CHAPTER 164: I can’t let you leave.

It did not take long for me to quickly kill of all the other humans. there were only four that could actually move, and the other was already dying by himself.

Out of the mobile four I spared the odd one. He had actually tried to run away. But even despite the strange state of his soul, he was still human. and no human could match my speed even if I did not choose to fly.

I nailed the man to the floor with my long claws. I was careful enough to only pierce his clothing since I did not know what was actually going on with this human.

For someone who had tried to avoid me from the beginning, he was surprisingly calm. But he was probably never scared in the first place. it was something like, staying alive to fight another day. Not that his mindset mattered to me in any way.

Now up close his scent was clearer. Despite his physical state not matching it. it resembled the scent of a demon all too much, just hidden underneath layers of the typical human smell.

My first thought was that he was a cambion, a human demon hybrid. But even then, he should have had at least some demonic presence. Just like how he had some traces of demon mixed in with his scent. Even when I had been summoned for the first time the minotaur like demon mistook me for a cambion for a moment. I guess that at that time my soul was still adjusting to my body what caused the confusion. But I could never be sure since my own soul is the only one, I cannot see.

My next guess was that he had somehow survived getting demonic blood mixed in within his system without it completely destroying his body. But from what I had seen with Leonor, this was also unlikely.

"Tell me small creature. What are you?"

The man still struggled to escape my grasp but to no avail. The moment he heard my question he looked up with an almost mocking smile.

"What? Man, you must be a verry stupid demon. Never heard of a human before?"

This man seemed to have a lot of holy items on him. Preventing me from directly entering his mind. he probably had done this out of experience. Many only thought that it would fend me off from physically harming them, and only few who had direct contact with demons knew that it could also protect their minds if used in a certain way.

But despite me not being able to enter his mind I could tell from his voice that he truly believed that he was human.

I sighed and decided that it wouldn't be worth it to drag him along to see how he was going to turn out. Since this had also happened in the world where Leonor came from, she might know more about it. and if not, then it was no life-threatening situation.

"Of course, I know what a human is, you sack of meat. It is just that I can see in your soul that you are at least corrupted and slowly rotting away from the inside. And at most not even human given that your soul does not properly match your body. But since you're not even aware of it. there is no use in keeping you alive."

I swiftly bit of the man's neck and collected the souls of the other unfortunate. After this I flew over to the people who were still guarding the gate.

As I had suspected, some had tried to leave in order to warn the other forces. That was why I had made some of the ground sink in. if they tried to get away, they would fall trough the ground and die from impact. They had soon realised this, so only two people had tried.

Circling above the guards the alarms were going off louder than ever.

Then one of them pulled a handle and the alarm system was shut down. I did not get why they did this. I was able to see clearly in the dark, and without their red lights they would only limit their own vision.

When I came even closer, they suddenly lit bright fires.

It was not that the lights hurt me in any way. But belonging to a species that naturally lives in the darkness of hell, the sudden light was truly uncomfortable and startled me.

Following this they used their adder stones to see where exactly I was and fired at will. It was incredibly hard for me to doge the projectiles. One of them even hit my arm and another one of my wings.

After I was able to properly see again. I let fire rain from up high and a chain of explosions obliterated the weak, flesh bodies of the humans. yet the remaining few kept firing and I kept setting the entire area ablaze.

I found out the hard way that simply engulfing myself in flames to make my body ethereal was not enough to dodge the silvery substance they shot at me. but it was a mistake that I would not make again.

I let the ground rise and the air press them down. Their insides spattered across the chattered floor and only one remained standing.

Half of his body was burned, and he held onto his spear as if it was the last thing keeping him alive.

"I can't let you leave fiend!"

I smiled and moved closer to the shaking human.

"And why is that? You were ready to sacrifice millions to keep us away from here. and here I am, ready to leave on my own accord along with the humans you wanted to get rid of in the first place. so why are you still so desperately standing in front of that gate?"

"Even if I do that, you won't let m live anyways. So, it will be better if I face you here, so I at least don't die a coward."

I let out a deep hollow laughter. "Yea you are right. "I responded. "But please, don't lie to yourself that your death, or even your life had any meaning. Even the gods wouldn't care if you vanished from these worlds."

I mixed some air with sand that laid around and cut him in half with what from an outsider's perspective looked like purely my will.

Now that I had a proper meal, and the way was cleared I made more of these sinkholes to prevent guards from coming here again and I returned to the humans.