Chapter 3

Later on that night, after Sasuke was sure Sakura was asleep; he sneaked back to his parent's palace. Not out of fear of getting caught but because he didn't want to deal with her if she was awake.

It had taken him longer than usual to get to his parents palace since he couldn't ride his horse there like he usually did but he arrived eventually. He was a little sweaty and out of breath but it didn't matter since he'd be training anyways. He dressed in a simple white open training haori, which was held together by a red-corded belt, he also wore traditional black loose fitting training pants and common training footwear.

While Sasuke waited for Naruto to arrive in the garden, the autumn wind blew through the trees. It was cold out; he should've brought an overcoat. He hoped Naruto dressed warmly, he didn't want his love to catch a cold. Twenty minutes later Sasuke heard the steady sound of feet thumping against the ground. He quickly hid himself behind a bush and peered out to see who had come. Of course it was Naruto. He had to make sure though, he couldn't get caught before he even had the chance to teach Naruto anything. If it had been a guard and Naruto showed up a little later it could've ended everything.

"Sasuke-kun?" Naruto called out softly. "Are you here?" Naruto's long blonde hair was tied up into a high ponytail, and there was a simple flower jade pin holding his bangs back so that they wouldn't hang in his face. Sasuke recognized the jade pin as the same one Naruto had worn on the last day he had been here five years ago. Naruto's body was cloaked in a ground length overcoat and his eyes were wide and alert.

Sasuke stepped out from behind the bush. "I'm right here, don't worry."

"Oh," Naruto whirled around in Sasuke's direction. "I had begun to think that you hadn't come."

"If I had no intention of coming I would've made sure to inform you, I wouldn't want you out here all alone."

"Such a gentleman." Naruto blushed.

"Of course I am, you're my brothers future submissive. You deserve to be treated with respect."

"Oh, okay then." Naruto beamed. "Before we begin I want to tell you that I'm grateful that you agreed to train me."

Sasuke bowed. "It's my pleasure. I'm more than happy to train you."

"So am I." Naruto's eyes remained on Sasuke for a few seconds then he suddenly dropped his cloak, revealing his body. "Let's get started, then."

Sasuke's mind blanked. He heard Naruto saying words but he couldn't focus on them because Naruto's attire was...distracting. Naruto was definitely not dressed appropriately for the chilly weather.

Naruto was wearing a short blue yukata. The sleeves were still long but the length of the yukata only went up to Naruto's hips. However, that wasn't what was distracting Sasuke, it was the black shorts and thigh high black socks that Naruto was wearing that was making Sasuke's mind short circuit. The exposed skin of Naruto's supple thighs were displayed for his eyes to see and Sasuke wanted nothing more than to spread them and see what lay in between. They looked so soft and untouched, they'd defiantly bruise easily if he bit them...


Sasuke shook his head to refocus his mind back into reality. He quickly drew his eyes away from Naruto's body.

"You shouldn't have worn that."

"Why?" Naruto asked innocently.

"I don't have any right to look at your exposed thighs, you belong to Itachi. He has to grant me permission to look upon any exposed part of your body."

Naruto blushed. "I-I didn't know that, we don't have that custom in Whirlpool Country."

"It's okay, you didn't know." Sasuke said while still averting his eyes.

"So what does this mean? Is our training session canceled? Because I can't go back to my sleeping chambers and sneak back out again, it'll be too dangerous."

"It seems we'll have to postpone until tomorrow then." Sasuke replied. He was disappointed too; he had been looking forward to this all afternoon.

"B-but I don't want to wait until tomorrow!" Naruto cried urgently, "how about I give you permission? Huh, it's my body, I give you permission to look at it Sasuke-kun!"

Naruto's words were so erotic and he didn't even know it. It was driving Sasuke insane. If Naruto had been an unclaimed submissive he would've taken that as permission to enter their body.

"No, it doesn't work like that, my brother has to be the one to grant me permission since you'll be his submissive after the wedding."

"That's not fair." Naruto whined. "Ah, I have an idea!"

Sasuke heard fabric ripping and then silence.

"Okay, you can look now Sasuke-kun."

Sasuke looked up. Naruto had ripped his overcoat and had tied the fabric around his thighs so that there were two bows tied around them.

"Now you can't see anything~" Naruto sang excitedly.

