I've ever seen."

Izuku figured that was Katsuki's way of reassuring him without breaking character. He didn't have any more time to think, because Katsuki was pushing a slick finger inside him. Izuku reached up to grip the far side of the counter, half because he needed to steady himself and half because he knew it made his back look damn good.

"More," Izuku moaned. "Fuck me up, Kacchan."

"Dirty little thing, aren't you," Katsuki chuckled, but sounded pleased. "But don't worry, I will."

He rewarded Izuku with another finger, stretching him with the ease of practice. Izuku hadn't really expected to end his night getting fingered in Katsuki's kitchen, but he sure as shit was loving it so far. Before he knew it, Katsuki had three fingers in and was finger-fucking him, occasionally muttering filthy words of approval. Izuku moaned shamelessly, holding onto the edge of the counter for dear life. Then, mercifully, his fingers hit Izuku just right. Izuku gave a surprised shout, then whimpered as Katsuki changed angles. He let go of Izuku's hair in favor of leaning over the counter, resting his chin on his hand.

Izuku tried to focus on his face, but it was hard to concentrate when the sensation of being stretched was so intense. He knew his eyes were watering from the pull on his hair, and he may or may not have drooled on the counter. Without pausing his movement, Katsuki raised his eyebrows.

"Looking a little messy there, Deku," he teased.

Izuku only managed to say something that sounded like, "Hhrggn."

"Aw, can't talk with my fingers in your ass? You like it that much?"

"Y-yes," Izuku gasped out. "I'm such," he stuttered, "I'm such a, a slut for you." Katsuki's eyes darkened.

"Yes, you are," he hissed, then pulled back. Izuku mourned the loss of his face in his view. Even worse, Katsuki pulled out his fingers.

"Where are you going?" Izuku cried.

"Good sluts get cock," Katsuki snorted, and Izuku heard the sound of pants hitting the floor. Fuck yes. Before he knew it, Katsuki was pushing in, slow but implacable. Izuku whimpered at each inch, enjoying the feeling of being so full. Then he felt Katsuki start to jerk him off again.

"How's my cock in your ass, Deku? Everything you fucking hoped and dreamed of?" Katsuki thrust in, and Izuku saw stars. It was too much; he was already overstimulated, Katsuki's dirty talk was breaking his brain and he really couldn't be blamed for coming pretty much immediately.

"It's good," Izuku said weakly, hiding his face. He'd tried not to finish so soon, and the failure had left him feeling strung-out and weak as he slumped against the counter.

"Fucking hell," Katsuki snorted. "You came all over my cabinets."

"Sorry," Izuku muttered, peeling his face off the counter. It was objectively pretty gross. Behind him, Katsuki appeared to be washing his hands. As soon as he managed to stand up, Katsuki pulled him into a hug.

"I'm not done with you yet," he purred in his ear. "But you can have a break, okay?"

Izuku let himself be steered into the bedroom, and be deposited on the bed. Katsuki left to clean the cabinets, because apparently he didn't want cum drying on it. Which was fair. Katsuki might love dirty sex, but he loved a clean kitchen more.

Izuku was considerably more clear-minded when Katsuki came back, still naked from the waist down. He crawled onto the bed, and sat down, leaning against the headboard.

"Up for more, Deks?" Katsuki had dropped the arrogant act, and it was a genuine question. Izuku thought about it for a moment, appreciating the gesture.

"I just need a few moments," he said, feeling a little shy. Katsuki reached out, and pulled him closer, letting Izuku rest on his chest.

"Take your time, sweetcheeks."

Surprised by the endearment, Izuku looked up.

Katsuki's smile was wicked. "But I've got something you can amuse yourself with in the meantime." He looked very pointedly down at his crotch, where he was still somehow very hard. Izuku stared, blown away for a moment. He never really took enough time appreciating Katsuki's body, his fine blond hair, the solid, powerful thighs.

"What's the matter? You had no problem grabbing it in front of my goddamn coworkers."

"Just admiring the view," Izuku told him, then licked his own hand to jack him off with. Katsuki hissed in pleasure at the touch, hips bucking upwards. "Was that okay, by the way? I probably should've asked first."

