
Chapter 118 - The Generals Part 1

Tyrus walks close to the Generals, claps his hand, and said, "Wonderful Generals, you are indeed a group of a fine warrior, you arrived at the most fortune time, if it weren't for you we would have lost several Minions," Tyrus looks at one of the Generals among the 10 he ha the highest rank.

"Is there something you want to say Achmir?" Asked Tyrus with his face in front of the General's face, which makes the situation a little bit awkward. Tyrus walks away after asking.

"Commander, thank you for your commendation to us, but to be honest Lord Lithos our King sent us too early, we were supposed to arrive a day later than today to put a hard press to the battle and completely put them under our feet as his Lord's design, but he saw your unplanned show of power so he sent us to assist you instead," said Achmir.