Chapter 10

The next morning Naruto listened to all that Sasuke had found out. Sasuke's suspicions were confirmed; apparently Hinata had helped her brother cheat. To get her to reveal what she had done Sasuke had used his sharingan on her. Under the immense power of the sharingan Hinata revealed that she had casted a spell on Itachi to control him during the duel. It had all been preplanned so Itachi had never even had a chance of winning.

"So, what does this mean?" Naruto murmured.

Naruto and Sasuke were on the long carriage ride back to Uchiha territory. Deidara was riding in a separate carriage with four other guards. The sun was setting in the blue sky and Naruto was clinging tightly onto Sasuke's arm. He hadn't let go of Sasuke since he had woken up from his nightmare. Neji's touch still lingered on his skin and the only way to get rid of it was by having Sasuke as close to him as possible.

"It means Neji didn't win and there will have to be a re-duel." Sasuke seethed.

"But how? Itachi-san is still unconscious." Naruto clutched tighter onto Sasuke, tight enough to bruise. He already knew what Sasuke was going to say next.

"I'll duel him in place of Itachi. As his brother I am the one who should fight in his place."

"No." Naruto murmured brokenly.


"I said no!" Naruto yelled at the top his lungs. Everything he had done to prevent this outcome from happening had all been for nothing. He had endured the disgusting feeling of Neji undressing him and touching him for absolutely nothing. It was like a slap to the face. He wasn't strong enough to protect his mate. "You can't duel Neji!"

"Why not?" Sasuke questioned. He was shocked by Naruto's reaction. He thought the blond would be happy that Neji would finally get his payback.

"Because you just can't! I don't want you to get hurt!"

"I won't get hurt, I've been dying to fight that arrogant prick, I won't allow him to lay a single finger on me."

"B-but you can't! Not even Itachi-san could beat him." Naruto sobbed. His blue eyes were brimming with tears. "I don't want to lose you!"

"So this is what this is all about?" Sasuke sighed. He lifted Naruto up and sat him down on his lap. He cupped Naruto's chin and guided his face up so he could look at Naruto in the eyes. "You're not going to lose me, I'm going to defeat Neji."

"How do you know that though?" Naruto sniffled. His tears were still falling freely as he gazed into Sasuke's obsidian eyes.

"Neji only beat Itachi because he cheated. He's no match for me. I will win and after I do I will come up to the balcony and give you a kiss to show you that you haven't lost me." Sasuke wiped the tears from Naruto's cheeks.

Naruto kissed Sasuke's lips, all he could do was accept his alpha's decision. He had failed.

The duel between Neji Hyūga and Sasuke Uchiha finally came two weeks later. All of Fire Country was in attendance. This was the re-duel of the century. Now that everyone knew of how the Hyūga family had cheated they all wanted to see justice served. Across the arena the Hyūga clan royals sat in a similar balcony as the Uchiha's balcony. Hiashi Hyūga sat beside Haku and his youngest daughter Hanabi. There was a noticeably empty seat beside Hiashi where Hinata would've sat if she had been allowed to come to the duel but because of what she had done during the last duel between Itachi and her bother, she was banned from going to a duel ever again. It was a great dishonor for a once highly respected princess.

Naruto was ten times more nervous than the last time he had been at the coliseum to see Itachi duel. Maybe it was because unlike last time, he was actually deeply in love with the Uchiha dominant whom was dueling.

"Take a deep breath, Naruto-kun! You look pale." Mikoto observed out loud. She held Naruto's hand and rubbed it. "Sasuke is strong, he will be fine."

Naruto bowed numbly, his mother in laws words went through one ear and out the other. All he could focus on was the figure of his mate standing down in the arena. Even though he knew this day would come he still wasn't ready for it. He had kissed Sasuke a hundred times last night and this morning but right now all Naruto wanted to do was go down into the arena and kiss Sasuke again and again and again.

"If you don't calm down my son will be too distracted to focus on winning, be a good submissive and control your emotions!" Fugaku barked.

Naruto nodded meekly. His father-in-laws words were harsh but they were true. If Sasuke sensed his uneasiness it might distract him and Naruto knew that all it took was one second to change the course of a duel.

"The re-duel between Neji Hyūga and Sasuke Uchiha will now commence!" The announcer shouted. "Sasuke Uchiha will be fighting in place of his elder brother due to Neji Hyūga's unfair win in the previous battle!"

The crowd cheered. The air was thick with excitement. It was choking Naruto. To all of these people this was just a fight between two powerful clans, but for Naruto this was a fight that could possibly take away the love of his life forever. Naruto wanted to close his eyes but it'd be a great sign of disrespect to his alpha if he did that so for the entirety of the duel Naruto would have to keep his eyes wide open.

Sasuke's blood was boiling with blood lust. He wanted to destroy all that Neji was. He was going to win this duel with out letting Neji land a single blow on him.

