
Chapter 147

The day passed . . .

Jamil woke up so early, for the basketball try out. Accalia joined him and she was so excited for him and was happy to join for the basketball team.

When they arrived at the Basketball gym, they saw that there were many players who also wanted to audition for the team. Some practiced dribbling and others shot in the ring.

"Good luck!!!" Accalia whispered to Jamil and smiled at him.

Accalia's nose was squeezed by Jamil. 

"You're so cute!" he said while squeezing her nose.

"Ah, stop it! My nose will get bleed." Accalia said and he stop it.

Then they approached the table handing out the form to fill up.

He was asked what section he had and course and if he had joined the basketball team before.

"Do you have any experience playing on the basketball team?" coordinator question him.

"Yes, Sir, I used to play on our school team." Jamil said.