Chapter 22

Tsunade, having left Sakura in charge of observing Naruto, walked down the hospital hallway and found Shizune at the end of the hall. She handed her a chart of Naruto's status and Shizune looked it over before returning her mistress's gaze.

"Tsunade-sama, how long do you believe it will take for that seal to completely vanish?" Shizune asked.

"Since Madara probably taught Obito that seal, there's no telling but at the rate he's going, he'll back to normal very soon." Tsunade said before handing the vial of medicine used over to Shizune.

"Is this it?" Shizune said upon receiving the medicine.

"Yes, I need you to get a refill just in case." Tsunade said.

"Yes, milady." Shizune said before hurrying the hallway and leaving the blonde woman to return to Naruto's hospital room. As she walked down the hall, she inspected the vial and noted its similarity to another medicine known for increasing fertility before continuing on her way.


Tsunade returned to the room just in time to see all of Shiseru, Emi, Yugao, Tamaki, Tsubaki, and Kujaku take the places of Hana, Ranke, Fugai, Kamira, and Fuka as they were escorted off the bed by Tayuya and Samui; whom the clones had to be distracted from grabbing. Tayuya and Samui led the girls to the nearby nurse lounge where all of Naruto's previous partners were currently refreshing themselves for potential romp renewals with him and Tsunade noted the only remaining girls to be Tokiwa, Pakura, Yukata, Honoka, Emina, and Ni.

"Naruto-kun, do you remember me?" Shiseru asked as Naruto, whose eyes were once again blue with savage lust, sat her on his lap and prepared to enter her. As she braced herself, he suddenly paused and observed the scars on her torso before his fingers were lit with chakra.

"What's wrong?" Shiseru asked before he planted his hands on her backside and she then felt every last one of her childhood scars, both external and internal, quickly healing. Amazed by this, the only answers she could think of were that the scars likely discouraged the blonde from engaging in any sexual acts with her or that healing them came from a subconscious need to help her.

Before she could say anything, he looked at her and grunted before placing his hands on her newly healed flesh. She sighed as she stroked his tower a few times and lowered her entrance on it before his manhood was fully housed inside of her.

Shiseru's eyes watered at the strength Naruto's cannon possessed as he began shooting it into her folds and her hips started wiggling as he sat up. He held up her breasts and savagely licked at her bountiful bosom while smothering the flesh together.

Naruto's hips shot forward and Shiseru placing her feet on either side of him while now bucking her own hips. As the younger man plowed his erection through her folds, her eyes continue to water in pleasure along with her face becoming a crimson color and he licked at her tits while they heaved in his hands.

She placed her hands on his shoulders and held onto him while their hips versed the other. Naruto lustfully snarled as he opened his mouth and gnawed at the bouncing mounds with his canines slowly piercing the flesh.

Shiseru cried out from this while his tongue rubbed on her bud with his teeth lodged in the breast and she ran her fingers through his hair. Watching his mouth gnaw on her orb, he fondled and palmed the other with the bud being teased by his index finger and thumb.

Naruto pulled on the bud before releasing it and massaging the flesh as Shiseru held his face to her twins. She trailed her fingers through his hair and he eventually switched to the opposing can as he planted his hands on her rear.

With him over exceeding her expectations, she tightly held onto his shoulders and marveled at the great speed he possessed while looking at his clones each having trysts with the other women. Shiseru's walls grinded Naruto's cock as it thunderously flew into her and her toes began curled with her nails beginning to dig into his shoulders.

He removed his canines from her breast and her full lips immediately found his with him groping at her peach. Naruto and Shiseru's tongues eagerly licked and tasted the other as his crotch accelerated forward to send his glory striking against her womb.

Naruto's tongue ferociously dominated Shiseru's and her eyes shut in bliss with her twins squishing on his heart. Sweat began to pour from her temple and quickly make its way down her body as she grinded his cock by working her hips together.

