
Discussing a little with Misha, Haru noticed his taking a few steps the day before had not altered Misha's disposition. She did not seem to be disappointed, which settled in his mind their bond could remain so in the future as well. He did not know why, but it reassured his heart a bit, enough to make him wear a small smile.

"...I'm glad we can still talk like this."

Saying these words out loud without even realizing it, Misha was confidently talking about how some adventurers might be tiresome to deal with as her lips stopped mid-sentence. For a moment, she didn't know what to say. There were many things she could have answered, but the small smile of relief Haru had worn from what seemed an almost long period, was enough to sew her mouth. Looking down so that their gazes wouldn't meet, her vocal cords emitted a 'Hmm' nodding, while the corners of her mouth rose.

It wasn't like Haru to express his feelings so clearly. He used to wrap his words around the obvious, teasing Misha with his words, which irritated her. But at the same time, he was always able to make her feel a mound of different emotions.

The feeling of being able to laugh without being restrained, responding informally with someone who had no interest in her as a woman, the presence of someone who could listen to how boring adventurers were who presented themselves to the guild. Misha was beginning to hold on to these little things, which had so far improved her days, making them full of colours compared to before.

Of course, she had her friend Eina to confide in, and she loved her so much she would never replace her with anyone else. But there was this relationship where even though she said weird things, Haru would play along with her, which made it increasingly difficult for her to see a future where Haru's death would not inflict a severe blow to her heart. Even though their relationship was going almost too well, Misha felt the urge to burst into tears.

'Don't you dare die.'

The thought that had enveloped in her heart, and she could no longer illude her mind she could let go whenever she wanted. Haru had managed to make his way through her heart in such a stupid way that Misha also felt she wanted to laugh at herself.

'Thinking about it... It's this balance of feelings that brought us closer, isn't it?'

The closer the two would get, the more Misha felt able to have fun in his company, experiencing feelings that filled her with happiness, joy, and gave her the strength to face yet another day with even more resolution. Similarly, when Haru left from the guild's door, Misha quietly prayed Haru would be the next to enter that same door. It caused anxiety, disappointment, and sadness. Long story short, she knew it from the beginning, their connection was a mixture of negativity and positivity, and if there was one more thing Misha had understood, was that it was worth it.

If she had no choice but to risk ending up in a situation that will probably mark her heart enough to confine her even more deeply, so much so that it will sink into an ocean of negative feelings, Misha would have accepted this relationship. Seemed as bright as the sun, nostalgic as a gentle breeze of wind, and as fragile as the finest glass pattern existing.

"...I look forward to talking like this for a long time, Haru-kun. I'm your advisor, after all."

Her words spoken in a playful tone, made Haru meet his gaze with hers. However, he could see clarity in them he had never seen before. She had a cheeky smile that seemed aching to tell so much, yet anything else would be futile to add, which made his smile widen.


As Misha's smile expanded so much she showed her white teeth, Haru added nothing more while enjoying the comfort of that conversation, the couch he was sitting on, and the atmosphere that was pleasant enough for him to close his eyes. Shortly after, Misha and Haru were informed by one of the staff that the Takemikazuchi familia had arrived and were waiting for them at the entrance, which caused them to exchange another pair of smiles, nodding at the same time.


Having arrived in front of Takemikazuchi familia members, Haru observed that only three of them were present. Yamato Mikoto, the girl with whom he had had the pleasure of interacting and similarly breaking the ice. A boy more or less of his age with green eyes like the sea, and black jade hair, and last but not least, a girl with black hair of a medium length, eyes the same sea green colour as the boy, with the only difference that they were darker, almost to indicate greater depth than those of the latter.

Exchanging quick introductions, Haru noticed the individual known as Ouka seemed to be very mature at a first impression. While instead the girl named Chigusa, had a shy disposition, so much to impress him as not even the typical Japanese girl was so timid.

Haru found himself engaging mostly in conversation with Mikoto, both having a passion for swordsmanship, Misha limited herself to drive the road with a satisfied smile on her face after what had transpired before their arrival.

After not long, Haru found himself sitting on a couch facing the three members of the Takemikazuchi Familia who had an expression full of seriousness on their face. He knew why they had set up this meeting, but he didn't think it should be considered as such an important matter, since it was only of the loot he had no way of collecting himself in the Dungeon.