"Fuck, baby," Katsuki groaned. "I didn't mind, but asking would have been smart. Then I could've warned you that it drives me batshit crazy."

"I see," Izuku hummed, leaning in to lick Katsuki. "That's good to know." He'd definitely not ever take advantage of that knowledge, no way. Izuku was nice.

"You're a monster," Katsuki growled and took hold of Izuku's hair, controlling his pace. He slowed him down considerably, fucking his mouth slowly. "But damn, you suck cock good."

And the praise went on, and Izuku really hadn't known anyone could find so many ways to describe sucking dick, but Katsuki had apparently figured out how much talking affected Izuku. It wasn't that long before Izuku was half-hard again, bleary-eyed from having something in his mouth for so long.

Finally he pulled away, mouth dripping. "Kacchan, break's over."

"Fucking finally," Katsuki muttered, getting up. "Don't know how long I can last at this point."

Almost business-like, he flipped Izuku over, pulling his hips around. In no time, Izuku felt him pushing in again. He was already sensitive, and it was a lot. He tried not to moan horribly as Katsuki pushed deeper. He almost succeeded, too, until Katsuki bottomed out.

"Hold on tight, baby," Katsuki said, which was all the warning Izuku got before he pulled out and slammed in. Izuku took it with a shout, as he lurched forward on the bed. Katsuki didn't let up, making good on his promise to fuck him through the mattress. Izuku was out of his mind, nerves humming with pleasure despite the crushing pace Katsuki had set.

"Damn, I love fucking you," he heard Katsuki say, and a brief pause. Katsuki tugged his hips up enough to get a hand around in front of him. Izuku whimpered at the touch.

"Kacchan, it's too much," he cried. Katsuki paused.

"Should I stop?"

"No," Izuku hissed, and in case that wasn't clear enough, "Touch me, I want to feel it it's just so damn much and please just-"

"God, shut up, I got the message," Katsuki snorted. "I'll fuck you up real good."

"Please," Izuku choked out, crying out as Katsuki started moving again. Izuku was lost, burning up with pleasure. Katsuki came first with a string of curses, yanking Izuku back against him mercilessly. Then, holding him tight, Katsuki jerked him off, murmuring mindless words of praise. Izuku's orgasm ripped through him, leaving him breathless and generally dead to the world.

Not dead enough that he couldn't nuzzle into Katsuki's neck when the man pulled him close. They stayed like that for a while, breathing hard. Katsuki was the one who started moving first, running his hands over Izuku's sweaty back.

"How are you?" he murmured.

"Dead," Izuku sighed in contentment.

"I get the idea, but can you please tell me you're okay," Katsuki grumbled. Izuku pulled himself upright with a groan.

"I'm great," he hummed. "This was uh… I like this kind of thing a lot."

"Don't tell me that's why you're into me," Katsuki snorted.

"One of many reasons," Izuku shrugged, completely shameless. It's not like he was never self-conscious around Katsuki anymore, but something about being fucked within an inch of his life burned away his insecurities.

"Our Lord and Savior, Jesus H Christ, please fucking deliver me from this horny monster," Katsuki sighed.

"Don't bitch, you love it. And we're gross," Izuku told him. "I want another bath. Bath me, Kacchan."

"Demanding," Katsuki's head fell back on the blankets. "So demanding! After I just put so much effort into fucking your shitty brains out."

"And I put so much effort into being fucked," Izuku poked him in the side. Katsuki opened one eye.

"You were pretty good, I guess. Alright, you can have a goddamn bath."

Izuku relaxed in the bath, his back up against Katsuki's chest. His boyfriend's arms were around his waist, holding him loosely. Izuku couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so weightless, so light. Maybe the last time he'd had really rough sex, but it wasn't hard to admit that it was different with Katsuki. It wasn't just that Katsuki apparently knew how to push all his buttons, and had a consistently filthy mouth… it was that Katsuki really cared. It was obvious in his every moment, every touch, his laser-focus on Izuku.

"Deku," Katsuki said, interrupting Izuku's thoughts. "You awake? How ya feeling?"

"So nice," Izuku murmured, and slid a little further into the water. "I'm not really sleepy. Just relaxed."