Sasuke could still see the soft skin of Naruto's thighs protruding around the tied bows. They looked like two presents. Sasuke internally groaned it didn't even make a difference. If anything it made Naruto's thighs look even more enticing.

"Untie them."

"B-but if I do you won't be able to train me!"

"I will, don't worry, I've decided to ignore the rules, I'm already breaking so many by training you and being alone with you, one more broken rule won't hurt."

"Are you sure?" Naruto questioned gently. "If it bothers Sasuke-kun too much I can go." Naruto's golden eyebrows lifted and his pink lips jutted out into a pout, making him appear even cuter.

Sasuke nodded his head. "Your thighs will be marked if you leave that material tied around them for too long, I don't want your delicate skin to be ruined because of me."

Naruto blushed and quickly undid the ties. They fluttered to the ground, once again exposing Naruto's thighs.

Sasuke took a deep breath. He'd have to focus extremely hard in order to focus on teaching Naruto and not on his body instead.

"Okay first I'm going to teach you the basics..."

Sasuke trained Naruto every night in the garden for the next four days. A wedding typically took a month to plan so Sasuke had about a week and a half left until Naruto was claimed completely by Itachi and their training would end.

Every time Sasuke thought about it he wanted to take Naruto far, far away and keep him hidden for him self but he knew he couldn't. For one Naruto's parents would definitely find them and for another Sasuke couldn't betray his brother like that-he'd never intentionally hurt his brother. So, as the days passed Sasuke cherished each night he got to spend with Naruto. He realized that Naruto was an easy person to love. He was innocent and fiercely determined to learn. Every day Sasuke's love grew stronger and stronger; it felt like at any moment it'd burst.

"You're a quick learner, you've grasped the basics astonishingly fast." Sasuke said with pride.

They had just finished their lesson; Naruto was reclining on the grass. His blonde hair was plaited into one long braid; the hair of his bangs hung loose and blew in the wind. Even while sweaty and breathing hard Naruto was stunning.

"Yeah," Naruto laughed nervously. "Or maybe you're just a really good sensei, Sasuke-kun."

"It's not that, I'm a horrible sensei. You've completely surpassed my expectations." Sasuke sat on the ground next to Naruto. "It's like you already know how to fight."

"Ah, really?" Naruto's voice raised an octave. "Maybe I really am just gifted?"

"No. It's more than that…are you sure you haven't trained befo-"

"Ah! It's getting late!" Naruto abruptly stood up, "I should head back already! Sasuke-kun thank you for teaching me again tonight! Please be here again tomorrow!" Naruto bowed and then scurried off.

Once again an intuition told Sasuke that Naruto was hiding something but just like last time, he chose to ignore it. Sasuke smiled as he watched Naruto's retreating figure, unbeknownst to him a pair of amber eyes also watched from a distance.

The next day Sasuke's mother had requested his presence at the Uchiha palace. Sasuke usually only went to the palace for dinner so his mothers early summon interested him. What was so important that she couldn't tell him during the day?

When Sasuke arrived at his parent's palace an irritating sight greeted him. Sakura. She was standing outside the palace doors with her hand resting over her belly.

"I waited for your arrival Sasuke-kun!" Sakura shouted. She bounded down the steps and ran to greet her husband. Sasuke briefly wished that she had tripped on the steps and killed her and the weak baby growing inside of her. It was a violent wish to have but one that Sasuke desperately wanted to happen.

"You look so handsome today Sasuke-kun! I missed you." Sakura gushed as she latched herself onto Sasuke's arm. They walked up the steps leading into the palace. The guards at the sides of the door bowed as the royal couple walked past them. "You should wear white more often...although...I am a little angry that everyone can now see your chest."

Sasuke rolled his eyes. He had worn the white training shirt that he had been wearing during his spars with Naruto. He could smell Sakura's arousal as her green eyes eyed his exposed skin. "But then again I'm happy to see your chest again after so many nights of you refusing my advances."

"Stop talking." Sasuke grumbled underneath his breath. He wanted to cut Sakura's tongue out, why did she constantly have to annoy him?

As they walked a butler approached them, the graying butler bowed and then raised his head.

"Good afternoon your majesty, Lady Mikoto requests your presence in her west wing powder chambers," the butlers eyes looked at Sakura dryly, the dislike for her was clear in his wrinkled face, "she also requests that you come alone."