"Can Misha stay...? It seems what you have to say is more serious than I expected."

Addressing Mikoto, she nodded adding Misha was not a problem at all. The latter would be in a break right now, but since Eina had no free time, she was rather annoyed at the idea of having lunch alone, so she had chosen to stay and listen to the conversation If both sides had granted her this selfish wish.

So while Misha took her seat beside Haru, obviously keeping a certain distance, Mikoto resumed from where she had stopped.

"...What we need to talk to you about is not anything serious. I was pondering about letting the spar we talked about it officially. There are so many things I would like to show you and that I would like you to show me. The way of the sword is intricate and difficult for others to understand, but I am sure that a person who pursues the same path will be able to understand me. Of course, these are just sparring, like I explained the other day. I'm sure there's something we can both gain from this, which is why it's become so important to us. Any method to become stronger is crucial to our goal. I generously ask you to grant this selfish wish of mine."

Seeing not only Mikoto but even Ouka and Chigusa lower their heads as if to try changing his mind should he consider refuse their offer, Haru sighed.

"I see no problem in sparring to learn something from each other, but why this seriousness. It is you who saved my life, and it is I who should lower my head sincerely thanking you for your kindness. May I ask what is driving you to this extent?"

He felt negative emotions emanating out of the three of them the moment he finished the last sentence of his speech. There was no doubt something weighed on their hearts enough to make them lower their heads for someone they had saved, and if Haru could do something to lend them a hand, he would do it.

At his words, Mikoto's gaze met Ouka's. As if the two made a quick mental conversation, the former sighed. She didn't expect to end up discussing this matter. Nevertheless, her words came out of her mouth without showing more emotion than needed.

"...We had several reasons for moving to Orario. However, we later found out that a noble lady from our land named Sanjouno Haruhime was brought here. We are still looking for her, so far without success. Her name does not appear to have been heard before in any place we have explored so far, but we hope that she might still be alive somewhere..."

Mikoto felt pain in remembering the memory of the kind, honest, and graceful girl who had accompanied her childhood.

In that distant period she still holds close to her heart Mikoto remembered Haruhime as a little girl who had eyes that when she looked at them seemed to look into the void so distant that she found annoying at the beginning. However, she still didn't know the reason for that expression. Mikoto could more or less understand Haruhime had to be suffering from a lack of friends, someone who was there for her to support her, and the very thought that she might be somewhere in this city. Treated inhumanly, or that her life might have already died out all alone, Mikoto felt heartaches so strong her whole body trembled, but at the same time, she tried to keep her calm with deep breaths.

The state Mikoto was in upset Haru. He could almost feel Mikoto had a type of pain very similar to his own, that no matter how much one tried to hide, it would always bloom, devastating the person who had to endure these feelings. Haru felt the need to wrap Mikoto in a hug, reassure her that everything would be all right and that he would do something about her situation with all his might, however, this wasn't possible as it was not his role to comfort her.

"...I see. I can understand your wanting to become stronger now. I thank you for opening your heart to me. Regarding your proposal, I will be happy to help you with your training, as it also benefits me, but that's not all. Allow me to help you with your mission. I do not come from your land and am a total stranger, but to repay the tribute I have towards you, I will lend you my strength by that time."


(I'm wondering, can you understand now how strong feelings doesn't mean there has to always be love & harem preset in the way? The friendship between women and men do exist, and I believe this should be said. Going against a wave, isn't that the thrill you all are looking for while searching for a good novel to read? I wonder. However, I'm not saying their relationship is settled with this, just wanted to let Harem believers understand core points of how a world setting doesn't mean something has to be written in that way. Just think about religious states where marrying multiple women in our world is possible. Isn't our world a monogamy preset? How come harem is a thing? Yeah, this is what you were telling me in the comments for dropping the story, it makes 0 sense.)

(They're not tears, it's the ninjas with these onions...grrr... / Hitachi Chigusa. Alias: Hentai Protagonist / Misha is protecting herself against Covid-19 / Haruhime, she fainted.)

(Above me there are my thoughts about the chapter, I somehow ended up adding them..)