"Izuku," Katsuki said slowly. Izuku sat up a bit. Katsuki was using his real name? "I want to talk to you about it. I mean, what you asked me a while ago, the uh," he cleared his throat, "Bullying thing. It's easier when we're like this. I mean, easier for me to be. You know. To be vulnerable."

"Oh," Izuku said, trying to switch gears from 'blissed out' to 'helpful boyfriend.'

"It doesn't have to be now," Katsuki said quietly.

"No, talk to me," Izuku told him, turning around to face him. He could count on one hand the times he'd seen Katsuki being truly vulnerable, and if he felt safe enough to be like that now… then Izuku wanted to be there for him. Katsuki looked at him for a long moment, looking sad.

"I've actually thought about it for years, about why I bullied you and why I was such a shit. I can't, I mean, you don't know, well. Fuck. You already know I'm sorry, so I won't just keep fucking apologizing over and over like it changes anything."

"Katsuki," Izuku whispered, his heart wrenching. While maybe Izuku hadn't entirely forgiven his past treatment, he didn't hold it against the man he was with now. And that man? Izuku cared so damn much about him, and hated to see him hurting.

Katsuki shook his head slightly. "Well there's the stuff you know about. My huge ego being enabled by every fucking authority figure, my inferiority and superiority complexes, and just my natural shitty personality."

"Right," Izuku said, trying to sound soft and encouraging. Trying to hide the shaking of his hands under the bathwater. He wanted to be here for Katsuki through this, but he was about to hear the answer to one of the biggest questions of his life. Why him? What had ruined their friendship?

"Another part of it was just that I didn't always fucking like you," Katsuki said, avoiding Izuku's eyes. It hurt to hear, but it was the unadulterated truth. "Probably because I knew you were better than me, and I hated it."

"What?" Izuku looked up in shock. Katsuki met his eyes with a half-smile.

"I wanted to be a hero, but I acted like a villain. Fucking villains are still trying to recruit me. No, I knew you were always going to be better at it than me."

"I'm not-" Izuku tried to say, but Katsuki cut him off.

"You are. I'm a fucking brawler that HQ just points and shoots at villains. I'm barely a decent rescue hero, just fucking good for beating the shit out of people. Which is fine and has its place, whatever. My point is that I wanted to put you down because I was threatened. And that was really wrong."

"I didn't know you felt like that," Izuku whispered. Katsuki shrugged.

"That's the easy part."

"Easy?" Izuku choked out. He already wanted to cry, half for himself and half for Katsuki, for a kid who had such a twisted sense of himself and his self-worth that he couldn't have any healthy relationship with the world around him.

Bakuguo reflexively rubbed his face, then looked faintly disgusted when he realized his hands were wet. Izuku smiled despite himself.

"Izuku, this is the hard part for me," Katsuki told him, voice faint.

"I'm listening," he just said, scooting in so that their knees touched.

"I uh, I was a pretty quiet infant," Katsuki said, out of all things. Izuku was completely thrown. Thankfully, Katsuki continued as if this made sense. "Everyone thought I'd be just like my dad. Obviously that didn't happen, but uh…"

He trailed off, face tense. Izuku found his hand and squeezed it. He had no idea where Katsuki was going with this, but it seemed difficult.

"Obviously. My mother was always loud, you know? I just kind of picked it up, even as a toddler. Not that I'm blaming everything on her, I know I'm responsible for my own actions but my old counselor said she thought the hag was maybe verbally abusive or whatever, and fuck, she threw things and screamed at me and dad all the time but I just thought it was normal."

Katsuki stopped suddenly, and took a deep breath. His grip on Izuku's hand was getting painfully tight.

"I, I didn't know," Izuku whispered. He'd always figured it was just how the Bakugous showed affection.

"I didn't either," Katsuki ground out. "It's fucking… I don't know. I don't know if I'd call her that, call her abusive… but she definitely taught me really toxic ways of relating to people. Like, to curse and shout at the people I care most about. When I was a kid, that was you."

Oh. It felt like the floor had fallen out from under Izuku. Katsuki kept talking, face angled down, his expression set as if he was determined to get this out if it killed him.