"Very well then, you may return to your duty."

"Thank you, your majesty." The butler bowed and then walked off.

Sasuke could've kissed the man. He had been thinking of a way to get rid of Sakura and now he didn't have to. He pried his arm out of Sakura's snake tight grip and walked away. He didn't want to be with her any longer than he had to.

"I'll be waiting for you, Sasuke-kun!" Sasuke heard Sakura call loudly in a shrill voice. He stopped himself from turning around and yelling at her to shut up.

Once Sasuke arrived at the golden doors of his mother's powder room he knocked once. The guard at the door bowed at him and then opened the door.

"Lady Mikoto ordered me to let you in as soon as you arrived, your majesty." The guard explained.

Sasuke nodded and then entered his mother's powder room. The last time Sasuke had been inside one of his mother's powder rooms was when he was ten and his pet cat had run into one. He had chased it inside and found it underneath a mountain of pillows.

There was never a need for him to go inside one of his mother's powder rooms, it was the place she readied herself, dominants had no business being inside of it. He wondered why his mother had decided on this odd location to speak with him.

"Come in, sweetie." Mikoto ordered as she gestured to an open seat beside her.

She was seated on a black satin love chair in front of her vanity. Her long black hair was slightly damp and her face was bare of any make up. Her attire was beautiful, a deep red chiffon kimono that had black lace at the top, the fabric wasn't stiff like a usual kimono, but flowed like water going down a stream. The beauty of the kimono was lost though since it appeared to have been hastily put on. It was as if his mother had put it on herself.

Sasuke sat in the chair beside his mother and reached for her hand. Now that he was closer he could see that her eyes were rimmed red.

"Have you been crying?" Sasuke asked. His mother didn't really cry much, she was a strong submissive and the queen of one of the most powerful clans in the world, she equated crying with weakness so her tears were a rare sight.

"I-I-" Mikoto bursted into an array of tears. It was such a troubling sight that Sasuke bolted up and hugged his mother.

"What's wrong, mother?"

Mikoto padded away at her tears and took a deep breath.

"It's your brother."

"Itachi? What about Itachi?"

"It's the duel he accepted from the Hyūga heir! I keep thinking about it, I don't want him to go through with it!"

"That's all?" Sasuke smiled, a little relived. The way his mother had been crying he had thought that Itachi had up and disappeared from existence. "Mother, you shouldn't cry over that, Itachi's a genius, he could beat Neji with his hands tied behind his back."

"I know that but I just have a feeling things will go bad," Tears gathered again in Mikoto's eyes. "Kaguyas been too good to Itachi, I fear she's planning something for him, I just know it!"

"Mother you sound irrational, Kaguya is a goddess who looks upon all who are good with favor, Itachi is so blessed because he is morally pure, nothing will happen."

Mikoto calmed down a bit as her son spoke. Maybe she was being a bit irrational. But she couldn't help it; she had a bad feeling that something big was going to happen.

"Sasuke would you ease my conscience by doing me the favor of trying to talk Itachi out of the duel? He's always had a soft spot for you. Please try?"

Sasuke nodded. "And if he refuses to call off the duel?"

"Then train with him, make sure you throw everything at him, train until you beat some sense into that thick skull of his!"

"Yes, mother, understood." Sasuke bowed then hugged his mother once more.

As he walked out of the powder room Sasuke realized something-his mother was actually a very fragile woman. The hardened exterior she wore was an armor to hide her true self. It was amazing and it made Sasuke's love for his mother grow a little more. She was far from the mother he wished she'd be to him but this little crack in her rock solid exterior was nice.

"Sasuke-kun, there you are!" Sakura bellowed as she ran down the hall to her husband. "I've been looking all over the palace for you, lady Mikoto told me to look for you in the east wing and she was right!"

"I'm busy right now Sakura." Sasuke rubbed his temples. He had been looking for Itachi for the past twenty minutes. His parent's palace was so big that searching it was proving tiresome. He had no idea how he had been able to search the entire palace when he was a mere boy of nine, it seemed almost impossible now.

"Doing what?" Sakura prodded.


"Well can these things wait? It's afternoon and I want to spend time with you. I want the baby to hear your voice more often so he can know who his father is the moment he comes out of me!"