"I'm going to destroy you." Sasuke seethed as he walked slowly around Neji. His sharingan was spinning wildly.

"Hah, your brother had mastered the mangekyo and I still beat him, you'll be easy compared to him." Neji's hands were covered in a blue light, the appearance of two tigers glowed at the ends of his fist.

"You were no match for Itachi, my brother would've demolished you if you hadn't cheated!" Sasuke lunged at Neji and threw a succession of fireballs from his fist.

Neji managed to evade all of the fireballs except for one that had burned the edge of his white combat pants.

"You'll never be as good as your brother, he was under mind control when I fought him and he was still able to fight ten times better than you!" Neji laughed. "You'll never be the dominant he was!"

"Shut the fuck up!" Sasuke hissed, he added power to his flames until they they were both an intense red and hurled ball after ball at Neji. Neji's byakugan allowed him to see where the fire would land; he countered them easily with a blast from his lion fist.

Sasuke suddenly fell into a fit of laugher. His red eyes were trained up on the Hyūga balcony.

"What's so funny?" Neji glared.

"Oh, I just find it funny that you say I'll never be a good dominant but apparently I'm good enough for your submissive, look at him," Sasuke pointed up at the balcony where Haku was seated on the edge of his seat with his eyes focused solely on Sasuke. "His dominant is fighting and yet his eyes can only look upon me with lust." Sasuke smirked.

Neji growled. His features began to twist in anger but then suddenly stopped. A malicious grin feathered across Neji's lips. "It's funny that you say that, it seems both of our submissives would rather be with someone else, maybe we should trade? I'll get Naruto and you can have Haku, what do you say?"

"What are you talking about? Naruto would never want a dominant like you!" Sasuke laughed at the ridiculous idea.

"Oh, but that's where you're wrong, Naruto likes me so much that he showed me his body, it was ravishing." Neji grinned. "He almost let me fuck him the night of my wedding but some things came up, a shame really since he wanted me so bad he practically begged."

"Stop lying, keep my submissive's name out your mouth!" Sasuke growled.

"I'm not lying, I'm telling the truth." Neji's devilish grin broadened, "If I were lying how else would I know about the beautiful tattoo on Naruto's stomach? The way it circles around his navel is gorgeous-"

Neji couldn't even finish his words. Sasuke spewed fire from his mouth, it burned so bright that the crowd didn't even notice what had happened until after the flames settled and Neji was rolling around on the ground with half of his face on fire. Even as Neji rolled on the ground clutching his face in agony Sasuke didn't relent. He continued to breath fire at Neji and only stopped when a team of medics came rushing into the arena and carried the burning king away so they could attend to his wounds.

"Sasuke Uchiha is the winner of this duel!" The announcer shouted. "He has set a record, this is the first duel where the winner has managed to not receive a single assault."

The crowd roared with excitement. They all knew that they had just witnessed something others would never be able to witness in their entire lives. They had seen the infamous dragon fire technique of the Uchiha clan. It was rumored that only those with royal blood in their veins could perform the technique so seeing it was truly a treat.

Naruto jumped up in glee. He was so happy that Sasuke had won. He had worried for nothing, he felt so silly now, he shouldn't have been so terrified of Sasuke dueling.

He watched as Sasuke disappeared form the arena. A few minutes later he came striding into the balcony.

"Congratulations, Sasuke!" Mikoto cheered.

"You've done a good job of avenging your brother, son." Fugaku added sternly. The pride in his voice was thick.

Sasuke paid no attention to his parents. He went straight to Naruto.

"I'm so happy you won!" Naruto said delightedly, "I was worried that-"

"Did you show your body to Neji?" Sasuke hissed, cutting Naruto off.

Naruto didn't have to answer, the way he lowered his eyes in shame was more than enough of an answer for Sasuke.

"Why would you!" Sasuke roared. His handsome features were twisted with anger but buried deep in his eyes Naruto could see a dash of betrayal. Sasuke was hurt.

"I can explain, I only did it to protect you! Nothing happened!" Naruto cried. "I didn't want him to challenge you to a duel, I was so scared Sasuke!"

"Quiet your submissive! He's causing a commotion!" Fugaku ordered his son, he turned to Naruto with fire burning in his eyes, "and you, have some shame, you've already shamed us enough do you think my son will believe your lies?!"

"Naruto-nii did nothing wrong! He told me what happened that night!" Deidara cut in angrily. "Don't speak to my cousin so rudely!"

Fugaku quickly shut Deidara up with a sharp slap to his cheek. "I'll be damned if you think I'd let a submissive handmaiden speak out against me!"

Deidara fell to his knees. He clutched his cheek and glared up venomously at Fugaku.

"Honey, don't. There's no need for violence. Especially here." Mikoto cautioned apprehensively.

"No I've had enough of these Uzumaki submissives and I've had enough of your insolent behavior!" Fugaku yelled at Naruto. "Prancing around as if you were a dominant. There's a limit to how much you can get away with and this is the limit! You have shamed my son and clan in the worst way possible! I knew this was going to happen since my son lets you do anything you want!"

