"Good morning, love." Sasuke greeted the moment Naruto's eyes fluttered open. He bent down and kissed Naruto's swollen red lips. "You were tempting me as you slept so I put your juban back on you." Sasuke kissed along Naruto's neck, "I wanted to put it in you so bad I almost woke you up but I think I've exhausted you enough last night." Sasuke faint red lips tugged upwards into a splendid grin. He kissed Naruto's lips again. "I don't think the scratches on my back will ever heal, though I kind of like that they won't. They show how good I made you feel."
Naruto giggled with delight. Sasuke was such a flirt. The vibrations of Sasuke's deep voice on his lips were making him crazy.
"Last night," Naruto began. He lost his train of thought when Sasuke slowly licked his own bottom lip. It was tortuous, Naruto wanted to kiss that tempting mouth.
"What about last night, love?" Sasuke purred.
"It was the best experience of my entire my life!" Naruto proclaimed bashfully. "I like everything you did to me, especially towards the end where everything gets painfully good. I love that feeling." Naruto hid his face behind his hands, he felt embarrassed confessing this to Sasuke. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of Sasuke being inside me."
"Me either." Sasuke was no angel. He had fucked many submissives in his short lifetime. It was the luxury of being a royal dominant; everyone wanted a piece of him. It wasn't against clan laws to fool around with other submissives so long as nothing came out it-meaning no pregnancy and no fucking high ranking submissives who's fathers could potentially send an army fleet to destroy the clan. Sasuke had had his fair share of submissives but Naruto by far was the best he had ever had. It was probably because unlike all those other submissives, Sasuke actually loved Naruto. The love he had for Naruto heightened everything. Even just kissing Naruto felt orgasmic. No one else would ever compare. Sasuke was losing it just thinking about it. He slid his hand down to Naruto's thigh and slipped it underneath his juban. He hitched his palm up. The fabric came up as well as he moved it higher and higher. He moved past Naruto's thighs, hips, and stomach. Naruto was already panting. He had goose bumps just from Sasuke's hand trailing up his body.
"Can I kiss you?" Sasuke didn't have to ask. Naruto was all his and he could do as he wanted with him but there was something thrilling about Naruto allowing him to do things to him that excited Sasuke. He was so used to dominating and getting whatever he wanted but Naruto was special, he wanted this submissives permission.
"Yes, you can do whatever you want to me." Naruto vowed quietly.
Sasuke's black eyes widened in surprise, he knew Naruto truly meant what he said. Sasuke grabbed Naruto's chin and lifted him until their lips met. He kissed the bruised red lips softly. Licking at them slowly to ease the pain. He had bitten Naruto's lips so many times last night that they now were swollen. Naruto tilted his head higher and opened his mouth slightly; he wanted this just as much as Sasuke did. Sasuke eased his tongue into Naruto's mouth.
The kiss was anything but rushed. They both took their time. It was nothing like the wild and rough kisses of the previous night. Naruto wounded his arms around Sasuke's neck, pulling him down and deepening the kiss. Sasuke circled his tongue around Naruto's, loving how Naruto's body felt underneath his.
Sasuke ended the kissed and then trailed open mouth kisses down Naruto's neck. He stopped when he got to the mating mark on Naruto's neck. Last night it had bled profusely. He could remember the coppery metallic taste of it; he could remember how he had been driven to the point of lust frenzy and then biting down on Naruto's neck with all of his might. The mark was now blood free and heavily bruised purple but just by licking it Sasuke could taste Naruto's blood, he could feel Naruto's erratic beating pulse. It was like the flapping of a humming bird's wings, delicate and rhythmic. He kissed the mark again, enjoying what the mark signified.
Naruto was marked, claimed, his and only his.
Sasuke sucked the sensitive mark, making the purple bruise even darker. He enjoyed the little whimper Naruto produced every time he sucked down. "I love that you're marked, you're mine." Sasuke growled,
Naruto moaned as Sasuke's dark eyes gazed into his. He could see that his alpha wanted him. Being desired by his alpha sent a jolt of sexual desire through Naruto's body. He also wanted Sasuke.
Sasuke stopped, Naruto's intoxicating scent was back and it smelled even sweeter than last night. He sniffed the delicious smelling air, basking in its smell.
Once a dominant took a submissives virginity the submissive would gain a new unique smell that would smell faintly of their dominant to show others who the submissve belonged to. Naruto's sweet alluring scent was still there but now it was mixed with his scent and it made Sasuke happy. Now everyone would know whom Naruto belonged to. It made him want to dominate Naruto even more.
"I know you're craving me, love, but I need to close the drapes, I don't want anyone to accidentally see you." Sasuke knew he was being paranoid. His room was on the second floor and even then no one would ever dare to try and snoop-but his inner beast was being extra possessive today. He couldn't even chance letting someone else see Naruto the way he was now. He got up and closed the curtains, when he returned he was surprised by Naruto's state. Naruto's chest was rising and falling quickly. His eyes were half-mast and his legs were raised and he was holding them open. The soft silk material of his juban was gathered around his waist, giving Sasuke a clear view of Naruto's throbbing hole.
Sasuke took in the beautiful, pitiful sight. He really had created a monster. His poor little love now couldn't stand not being filled. Naruto had even made Sasuke keep his dick inside him last night while they rested. Sasuke was proud that his submissive craved him so strongly but then again Naruto's intense need to be filled was abnormal.
Sasuke climbed onto the bed and settled himself between Naruto's parted thighs. He spit on his hand and rubbed it over his dick. He was already hard, just seeing Naruto waiting like that for him was enough to arouse him. He bent Naruto's legs further back and parted his ass cheeks so that his hole was exposed more. Sasuke leaned down and spat into the hole. For a moment he watched as his spit dribbled down the puckered hole, the way it trickled down the line of Naruto's ass reminded Sasuke of last night and the multiple times he watched his own cum come out of Naruto. He wanted to see that again. He rubbed the spit in with the tip of his dick, getting Naruto nice and wet.
