Nefertari could't help but hold onto the side of the mignot with her free hand sometimes as they traveled back to the palace even though the villagers who were carrying it were strong enough to keep it steady she just worried about the babies even though they were more than safe wrapped in a sling made from Atem's cloak which was wrapped around her so they were against her chest also it gave her some cover when she needed to feed them which was going to be soon, since they were both starting to wake up she smiled nuzzling the tops of their little heads when she heard a baritone chuckle and she looked to her side and could't help but blush seeing Atem had been watching her Tanis barked from where he was next to Aten she chuckled as he jumped up once or twice so she could see him she two cries had her chuckling as she went about feeding her son and daughter again, Atem smiled watching her and went back on his guard since they had a long way to go and anything could happen it was the whole reason he was sicking to Nefertari's side and so was Tanis while Seto and Karim lead from the front and Shada and Isis were on her other side and Mana was just a little behind them with Kisara but so far thing's had been alright and if it stayed that way they would be back at the palace by sun down.
"Atem is everything alright?" Nefertari asked looking back at him while the babies fed.
"everything's fine Nefertari why?" he asked.
"you just seemed to have a worried look that's all" she said.
"just lost in thought that's all but i'm happy to see your feeling a little better" he said.
"guess some food helped..though i meant what i said Atem" she said with a chuckle.
"oh i think i can get you to change your mind" he chuckled back.
Isis could't help but smile hearing the Queen and Pharaoh enjoy themselves it reminded her of the playful banter her and Mahad used to do when they had sometime to themselves she was also glade that their children had been born safely and that Nefertari was starting to gain some strength back though she had needed help to walk, but that would pass in time but even peaceful time's don't last long enough she stopped as her necklace gave a vision though it was't as clear as they had been in the past, but one thing was clear there was danger ahead once it was over she looked to Shada who had noticed and he nodded and came up next to her so they would't be over heard.
"what's wrong Isis?" he asked.
"some of Bakura's and Marik's men the one's who burnt down Kisara's village there following us they must of seen the pharaoh when he, you also Seto and Karim pass the village looking for us" Isis said.
"we need to make sure to keep the Pharaoh and Queen and the babies out of harms way did your vision show how close they were?" he asked.
"no..we might be heading right into a trap" Isis said.
"very well i'll in form Seto and Karim..stay close to the Queen Isis and stay safe as well" he said catching up with seto and Karim which had't gone unnoticed by Atem and he quickly did the same with Tanis at his side as well.
"Isis" Nefertari said looking over at her.
"it's alright Nefertari don't worry yourself ok" Isis said hoping to keep her calm.
Atem cursed under his breath when Shada told him about Isis vision so much for a peaceful trip home though he was more worried about his with and children they were an easy target for Marik and Bakura's men, he thought for a moment before heading over to where Mana was with Kisara she knew this desert if there was a way to avoid them getting caught in the ambush then she would know it though it would take longer to get back to the palace, as he made his way over to them he told Tanis to stay with Nefertari and he was soon walking by the villagers carrying the mignot though he was sure that Nefertari knew something was wrong and he could't blame her for the look she had on her face.
"Pharaoh what's wrong?" Mana asked.
"trouble..Kisara is there an other root that would lead us back to palace faster?" he asked.
"not really my Pharaoh this is the safest root out there it's just open desert which is more dangers due to sandstorms and snakes and so on, and with the queen the way she is at the moment and the babies even sheltered as they are it will be very hard on them and everyone else with this heat"
"we might not have a choice..." Atem said going back to join Seto and the other's.
Nefertari could't help but let a shiver of fear run down her back with what was going on she looked at Isis again and she gave a faint smile and she knew there was a reason to be scared right now she wrapped her arms around her babies if something happened to them she would never forgive herself she jumped a little when Mana put a hand on her shoulder as she and Kisara were right next to her now and she gave a little smile glade for the comfort she tired to give and she tired to calm herself down since it would start to upset Asim and Aloli but as she did that she caught sight of someone covered in a black cloak up on a sand dune she quickly looked to her other side now she knew why Atem was acting this way and Isis was trying to keep her calm by saying there was nothing to worry about those cloaked people who bruned Kisara's village they had been following them she guessed they must of followed Atem when he passed by Kisara's village and where they left the boat and if that was the case did they know about the babies as well she shook her head she did't want to think about what they would do to them if they did there just had to be a way to keep everyone safe there just had to be? that's when she thought about the boat if they could get to it before Bakura's and Marik's men did anything then they would have a chance after all they manged to get away from them with Kisara's help that's why atem had spoken to her most likely seeing if there was an other way back home but it was just desert and it would be to hard going for anyone.
"kisara" she said looking over at her.
"yes Nefertari" she said.
"do you think you can sneek us back into the village the same way you got us out of there?" she asked.
"ah well i guess but.." Kisara said.
"i'll be alright walking more dangerous being out in open desert right" Nefertari said.
"well yes" Kisara said.
"well then.." she said.
Atem looked over his shoulder and frowned when he saw the villagers put the mignot down and worried something might be wrong with Nefertari or the babies so he hurried over only to see Nefertari be helped to her feet she was shaky but manged to stay up straight and both arms around the babies in the sling to keep them steady as she found her feet Tanis stayed close barking a little then whined when she handed their children to Isis then made her way over to him.
"Nefertari what are.." he started to say but she cut him off.
"i have an idea though i doubt your going to like it very much" she said looking up at him.