CHAPTER 80: “You are not mad, are you?”

The light of the stone city shone through my window. But it was impossible to tell the time just rom that. Therefore, I did not know if it was day or night.

I rubbed my face and inspected my hand afterwards. I was relieved that they did not paint on my face while I was asleep.

However, when I left the bed, I immediately took back my silent praise. One of them had decided that it would be funny to tie a blue ribbon on the end of my tail. It was a neatly folded bow like one would expect around the neck of a cute dog.

I sighed and removed the ribbon. I guesses that they were hoping that I wouldn't notice and walk around with it all day.

I got dressed and walked out of the room. With no idea what to do I made my way to the living room. Apparently, Yohan was already up.

He greeted me if a faint smile and continued to read his book. He held a steaming cup of thee in his hand.

("So, it is early, and the others are not up yet.")

Bored out of my mind I took a look at the bookshelf. All the books smelled old and dull. The pages of some were a slight tint of yellow and stains could be found on nearly all of them. they were all at least second hand. Some showed beautifully illustrated covers while others only had a title. However, there was nothing interesting.

I turned around when I herd a pair of footsteps enter the room. "Hello Gert. How have you been doing lately?"

"I'm fine." He muttered as he made his way to the kitchen while trying to keep his distance from me.

"You know. Its so not like you."

"What do you mean?"

I could hear his breathing accelerate. He must already have a hunch of what I was talking about.

"What I mean is that you would usually try to stop them. "

"Okay fine. It was Allenya"

"I figured that much. Alex is still way to depressed to pull any pranks."

Gert looked rather uncomfortable. He did not stop her, so he felt that he was at least partially responsible.

"You are not mad, are you?"

"Do you truly believe that I would lower myself to such an extent that I would get mad about something as insignificant as that?"

Suddenly laughing could be heard. Coming from Yohan's direction.

"What's funny?" I asked him in a slightly annoyed tone.

"No, it's nothing." He said while he placed his tea on the table so that he wouldn't accidentally spill it.

"Also why is he still here?"

He stopped to think for a moment before he remembered who I was talking about.

"You mean Nathan? Elisa and him were getting along pretty well so I lend him a room."

I raised an eyebrow while I looked at him from the corner of my eye. "Do you remember the time by the lake when I encountered that man that wasn't quite human? you do know that that was him right? And you haven't even seen his face, yet you let him sleep under this roof?"

"Well, you are also not human we let you sleep here to, despite the fact that your species is known for its violence and trickery. Besides, he seemed like a pretty nice guy and its not like he is a total stranger. We travelled with him and he was the reason that we made it here so soon."

I narrowed my eyes and growled. I did not like Nathan and was really not happy with him staying here. But if Elisa took joy in his presence then I wouldn't kick him out. For now.

Then, I realised that I was probably frightening both Yohan and Gert. So, I did my best to calm down a little.

I walked to one of the windows that showed the still empty streets of the stone city and looked outside.

"I think that I will chick op on those fife idiots that may or may not be planning to take this place over. Well, I assume that it's six now. anyway, I will probably be back in a few hours"

Yohan smiled as he took another sip from his tea wile he was trying to figure out if I was angry from all that had happened this morning or not.

"Just make sure that you come back when there aren't many people outside."

I nodded and jumped out of the window and flew to the mansion where the five broken humans were.

Beatrice opened the dark wooden door he moment my feet touched the ground in front of the mansion.

"Ah, master. It is great that you are here right now. would you please follow me? we don't know what to do with him."

I was sightly curious about what was going on and decided to follow her through the dark halls of the mansion that were only illuminated by a few candles.

When I entered the main room, I immediately saw what she meant.

Before me I saw the most disgusting specimen of humanity that I had ever seen. At no time had I met such a degraded or disturbing version of a human being as this lone figure displayed. Both on the inside and outside.