"Are you ready?"
Naruto's legs were already trembling. He nodded his head rapidly.
Sasuke smirked. He really had created a monster and he'd take full responsibility by indulging its every littlest desire. He lined his dick up against Naruto's hole and plunged in deep.
For the rest of the morning Sasuke fucked Naruto's desires away.
Sakura hummed loudly to her self as she lay in bed. The satin sheets beside her were terribly empty. The other side of the bed was always cold now. Her Sasuke-kun never slept with her anymore and the reason for that was currently down the hall getting fucked by her husband! Sakura hummed louder, she could hear the horrible sounds of Sasuke and Naruto's coupling. The sun was already out but she refused to get up. She was so angry that today she decided she'd just lay in bed, if she saw that blond husband snatcher she'd claw his stupid blue eyes out. She was also feeling slightly ill, her stomach ached and her head hurt. There was no reason for her to get up.
Ahhh, Sasuke! Yes, harder!
Sakura shuddered, that was the first actual coherent sentence that Naruto had screamed out that she was able to actually make out. Her fingers twitched, the silver knife that her handmaiden had delivered with her breakfast earlier was still on the silver tray. She could grab it, run down the hall, and before Sasuke knew what was happening she could stab the dumb blond to death. She would've done it but she knew Sasuke would kill her the second she pulled the knife out of Naruto's chest. She couldn't have Sasuke-kun's love if she was dead so that plan wasn't an option.
Ah, Sasuke, Yesss! Yesss~
Sakura grabbed the pillow on the cold side of the bed and put it over her stomach.
"You shouldn't have to hear one of your daddy's sluts getting fucked." Sakura cooed morbidly to her unborn child. She wrapped her hands around the pillow as an extra barrier.
There was a soft knock at the door.
"Who is it!" Sakura snapped. If it wasn't Sasuke she didn't want to see anyone.
"Lady Haruno, its me." Amaru, Sakura's handmaiden, nervously entered the room. The female servants brownish-pink hair was tied up into a tight bun and she was wearing a completely unflattering black yukata. Sakura didn't allow her to wear flattering clothes, she wouldn't allow another submissive to look pretty especially if that submissive was always around her. It could possibly detract Sasuke-kun's eyes away from her.
"What do you want Amaru?" Sakura barked. "I thought I told you I didn't want to be bothered!"
"I-I know lady Haruno b-but I was walking down the hall and couldn't help but to hear…"Amaru didn't dare name what they both knew what she was referring to, she feared her master would go into a rage if she did, "would you like me to have someone sent up to play you some music so you wont have to hear it?"
Amaru sighed in relief. She had thought Sakura would get angry at her suggestion, "Very well then, I'll just collect your breakfast tray and go."
"Before you take it bring it here." Sakura ordered.
Amaru obediently brought her master the silver tray. She lowered herself to her knees so that Sakura could have easier access to the plates on the tray.
"If none of the food here pleases you I can take this tray back and bring you back another with completely different food."
"Shut up, I didn't ask you to speak." Sakura muttered.
Amaru bowed and sealed her lips.
Sakura dragged her hand against the shining silverware. The spoon, the chopstick, the shiny knife that she had envisioned in her fantasy where she stabbed Naruto to death… "You know Amaru," Sakura fingered the pointy end of the knife, a little droplet of blood appeared at the end of her fingertip, "I've never liked you. I don't like that my parents chose someone like you as my handmaiden, I don't like how you're always tailing behind me, and I also don't like how you don't understand simple orders."
"I'm sorry, lady Haruno. I will try to better myself for you. Please don't be angry." Amaru lowered her head.
"I told you not to speak!" Sakura bellowed. She snatched the silver knife off the tray and slashed it across Amaru's face. It was quick, so quick that Amaru didn't realize what had happened until the pain seared across her face.
Amaru screamed, she clutched her bleeding face in shock. "W-why did you do that?!"
"I told you I didn't want to be bothered now get out of my sight."
Amaru wailed in agony as the blood began to drip down into her mouth. She bolted out of the room as fast as she could. A trail of blood dripped behind her as she ran.
Sakura threw the knife onto the floor. She'd have Amaru pick it up later and also scrub the bloodstains she left on the floor. Sakura sighed, she felt a little better now. She could still hear Sasuke and Naruto but at least now she had gotten out some of her pent up anger. She laid back down and pulled the pillow back over stomach and drifted off to sleep.
"There's so much inside me." Naruto moaned as Sasuke emptied another load of his seed inside him. "It keeps coming."
"That's because you keep tempting me." Sasuke groaned. He had just came for the sixth time that morning.
This was what it felt like to lose his mind, Naruto thought blearily as he felt Sasuke pull out.
"Put it back in." Naruto whined. He felt terribly empty. "It aches when Sasuke's not inside me."
"I know." Sasuke laughed. Naruto had been saying that ever since last night. He rubbed his length against Naruto's stretched hole. It slid in easily then slipped back out due to all the cum that was still gushing out of it. Sasuke reached between Naruto's legs and plunged his fingers into Naruto's hole so he could scoop out all of the cum. He scissored his fingers back and forth, reaching further and further in until he rubbed against Naruto's prostate. The action elicited a glorious sound from the blond. Sasuke savored the feeling of Naruto's ass clenching around his fingers. He wedged his knee between the blonds' legs, forcing them further apart.
"Sasuke!" Naruto gasped as he felt rough fingers prod at that special spot deep inside of him. Even though it was bitterly cold outside Naruto felt hot. His face was red and his bangs were drenched in sweat. He bit his lip as Sasuke's fingers started to move faster.