"It's like, shit, like what I talked about with my counselor. Abusive people stop seeing their victims like individual fucking people, and just see them as extensions of themselves that need to be beaten into a shape that satisfies them. But it doesn't fucking work because you can't treat people like that and it just makes this horrible fucking toxic cycle and-"

He let out a choked sob. Izuku's heart stopped for a moment, and he tried to move closer. He stopped when Katsuki kept talking, his words coming out fast and harsh.

"That's what dad and me were to my mother, just fucking puppets she tried to force into whatever vision she had for us. I was never good enough, I'm still not and I never will be because it's not a fucking real expectation! She doesn't want me to succeed! She just wants to have something to hold over my head and beat me with. And it's fucked up because she was a good mom a lot of the time, and I still love the hag but fuck, some of the shit she did really fucked me up and I still don't know what's normal, sometimes."

"Katsuki, I'm so sorry," Izuku whispered. Katsuki shook his head, still looking down. If this was how it was, no wonder he wouldn't talk about it in the damn rec center.

"No, no. You can't be sorry for me because I-" another choked sob, "That's how I was looking at you. When we were kids. I was fucking turning into my mother and because I fucking saw you as mine, I took it on myself to treat you badly and push you down. And I'm so fucking sorry and I should never have done it."

Katsuki looked up finally, meeting Izuku's eyes. He was crying, actually crying, tears rolling down his face. "I'm so damn scared, Izuku. I'm so fucking scared I'm going to end up like her and mistreat everyone I care about. Because I," he sobbed again, "I already did. And it's so damn bad because it was you , and I care about you so damn much and knowing I treated you like that kills me. It fucking kills me, Izuku, and I'd rather fucking end myself than ever do that to you again and, and, and…" and he was breaking down, his face twisting before he let out another choked sob.

Unthinkingly, Izuku reached out and pulled the man into a hug. Katsuki buried his face in the crook of Izuku's neck, and sobbed. Really, truly sobbed, his whole body shaking, his fingers digging into Izuku's back like he was holding on for dear life. He was saying half-formed sentences between sobs, fragments of apologies, how afraid he was, how horrible he'd been, how Izuku shouldn't have to comfort him through this, and so on.

Izuku just held him, stroking his hair, and let him cry. He held him until the sobs faded into harsh, jagged breathing, until his breaths evened out slowly, until the bathwater became lukewarm.

Finally, Katsuki pulled away to look Izuku in his face. His eyes were puffy and bloodshot, and he looked exhausted. "I'm sorry," he murmured. "For dumping all this on you."

"I'm glad you did," Izuku told him, reaching out to cradle his face. "Thank you for telling me."

Katsuki shut his eyes for a moment, and nodded tightly. Izuku was overcome by just how much he cared for this man.

"Bakugou Katsuki," he said. Katsuki met his eyes, looking a little afraid. Izuku took a deep breath. He wanted Katsuki to hear him, understand him. "Kacchan, I'm glad you told me. I don't want you to think that I've ever downplayed how you treated me, but I want you to know that I accept your apologies. I know how bad it was, and I forgive you."

"I… I don't deserve it."

"No," Izuku said, resolved to get his point across. "You do deserve it. I'm not dating the version of you from back then, Katsuki. I wouldn't. For all the great things about you, you were awful back then, and you'd have been an awful partner. You were also a child, and as soon as you learned how, you chose to be better."

"I guess."

"And now I'm your boyfriend," Izuku told him, brushing away Katsuki's tears. "This relationship is good. You're good to me. I've never felt afraid of you, or threatened by you. I can talk to you more easily than anyone I've ever been with, and maybe that's not saying a lot about my communication skills but there's no one else I would want to do this with."

"Izuku," Katsuki trailed off, the pain on his face slowly replaced with wonder. Izuku pressed a kiss to his mouth, brief and soft.

"I'm not trying to sweep our past under a rug, Kacchan, but you should understand I'm with you for who you are now . Because you're a great hero, you're ambitious, because you never back down, because you never compromise on who you are or what you want. You're so damn brave, and it's inspiring. I love how much you care about everything, how your personality fills every room you walk into, and how you're so aggressive and sweet and over the top about everything."

