Prologue | Welcome To College!

College.. It's a funny thing really. Paying an unreasonable amount of money, all for the sake of a more advanced education. Sure, you may meet a couple of people now and then, and you might have a bit of fun along the way, but none of it proves to be anything substantial. College is like.. The evolved version of high school, but without the immature audiences and superficial teachers of course, which we now refer to as 'professors.' When in college, the ideal behavioral standards are set to an absurd level, the work is expected to be turned in on the dime, and your life as a student is supposed to be intellectually soothing and care free. But college, or an educational industry of any sorts, never truly fills the expectations of it's intentions. Time will always be divided for entertainment, friends, family, and everything unimaginably possible. Not a single day passes without stress or emotion, and the constant fear of missing out on something that hasn't even come into view yet. The anxiety is never ending.

As for me, I bask in the glory of what I picture my future to look like. Re-imagining the past, I believe, is useless in my case. If it's something that has already occurred, the idea of dwelling on such a thing is entirely futile. What I mean to imply isn't exactly the case of a bad childhood. I grew up with my younger sister and my mother, my older brother departed to join the military, my father was in and out of prison, wreaking havoc upon my mothers's emotions and our families way of life, and my only friend was my rat Victor, until he passed away at the age of 3, due to a minor growth that spread through his body and took his life in his sleep. I remember quite frequently how I would spend my sleepless nights crying, and feasting upon fruits until the early morning hours... I do admit that loosing Victor took a tole on my ability to socialize. This lack of communication lead to a struggle with bullying, but other than the constant bickering and teasing commonly stereotyped to be childish manner of play, I found comfort in the use of studies. I rose to the top of my class with no trouble at all, other than the immature nicknames that I was given. The prolonging vowels being spat at me nearly every day for my lisp, which thankfully only lasted a short month or two once my permanent front teeth appeared in my early 1st grade year. Four-eyes, since I was required to wear spectacles for the most of my elementary life, just until I found myself capable to put contacts in during my 4th month of junior high. And the oh-so clever title that I gained all throughout high-school, the class nerd. While goofing around in class just to get a quick laugh, or sweating bullets with extra curricular sports activities, my intentions never chose to stoop so low. Instead, I preferred to join the robotics, science, math, writing, and reading club, all of which proved to be a very successful use of my valuable time.

As easy as it was to get through my adolescent years, I never really chose to make any lasting impressions, unlike the so called, "Suck up's," within most of my classes. I was often referred to as one of these, "Class pets," just for my excelling abilities within mindful activities of pastime. I never was the one for attention however, I mainly stuck to myself while completing my assignments. I guess that was my problem all throughout school, but I've changed my ways.

Like I mentioned before, college can introduce you to new people who may be interested in similar majors and activities as yourself. While I never considered to call myself socially excelling just a short few years back, I would give myself such a title now. Cassidy Farmnook, a girl who reflected myself in more ways than one- had changed my whole perspective upon my communicative abilities, and shifted them into just the right place. She broke me free from my confinements, and now, I engage in conversations I never knew I'd get myself into. I'm still relatively new to this whole, "Social butterfly," aspect, which leads to my own preferences. I usually tend to linger around the female standpoints, finding their ideas more relatable to my own, unlike the male figures. While boys lean towards the whole idea of, "Getting laid," by a stunningly featured female, I enjoy the silly, humorous conversations that most females endure. While I am also teased every once and a while for being in such close proximity with these girls, I would rather stand naked before a group of females, than males. For self conscious reasons, I never feel comfortable in the showers with other males, however, I feel just fine being around woman with no problems whatsoever. I choose to assume that it's because that's what I'm accustomed to, after all, I had lived with my mom and my sister for years on end. It doesn't bother me though. No matter what the feeble minded individuals say, I remain as strong as ever- rarely tripping up on a single thing. Sure I may forget where I put my schedule every once and a while, but other than the slight misplacing of small items that I memorize on my own, that's just about it.

Yes, this is the life I live. Simple, easy, and filled with knowledge. I have everything planned out, and I have no intentions of shifting the rules for any reason. That is... Until the campus schedule changed...

I had received just about the worst news of my entire career as a full time student here in Mirwell University, home of the dragon mascot. Each and every one of my classes were being extended throughout the second semester, and held 2 hours earlier than they originally sat. Nearly all of my classes were an even number of hours away from each other, whether that was by 2's or 4's. That's one of the reasons why I enjoyed my previous schedule so much, because the classes were organized and evenly spaced. Of course that had to change, but I must've taken the blunt of the hit. I still wouldn't consider myself lucky however. My run of bad luck was only beginning, and I was sure that it couldn't get any worse than this.

Once again, I have spoken too soon...


I hope you've all enjoyed this introductory prologue of  'Once Upon A Friday Night.' I hope to be posting as regularly as possible, and I apologize ahead of time for any mishaps in the publishing schedule. After around the first 2-3 chapters, I will average the time it takes for me to write a single one, and I'll try my very best to stay on top of that number. Thanks again for reading, and I hope you enjoy this story!

Check out my other stories on my page! "A Spy For A Spy," and "Corrupted."