"Sasuke." Naruto whimpered. He expected Sasuke to stand up for him, for Sasuke to believe him, for Sasuke to know that he did what he did all for him.

"I...I don't want to be around you right now, I might do something I'll regret later. Take a carriage home with Deidara." Sasuke spoke without looking at Naruto.

Naruto cried silently. He bowed and left the balcony. His heart broke with each step he took.

Over the next couple of weeks Naruto hadn't seen Sasuke. Even when Sasuke had returned from the coliseum, he wasn't allowed to be by his husband's side. It was slowly killing Naruto inside. Every night he'd cry alone in the new room Sasuke ordered him to sleep in. Without Sasuke by his side Naruto felt isolated, he needed Sasuke. Sasuke was the sole source of his happiness.

Everyone in the Uchiha palace knew of the Uchiha kings anger with Naruto. They were never in the same room anymore; it was such a sad sight to see the usually bubbly blond submissive all alone. He'd wander the halls alone dressed in the most beautiful kimonos but the gorgeous clothing lost its shine due to the heartbroken look in his eyes.

It was now rare to see the once happy submissive smile.

The Uchiha family was gathered in their glass dining room. They were enjoying a calm breakfast, the glass walls of the room allowed them to enjoy the snowy landscape of outside.

Sasuke sipped at his hot tea from his teacup. His dull black eyes were focused straight ahead on the snowflakes falling lazily from the sky.

"You look distracted, sweetie." Mikoto commented. Her voice was filled with worry.

"Leave him be, Mikoto." Fugaku said boredly. "Let him enjoy his breakfast in peace."

"But he's been like this since the duel! Maybe it's time he-"

"Enough mother!" Sasuke yelled. "I don't want to be reminded of such things."

"Sorry." Mikoto said softly. She bowed her head. She was once again reminded that she no longer had the authority to tell her son what and what not to do.

Suddenly someone cleared their throat. The Uchiha's all looked up to the sound. Deidara was standing by the entrance. They could see Naruto standing nervously behind him.

"My cousin would like to join breakfast with you this morning."

"He already knows he's not welcomed-"

"Quiet, father."

Fugaku glared at his son.

"He may join."

Sasuke's approval shocked everyone. Even Deidara's eyes widened. He bowed and stepped aside so Naruto could walk in.

Sasuke watched as Naruto sat down in the empty seat across from him. He didn't know why he had allowed Naruto to join, he was angry but his dominant beast still craved Naruto. After weeks of not seeing Naruto he wanted to now.

"It feels so nice having you here with us again." Mikoto said happily, "I've missed seeing you." She brightened up.

"I've missed you too, mother." Naruto quaked in a quite voice. His blue eyes were lowered. His hands were folded demurely in his lap over his swollen belly. He was the perfect image of an obedient submissive. There was no more sitting in Sasuke's lap like he had used to.

Sasuke stared openly at Naruto. His powder blue kimono and the gold flower petals dangling in his hair were beautiful. He wanted to caress the soft looking kimono fabric that was stretched over Naruto's protruding stomach. He wanted to feel his mate and his child as well. He had missed Naruto.

Breakfast went on in silence. It seemed it would end without a hitch but then Naruto suddenly stood up.

"Sasuke, please, I need you." Naruto pleaded brokenly in his mother language so that only Sasuke would be able to understand. "I miss you so much, I can't sleep at night with out you by my side."

Fugaku gawked at naruto's inappropriate outburst. Mikoto held onto her husband's arm so that he wouldn't be able to physically react as well.

"Everyday with out you is agony, I can't be happy with out you," Naruto continued. He had begun to cry; "I crave your touch everyday, I pray to Kaguya every night that you'll look upon me with love like you used to!"

Sasuke wanted to scoop Naruto up into his arms and kiss his him until he stopped crying but his anger far outweighed his inner desires.

"I can't, I just can't stand to be around you knowing that you allowed another dominant to touch you."

"But I already told you I only allowed it so I could protect you!" Naruto sobbed. "I would've never allowed him to if I had a choice!"

"I just can't Naruto." Sasuke said solemnly, he rose from his seat. "This was a mistake, never ask to join in breakfast or any event with me for awhile, just looking at you has filled me with so much anger that I can barely stand it. Please, leave."

Naruto slumped his head down. It was useless to say anything, Sasuke's resolve was solid, he had already decided on his choice that day in the coliseum. No matter how much he begged and cried Naruto would never be able to sway him.

Naruto exited the dining room and went straight to his new chambers. He never imagined that an alphas anger could hurt this much.

A week has passed since that morning and Naruto hadn't seen Sasuke since.

"Hello, Itachi-san."

Naruto stared down at the sleeping face of Itachi. No response, as usual.