"I want Sasuke inside." Naruto cried, his beautiful blue eyes fell shut as he tensed. He was going to cum.
Sasuke trailed kisses down Naruto's neck as an apology. "I know, love but I can't. There's too much cum inside you I have to take it out."
"Not fast enough!" Naruto cried out. "I want you now! Before I-ah," Naruto screamed as he came all over himself.
Sasuke winced. Naruto's hole was clenching painfully around his fingers. It sucked him in, trying in vain to milk his fingers.
"Again." Naruto panted as he came down from his orgasm. He looked up pleadingly at Sasuke. "Please, let's do it again."
Sasuke sighed. He couldn't believe he was going to say this but-"I think we should take a break. I'm starting to get worried, usually it's the submissive that wants to take a break but not you. You want me inside you at all times. You're much needier than what's considered normal."
Naruto's face turned bright red.
"I'm not complaining, or trying to embarrass you." Sasuke dragged Naruto closer, "in fact I love it that you want me so strongly but I think we should rest for a little. Lets at least get some food inside you and bathe you."
"I don't want to bathe." Naruto murmured. He looked shyly away from Sasuke's face.
"Because if I bathe Sasuke's scent will be washed away. I don't want that."
"You say the cutest things." Sasuke laughed, delighted by Naruto's reason. "But I can't have you walking around with dried cum between your legs all day. How about I wipe you down, we eat breakfast, and then after that you have a proper bath?"
Naruto pouted. His dislike for Sasuke's plan was evident by the face he was making.
Sasuke chuckled. "Fine, no bath, but I have to wipe you down."
Naruto's lips tugged into a brilliant smile. "Okay!"
Sasuke grabbed a cloth and cleaned Naruto up. After all the cum was wiped away Sasuke found Naruto's juban and helped him dress into it.
"Okay now let's go eat some breakfast." Sasuke stood up and quickly put on some pants and a robe.
Naruto nodded enthusiastically. He attempted to get up but as soon as he tried to stand his legs wobbled and he fell back onto the bed.
"What are you doing?" Naruto exclaimed when Sasuke picked him up.
"You obviously can't walk."
"B-but why? What's wrong with me?!" Naruto began to panic.
"I've been fucking you all morning and all of last night, it's only natural that you can't feel your legs right now." Sasuke explained. "Since you were a virgin your body isn't used to being stimulated sexually so it's still trying to get used to it. Maybe I shouldn't have been so rough."
"Oh," Naruto finally understood.
"Since you can't walk maybe we shouldn't do it anymore today."
"No!" Naruto screamed. He scrambled out of Sasuke's arms. "I can walk!" Naruto took one step but as soon as he did he fell to the ground. Sasuke caught him before Naruto could completely fall.
"You were saying?"
"I can walk" Naruto replied stubbornly.
"You can't even stand."
"Yes I can!" Naruto brought his hands together and closed his eyes. His body began to emit a bubbly red chakra. Sasuke had never seen anything like it. As the chakra receded Naruto wriggled out of Sasuke's hold until he was standing on his own two feet.
"See, I told you I can stand."
"What was that?"
"Huh? Oh that chakra?" Naruto touched his belly where his tattoo was at. "It's the power of being a royal omega. This tattoo is infused with chakra. It's supposed to only be used during pregnancy but It seemed now was the perfect chance to test it out."
"So it's a healing chakra?" Sasuke questioned as he eyed the mating mark on Naruto's neck.
"Yeah, it is. The chakra it contains is limited so I'm not really supposed to use it." Naruto said sheepishly.
"If it's a healing chakra then why didn't it heal your mating mark or any of the bite marks and hickies I gave you?"
"Oh, that's because I purposefully didn't allow the chakra to heal them." Naruto blushed, "I like having Sasuke's marks all over me."
"You're adorable." Sasuke picked Naruto up and kissed him. "You amaze me everyday with the things you can do. But I don't care what that chakra did I'm still carrying you. You could barely stand a second ago, you don't even know how long that chakras healing effects last. What if you're walking down the stairs and it stops working, you could fall."
Naruto wanted to refute Sasuke but he had a point. "Fine, you can carry me but if you do you have to promise me we'll still do it tonight."
Sasuke shook his head in disbelief. "You really are my little monster aren't you?"
"Huh? What does that mean?" Naruto asked innocently.
"Nothing." Sasuke smiled. "I created you so I'll just have to indulge you." He picked Naruto up and carried him out the door.
Even though the Uchiha palace now belonged to Sasuke and Naruto, Fugaku and Mikoto wouldn't move out until Naruto gave birth to Sasuke's first child. It was customary for the old king to stay behind until then so that they could supervise the new king until he got the hang of things.
Because of this Sasuke wasn't surprised to see his parents when he carried Naruto downstairs. However, he was surprised to see Naruto's parents and his sister sitting with his own parents at the breakfast table.
Sasuke set Naruto down on his feet and shielded him with his body. Naruto was still only dressed in his juban. His long hair was undone and hung loose down his back and his legs and thighs were bare for everyone to see. Even though his father and Minato posed no threat they were still dominants and that made Sasuke's inner beast go on high alert. Even Karin's presence bothered him.
"Good morning, sweetie." Mikoto greeted brightly. She pointed at two seats across from her, "come sit, have breakfast with us, we've been waiting for the both of you."
"Good morning, mother." Sasuke replied tensely. He took off his own silk over robe and draped it over Naruto's shoulders so that his body was hidden underneath it. He was now shirtless but all that mattered was that Naruto's body was covered.
"It's hardly morning. At this point it's nearly afternoon." Fugaku growled.
"Oh, hush, come sit, the both of you!"