Sasuke's ears perked up at something that Sakura had said. He had been so dumb-afternoon-Itachi trained every afternoon in the dojo! Why hadn't he thought of that first? He had wasted twenty minutes for nothing.

Sasuke quickly bounded out the palace. He heard Sakura yelling behind him but he tuned her out. He ran until he arrived at the dojo. He slid the door open and immediately spotted his brother, shirtless, sweaty, and sparring against his sensei, Rembu.

"Brother, how about you spar against me for a change and give this old man a rest already?" Sasuke teased as he walked into the dojo.

Itachi stopped the kick he was about to deliver to Rembu's arm. "Sasuke? What are you doing here? I've grown accustomed to seeing you only during the evenings. It's good to see you little brother." Itachi walked over and hugged his brother.

"I came to see you." Sasuke smiled. "So, how about a little spar?" Sasuke raised his hand and ignited a small set of flames at each of his fingertips, "I have a new move I've been dying to show you."

"Fine, I'll agree but only to entertain Naruto, he's been watching me train everyday and I think he's grown tired of seeing me beat Rembu."

Sasuke's eyes darted around at the mention of Naruto's name. He finally spotted the love of his life sitting at the back of the dojo on a silk pillow. He was wearing a light pink kimono and it fanned around him like a halo. His hair was all swept up into a braided coil and there was a pearl pin in the center of it, sakura petals dangled from the pin along with some shimmering crystals. His eyes were outlined with a rose colored shadow and his arms were folded elegantly in his lap. Konan, who was now dressed in the traditional clothes of a handmaiden, was sitting beside Naruto, fanning him with a large feathered fan. Sasuke had been so engrossed in finding his brother that he hadn't even realized Naruto's presence in the room.

Naruto bowed when their eyes met then smiled. "It's nice to see you again Sasuke-kun. I look forward to seeing you later on tonight as well." Naruto's eyes sparkled mischievously at the double meaning of his words.

"As well as you." Sasuke bowed in return. A smile was dancing at the edge of his lips but he held it back. Naruto was just too damn cute for his own good.

"Well then, let's get this fight started, Rembu you may leave." Itachi ordered.

The old mad nodded then hobbled out of the dojo.

"Now then," Itachi raised his hand in a fighting stance, "come at me, Sasuke."

Sasuke's hands instantly bursted into flames, he threw a portion of the fire at Itachi's hands to stop him from igniting his own flames. It failed, Itachi's fists were now both engulfed in matching blue flames. Itachi's fighting style was unique, he didn't use powerful red flames like Sasuke did, he kept his flame low and only increased the heat before he attacked. Sasuke personally couldn't fight like that, he didn't have that type of self-control, but he admired the way his brother was able to do it.

"Is that the best you can do, little brother? The last time it took you a minute to beat me, if you don't hurry up and attack me seriously then you won't be able to beat your record." Itachi smirked as his blue flames burned a little brighter.

That was all the goading Sasuke needed. He added more chakra into his flames and ran towards Itachi. He threw a quick succession of fireballs at Itachi's face as he ran but Itachi dodged every single one. Sasuke crouched down and aimed for Itachi's feet, it had worked; Itachi's legs were now on fire. The flame engulfed Itachi's entire body and then suddenly Itachi's body dissolved. A single raven appeared in his place.

A shadow clone or genjutsu? Sasuke activated his sharingan and peered around the room. If this was a genjutsu then when had Itachi trapped him in it? And if this wasn't a genjutsu then where was Itachi hiding? Before Sasuke could even blink his eyes, a burning heat engulfed his back. He quickly tore his haori off and watched as it withered to ashes on the ground.

"Sneaky move, big brother." Sasuke laughed. There was nothing quite like the exhilarating excitement of sparring against Itachi. He always had to stay two steps ahead.

"If this had been a genjutsu you would've come out by now so I'm guessing were still in reality." Sasuke's red eyes scanned the dojo, "now, where are you hiding?"

A flame exploded at the side of Sasuke's face, he ducked down and looked in the direction the flame had come from. It was a grave mistake. As soon as he turned his head he was trapped in Itachi's genjutsu. Sasuke cursed. He should've looked down but instead he had looked up right into his brother's eyes. He focused his mind; he had to find a way to break this genjutsu.

