Shimon had been true to his word once her lesson was done with he lead her to where the stables where and she saw Atem waiting for her he bowed and left them alone he smiled at her and held out her hand and told her to keep her eye's shut just for the moment so she had to let him lead the way into the stables, she found she was't scared since she could tell Atem was't the type of person to let her fall they soon came to a stop and he told her to stand there for a second she felt him move away, that's when she heard a sound and he told her to open her eye's as she did she was greeted by a sight of the most beautiful horse she had ever seen it's coat was as golden as the sun itself and it's main and tail matched it perfectly and it had pale coloured blue eye's.
"do you like her?" Atem asked.
"oh Atem she's breathtaking may i pet her?" Nefertari asked.
"of course she's your's" Atem chuckled.
"she's mine" she said looking at Atem.
"yes she arrived two days ago and i had her placed in here and i thought she would be a perfect match to someone as lovely as you would you join me for a ride along the Nile just the two of us" Atem said.
"i would love to" she said with a smile this was what he meant by spending time together.
"good but you need to give her a name first" he said with a chuckle.
"hmmm... how about Amaunet" she said looking at Atem who smiled.
"a fine name i'll get her saddled up for you and i'll be out in a moment" Atem said.
Atem chuckled watching her leave with a smile he had felt bad about asking her about her childhood and making her cry and he thought that he could cheer her up this way and what no better way than the gift he had planed for her and she had picked a fine name for her that made him chuckle since he had named his horse after one of the Egyptian gods he looked over at Aten, who was a stunning horse himself he was much larger than Nefertari's and he was a true midnight black apart from his main and tail which were golden it was one of thing's that drew him to the horse he chuckled as Atem lowered his head so he could pet him also he had't failed to notice that he showed interest in Amaunet.
"you like her don't you boy she'd make a nice match for you, and what do you think about me and Nefertari do we making a good match" he said which got a stamped hove in answer "i'll take at as a yes" he chuckled getting them both ready.
It was't long in till Atem came out leading her horse by it's rains and also an other one she guessed that was his horse and it was stunning she went up to it and it lowered it's head so she could pet it since it was a larger horse Atem chuckled and told her his name she chuckled back guess they thought a like he walked around an to help her up onto her horse and then he got up on his and they both headed for the palace gates where the guards let them through and she had a feeling that they would of followed if Atem had't told them to stay behind saying they would't be gone long, she followed him through the village it was quiet since the sun was starting to set and it was't in till they were out of the village that they made both horses go faster and she loved it the sand under them moved so fast and the wind she could feel up on the horses back was something she would't forget she made Amaunet move a little faster with a tap to her sides so she was right next to Atem on Aten and raised an eyebrow at him before taking the lead he raised his own eyebrow if it's a race she was wanted it's a race she would get and they few past the Nile with each stride when they finally came to a stop both of them were laughing.
"now that was fun" Nefertari chuckled.
"i have to agree with you there you can ride very well" Atem said.
"thank you and so can you" Nefertari said.
"and thank you say..can you swim Nefertari?" he asked coming closer.
"" she said blushing a little.
"then how about i teach you right now" he said.
"but wont we be seen" she said going an even darker shade.
"then let them stare if they wish ..what do you say" Atem said getting down from Aten and holding a hand up to her.
"well it is still rather warm after all" she said as he helped her down off of Amaunet.
Atem tied Amaunet's rains to Aten's so she did't wander off and he lead them close to the water with her following beside him if she went any redder people were going to think that she had been out in the sun for to long, she looked away finding the sand very interesting as Atem removed his clothes and got into the water then it was her turn she did't move at first just blushed even more she heard him chuckled though and when she looked he had his eye's shut and she could't help but smile and she quickly removed her clothes as well and placed them with Atem's she also noticed his item had been hidden with in his clothes she would have to ask him about these items while she had the chance, once she moved away from where their clothes were she moved quickly so that she was in the water she had't known how deep the water is and she would of gone under if Atem had't of moved to help her he told her that she would be ok and to hold onto his shoulders so they could move a little further out she all but had a death grip on him as she could no longer feel the wet sand under her feet he finally stopped and he held her by the waist even though a part of her was scared the other part of her knew she was safe with Atem and he would't let something bad happen to her.
"ok try and kick your legs a little and move your arms at the same time just like a did you'll find it'll keep up above the water" he said.
She did what he said Atem was right she did stay above the water though she did go under once or twice but he helped her when that happened but after a while she got the hang of it and he swam along side her they even splashed each other a few time's and had a race back to the where they had left their horses and clothes again Atem got out first and kept his back to her so she could get out and put her clothes back on and they sat side by side watching the last bit of sun start to set.
"Atem can i ask you something" Nefertari said looking at him after sorting out the rest of her wet hair which made it look an even darker red.
"of course" Atem said looking at her.
"well it's about your item there i'v seen your priests with them as well and i was just wandering what they are really" she said pointing at it.
"it's called the millennium puzzle it's one of the seven millennium items and with them we use the magic sealed within them to protect Egypt from those that would wish us harm" Atem said.
"what are the other's called?" she asked.
"there's the millennium eye,the millennium ring, millennium necklace also the millennium rod and millennium scales and the last one the millennium key" Atem said listing them off on his fingers.
"well now i know what they are and what their for" she chuckled.
"you've been wandering about them for how long?" he asked.
"from the first day i saw Mahad's" she said with a slight chuckle.
"why did't you just ask before" Atem said.
"well guess i was a little shy at the time and my nerves had been pushed to their limits when i came here but over the last few days i'v been made to feel so at home here, more than i was with the other Maidens but i told you about that...also i was worried about one other thing.." Nefertari said hugging her knee's to her chest.
"what do you mean by that?" Atem asked.
"well it was what you would think of me i mean i don't look like your normal Egyptian for one thing my hair is crimson also my green eye's and my pale skin, i standout a lot when i'm around other's and i thought that you would't want someone like me i nearly did't join the other's the day Mahad and Shimon came Panya made me join them though.." she said.
Atem looked at her for the moment how could she think something like that sure she was a little different from other's but that's what he liked about her and also he could tell she had a very warm and kind heart and even he had noticed a fire behind her eye's and the sadness due to her childhood which was mixed in as well, how could she not see just how lovely she was he saw it the first time he saw her did she think that he may not want her because of how she looked or that he could never fall in love with her and in truth he was though he did fear that she might not feel the same but there was one way to find out if she felt that way towards him, he cupped the side of her face which made her look at him with those stunning green eye's of her's they were shocked at first when he moved closer and she did't pull away and he could feel the heat on her cheeks, as he lent a little closer still giving her a chance to pull away or push him away but she did't they were barely an inch between them and he could feel his heart thumping against his chest and it was very clear that her's was doing the same, and in one of those heartbeats the distance was closed between them her lips felt so soft and was stiff with shock at first but she quickly melted into the kiss and wrapped her arms around him as his weight made her fall back onto the sand without breaking the kiss though they had to break it when the need for air became to great to ignore both breathless and very flushed.
"....Atem..." she said it was very shaky.
" never think that i would't want you Nefertari or that i could't fall for you" he said his voice shook as well.
That had tears slipping down her face followed with a smile as they kissed again and they would have to part for air again it was after the second kiss that they stood and got back on their horses since they had to go back to the palace though they did't race this time and enjoyed every second even more on the way back though, their time alone had't gone unnoticed by two people on a sand dune on horse back themselves they looked at each other with a smirk so the rumors they had heard in the last village they had burned to the ground had been true after all.