Kushina's eyes followed her son like a hawk as he went to go sit. She wanted to go up and check him over to make sure he was all in one piece. She knew how violent dominants could get and she wouldn't put it past a barbaric Uchiha to harm her baby. Her heart broke when she spotted the mating mark on her son's neck. It was deep, she was sure it had bled all night. It angered her. The more she looked at her baby the more bruises she saw. His lips were swollen and bruised and his neck was full of red hickies. That damn Uchiha had been rough with her baby! She glared at Sasuke. Her eyes widened when she saw the Uchiha's back. It was covered in deep, painful looking scratches. There were several of them going in random vertical directions. Had her innocent little baby really done all that? She observed her son. Naruto did look a little different. His innocence was still there but the way he carried himself now was of someone who had been touched. Yes, Kushina concluded sadly, her baby probably had done it.
"No, Naruto. Sit on the chair on the right. I've put an extra cushion on it for you." Mikoto winked. "I know how hard it can be the day after, don't worry, there's nothing to be embarrassed about."
Minato choked on his coffee. He had been trying very hard to ignore what was painfully obvious. His little princess was no longer his little princess anymore. It almost made him want to cry. Naruto had been a daddy's boy all of his life and now he had a new alpha to take care of all of his needs. He knew this day would come but it didn't make it any easier. He glared daggers at the old Uchiha queen.
"O-oh, okay. "Naruto blushed and sat in the chair Mikoto had specially prepared for him. "Thank you, mother."
Kushina's heart broke. Once she left to Whirlpool Country later on that day Mikoto would become her baby's mother in law. Mikoto would replace her in every single way. That alone was almost enough for Kushina to want to stay but she was a queen of her own clan and couldn't stay here just because of jealousy.
"So, today is Naruto-chan's family's last day here, Now that our clans are united I thought it'd be a lovely idea to have breakfast as a family before they leave." Mikoto explained cheerfully.
"Thank you mother, that's a great idea." Sasuke appreciated his mother's effort. Even if it did feel forced.
Mikoto rang a silver bell and banquets of various foods were brought out. Tray after tray of top quality cuisine came out and the newly joined family ate in silence.
They were now the strongest family in the world and yet, not a single word was spoken.
Saying goodbye was hard for Naruto. He loved his parents more than anything else in the world. Well-maybe not more than Sasuke, they were about almost equal. But still, Naruto had his parents at his side his entire life they were all he knew.
The one good thing about his parents leaving was that they had been nice enough to let Konan stay with him. His handmaiden slash bodyguard would be able to start a new life with him here. She had been happy about the news, she loved Naruto and couldn't live peacefully with out knowing whether her master was safe or not.
"I guess this is goodbye." Kushina sniffled. She didn't like crying but she couldn't stop the steady stream of tears flowing out of her eyes. She hugged her son again, "please take care of yourself. If you ever feel that you're in danger or if someone is threatening you don't be scared to let your father and I know. You also have Konan here so make sure she's always by your side. If anything should happen to you I would die."
"I know mom, I'll let you both know immediately but I doubt that'll ever happen because if I ever feel in danger or if someone threatens me Sasuke will protect me."
Kushina wanted to tell her baby that Sasuke was the person she was referring to but her son was blinded by lust. He'd never see Sasuke as someone who could potentially hurt him.
"My poor baby, I wish we went about all of this differently but it's to late for that now." Kushina rubbed the three dots on her son's forehead, just touching them filled her with rage, "I wish we could go back and choose a better alpha for you. I'm sorry."
"Don't be. I'm happy. I love Sasuke more than anything. There isn't anyone else for me."
Kushina was shocked by the words. She briefly wondered what would've happened if Naruto had ended up marrying Itachi like he was supposed to. She was about to ask her son if he had always harbored such intense feelings for the younger Uchiha brother when the carriage pulled up behind her. Karin didn't even spare Naruto a final goodbye; she got into the carriage and waited for her parents to do the same. Her patience was running thin. When she returned to Whirlpool she'd begin the long process of becoming the next ruler of the Uzumaki clan. It took years, unlike the Uchiha clan where the throne was handed over after the heir got married, the Uzumaki throne was something that was only handed over to the heir after vigorous training and tests were completed and passed. Only then could the heir claim their crown. Karin was supposed to start her training last month but since the wedding had been postponed she had been unable to begin it.
"It's time." Minato announced sadly. "Take care of my son, Uchiha." Minato glared at Sasuke who was standing off a short distance away so that Naruto could have some semblance of privacy to say goodbye to his family. Mikoto and Fugaku were standing beside him.
"I plan to." Sasuke replied nonchalantly.
"If you dare treat him like you do your other pink haired omega I'll personally come back and take Naruto back to whirlpool."
"That's an empty threat seeing as how Naruto now belongs to me and if you were to steal him away we both know that it'd mean war but yes, you have no need to worry. I'd never treat Naruto the way I treat Sakura."
"God, all you Uchiha's are the same." Minato grumbled. "Let's go Kushina. I can't stand to be here another minute."
Kushina gave one last kiss to her baby's face and then boarded the carriage.
As Naruto watched the carriage roll away down the dirt road he refused to cry. His parent's departure was sad but it was also symbolic, with them gone his childhood days were officially over and he'd now become a real adult. His new life as a sovereign was now beginning.
Over the next few days Naruto slowly eased into his new life with the Uchiha's. It was easier living with them now since he was now allowed to be with Sasuke whenever he pleased. There were some things he didn't like about living here, like all of the traditions, and the rules, or how Sasuke's father would drag Sasuke away from him by giving Sasuke loads of work to do. But there were also lots of things Naruto did like. He liked how open the Uchiha people were to him even though he wasn't a native to their clan, he liked how well he and Mikoto got along, he liked visiting Itachi whenever he wasn't with Sasuke or he wasn't busy, and he especially liked all of the time he got to spend with Sasuke. Everyday that passed his love for Sasuke grew more and more. He had never loved anyone the way he loved Sasuke, sometimes he felt crazy in love. Like he couldn't properly function or go on if Sasuke wasn't there.