Sasuke tried to focus his mind but then suddenly a delicious aroma wafted through the air. Was this part of the genjutsu? As the intoxicating smell grew stronger and stronger Sasuke wanted to find its source. The edges of the room grew blurry and then the room disappeared all together. He was back in reality.

"Did you just break my genjutsu?" Itachi asked astonished. "How?"

"I don't know?" Sasuke replied honestly, "I smelled the most sweetest aroma I've ever come across and my mind jolted awake."

Sasuke sniffed the air in the room and his mouth instantly watered. The sweet smell hadn't been part of Itachi's genjutsu but had actually been real!

"Maybe this fragrant odor was so pleasing to you it broke through your unconscious mind and brought you back to reality?" Itachi summarized. The amazement was still evident on his face.

"What was it though?" Sasuke sniffed around the room and followed the scents trail. To his utter amazement the smell had been coming from Naruto. Was that...was this odor...Naruto? No way! Sasuke immediately got hard. This delicious scent was the aroma of Naruto's arousal. He had been so used to Sakura's vile scent he hadn't realized that a submissive arousal could smell so heavenly.

"Please forgive my master, he's been sitting here watching his alpha fight shirtless all afternoon, it's finally gotten to him." Konan explained plainly, as if Naruto emitting an arousing scent was nothing to worry about.

Sasuke looked down at Naruto. His head was bowed so that Sasuke couldn't see his face properly. Was this the first time it had happened? Itachi had said Naruto watched him practice everyday and he knew that his brother always practiced shirtless. Was Naruto really this affected by Itachi? Sasuke wanted to hit the wall. The dominant beast inside of him was furious that another dominant sexually turned on Naruto.

"So it was Naruto emitting the scent?" Itachi said proudly. He kneeled down and grabbed Naruto's chin so that their eyes met. "In a weeks time I'll satisfy that craving for you so don't be embarrassed, little one." Itachi kissed Naruto's hand then rose back up. He sniffed the air and basked in the scent of his future submissive.

Sasuke couldn't stand much more. He needed to get out of here before he did something dumb. Naruto's scent was so alluring that he couldn't even focus on his brother's comment about bedding Naruto in the future. He was about to excuse himself when he remembered the promise he had made to his mother earlier.

"Can I speak with you in private, brother?" Sasuke asked breathlessly. The air was suffocating him. It was making him want to part Naruto's pretty legs and mount him. But he couldn't leave; he had to speak with Itachi on behalf of his mother.

"Of course. It's about time for Naruto to leave anyways."

Sasuke thanked the stars for blessing him with such good fortune. With Naruto gone he'd be able to calm his lust-frenzied mind.

"Lord Itachi is right, it's time for me to ready my master for dinner." Konan rose to her feet and helped Naruto stand up.

"I'll see you tonight at dinner, Itachi-san." Naruto bowed. "I'm sorry about what happened, I interrupted your practice for being so shameful."

"No, never apologize for something like that, I'm happy that you desire me so strongly."

Naruto's cheeks flared red. His blue eyes flickered to Sasuke. Sasuke raised an eyebrow. Naruto's eyes had lingered on his chest. "I'll see you at dinner Sasuke-kun, it was truly a pleasure to see you."

"It was a blessing to see you as well, your presence in the dojo was uplifting." Sasuke bowed. A drip of sweat trickled off of his forehead and landed on the extra fabric gathered at the bottom of Naruto's kimono. Naruto gasped. Sasuke could swear that the delicious scent suddenly grew even stronger.

"We should get going now, master." Konan advised urgently.

Naruto nodded and excused his self, he left the dojo, taking the intoxicating scent of his arousal with him.

"So, what is it you wanted to tell me, little brother?" Itachi asked as soon as they were alone.

"I'm not going to stall, it's mother. She's worried sick about your duel with Neji. She cried to me saying that she had a bad feeling about it, she's asked me to ask you to not go through with it."

"This again?" Itachi laughed, "she worries too much, those powders she wears on her face have turned her crazy. There's nothing to fear, little brother. Tell mother that I'm going through with this duel and that when I win it, I'll prove to her she was worried over nothing."

"But what if she's right?" Sasuke didn't like to think about it but Neji was pretty strong himself. The byakugan was a strong ocular jutsu that had bested many great warriors in the past including some Uchiha ones. His brother was a genius but there was always a chance that Neji could win.

