Perseus' Descendant

As soon as it entered his line of action though, Haru could see shining in its chest, golden light with white strings that ran unevenly around it.

Out of curiosity, Haru drew his sword using the classic guard he had used to progress towards his path of the sword. He was much more captivated to the idea of cutting rather than stabbing, as the latter was ineffective against monsters in the Dungeon. Many of them had a body so hardened as to block many swords. The stab had to hit the weak point of the Monster so that it could disappear quickly. The unification of these two requirements made the stabbing something not particularly useful for Haru. Yet being able to see this golden light, he guessed it could be the effect of his new skill, [Perseus' Descendant].

Seconds passed from that realization.

'...It's soft.'

The moment Haru's sword stabbed the Monster's chest, He could feel how the goblin's flesh seemed to be a layer of gelatin where Haru hardly had to exert any pressure to sink the sword against it. However, he saw it began to disappear at a quick pace shortly after, a signal he pierced the magic stone contained inside.

'...So, that's how it works. When monsters are close enough, the weak point will become visible, and I can have a more direct line of action this way, but I wonder if it also works for special monsters, such as the Boss on the 17th floor?'

This question was more than legitimate. The weak point of every Monster was the magic stone inside. No matter how powerful a monster may be, as long as Haru knew where it was located and had enough power to cut or stab until the crystal broke, then no Monster would be a challenge. However, something comfortable couldn't work for a long time. The monsters of the deeper floors were not as weak as the goblin, and if Haru wasted time trying to land a blow on the weak point, his life would be taken from him before he could even notice it.

'It is certainly useful against monsters I already know. But to think it will be my trump card or something like that will take me nowhere.'

Knowing he could not rely too much on this skill, Haru made his way to what was the 7th floor. He didn't know if he would reach the 8th floor. However, Haru wanted to make sure he made some progress. Even if his parameters wouldn't increase much, all he had to do was raise his parameters to grade E to gain access to the 9th floor.


He had made a fast advance. However, Haru found himself noticing the second effect of the skill [Perseus' Descendant] worked better than he expected. It could make the analysis that Haru used to make, much more precise and accurate. He was yet unable to predict how a monster would act or defend itself flawlessly. But he could imagine amid combat the various possibilities the monster could do with its speed, strength, and body toughness, and also based on the intelligence of it reported in the Guild, Haru was able to shrink the alternatives down.

'As before, this ability can be very useful and I can essentially keep my guard without distraction. I am processing the information gathered, But the various choices the Monster can make are seriously affected by how much I know about the Monster and how many times I've fought it. Every time I face the same kind, it will very quickly become a completely uncovered card...'

It was a great skill. Certainly having fewer difficulties against monsters Haru had already faced before was convenient. However, Haru wanted to have skills he could use directly with anyone, without having to accumulate experience at all.

Unable to complain about his growth and the fact he still had a skill that would make him more powerful when in danger, Haru continued to kill monsters until he was now in front of the stairs leading to the 7th floor.

'I still wonder what caused the swarm to find me that easily the other day.'

He had no choice but to hesitate a little to walk those stairs. Although Haru was now much more likely to succeed than before, the vision of many Killer Ants arriving to claim his life was still pristine in his mind.

And the cause of his concern was still that not even the Guild could give him a concrete answer for what had happened. Since it did not look like an accident, they did not know what else to say to Haru. Not owning the information for him was difficult than to deal with whatever causes the monsters had to show up.

Taking deep breaths, Haru made his way into the 7th floor, and in front of him, he found the Monster he wanted to see the least.

This time, however, Haru paid much more attention to his surroundings. As before, it was alone and wandering around the room looking for someone or something to devour.

'...If the strategy of waiting a few seconds to make it understand I wasn't dangerous enough to call for comrades had not been effective, then I might try to attack it so quickly it couldn't realize what was happening at all.'

His theory was that perhaps, although this method was more recommended than approaching the Monster directly, it didn't work accordingly. The new strategy was to use the experience against the swarm of Killer Ants that had helped to better understand their behaviour, along with the appearance of the weak point when it would be a perfect situation for him.

His sword, with the skill [Sharpness] at grade D, could cut so sharply it was scary that it was just a D-grade sword. But there was something more. Even trying against the tough skin of lizards, the sword seemed almost becoming even sharper, cutting through them with ease. From this, Haru understood that [Armour Piercing] served essentially for anything that recognized as armour. Since the monsters have something very similar instead of normal skin, they suffered the effect of the skill while not wearing any at all.

Trying to test the strategy, Haru kicked the ground to acquire speed, and he could see the huge difference from before. If previously his speed was just slightly higher than when he was still an average human without a falna, now he felt fast enough to be able to feel the wind generated by his speed on his face, which was not a bad feeling at all.

But putting these thoughts aside, Haru used his speed to the maximum that his body allowed him to exercise and, after a few seconds, he arrived right in front of the monster, but after it could even realize what was happening, Haru had a smile on his face.


This is all he said before he pierced both the armour and the magic stone of the monster. The latter almost emitted a war cry out of pain. However, Haru remained to stare intently, discerning any detail he might need in case there was something he missed the last time. But Haru was unable to obtain anything from the Killer Ant which disappeared shortly.


Proceeding on the seventh floor, however, Haru was soon faced with a new monster even though he had not yet met a new room. Given the layout visibly and functionally different from the other plans, Haru knew such a thing could happen, which is why his guard was always high. In front of him, there was another monster he knew well, with a pair of wings and a slender body. It was the Purple Moth.

Eina described it during the lessons as a type of monster able to spread the poisonous powder in the air, which in the long run was poisonous to adventurers. Usually, it was present when there were other monsters nearby that could provide support. However, it was a great opportunity to understand how this monster that seemed annoying by appearance and abilities alone could react to his blows.

'The simplest idea I have at the moment is cutting its wings to make it lose balance, so I'd say I'll start with that.'

Making the monsters lose balance and at the same time, the ability to slay the monster in one blow was an excellent opportunity for Haru. His goal was not to make the fights in the Dungeon too long, as it would afflict his stamina. So, his goal until now was to take out enemies with relative

But as these thoughts made their way, Haru paid attention to his surroundings as he could finally move on to what was the second room on the seventh floor of the Dungeon, and as soon as he took a few steps, could see other monsters of which he already knew the main features. With their horn pointing towards him, Haru sighed as he prepared for the next fight.


(There won't be a second chapter today. It will be replaced by my editing and slightly modifying every single chapter of the novel both at the grammatical level, but also of meaning as some parts seem not to have been clear enough for many readers. Besides, for what will be my night there will be news about the near future of the novel, so I recommend anyone reading to enter into the discord server: y8VBZAp)

(As it can be understood, this chapter is merely an explanation before the real fight will happen in the 7th & 8th floor, so wait for it!)