"Do you really have to go?"
"Yes, love, I already told you my father wants to meet with me an hour earlier today."
"But that's not fair. We never get to have breakfast together like this." Naruto frowned. He prodded at the sliced ham on his plate. He had no interest in eating if Sasuke was going to leave.
Sasuke smiled. Sometimes Naruto looked just like a child. It reminded him of the past when he had first seen Naruto, with his chubby cheeks and adorable accent.
"Don't pout, come here." Sasuke patted his lap. He didn't wait for Naruto to get up; he carried Naruto much like a parent would to a child. He set Naruto down on his lap.
Naruto's pout broke momentarily as he smiled at their new position.
"I know that our time together lately has been short but know that it's not intentional. As the new king I've inherited everything Itachi would've had to do. It requires a lot of time to learn how to do what my brother has been trained to do his entire life."
Naruto's pout deepened. He truly looked like a sulking child. Sasuke found it oddly arousing how Naruto could still give off such an innocent aura despite how many times he had defiled him.
"I know but I miss you when you're gone. It's no fun being with Konan all day. And I get lonely too, I miss Sasuke being inside me."
Sasuke laughed. Naruto's strange need to be filled was still as strong as ever. They had only been married less than a week but Naruto's sexual appetite had shown no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Sasuke was concerned about it, he had contemplated sending a letter to Naruto's parents to ask if a strong sexual libido was common for whirlpool omegas but he had thought well against it. He couldn't imagine Naruto's parents would be too thrilled to receive a letter about their sons abnormal sexual need to be constantly filled.
Sasuke peered at Naruto, his raven bangs hung down into his eyes as he gazed down at his submissive. Naruto smelled so tempting, so good that Sasuke couldn't do anything but be sucked in by it. He always gave into Naruto's cravings.
"Sasuke, can we..." Naruto timidly touched Sasuke's dick through his hakama. "I need it now before you go, I won't be able to get through the day if we don't."
"Here? But we're not in my sleeping chambers. What if a maid walks in?" Sasuke sniffed along Naruto's neck as he spoke. He trailed soft little kisses on Naruto's soft skin, loving how sensitive Naruto was.
"It's too early, none of the maids will come yet." Naruto moaned. Sasuke was hard underneath his hands. "Can we please?"
"You make it hard to say no when you smell so good." Sasuke pulled down his hakama and freed his dick out of its constraints.
Naruto groaned at the sight of Sasuke's engorged cock. He wanted it inside him.
Sasuke slithered his hand underneath the long fabric of Naruto's kimono and pulled Naruto's silk underwear down. Naruto lifted his ass up; he already knew what was coming.
Naruto let out a small cry when Sasuke's fingers entered him. "Deeper, Sasuke," Naruto arched his back and widened his legs, giving Sasuke more room to move. "Please go deeper!" Naruto moaned brokenly. He slowly began to move against the thick fingers inside of him. He was desperate, once he was stretched Sasuke would finally give him what he really wanted-his dick inside of him.
"It feels amazing inside you, so warm and soft, clamping on tight to my fingers. You want me inside you?"
"Mmm!" Naruto hummed as Sasuke fingered deep inside him. His entire body shivered when Sasuke prodded his finger roughly against that spot that always made everything more intense.
They were so caught up in each other that neither of them realized when the door slid open.
"Oh," Mikoto blinked rapidly, trying to take in what was happening before her eyes. "Even in the tea room? But I suppose that's fine, at this rate we can expect to hear the little pitter patter of feet echoing through the palace very soon." Mikoto smiled, her eyes turned up into little moons. "Carry on, pretend I was never here." She turned around, "but hurry, your fathers already waiting for you, Sasuke." she smiled again and then slid the door closed.
Naruto's cheeks burned red. He hid his face in Sasuke's chest. "I can't believe that happened, I'm so embarrassed." Naruto groaned.
Sasuke was weirdly unaffected by being caught. So what if his mother saw him pleasuring Naruto? She was right; at this rate Naruto would fall pregnant soon. If anything his mother only fueled his lust, he wanted Naruto pregnant. But he couldn't fulfill his desires right now on the account that his father was waiting.
"Don't be embarrassed, love." Sasuke pulled Naruto's face up and kissed his burning red cheek. "We'll have to continue this later since my father is waiting. When I take my bath later after I train you can join me and I'll help you fill that hole of yours, how does that sound?"
Naruto nodded. He had no idea how he'd make it that long. It was definitely going to be a long morning.
Surprisingly Naruto didn't have to focus on the empty ache in his stomach as long as he thought he would have to. Two hours after Sasuke left a familiar red headed prince arrived at the palace.
"Gaara-san! What are you doing here?" Naruto exclaimed in disbelief. "I didn't believe it when the maids told me you were here!"
Gaara was as beautiful as always. His jade eyes were outlined with dark kohl and his fiery red hair fell into his eyes in an attractive manner. The gold bangles he always wore fascinated Naruto. As always he found himself in awe that Gaara wasn't an omega but an alpha, or a dominant as Sasuke would say.
"I was curious about how things were so I decided to drop by, I also brought along a few... acquaintances."
Naruto cocked his head to the side. "What do you mean?"
"Come have lunch with us, they're waiting for you."
Naruto glanced outside; the sun was already high in the sky, which meant Sasuke was going to be back soon. He didn't want to miss their scheduled appointment in the tub but it'd be rude to turn Gaara and his mysterious "acquaintances" down.