Ever since Sasuke had "banished" him he spent his time inside Itachi's room. He'd usually just watch the steady rise and fall of Itachi's chest but occasionally, whenever the thoughts in his head became too much to bear, he'd talk to Itachi like he was now.

"Sasuke still won't let me see him so I came to talk to you today. I brought you some flowers again." Naruto took out the wilting flowers from the gold vase on the table by Itachi's bedside and set the bouquet of new red flowers into it. They were fire flowers, named for their unnatural red hue. They bloomed in abundance in the winter here in the Uchiha territory.

"Dei-kun hates going outside with me in the snow just to gather flowers but he's weird. He puts up with the cold because he knows I only want the flowers because I'm going to give them to you."

Naruto smiled. He sat down in the cushioned seat by Itachi's side as he always did. "I feel bad dragging Deidara around all the time but I'm so lonely, Itachi-san." Naruto's voice broke as a sob tore out of his throat, "but you already know that don't you, Itachi-san?" Naruto used the end of his kimono sleeve to wipe his tears away. "I'm sorry for always unloading my sadness on you but I feel the most comfortable talking with you." Naruto sighed. He grabbed Itachi's cold hand to try and calm him self down. There was another reason why he came to see Itachi so often. When an omega is pregnant the amount of hormones they produce can easily suffocate them, it makes their moods irregular. Being around their alphas suppresses those hormones, not fully but enough so that the omega doesn't have to suffer. Since Sasuke and Itachi were blood related being around Itachi calmed Naruto's hormones down somewhat, but not as much as when he was with Sasuke.

"My hormones are drowning me, Itachi-san. I cry everyday I feel so pathetic." Naruto tightened his grip. His small hands shook at the force of his might. "I need my Sasuke back."

Itachi's handsome face stood unmoving. Naruto's pleas fell on deaf ears. But it didn't matter, Naruto didn't need a reply because it wasn't Itachi's voice that he wanted to hear at the moment, he wanted Sasuke's. He wanted to hear his mate call his name with the fondness he used to, he wanted to hear Sasuke's beautiful voice when he woke up in the morning and right before he went to bed...He not only needed Sasuke emotionally he also needed him physically. Without the constant affection from his alpha Naruto was suffering.

Naruto eventually calmed down. He let go of Itachi and with a little trouble he stood up.

"I'll go now, I'll come back tomorrow like always, Itachi-san." Naruto bent down and kissed Itachi's forehead. He fixed the flowers once more and then quietly left.

Naruto roamed through the Uchiha palace halls. He didn't have a destination. He just didn't want to be alone cooped up in his room. He had already visited Itachi for the day so he couldn't go there. All he could think about was his current predicament. It physically ached that his alpha was pushing him away. He loved Sasuke more than anything in the entire world, he hated that Sasuke thought he had willingly let Neji see him. Why didn't Sasuke understand that his body was all his? He didn't want anyone else! Sasuke wouldn't hear him out though…

Lost in thought Naruto stumbled on the long train of his kimono. He had been so focused on Sasuke he had forgotten to move the fabric aside as he stepped. He tumbled to the ground; he instinctually protected his stomach as he fell. He attempted to stand but his arms wobbled and he collapsed back onto the hard ground. Naruto groaned. His body had been feeling weak for the past week. It had been too long without his actual alpha at his side. It was like his body was giving up on him.

Naruto attempted to stand up again but then he unexpectedly heard the well-known sound of geta clacking against the marble floor. He pushed his body lower onto the ground and crawled to the corner so that the anonymous person couldn't see him. The sound of the clacking geta abruptly stopped and then a loud bang sounded out. Naruto craned his head around the corner to see what the person was doing. Naruto gasped and ducked down lower. What were they doing together? Naruto covered his mouth with his hand to quiet the sound of his labored breathing.

Sakura was standing pushed up against the wall. Sasuke had both of his hands on either side of her head and he was staring down at her. It was like they were having a special moment, lost in each other's eyes.

Naruto clenched his teeth in anger. The boiling rage of possessiveness surged inside of him. He saw red. He physically had to stop himself from walking over and clawing Sakura's face off. Something snapped in Naruto, the sight of seeing Sasuke with another submissive switched on Naruto's dormant rage. He could only handle so much pain before he snapped. He was done being sad; Sasuke was his mate, not anyone else's! As Naruto glared at Sasuke and Sakura he felt like he was on the verge of insanity. Sasuke had said he wasn't ready to forgive him but Naruto wasn't going to give him a choice.

Naruto scuffled back to the corner and calmly stood up. Sasuke and Sakura were so lost in each other that they didn't even notice his presence. Naruto bit his lips to stop the growl that was bubbling at the tip of his lips from coming out. He swallowed his anger and sauntered away before Sasuke and Sakura's moment could end.

He was going to get Sasuke back before the day ended.

Sasuke trudged angrily through the palace. He inflamed his fingertips with fire and threatened to burn a maid that was walking in his direction. Her dull eyes widened in fear as she quickly scurried the other way. Sasuke growled. He felt like killing anything that looked at him. He was still dwelling on Naruto. With out Naruto by his side their was no one to calm him down his inner beast.