Izuku took a deep breath. "I'm just saying I want to be with you because of who you are right now. And I'm really happy with you, and I wouldn't be with you if I had any doubt that you wouldn't treat me well."

"You're going to make me cry again," Katsuki said, his voice hoarse.

"Cry all you want," Izuku smiled, and kissed his forehead. "I'll be here for you."

"You fucking…" Katsuki trailed off. "You mean the damn world to me, Izuku. I honestly can't tell you how much this means to me. I'm so fucking grateful to be in your life."

What could Izuku say to that? He just kissed Katsuki's salty, tear-stained face, trying to smother him with affection. Finally Katsuki shoved him away with a grunt, insisting on showering off after sitting in the bath for so long.

Izuku ended up rinsing off with him. It felt like they were finally washing away the pain of their past, and Izuku finally saw the person he was with. He was an amazing man, and Izuku felt damn lucky to be in his life.

They ended up on the couch, and Katsuki switched the TV on. Food Network popped up on the screen, which once Izuku thought about it, really wasn't that surprising. He just laid in Katsuki's arms, watching Gordon Ramsey curse out some questionable cooks. Izuku drifted away in thought, as Katsuki absentmindedly played with his hair. So many more things made sense, now. Why Katsuki had been so reluctant to start a relationship, how stressed he was about hurting Izuku or communication badly, and Izuku felt like he finally understood Katsuki as a person. Why he'd worked so hard to become a better person after so much time spent angry and violent. Izuku's mental and physical exhaustion caught up with him fairly quickly, and soon enough they'd fallen asleep on the couch, holding each other.

Katsuki walked him out of his apartment the next morning. His boyfriend was being extra affectionate, keeping an arm around him until they went through the gates. Izuku was in his hero costume, and currently was at very high risk for running late. Katsuki was waiting for an inevitable call from his on-call status, and in the meantime elected to lounge around in a loose band tank top and standard-issue Hero Association sweats with 'Ground Zero' down the side in orange. Casual, and unforgivably hot. How had Izuku managed to snag such a catch?

"What are you looking at?" Katsuki said, trailing after Izuku.

"Checking you out," Izuku grinned. "See anyone else around?"

Katsuki peered up and down the street, but it was ass-early on a Saturday and the area was deserted. "I see this really embarrassing nerd, but that's it," he grinned. Izuku rolled his eyes.

"And are you gonna kiss the embarrassing nerd goodbye before he leaves to be the world's best hero? Izuku fluttered his eyelashes.

With an impressively loud snort, Katsuki grabbed his hips and yanked him in. Giggling, Izuku threw his arms around Katsuki's neck.

"Hey, nerd," Katsuki smiled down at Izuku. Izuku was utterly taken with him. Katsuki bumped noses with him, out of character but devastatingly adorable regardless. Impatient, Izuku lifted his chin and kissed him sweetly, lingeringly, enjoying the feel of Katsuki's smile against his.

"Hi," Izuku smiled up at him.

"Go wreck some villains, baby," Katsuki murmured. Izuku turned to go, then froze. A slim woman was approaching, hands held up. Izuku jerked away from Katsuki like he'd been burned.

"Gotcha," she said, holding up a phone screen and a malicious grin. It took about 0.5 seconds for Katsuki to have a sparking hand in her face.

"Delete it," he snarled. Izuku jogged up behind him, frowning.

"Oh, I couldn't possibly," she said, in a horribly sing-song voice.

"I'm sure I can persuade you," Katsuki sneered. The sparks danced higher from his hand, and the air started to smell like smoke.

"It's already posted," she shrugged. "And Ground Zero? You can quit the fireworks, I know you won't actually hurt me."

"He'd better not," Izuku said. "But please delete that photo, or take the post down. I'm sure we can make some kind of agreement."

"Yeah," Katsuki growled, fists clenched. "She takes it down and I don't rip her fucking head off."

"It's been shared two-hundred times already," the woman shrugged. "Would you like to add an official statement to go with it? I'll make sure Heroes Weekly publishes it with a photo you approve of."

Katsuki snatched the phone from her, and frowned over the post. Izuku leaned in. It was just a picture of them kissing, Izuku obviously in his Deku costume. Katsuki was unmistakable in the Ground Zero sweats. Shit.