"Don't worry about whatever it is you're worrying about. I'm sure my cousin won't mind if I simply entertain you."
"Alright, I'll go." Naruto nodded and allowed Gaara to lead the way.
They arrived at a gold tearoom on the second floor. When Gaara slid the door open Naruto finally got to see whom the mysterious acquaintances were.
"Hi, Naruto-kun~!" Ten-ten chirped.
Naruto waved cheerfully at ten-ten. He looked around the room and saw Ino, Kiba, Ten-ten, and Sakura. He hadn't seen Sakura since the wedding. It was awkward to see her now. Naruto didn't want to see her or her pregnant belly. He wanted to pretend that she didn't exist.
"Come, let's sit." Gaara guided Naruto to an empty cushion which so happened to be right next to Sakura. Naruto stiffened, he really didn't want to look at her but he couldn't help it. She was beautiful. Her long pink hair was threaded with red rubies; they shone like blood droplets in her hair. Her kimono was lilac and the black obi around her waist was tied loose so that her small baby bump wouldn't be pushed down. This was the future mother of Sasuke's child. Naruto was jealous; he wanted to be the only one with privilege of birthing Sasuke's children.
"So Naruto how has your new life been? It must be hard with your parents gone, huh?" Gaara asked.
Naruto nodded. He looked away from Sakura. He was getting irritated the longer he looked at her.
"Do you miss them?" Kiba was honestly curious. He couldn't imagine being separated from his parents. He thanked kaguya that he wasn't a submissive because only submissives had to marry into other clans and leave their family behind.
"Of course he misses them, who wouldn't?" Ino snapped. "If you're going to speak then say something intelligent!"
"Everything I say doesn't have to meet your standards!" Kiba growled.
"Yes it does!" Ino bit back.
"Shut up!" Gaara snapped. "Naruto's is talking,"
Ino and Kiba reluctantly dropped their argument and paid attention to Naruto. Gaara was related to the Uchiha king, which meant they couldn't anger him. They had to stay in the Uchiha clan's good graces.
"I do miss them," Naruto revealed, "I think about them a lot but it's getting easier. Since I have Sasuke it's not so hard."
"That's so cute!" Ten-ten squealed. "I didn't think Sasuke-kun was the type of dominant who could be reliable on account of how he is with Sakura-chan. I'm happy he's comforting you!"
"Yeah, I'm happy I have him too." Naruto noticed how Sakura's lips pursed when Ten-ten had spoken about Sasuke's treatment towards him. Was she jealous? Good, he wanted her to be. It was only fair. He didn't want to be the only one drowning in jealousy.
"But isn't it awkward being with Sasuke since you were betrothed to Itachi-san?" Kiba asked suddenly.
Naruto's face turned red. No one but Karin knew about how he had always been in love with Sasuke. Even though he and Sasuke were now married no one could know about the past. It was too shameful and he wouldn't want Itachi-san to know about it if he ever woke up.
"It isn't awkward, Sasuke is an easy person to fall in love with." Naruto said. It wasn't a complete lie. Sasuke was an easy alpha to love.
Sakura's eyes widened at the confession. She had no idea that Naruto was actually in love with Sasuke. She balled her hands up into fist. She wanted to hit Naruto's face. Didn't the idiot know that Sasuke-kun was hers?
"You've already fallen for him!?" Ten-ten gasped." Gah, if Itachi-san ever wakes up he'll-"
"Lets not speak of that." Gaara stopped Ten-ten from going any further. Naruto looked extremely uncomfortable with the topic.
"So, you love Sasuke-kun? When did that happen?" Ino asked in a clipped tone. The jealousy was practically oozing out of her lips.
"Probably when Sasuke was consummating the marriage, eh?" Kiba said jokingly.
"No way, do you think Sasuke-kun actually did that with someone his brother was in love with? That'd be biggest betrayal ever." Ino said icily.
It was obviously too much for Naruto. He looked like he was on the verge of a panic attack. Gaara felt bad for him. He didn't know the intricacies of Naruto and Sasuke's relationship but he knew it wasn't anyone's business but their own. He stood up.
"I said not to speak on this topic anymore!" Gaara roared.
"Sorry." Kiba and Ino said in unison. They didn't look sorry but the words were enough for Gaara to sit back down. At least Naruto look relieved now.
"The wedding was beautiful, you're so lucky!" Ten-ten suddenly gushed excitedly. She was an expert at changing the subject.
She was the only submissive in the entire group aside from Naruto who appeared genuinely happy about the wedding.
Ino and Sakura had matching frowns on their faces. Their sour attitude had been present all throughout the afternoon. Even though there were dominants present at the dining table Ino's and Sakura expressions remained uninviting.
"Yes, the ceremony was certainly memorable, the lucky wealthy few from Suna who were privileged with going to the wedding have been talking non-stop about you." Gaara chorused.
"Of course they are, to them Naruto's oh-so beautiful with his blonde hair and blue eyes." Ino said mockingly, "they better be just as excited about my wedding! My hair is just as blond and my eyes are just as blue as Naruto's!"
"I wouldn't agree with that, Naruto-kun's hair is as bright as the sun on a summer day while yours is the color of straw after it has been dampened by the morning dew. And your eyes are a completely different shade of blue." Ten-ten said calmly. Once again her intense like for Naruto was showing. Normally she wouldn't have had the guts to go against Ino, much less to comment on her appearance, but she liked Naruto too much to allow Ino to ever think that she and Naruto were of equal beauty. She was innocently idolizing Naruto and she didn't even know it.
"Take that back!" Ino shouted angrily. "I don't know what's gotten into you lately but I think you're going crazy. My hair is the brightest of all. You shouldn't even be talking since your hair is literally mud brown." Ino said snootily.
