
Chapter 137

I was sending him death glares now.

"Well, I never asked you to bring me here, did I? And I am not even enjoying it - not a bit."

"Well, do you say 'thank you' to everything you like? No, right? You say it because someone did something kind for you. And trust me, you are going to enjoy it." Jamil said, smirking at his smart - ass reply and my expression.

I took a deep breath.

Calm down, Accalia. I told myself.

The limo drove to who knows where.

"Wait, how long are we going to stay here?" I asked Jamil.

"Maybe 4 days." he said.

"4 days?!" I asked.

"Well, we are going to be traveling for about 4 days. We are only staying here for about," he said, looking at his watch, "4 and a half hours."

"What are we going to be doing here? - Wait! If we are going to be traveling . . . where are our clothes?" I asked, widening me eyes.

Jamil sat up and cleared his throat.