"Has no longer being a princess transformed you into a complete stalker!" Sasuke barked. He turned around and pinned his sharingan on the pink haired annoyance that had been following him around all day long.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura gasped. "I didn't know you knew I was following you! I'm sorry." Sakura lowered her green eyes. She looked ashamed of being caught but this was probably exactly what she had wanted to happen. Sasuke was sure of it. "With everything that's been happening lately I just wanted to make sure that you were okay."

"It's not your place to be concerned about me so stop following!"

"-I'm just concerned Sasuke-kun." Sakura boldly closed the space between her and Sasuke, her eyes glimmered with false sympathy, "now that you and Naruto are no longer sleeping in the same bed, I don't want you to get all backed up." Sakura trailed her hand down Sasuke's chest as she rolled her body up against his.

She cried out when Sasuke roughly pushed her and walked away as if she hadn't just come onto him.

"Wait, Sasuke-kun, what's wrong!" Sakura ran after Sasuke. Her geta clacked loudly as she tried to reach her beloved ex-husband.

She stopped when Sasuke abruptly halted.

"Sasuke-kun why didn't you say anything, do you not want me to help you relieve yourself? I promise I won't-" Sakura gasped. Sasuke had trapped her against the wall.

Sasuke glared down at Sakura. What was wrong with this infuriating submissive for her to think he'd ever want to stick his dick back into her loose hole ever again? He stared down at her in utter silence. He pondered how he had ever thought that he'd ever be able to handle her being the mother of his children. He had thought that he'd eventually get over his children having her weak blood. In his foolish mind he had really believed that a life of having to put up with Sakura was the inevitable duty he had to do for his clan. Seeing her now, he now understood that he would've never lasted more than five years with her by his side.

"Sasuke-kun?" Sakura called out timidly after the silence grew uncomfortable. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

"I should kill you right now." Sasuke murmured dully, he fingered a strand of Sakura's short pink hair, "I should cut off the rest of this wretched hair of yours and shave you bald, I should press your lips together and have them cut off." Sasuke yanked the strand of hair making Sakura whimper in pain, "do you have any idea how out of line you are? You're a maid offering herself to the master of the house in which she works in, do you not know that you just committed a federal crime punishable by death?"

"N-no! I didn't know Sasuke-kun! I didn't mean-I just-"

"Shut up!" Sasuke hissed, "I'm tired of hearing your nauseating voice and I'm sick of seeing your face in my palace every fucking day, If my mother wasn't so damn insistent on helping you I would've had you banished a long time ago! If I see your face again today I'll have you banished do you understand?"

Sakura nodded quickly. "Y-yes I understand Sasuke-kun!" Sakura cried, she bowed and then ran off down the hall. Her loud sobs echoed as she disappeared around the corner.

Sasuke rubbed his temples. He had a throbbing headache; it felt like his skull was splitting in two. Normally if he was feeling this way his submissive would've calmed him down but since he couldn't stand to be by Naruto there was nothing Sasuke could do but get through it. He let out a long sigh. There was one thing he could do and that was taking a nice long nap. While he was sleeping maybe he'd find peace and solitude in his dreams. Sasuke continued down the hall and walked the familiar path to his bedroom. The lull of sweet unconsciousness carried him on.

Sasuke stared at the ornate double doors of his sleeping chambers. When he went inside no one would be waiting for him. He had grown so accustomed to Naruto always being there that now that he wasn't it didn't feel right.

Sasuke opened the doors and trekked into his darken room-wait...darkened? The lights were always supposed to be kept on. He had given the order to the maids that the oil lamps should always be lit at all times of the day. Was someone in his chambers? Sasuke walked angrily inside. He sniffed the air to see if he could catch a scent.

"Sakura?" Sasuke called. He wouldn't put it past her to pull off a stunt like this. A small part of Sasuke hoped it was Sakura just so he could make good on his threat and finally get rid of her.

"Don't speak that name in my presence ever again."

Sasuke stiffened. He knew that sweet voice anywhere. He melted a little; just hearing Naruto's voice momentarily calmed him down. "What are you doing here? I thought I told you I can't stand to be around you." Sasuke asked when his moment of calmness resided and his anger resurfaced.

A light suddenly illuminated the darkened room. As Sasuke's sensitive eyes adjusted to the light he saw Naruto sitting on the edge of the bed. His long blond hair fell straight down his back and he was wearing a single black robe.

"I'm not going anywhere." Naruto answered in a deadly whisper.

"Then I guess I'll be going then." Sasuke was put off by Naruto's defiance. It was unusual that his blonde not submit to him. Was it because Naruto had obeyed another dominant like Neji and now no longer felt that he needed to submit? The thought of Naruto submitting to another dominant reignited Sasuke's anger all over again. He turned to leave the room. If he stayed he was going to do something crazy.