"There's nothing to worry about, I've mastered the sharingan and the mangekyo, and unless that Hyūga cheats I will be victorious."

Sasuke smiled; maybe his mother was worrying over nothing. Itachi was the strongest warrior he knew, Neji was strong but he wasn't as strong as a genius like his brother.

"I'll inform mother of your decision then."

"Good, tell her everything happens for a reason and that whatever happens during the duel was destined long before Neji challenged me."

Sasuke nodded. His brother's words reignited his uneasy feeling but he said nothing about it. His brother was unbeatable-there was nothing to worry about. Just like his brother had promised years ago-nothing would change.

"Your form is incorrect." Sasuke said as he stood beside Naruto. He raised Naruto's arm higher then stepped back.

They were in their usual training spot. It was late into the night and despite the events of earlier that afternoon Naruto had still requested to train. Sasuke shivered as a sharp gust of wind blew through the clearing. Since his practice shirt had been burnt during his spar against Itachi a few hours earlier, he no longer had a shirt to wear. He'd have a new one bought for him tomorrow morning.

"Like this?" Naruto asked shyly. He raised his arm and drew his shoulders back.

"Yes, that's perfect." Sasuke murmured as he looked at the way Naruto's back arched in the position he was in. He came back to reality and tore his eyes away. It was getting harder and harder to focus. The memory of Naruto's delicious scent from earlier was making his mind conjure up perverse thoughts.

"Okay, since you now got all the forms down, I'm going to teach you something new."

Naruto smiled brightly. "What is it?"

"It's a technique you can use to pin down an enemy during hand to hand combat." Sasuke moved to stand behind Naruto, "I'm going to touch you, is that okay?"

Naruto nodded.

Sasuke wounded his arms around Naruto's waist and pulled him close. "The trick is to get behind the enemy and trap them before they can even move, once you do, you kick them in the back of the knee so that there knees can buckle, after that they'll topple to the ground and you'll have the upper hand since you'll be on top of them." Sasuke explained. "I'll show you." Sasuke applied small pressure to the back of Naruto's knees then watched as the blond crumpled to the ground. He let his body fall with Naruto's but didn't land on top of him; he turned their bodies so that Naruto landed on top of him instead.

"Oh." Naruto blushed and looked down. Sasuke suddenly realized that their position was a bit suggestive. He attempted to separate himself form Naruto but then the familiar sweet scent of Naruto's arousal assaulted his nose. He looked down in surprise and saw that Naruto was hiding his face behind both of his hands.

Sasuke was astonished by what was happening. Naruto was aroused right now, and it wasn't because of Itachi…was it because of him?

"Naruto...are you...aroused right now?" Sasuke sniffed the sweet smelling air. He unconsciously pulled Naruto down closer to him.

"I'm sorry! Please don't tell Itachi-san." Naruto whimpered. He leaned his head down and rested it against the space between Sasuke's shoulder and neck. Sasuke stiffened when Naruto sniffed at his neck, a sign that he found Sasuke's scent attractive.

"You just smell so good, and when you're shirtless I can't help myself. Please don't tell Itachi-san." Naruto buried his face in Sasuke's neck.

The way Naruto was shyly scenting him made Sasuke's dominant urges surge. Naruto's aroma was so inviting, it was clear Naruto wanted him. Sasuke was positive that if he asked Naruto, he would've willingly submitted himself to him. The arousal was blinding, Sasuke's inner beast was screaming at him to dominant Naruto. Everything was escalating so fast and then the atmosphere shattered.

Glowing amber eyes came running out from the shadows of the trees. It was Konan and an army of white paper butterflies swirled around her as she ran.

"Step away from my master!" Konan yelled. She raised her hand and a dozen butterflies flew towards Sasuke's face.

Sasuke jumped up and ignited his hand into flames. Just as he was about to throw a fireball at the paper butterflies a swirling ball of blue air destroyed them.

Sasuke's eyes darted around to locate who had thrown the powerful jutsu. His eyes landed on the shocking image of Naruto crouching in front of him. There was a swirling ball of wind in Naruto's palm just like the one that had obliterated the paper butterflies.

"Leave him alone, Konan! I was the one who tempted him first!" Naruto yelled.