"It's kind of a nice photo," Izuku said, reluctantly.

"Oh for fuck's sake," Katsuki groaned, running a hand through his hair.

Well, it was a nice photo. Katsuki was leaning down to kiss him, and Izuku's arms were around his shoulders, pulling him closer. It looked lovely and intimate, and now it was on display for the world to dissect. Izuku felt sick. The caption beneath read: Hottest new hero couple? Sparks fly between @OfficialGroundZero and @HeroDeku in a heated morning kiss!

"Heated morning kiss?" Katsuki scoffed.

"Hey, I was in a rush," the woman protested. "I'm Kazuko, by the way. From Heroes Weekly. Nice to meet you both!"

"Kazuko," Katsuki said, slowly. "Well. Congratulations on breaking the news! You and your entire network are now officially blacklisted by me and my public relations team, effective now. Permanently."

She paled. "Wait, don't be hasty-"

"Also mine," Izuku added, because this was actually one of the things they'd discussed with Ono and Suika. Bless those two for knowing their jobs.

"And any other heroes that I can persuade," Katsuki added, showing teeth. "And I'm very goddamn persuasive."

"About as persuasive as a machine gun," Kazuko muttered. "Fine. What do you want? The post isn't coming down, and the cat's already out of the bag."

"I want positive press," Katsuki said. "You and Heroes Weekly's entire staff are going to be so fucking supportive of our relationship. I'm honestly fucking humbled by how diligently you work to uphold our public image. We're both so grateful for all your hard work." The sarcasm in his voice was damn near corrosive, eroding Kazuki's bravado.

"I- I can't promise that…" Kazuki said, looking a little nauseous. News agencies thrive off of scandals, and this wouldn't bring them that much money. But then, it was likely better than being blacklisted by several of the most prominent heroes in the city.

"I think you'd better fucking work on it," Katsuki snapped, handing her phone back. "We'll be awaiting documents. Send copies to both of our PR firms. If I don't hear back in twelve hours, I'm personally going to end your fucking career. Got it?"

"Okay," she ground out, teeth clenched. "You're such an asshole."

"You invaded our privacy," Izuku told her, feeling deeply unsympathetic. "Ground Zero's being generous; you deserve worse."

With a last glare at them both, Kazuko stormed away.

Izuku blinked after her. In an instant, his world had changed. "You didn't even explode her phone," Izuku said distantly.

"I like when you back me up," Katsuki told him, pulling him into a hug.

"Fuck," Izuku said, eloquently. "We're fucked."

"And it's cute when you swear."

"Calling me cute won't make me feel better," Izuku grumbled, despite already feeling better. He could hear Katsuki's laugh in his chest.

"At least we don't have to hide anymore, right?"

That was actually a good point. Izuku hadn't really thought about what it would be like to have a public relationship, or at least, he hadn't thought about the benefits of being public. It would be nice not to have to hide.

"Which means I can do this," Katsuki added, and stepped in to kiss Izuku right in the middle of the street. Like, tongue-down-his-throat levels of making out. Izuku tried to kiss back, but kept laughing until he was uncontrollably giggling while Katsuki sloppily kissed his cheek.

After far too long of that nonsense, Katsuki pulled back. Fondly, he wiped the saliva off Izuku's cheek. "See? It's not gonna be that bad."

"As long as I'm with you," Izuku said, still giggling. Katsuki looked like he was about to accuse Izuku of being a cheesy motherfucker (which was true), but the world exploded in white.

Izuku was blinded for too long, eyes burning from the shock. Then thunder rolled, deafening. He'd fallen to his knees, clutching his ears in pain.

"Striker," Katsuki hissed, eyes wide. "Fuck, she actually fucking did it." Izuku could barely hear him over the ringing in his ears.

"What?" Izuku said, shell-shocked. Around him, the power was out, people were screaming, and several buildings were already on fire. A powerline pole had crushed a house, and Izuku could barely gather the strength to stumble to his feet.

Lightning had struck, and it had struck everywhere . One had stuck near them, but they weren't the only place. He could see plumes of smoke rising across the city in every direction.