When Sasuke neared the front of the door he heard a whooshing sound fly past his ear. He looked to the direction the sound went to. He was stunned to see a sharp silver kunai lodged in the hard wooden surface of the door.

"Why did you throw that at me?!" Sasuke hissed. He whirled around and all but felt his heart stop beating.

Naruto had taken off his robe. Underneath it he was wearing nothing but tight red lace panties and a matching lace negligee. The fabric was extremely sheer and Sasuke could see Naruto's pink nipples and half hard cock through it. The negligee had a split going up the middle so that Naruto's round stomach could poke through. The enticing sight made Sasuke's mouth dry.

"I'm not going anywhere and neither are you," Naruto turned around and got onto all fours. He raised his ass up in the air and arched his back, "because I know you can't resist this." Naruto wiggled his ass back and forth.

Sasuke's dick immediately hardened at the open display form his submissive. Naruto was craving him and Sasuke wanted to fill that craving for his love. Sasuke was ready to drop all of his pent up anger but then he remembered why he couldn't be with Naruto.

"Naruto, stop." Sasuke turned away from the tempting sight. Naruto was starting to emit his delicious aroused aroma. He felt himself growing weak to it. "If I smell Neji on you right now I'll literally go crazy. Leave before I have you removed."

"Leave?" Naruto hissed in a surprisingly fierce tone. The meanness of it once again caught Sasuke off guard.

Naruto stood from the bed and marched up to Sasuke. He entwined his small arms around Sasuke's neck. "I already told you I'm not leaving!" He pulled Sasuke down and forced their lips together.

Sasuke felt himself giving into the kiss. He had missed feeling Naruto's delectable plump lips moving against him own. He couldn't let this happen. Sasuke resisted his primal urges and repelled Naruto.

"I said no!" Sasuke bellowed.

Naruto dropped to his knees. Sasuke momentarily thought that Naruto was crying but then he felt Naruto's hands on his cock.

"What are you doing Naruto, I'm commanding you to stop!"

Naruto paid no attention to Sasuke's order. It took all of his might to not obey his dominants command. He freed Sasuke's dick from the constraints of his hakama to the open air and kissed the red tip of his alphas cock.

Sasuke shuddered. Naruto's lips on his dick felt a million times better than the kiss they had shared moments ago.

Naruto kissed the tip once more and then smoothly glided his tongue across the entire bulbous head.

"This is mine." Naruto hissed. He licked the entire length of Sasuke's dick and then pulled it up so he could lick the two balls nestled underneath it. "These are mine."

"What are you talking about?" Sasuke groaned when Naruto sucked one of his balls into his warm mouth. Sasuke's will was wavering fast. Naruto's big blue eyes were focused up, intently looking Sasuke in the eyes. His thick thighs appeared plump due to the way he was sitting on his knees and his long blond hair swayed as he moved his tongue all around Sasuke's dick. Naruto's tongue was clumsy and inexperienced, the innocent naive way Naruto was handling his dick was a big part of the reason why Sasuke was so hard. This was Naruto's first time tasting dick. Or was it? Had Naruto learned this from Neji?! "Naruto, stop right now!" Sasuke cursed.

"I won't," Naruto stood up. He turned around and bent over. He reached behind him and pulled his lace panties half down so that the tight lacy fabric was wrapped around both of his thighs. He then grabbed both of his asscheeks and pulled them apart, revealing his glistening hole.

It was practically calling out to Sasuke. It was wet and pink, it looked so inviting. Sasuke's mouth watered. It was all his. All of it belonged to him. He'd kill Neji for even thinking he could ever have Naruto. He had been going about this the wrong way! He was punishing poor Naruto instead of the real culprit. Neji would pay with his life.

"You're mine!" Sasuke growled. He grabbed Naruto and carried him to the bed. He dumped him roughly onto the satin sheets and forced Naruto to face down with his ass up just like he had positioned himself earlier when he had tried to tempt Sasuke.

"Stay down while I taste you." Sasuke barked. He grabbed Naruto's thighs tightly and yanked his asscheeks wide open, exposing the pink rosebud again so he could see it.

Naruto's legs trembled when Sasuke's slick tongue lapped at his hole. This wasn't how his plan was supposed to go! He wasn't supposed to let Sasuke take control! But no matter how hard he tried to get away Sasuke's strong grip on his thighs was unrelenting. His tongue kept licking and sucking his sensitive hole. Sasuke's tongue suddenly darted inside of him, Naruto toes curled in ecstasy.

Naruto's entire body felt like a live wire, pleasure was circulating throughout him at a lighting quick pace. His mind was fogged with the intense pleasure Sasuke was giving him. It took all of Naruto's will power to not come. He couldn't yet. He had to execute his plan. He had to be slick about how he went about it, Sasuke was in full alpha mode, if Naruto said or did the wrong thing he could further his dominants anger with him.