He observed her shimmering eyes and battled her tongue with extreme force shared with his thrusts. Shiseru's mind began turning blank from feeling his mighty length slamming against her innards and reaching the depths of her stomach with their current position helping.

She then felt his left hand move from her derriere and rest on the back of her head while holding her to him. Her arms wrapped around his backside and a muffled growl came from him as he felt her nails digging into him.

Though the many scratch marks he received would heal shortly, that didn't mean Naruto found it anymore pleasant to deal with and pushed the thought to the side at Shiseru's uterus beginning to open as the tip of his hardness hit against it.

Her eyes begin to ascend to the back of her head as she felt his thick, pulsing erection swell within her pussy and her toes began curling as their lips separated. She smiled with complete ecstasy and felt Naruto take to licking at the tops of her cans as he slightly leaned back to cup them again.

Naruto let out a bestial snarl once he felt the narrow walls squeezed his drenched stiffness and it spurted multiple seeds into her stomach. As she felt the fiery liquid flood her warmth, she cried out and continue to smile as the blonde licked her neck.

Meanwhile, Tamaki loudly mewled as her respective partner plowed into her from behind and his lap smacked against her keister while addictively holding onto her breasts. She tightly held onto the bed and chills of pleasure were sent down her spine from feeling his tongue feverishly licking on her neck.

"His pistons are so hard! If he keeps this up, it's only a matter of time before I…" Tamaki thought before her thoughts were interrupted by the clone framing her face and she turned her head to have him to lick her lips. Tamaki opened her mouth and licked his tongue before they rubbed them together as he took hold of her forearms.

With her breasts now freely swaying forward, the clone stood up and she rose to her feet with him. The clone kept his grip on her forearms and she rutted her hips against his with her eyes closing.

Tamaki blushed as the Naruto replica rammed his cannon into her pussy and held onto her forearms while she whimpered from the power his thrusts possessed. He freed her left arm and lowered his neck in order for her to place it on the crook of it.

His next move was to lift her leg off the floor and hoisted it into the air before he kept it arched. Tamaki's free hand rested on his hand as she felt the clone once again licking her neck and her arm remained on the crook of his neck for balance.

Her eyes opened to look down at his crotch as it jerked itself upright and his erection was sent packing into her womanhood while she rode it in her current position. Tamaki shook her waist and held onto the clone until a husky growl sounded from him sometime later.

Tamaki let out the loudest moan she could upon feeling her walls wrap around his hilt and a geyser of semen erupted through her tunnels with the other half of it exploding from her pussy. The blend of semen and inner juices poured onto the floor as it cascaded down his testicles and he once again framed Tamaki's mouth before pressing his lips against hers.

As the dreamy look in her eyes remained, Tamaki caressed his jawline and both stayed in their current position before eventually switching to a new one. Tsunade kept her eyes on the dōjutsu symbol as it slowly continue to recede and began contemplating another plan to cure him.

While the medic pondered her secondary plan, Kujaku lie on her side on the floor as the blonde she was paired with pounded into her tunnels while keeping her leg arched into the air. As the clone crotch met against hers, her chest heaved in accordance with the blonde's movements and her face reached a crimson blush from his speed.

"Hurry it up and come already, boy!" Kujaku commanded the clone in her typical arrogant tone and the clone responded by licking against her cheek. Her hands remained on the floor and her eyes started sparkling after some time had passed.

As most of her predecessors had done, she had underestimated his sexual stamina and energy but this mostly stemmed from her arrogant nature. Kujaku's breasts squished on the floor with the clone's free hand resting on her shoulder and she looked down at her fellow women as they each pleasured their respective partner.

Though she wouldn't admit it, she was astounded by how deep this Naruto's hardness was striking and how quick her pussy walls were getting tighter with each move. She moaned and he caressed the underside of her leg with his tongue gliding up and down her neck.

Kujaku's haughty façade began to dissolve with a grin taking form in its place and her blush deepened from his tongue rubbing on her. The clone's tongue traveled to her earlobe and he began to heavily pant with her.

