
Chapter 81

"Afterwards, I will use Fargleweed to soothe your evaporating mating mark and the pain in your chest. However, it may continue regardless for hours. 

Even if you are hurting after I am through with this step, I must give you the elixir or it will never be complete. This is the potion that messes with your mind, fiddling with your memories and truly making you forget him."

"Let's get on with it then," I mutter, lying back against the single pillow. 

"Bring on the pain."

She smiles, a wicked smile that chills me to the bone. "As you wish."

A few minutes pass as she arranges things on the table. I spend time thinking about what I was going to lose. 

Throughout this process, will I lose myself? Why did I even agree to do this?

Oh yeah. The pain.

That is so funny to me, and I start to laugh. So in order to escape from the pain, I must drink something that gives me pain. What a messed up world.