"Move aside master! This wasn't part of the plan!" Konan raised her hand and resurrected the broken paper butterflies off of the ground and redirected them back at Sasuke.

Sasuke was still reeling from the fact that Naruto had just performed a jutsu. And not just any ordinary jutsu, he had performed one that Sasuke had never seen before. Why had Naruto told him he wanted to learn how to fight when it was clear that Naruto knew plenty?

"Konan please! I don't want to fight you!" Naruto's eyes were focused intently on Konan's advancing body. The way he was crouched down was almost animalistic. Sasuke had never seen a submissive act like this before. "I won't let you hurt him! I'd rather die than let you harm him!"

Sasuke came to his senses. A submissive was pledging their life to protect him; it should've been the other way around.

"Stand down Naruto, I'll fight her."

"No Sasuke-kun! She's just angry I'll calm her down!" Naruto formed another ball of the strange blue swirl in his palm and threw it at the butterflies. "Konan, this is an order. Cease your attack or else I'll releases you from being my hand maiden!"

All of the remaining paper butterflies suddenly fell to the floor. Konan dropped to her knees and lowered her head.

"Forgive me, master." Konan bowed lowly, "when I saw that your innocence was in danger I couldn't stand by and watch like you ordered me too. I reacted out of fear."

"I forgive you, now rise."

Naruto hugged Konan. Her amber eyes were filled with tears. The way Naruto was acting wasn't like someone who hated his or her handmaiden or someone who wanted to get rid of them…

"What's going on here?" Sasuke tried to piece everything together but he couldn't make sense of anything.

Naruto had asked Konan to watch him. Naruto knew how to fight. And apparently Konan and Naruto had some sort of plan together. He had had feeling that Naruto was hiding something, was this it?

Naruto sighed. He slowly turned to face Sasuke. "I ordered Konan to watch us spar. She's been present ever single night you've trained me."

"Why did you hide this from me?"

"Because I love you isn't it obvious!" Naruto cried. "I made up this whole lie because I needed a reason to be closer to you! I've loved you ever since you saved me from my sister that night in the pond. I couldn't forget about you, even after all these years I still have the night robe you gave me that night at the pond! I know I should love Itachi-san but I can't because my heart has always been yours Sasuke-kun!"

Sasuke was truly at a loss for words. How hadn't he noticed Naruto's feelings yet?

"I've been in love with you all these years too." Sasuke confessed out loud for the first time. It felt like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders and he could finally breath again.

"You love me?" Naruto's eyes watered.

"Yes." Sasuke growled. He scooped Naruto up into his arms and hugged him to his body. He fully relished in the euphoric feeling that overcame him. Naruto's body against his made Sasuke feel whole, like he had finally found his missing piece. Sasuke hitched Naruto up higher and kissed the delicate skin near the corner of his lips. No matter how bad he wanted to kiss Naruto's plump lips he couldn't, that right was reserved for his brother.

"Kiss me." Naruto pleaded silently when he noticed Sasuke's reluctance to get near his lips.

Sasuke's willpower wavered. Naruto looked extremely needy.

"Please." Naruto begged. His eyes lowered submissively. "I want it."

Sasuke completely gave in. Naruto's lips hovered closer to his. The heat radiating off of them drew him in. He closed the space between them and gently kissed Naruto's petal soft lips. Naruto's cheeks were burning red and Sasuke could hear Naruto quickly losing his breath. He didn't ever want the kiss to end, after years of yearning for them; Naruto's lips were finally his.

"That's enough, master. It's already late, we need to get back before the guards come and check for you like last time." Konan advised sternly.

Naruto reluctantly broke the kiss. He nodded and hopped down from Sasuke's arms.

"She's right," Naruto panted. "Besides I don't think I can go on much longer, I haven't kissed anyone before, my body is reacting weird." Naruto shyly looked down. The smell of his arousal was still fragrant in the air; it had gotten noticeably stronger the second their lips touched. "I'm sorry to end things like this Sasuke-kun!"

"You can just call me Sasuke." Sasuke grabbed Naruto's hand and held it up to his face, his dominant beast was howling in delight over the fact that a submissive of such high quality like Naruto had just given him his first kiss. "And it's fine, we have tomorrow night."

"Okay," Naruto blushed. "I'll see you tomorrow then, Sasuke."

Sasuke chuckled, "I'll look forward to it, Naruto."