Her hands stayed planted on the floor as she balanced herself and felt his erection growing within her caverns. His tongue rubbed and licked at Kujaku's earlobe before rearing onto his knees with him still holding onto her arched leg.

She slightly stumbled but regained her balance and continued to smile until she felt her innards tighten around his member and her stomach was flooded with his semen. The clone observed her reaction and licked her face with their release pouring from her entrance onto the floor.

Meanwhile, Emi found herself underneath Naruto as his member plummeted into her core and she wrapped her legs around him while bucking her hips in order to grind him. Given how much he was squeezing and toying with her heaving bosom, she couldn't help but wonder if he remembered when he and Jiraiya had met her years ago.

Naruto's fingers rubbed and squeezed her flesh together while she tightly clung to him. Her deep brown eyes looked into his ultramarine ones and she felt his tongue licking against her lips before she invited it to the inside of her mouth.

Emi worked her hips against the possessed blonde and muffled moans could be clearly heard from her mouth as he thrashed into her womanhood. The more he thrust his hardness into the depths of her stomach; her mind gave into her ecstasy-ridden state and her eyes looked into his.

"Not entirely sure if he remembers me that well but he sure is thrusting inside me like he does." Emi thought as she hung onto Naruto and battled his tongue wildly licking her own. She ran her fingers through his hair and he squeezed at her bulbs with his index finger and thumb.

Emi's eyes sparkled in response to his teasing of her breasts and her legs stayed locked around him to allow his hardness to go as deep as possible inside of her warmth. His hips shot downward and rocketed his member through her lower flaps as the innards grinded him.

Naruto ended the kiss and licked Emi's cheek as she clung to him while he lustfully growled. Her blush glowed on her face and she purred from his constant licking. With his fingers remaining fixated on rubbing her quaking orbs together, she grew tighter on him and the blonde's snarling intensified with his testicles also become tighter until he emptied his fiery substance within her wetness.

Emi smiled from feeling the heated fluids overflowing from her pussy and Naruto nuzzled her cheek before she faced him. Although both were drenched with undying amounts of sweat, he turned her onto her side and switched with a clone as he noticed Tsubaki on the bed having finished performing fellatio on of his replicas.

Within a second, he held her in the wheelbarrow position and pounded his aching glory into her womanhood. Tsubaki easily kept her balance with her hands steadily on the bed and her breasts freely flung forward in accordance with the Jinchuuruki's thrusts.

Tsunade and Sakura looked on as Naruto's seal continue to slowly grow smaller in size and he held Tsubaki's legs apart. He licked at her ankles as he kept her legs apart and pumped his steely cannon into the depths of her womanhood.

Tsubaki smiled upon receiving his thrusts and sank her nails into the mattress for added balance as he kept her legs hoisted in the air. Her dark eyes sparkled from Naruto sending his hardness thundering into her entrance and he swelled inside her with each movement.

"Naruto-kun, you're bigger than Mizuki!" Tsubaki cried out with her crimson blush deepening and despite his mindset not being normal, this made the blonde grin at being deemed better than sex at his former enemy. His pace was unaffected by their position as his member raged and throbbed about inside of her vaginal walls.

She gripped the railing from knowing it was only a matter of time before her womanhood would squeeze his semen out of him and the thought of it made her inside wetter. This made Naruto growl as he shot his hilt forward and her ass was struck by his crotch rapidly flying forward.

Her fingers tightly gripped the bed and he continued to dunk his erection into her entrance while keeping her legs in the air. Tsubaki grinned with Naruto and his animalistic movements caused her to loudly mewl with her limit getting reached.

Naruto looked down at his seal beginning to vanish and failed to notice of his shadow clones disappear once he unleashed his semen. The warm, gooey substance both filled her stomach and sprayed from her walls in multiple foaming streams with her own juices flowing out of her tunnels.