"Sasuke wait," Naruto panted. "I want to touch you too."

Sasuke grunted and loosened his hold on Naruto's thighs. Naruto used this as his chance to get away. He closed his legs and quickly sat up to face Sasuke.

"What are you doing?" Sasuke flared.

Naruto said nothing. He pulled Sasuke's hand and gently pulled until Sasuke eventually gave in and sat on the edge of the bed. Naruto stood up and climbed, face forward onto Sasuke's lap.

Sasuke was alternating between rage that Naruto had disobeyed him and lust that Naruto had straddled him. Without even realizing it Sasuke found himself rubbing Naruto's thighs. The red lace panties were still wound around them and were digging into Naruto's thighs, making them bulge around the thin fabric. Naruto buried his head in Sasuke's neck as Sasuke rubbed up his thighs and then his large stomach. He sighed, loving Sasuke's touch on his body.

"I thought I understood why you were so mad at me, but-" Naruto lifted himself up and spread his ass cheeks, "I really didn't know why you got so mad at me when I did what I did in order to protect you," Naruto grabbed Sasuke's dick and wedged it between his spread cheeks, he rubbed it against his hole and shuddered in pleasure. "But now I understand, the pain of seeing your mate with someone else-the pain of even thinking about your mate with someone else- is excruciating." Naruto took a deep breath and pushed down, taking the entire length of Sasuke's dick inside of him.

"Naruto," Sasuke groaned. Naruto's entire weight was nestled in his lap. His dick was instantly cocooned in Naruto's addicting warmth, "now that you finally get why I was so angry with you, I don't want you to ever do something like that again, do you understand me?"

Naruto nodded.

"I'm serious, even right now I still feel uneasy, I'm holding myself back from attacking you."

"I know exactly what you mean." Naruto murmured heatedly as he thought of Sakura. He pushed his husband back onto the bed and buried Sasuke's cock deeper, hitting that certain sweet spot inside of him.

"So big," Naruto moaned. He had planned to completely take control and overwhelm Sasuke with pleasure so that he'd never stray to Sakura again but Sasuke's dick felt so good inside of him that it was incredibly hard to stick to the plan. With each passing second that Sasuke's dick was in him Naruto was losing the ability to think, his plan to take complete control over Sasuke seemed more and more unrealistic. There was nothing quite like the feeling of fullness of having Sasuke inside of him. Naruto wanted to feel this way forever. Naruto screamed when Sasuke abruptly began to thrust up into him, the ruthless fast thrusts were mind numbing. He collapsed onto Sasuke's chest and panted as the thrusts completely wiped away the last lingering bit of will power he had left. There was no way he could carry out his plan now.

"I'm serious, Naruto, if you ever let another dominant touch you again I'll kill him and I'll kill you."

"Yes!" Naruto moaned. Sasuke's thrusts were hitting that certain spot inside of him that always intensified his pleasure by tenfold.

Sasuke sat up, his dick was still buried deep within Naruto's ass as he picked him up and flipped their positions. He ripped Naruto's lacy panties off; Naruto's legs automatically fell open due to the constraint being gone. Sasuke stopped his thrusts, he loomed over Naruto and stared intensely down at the beautiful submissive underneath him.

Naruto's sweat soaked forehead, the way his hair fanned out on the satin pillows, his glazed over blue eyes, the way his legs were splayed open, his pink hard nipples poking up through the sheer lace of his negligee, his beautiful round stomach and the tattoo on it, the way Naruto took him all in, the way his legs trembled, the absolute lust in his eyes...Sasuke was in love with all of it and it was all his.

"I love you so much you make me feel fucking insane." Sasuke began his ruthless thrusts again; he wanted to imprint his scent deeply into Naruto so that other dominants knew to never touch him again.

Naruto's eyes watered at the intense pleasure, his cock slapped against his stomach each time Sasuke's dick pistoned into him. He was close; he could feel the tingling feeling gathering at the tip of his cock. An ancient urge to mark what was his was ringing in Naruto's ears. Naruto wrapped his trembling arms around Sasuke and pulled him down so that his lips were hovering over Sasuke's pale neck. He licked the spot right on the area over Sasuke's pulse point and then bit down hard.

Sasuke moaned. He felt blood dripping down his neck. Naruto lapped at the blood, healing the mating mark he had just given Sasuke. The coppery taste in his mouth heightened his pleasure. In his country giving a mating mark and then tasting the blood was the most intimate thing a submissive could do to a dominant. A dominants blood was considered sacred; allowing a submissive to wound them was the highest level of trust.

"Mine," Naruto panted as he continued to lap at the mating mark. His legs tightened around Sasuke's waist and he squeezed his eyes shut. The pleasure was too much. Sasuke's thrusts were so fast that all Naruto could feel was the heat every time Sasuke pulled out and reentered him.

"Sasuke!" Naruto cried out as he came all over his stomach. His entire body shuddered.