"Who the hell cares about hair and eye color? That stuff isn't important, look at Hinata-chan, her hair is as black as ash and she's still one of the most beautiful submissives to have ever been born. You submissives care about the dumbest things."
"You would say that since your hairs also the color of mud, you dog." Ino glared. "And Hinata isn't even beautiful, she can't even speak without stuttering like an idiot! Why do you like such weak submissives, it's annoying."
"Why do you care about what kind of submissives I like? I like what I like and you shouldn't question it since who I like has nothing to do with you!"
"Okay enough" Gaara banged his fist on the table. "No more fighting, have you both forgotten that we're guests here? Have some manners." Gaara rubbed his temples in an attempt to stave off the oncoming headache that he could already feel forming. Every time he was with Ino and Kiba they ended up fighting, and he wasn't even with them much on the account that he lived in a completely different country and only saw them whenever they were all simultaneously at the Uchiha palace. It was obvious flirting and it was beyond ridiculous. He'd never seen two people with a more obvious attraction to one another. He seriously had to do something about it.
"Anyways..." Ten-ten began again, "I think your wedding will go down as one of the most extravagant in all of Fire Country, I don't even think my own wedding will compare! I knew Uchiha wedding ceremonies were extravagant but I didn't think they could be so grand, even Sakura-chan's wedding to Sasuke-san wasn't as amazing! It's clear that you hold the highest power between the two of you!"
There was an awkward silence. The odd marital situation between Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura was a topic that hadn't been discussed yet. The group of royals were all curious about it but none of them had dared to bring it up. Even Ino had kept her lips sealed.
"What did you just say?" Sakura hissed.
"I didn't mean it offensively Sakura-chan! I was just stating the obvious!" Ten-ten explained quickly. Her young age was often times forgotten due to her maturity but at times like this it was obvious she was still a child because only a child would have the guts to bring up such a sensitive topic.
"I was married to Sasuke-kun first which means I hold more power than Naruto." Sakura said through tight lips. Her words were directed at Ten-ten but her furious eyes were glaring at Naruto.
"Those dots on his forehead say otherwise." Ino said monotonously. She hated Naruto as much as she hated Sakura.
"Sasuke's mine, those dots mean nothing. I'm pregnant with his child; once I give birth to his son you will all see exactly who holds all the power. Sasuke can play with Naruto all he wants but at the end of the day I am the mother of his first born child."
Naruto was strangely quiet. His blue eyes stared ahead as if Sakura hadn't said anything. His unresponsiveness was odd to the group of royals.
"I didn't mean to start an argument, I was just really amazed by the grandness of Naruto-kun's wedding." Ten-ten said apologetically. "I've never seen anything like it, it was like how I'd imagine an emperors wedding."
Sakura turned her head away dismissively. She clearly didn't care for Ten-tens reasoning.
"Everything was so pretty, especially you Naruto-kun. You're kimono was dazzling."
"Thank you." Naruto beamed at Ten-ten's adorable fascination with his ceremony. He liked her, he once again found himself thinking that she'd make a great friend.
"I seriously mean it, everything about your wedding was magical, even the chairs were gold!"
"Enough we get it, you liked the wedding." Ino snarled.
"Ah, sorry!" Ten-ten apologized. Her cheeks flamed red in embarrassment. "I really liked it so I can't stop talking about it! I can't get over how luxurious everything was!"
"Rich bastards, Uchiha's might as well wear clothes made of money. The entire wedding was just a big show of how much money they have." Kiba muttered. His fight with Ino was making him more irritated than normal. His distracted state allowed the thoughts he usually kept hidden to slip out.
"Careful, Kiba." Gaara warned. "That's my family you're talking about. Just because Itachi is no longer here doesn't mean you can say and do as you please. Sasuke holds all the power Itachi once did, if he hears what you're saying about his wedding ceremony it might anger him. My little cousin is not as forgiving as his older brother so It'd be wise for you to watch what you say from now on."
"Y-yes!" Kiba bowed. He was embarrassed. Being reprimanded by another dominant in front of so many submissives was humiliating. It was even worse that Gaara was such a effeminate looking dominant, it was like being scolded by a submissive. He hated it even more that Ino was here to witness it.
"It's okay, Gaara-san." Naruto smiled brightly. "Sasuke isn't here right now so no harm done. But Kiba-kun I hope you never say such things in front of my husband. He might just kill you." Naruto giggled.
Kiba gulped. It wasn't until this moment that Kiba had ever been frightened by something a submissve had said. Naruto was strange. It was like he had some secret power. How could he say such a thing and the laugh like an angel afterwards?
"Speaking of Sasuke-san, where is he?" Ten-ten asked cheerfully. They had been gathered together for nearly twenty minutes now and Sasuke hadn't showed up at all yet. It was strange since he was the head of the palace he should've come and welcomed them by now.
"He had an urgent meeting with his father so he had to train at a different time today so he's probably still training or bathing." Naruto replied. He didn't even take a moment to think about where Sasuke was, it was like he already knew without having to give it a second of thought.
Sakura's anger flared. How dare Naruto act like he knew everything about Sasuke? Sasuke was hers so she should've been the one to answer about Sasuke's whereabouts. Naruto had no right to speak on Sasuke's behalf, that right was reserved for the first wife.
"Uchiha-sama, would you like more tea?" A maid carrying a china teapot abruptly asked.
"No my cups still half full, are you blind or just stupid?" Sakura hissed heatedly in reply.
"I was actually talking to Naruto-sama." The maid squeaked. Her shoulders trembled with fear as she bowed at Sakura in apology.
Sakura's entire face boiled red in anger. That was the last straw. She had had enough of Naruto. She had finally boiled over and was about to explode but before she could get up and wring Naruto's neck Sasuke walked into the room.