Tsubaki's mind had already become blank the moment his semen had been fired into her core and he set her down before slamming her lips against hers. Given how she compared him to Mizuki a while back, she wondered if this was also a way of inquiring who was a better kisser between the two and waited until his lips left hers.

"Definitely a better kisser than him, too." Tsubaki smiled and Naruto, either of out of gratitude or satisfaction, licked her face a few times before leaving her alone for the time being. He looked around to see the girls by themselves and that his shadow clones had all disappeared with his seal glowing before his head cocked in confusion.

"The seal weakening must be interfering with his ability to utilize chakra properly to where he can use clones." Tsunade speculated.

"Tsunade-sama, when the seal vanishes, will Naruto-kun be normal again or will something else happen entirely?" Sakura asked.

"I don't know, Sakura. I truly don't know." Tsunade said from knowing that if Madara was, in fact, the reason Obito knew the technique used on Naruto, the possibility of something else unexpected happening was likely.

The medical veteran looked to see Yugao wrapping her arms around Naruto as he held her against the wall and thrashed his glory forward with her hips working against his. Her lips were immediately met by his eager ones and he palmed her breast with his other hand groping at her peach.

Yugao stared deep into Naruto's wild eyes and was certain that a small area of them looked bluer than the rest of his hues. This made her believe that the bright his eyes were, the more normal he'd returned to being and her other can swung against his chest from his rapid speed rocking her whole body as she thrust down upon it.

Naruto and Yugao gripped the other while her womanhood accepted his tower flying into her stomach and she caressed his whisker marks with her hands moving to either side of his face. Despite her virginity being lost, her hips worked against his as a testament to her ANBU prowess and Naruto's hilt vibrated within her great depths.

Her eyes slowly began to shut from feeling his hardness madly throbbing and pulsating inside of her wetness as his semen-drenched member savagely struck her innards. Yugao stroked Naruto's cheeks as her calm mindset descending to the throes of passion and he pawed at her rear flesh in return.

Yugao's tongue put up a good fight against Naruto's but his own ultimately experience one quickly dominated hers and she groaned from it overpowering hers. The rest of his current partners all sat by and watched him endlessly drive his hips forward with Yugao's own movements countering them the whole time.

Naruto rammed his member into Yugao and his eyes slowly closed with their lips remaining together for the whole time right as both their releases exploded from her crevices. Beneath her shut eyelids, Yugao's eyes had a dreamy look in them from Naruto's substance coursing through her tunnels coiled around him and he moved back from the wall.

He crouched down and rested the ANBU on her back before she undid her legs. Naruto freed his manhood from her folds and licked her lips while she continue to caress his face.

"Well done, Naruto-kun." Yugao answered before Naruto nuzzled her and he looked to his other partners before decided on Shiseru.

Not long onwards

Tsunade looked as Yugao sat astride Naruto and rode him while looking at the other women. Both Emi and Tamaki were currently resting against the wall along with Shiseru and it was clear that their stamina was admirable but not on par with the kunoichi present on the bed.

Knowing that Yugao, Tsubaki, and Kujaku wouldn't last much longer, Tsunade looked to the few remaining women present and nodded to them while they tried to think of what to do next. They observed his receding symbol and began discussing ideas.


"Well, Mito, dear, it seems there's another Uzumaki present." Hashirama said as he noticed Honoka and Mito observed the young woman's red hair.

"No doubt about it. It seems some Uzumakicest is bound to restore some more of the clan after all." Mito smiled until she heard chains swinging and both she and Hashirama looked behind them to see a wasted Kushina twirling her chains like helicopter blades.

"Uzumaki what?!" Kushina growled in a drunken voice.

"Kushina-chan, have you come to join the show?" Mito smiled.

"Show?! You're perving on my baby boy and you call this a show?!" Kushina said before raising the chains over her head.

"Have mercy!" The panicked Hashirama and Mito cried in unison as the protective mother swung the chains at him.