"Fuck," Sasuke grunted. Naruto had squeezed so tightly around him that it had made his orgasm approach much faster than he wanted. He tightly gripped Naruto's thighs and came inside his blond. He kept thrusting through his orgasm, pushing his seed deeper each time he drove his dick back in.

"There's so much," Naruto cried. The thick white substance was dribbling out the sides of Naruto's hole. Sasuke's dick made a squelching sound with each lazy thrust. The lewd noise made Naruto happy, it was audial proof that Sasuke had released his seed inside of him.

After a few minutes Sasuke pulled his dick out, he wanted to see Naruto's hole filled with his cum. He folded Naruto's legs back and enjoyed the beautiful sight of his cum trickling out of Naruto's stretched hole. It was still pulsating, trying to suck in dick that was no longer there. Once all of it came out Sasuke let Naruto's legs drop.

"You're mine." Naruto murmured as he licked the mating mark on Sasuke's neck. He felt weak, like a child who no longer had the energy to play. Naruto reached his hand between his legs and grabbed Sasuke's red dick, "this is all mine, this is where my babies will come from." Naruto's eyes darkened, "I promised to never let another dominant touch me, but if you ever touch Sakura or another omega again I'll kill you too."

Sasuke's dick instantly hardened.

"Fuck, you know exactly what to say to turn me on," Sasuke fingered out the remaining cum out of Naruto's hole and then plunged back in, "I never knew submissives could be this possessive," Sasuke thrusted deep into Naruto, "It makes me want to fuck you all day long, love."

"Then do it," Naruto pushed down on Sasuke's dick, taking more in. "I'm all yours anyways, Sasuke can do as he pleases with me."

Sasuke smirked. "You're right," he leaned down and bit Naruto's lips, "I can."

Downstairs Mikoto and Fugaku were partaking in a quiet dinner. They hadn't seen their son all afternoon. The awkward atmosphere was amplified by the loud moaning echoing throughout the palace. The heavy scent of arousal wafted through the air and every so often they could hear their son's name being screamed. It had been going on for hours.

"Sasuke is too lenient on that damn submissive of his." Fugaku glared as he guzzled a glass of wine in one gulp. "He should've punished Naruto longer so he could learn from his shame! That submissive will be the end of him."

"But it's nice that Sasuke has made up with Naruto isn't it, honey?" Mikoto said happily. "I didn't think he ever would.

"I couldn't care less if he's made up with him or not, their relationship is meaningless to me all I care about is that baby inside Naruto. The shame he's bringing to our family will be worth it once that child is born."

"Excuse me Fugaku-san but should I go call Sasuke-sama down for dinner? His food will get cold if we wait any longer." A maid asked nervously.

"No, if you bother him right now he might kill you." Fugaku glowered. He knew exactly what state of mind his son was in. The weeks of having no sexual release with his submissive had sent Sasuke into a lust infused frenzy. If another person interrupted it could mean death for them. Fugaku didn't care about the maid's life but he didn't want his son to have a murder scandal when it was completely unnecessary and preventable.

The maid bowed and ran back to her post in the back of the dinning room with the rest of the maids. She glanced worriedly next to her where Sakura was standing. She could feel bloodlust radiating off of her. She prayed to Kaguya that if and when Sakura finally blew her fuse that she wouldn't be nearby to witness it.

A week later

"Hello Itachi-san." Naruto greeted cheerfully as he waddled into Itachi's resting chambers. "I'm sorry I haven't came to visit you lately, I've been too busy now that Sasuke is back in my life again. I didn't mean to completely stop visiting though, I've missed you." Naruto hummed as he threw away the now wilted brown fire flowers, "you know I've been thinking of finding a new kind of flower to bring to you. Rin told me that if I travel to the end of the border of Uchiha territory there's a black flower that shimmers in the moonlight. Since you're so fond of the color black I really want to get some for you." Naruto bunched the fresh fire flowers he had picked earlier with Deidara together and was about to put them into the vase when a gravely voice completely shattered the silence in the room.


Naruto instantly dropped the bundle of flowers. Tears welted up in his eyes. It had been so long since he had heard that voice. He slowly turned around and immediately began to cry when he saw Itachi's two black eyes staring in his direction.

"Itachi-san!" Naruto cried out. He threw his arms around Itachi and hugged him tight to his body. "I didn't think you'd ever wake up, everyone said that you'd stay in a coma for the rest of your life. I'm so happy!" Naruto sobbed into Itachi's chest.

"Naruto?" Itachi snaked his arms under Naruto and pushed up, effectively forcing Naruto to break his hold.

"I can't believe you're really awake!" Naruto cradled Itachi's face in his hands. Naruto's amazement with Itachi's miraculous recovery made him oblivious to the quiet storm brewing in Itachi's dark eyes.


"Yes, Itachi-san?" Naruto sniffled.

"Tell me," ten blue flames appeared at each of Itachi's fingertips. "Who's the dominant who got you pregnant so I can kill him."