"Nice of you to finally grace us with your presence, cousin." Gaara teased.
The royals stood up and bowed. Sasuke was now a king. His title was above all of them. All but Naruto stood, as a sovereign he was of equal status as Sasuke.
Sasuke ran his hands through his damp black hair in an uncaring manner. His dark eyes were rooted on his submissive. Naruto blushed when he caught Sasuke's stare. He stared shyly back. He had missed Sasuke.
"That's enough." Sasuke gestured to the royals to sit back down.
"How was your bath Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asked quickly. Her anger towards Naruto was momentarily forgotten since Sasuke was present. This was the first time she got to see Sasuke today; he looked so beautiful with his damp hair and royal red haori and black hakama. His king aura he emitted was attractive.
"Naruto, where were you, I thought I told you to wait for me. I wanted you to bathe with me." Sasuke went to sit by Naruto. No one commented on how Sasuke had just ignored Sakura.
"I know, I'm sorry. But Gaara-san and all of your friends came to visit so I couldn't just leave them." Naruto
"Sorry, I sort of made him join us." Gaara confessed.
"So, you listen to my cousin and disobey my orders? I'm hurt ."Sasuke said teasingly. "And here I thought you loved me."
"It's not like that, I'm sorry!"
Sasuke boldly wrapped his arm around Naruto's waist. He let his lips feather up Naruto's neck and ended at his ear, "I know, I'm just joking with you, love." Sasuke placed a bite to Naruto's earlobe.
"Sasuke's so mean." Naruto's breath hitched when Sasuke pulled away.
"And yet you still love me." Sasuke said as he flashed that sultry smirk of his that Naruto loved.
"Yes, I do." Naruto blushed. He looked away, Sasuke's face was too pretty. He wanted to kiss him.
"So, how has being king been?"
"It has been interesting to say the least."
"I always knew you would become a king, Sasuke-kun. A regent was too low of a title for you." Sakura cradled her stomach, "now our son can be a proper king when he grows up."
Everyone looked at Sakura as if she had just grown a second head.
"Everyone please leave, I have to have a word with Sakura." Sasuke said stoically. "Naruto, stay."
"As you wish, we'll be in the tea room. Come join us when you're done, cousin."
The royals got up and left. Ino didn't want to leave, she wanted to see what Sasuke-kun was going to say to that dumb bitch Sakura but she couldn't defy Sasuke-kuns command so she reluctantly left with the others.
"Sakura, your child will never be king of the Uchiha clan. Don't say such an embarrassing thing again." Sasuke said as soon as they were alone.
"What are you saying Sasuke-kun? Of course our son will be a future king of the Uchiha clan, you are a king so he will inherit your title."
"I thought my father told you but your child will be nothing, the child Naruto births will be the future ruler of the Uchiha clan. I also thought I made this clear at my wedding."
"Naruto?" Sakura shrieked, "That isn't fair! He's the second submissive! I'm pregnant right now, our child will be born fist which means he should be the one to inherit the throne!" Sakura threw herself onto Sasuke's lap and wrapped her thin arms around his neck. "I love you Sasuke-kun, our child deserves to be your heir." Sakura kissed Sasuke's lips. The moment Sakura's lips touched Sasuke's she was sent whirling back.
Sakura was momentarily disoriented. It felt as if a strong gust of wind had blown her back. She rubbed her head, which had banged against the floor and sat up. She gasped when she saw Naruto glaring at her with unabashed hatred in his eyes. There was a strange blue ball whirling around in his hands. Was that what had hit her?
"I've kept my mouth shut all afternoon," the scars on Naruto's cheeks began to look strangely darker, they looked liked whiskers on a wild animal. "All the things that you've said today that have angered me I've chosen to ignore but if you ever kiss Sasuke like that in front of me again I'll kill you." Naruto's hands were shaking as he spoke. The blue ball was flickering off and on. His small body created a barrier between Sasuke and Sakura so that he could guard what was his. "Sasuke is my mate, you are married to him but you don't have this." Naruto dispersed the ball and pulled down the collar of his kimono and showcased his mating mark. It was still bruised but no longer red. The teeth marks were now fully visible.
Sakura gasped. "W-what is that!?"
"It's my mating mark." Sasuke said as he kissed the mark. "It means I've claimed Naruto as mine. He's the only one I want, but you already knew that didn't you, Sakura?"
"But you have no choice but to also want me! Ever since Naruto came along you've been ignoring me. I demand attention too! I'm also your wife or have you forgotten that? You can't spend every night with Naruto; I also crave your affection. You haven't been holding up on your end of the bargain, the alliance with my clan dictates that you must-"
"That I must marry you and impregnate you?" Sasuke laughed dryly, "I have done both of those things, there is nothing else that binds me to you."
"Your son binds me to you!" Sakura screamed, "Do you want your son to be born into this world knowing that his father doesn't love him!"
"You chose that reality when you forced me to accept your marriage bid!" Sasuke yelled back. "This is the life you get for forcing your love onto people who don't want it."
Sakura was speechless.
Sasuke stood up and brought Naruto up along with him. "You shouldn't get so worked up, love. I don't want you expending energy over something so meaningless." Sasuke kissed Naruto hand that had wielded the rasengan moments ago.
Naruto fury filled eyes slowly settled back into their normal docile expression. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. When I saw her touch I completely lost it."
"It's fine, let's go. I think Sakura needs a moment alone."
Sakura wailed in fury as Sasuke left the tearoom. His retreating back grew smaller and smaller and finally the door slid shut and Sasuke was completely gone. She pulled angrily at her hair, tearing at the long tresses madly. She wouldn't let Sasuke leave her so easily. Naruto didn't know what a huge mistake he had made by coming between her and Sasuke, he would pay dearly for taking her love away.